W**'* ' > : proporti^i of ptMupJVr r_»k»«. i» oriliftarQp ui*i*«l? avoiding th# Tcrttllxcj* Uio rirh In niti'U clkfP*ci*lly for roHj /kh in thij •3. Breall laud for oolUin oaviy In LjtAf Aall or o* now aa aariy J^Mk-Wboree plow, •Wf .plant •• f^KT In the apring Pa ground will pernjjV to germinate die **««*■ Cultivate .‘wall anifteouently alter tfreerop k plenty t'mw.rg-TnrorWy trowAfe* *tvt— • od a* aooa aa'poaeibla if tor rain. e. X»*p fWldj free from ribblntf *hch;a|creu. wecdi and bathe*. Thl« , .wl,lOWhJlMitei'grreog: of eetton boon. cultivated ln i» of the State. •' fl 7. WTO. rarlyapring UfwUuoo, plek up and dortfSfclali *qa.r», that . ^aea Wen punctured. 7*bt*r will Pan-' ‘ Valtjr 1m at the end of rowa’oaar woade, k hedgerow*, ettunp* or fodder’ etackel In painting mo a plenty of well ma tured teed. r | *• Ua* a plenty otgrted la plant-' ing to kecurc' and maintain a mod-! eretaly thick stand of tba ptao'te lie I *. the raw*. nor aafkaeiUng 8 to 10 in.' cha* between k ,a. TVU will tend to! cans* the. plant* to makje email*r growth t.td to jnaht the cotton nee tura qutrkerrCiva the cotton pkaty of epeca bc^Tan the raw* (about it feet) aa M^tpe ean get la to dry! inch opened holla under 13. After the ImiocdixUdy woeilt. etc., chopping up 4 end other materiel end plew them It Are or mix inchcj deep in the fall be fore 0**- then put the land la null able eoror erof\ Thie will deetroj the winter homre and teed plan* of the weevil. y -1*. £btab1iah on a very farm i good crop rotation beet laded to th« particular ennditione and aooda ol the farm, in which aaltoblr legum TOne crop*, groaring with the lanlr money rrr.pt are omixed after growl* in inch a way,' aa far an practical. U Mg »o, jo that they will aid In th4 )>oTuling up ef the producing powei of the eo|L Thla cannot oidlnaxily b< done unlew it ie planned In adenno* Out a certain portion of the leguma* grown aha] I go bark into the aoil foi tool Impaovitig porpoaea. 1.1. Remember that to a large ex tend'ail aunreaful matfotfc of grww. lug cot tax andnr ‘boll woerd condi tion* arc bawd largely upon getting a Itrnre or goodly crop Mt early be fore the boll aroeell hue had e chanea to ipaIMply In xuflleltnt Vvimbera tc -betMne, daatruethre. Other Factors Betides “Season al Influence" Seeo; Weather Blamed Washington, May 27—Government officials who* departments are con cerned with the economic situation throughout the country sit giving more than cursory attention, it woj made known today, Ui Uw trend ol general business a» indicated by con dition! which developed luto in April and hove continued Into May. While trade and production con tinued in large volume, reports to the Federal Reserve Board show tha1 there was slackening al business ur tivlty, although in comparison with tlio situation prevailing a year ago, general conditions are regarded a; far better. The Reserve Board, ir a .summary made public today, at tribated part of the flowing in busi ness to “seasoned influences,” bur these, it ursc declared itr oilier quar ters. could not be wholly response i.i. Decreases Noted The Reserve Board noted decrease] in th* production of laittber, unthra cite and miit consumption ol cotton On tho other hand, then, wur* in i-itautes reported in such basic lino as the output of pig iron anil petro loom. While car loadings were much tar * per for the period covered than foi corresponding weeks in IBIS, th< shortage of freight cart evident i few months ego hm* utmost entirely disappeared. This was construed b] th* Reserve Board to mean non than a seasonal decrees* in shipping The heavy volume of traffic appear ed to be constituted mainly of menu featured goods. The weather waa charged by thi Reserve Board with rcsponslbilit; for some of the reduction report*, in department and retail store sales East*r purchases made In March sag men ted that month’* total as) cis, bu unseasonable" weather held ilowi April purchases. Accompanying tha decline in tales wMch, although not substantial to aJ linos, was evident everywhere, war ruts in pries* of certain basic com nto.lltijs such a* foal and fan* pre duet*. Clothing, metals and bundltn materials, however, were Slight! higher ia price at the beginning o Way dun a month previously Continuation at practically th same level for several waeVs *f th volume of bank credit gave torn hop*, »ecarding to th* hoard, tha there waa nothing of atriooa tender ay In tha si tea tl on. Ooameretai bank however, eontlnaad to ear* far ti localities without asabing addition (PREACHER’S i Claim* Sha Was Frightened Away From Home By Ku Klux Klan Lumber ton, May *0 — Habeas cor pus proceedings bare been tied in the oltlce of the Clerk of Superioi Court of Robeson county by Mrs. Annie Mrl. Clegg, of Richmond. Va. I against her liednsil, Rev. I. N. Clegg ' of Rowland, n{ this county, in whict fie plaintiff is asking for the custody of four children horn to the plalntiH and the defendant. , It is allegod that the plaintiff af ter entering into an agreement wit! : the defendant in which the was tc | go to Rowland and lire with him foi | n week or ton days, aftor which hi was In give her the custody of thi nmalleat of the children, she went k I-Rowland and on the night before hei : dcpaiture the was terribly frighten cil hy momlmrs of the Ku Klux Klai. and warned hy thorn that she hac ! belter 'cave at once for Richmonc i ami leave the rhild with its father, j The plaintiff alleges that Rev | Clegg made arrangements with I I I...i v.. vi.. —u...:.. .. l... tht vigil* men come to hit hotm masked and robed and warn her t< leave. U u (further charged tha (hr loft the next morpi^Tfor Rich ' mor.<l and had prepared to take thi child with her, hut that the defend an! spir ted H away In an auUmrobil ju-t before train time and eke wa 1 unable to lake it with her. Anothe allegation w that the preacher wen to Richmond and stole her tw daughter* away while they wor ■ on their way to a school in Rlchmon ’ and look then back to Rowland wit ' him. Judge W. A. evir., of Oxford, be *i rgt the hearing for Jane 15th, a r which time hr will re torn to Loir 1 borton for the apecial hearing. Jj loan requirement* of their reapertiv J accommodation from the reserr | banka, the hoard reporting that aonx | what oaaier money condition* ara )i J. dlcaud throughout the roantry. 1 J called attention to alight!y hrwt * ratM on commercial paper togoths with the heavy over subscription < *1 the recent treasury not* la*ao WMc f, now I* quoted above par In the ope M market. Farmer* of Halifax rtnmty hav ‘ purchased (>,000 lialiy chick*, a au 1 hind rtf Holstein ttrx) Guernsey cal • Ik-, former) a seed breeder* awocil ‘ | lion and sold a carload of grade “ j sweet potatoes in Los Angeles, Ca '» | ifornia, at 95 cert* per bushel. a< *! cording to recent reporta from tti ■ wwnly agent u \14ll, lie _ i—kev. ^'3:, tJinninooml IXiei—MexLmk’i J. L^PiMrW Dick T*)lbj: Vjnf-al Spirt—" IJy tlvd-yialcrs of Mimsetwr4'nM (Tburlaw Lieu ranee) Mis. Sfrickl-iftd. (^uartclle—Selection*— Messrs. Denning, Warren, Denning, War ns*- + Instrumental’ solo Pblunai»*c <*M;*clX)Wen>—Mrs. Dick Taylor. 1 Vocal sofo—"I Worvler W Mr». John F'ifrjreraM. Presentation of Library to To of Dunn —Mrs. Hml M c K as-. Acceikance of Library —,‘M J. L. Wmle. . . Refreshment*. Knits and'ftcyulnhols of l.iK—f J. Hooks ouy be kepi otu two weeks and may be renewed once' for the same jieriod. except 7 day I kinks fnd-magazines. *-■ .A bne of 2 cents a day will be charged each book «h<H< is not returned according to the attervr ntle. No hook will be issued to any i>c:*0«L incurring such a line until ** ba»rWen paid 3. All iepmrfjs, ,0 book* licyond reasonable weaf and all kisses shall he made food to the satisfaction of tlte libeanasu 4 Ead»- borrower is held re sponsible for all books drgtrn qd his name and iff all fme* aert» ■ng on the m—~ Panama, Hay 2«.—The P,a*», talk today were $136,000. This was the bast lime they hail exceeded $100,0110 for a single day. Twenty ll»e ships pnasad through ths canal, including the Canard liner fltmaria, which ia completing a round-the world trip. WILSON (ML WELL CUTTING CAPERS Now Producing What Look# Lilc* Koroma, According To Report* Wilson, May 36. — Wilson's "mystery refined gasoliix- well" is Hilling up new capers. After the uiiiiunnceuient in Hie News and (fli-erver that barrels of rhe fluid had been ptuiqtcd off and carried away and oceans of it had lieeii left standing in a ditch by the side of the pul die road, there were so many sightseer- that flocked to the home of Herbert Ottis, the colored : war veteran, that his family was , hampered in its work ami it licrame , necessary to remove the handle of I fbc pump that lifted the fluid to tlx surface. . Herbert, for tin- present, has to . Ii»’e Ity "the sweat of his brow," but i feels -ore that in the near futuiV i he may lie living on easy street and r wearing diamonds as large as a t threc-dollar Ingerwoll watch. > A few days agn, after Ihe rttsli b fn tfw thp irrll r«L^.wL.I 1_ I fore replacing the handle \ pump, Herbert decided toj er into the myxtery^ ■ flve (eet more ol l v-c what the . forth. Since that! ga*. die well i* tllk-fc, oily «ub*t ‘ mule kerosene. > It is stated rttM land-owner* is Ihe vicinity who heretofore Kav« ' 'wen eager to tell off lot* at nominal 1 figures, are now l<»ath to put anj ‘ price on their hoWii^t. and that r they intend to "chip in" and find mu T for a fact the extent of theii ’ wealth. " While a* yet the well it not s * "gusher,” is ha* been thorough!) <leman*trated that it is not a "dust er,” at is thnwn hy it* yield. E If there's oil in Craren county - nnd this teems to be probahie, « - promoter* are going to *inlt a dee| - well at * big cost. why should then I not he oil m Wilson and adjacen - countiev I.and-owner* in the rl : cinity t>f Wilson’* "mystery well' e are amply able to give the ”l>i| prnmiie” the add test. with relatiraa The Harnett Ooanty Rural Car rier** Association cesnae here Wednesday, May M, in their semi annual moaning. OAcon far the en suing year are to be alec tad and oth er matter* af Importance win ho die riua*<1. J. R. Turlington, of Doka, is president and Allen H. A. Lao, of Uunn, ia secretary treasurer. A pic nic dinner is to b« aerrod In tba Rrwin park after the business set cion is over. A full nttendanoe of the member* and carrion of adjoin ing counties are requested to be pres ent. In the wood* of the late Julias Cae sar, who resided in Romo, o good many yean ago, the baaeholi team of White’* Ice Cream Oo., of BoUlgh, swooped dome upon the local crew of base bailer* last Saturday, hut "coming, seeing and not eosquaring" was what they accomplished fog they were handed the wnaQ end .of a 1 to 4 count The game was featureless except for the masterfol pitching af Jon.-e, of the locals, who relieved PeircJeth in the fourth inning, and only allowing two of the "Bafctmo Piro" o brace of htta Bat for him the local outfit might hare look The visitor* alio played a nobby gam* etd hod it no* been for "Hooks” Jon**, an entirely different story could hare boon totd. U. S. PAGE FREED BY HARNETT JURY ■fend Not Guilty Of Killing ; ■Chorlle Ivey, Negro, Here ||A u mo ^V. S. Peg*, former chief of the police force in Dunn, Friday vra* found not guiltv by a Harnett county jury of the charge of mur dcr in connection with live death uf Charlie Ivey, negro. A* wiR be re called by local citizen*, the Ivey ne gro wa* «hot and killed (hiring a raid made upon a "*kjnM game in South Dunn on the night of De cember 18, 1920. W. P. \ toper, at pi event a mem her of the Dunn police force. was ato> todkted jototty with Page, but after afl the State1* evidence wl> in the aoKritor took a not proa at tc Nipjier. Acrordmg to the evidenrr i brought out at the trial, a number 1 of negroea were e^aged to a "(kin' 1 tame to a (action houat in South itDuim on the night that Ivey wa> ' kilted. The officer* named to th< indictment entered the front dnui of the *hanty aad the negroe* lefi I through window* and a door in tin rear. Several (hot* were fired ant rtu Member* of (be senior class of the Dunn high school delighted a fair-abed audienre Friday evening m the local opera house whrtt the class presented a three.«t iilay, “The Hoodoo." llic play was pre tested in a creditable manner, each member of the cast acquitting themselves well. The play marked the beginning of die closing exercises of the Dunn graded and high schools, and all who witnessed it were well pleased Each boy and girt appearing in the play deserve* special inentinn. though it might be added that little Mm* Kallilyn Butts was the -hits *• Brighton Early—about to be mer ged-- UlUieei Pearec; TliMy jade sow—the heartbreaker,' Gfanvile Tdghmafi; Prof. Soiomow Spiggot -an authority on Egypt. B*scons /Parker; Hemochos Spiggnct — his Wm, aged 17, Allen Lee. Mr Msl athi Meek—e lively old gentlemen ^ v®, Cad W3abn; Mr Dun—the OurgJar.iOrTen' Dowd; Miss Amy law—abbot to be, married. Kilhy Crockett; Mr*. Herrington Shine —her aunt and >1r. Meek*' dangh ter, Emily Ncwbeggy; Gwendolyn PorringSuo-Shine—who does jn«t a* mamma mrs, Cmil* Grantham; Dodo TV Croft — the Dealing Daisy, Mildred Shell; Mr* Una Cl infer—« fascinating yooog- wid ow. Elizabeth Day is; Angelina— her angel child, Kathlyh Batts; Miee Doris Ruffle* Amy's maid of1 honor, Ruth Vtmnc: Mrs. Semir-J Timely Suyyejtioiu .ibtml Strwymg Kakigh, N. C.. May 28.—Timely spraying will help to make a suc cess of the home garden if carried out with the proper care, and a re duces! grocery hill as the result of this kind of crop insurance, arc two thoughts suggested liy <V \V. Fant. extension plain diseusie worker for the State College and Stare Dejiart ment oi Agriculture. Mr. Pant nays that tltcre is much loss from disease in the garden which is often mistaken for had weather or poor soil conditions. A good many growers have found it iwvkfluble to spray tomatoes to re duce tl>e amount of blight and frail rot. ff the vines die early and the trouhle looks sus]iicions of will, send stent specimens to t)«e l>ivis ion of Plant Diseases, State Col lide, Raleigh, for examination. This wilt disease lives in the soil man year to year. It may lie eliminated through the use of wilt-resistant varieties, he states. "Spray Irish potatoes with poi soned Iktrdaaux mixture. Expert ence has sltown that this is the licst all a rot mil inactive. "It’s pretty murh of a disappoint ment to have a nice crop of grope* go bail from grain: fruit rot. Unless spray i* a|>|tlicd, there will likely Ijc lot* of it this yew. l ne spray mg vt watermelon* ami math melon* prevents the early dying of vine*, and eliminate* the melon i]xx* know n as anthracnosx' ‘"If celery is grown, sjirayinj while plants are in the plant bed and U*r in the Held will control foliage fo’t' >nd. give rise to strong sue HI I * s (Iks. c' flon*-made Bordeaux inixturt phi* arsen it* of lead for che>vin| inae* f > the cheapest and moxt fectrv J spray for garden <to|«*.* •ays Sir. Pant. Ivey wit* smirk hy a httllet an* mortally wimtulctl. There was nr evidence, however, that cither o' the «lefendants fired the fatal shot ‘rite defendant* were rrpre*etiie< by the local law firms of Clifton and Townsend, <‘.ny and Parker and Young, Best and Voting; whtk Solicitor C. L. Williams w as assist ed iq the prosecetion by II. I.. Ood win of Diuin. Two rivit action* are yet pmditq » Harnett county court agnins Page. Both are strita asking f*» $10,000 damages ench for allege* false arrest and malicious prosecu tiou. They were brought l*y Mard Morrow and Enoch Wilson. f»re to voor children their right nil dowry—fruit and vegetables. F*r« In Fayvttrrllle FavcttcviHe, May 27.—Fir* _ origin not yet dctennhieif iirartiral b gutted the braiding ©£ the Clar endon laundry here this morning •nd threatened one of the city* principal business blocks. The serious aspect which tie Mate avmmcd at one time caused Fire Chief Rw« Jones to call for from Fort tlragg l»r« men, who reached (he city four teen minute* later to find like firv imtlcr control The total dainagr tn the Imildiug »nd c< sit rots is estinmnl at SI 5.UX). Iiyturaner will cover only a atiitoi l*rt of die loss, Tlie laisinrrs is < Act led *•)' C. C. Carter, win war 'Me Uj wive the taimdrv in the -milding but lost a large’ i/uahthy rf sup|>lies and suffered cun rider •diie lose on his madtinlry. .<* •The building it owned by Coi. Terry A.. Lyon, of Washington, D. C., and Robert £. Irvin, of Greens-* boro Colonel Lyon arrived here this morning just in time to see bis property born. A small financta leas was -sustained by the Wal’ ,-r Chevrolet, company, which4.us 'compelled to remove all its tars front tlieir building ad juicing laundry. The stable of the \V. K. FAcsor Transfer company, on thi <«hei #*de al the fawning building. <sa> Ihe scene of much catiitvKiti shcr owners and attendants worked bite beaver* to remove V) rrighteno: hovaes to safety. I tinftci down £c street C. W, Sand.uck aiaf hi : friettds wOTC>gqr getting 15 ca» Mt of the Durant Motor cummin's baiUtin*. w * Cimdy Daughtry, aged H pears, *" itabhtd to death early Saturday morning at toe home of hit brother, Alton Daughtry, la Wastbaook towu •hip, Sampson county, sod Ha Alton Daughtry i« in the Sampaoa eodBty jail at Clinton charged with toe killing. Mei husband la also to Jail, charged with aiding and abetting in the killing. Young Dauglbry was itahhad in the right breast with a pair of (cic **rs and death remit*d iasteatly. The verdict of the eoroncr*i Jnry was (hut ' Daughtry cams do his death from a blow inflicted by Mrs. Alias Dangs tty, aided and abetted by Alton Daugiiuy." Mrs. Alisa’s thesry oi the affair was that Daughtry killed him* eelf. according to report* rsarhlng Dana. Mr. ami Mrs. Daughtry will b* given a preliminary hearing teaser* row. Thu funeral urns ronnueu-d Sunday at noon from the home of Hn. Lana Daughtry, meUier sf tot docuaaed, by Bov. Mr. Joses, of the Universal tot church, and interment was mad* in the family cemetery. The funeral was attended by a large erond. Doeenecd was a son of the late B. U. E. Daaghtry, who was kiBed bj a man named Gautier, 1* years age DaughUy waa attempting to arm* Gautier, when he waa toot and killed Ford foay Build Bi« Mill la Th» South Atlanta inral la7* MaMfactam Wa«14 KrM OI«MtH Cotta. Atlanta, Ga , May 34. -Henry I'nrd, LX-tmit autnmolrile manufac turer. in planning to catablinh a coi ner mill #«»r tire purjiu*e of xonrt (a*.luring all the ration rhriM in lh< production of hie auntmotiile*, ac coriKng to a nfory nohliJied in tlx Atlanta Journal today. 1*he ptexeieed mill, according ft the Journal story, will curt nt Irani $2\000,000 and have a capacity **i JOD.OOO npindlet Mr. Ford'* reported purpor* t»l hniklinu a mill in the South ia 1* mg taken •erionak by Southcrr mill*- The Journal niory (|tmen at unnamed mill executive an anting adding that many loom* that liavi been engaged in the proderlkm o rloth for the Ford pint will hevi to b* ihertd m to §bt in onkr t« meet new amdkion*. ' _ —i The country, the pnrndtae «,f tin world, when the table ht wipplk* - with fresh fruit* »n<f vegetable throughout the year. cwnfttr camp: SUPERINTENDENT -V MWPWJIMY f * ^ .Mttjil ^ *«f wd T« ^. m _ i • In iu (Hon to Judge J. Uoyd 1 |*wfad at ika farm i of Ifimatt uounty mioifmi toon held 1an «M, the grand jury •cored A. A. Weaver, vupenmend enl of tbe county convict camp, and went ao far a» to my, “We do not think Oh fram irf niminl •a to the proper mm far the poto tfaa. The report ato> reedtaroand* - Ikm the count}- -’iiliigjii . cWhaijce Weaver, to .mee^ji • <hi v-*» brought am feted robe true. The report Min that tbe bjiu made tjr (Ik Jury rabtmad t «im camp «« dirty^acd fane . fi e prisoner* ve ill-treated mi ' «ah food ttiu it mudL.' pMspue**!. Tbe npon of die jm#v ' fijUilH yi ; - . To the I Juuuralde J. J.loyd llorton, judge J'lfaitog; - -• • ' We, the Grand jury far tbe Way im». 1WJ. tog kyve m mtonk tbe (allowing report: 1. We have <JiKgvoJ»y toqntoad torn and paaKd an ail bill* brouebt t-r care fnd attention. it* aba ter) combi inns were good. We found the plastering' in the main MrikJing to be in I ml condition and recommend tha: the comity com ■tii-siraicTs li«vc the saiii bmldiug r»|.b'i*r*tl ini mediately and that xxne repair* lie mad* on the nut t.uiiilinpv J. < Hit entire body made a care ful i-xaniinninai and impectiou of 'he county iuil and talked to the primxjfl U'c found Kim |iri* uners in jail. Otjc jih«Mr dated j licit ;« bad been in jail for five nuuithv They all mated they were "ell cared ini and ih< food ua> p«sl, 'Hie jail iru rtcait and *un | ilary cmafuwn* »cn good. Wt I i.i-h to take thi* upinitlurtity to > «.<•!mm.-.id our hiicuii and jailer for the yxccuem condition ui the jail. I lotrever, tv* recommend llatl tin- c.-ipiurcd li juor M*lts I* placed lel.-i-uherc than in ilie jail. These j Miilx arv dirty, -mooty, and liace a very uiifileaMitn mneii. j 4. f.’mr entire body nude a care j iul examination wx! luspuriiun of .the shiriif'> (•fine, teginer of deeds kui-cc, aiHiitui » unux-, iina we found ail o; itaid <j6xv4 to lie well Iccpi and in vtiy mnhftfy condition. We nidi to rtoiujaeitl, however, ilutt rlii* sherilT* nAuv he enlarged. We think tbi* Can be <kmc by changing the present stairway to ibe court rrann. \t t *!*<> wish to recommend tltaf a new rug he purltcated for the nflke of register of deed*. We ft mad the uainrnom room eery clean and util furnished. The toi .le»» in the mar of the courtroom V«re in abrntt a* good condition as ’I .* > can be kept. 5. A committee ui our both c.eiMsting of six member*, mte of viKmi wa* the foreman, ma<le a v wit on Tuesday to the couidy canid rump, which i* situated at present m ituckhom township, -tlout fifteen mile* from IklCngtun. t *tir comintttrv fi.iuul that the pris oner* were at work about one mite iron, the camp. \v'e found the V«r»*iTier» *t work at 12:13 p m-j when our cunsnittee arrived. The prisoner* were <fnr«i<*ied about *o« they were being treated, and aUait i heir food and clothing. AN ilw prisoners — au>i there were i nlsui t waive ««r tbirtaan in the i*p'P- ewoplamed about the food . and the prejarattun of tame. On i committee fuund that the fend «md fur dinner Tuesday, which cottsitwd «d peas, a liltk- meet, and > cuM M«cwit brtfad. wa* vary poorly I ■ i is iked. ’Ilia iNM-utt were served i from a Mg box and many of them (t'wllllti M MB *.)

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