AUTO POPULARITY DATES FROM JOHN LANE'S FIRST REO Hb Wm First. Motor C'f O va* citf»r driven vehirie m thin part t f il r coll* t.y wns a curiosity. It f*cin> but yerwrrsy disc Joi n Lum rfrovr the old Kao tlii.iuy'i the n.ud cf Brcir! iilpcrt and pmdund mu stri'iution il. the heart* of the fa'td fut farm mulna tellinrvd along th« way. It was a great old boat tbs' th. iriniilabln John dTovo, With its a»l-' vent cumc the motor bug which ever since has liven i.p reading. In thin •lay it would appear a monstrous thing, but then it was the last word in motor perfection. It would almost climb in high gear the hill which skirt.! ed the George Ril*r Hodges home, and given a good start it would ehugj slowly In low over the creat of Tar. ■ lington Hill—which twelve yean In j ter was pi* for Old Flivtua. Source of Wander Small boys never ceased to wonder about John's chariot. They’d follow. It about as those of an earlier gone-1 ration did llarnum’a alaphanta. Many of the present able mechanics about Punii date thi ir internet In a ultimo I biles from the time Mr. Lane piloted tli* Bee. | After the Rco came the Chain-driv-1 en thing* bought by Doctors 8-xLxi. Il glsunilh ami Hicks. The* werv citrpler machines, but Just a» womlst ful to the small hoy. Mack Denning, then a grimy-faced village kid. did a Marathon every day behind thee? ■pattering demons. Maek would ait outside one of the doctors’ offleer until a machine started. He wotr'd run behind it until it stopped, no mutter where it went. Then h* wool ! ait to feast hi* eyes on the. to him, wonder of the ego. Than wm born dhartUOa which rtaaa haa brought so-ah I c*a>fui automohUe dealer and garage ' owner in Norfolk. I Motor Cnee Spretdi Ilf jd Wade. Hauilbal Godwin, i it l„ Uomwm> bud eotna otKon m..*t 'v|di, r.p'in.l rare a few liK-r, and from them the motor erase spread ihruoghoui the dlbUitii. ' • K...;- c.o. with 11.1 r\er lownrinx •.r.rer, hr [* : s lot; but Uir Dodge. 'trc'-> Dm- I'up, tint Overland, Hudson, Kseex, Cadillar, Porksr,, and other Irakis >:>.«! t.iv’i divolaefl. About :>» nio-t ir.Kju* of all th> ri.r* ll,at l av* soon xtrvig'v bare were n IV. 1“ oVfci I ,1'tally by Hat. ly Lf tilt*, callr,'. '‘Betsy," nwitud by the yuuiige. KtM»t*iil iideei u Dutlff • ,et, o,v I,.- i i i ni it n Nelli Orvan ter a BOW eior.i. at I wl>. »»• it •*il! la ui'.Bisjt. V.\ Kick's I w, il on nil of *1-* M i'm.iV wf ■ e■ f j '■ r in my yanrr, bul ev»! i ■ .'ei tli* .• Me n'iee a rnr '..tii' ..' an jt,luted it Into Ike V*' c< itblioi <>n ta.» nixhl when a 'W B'nl oi.n ; w'ee' fhiKTJ 'i:i»u ve*» slier th,.* "nip of fl-ieJ f drim’ Stormy Canur i Au ».• bni-•<.•»* l ord ha* bnen with fHrat IN- fr.U-yv .1 »r> ii.iijy ih*{ It Kii t. WARREN TTMinrwi'finriin—Miwinnr 11 mi mihwim 1 T>*aaiirar of. th«iHarnett County AfriciUiornl JTnir, A««n |f —y^ a^f on» which Ttlghman'i mill b.reodrkflbmu tho fire alarm sounded, F?ir wua Vdpratl barlrtu tha curb at H -lugfcMTa store. Holding down lu hiek otet yaa an Inebriated gentleman x,'° * 0,1 hamronil a Ii-.nth from t>e: Pw Mart is -that niivur-io-iw-Jorgo! Un hern jf Chateau —Thieny who Wia rk'ji rr of The DlaputtV. "..>{ tyov'.i'ne—a>.d wi n «/<*, <11 u J :i;-' the precious boat agaiuet deprcH'o' tier. 1 W-Vin the alarm sounded. Ford mruntoil to lb« cabin to males the, raa lo the mill and help p.tjtoct the icte'esta of hie friend Grni.ville Til-' rhiran, who wits mjeumln/r et Hot, Spring*. Fliv got cxr'ted. of hacking out from her pier, the e-±»«J over lire curb and very iweotly and gently kissed the big plate glaae win dow in the Draughoo store. Then she '••.v lii'il 1'v.oy, w rtall la middle of the. stvet, 'ducking traffic while afford, try 0i"U>«rTeot for numerous urrhig*j ystbrre.l about to add to the pilot'*! chngiin. Flir pot itortrd eventually an.lj made a record trip to the bunaln*) I roTIl. where the mired down la n po. | _otu patch and would hove beea there) yet had the Mighty Yount not lifted [ her oat. TV Inebriated gentleman | never heard of the fire. She waa a eapricloue old girl, pool ocmiac much of the nature of the goat. Really Ae had her owner'# goat moot of the tV». In her two yean of travel through Ac bywnyi and hedge* ’ of Earieru C ami In* (he left her mark I on tree* ainl telephone poet* of many ! roadn Her Heart She rvcntuAr »u a battered Ad thing and had » police record of great , length But she bore up wonderfully) areJl until P(gr atarted to pinching folk for rpoedlng. By that thee Phv Imd feet her Weed, but ahe didot know It. One day ohe entered Pajtv’r trap »f her tap opcetl. The baejtk-,1 rop cloeod hi# watch on her end laaghrd .That •»» too much. Fl'v) limped Into Kerry Johnson’* garage with o Vrokau Vart. She aevwr mu again. | Dunn folk did not turn to buyirg, cun In grant numbers until the year ink Hokui'Frnlb ootd many. Hup* that 9eah Walter Howard) found many Maxwell euslsnda a Ford. Jim Driver, now with Xnj') Green’i Uuick Scrrlro Station, aarl until thou about the oily enMip-TrV. • automobile xn-.HanJo In lie loruiity. Butina** began to rash. mteo-ia urn; Joha Watmri oja-md a wm» 1*13. Stomp in 1310 FoUowine Ul o< vh<- v.ur hi Europe cotton prir** iniicheil button in 1314. Tli- .t tV e v.-ae a ou.-.» tr •uto buying. A» tii.ip. :.e«l , r.v«r, budix-ia will* llu ;iU‘...<|:.h5V folk became- br'.»k, >i'. ' Aa.oiaob .t A wire ;:i i’w»«ir.-!. ’!• . 1913 nter>b«>ly vue./i ts atlt. bile and Uo.tgt.4-, 51 S’c> a..ail 5 l any old ear to ony. V.n i lot of mo.ig-ui tu.r. t.i •**!:-, .* all Of tl.orn ol i Riff. , Mi-antinr- Jo. -i 11 *, i .••r .» .* .»• i quiicrt tin Finrn uptrt : iletli:- i’;., riah moved over f-1.1. ’ «. tv tiio PhsTiah-Drive r C.omn> y ;oi.. .1. Willy*-K nigh: n» ■' O vr'and; K V Gainey sold tSo C’’41X11 •’! 1, i ,f lohnaoi, the Aui-um rr * *•id • :rucka; Neill C.-ev. ■ ut • :. e. Lilliitator. with the Cai-li rvc’.e.-' 'rod McKay and Envarii b'mi’.s »nrt ed to auliinp li - ifo-ktc- I'**-1 to 3tu.l. hah* .*; Z V. B-’p- *’ .* « Sniper- GunUbi-.i-/-- 5" lent lilft am boo*'inv The y-uin if ‘y. i.-.i ;’3sl r..v rhi len til tf t.*e aiAC ba.ii >• ■* tr Dunn reach.,.1. Uvy.t li-ae n.l Its fu* Smith liatlt a ftml >jIii i aluci- for tlm Anx-rleon fc-iLnii-.-u S1* Bud Dawk Jtmknt. built the kb' garage in Broad »tre«. Faery John-! am, burned nut »V'o katlne** sra« I l«--t, taplaeed hit building with tbej. gnrag.- in Kogttt Carolina. Other* wore pljT-.r.i.-r to Cltr O** butineta and nwt’j- of i-ln-o already In were planning to broaden their »Cattle*. j ■ A aether Cm* la 1393 Then coma the cronh, with the damp that looted lorn year*. Many ' of the ilealer* -.unvnilered their hgvncloa, leoving Thorjlun, SxiKli & McKay end R. V. Couaf, wlio had luken over thf Ovcr’arri'-W illy* Knipht o;?*.iey, and Nelli Give* mao ter* of the automobile arilc* bold. Meantime meat of the old r.iri In op "ration became ilex rpit Indeed. They bumped with tkolr patched tire* over 111* town atreata and raU'od a* their hottera-l fondera vibrated. TV fill of loot year sow picking up again. Hugh Prince. Rob-1 ert L. Dvnaing ami 7. V. Snipe* or* an mod the D. P. 8- MoUr Company f to handle the Hadoon and Boats, with •£c«i'-.‘l«vy and irea*ur*r «»£ the Hon* Building and i-f n IhOlhWwi. ■emotion of buaiaea* by Job* PH*-] tvuald. live Mark and farm Tahiti • .rulrr, Smith and McKay raawdetietj W bip idem and laid ia a hi* itoa'a ot D—tgm't and 8t4Wtebakm,| •*lm Tluriilan ordered by Lie' ar loud. ■tO of ill* acme!** Lava bad big j3*» »>uce la* fall ami tbe Mreeta' t Tionn are a«ala brightened by ». r>*tt cumber of cat* it tin. Toil y«ir Mr. Grimy hat retired ’turn the aatonuibilv Lacinssa, Baling ilc. pal 041 to Jac Smith. TV Jahaaoa ~eia*T hat been »**«*•! to X. Irby. M> Lam. Th* JcraJyan garage wee £*••*• ov*r laet year by Harvey PtricVaod and Manning Kerris, taro native mechanics. AS af tbaaa BR iring au eareSaet bneiaeaa aad ar* [danning for higgtr things la tbs laS. Many Ant* Caatai.iaa Mere Tbe yamot .tbaaa see bi Pena ts* mil mo Joseph Itro'yan; fan |» »*»* repair gampra—*. V. fnlfir. S*r*te* Motor Company. City 0*r *+'■ Smith Guilt, and thma aar 'U* unri-J. W. Tbemtaa far ruTtk, Neill ft Orton ter Buicki, and ' .finite unit McKay far Dedpa and*. tv tea and Sadias { htivirr Italian ia in tba Salgaa Oor npa. All af tea awralaa |anmna Vat motion.let who tprcloliat in ptntasl i>«alrii«. A boat forty nirhailro and teiper* ntw tiapltyml <■ the anal ettobteVtanta aM af whan V (isamir tea Wat af tea Stela. tba it react of Dam tttry day ml Cm thoroughfare# of tea tews m lined with parked aata at aS ttma A hum* drawn |Mginger rafcida h an sastaal night and gaa aala* total tbosmsda af gillasa aaab day. All of which thow. that Dmui baa IA Service You Can Depe d pon! ajjEfc j OUR GARAGE IS EQUIPPED WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE FOR YOUR COMFORT AS WELL AS FOR YOUR SERVICE. LADIES WILL LIKE OUR REST ROOM. How often in your experience as an automobile owner have you paid for WVICS you did not get? / ■ Automobile repair service is an important thing. The life of your car it at stake I when you run it into p garage and turn it over to the mercies of a mechanic. If the I mechanic knows his business, you have nothing to fear; if he doesn’t, you are out of luck. I You Know You Are To Get Good Service At Green $ || Our shop is thoroughly equipped and capably manned. Every mechanic in our I employ knows his business. He has proven his worth through many years of constant I service to the motorist of Dunn and the surrounding country. They know not only | the Buick car* we have sold to scores of discerning owners, but practically every ■ other make of car driven in this section. j'i You can trust these mechanics. Their advice will be valuable to you, no matter I what car you drive. They are at your service day or night, whenever their services I * are required. B I GREEN’S BUICK SERVICE STATION I I N,S. Green, Proprietor 1 s ' V. *__