*' COME TO THE BIG MEETING IN DUNN SATURDAY MAY 5, 1923, AT THE DUNN ! VOLUME X. _DUNN, NORTH rM^WA. MAY4, IMS. ^ INTEREST GROWING IN THE RIYIYAl Dr. Bbghy PwrUhc Sara mu OffCrMt Pawtr At Pint Baptist Ctmrcb La(«a crowds are attending tha re vival which began hlisy ah tha Pint Baptist church and interest is feet granting In ths Beating. Dr. A. . Paul Bagby, paster of the Bapthrt thatch at Wake Ferret, who ia —‘— Ing the pastor, Bor. B. N. Johnson, in tha mooting, ta preaching serraoih of groat pawar, aad dtoviog home to his hegrore tha ia^artonce of tha now birth. HU rob]set this evening wfli be, “Olka Fact About Heaven." Saturday evening his subject will bo, "Lila Worth Using” The sarmaat Saturday evening will ba of special interact to yonag ysapla. There ntili be no service Unano* (Saturday) morning. libaWtbsn announced whea the Baetidk Vdfl cioaa, though it Is rglHit that it will mm through Wed n toddy of neat weak aad proboMy longer. DWsr EthUe Preoahlng on tha subject at "Di vine Ethics” lost erasing. Dr. Bagby declared tha* akt demands of Ood either of thro# things a—a—do lien. Ignoring or paaiahment. If Ood conuhends tost, than Be U gaiity of sin. To ignore it ^old aUe maira litas guilty of toa. Therefore Ood muat punish ain, if Hr ba God. Ski daaaond* a bell. Or. Bagby de clared, adding that ain makes its own boil. Asking tha natation, “How laag to kail, or is hag stsrtisJ?”, ho an swered It in tha aHrmaMea. Jwat as man ia an eternal atnaer, sa ia haD Aftm* nuking it plain that Ood carta for hU creation — ana_ Dr. Bagky.told of tha way Ood caa save. Ho coaktnt tar* hy edict or morale, bat aidy hy why of oabtttatioa. The only way of anteatfoa wa by way of of the Croat. Men are eared by faith in that' death an Calvary. if yea ball to all OPng at a (abject, *TVe Divine Right of Barr tee," Ta seder evaahig I>r Bagby jdSIUIgr gg pair of eaf vica aa the only ana which Wade to tha highest pinnacle of aoccese to tha Individual. His text eras, “For who soever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose bis Ufa far my sake shall And It." — Matthew lift "The right of service," declared the preached," is teaght by Divine example." The word, service, rings forth frwns the pages af the Bible from Cancels to Revsiebons. TVs appeal of Jeans to man was to urea. Jesas, himself, lived a divine example of service. Ho steeped to the lowest degree of sarvtoo. it is both Divine and manly to oervo. "Service la also illastreted in the human history," continued the preacher. The only right to Nfo is that which comes throng service. There is no right except through service, that of lightening the burdens ef others. The truest service ana can render it to reach oot and take tease Individ ual to Christ. The Finished Pvedact Those who have experienced the new birth wore described as the only RnSdved products of manhood and wosaanheod by Dr. Bagby tn hie ear MAfl W«<tnaBfUv bvmiIb* Him snK. Jeet wee, “The Finished Product of Manhood and Woromthood." Physique, brads, beauty soy wealth do not conetitote the fl a imbed pro dart of manhood or womanhood, do elated the preacher. Speaking of beauty, Dr. Beaky etated that he bo lie rad that a woman should bo J«al aa beautiful and attiaetleo aa die ear make heraalf In a lagftfcnate way. "1 believe paint la all —M, If rirrnrrr hot God pity the wnmaa opes when face H la race wary,' be oosthraod. The dabbed prodset of nmahooc or womanhood is not a matter of ms rality, ho radd, adding that In hie ho lief the moral snreKgioor man Is i community dorr mrru harm than tt* riteet ainuer. To he a Ohrietian ms pictured aa the MUM ideal and (hi Mu—ha finished pro dart. A mo ra) man who is net a Chrlatiaa Is so ready far nor. Ged caa see esly i ts eleeinp hie etrmea Or. Jtagfc aaksd the pneetlen. “Are —(a Chib tlesr —AM ALIM MAM DIU AT AOS OP tdd TBABJ Oreensbere. April M.—Oavl PasJkner, aped ese bsadred as *ve, died et the OedHird ee—I ‘ he— tewMQt. Me death doe t the lad—It— of old spa. Mo wi infant dead, mother IS PAINFULLY INJURE! T«Wi|l Cyclone 'Hite Mielawdin lertlee New Vuw boro Yaaceboro, Hoy J.—Dona* a tor rifle cyclone last Saturday night ii the ShWmerdine eection, a fsw mHo west of bore, tbs aix-menthsuld bab] at Hr. Jasper Cannon sastalned inju rim by the foiling in of the hoasi top that resalted in the death at Ur eMJd a few hours later in tha night Mis. Ctataon, the mother, was sir so 'badly hurt that her course iron the wise bed home to a neighbor* house could be traced by tbs Moo< that was uhed fgoen her hieedtni wounds Three of her riba wen | broken. Mrs. Cust.cn and the bob] , aaem to hare been left alone tha night, and In the absence of 9 mai | tha horrors of the night were graatl] • Intensified for that lonely mother | Aft of the passing of the storm Mis | Camion starched and found the baby and abe picked its dying body up am ru**d to ti>e home of a neighbor | In Joel a abort while after reachlni ' the neighbor'* boo** the baby died The mother is still suffer ng. bw there is hope for her recovery. BEK TO MILLION i keeps wore::: : Gra—shore Ante Repairer Hoi Proof Of Real i Greensboro, May 1.—“toxie" Wa | krr, garage employe here. Is work ' right along, hi griegy overall! ! although bo la hair to a million del | Mr oil estate In Taxon. This Is no mythical estate, dot on | that “may pan ant.’’ Walkar'a has al [ ready received part of the money. Ho received a chock for MdU re oohtiy, the eomi animal return free the estate. Them peryagents wBl col tiaoe for ten years after wMrh hi • wW “come into hM own,” «smiiBn| * to IpMNMtMn. I .^tMrlit mode* feBew agd doe ' noveanx rich* abont hint. He M no patting on any sirs, and ha is no l allowing his auto mechanic tools t | rost. | Information ae to the mOllon ! ilollar state and Walker's hetrahi ; tame to light today, not huvmg bee; J made public before because of Lh I young man’s modesty. Evan now b 1 does not cart for people to knot that Dame Portua* has smiled o sweetly upon him. bat wanted t talk about something clot, rain ben trout Asking preferably. Few be rides eery intimsto friends her hoard of his inheritance. The executor of the state is sal to live in Burlington, hut Ms nam could not be ascertained bore, a j Walker is reticent. He it married. GRAVE CHARGE AGAINST HIGH SCHOOL TEACHEI Young Women Alleged Te Hav Boat Body of I sleet Thrvagh The Med. Opelousas, La.. May 1.—The 8tnt had taken no action early tod a asrainst Miss Jorie Futts, a hig VI ocou, L4I.( VM U charged by the federal authorities wfth having aent a parcel post pack age containing the body of a new , born infant from Scott to Duncan, j Okia., an April It. She a said bj ' th* eutborrtlei to hare ccmfeeeed. I Coo nee I far Mine Putts, who waa | brought here yesterday from Lafay I ettc. where the eras being treated it I a hospital after her arreet Satordaj 1 at Scott, waived arraignment bsfon I Urlt»,l States Commissioner Laos Haas and the was released on bone j of f*4i»o. A conflict between federal an, I state authorities waa reported at La faystes, the former contending fa 1 tbs custody of the young woman aai the teats authorities threatening b aim* her on a charge of murder. I , j ww* agreed, however, that aha ftwali i| eomc to Ops looses aad be arradgasi ,1 after which the state would tab ,1 each action os ra faH jastlfled. ; Thrift Is seif control, i —~~~1 Thors lo always room for bnprovt r moot 1 bom in PrunkSn county, lfl mile from LouUbuig la lftli aad men a considerable part of hit Hfa I I PriaMln, la tor moving to lleaitslp I connty He earns to tbs county hem 1 aheut a year i(t fltlaavwMwU I ow, a daughter aad a son, DsrM ir f , wbs Urns at High Mat. Tbs bad » *iU be tahsn to High Point far Into, ■ menu > A FINE POINT TO BATHE OYER Com Frem Harnett County Will Bo A Hard One To DocUo Hein ol John A. Weathers, Har . nett county fanner who met the 1 nine death by trala and automobile I, collision that came to his wife aad I adopted daughter several weeks ape ' Fuquay Springs, are making I Harnett romantic with an Inheritance >' etory which pots barristers' wit to I the supreme test. Mr. Weathers. Mrs. Weathers sad I *» adopted daughter of If were on ’| their way to Baleigfc when a Nor folk Southern tmia backed on them at a crossing about SS utiles from RaicJgh. Alt were killed. But there is a controversy aa to whether Mrs. Weathers died first. If the wenmn outlived her husband she became tbs poeeeacor of the pro party and a per i t,on . of the heritage would come •j through her. There is one story that I ahr lived two hears longer than Mr. i Weathers did. But the giri, who waa adopted by Mr. Weathers aad net fay Mm. Weath ers, lived Asrs beers longer than eith er. Her right to such property as came through her father (la the law) | is unqsectioned. But the lost It at death and she lived but n brief saa ■ son after the accident. Search fer ‘ inheritors on her side has found a divorced mother, and a divorced fa ther, a Mr. Johnson, of Greensboro, Oak mill*. Era P iL»r a Carta gaa> j Whan fee iarsstigaters want into ' l»>ta property basinets they feud j Mre. Parker, the deed girl's reel 'j mother. satprcroua. said an attorney ; of Harnett. Mrs Parker darted fee I' legal offspring. She aoospted the bar a knitter; but when assured that th<m wee nothing ef bigamy >! polyandry potaibW In past relations with Mr. Johnson, the Jobnatoa einina. coaxed the motherhood ef ferae ehft MIsa- Weathers wu property ef the dead mas and >1 the Johnson aids is aaid to be inter 61 sated. ‘ The estate is variously appraised. One whose btaineas ia to asahe soti matsa on property says the lands and > moneys are worth #178.004. In Her-' 1 nett and Wake coon tin it is known f that the farmer had l.*40 seres of 1 land besides other property. Tbs ' lawyers are making a tremendous! ‘ *gh* on the chronology of the deaths. I 1 Two administrations bars been chae ' en and this case will be one of the! moot factnating litigations that law-! 1 ysrs hi these parts hare tried to eon-, dost. | Bceidea chit contest osar lands and! ! personal property, thrre will deobt 1 tear be a railroad damage salt which will bring oat some phases of the ac cident in which there will be a real time element. The thrss members of the family wars rlcthna of a ser * fane CTO sang and were caught be fore the "atop, look aad I is tea" bdl ‘ had a chance to get ti> its work.— Baleigh Correspondence Grecndboro ! Daily Naurs. 1 COMMENCEMENT program BUIE'S CREEK ACADEMY The thirty-seventh coiwnwneaonent of Baie'a Creek Academy wUI begin on Saturday, May It, sad close on Thursday, May 17. The eoimnsme I ment sermon will ho prracehed by Rev. Dr. J. W. Lynch, of Durham, ai.rf th* literary address will bo de livered by E. W. Biliet, president sf Coker college, RaitsviUe, 8. C. Pollowtng la the program in full: Saturday, May IS Mt P. M. Washingtonian Society. Suaday. May IS II JO A. M. Sermon—Bnv. J. W Lynch. D. D., Durham. | 8-00 P. M. Sermon—Rev. J. W. I l.ynrh, D. D. if Wsdao^y. Me, IS i 2 JtO P. M. Dsclaimsrs’ Contest I 1-00 P M Renter dam Exercises 8:80 P M. Astro and Bapho So | eletlra • Thunder, Stay 17 1 10:00 A. M. Orators' Oontost. 11:00 M. Literary Addreae PrrsMcat B. W. 81km, Ph. D., Coksi College. 8, C. 1:10 P.M. Alumni Addrsm Rrr Kylo M. Yates, Th. D., South an Baptist Theological Seminary. Alumni Bamgaot. 7. Hub tar Craasl • Bag., Wmhtagton, D. C, Tiastmsrtii t Reunion of damoo of till anc l ISIS. >! 4:00 7. M. Ban Game. i lit P. M. PUy—''Orlaket Oa th. -j Hearth." *' ■ “ “■ f l Rosorda are brskon by mss. e^. - srs so hard pushed they bars ta kraal a record la order to via. TOMORRO "BOLL "Ttfr r ' Tan*. S o’cloeij'Botonla, aftor mi, Ktgr (. g PUa, Open U I la Om. Timi new lea M a proclaimed a* "Boll Wmil Day*n I Dm ud the Dun* Dlitrlct. A* ril | etated In Tom day'. Diapnteh. etf af the rtvoteet ball mil meetbmj Mar elated la the State will he ^ I in Dana at 1 o'clock in the Invitation* to aboeM attend Me afternoon, in* will be mean dolai* lay BANK TOCiLLECT NOTES • - ] Tw i*r court oo do Cm of Um d of met ■nil Power Co. Bolt* tavwlvti^ more then >100,000 ere pin ilia t la con 'Motion with Mm aotaa, which in of two cleans. Sene of the Betas wart handled by the Harnett County Timat Co.. Which failed a few days ago and which ia allaged to hare been in reived la the tra—aattoae Vy whlah Um worth leas power nimp-y stock was sold. The ether nates wets handled through ether h««i" Each ef the cases tried yesterday was of Mm amend stem, the Commer cial National Beak, ed Ketoieh, re covering >1,000 kth L H. Keeney end $4,>00 from J. T. WOHems. Both of the defendants reside in PrasiMhi eeenty. One of the aeits ef the ether dees has also bean tried ia Wake eeenty, A B. Hollamna aeeaziag a Jedgnaent by which do tea aaioweMaa to 115. 000, negotiated by the Barnett Coun ty Truet Co., and now bald by the Union Truet Co., of BMrlgh. aa to crirer for the owner* ef eerti fie sice of depoait lttaed open the Betas, won ordered brought hale neat and can celled. Tha ligiMl court lent the ease hack for a new tidal aa account of orroia ht the Judge’! charge, and the matter la atlB pending. Judge Cranaaer yeatarday again made nr of Me Jtery of basis eee men, ikbotai excusing three mi tha Ova beak eattdera who made np the paael of fourteen summoned, Tnaoday Coonael for Km defendswte noted ar exception to Km Judge*a ruling fat ttag the talaaaMB late the Jury hoi ahead of tV rsgtaar Jurors, Vat thi court itaod firm h Me paafKaa. lb Kearney edn was tried by tha takes maw while Km regular Jury faeser upon the WOManae anas. J. M. Breughaau r^raaratad Ok bank while J. G. MBa tad WOHa M Person, af UKktti, appeared fai both defendants. . MaUAM UOUTI ACTION CANCELLING MMWBT UlotrUle, May 1.—A, W. MeLsax of Uandhartaa, geaaraBy ntengalsi as a candidate far Ooaatuar la th DemaemKe primary next year, wb daUoarod a sehoei addraaa hare today wired J. W. BaSay, af BalelM. ala regard id as th4 JWNMl uMof of pane at af Mr. MM, Ike Mr Km aaa gwhamatorial mm, apmtaf Ms ft grot far Km aattaa of tha echoed aa tharltiea af Parktau la eaaeMlhig th appalatmaat ai Ur. BoOey 4a deUce an addraM there. Mr. MKaw tM'Mt. Bailey Kg i bad ha hnawa ad tha iaaliapto« aeKon ha wauM taoa dans ererytMn COTTON GROWERS TO GET CHECKS Tfcfcd AtfrtHt T# g| CoOperrilrt Awiriitiw l " ; Bsdrigh, May 1—Cheeks far a third ad ranee aa rotten rillwwd la the North CareNaa Cotton Crowns' aaaociatiac. began yeiay oat to neem ben Monday, it wae aaaaaneed fra* the headquarter* bare today. Approximately *1.004,000 wtU be paid to 80,000 cottoa grown* oa this distribution, U la Mated, aad It win require several dapa to r imflifi tbs aaklny oat W the checks, bat they ei* belay mailed aut aa (at as they are made aet Tie advance will briny all mem ber* op to the earn* level, the dis tribution belay ande oa the bale mt 1* cant*, basic middling, per paotoL la ether wards every member wfll yet a check this Mae for aScleat s mount to make a total af 19 easts a paaad, basis aUdKay, fa all oat toe dctlvctwd to the aancletlar. MURDEROUS LIQUOR STILL FOUND RT BRAGG SOLDIERS Fort Bra—. April IS M—bin of the Fort Bra— Kup Eldon, —dm ia a SO-—Boa RSU, tooral at «M as iratao western edge of the Bmm Uon, >aat larito the terwuawt boaadarp Hw. Tba stfl had bean placed Rat bat nMBdfi aeoeedtog i to tba evidence, —d was aid—a la | A so—Rm —a*H— dram wa cappod bp a aresdaa batbri far a ooersa hrio a aaaB woodaa band and than Into a la— woi rlra ban *eL So tar rare M—or, Indeed. newel have boon tba prodoet of this near deroni contraption. Ahoat 400 gab loaa of bear were deetreped bp Am soldier*. EDGAR TURLINGTON GOES toooat Airy, April IT,—Priende «j t>« tally of Sm tola Prof I. T j Trattagtm^erhoww tor aererel yean prior to Kii tooth, aaportotowAant • th« Mount Airy public acheola. can I Ing hero from SmttMId, fool that MS , town aad State an han reed la Sm appointment of hU ooa Attorney Bd ! gar Toriingtoa, aow ef WnkhgtM I D. C„ an legal adeieor to the Ameri { can delegation to the T —gaga eon ferrneo which meaner nad T-*~T tor. Twrilagtea wiled the neat da; after ree airing hie a«gointment t Thla re^rwettla peettton aad nM>« Prance Tawdry, going to taltaar land via Parte He will teaeal la Twi key and Syria before retaining t America. _____^m COLOMB OWL WAS ran-nua wimnu Nettie Lee. a atadaat ef the rad I grade at the Harnett Oegaty Trrdr | lag aefcoel. Dcm, wee awafttod Si A ret price ef M by JaAgee la Sm • I Pearce's bakery. The reread prior e - fl.M war awarded Mary Seely 1 Parker, a toad rat of Has Lem 1 eehool la MMn eowrty. Them eeeh pTiter were offered i ■ the local bakery far the beet eaaaj 1 OB "Why Breed la Tear Beat Pood ' Several oeaayw ware aaa* la, Sregg 1 thoae written by the two rheemnaa - od ewwtoatonta were MAged to bo S • beat eatoahtad. • - r la bia pewac to haes preeeatod and further egpreaeed Sm bapa Si t the Biltmi man wW yet IQl Hie a f pelataMod at Parhtoe, which la la M r MeLaaa’t county ef Behoaaa. I MGCLT WIGGLY HEAD SAYS rOETUMI AT STAKE FiM. TUt Friki OT MmI Memphis. Tena., May 1. Maes prsMdent of ths Holy Windy Starts, lac., fhactaatieas of which stack re cently malill a aansattia aw the Haw Talk stack ssshaags. 1 malt lag fa short sellers Mag ttagirt Meet af thousands of Asm af rises “A* stock, la aa idmistlsemaat pwMhhef today cals an Maanphfc paeple la sU la Ms stack aaStagt ssmpeign* Me fa# . are of which waaif aaaait, ha an noaoMd. in wtptac awl his primate , fortune. As p raaaft af the Wall | ferry la . cheap-* beard af . fve days' l Ilmary af the i which action My. tfanaaneaf tha hoard and i intention af i t board In an i . The sleek was • w -^7 — 3|ls Bfc ns ■ m KmI B: ss-| Ml to' fUfJ t km i Km

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