THI E alleged WOMEN-WHIPPERS FREED BY A JURY Senaational Flogging Caae la Robeson County Cornea To End JUDGE RECEIVES AN UNSIGNED WARNING Hand of Ku Klux KLan La Proc> toreille Flogging* Shown lx Letter* Read To Court ■ In dicata* That Judga Grady Declined Receivership Of Klan. Lumberton, July 21.^-Fi/ty minu te* were enough for IwaWe men to declare Mike Lawson, Jule Brogden and John Hedgepeth not guiUy of the rerioi of Crimea charged againat them growing out of the assault of two defenseless women in thia county three month* ago anil Urn black blot of the county that one* wa* held to uve the State from dishonor remain* unclranaed. BallaUa. T A ti^kl.lll .1_I_ that lha Stale had played its last card, immediately not pgeeeed tbs capital chanra ponding against than*. Motion by the defending counsel to tllnrhai-r* the three prisoners was granted by Judge Sinclair, and the three mi n walked silently out of the courtroom in time to meet and thank tha jury, departming through another door. A Day af Sawsatten* All the punishment that wai meted out as a result of tha long drawn oat fight against invisible forces fell up on the head of H. F. Taliaferro, con fessed Fincher detective, whan Judge - Sinclair fined him $750 and (ant him to jail for three months on three charges of contempt growing out of his Interference with the 8titeh wit nesses in the case completed even as Taliaferro was feebly defending him self. The throng that waited the final chapter*-of tha tana that has Mt - ‘N ~ ‘i $f li A * K.W> waa too steeped In sanaatiohs to re act to tha disclosures that tumbled oat in the hearing of the detective, when tvs confidential correspondents with the headquarter*, and among the matter* therein set forth th< fact that Judge Henry A. Grady had declined the receivership of tha Ft Klax Klan whan it waa off a red to hin some months ago. It was a day of detonations. Hard . ly had the community got over thi shock of tha publication of the throe1 made against Stephen McIntyre thu morning when it got out that Jadgt N. A. Sinclair had received a mlsaivi of similar Import- He ignored It, eru meanwhile tha forunsie battle be tween opposing counsel raged anti eight minute* to two o'clock la thi afternoon and with lncraeoing bitter peas. Judge Sinclair charged the Jur; an hour later, and at Idl they re tired to the jury room for meditation Taliaferro was arraignod. the ehanga reed against him and the answer filed He waa brought to the stand, and be fore he could recover from utte amusement that wa* discernible t the blindest man In the courtroom, b identified two latte re that ha ha written to hi* chiefs recounting hi doings here. His defense cdlapeed an ha quit. n*l uniijt rw.wH.-w —— »~ Midway through the hearing there waa a tapping within the Jury ream, indicating that tha verdict had been reached. There wae a «tir in tha court room, checked etrenly by the Judge. Deputies ware .putted about the room, with instruction* to arreet any man who opened hit mouth or made any demonstration. The Jury cum in and stood for a moment while the rlcrV took the poU. "Not guilty," >aid Mr. Brens, who hail been elected foreman. There waa not a aonnd in the courtroom. So say you all," Clark Skipper ask ed. and they nodded. "Tou Way go," eald tha judge, and they want. The face ef Lawson was the first to thaw o-l af the heavy treat that had fallen upon the prisoners ae they listened to th« Matting denunciation with which Stephen McIntyre concluded the ar gamenL A satisfied, almost pious «mR« spread over It, and the others fallowed likewise. Mr*. Funds wept silently. The children looked on in silence. The throag was silent as the Jury wus curtly discharged by th* Judge tad they withdrew. Little Surprise At Verdict Little asrprise was expressed at th. trtarr. of the verdict ef "not guilty/ few expected * conviction, but manj did believe that a mistrial waa no an bapasnlbility It was remora, around that thare wae but oae bad* taken, and diet the rest ef tke thru eat, dbewt «• minutes was given Jaa • HAMLET YOUTH KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT llamlrt, July 21—A rtLstreming ac cident occurred in the suburbs ai Hamlet When the tw»-y*ar-eld baby ef Mr. and Mrs. Victor was ran over and Instantly killed by an automobile eurnsd and operated by Alfred Cagle, of Hamlet.' Thn child cam* from ha hind another ear and was bit before the driver could stop. The child’s mother was near by and saw the ac cident but was powerless to render resistance. An investigation was mad* by the Hamlet police but a* blame was attached to CapU- Wltnesae* all rated that he was driving slowly aad the aecident was unavoidable. JAMES E. CROCKETT, DUNN, IS BANKRUPT Coming a* an aftermath of the failure of the State Bank aad Trust Co., of Dunn, which was eloeed last March, James E. Crockett, uf Dunn and a director in the defunct bank, has filed a voluntary petition bt bankruptcy. The petition recently Di ed haa horn recorded la the United States District court In Raleigh. The petition filed and recorded lieu no assets at all and liabilities to ilay’i Ralciph New* and Observer. The liabilities consist largely at ea doraements at iotw of the beak, it is mid. The note* am hold a* follows: UerAanU* National Bank, of Raleigh, 140,000; Wachovia Bank and Tract Co., fSO.OOO, and American National Bank of Richmond, Va., MO,004. STORMS ON SUNDAY DID MUCH DAMAGE Three negroes wet* killed by lightning and damage to crops run ning into hundreds of thousands of dollars were some of the results of severe hail, wind and electrical storms which swept several Eastern North Carolina counties Sunday. The three negroes were lolled in a house near Mt. Olive. The great est damage front had was reported from Pitt county, while some dam age was done in Lenoir, and Nash gjimrin. • to preaarv* the <krom that should attend deliberation. Tha trot vote stood 1C to 0 fee acquittal. Twenty minute* after the verdict we* la, the coart hoes* seal empty. The tosm*'akae empty a half hour later. Fairmont and Proetorriile peo ple who have keen hare for tare waefce Id hundred*. went straight homo. John Hedgepeth scant hack to hie rained tabaeco, Brogden to his garage and Lawson to hi* policing of the town, where old man Andrew Smith was beaten under the eyae at Its guard ten of the law. Lumbarton breather a sigh of relief that It (s over. Where lb* State got the letters with which it undid tba deteettv* did net coma oat in tha hearing this af ternoon, but there haa beau earn* de tective work going on somewhere and it has been carefully covered ap. Tai lleferre evidently bad na intimntioc of the fact that his letters bad boar brought back from Atlaata to be used against him. Am* Answer In Ms answer be bad taken ear* ol the allegations mads by tba State tha be had triad to Intimidate the Btato’i witnesses, threatened them, offer** the Parris family the repaeeesrian a their bom* sold under mortgage t they would drop the prosecution. H had counter affidavits, and set up tft< contention that the Kn Klux Klaa bn sent word from tha Imperial False* Hi Atlanta to ferrat out tha paipa traton of tha c rial a. Ha Had letter* to that offset which wars offered aa evident*. It was an tapraaaiv* anawor that ha sot op. Ho had affidavits from tha mayor of Loortabarg and tha ehlef of polka and other* to sharw that ha had vkitod tha Watson’s at > that town aa aa agent of the Klan > to see if h« co«M gat light on the erica*. H* was vary heipfol to hla - attitad* and treated to It to aarva Mm ’ from tha wrath of tha court. > Mr*. Watson had made affidavits r that ha had rap rasa* tad himself as a i Salalfh lawyer, sant out hy tha At * tomay Oetiaral to nmks an lavootlga i tion, but that ho had triad to Intimi - data Her into dropping tha saaa. Ho » waa nomad Lagan whoa ho toNmd to ■ her, hat to Kooky Mount What* ho t want to mo the Parvte family ho waa n Myers. Talilferro was aaomiogty only a mildly aoamd whan ha took tha a stand sod was vary randy to toattfy. HU eon reel <Md not object. R C. Lorwrane* waa hoadltng tha a prosecution. Ho began mildly about j tha witness’ eonnoetlon with tha Ban, y sod hta aapirtiana hadora that. Ho ►t1 waa with the American Bo niton' Aa* ■d aoelailoa aa • dotoattv*. H* hod ho** ►t with the Kloai for ton flftoan >• month* making tarmtigatloan, and M (Oonttbwd «Mt() BARRETT AND CO. UNABLE TO MEET ITS GAHONS Failure oi “World’* Largoat Cot too Factor*’’ Formally WORKING ON PLANS TO PRESERVE ASSETS North Carolina Hanky Moot in« With Commlttno Trying To Birin Moon* of Muting Situation; Obligation* Mil lion Dollar*; Plana Liquida tion. Augusta, G*., July go.—Barrett A Company, reputed ta ba *ti>a world’* largeet eottoa factor*,’’ with head quarter I bare, announced tonight that they were amble ta meat their ob ligation* amounting to appro xirnataly 11,000,000. A committee compared a* New York, New Orkano and North and Booth Carolina bankers, ropre *enting part of the ere ditan, wu in conference tonight with a view of working sot some pie* of liquidation for the preecrraticr. of the eotapany** aaeeta and the tort nroteeUen r.t it* creditor*. Tentative Plan “The banker* went Into tension ■*Hy tM* morning, adjourning at I o’clock" declared Jamfi Hull. Jr., aenlor member ef the law firm of Hall and Barrett, attorney* for the firm. "Later in the afternoon another •eaaion waa held, at which a tentative plan waa agreed open which la believ ed favorable to a liquid a tie*,** he (aid. "Another meeting will to held to morrow, at which the total ejaate and liabilities of the fin wlH to Bum med op sod a & Ban rial atatomant w.d to presented to the c rad Korn and a committee, win to JonaaHg appointed to handle with firm member* the company'* affair*," Mr. Hull aaid. It would be Inryoagble, haqaaaa of the »aua loterapp banreirad^or a AnanxM Intimated by aaaete would equal the approximate of $1 ,&00,&00, announced by than aa the cotton flrm'i ohllgaUaua. Attoroeyt further declared that so far there ha* been no legal transac tion with the exception of a few minor proceeding* against the com Ton- la Baoignatiea Frank H. Btmll, president of the company, c»Hy today formally an non need ho had telegraphed hie resig nation to the New York and New (Means Cotton Exchange*. His seat on the New York Exchange was sold for $46,000, he said. Hi* resignation, he sold, was “doe to my inability to meet my obligations at the present dmo." Earner* that Barrett and Company was seriously involved earned Augus ta bankers to take precautions mod $8(400,000 la currency arrived here late last Bight from the Atlanta Focf erml Reserve Bank. The money waa pieced In flt* vaults of the Georgia Baltroad Bonk. A statement was later iosaod by the Augutta Clearing Hob** Association, composed of sK AngaoLa bonkers, declaring “Chat the an no an cement of the attbarrmeoment of Barrott and Company this morning in the New Yerk and New Orleans Cotton Bxchange* involved no local uan, aa u* prmipu cremon ■■ lUi concern were raproaonled bp New York, Chrictgo and New Orleans I laada) ir.ctilotino*." The local clearing houae onplainad Meat local banking nrrangemwnta on ly took ear* of the minor operation* of thia concern aa tko magnitude of ita baatnaa* <n> suth that It had to •ocan daawMal arrange menu In lar ger center*.” Bee ante of anttUlod condition*, local tie onderwritara aaked for po lle* and (Ire pro taction at the Atlantic States Warehouse Company, whiat has a capacity of 1*0.000 cotton balei and 1* loaned by Barrett and Com pany. A aguad of police and d minor waa placed on daty U the war* hottiH. Barrett and Company, according ti local records, handled through Augus la annually approatmathaly *00,004 bait* of cotton bought by then throughout the American cotton bolt Du* to thia valum* of buatneaa A a gveta la rated a* the second largo* Interior market in the world. UTTLS CHILD DROWNS IN A GOLD FISH BOW1 Lodi. Calif., Joly 17.— Rbma Holler, one-year-old aon of Jacol , 11 offer, wealthy vineyardim of ihl , dty. drowned m a fold bowl I hi* home bora yceterdajr. The cWW 1 mother found Mm head fine In th 1 howl, which contained about fou inehea of water. (By WA_ Duke, July the board of ham and I j any and the Erwin were vuitor* hour* on last on a tour of (rain l>roaght itor* here, w[ b)TW. A. “ them over Concert band the party while fore the train f Him. Jooee Pi rhief rouniel Southern, on behalf of her*. Me wa* very fortui land of good giving their he. Fuller alio paid to Duke, when I on* of the tat ever vested, were of the peace! that made any ing in. Mia* Thelma >urg, *pent 'lie gueat of •on. . .• < F-. R. ThomaeT; 'Philip, pent ine n Durham Mark Wad*. I<\ l^hlph H. V.bnetortj irrd At Wr-gu* at Mr. and Mrv L Durham, (pent tie , the guests of Ft Woodworth. ii Mrs. L. W. Haim let*. Misses Grace Mr*. Kearney, of * arrived Monday several weeks S. J. Clarke, irip by moftr five days other point* Fowler, a er, made hi* son here hit beat tbe Elk.* dly league. Tie allowed hit*, but he at time*. Utile, twirier, was on Elk*, bat he erratic Kpp. hitting for the half of their Kay and ball in the potential SB PltBb taro ■* The Pringle ton, 9. C„ of the Company at boro Plan l, patch of known ao pany, of whiah LOWER TREND IN COTTON MARK! CW Of Waafc At N«w Or kMtlMmNot Uom Mrw OHoioi, July tt. _ Price. WON giadaally lower in the cotton asufeat Jaat ereek, at tkeir lcw*ot Mag N to tit potato wader too elooo of too preceding wort oa to* ■Mtw active atntlo la too co a tract Hopartaioat. July traded aa tow aa **.»» oaata a pound and October aa law aa *1-**. Tk* dooo akowad aat loaaea aa toa week of W to 211 Mate, July cJeteag at art Oc tober at la tka apat doped *toa( pitaea loot MS point* oa arid dlla* which claaod at SAM agalnrt Sl.TS aa tka clco* of *1* wart la* T*S a while a awrc hopodWl fed lag togardlac tka political cituatioo in —aartaa fodowlag tarty dtdhai of to* week, bat later aa lea* optrtlam waa fek la tola diroetloa. ail to* ton oa kacaaar thaio waa aa alga that Burkpe waa aatarlag too apot ■arttate aa tkls Ada af tka water la a large wig. Aayiag far daanaKr ■rill* waa aat aato to rrtdaace art rnporte frwpi bath northern art Iter tartaflnasta aara Aart U ha rat la faaoa. Tte tel sat a UttU to to arilh tha todtoa at «m ate af tte teak. ttetoteJtte 15? M«r a^J. Dilte hr Thu ate to* sate tea ia tha Saath ate tha halt van patadpal aoarcaa af iia^lilnt- -Olanlac ta araaate hi Saath Tana ate Flarito PRESIDENT HARDING ENDS ALASKA VISIT SMka, Alaaka, Joly if.—Prateaait Harth* aatlteal hia Tito to Alaa ka bars today asactly tte atto fna mi tha territory and tonight tha Ma tter tra—art Bead*—a. carrying B. cT aafseattte. COAST LINE GETS THE CUNOfflELD Makaa Fan—I A—Maatf— Far Aadrarity To Taka O—r Rand Waafcingtoa. Jaly II.—Tha Atlan tic Conte Uaa and LateaaWa and NnahWIa railroad* —da farm) ag-' i—«■ to tha IaUmtat* Co—era.; Ca—dorian today for aathority *a tako mrmr aad ayarate tha Carolina, I JUactiffeM ana onto uurau eye-' on. TU LoniecOU and N«ArOe Co. I kick to earned ky tke Atlantic Canto1 ■a, yoynn to eyormto Ike OUaek lald'e Ml taflee of read nnder A >»« yekr leeee. Under the yttfeeal tka laotorflle md Haebedle and tka Atlantia Ceeat Jan will eeeaaee all at tka aeortgafa adebtedaeae of tke CUaabdleld aye am. la addMea (U.OAOAOO af tka rteak af tka OHacWMd wB to « eettoeadieg in tke kaade ed Ike am ioayentee gaareatee ta no tkie at tke rate af > per eeat| entll ltta. ta laeiaaae tke net CAT ELECTED TO HEAD LOCAL NESNO SCHOOL Plot W. D. Otr, colored, formed/ a ■—ahor of tho faculty of Brick’• •ohaal. HU lock/ Moant, Bata I lit/ wao clotted ao priacipa) of Um Ban. nett Count/ Cdarod Tra)a*a acted, loeatod hoto. Prof. Oa/ haabooa with *a Brick aehort for the part fire pean aad itjfwar — y-g-f hi —fr~" Ink n trmiaioK aehool for rrtacud tan. •hold at that plane. Bo wao olortod hy Um hoard + tnfttnoo of the Dm eroded rthool dirtriet to aaa coed Prof. J. W. Vtaoa, who raeoctly ro*<KNod ao ahoMiadwt of the lo cal aehool. S. S. CONVENTION TO BE HELD THIS WEEK Tho Haiaott Can at/ Banda/ Bahaol Cotreentio* wiO mart Thar*. aad Priday af thla-‘. My M aad tf, at Ckriatiaa U«J» chart)). imot HpBkk. Tho auatfap h for Ban day achool werken af all fanawlaa Uoaa aad ao doubt wlB ho iargoty at unkM. 0*1 can af Um Copy oa lion •ret PmJdent, J. C. Boater; oiaa-, pro Pam BcXay; aocroUry. ■Uoa Jtaaphlai Hamah. The apatda* Marian will be bcU •n Tharodoy oeuaiag at S o'clock aad Um Baal aaarioa wfll ho hald oa Prt-j day araaluK. Aa lamiathi# PMKtaa.1 w*r Whfle tbe a T d n m « HANCECOmU : IS ASSASSINATED l - ! I 9 7 Mexico City. Meg.. Jaly W-—Oen- r trxl frucim Villa on* time aoted , bandit loader, aad Vi chief af staff, g Odette) Miguel TriBa and throe mm 0 b*iJ of V Ola's amort wore ossa telnet- t Ml in aa tatexili aariy thii mom- ft log oa the outskirts af Parrel, ia Che ■tata af CMhoahaa. I Mitt a half degas rna comprised A the head of aataaiaa. They trod * upoa Vine aad hie xaea from a honor * they wort yarning urt am repotted ta i have made their escape from the * tea nr. VPIe wat driving aa setemceile aa |he tray to Qaanajaato. •< Immediately the now* of J.e aa- , ■oodnallon reached hem enters trete , oont to moor the eoaatxy aide arlja- , {CiK to the tadbaaaa dt la aa eoteeeor { to otaw! ap the guilty per-a ns. TS» 1 UA of Villa lx lyiog ia the «a»1 . a* Patre! vtare thtwmlt of permit* , have v>w»d It. Prcrideat Obregon hat >tww« .-.a Invcrtigatlro late the aa < >l'i|or Grueiol Ititah htr'tvt at | Chtfcaanua hex aeat to Oen. Piaae'wo Snrmee, eterrtary af war, li, aff>io! to..r re received from Cal J. Polix I vo. commander of the xarrima at Pvrei, la connection with die hll’ ng of the farmer aoacd mho: te v’e,. fW rtion fo.totmt "Villa, TrOte And throe members of their coeart warn killed diertiy he fer* • •'Modi Alt amvetng wtA cd while Villa aad Me ia go agio | hWUp] ' _ ‘ OaanaJaaA, a ,, arh af Ala city. The abate watte imd . by dx tr seven men paeted in a hoaae J aa the iiiftp. gattea Ip ii gpmwffaa wtA Aa (M AUDITORS REPORT PLEASDKTO ALL Counting __ collected a* 10O1, the _ deficit of *477.19475 on! 31. 1922. which bad beat _ to 9796.4fifi.13 by June 21 ecanxfimi to the wind sheet of an audit of the finance* which tea* mad* ytsurday by tb* iiiiistigalhM eon ntrttce of the 1923 General Asms* My. The I'anteituT.faagiwciite widt os auditors oa an item of {710, ,000. found for its own ten* a •wphu * 9232J&K.22 at The and of the last calendar war Mid a def icit of I8M6B IJ at the cod of the Dast S—1 vn. Tv mm - — - that Treasurer Lacy* boolmbalanC* exactly. The report after six of investigation by a staff of auditors presented to a vocally hippy Gover ns and a silently smiling Council **15 y»«»day afternoon « 2'JO. Only the report of the cotu mittee nor* to the pUbBc M this linw. The lengthy report of the auditors goes hack to Maw York In order that the revisions — shire the report was hroautet her* Ust°weclM*k fbTB °° TkSo,k The repost w« he aeaUMe to

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