THE DUNfjplsg VOLUME X ' 1 niinnrnmrir 1 .. ^— JKBPAr.JULy '*•1W* DIDN’T PREVENT COTTON DUSTING Regular Sarion* Pro Againat Uaa Of Waavif Poiaa. GOLDSTEIN FAILS TO SUSTAIN OBJECTION PoP* Thrwatanad Lifa of Man Wfco Put Paiaou On Cotton —Uao Of Poioou Dafinad Aa An Attempt To “Got Abaad Of Almighty.*' Defying tfimu of retrain and Ira m«»iaU death If he did it, W Bruca Mabee, otomotegiat in charge of the loeol government boll weevil field lt*. tlon, gave a darting domonetration on the J. H. Pope farm, tome Arc* mile* loath-we at of Dunn, Wadnerday I ♦▼•nlng. The threata againat the life “A* who went into too cotton < fl«W to duet with caJeluru areenate < were made hr J, T Pope, a toaaat 1 Monroe Wool, another ' triranl mb o-V - #__a_ V STING OF THE FIGH1 Great Falls, Mont . July 10.—Th, First Slate Batik ol Shelby, ol which Jim John win, one of the back *rs of the Dempsey-Gilibons bout, u president, closed its doors tllia morning, according to a statement ma«le here by State Bank Examiner ! y. Skelton, who is here to take charge of the Stanton Trust amt Saving* lank which went into vol untary liquidation Monday noon. WILLARD KNOCKED OUT BY L A. FIRPO Man-Mountain From Kaatu Knocked Oat In Eighth Rosmd of Haul* Ringside, July |2.— Jess Willard, he man-mountain from Kansas vent back to fistic obhvion tonight’ >ut he staged the last, though futile, ict of bis come hack before a throne more than 100.000 —the great *t in ring history — that filled Kjyie s Thirty Acres to overflow «g. Luis Angel Virpu, the dark- - known that ho wms bitterly a ad Mri oualy opposed to the use of poison Fear of beinx poisoned thenMofrn and a belief that in duatuijr one waa tryinx to ‘got ahead of tho Almighty.' were some of tho reasons advanced by tho oppose™. Messra. Vest and Pope are working the land for die Goldstein, of Dunn, ■nd Mr. Goldstein was Just aa marh determined that the cotton should bo poisoned as tho tenants wera Hat it should not be. However, he did not bring any threats Into play. "I hav* a good gun and the first one who goes into my field eo poison will hove to bo carried out," Pope told Mr. Mabee and a DMpotoh raportor. who srere the fliat to reach tho scene of action. In a short tone quit* a crowd had rath*red for tho puipewe of wl morning to. flm raal hoaciMo. 1.7 :—nrunmne. closed the door io Willard * at tempted return to fistic fan* by knocking out the giant in utc eighth mund ©f a slashing battle — one of the greatest in recent heavyweight history. Incidentally, he reached ‘he P*! which he has aimed for the past year of hit meteoric rise to prominence — a match for the title with Jack Dempsey Ttierc was no question of tl* su Jieriority of the brilliant Argentine battler tonight. W illard's superior height and reach enabled the big Kansan to check Pirpo-s rushing attacks in most of the early rounds, h***' dnspste the American's game ness imder fire, the tide of battle swung inevitably in favor of the yo%?g*r’ more rueK«1 fighter. The final round opened slowly. They sparred at long range, and there was In tie him that the end wsi dona. A total of tan urn wok ducted during the night Two ducting machines were brought into uae—the Doescb two-row machine and the Root saddle gun. The dusting was watched with Interest by the number present, though most of them left before the ten-aero field had been covered. Investigation made recently hy Mr. Mabee Mowed that weevil Infestation In that -particular field totaled elevon per cent. The results of the doming with dry calcium arsenate wfU be watched with interest by farmers gen erally. Many individual farmers liv ing in this section are preparing ta an the poison as a weapon against the weevil, while others will roly »P on other methods. CHINAMAN’S BODY 1 SENT TO NORFOLK Kinsman Taka Charge Of Re mains. Interment Will Take Place Soaday The remains of fling Jung, Chine man. who died bare Monday night, worn eMppad Wednesday night to Norfolk, Va., where interment will be made Sunday. Charles Yuan, an unde, and Tal Yuen, a cumin of the deceased, arrived bare Tuesday night and made amuagsments for shipping the remaim to Norfolk for banal. • Aa wa* eta ted la Toaaday’i Wa patch, tof died from caaear of-tha aboanefh, from which ha had raffared for M-renJ month*. Tha laandrj wMeh ha had op*rated hen for *■» oral year* will eanthme operation according to hla ktaamon. They e* peot to aend aoethar Chinaman han to take charge of tha laaodry. done cam* to Ala ceontry whta ***ot» yoam of age. though ha lat* rotnraod to hU natin land far i abort day. White ha had beaa mu ried, hla wlf* baa bean daad far aoaa tb.ta, areordlagf to Tai Tnoa. Hla pa ronta are alao deal, hi* aoareat ttrtm kin bate* the two Norfoik Chinan*w who aama here to taka charge ef tie rematea manuf Acnnuu) wkiskci IN FAMILY WASH HOUSI A B. Adam#, local prohittao agent. **pturcd a coppc whiakey at'D end three barret* c beer in • warft houae at the tent of Georg* Godwin, near Prtncetoi lit Waytie county. Go^in wa* m ranted P'*“d “** ■ «2C V»d The will w«««tt >y for y Mr. Cook w*. wracked near Back? Moar.L Mr*. Cook'* mat wtri *“• injury wa* to tha right kncacao and It wfil he awroatl day* bafora Ob* win bo ahla to waft. Dorothy *1*0 •afforad .light lajur, to bath kn*«, tkoatfi Mr. Coak aacapod with only ■W*e (cratcha*. Mr.'Cook aad family war* *a nwte from Dug to-littlstoa is risfc wuiD?nmsE USIBUIPARTOF mwcoMUtt n TWENTY COUNTIES ABC A3KCP TO COOPERATE wbm—- - jjj m B, | M SSs^Sa •~r*mr “ * -f- w *•' ■Mtew CmnUm (lw>ii * Cm y**' ***** ^*0 *■ Mm -Jf ^’,<>>_C fMMli t mf Hn OTttlhtod Al f4ij , Tk* react tanouriy Injured are, •tun Bnaala Jm followed the explosion bat was noon extinguished. DR. J. A. CAMPBELL WRITES DISPATCH Girn* Am lstoroaixag ft rmreit Of Voyago Acroee Tire Atlantic . On Hoard Motjtdare. Friday. * **■ front of (ht 1 “r dashred tad had Mr. M fa* epeeii, it “J-**7 that roach atero unoai la i»7 »• tha ocaapanta would have ra Nltad. Be had cut off the speed of Me ear ia hMm aaohro, ZTlZ bafoea tha aretdaat, ha eapt mv?*i— uk?-***tkr fffeaa and later tha trip te Ltttlataa " “ SANFOKD STAGES ' DIDUSTRIAL DAY Friday tnrimif W* came down the St Lawrence, patting in view I ->( the snow-covered mountain* of i Quebec and the snowy bank* of Newfoundland. We passed ice bergs standing more thin 100 feet above the water like huge' blocks of marble, the »un shining upon than. It is estimated that seven-tenths of the icebergs were below the sur face, that they were not more than half a mile distant. We came along the back of the Titanic disaster, and felt safer when we were passed the icebergs and the necessity for the soon ding of the fog horns. Sunday night- we got a view about nine o’clock of the light house on Cape Race, the last sight of land until this morning, when we came in sight of Old Ire-, land, the Fatherland. In jost a few hours we shall get in sight of Bon nie Scotland, landing at Liverpool late this evening, disemliaricing early in the morning. There are more man 100 in the Wicker party going to the World’s I flaptist Alliance at Stockholm. 29 .North Carolinians. It. t» a fine party we have, with delightful fel lowship all the way. Surnlay we hope to worship at Spurgeon’* Tab ernacle. Completing our stay in London, we move on to France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Scot land. and then turn oar face* to na tive land, reaching New York about August 13. * It it tmnrMtihU lr»r mi to rfititf that I am far arrow the Atlantic, way from my folk* and my work, but tbeae new scene* make the evi dence unmistakable. When I re member that our boys and girls, my churches and our friends have brought this unspeakable joy and blessing to my good wife and me, I am overcrime with gratitude to them fend the Giver I shall never be able to repay them, and am con seioo* of a debt that must be for ever unpaid. By Hie help 1 shall seek to be more worthy of such love. Our ship is one of (he beat of the Canadian Pacific line. The engin eer say* we arc boring about ljuOC hands of crude oil a day, abort A,n00 barrels for the trip from Vforv rreal to Liverpool, 2.940 miles. Mj wife keeps the time used on th< > ship ' 1 am using Harnett count] I time.' This morning we ere flvi * hours apart. f Wa shall make the trip from Mon • (real to TJverpool In aboot sevat i and one-half days, and the who! r trip ha* been delightfnl. barring tb . few hours I wu compelled to pa: it tribute to the god of the ten, Warm - been ordered to do so by the * In - tertor Department." My wife he n thus far escaped. « The weather has been cold. See s with overcoats and heavy wrapt, w have been uncomfortable modi e 'roro Britt* oMpa pha -wpre netted be among the .tow. Mr. Looker aid iuK If there were any ffagh* de striers aboard ha Brir nothing ad it As a fleet Vf tag* noaed the ream -.r'Jj lined lute the largest dip la Southampton docks mm of the pas sengers who ttowod that they knew history beeves bring eattuffaetir about the Ameitcaa msaaaatit ma rine, shouted from the apper deck: ‘Pilgrim Patters, we V* here.” *jo deck upon which h* paaaaag cre disembarked wee crowded wtth “pilgrims," snilgiaets of 1>U vint age, who will sea-tor New York on the Olyevie Wedhsdsr They pdekad ap the shout and amrt It bock to *c ■hip In cheer open cheer far the meoatrone American mistreat of the mi During the conference with the new spa pitmen, ‘W. V. Qfbbt, the Am erican naval architect who Mporvie ed the rceooditlenlBg^f “the giant li ner surprised the British journalists who inquired wha*sr the Leviathan was staffed by Ceram* ami otter foreign engineers. Hr. Gibbs sneered tteru that the technical staff was one hundred per cent American aad the root of the crew ninety per cant Ha added that members of the ersrw were engaged tt New York only riter proving tt»r A.CL RAILWAY TO SPEND M MILLIONS New York. JeJyjO^TWl AUeeUc tome •f HMN,«N tor ewe, tow mothrM and Other htpveremeeto. the time. Wa ftwb arged at lun cltaon today lo put on extra ddth mg for the trip from Liverpool to : London tomorrow in open care It ia difficult to thif* of tMa aa mm i mar, but by Aucuet perhape we zhatl recognise the aeaaon hae re ■ turned. .. i 1 detire to aend love to al the 9 home frianda. The Atlantic now i separatee aa, bad nothing can aap r arete me from the love of my peo I pie, the foXca I tote above aX the f people of darth "Scotland In i view I” it the cry I hear, and every body gftet to aaa.. So gOod-byt. 1 >! to® l®tog to eat the land of my e own people. It to ChWdonia wa tea. f N* ' f LCthtMU. oral nyoufMl of Ltt emty M been made known Jar and wide. Special invitations were sent to some 250 capitalist* and leading men in various line* of industry throughout t^e State tn dc present on this occasion and see the unpar alleled advantages this county has to offer in the way of transporta tion facilities, hydro-electric power, mineral resources, agricultural in terests, climate, health .etc. About 150 men regmeaenting many section* oi this aad other State* accepted the invitation. The first Sanford industry'the guests visited was the Edwards Motor Co., which is one of San ford's arrest enterprises, and which is growing by leaps and bounds. This company is sending its prod ucts to the atteraost parts of Amer ica. They cannot manufacture the care fast enough to fill their orders. General Juhr Carr, of Durham, re marked as he passed through the plant that he was more favoraldy impressed with this enterprise than any he had seen in North Carolina, and that it was the basis of one of the largest enterprises in the State. A motif other industries visited was the Sanford Cotton Mid, which under the present management has made marked success through the years, the hard as well as the good One of the principal objectives was the deep river coal fields. The Chamber of Commerce transported the distinguished guests to the Cum morW. seven tidies north of this city, where uomptuous barbecue dinner, with all necessary trimmings, was terved. After this the visitors were carried to the mine of the Brskina Ramsey Owl Company. This mine has been in operation for about a hundred year*, but with varying success. The Ramsey Com pany, which has had tong experience in the coal business, bought this property less than a year ago at a sporting proposition They claim tliat h is stih in the experimental wage. However, they have pot a cent of stork for sale- Recently the Slate and government authorities published the fact that there are ai least eighty -even ihilKon sons ot coal m this field. Of this, at leasi sixty-eight million tons are avail able and profitable to mine. If th< mwlity of the coal is gno^l. same ai the Newport, one of the beet ran etfes of steam owl, the coke prod ucts end gas wilt be very value hh Across Deep river, about thrg mites away, is the Carolina Cos Company, which was visited. Thi mine, which is o)ienited by ioca capital, largely, belongs to ihe sawt field Several of the Wes timnrou visitors had the thrilling esperienr of going dowa soot* 1,500 feet it* ■vast wowing of «w l»Hi of tka CtrolUaa ml will W held eader tki ■pint ef Mm ImMM la dig •< Amarke* ahtah last yarn Will aa aUdal tnHWdiii t* Leehtd k* «M the Atatai. (Ids mhw and exploring Its wonder*. Among the visitor* ware Cow rowman W. C Hammer mlW.C Hammond. Aahabofo; Dr. Joaaph Hyde Pratt, Chapel Hill; Qm. Ital ian S. Carr, N. B. imderwnorf. Clar ence RgtWt. I. T. Salmon. Dar ham; K. R. Underwood, Jr, To ledo, Ohm; I. R Latham, C W. Coh, Grernthoro; J. II. Andrew* ,T. B. Parlcer, M. L. Shipman. I. R Chamberlin, W. W. Dame*. Jo hr Park. R. R. Powell, Robert Dock • att. B. S, Jarman, C. B. Bethea • Qm*wB. Park, W. & Barrett, T. C . TWdl, C. U. Harris and J. C Lit • tie. Raleigh: A. R. McEaebem. St • Patda: Mai B. R. Hudce. Payetta . j vida: Joaaph A. Brown. Chadbour* LChaa. BWalbee. Mnrrh—d Cky : LI tt'-JftSZ: £J 1 Frank. Rd. John and Kmnon Bm » dan and Joe Rneenthal. CmMibort • Clarence Otamblee, Zdalm; A. 1 e Seymo.*, Apex; N. C. Hines, Ra 2 $ ■0T S-usi " IMa ' m <9+ N4 plfi