LOTS OF FUN IN DUNN lUtj| ___THE DUNP|| _DUWIt, WOTH CAWmnM NOBLES HOLDS TO INNOCENCEm Mn6 Dwtb la Electric Chafe Still yrnfeting HU I'roturtiiU bit innocence a|A hi ronackxu br«»t>l, Bad (feflUpljH asaiiMt Ac currant with hU bwly,. Daniel M ikon kobica Mad £l Ac exec at ion ebonAer of the &tat< Priaen yeeterday norntox. He qka ii tha «rip of the eurravK Alee hiiiratei end 46 eccondt. Se inteuee and proloaffad woe th< v«)ta«e required to kill Aa Anokiax «ar*d liUle ftpuee that croachM within Ae ttiepe that livid floraei brake oat tram tha olaetrade atrappei an hi» lex, end ran around Ah knee Ixppii* A the ripped open troao« *•*> and another leaped out from os J*r <*iB Amp and varied op oral the van. The warden kaatOy checked Ae current anil the florae died. ' U Wkaaee DeaA Bignijr men and two woman eta denta from tbo State '•'nilags ad_ mop School looted on within the JU. ; tie chasteer. OnteWe • crowd at \ more than a hand rod pit pin. unable U> gala entrance into the fc^ne el death,. waited and —ntrhri amdb aMha windows Soma of Item efimh. od the walla and paarod down though Ute windows orar the haade of teg who stood In a dense seml-clrekr • around the chair where Nobles gas w atruggllqg unconacioaaly lanlig MvrdfttJ conacioummm out of lb* man btfort ihe H1nfa» etoppod back from strspptog- h*» la the oteia. and tea deadly balk Wee •hat home. Hie vlhms J eertptorpi died on hit 11 pa, and)h^Vdy ekmg>: ed against' the strapt Tte breathing wae imperceptible, the attending phy ' arose reraarfclsd Le an aaiihrtawa teat -te tefTlapt roptelipmem ae he <«r^ •d awajr from tee chair and faro the • ugnal lev death. c.rkatef|> acne hi. fnteeVW _ J through the door vanished u he at down tn the chair. Hia Angers eooght the end Of the arm of tea clmir and felt their way bach. Be glanced down with a faint show of Interest as the electrode was strapped agaiiwt hia leg. Thera wae a-moment's delay ae the attendants reacted for the helmet sad the breast strap*. "Yon can say whatever yon want to aay now—yon haven't much time," ltcv. 8. J. Bette, reminded him. "Well, 1 hope I’ll meet yoo nil np pander,” he began uncertainly. “I have made peaoc with the good blam ed Lord, and 1 know my time has coma. I are innocent—“his voice trailed off into a long drawn sigh. Still the chin-etiape warn not in place. There wae a little delay with the buckles that fasten the leather across the breast. "I am ready to go and 1 have made peace with the good bleased Lord,” ha repeated and was silent Mr. Betta Pretest* The heavy leather that Ate acre** the chip »u pot In place and the barklee fattened. Hie Ups ware tightly compressed between them, and hit face almost entirely hidden, except hit noea, which wet left free far tha few final Inhalation and exhalation* of breath. Nobles breathed faintly through bis lips, and with perceptible effort. "You are making It too light,” in terpoted Bav. Mr. Betta. In the grim hUence of the room the word* came ■bnoat with • ehaefc of a piatol ahot. sounding perhaps lewder than they ware. Sensation vibrated through the densely packed namd circle, and War den Baibae let go the straps and •teod aver the chair looking directly •nko the face of the preacher, and pointing to a spot a little distance away. Bwebaa’a Kalin “Will yon stand over there, please!” ha said quietly Mr. Betta moved over and aaM nothing nun. The Helmet was placed, eed tna wires a Use hart. Water raa down not of the helmet, covering the face of the shrinking, moUeniem Ogam. The «atar waa lead, hot ha gave no stgs of eouscioasaem whan K touched him. The warden —had all the ttnp plnga and atappad back into the ante chamber awd took hold of the ewitah. UMI that paint the crowd had ali vtdad its Inter eat be twees the two yaang woman aver Mdi the door, sad the Agora In the chair. Than waa tabdoad apeaalatiaa as 4a whether the two woman would be able la stand tba mans. CowanaWaa ansa ad whan a •a Idler w awn lag a sergeant's atrip aa, who had aacnwapanlad (ha party at ymts« woman, aakwd ta he let eai A third wowmn whs had cease la with (Cent* wed — page *.) WRE LIQUOR IS ■. SEIZED ON SHIPS ' : French Linars Give L Now York, June S7.—TH* Frmcl Osor Paris and the White Star llnei Q^trts, tf^Mthlrd sad fourth v email ATf^cV *** b> briny t^fyuor Into lit* York under yev a—1».W*u«#ilsy loot thak ex. i °eo* lm*r, wine sad liquor when cue tame «Ata. yesterday aeiaed sod el! *>Ut medklnpi \supplka On the Park thirteen kip of boei ware dumped overboard qnd aknoei i f°»r thousand bottle* of wine wan carted away to yoxfpnanent who* heaaea. The beer we* pound out in Mead of aeiaed an reqeeet of Mu abipla officers Is older to aeve tfaa hep. After breaking the seal a on the Cedric's wine room the oBciala cart 'd away 7.991 bottle* of beer, 90 bottle* of apt rite and thirty-arean bot. tk* af smarted liquors. Officers mid they had received no weed as to artist action their Un* weuid taka Dr. E. K. Sprague, United State* Public Health oAeer who issued per mit* for medicinal bquor aboard ter cifn Hoe is, today opened a apodal aBc* In the eoottrwi bouse to facili tate handling the case*. UTTLE BOY KILLED BY AN AUTOMOBILE Charlotte. June 27.— Ira Hixis, seven-year old ion of Mr. and Mr*. M. I.. Hudis, on the Providence road near here,.was instantly killed yesterday when hit by an antumn ■ wl« driven by J. M. Armstrong. The boy -ran oat from behind a water trough nw the road where he arm* playing 'with his compan ion*. and wa* struck b ythe car. bis hesfl ^ging crushed Th e coronet. •toft hf inveshgaGofi. attached no bttAe^Ryjie driver of the car .ior I _ Washington, dun* *0.—Oorapiainte chanting resale price maintenance In the sale of gasoline In and around Tampa, P)*_, were filed today by the Federal Trade coauahwlon again the Standard Oil company of Imliklf, Gulf Refining company, the Texas , company. F. T. Borneo. F. D. Jonas | and H. Q. Thompson. Tampa; the ' Tampa Automobile Dealer’s assocla | tion. sad the Tampa retail gusolino 1 t feeler's association. The eonrmieiion charges thr re - I spondeut* with cosrctng aid icQu cuciog dealers to sell at prices fixed by the respondents and with refus ing gasoline dealers who would not soil at such prices. I --— ■ HOT ATTACK ON j FEDERAL AGENT i N. C. PbamadtU Urges Re ; merml of A. W. Bradley for “Hick-Hamdad" Method. GrssnvHls. 8. C., Jana 17.—Urging *w North Carolina body of tho joint | Phannarfbattea) maaoeUUoa of North , *id Booth Carolina in convention I bore to ask tha North Carolina prohi bition director to remove Prohibition Enforcement Inspector Aagontos W. Bradley, of Balisbary, for method! “highhanded and meet on reason able." | J. A. Goods, of Asheville, head of ! tha Neath Carolina delegation. In an | address last night continued: "This association was one of the Bret professional bodies of oar stats to on do ia« prohibition and wa will stand at its friend, bat soch method! of inspection as osed by Mr. Bradley cannot bo tolerated." Attacking the use of patent modi. | ciasa. President floods urged that j tha profession of pharmacy back the State beards ef health la their fight against certain pa teat medicines. Mr. Goods than recounted tha story of tha association's legislative fight in Mr. Geode urged that laws be pass ed repairing medicine manwfaitor era to label coatamera plainly “ahem, ing ingredients which they claim will do each wonders.” This afternoon hero tha North Oar. ollr.a aaaselation hold a seasdan sap. •rata from the Booth Carolina see station sad heard reports from ofR. tors, me lading President Goods amrl ■«rrotary J. C. Beard, af Chapel Bin. Secretary T. W Hancock, af tha North Carolina Board of Hiar—ay. also ■ 11» ml Iltos4 kia .Siin.l Tho Bbatb Carolina-*1*. bald a masion and hoard aa addraa. by Praaidaat T. P. Toang, af Oram •and, and tha rap art of Bs oratory WOMAN U HELD FOR • KILLING OF OFFICRM W •ll-Kitow* Florida M« RiU •4 At J^ka—HuTToT* Jacksonville, Pa.. Jane, 25.— Kohert Shackelford, 47, chief field t#c«r under former Sheriff Rt.li K. Merrill and one of-* inventur I lurdre1* chief t^peWigator*. wm shot :.nd killed yesterday at h.s I Mime in lakeside .IVfc. Mr*. IXtisV V aught, 30,' who wa* arrested, is said by police to have adnptted shooting Shsrkeiford, ctaiitlmg *rf{» defense. The wainun is said toduve staled that she shot Chackelfnrtl when he repcbed for a jrbtvil to shoot firr, T’lt) had quarreled previously. ;t »a» saidi. Shackelford is credited with hiv ing taken a large part in brdikin’ 'h» tbe,/wt»aie* of confidence inm in plortdi? ' P * -.Vi * In 1922 Ise m deiJTIftt to inves tigate the aClmtieo oKgntdideuee men who had reaped a large lurve-tt .in'the State* >£*1 themaih of his acji vines hLsot-^Hfr .Ac* were tur re»teil nasi sdfce rottvfciion* .#> ■ tamed. . . * Shackelforeland fclr*. V aught met about eight years ago, friend* said, after her husband i* declared to liave descried her. Mr*. Shackel ford, who resides in I^kg City, said ahe did not knave Mrs. Vaufrbt.t*v WEDNESDAY TO BE \ BIG DAYIN DUKE wot C*Mr»t» July With AnEW Duke, June 28.— Tentafee pk>» lav^ bein. nompleted ^rr tor the tagftM'Fautlh of July celebration I ever he id here in Duke'* history. The event it to be'under the aus pice* of jthc Ervrtn Park counts «**V> »nd *ttH Hu (hrqughotn the by- the automobiles, covering the principal street* of the vilage. New on the program is the cliil dren'* flag drill and other patriotic exercise* tinder the direction of the Misses Cantwell ami Prickctl. it is expected to have two hundred or ! more youngsters in these exercises. I Then come* one of the most elab orate athletic program* ever gotten up in the town. Suitable cash |>rue* ' are to be given for tile first, second 1 and third place winer* immediately j after the completion of the race*, i I'rnhaUly the best sing that ever lias Item staged in the town start* lifter the comidetion of the athletic program. Joseph M. Core, local singing ieader, is in charge of this event He slates that the best etas* css of Johnston. Sampson anti Har nett counties will be here and com pete for the prises offered At 3: 30 in the afternoon Man ager O. A Zachary will lead hi? local aggregation of baseball artist* on the field to meet the Mills Tire Co., of the Raleigh City league, in a contest which promises to be a real game In the evening free movies are to be shown under the direction of Arthur WhiSely, di rector of the band. Also the band will play several numbers during tlie intermissions. I'ree lemonade and ice water will be in vogue throughout the day. Rest rooms are to be provided for visitors. I NUMBERS DEAD FISH SEEN NEAR OCRACOKE ! Washington, June 27.— Tuesday when Capt Dave Williams, of ; Preston, arrived in town from i Ocracoke, he reported large num I hers of dead fish floating on the water at (Ocracoke and over near Portsmouth, More are seen ou the water near the latter place even than at Ora coke, hut at both placet he rays there are scores of porgies, drums, spots and croakers. \'o one knows what has caused the phe 1 oomenon. Sunday afternoon Cap tain Williams aays the surf at Ocracoke was as smooth as glass. • i . . SUNDAY'S SERVICES AT i THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. T Adams, pastor of Di i vine St ret Methodist church, will ! preach next Sunday momma; on I " What Constitutes a Nation "sTrut I Geratneaa?" The musk wil Ibe l of a patriotic nature. His subject | at the evening service will be j" Fishing." A cordial welcome awaits every one. Sunday school , at 9:45 a. m.. H. L. Oxfwin, ra • perintendent, Prof W. 8. Snipes, I teacher Hible da»«. | Flak'll. tsakh.srfcha7l.ateu. last night then* ns ■ turn far tks jsht assertudsss. Tsana mew then 1 wlB he a noather of boataaaa sw to ««V to to bud. In perfected for pear “fee ell. Tto el tto town, af pieplt #v J. W^Dto^ai.1 diii.i/wfekto Jonea. If. F. Uodgee, Bach H. Prince, Eagene Parker, Milton Taft, J. P Johnaoa, B. M. Brewer, A. Pridnmn. Publicity—W* (IlMdib. chair men. Byron Port. P. Grarer Britt. Co Detraction—J. L. Wade, ehair man, U P. BaBey, Arthur Page, G. M. T Ugh men, E. V. Demon. Launder Price, J. W. Hodge i, J. B. Butler. E. J. Nobles. Manafaeturen iiiiiiMUac A It Newberry, chairman, B. O. Town *aoerioes P. A. LEE HEADS N. CDRDGOSTS ffat. yesterday was elected f- j » brought t*re to his home this afternoon hy motor hearse. Mr. Kitchin went to Seven Springs alaiuf 10 days ago for his health, but was not cnticaRy id until a few days ago. lie. was n hmtlier of the late Claude Kitchin and of \V. W. Kit chin, former governor of North Carolina. Mr. KHchiu was twice I a representative from Halifax county in the Stile legislature ami once a meiitln-r of tin- senate, ami wa- for many years county rood commissioner. At the tine of bis death hr was » mnulicr of I lie heal school lx cirri. in his cariy youth be was gradn ated from \V ake Forest college, af ter which he located in Roxboru "here he practiced Uw until 1901. After his return to Scotland Keck he was married to Miss Carrie 1-Twrence. who with three children survives him - Patil, Francis arid Travis Kitchin. Mr. Kitchin was 50 years old. hi Nrtbday occurring April 24. The fwnccal will take place i«nwnw ai 5 o'clock from kin late residence, ami interment will lie mace in the baptist cemetery FIVE MILLIONS LOST BY PUBLIC IN WALL ST. Now York, Jana I«—Tbo Mt too* to th« pobhc a* a remit of noont •tock oaebangv failure*. indudio tbow of Uw pan two wooko, wiwti aat rxcoad gl.OOd.dOO ar IM«MM Wjnaddr Crow wall. pr soldi at of »i that Uw Mark usand-« million fevt of fine forest and okt held lumber, almut an acre of ground being covered by the wild ft re a* it threatened other sections of the town. The arrival of the Monroe fire company was timely, since Marsh Wiles water and power system is yet ttnder construction and the lire her. Would yon like to play. ImO'~ he a deed. “2‘- ,h» b"1* ffrt replied. Then you shall, the man told her. Bessie Smith was the Rttle enp I"*- and Henry Ford was the rtraa ger who addressed her. Mr. Sard ha* a winter home here, and had lorn enjoying hi* customary' daitv wade when he saw the little gj t ' **Yie other day rtevsie sa in. tonned that alt arraigpenwnt* had been made hy Mr. Ford for her to enter tin hospital at Detroit. Kot w'y the hospital bill was to be paid by manufacturer, but her trnva portation and alt other expraati. Acnaninnied by her father, limn Smith, IWsia left the other day for Detroit. fcMt Mb k m • mm i m b Ik