—— I— II. I VOLUME X MR. H. C. M’NBli PASSED SUDDENLY ; WEDNESDAY NIGHT FuMral Was Conducted From FIrat Baptiat Church Thu Morning PIONEER CITI2EN AND A GOOD MAN' Lived A Life That Waa A BWaa ■I To Othara—Took Groat latorost In Church And Sun day School And Waa A Man . Man. I t»«'i<- C. McNeill, pioneer citi icti of Dunn, died at his home here IViiIrnwhi evening just as lie was |ireparing for bed Death rani sud denly. though not unexpectedly. io Mr. McNeill had been m ill health for more than two years, and was, with a drgice of patience character istic of his life, awaiting the sum mons which would carry him to rest beside the Ma-nr whom hr had faithfully served through all his mature years No pussed one of the sweetest characters of the comnniuitv. Bor n>ore than thirft seats Mr. McNeill Iia<1 labored with and for Dunn. I Never an aggressive man, his moil-! »fy kept him much in the Iswt. | ground of |«ilili.' alTaiis duiing the late years of his 'ifc, hit h’s i|ine1 inrtocnee was always felt in matters alibiing the lo.omoo w *sil. Early in the town's life he was elected Mayor of D.iiut. defeating tire late A. K. Wilson, for rc-clcc tion about the ycat lt*A? lie was, if memory serves an r.h: sitirsn cor rectly, the first Dsi*,i.,T.itir mayor elected in Dunn. Julius J. Wade and immediate meetsw r, .M“jor fames I carsall. tire lirsl and scetmd niay . ors uf the town, having Ixeit ap liointed by t'.ic Heard of Cnnmis sioners. ifc scrvtil, too. a* a mag istruts- for several years, and was for tun tenus suttuu v^dglier of •Dunn. These were his only public offices. .' ~rw J. \\ ade, and for some time was in business here for Imuseif, liein-' at o.tc lime associated with tlie !at.- J I’. I'o i man in the grocery business — a Intvness of which he subse quently hcs-ame the s-ile owner. He was bom in that part of Cumberland county which now is! Unmet I. His auceMnr* were among the first of llic Highland Scutch j who ramt to flit* logic Tear cotin Iry from their native hills and helped to carve from the wilderness toe country around its. ilis w-a» a hardy stock of gnulefotk who loved tVod and Hi* work*, and he walked dose- to Cod in his daily life. Mr. .McNeill was one- of tin first' deacons of the- l-'irst Kaplisl rliurdi of Dunn. That ehurcii am) the cause in which it labored w as ese< i close to his heart. He was one of the most active Sunday school teachers, ami evert Sunday he had about hint a gathering of young men whom he strove to lead into pathways that are clean ami godly. Ilis life an<l his tenet rings were an example to them. Hi* Icutri.mv were the principle* which lie lived :• Obedience to God and love of man-1 kind. Tie war a tolerant innt, posse**-1 iog ntme of tl><r ntfilmtc* i>l the, bigot lie loved meu — saints r.nd sinners; hut be detested oin. Kind , Jy. charitable. sociaWe, lovable, hi* inriuenre was wonderful with voting men. Tit* Stmdiy rrtlk.s M many from die wav* to which pro mf-«b»y youth ba» a natural tend For all of hi* gcntkiies*, " Uncle Haviic ” was a man'* man. He loved llie stream, the itcld »nd the Jnre,»t. (Ti» was tin- blood o 1 the fox hunt or ami the deer at a liter: bis was a fisherman'.* nature. He thrilled at the lay'of tlic bounds, ami would ride all night to lie in ft the end -of Reynard’s long race. He knew hi* native stream* and sandhill and marsh land. And he loved it. lie loved it and the people VV.h'!,ivc ’* Truly lie was one nf Clod’s miMrmert. kfr. XtcNnlt was bom May 21, 12^’ "«»• l-fllington On May 24, yn7. h* 1■“"’W Miss Ida Under v.-ood. To this union three children were hum — on* *ou and two The ton, Thomas H. McNeill, at one time a iH'»Hur*r publisher Itcre, died several years ago while living in Richmond The danghtres arc Mr*. M. H. Privett,! of S|eing Hdpr. and Mrs* Viola McNeill, nf Dtmn. The widow ami daughter* survive. The fnncral was conducted fmm the ehyrrh for which Mr. McNrill: had labored wt long, faithfully and fruitfully. at 10 .10 o’clock this morning The service wa» con •lucted hy Rev K. N Johnson, pa* lor of the First B»pt «i church. a« sisted by Rev J, A. Fills, pgstor of the iStMcn Memorial Baptist WILL TELL HOW TO CONTROL BOLL WEEVIL Approred Methods of Fighting Woovil Will Be Presented At Maxton July 25 Mmxwii, Joly 10.—By nnangernect of budiiMV* xml a meeting has been cntM st Maxton July 28, at 10:00 a. re. to permit farmer* and btuinow men to hear authorities from Gror (Tn. The speaker* are J N. Harper, foirear director of Sooth Carolina •experiment Staton; C. A. Whittle, formerly of the United State* Bu reau of Solis, all of whom are eon-i rrccteil with the 8ojl Improvement ComntlWee work in the South. t Th**e exports have been making a special study of boll weevil con trol trough out the South and have been aggressive advocate* of the Government's calcium arsenal* method of boll weevil control. This orgenixallon has also issued a great •leal of literature on the subject and articles from members have been very widely pi ii>c«d in th* agricul tural joomta and daily proas. The interest which these gentlemen have created n other section* of th* South huv* induced some of Iht business nterest in North Carolina to arrange for the meeting at Maxton Joly 25. All phases of boll weevil control, including poisoning, cultural methods '»•» other practices wtU be treated. TVaa speakers make very favorable iinptfjsior.s wherwer heard and they are much sought after to hold meet W of te kind to b« hvld St Maxton An etfoit is being made to get a representative of lie College of'Agri culture to bv on thu program. The meeting will begin promptly H • *> a m., July 25, and boelneta iron of Maxtor and farmers trough owt lite curt our.hng territory arc invited to be present GENERAL AFFRAY ‘ IN COUNTY Two Wouaded la Fight Be twMa White Mam Aad — v.. - Rarfonl, July 17.—-WU1 Walton, ■otored, backed his flivver accident-, ‘I'y ibto the toa.-kof a rar owned by * white mar. named i.ioetoerry in tbo knlioch nulgbofhood in Hoke county, tnd as a rcwjit, so the story goes, Uneberry became incensed and re Jrimsnded Walton severely, where tpnn Walton drew a knife on Line Jerry. After it was thought the ml-; creation had ended, Lineberry is said o have pursued Walton and shot him n the arm. That same evening Walton's broth ■r. Lem Walton, gathered together 't least two other negroes, waylaid Lineberry on the highway and each Jf-ened fire with shot gun*, (hooting iway part od the white man’s face did blinding one eye. The assault took >!aec in hearing of several whim :rop!e’» homes, ami within a few hundred yard* of a negro tenant's' tome, and all remember to have heard lbr.ro guns firs about 9 o’clock in tile evening, bat no one took the .r«ulde to investigate tbs cause. The man. partly unronscioas, and fo tally diaarbled, lay all night by the ii«la of the road in the edge of • argt held, and was not discovered i-rtil early next day when a paeserby A«r hit wracked car and found him yir.g near by. He wu taken to High rmith’s Hospital in Fayetteville end art news was that he had a chance o live If complication* could be kept learn. Ah uaual boot 1 OR Honor bed U do • llli tho unwarranted anger of tha negroca. Lbirberry and hit brother MX from near Apex, and have been Bitieene of Boka only perhaps n year Officers hove been uneMe to ap ptrhrnd the negroes who Me apod et lowt twolra hoars before tha wooed* rd men wea diteovatorf. This la tha third aertoet occurrence »f tha sort Ha Hoke during the peal ten'days. rhnreh, Raleigh, and a former pas for of tire hrcal church Both (raid Sowing ami worthy iribnre lo the It lived bpr Mr. McNeill. Aptmiprvatg rmmic was rendered by a mixed ito.irtet ronaxreed of Mr. and Mrs R. T„ Denning, Mist bailie Naylor and Dr. C. 1). linn. The large church auditorium was A Ned with sorrowing relative* and friend* who had gathered 10 pay a final token of re*pert to Mr who had been tlreir friend The- pall bearers were . J. 1.. Thompson, j. A. Taylor, Nathan Johnson, I.. F Hailey, J. C. Clifford, O. K. I*enrce, D H, Hood, J. F. Byrne* and Jrvn. W Draughon. Interment wa* mode m Grcen ooorl cemetery, and the grave teas Completely revered with attractive fioral offering*, which thawed in a degree the high esteem in which the deceased was held. HOW TOC ROL THE RED SPIDEF Mr. Maba* Sunaati Raiaad; For Combottiac Another Cotton Enemy only (e W. Htuco Mabec, di rwctoT iti charge of to local govern mcnt boll weevil fttd r.atiii'j, unaiat Iny the formers ii. their fl*.ht again* r.w a:»’T # Sti; 'n ftgl *ii r other hug and beetles that moke their appear »nca in the colon flrbl* The ‘ Re Spider" hn» recently appeaixjl li n-veral cotton flelih ;n the Ducn dll trlct and many fuimcra hare conault cit lit. Maher in regard to the baa manner of fighting them. The following from a letter whicl Mr. >f*boe haa recently mailed U many of the farmer* will br of in teieet to D'rpatrh reader*: • Dunn. X. C.. July 18. lptj." "Dear Mr. Cotton Geowvr "Many complaint* have been heart regarding darrrge to cotton froir ‘Red Spider.' A good min will help a<ore that anything cbe. If you don't get a rair rpruy the nfestc.1 patches with Lime Sulphur iuluLou. (Dirvrtioni on ft* can. 2 ounces to ot-.e gallon of wafer) or mi* one og-e« of Fata >ium Sul r»hl<lc wit'i onu gel loo cf water am spr*y. Always *pray the iindei skit of tbc IraiM." <slinro mlphl ;i» > cli c< it* poists. ’ Vac It'll get it. and lieu*.'. howMwhento POISON WEEVIL1] Many Fields Found To Have Infestation Of More Tkan 10 Per Cant Ati.lo from ymsntl «.<iu to many of the ferine it. the Dunn district for the purposi of investigating the dam “K» Wing done hy the bofl weevil, W. Bruce Maix.e, entomologist in charge of tho local government boll -a e.l' -a-*..- .. — lb" following letter of Inslruettons: “Dunn, N. C., July 18, 1«25».” “Dear Mr. Colton Crower: ■•Many cotton ltrld* in Harnett. Cumberland, Wayne and Sampson counties hnve been found heavily enough infested to Stall dusting to co Urol tl*c woes il. Moat of the fields that have had weevils in them wi" be ready to doet by July 20l)i. “Follow the 10 per co-it t jlc, ocunt 100 i^u-i.-es over your cotton fieldr if you lino 10 or more erjusrcs puj.c tureii begin to dust. Gel North Caro lina extension circular »37 white will give you complete Instructions "l*ul on at iua^t teo applications of dust then make another count- If yoo have leas than 10 per coni u< squaics punctured wa't awhile be fore putting on more pjiron. “l>o no| pot out noiron if you have not any damage. “Get in tone i with your county agent or extenasor. man locctcd near you and follow bis guidance. “Do It Right nr Not At All." SAY HOSPITAL HOLDS BOY AGAINST WILL Ha bo* a Corpus Proceedings To C __M _ » __ZYf Paliusat Fayetteville, July 17.—A writ of habeas < prwee^din g» wi-» sigmd b7 Jt-ilgv N. A. S'ndsli in Lambrrten lut mtk, returnable to him Friday, la the action to hava the Hamlet Hospital, at Hamlet, relooie Rodney Neal, 20-yoor-oM son of Mr. and Mrs J. A. Neal, of Fayetteville, who was alleged to have hecn held ander lock aiad key et the hopital hcraaae he waa unable to pay a large hospital bill. The ease grow out of en are!,lent in which young Neal waa seriously In Jared while work ng for a contracting .oaapany now erecting tha aow hotel building in Merton As soon as the hoy was found to bo aerioaaiy injur ad. ho waa rushed to lha Ttarrdet Hoi pita!. A young employe er the con tracting com Tony K.hl I’r. James that the cempery wouhl nay half the hos pital bin. It haa developed that th< representative of the coaypoay wai under ago and eoo’.il not legally make a cost*. act to this »tfrrl. The hoy as •lerwoirt an of ersrvo.-i and spanl rev oral weeks la tho hoqii'al, Dr. James notified his purest* that he wns wall enough to be dlerliargad and to eoenc far Mm, which they did. They rials that they we nr tel.I upon reaching the institution that lha bay eouVI no bo dleebarged anti I the bill had beet Raid. W. T Royal returned yeaUniei from a *i*t to Lumbermen and Row laud, where he spent a faw days. DUKE (By WADE Puke, Joly 1H. —*Fer the iveoivl ■ consecutive SuntlaydMhe people of r Duke have ■■-;—'m jail the harrow ■ny fear of a mad *f at iarye in the town. Sunilny a |M ayo the ex citement ran at a ktei pitch for al - nost two hours, wbMk last ftabfcsth • ever-ifaff u the peopMVrrr retain to* ' from church the crjr&ent forth that : soother mad canine ■ i oa a ramp 1 aye. This bad the oa af caaitner ■ score* to aeek the of their I respective homes. Mjnt it waa any i' posed tint the rumorVas a fake, bat ■ | t wm not aa the animal waa ahowlny anaiiatakabte wldeacMof rabies. And .! oa before on the prnejfajlny 8imday an | myrv crowd of merr^d boya poured forth from every paid-of tows with i j arm* of every kind t£hill the doy if , poaaible. Bat thay wfca not aocoeaa fisl aa the hound cscJmkI as if it bore a charmed life. 7 Wh'le the ehaar i at the aenith of Its abort life Lul Alien rotund citiaen of Daka, from Injury. It I waa at head of a ; boys in the w ( '-own, icek-ny traces ( aceiny an aatoist J the vlliaye he road, where there lljrtrl awl, with h.Trvl ho niIaibbIpH ZvMrntly the mi 1 * highwayman wi un and, probably with far th* 'vide eaiilirig asms ' narrowly missing barely jamped ! i 'trbwl him. La'i ecrsien the flop for soma ,io procors any Inf i1 v*r Deputy Sheriff , luted '.we Itilla 1* ' a T»ry close He hed |h* _ Dunn sad also from The first one bad a cal lor ■> and the Iona. Four ih'- first a flTie’iW _ _ __ l - night at She second. Vut officer Har I !"'r rahl the rtOI had recently keen | operated. ! To local baseball team played sjoe I lactil .r ball behind “Hooks'* Jener lari Saturday and derfsalad the Ba’J ■vay Clerks, of the ltaldigh dty fea "-e. by the score of 7 to *. Jcaot j '• ' •: « li.-A brand of ball a«on j n-lr in s long ttmo. striking out ' '* Cvc botsnusa and at lowing o»ly 'inid-is. 'Specs'’ Coffey, anivor t> ir.it ,ici, eteayed to'calm th* bats >• - ;..t l*»c.-!s. but they landed on him , •• llic »xji :n:ung for flva rant. Af thU and Wore to fatal sixth. Cnffoy hurled classy bolL Parker, the t'ongcied right flloddr of Duke, was the bulling otOr with three hits oat of four appearances at the plate. The tndn Concert band returned Salurdoy from White take, where they snout a week'* mention. Director Whit* ly mji his m\:c1ans had a splendid time at the rasort, and ths stiff course of dally rehearsals the har-.l cairicd out greatly helped them. -- a—.lyvu vua i m Mir 'pc.i »t Uh> lake and rough* rt It in the '■ciif campov’s way. Hint Pauline Sykoa hu return*I to her home in Statesville, after being the guest of Mias Myrtle Woodworth for two weeks. Mh* Ruby Myers, of Ahortie, has icccpted a position here with the Hof sol-John son Co., ae .stenographer. Mas Mabel Woodworth has rstum •M from Norfolk, Va., where the •ver-e a month with friends Mr. nr.fl Mrs. W. M. Pat* and ton, ! W. M. Jr., spent the latter part of >«t week at White Lake. Unrn. to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wood, > •laughter. Both are getting along nieely. Oom, to Mr. and Mr*. T. |* Horne, * sen, at the flood Hope hospital. The two arr getting along nieoty. Mr. and Mrs. C. «. Hlekl loft Menitay for Ptneaotha, Va, where lh«y will spend a two-weeks’ vacation with friends. Tl»e trip wan nude by automobile. Thorr.n# W. Sprinkle. principal of the Duke school* for the pant three j rresioni, was la town Pri.lay on his wsy to Port Bragg, to take training in the Reserve Officers’ Training school these. Mr. and Mra. U I. Pat* and chil dren, spent T owed ay at White L<Sk« enjoying the bathing. Luther P. PM nee ha* rvtnraad from < a fifteen days’ vacation spent with Ws parents In South Carolina Webstar Byrd and John Catos spent the week end with friend* In f)rc*n shore. Oay P. Woodlief. of the Bank of Harnett, loft Monday for Item to - spend Ms vaeaMan wMh hit parents Mlo* rant Bran nook of near Bur lington, la spending several dog* here - --_u i h'umi1 ! NEGRO CONGRESS i MEETS AUG. 9-10. Annual Fannnn ConcmM To Bw Hold hi Grambtro j ThU Your Practical ami profitable farm plana | will be the genera; them* at tile North. Carolina Nagru Parmer*' Congma to bo hekl In Gre-nsbera Tharaday and j Prelay, August i and 10. Asa D-l Herring, colored -letnonstratiou agent in Harnett county, i* anxious that' many of the negro farmers living In thl» pa:t of the Slate attend the meeting. He haa handed The Dispatch the following for publication: "I want to urge open you to attessd thle mooting. One* you go you want j to go again. ( would like to arrange j an automobile party and motor; through the country to Creonahoro. If yoa ean ptwc-bly arrange to attend thie med-atnnmcr meeting tend me!' roar name and odd rear nnd I trill at-,! ranga for your board and lodging at i thr A. and T. college free to you. All you have to do is to arrange to got there. "I am going to motor through the country, <o I ean observe condition I of crape, etc., as at go. Join me utj Dunn nr Islington and we trill goj along together. ••If you cara to write me concern- ; •n« nuwitmt. I w»U be glad to furniah any information you demise' | "ASA D. HERRING, "Local Agent, Dann. N. C." i EUROPE IS READY FOR ANOTHER WAR So Porlaraa Nawtn D. Baker, In Making P(m For Loagn* 1 Of Nation* I Cleveland, inly 18—Europe ia tow more notify ready for world war than it *u in ]•]«, Newton D Baker told an audience of women * gathered here today to '■ear the For mer Secretary of War and other* —»n- l » we « llOeOeewe, a of Nation* Non-Partisan utoriaUon It was the find gun firod hem In an attempt to wcure signers te a peti- 1 ttoi, that the United States enter a 1 League of Nations. “When we present to the President ' and Senate ten thousand names or ten hundred thousand names, or ten million name* of those who want Am erica lO jon a League of Nation*. Uiey will linen," Ifr. Baker declared. ‘ Ready Fee War 1 “Europe i« !*>«* mo-* nertty ready' for world war than H waa In 1914. ao ' fur ui undo lying causes are eoncam- * H," Mr. Baker added. “I can not see ; how it can toe picre-ited unlcn none substitute i* found. “If the devil tas It it hi* heart to ' let forth upon the human ruoe more 1 deadly ir.Urument* of dertructien 1 than were used in the last terrible 1 war, ii mean* international saicide 1 •o Tar as the civilised nation* are tor cr mad. “America mum do her port in a ' big way in concert with the other nation* of the world to prevent an Intel national war. I belie ve that way ; will be the League of Nations, with reservation* to protect the liberty of the United 8tat«*-“ Mr. Baker explained that there la he opposition between the League ' and the world court. He referred to I He latter a* Vorntthin* we ought to ' go into." a tiding that "the court ! doesn't take u» xnto the League and It doean’t Ixocp us out.” N. C. NEGRO WORKMAN KILLED IN ACCIDENT Pittsburgh, Joly 17.—Samuel Sin gleton, of Lumberten, N C., and Rob ert Puny, of Orangoburg, 8. C., wot* killed and Bee other nogro workmen In the Woodhawn plant of the Jones ■od Laaghlln Steel Company were aorlaualy buaned early today when a dip occurred la a blast furnace an which thoy were at work making re-j pain. { A connection had broken and the force wna trying to rod ore It when j the charge dipped, forcing flamea through the broken pipe and aaealep Ing the workmen. with her brother. T. V. Braonoek"' Mr. and Mra L. C. Thomaa ata' open ding their vacation with Mra Thomaa' parents at Vass. x Dr W. P. Bolt m«m Monday to Raleigh, whore ho accompanied bio. nephew, Isaac, la havo a bensU op-' oration performsd Mr*. Andaman, naruo of the local hanptUl. went with thorn. Rev. C. M. Gtobe. porter of too Pretort*rian chunk, left Monday (or Georgia, when he and Mi family will toend a two wseka’ vacation with Mr. Gibb1* pan ata KANSAS WIDOWER CAN GET PICK FROM THESE SWrM T«Hor~SWs Alon, Tw H*1 App!i Kinstoa, July 16.— Tlie * lilte lie*l ’ of many Xorrh (.'iinilirt i.rr incti a ho arc mtere*in! i.i n« ipieu of V\ ;:i'ue Fiuver:. of Kat'sa*. >f a wife, will have ibr-r x!'->uint damn j.'iaccd before hlowv'e it.. h‘* early confident) bet. " I c-.s i!er word along to >'::c ladies. ” MtU! .\| deft W. T#)-*t;e. Arif f county,. today. “1 want i tem in. know I’m not lavir.g <l-ntn < n |Vv Job.” '* Wally ’’ it intcrc*tc<1 in iit.ir;' •i}{v. He i<rcfrrt a North Ci*r»mw whin, lie nunc into j»n.n'**i<*i <>■ fav •r*r * Adrirc *% sju! «%.:iciv*** tf. rr»»ni *■• i-.rijiin hi.w, i iltat the local tdficiat wa* a t.m.- ! human and obligw,- **, „(! "an. Taylor has rnnfirr-ren l-Vtv -r* judgment J«y hi* ar*ionv I !«• • efer* to Flower, familiarly **■ W ally' liecai * it n>.-.v um.-av.ic. With tfv Viler* 1n»*o:v him. I'kmer may civet* ulv*-: ;•<« . c.’ lire- to rnrrviipimd y it'u" *at-' r*ylor. - Th« grestr majority of be •aditr* are nidny#. ’Hu- crn i Vr* to lias ing a .<«j| of KT ihii.lr f»t 1 •■efccto WaUy wifi km. v1d reit. 1 *htB lie il'cir|«viit;it e doc* tint seed ime of tfcise ’!*.• fed girl* and crime Iter et*> fpfttd •i« vacation 1 have deviated ... vr.-pt any mure M-syiicnii ",. iuimr I don’t want to cm.lw ih« [Hliw-. Every nectbn n! Xtr.l-J 'arnlinn I* retires ?mvi ’.<i ■ Vt:5 nington to W"n«i»<V»i. n «l bom Mainco to Marini t a t it> nun nil I fu ( W,. t» iiMnrnnt «,i %V‘«*vV Jwnv!. see wontler-in* w hy.” )RAG0NS0FKL«N STANDBY. BY LAW _ i >ppaaad To T«Un( Low Co* I ortiooa aot Away Prana I Irelarinf that Vo Kaifttita of the Ca Cui KJan *Laa«i firmly for law nfoixcmoiit Ihrcufrt proprrly con rcitutod offtaiaLr were adopt*.! by h© Grand Dragon* and Great T.'taci >f toe Or.ler, who ti.ljvarneri their tncncl conference here today, »o ordin* to official* of the Elan Tit© rteniution i-on*I©m*ieti any poit ono “who r/dglft *eck to take tie law1 'to thrir owj htlldr." Ar.oihrr rotolador. ».!o;H © by th: *nJcr< net lAire-l the Klor> on vee •*I at opi>C'Tnp iiarr'ArVt«J forejM rjtriifiiition uti f .r\ rn nu*rc ■ arci<- ir.'on:y M\o*. 3ow. The rrprracnca.ivi"y nf til© XUn »*ani«at!im* '.r. the rarioa* itato* inaa'- rowiy voted their • oj/port an.! 'vcfUlencr in D . U. W. Rvan*, lm *ri»l Wiztui. and iii* na*ioT.rJ ad-! nitiatriiHon r,r>i vo-eed their eu<ior*» nei.t of hi* puiieieu A voir *v» taker re-nffirniifcjf in Irtxil prineiji'©* and iiicak of h‘ or.Vf and pledph^t all proier.t « c-orrtlr.neil effort* u> epmid t),v iriiirip'r* of America Itwri f iroapito©'. it® varioa- rtj A tpeeiaJ metwys no rent fjym be conference to M»« EuU A. Mart-i roll. Imperial Commandar. Women; •f the Ka Klux Kin ll. fltr'ir.r flirld C»r. otTlrisJa in every rtn.c voai-ii Irtively aid Uiu orgnn'aat.on which' hey reeoen'ted ea the otr>:*: anvil sry of the Kba. | Fo’lowlr.g tJv a/optioi if tb.i' vr j 'loo* reeulaliort, a rcor.d table <TU-! was held, lcl by S. E. Barn *7. Impciial KU^iTfcl* wa»J ■ouwiain* lerln'nl matter* rcgaM "» the operation of tlve Xian. t Those featured thia mo ring wore] io Gnu>d D re you or Alabama, tb. I Grand Dragon of f.oa',Uita. the' Grnwl Dragon of Wyoming and Craai ritona from Oklahoma Colorado aw' r**a«. Ail spoke on matUrs eoaesm-; ng ttrhnleal method* of Klaa organi utlons And dovoloptarnt. NINETY-THREE DOCTORS ADDED TO PROFESSION WaWah. July K.-~ Nhtctt ti re. idditioaal that or, -have Kilt added :<i iIk- medical )ot»Uar)rw of the ^«ie, ii *»-.-» nnnor <ccil here to siglit. fotlowin^ the fm~l exjttvrtr Wav iralvr of , snhmitiethh. [he neviynrcaierj doctor, who M*sed the j»re*crlU,l tc*t* »,f tltc State. ' t>. K. T. H. Ihnvtcr. seenrtar. *>f the Male Board of examiners •tated lh.it a total of 147 apodcaoti preaenie.' thero«elte* for Urtnei. Twmtty eight of these applied for Endorsement of rredcnttl* v iilsrmit i'x»ni*n»ltoit*. Of those taking the rxaminatirm*. Abut Ranireur An-I Jercon, of Staterrille, rwVed ft no with an average of 94A-7, SEASONS FOLLOW VERY DRY JUNE Cottm Ocp U U-mlly Wolf rr“SJ3“ Raledft.. July 17—The favorable *.**»* 0*<r meet of tte rule fellow. 1st u very dry hu bar* rei level the *!tti*.:fa» for mm nsnfUa, ae-..t.llng to tte aemi-monthiy crop upol of Trunk Paster, mttetctaa ff ft mop--(porting 'orrW of tte '•rt.riiitr.it of •urritalrure. •*7*'tote atm lemainr the nua-d of ’->fali ;r e.-nt* of tha nonhum and riel-wr* renter./’ tilt repo t eon '>«•.!, “The tempo ret are tea been a: a«tslly warm and poo.’ for all r,,M- Oou to tte dry Junt w natter moat a.’! crop* an In good cultivation ro.1 fro* of crow. Baccalont or ter V.r» &■>« crop* aoffared eonsltleiwUy ip July I. * C»n» So geoorally in good condi W« er.-eptir^r a here dry condtUooo pe-utlr.ae Tte growth tea tel fairly T-od, ard due to limited Hunting tl-iti'tr Jure the ruota want drop into rtoarwl and eonrequratly my be •rparteJ tv ante for £n4faln**« if «' iniok< reomiu favorable. "The Harveet of a Vlpt waa umjao •lty rete «1,H tte grain dry and well * • teatoaa ware fevomhle for a ts'i’viatn teamgt. Tte am* roinlltloii **'« mo«:, and rye.’" Tie rartoa crop u nmaoaily wol) •romielrr In mote of tte voontiao /•a teltt arid. “It 1« »efft Irf aoane In da trurth n*.to*w p't/.moat or central countfeo '.atwron dWtricu two and thro*. Tte be apparent, with ftnun p«UiM ever the outrsms. There la gatte a luar.dnry over the heat Till till te renew i* combatting lH«a. JHv &*• livut'on i* pad aad coadltleaa tn rrally f-nrorable. •Thr hay eray praepeeU an vmrl t'.de tine to the lateaem la mdrf>re. »» sec#art el day weather hi Jaw. Lust yeai ’» I' d hath ’tll*t*5*t Ko. two, or the mala port the old belt, tobaoeo suffered at* • rely from the drought aad sores ' • i ate still needing tala. Ini W dbdKaga oeoarcad te tide area, !«t has regained in the nrrtim or »vw bolt area, whore ISO soul ware '“•r favorable. Growth and «dtha> liar, are both very good, studs fav » =Jh»- especially te the old belt. Pmes buttoning reported. "Accc-dinf to a raeont i citv In the rc-nns.-tlal fralt | <• ti c *ta:?, botl- apples aad l:*e pj^iVrirg than eras i'-ir it pr.Vcuteriy tree of ‘‘ ■-r nas a harry June drop of re* I ire. Tr. comsnerclo] grewasg ootl rwt* 19 per cent low dun the rega* hr r:i . rr .pr.donii report or oboat a. II i** raat erap. ■ ra.pration of farm labor wag -.** cvt> narvo t„ North Cwrettag than 'ttm farther sooth, in fact, greay gained a see moving frooi Ibe rjuUi than wag 'at by tbooe go : jr .to» -Jh ‘•T'lt- effect of the fnrrorea ta put -.1* and grade of fertiltem par le/tfcJJy o-. rotten and labaeM." OFFICERS DON'T TAKE STOCK) IN WIFE'S STORY EWi Think Milling Mga Hna Mat Witk Font Nay :< •■•hum. July 17.—Altheagh oovn 7 nave f«ul*d ta got am Had »t*r tha report* concern lag tha ah> >• vc* cf J. W. Smith, a local painter. vboM uuiamobilr «u foaad faaartril !K.«r tha Vaughan eoavtet raaip mm mfUe wcdt af Durham. In. Smith ranlthpoa ta taitlit that her kaahaatl hu* m. I with leal play, tltimlag hat Mb'* la the belief Mm Smith Ms Mf.zlrtg utllaS together friend* and 'orraml a pmara to march for bar fctuband. Th* party af Meads eater cd A# wood* near the petal whan .* Imported aa haviag been r*l» luat. a.-«< bp an til a late hear thlr B.'inMt there wire aa near dr-vMepme«t*. It. la reported that Tr-tVtrr of a local lodge with Which fchlth la mid to bo affiliated will Jaia 'Jie isax-l.inr party tonight. Sheriff John V. Ha-ward, wha haa recoded notice ronccmlag Smtth'a PitWwrd, hrUnvro Sw moo "logged nut" f.aring arrert ae a chart* af Nil. Sra'th inoiota that Srie Sumy U too dim. and Maori* that hag bar band bar. no ocher reason ah* ooaM IMIS; et far «v ertiag har. Th* ana Pia haa redded at a local hotel tor arm* month* and ampleym af Aa bn W <*»-.*rv they appeared ha ha twl •4 to -ach other. Th* hotel MglafM pine* aa andean la St* theory that berth left Ms «tf* ggaywR.

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