THE DUNN ] ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^_PUWW, NOITH CAMOUHA, 1 JUNIOR - SENIOR RECEPTION HELD ON FRIDAY NIGHT Large Number Of Wail-Wish i»« Friends Present T© Cheer Yeung Folks Music For Occasion By Masonic Orchestra The Reception Was Held b The Former Show Rooms of The Barnes and Hollidaj Co.—Building Beautiful!] Decorated — High School Will Graduate Twenty-f ir* This Year. ( her.r. on (jy a targe 'lu.rbt.- x: *«ll.widii.ig friends, the Juiiio Clast of Cie Dunn Jilgy sekoui Friday evening staged the mere enjoy-ubk rut option in tho rfstory of tile -c kjo. •V'li it* meirvbci * rt.te 'airurl tile twenty five members »io tr.ts yes: wiU r-i dusti Nothing was lacking bo intke the occasion a lild.i* ei.e ;ptt«l .1. yom.jr folk on their way to Lie iaisie done* of life. From R:30 to midnig.v i^ore was n cor.l.’-.oous rrend of •orris to f-e i!s.'ses ad tkcii f: . .nU sn.l l*se Msnni t- undiei.lia. lot !i, Hubei 1 Joidnii, added lo til# enjoy Wiei:i by giving lot L it musics f,m I'ti" hesril in Ilo.ui for m-*r> dnys The reception w*s held i-i •.'>< i„r mre show rooms cf Ihr fiiinicaia dn, artinem of li.y r,*r.... /. 3vii:. dty Company 0,1 Its*. lc(. Yli: ■'i* uuiiuing w** „•> coloi* of Dio high jchoci, at.,1 i). wilted a gtia «ccne i ,.;t. j. iT a-eonling to N A. |.;ld b,i.!dinjt In Dunn !oalu*it i c good. HaunibsJ LaPajrstu Godwin, Ji aon of Dio to nu-r congressman i'-on D< s diatrict. delivered ■ h® we.cii.l Jrr addict*. Ho «u IMirv: i ny ,h fo!' toast*: , -oast to the Senior*—Urur,- Cro ■uirtic. Tout' l* t».«- lV.CMlt;- — Aj-V 1. K«ajioncu—Mr Bniu. 'i'onat to the School itoaid—-XI * i 'gai-ct Pope. Response—Mr. Clifford. 1 Toast to Die Town—Emr-a Lev Smith. Rsponse—Mr. Tor.nee. d. Toast to the Scncol-—Annie Dells Koei Kespon-e—Mi. Sr.Ip. *. Toast vo the tut.tit* •Carr. Response—Ruth Young. Toast to the Orchestra — Lcamor Reardon. Response—Orch-'stit In Die senior flair cf th'» year there are twenty-five young gill., ami boy*—trio large** number evei to have graduated from the ioeai school*. They ore: Jno. Oates Harris. Bre.-otn Par's ct, James Fan-el. William Pearce. Orren Dowd, Carl Wilao.-., Edward Hod go A David Clifford. Hector Jure* Arthur Hobbs. Alien Lie, Charts* S'-dnner. Eleanor Grimes, Mildred Rlicil Bessie Masaengil’, Ruby Crocked Brwle Wilson. Ruth Young. I.ueilf Creel, Kathryn Botu, Emily New berry, Eleanor Hatcher, Emliy Gran tham. Lilli am Eason, Elisabeth Davis There are twenty-1!* member* of the junior class They arc: Hannibal Codwip, Jr.. I.eninor yursroon, uenry ownr».r. a-*’ ** Baggett, Bernard Bogirett, Ulilolpv Wtlaon, 0k ore Crtmirtif. H-envy Nawherry, Edgar Carr, Gaytoi. SmUh Gibion Cook, Benjamin Ccoper. ChrliUnr Thomgaon, I .In M»< Maf.hawr. MarRarct Tope, M.srgar* Darden, Kathryn Tew, Mn^.lall.r Smith, Elisabeth Drauirl.on. L'Vi. Etsall, Annie Be’1c Noel, Rib: Pope, Adel* Rowland, Mary Leo Emm Smith, Erslly But’rr. PET BULL DOG BURIED IN SIXTY DOLLAR COPFT1 Carrbora, N. C., May II.—A p< buB dog own*d by Dr. Bnrka IAoyi following Ita death bar* laat wai wm bar!ad la a haadaom* littl* *a hat that roat MO. SaTumah, Oa., May 11.—Two * IdantMad men entered th* Mon Plan Company Warinaiday at frre a etock, bound the caatdar atd aaoa ad wtth 11,600 la eaah and Mrn thouaamd Mian fas Hbatty bouda. Th* flrat IK* ball weevil ofhelal reported U PraakUn Sherman, St* Entomolagtat, waa found mar Abe den la Moor* county by Dr. E. t Latby. Ana*b«r era* found oa Ap 94 at Dana la Barnott County a iMdur on April S4 at Abardaon. MULE KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Cor—Driver Abandoned Car And Far aped A mule owned by Jana Byrd ol Sampson county, and drivan by Say. mond Brown, waa so badly Injured when »truck by a Ford automobile on l u’c Dunn-Benaon highway, on* nails norUi ol Dunn, Friday night that it ( war found nccemary to kill him. Tbe Ictt front log of the mule was broken , in several places and he received oth er hruise* atul larerutlonr. lln' • ; «. buggy to which the mala waa hitched and the Ford ear were demolished. Tbe car belonged to Herbert WU kin» of Dunn, thuugti it ha* not been learned who waa driving ft. The driver ran aa soon aa the accident oc curred and ha* not yet been appre hended. Mr. Wiiidne reported to the local police fhal hit rar bad bivn stolen Friday night. The automobile had the appearance of a “whiskey ear." A broken jug end a quart bot tle, which carried the edor oi whis key. were found in the ear, which waa abandoned by the driver. The accident occurred about # #*. clock. The car was being driven with out lights sod waa on the left side of the road whan it struck the mule, according to Brown, who was render ed unconscious aa a result of the collision. However, bis injuries were not of a serious nature. Dili you ever wear a collar that didst flt? Think how much worse off is a mule or home with a cellar that is too large or too small WILLIAM BETHUNE FREED BY JURY Y«mi Stmptoaiu Potuad Not Guilty By Wak* Cotmty Jury of ciin«<mLJi atu k? t *.Mm »m ■ w m w -M at 1 , 'mmimanr tr charge „t man r r■ r hv c Wake eoun la jo-y. which required Jure 40 mtn oi«» to roach its renlirl. Brthonc. who as* a l*rrVard, was charged with killing Robert C. Clurppcll. .'river of a Ford with which the hig cur collided dl right unglel on * Raleigh rt’cct revcral weeks ago Tl.e I'cc: iletit in which Chappell i tvu, lei ed vl u mailed ia the death of WlDlsni Nuylcr, of RsIt-ijPi, who was in the rear aeat of the car driv en fcy Bethunc. The young Skimp ronian war indicted separately for the death of both Cbappell and Nay lor, but only the care involving Chappell wtts purh.-d The verdict of the Jury wus greet ed with much applause, and Judge Cranmor seveicly rebuked women spectator*, going to far a* to threat en pun’lhtoent. The trial lasted for three days, and we* attended by a large crowd, including a mrhmer of women. Sentiment in RaJelph was largely with Bclhui.c, according to preps re portr, nnd a large delegation from his home town and county attendod the hearing. The general feeling wan that tlie accident was more or lean unavoklahlr on the pari of either Bothane or Robert C. CKappefl, de ceased. Young Kelbure, who ia a senior at the Stato college, 1* the son of L. d. llet'iane, n prominent banker of! RICH HAUL WAS MADE BY SHERIFF Large Still And Much Bmt And Whiskey Capturad Uat Week RICH HAUL What might be temml " a rich haul ” w»< made by Sheriff X. W * WeAr r.tamd hi* deputies Friday and S.'turdny, The haul Friday consiet * *<l of a 150.g»llon« capacity copper whiskey Kill pad 7,000 gallon* of k baar, while that of Snturdsy consist. y od ol 1*4 gallons of whiokey ready for the market. The Kill waa found near the horn* ** of Frank Truelmre. who live; irw ^ Spout Spring**, tn the waoUrn par ’* of the county. The wh'okey wa *“ found burled in Troolorc’* ffald, no1 »I far from hi« homo. The etlU waa i modern outfit, according to the oilt eon, though It wa* net in oparutioi ly when located. to Tracier* waa away from horn r- Friday whan the officer* captured th r. Kill. H* WU at home HaUrrLay 41 heweror, though as a swifbdaete id speedster he outclaaaod th* officer and made good Me escape. 1 ««» CHRISTINE THOMPSON Min* T1vmi)>son is ooe of T>unn'« most popular young girls She wan cnnvnrd Queen of the May Festi val held here by the Camp Fire Girls the first of May. harked improvement IN RANK CONDITIONS Washington, May 14_A-»~f improvement is commercial arttvttM throughout the United Itlnlna was *bown in reporta from M-et—-i Banks on the bank call ad April |, Comptroller Dewee of C dactarod today In his atatamanl since taking Amounts on depoak_ pandaet banks and Pidaral rr banks. Mr. Duwu. mU, .bow a duetien, although loans and -|nir increased A reduction was shown In balanoea doe to and bsuikem and eluding United posts, with an laeraM* is aim. able sail rediscounts. A balancing of thane facta. Mr OawM dec la rad, gives stro^ tndfaa fon of greater ItItem activity mud •hows bo an extent the *-it^lj r*P>d turnevar of money in am hv ■0 llaea of -' U SL'XZZZJtZ Z *Wflin 11 at rince’ the previous call DaeeHbev 29 •f I3UJH.00* bet It la mi increase of tl/TU,*! 1,900 since the oall ol March 19, 19tt march wai record MONTH FOR FORD CARS "More people warl Ford Cart than ever before," J. W. Thornton, local Fort! dealer said today. “Fifty thousand mom Fords were told at retail in March than in any one month in tho history of the Ford Motor Company, according to word from Detroit. The March sal os totaled 179,7*4 Cam and Tracita “For a whale year sales have been running over 100,000 a month bringing t total of 1.429,979 Ford Cars and Trurka into use in the United States alone since April 1. 1022 “Here in the Charlotte Branch Territory of which this city it a part, the March sales worn 9*90, a big increase over last year far the same month. Tho demand for the Ford is Just as great proportionate ly right here at homo ac it is any where else In the eonntry. “The Company is now operating on the greatest manufacturing schedule in its history, so there am nun Ford Cata being buMt than aver before and Improvement* in all th* different typea make the Ford the beat It ever has been. “And Ford Cum are row easier to obtain than avar before because of the new Ford Weekly Purchase Flan whirh makae It poaatbte far mere families to hare u ear. Fa ther, mother, sons and daughters all ran participate la th* Plan and it It rather surprising th* number of fumlHca who arc Caking advan tage af it aa ai to enjoy th* pitta urea that come with automobile ownership." THOMASVIIXE YOUTH TAKE! HU OWN LIFE Thomaaville, May 13.—Rmr El ledge placed a Smith and Weiaor revolver to hit right temple this ti teraoon at 2 o'clock, and fired t bullet into hia head, dying in a ahor time; He waa 17 yean old and a tot of Mr. and Mr*. M. C F. Hedge nlio live on Highland afreet. TTw young man was in an upatair room at home when the traged; waa enacted, but no one haa beei i able to assign hi* motive for th net. Roy waa a member of Heidel r berg Reformed church and Sanda ! school and wai an employe* of th > Thomaaville chair company. I flow prospe&ua the people lo« wha (trap In from aub-of tawnl t BISHOP RONDTH/Upt AT OAK RtDGlTINAL N*i TwnMmd, Of DA Del,vat jubmi a4*J: Greensboro, May Biahoi Edwin Rondhtaler, of .Wnston-Sa iem, of the Moray^Tchurct preached the aermoa wL rrmdu ale* of Oak Ridge State tU morning, the Ix^inatMfcj eon> mencement exercises o*£x school It was a strong ——if^Cl if wm heard by a big crowd flSfaiton at well at the Oak RliU »^. ,1m* Roudlhakr uryeS®h youni men to stand firm, worthy aims and to stJVfor dw best citizenship. ^^B Last evening at 8 oVA u a Townsend, of Duaa dd&wred th< annual alumni addrcaeJE Api. thnre «u a big crow4# visitors The exerciaes wfBcMhH through Tuesday, wMKdWoOHU will tx presented to 44tbw ^q, and certificates from tfBbomxm* dal department will t^^jivwi V Monday will be letnaaby ti.. day exercises in the aftZooa and the annual debate betwtaJCnsoeie ties in the CTCOisif, are Duocui Mortoo, oJftkRrlofie J. B. Gillie, of Sorav tTQilSin. of Norwood and R. L/fcCooneU of McLeanaville. YACHT AVAIjON tu^l' WITH COwYbabTBlSTUFF WUmbtfttan, May IS_TS-foc. fseht Avtlon was aalsad a^Bwr’fhU villa beach taniyht by 8h2|f Oeospv C. Jackson mad caanty nJttw |G|. lowing the m forma (Ion rttttJ tba die vcreel bad a Urge ZEtKy ol hquor aboard 1M Rut a few ouarta of iiIAm ■■ fit art* ta satvago Urn llqaor alleged to have been thrown overboard by tlx yacht erew. NO CHANGES IN TOWN EMPLOYEES AD Old Employ*— Re-EWctad By N*w Bwnl P«d A Towa Auditor The personnel of the town em ployees was not changed in the least by the recently elected tow* father* their first meeting last evening However, there is one addition to the corps, W E. Baldwin having been elected town aodttor. The auditor was elected at the eoggeetion of B M. Brewer, re—bsbeef from Ike fourth ward. Ho Is to receive a oak ery of $1 i the month. and nstut audit the town’s books quarterly. The old officers re-elected by the Hew board are: Town ek-Tk, H A Parker, salary $130 the month; town Ireauturrr, H. B. Taylor, salary $11 Ule month; chief of pohea, B. A Howland, ralarv inrrnasad fenm C19R to 11 <0 th* month; night policeman W. F. Nippon, ealtry |ltS thf month; aupenntendent of .atreetn, N 8- Boon, aolary 1115 tho month; ra purinlondvnt of wtlor and- chief ol fire department. L. U Binacti, mi ary (ISO the month; town attorney! Clifford A and Townocnd; health of Brer, Dr. H. C. TarHngtow, **l*n filt the month. B. M. Warren wan elected mayo pro tern. The election of a recorder Vice-recorder, aoltcitor and pabll health none waa deferred until thi next meeting of the board on aox Monday evening Th# hoard wfi 'meet twice each month. The fin and third Monday bight*, no hereto for*. The varVou* committee! w* *lao he named by Mayor J. U Wad at th# mooting next Monday rvenint They mayor awl —Igfif were owom In by O. ft CaiwWoi «r E. Lee ja*t prior to the opgnin of th* meeting last evenihg. A* ha been atatod la Th* JNagaatek, it premat board la mad* op of two no ; and two old member a Th* two man i bcr» holding over are, ft. M. Warn , and P. A. Lae. while ft M. Bmwi I and W. B. Thcmpam' ara die ne i member*, naeeaeding MM OoMato r and W. H. Newberry. i • ■ --- t A farmer la Pftt County bwfit . met potato homo at «* euggnett r of th* eounty agont two ymn ag t Thi. eyeing Ka haa nil Mt Mb I of potato** la th* town of Aydaa II.M par hath at and fa aiBtag aba k' tOO hmboio mora #*r bedding •HO poo huafia). BtondgNhom t l , THE MJKE SCHOOL j CLOSES THBWi ; Duke, May 14c-The dosing n . erases of the Dike graded aad . high' schools were begun hat Set > urday cveniog with dm, primary dnldxe. presenting 4# part of the program, which iodaded tha v. eilding of Tam Thumb,' aad anr «ral other manbara. AM tha ddlfkan showed the rriilmri of Imefa. been wdl trained and dm ynmn tetkm of aadt part eras aa waO tan SSK&VBCsaS; ■». ««i> ly enjoy dm pragma* and rspl edly voiced their ML «2s saS-ii was held to ), with Iwr pupils . ; their selec tion* in a way_Hearty show* that they had had the beocffl of food training for the past several month*. On Thursday night an operetta. Snow White," it to be given by the^grwnmar grades. The dosing Priday when the high school pre sents two one-act farces entitled. “I-ove and Father,’’ and "Who's Crasy Now." These are said to be fut) of laughter and wig be a treat for those who come out. i During the intermitainr between 1 the plays. Principal Thomas W. Sprinkle will award the scholar- i ship m.'dal and unseat certificate* ’«» • Urge number of «nd»p>t yje I will make various announcements I of which will be of great interest to parents and pupils likewise. Mr. Sprinkle U cornpluriia his third year aa the head of the Duke , ■chooi and under kit regime the school has grown bjr team and ■Sari—- n[||. ways in respanae to plaioidl pnff ■ ed over town catling upon the peo- « pie to attend Sunday srtmil sat t church and honor Vfother in that | manner. A special service was held i at the Methodist church, with the i pastor. Rev. H. L. Davis, cboomag i I ** his teat: "Yonder goes some one's Mother.' He drew a very viv- i id picture from it and delivered a ' sermon which touched the hearts i of his congregatidfi i Following the Sunday school ser vices Sunday morning, a Christian Endeavor Society was organised at the Presbyterian church by the member* of the school. S. J. Clark. Jr., was elected president; F. M. McKay. vice-prcaidcut and J. F. T.ynch, secretary and treasurer. Different committee* were chosen to co-operate in the work of die society. It is the aim of the organi xation to promote the work of the church and to also train its youn ger element in order that they may take the interest in the church's work and to build a foundation for their Christian work in later life. Miss Snsic Roberson, of Empor ia, V*.. is spending several days here the gnest of her aster. Mis* Francis Roberson. Frederick and - r Durham, were week end visitors Sere. )< Milton Holmes and sisters, Misees Vera and Katy.of Benson, spent the week end here with rela tives. Mrs. C. 11. Miller and daughter, Jean, returned from an extended visit with relatives in northern Vir ginia and Washington, D. C. Duke lost to the Athderie Sup ply Team of Raleigh, last Saturday i by the score of 6 to5. The game t was replete with thrills and to er i ratio work upon the locals part caused defeat. Jones, the local hur I ler was knocked froan the box by the visitors in the sixth canto and was succeeded by Turtington, who i fared little better than his prede cessor Athletic Supply played eon* c m stent bell afield and at bet. WS .< liams and Robineon of the Athletic* r punched the agate out of the push v for a round trip ticket, which me i teriellv aided their team to —** r the victory by a splendid margin. ft - ■■ ——w—an— w will coot niton to TWO KILLED IN ' AUTO ACCIDENT TTY DOLLARS ok ax nouns i i i I i ■Pday n the charge ef carrying r. rtetaL If he fail* la raife the MO M indication* are that ha will, hr ■v*t lanre *ix month* ea Sra renaty ’»da a* a mhatMaU far the dec. Edwarde wee arraatad Saturday “«*>» at TUgfaman’e camp, when H raa learned that he bad in hi* p#e •adan a large iapply af aftk had cry hlrtj and ether expenehra wearing tppaiaL After bin arraat It war bead that ha had a piatal in M* WCISv A aait caa* Ailed with Mgh-prired adiaa* clothing. including erreml palra ef aflk heee, f etmd in the ne pwb pannair, la fhangbt ta kart keen etaiea goeda, though it haa net pat haaa claimed by any ef the awn ■a af Mata* which haea haa* tabbed A Dim or near by town. daring the peat faw month*. It appeal! that a head ef organ had rabheei have haem ouikJng throagh thia part af tea State ef late, and it la thought by the local •Aten that Edwarde la a member of the band. Western ef tha State CaSaaa and ttet cm* pan baa* ttMon. wbto). grow n^flr tato gaA. w* ton M pmt paaa* n4 goto "***a la *aiac n. Ito want --**11-111111 Dan hn ^ DUNN NEGRO SHOT ' FRIDAY NKHT Sam MnHagl Qian A Claaa Cd Ur ~‘ •teat a Mat, K to ted. WUto «M waaad to eaiuMtra* niton.. MaHril tew >W<m l^to waB aaitonal •fcH toa* tin toot Man to Cm barite* iteatjr, an* a^aaia* to to I .

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