Ptffaass not on nation to tha town of Dm during the pan arr eral years haa proven ao gnat i lilrising as has tin Dorns hospital WhOa this hntitttion has nkWi In operation a fewmooths. fe la fast mg a tong-feh necessity m tins sec tion. Even now people Iviag hen wedder how the town managed ti •Mat so long without that which tha *-•- « _ . a a ■ notpiov pmrion. Doting the past lew weeks i number of major operations ban been performed at the local beam *■1, and they were ammM.Xe canity ■ number of new and mod era surgical imtnnmata have beet added to the fcemitti tiptipmme ant Hie institution has just began v grow. The building is capable cl tatang care of only 15 pst'cou ai one tom. sod often this i< overtaxed. This means that in th. comae of a very short time a large tft’stffaauZ (rations and treatment at this has phal apeak in glowing and fhvorafati tarrua of the matimtioa and its man ***** to humanity, and one that shouh p^ibik1 **■ tSt7 *ppr*d-*d **tN mmmmmmmmmmammmBmem km which d£hj2 . *e Stale Highway are raw bang kept. sa4e are to be found in ■I ■pnrljl in tnc district. Mr. Coansr, the nan In drags •t the maintenance oi these rands, is an expert road build er, and this section is fortunate to the fact that he was assigned to tbit A few months ago the eriridstc was adverse, and justly to. In fact the ctapkbta ware to numeroui that the Ihxwi Chanhvr of Com mcrce applied to the State High way Cnmsnimlnn for Mief. Road) that once were considered very gooc had been stowed to go to the bad It waa a relief for the traveling puK Be to pass from the roads mam tained by the local highway force Now the rdief comes when on< reaches the rang where he is n travel ever these very same roods Whan Mr. Conner came here wi were advised by a State Highway official that ho waa one of the bes road maa employed by the Com mission, We a?e now felly coo vhicnd that the statement was true There can be no just oempbint o: the present upkeep of the roads h uk uma unmet. 10 vravei errr them U a pleasure and a delight HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. Fred Young, who ha m po •Mon with the Carolina Tetephon and Telegraph Co., was operate* an at tha Duan hospital Wednes thy, July 25th, for acute gangren cue appendicitis. HU condition i reported favorable by the hoapita physicians. Mr* W. W. McLamb, who* home is three miles north of Dun oa the Benson road, has been sc rioualy sick at the Dunn hoapita for the peat week. Her conditioi at the present time U greatly im proved. Mrs. S. F. Lee, who Uvea oea Jonesboro school house, U a pa tier at the Duan hospital. Mr*. R. Gardner, who under went a serious operation at tb Dunn hospital about two week ago, continues to improve. Mr. Brastus B. Warren, ton o Mr. Dcauunster Warren, of Coop er, happened to a serious acciden Thursday, July 26th, while cottini pole* with a sharp axe. In aome un fortunate manner the axe struck hi foot aad caused such a sen gfcafty <*t * — W , ,_-> After e ft »of the new pika of marketing, the Englishmen express ed themselves es befog favorable to ■oceeeT ** The feet that (he Cooperative Marketing associations are claim ing the attention of the foreign in terests goes to prove that they art •oocecdfog in their efforts for the best mtaest of the toQ tillers Co operative marketing of crops has enme to stay, and the efforts of the apposing forces will eventually fade ««r-_ Recent developintats in _i cotntty would lead one to bsHev that- the Ku Klux Klan employs mne men who, though they may be 100 per cam American, are not 100 per cent dkfot. H. L. Taliaferro, confessed Ke Khtx dstactfoe, as signed to handle the ktan's hMerest In the wofoon Hogging case, nmds e very nor showing. Tn feet he was mads the M gnu'of the whole affair. AB those accused and.tried on the charge of befog implicated In the flogging of the two Proctor vilfc women were act free, and only Taliaferro, the detective, was found Bjdfty. Lawson. Mwftdna and Hedgepeth, who were dtseged with •f<rn7S7<ad -u jafl as a ieaak of Ma wnrk as e de tective. AH of which mdkntea that Taliaferro is a poor band at the drieetive game, or that lade eras ofoor than favorable to Mm. ^1^* d°nT know why, hat forttn are WWW several injured boon froe the foot The operation was per formed tar Drs. W. E. Coltrane are H. C. Turlington, local hospita physicians. Catherine Lee, the 11-month-ok infant of Mr. and Mrs. Jock Lee is a patient at the Dunn hsopital. Mr. Walter Warren, prom'men and prosperous fanner of Samp son county, suffered an acute at tack of appendicitis and was taka to the Dun hospital Wednesday July 25th. Bom: To Mr. and Mrs. G. R Autry A lea-pound baby fill, Mar gam Lavinia, on July 25tb at * 'lother and daughter an jm Guy, Jr, the 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L Guy, was taken with an acute at tack of appendicitis early Tbura day nmnung. He was rushed ft the hospital, where he was operat ed on immediately- The appendix ‘however, hod raptured, with a re sulting large quantity of pus in th< abdomen. His conmdon is consid ered very critical. Miss Elitabetf Osip is employed as s special nurse Mr. David M. Gpdww. who wai operated on at the Dunn bosiptal by Dr. H. C. Turlington, local pliy strien and surgoen, made rapid re covery and ie sufficiently improved *o leave the hospital Mrs. Rffiert ti. Johnson and lit tk infant daughter. Mary Eliza bath, ate reported to be doing fin* by Dr. Robert L. Warren, attend imMeot at the Dunn hoapiul. DdU Godwin is a patient at the vpovwi notpnai tuts wcck. Mr*. Tim Hadwn, who waa op erated an a few dap* ago, ha* re home. Cadwrtoe Stewart, who waa op eratadon at the Dunn hoapHal thfe neah,^ha*^udk.ient fy recovered hww added tothfom to anht Ifiae Ddb Wheeler*, soperintend th* P®"*/ pgfcggiasags iVTfs" "' Ht r. •* , >y AT THE CHURCHES Flm Christian Church —Rev (). T. Mattox, pastor. Bilik: school. Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, Sunday, 11 a. m. Subject: “ Other Mena Shoe*.*’ Special oniric Preaching, Sunday, 8 p. m. Sub ject: “Christian Life a Race." Ctiristian Endeavor, Monday, 8 p. Ul. Midweek service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. The Men’s Bible class have arranged a special program foe the Sunday school service, and the public is cordir.lly invited to at B. Y. P. V. PROGRAM First Baptist Church. July .10. 1923 Afiwioaorv Meeting Subject: Life oi J. Hudson Tay lor. Scripture reading: Isaiah 55 — Otti* Porter. IntroductionK. M. Slaughetr. Talk: The Man Who i Dared —Paul Strickland. Special musk. Talk: Taylor’* Life Befure . 1865 — Miss Kathalecn F lolland. Talk:,Testmg His Call — Alia* An . trie Belle Noel. Special music - - mixed quartet. Talk: \ Breeze _I /“> T rv »•« « i Cl eta Naylor. Talk Wmkcrs Who | Went in Answer to Prayer — Mrs. . R- L. Denning. Sfwcial musk: Piano solo — Miss Eleanor Hatch er. The talks will be confined to two minutes, and the entire service to one hour. Everybody is invited to attend these inspiring services. . The service begins promptly at 8 , o’clock. 1 TUESDAY’S STORM WORST OF SUMMER • "' I A wind ,hail, rain and electric storm combined broke over Dunn . Tuesday afternoon about 3 o’clock [ It was th~ worst storm experienced . here so far this summer, though I no serious damage was, rejxrrted. n Several trees about town were . blown down and the current was off for several liouri as a result of the damage to power Kne». The hail was light and did not damage the growing o-ops The rainfall was the heavi. st since April 28, - >last. f_ 1 As a result of the women's boy cott on sugar there has lteen a slight decline in the price of that com ■ modify, but the real service that 1 women rendered by means of their l boycott was to prevent the profit [ eea Jrom raising the price of sugar I'"' I lUcoMEri ooum t to the pact tl a. • •*-.• a tun-d cr <.t t!je local I*-.- \ c .n* >f town yesterday, the o ihe tav« for trial before Recorder M. M. Jemigan. drere cnniiiiued 'y«il next Thursday. * The fol’nM ;ng coses were dfcposd of: . John Canady, acecdiiuy the '■pec, limit: fined $10 cost, Cnnady ir the mao who engaged local offeer in a Kord race from Dunn to Ben son, some two weeks ago. ’ A. R. Barefoot, having whiskey in Ws possession; sentenced to 90 day* on the roads. later the sen feflee was suspended for twelve months on the payment of a $35 fine and cost. Melvin Jonev colored; having whiskey in his possession for pur yttntu of sale; judgment suspended twelve months upon payment of cost The evidence tended to show that Jones is suffering with tuber culosis. which thieved him of a road sentence, k Golden Parke^ being drunk and disorderly on the public highway; fined $10 and dost Chas. Britt, W1IU UK MTTIC OI Ttmce, failed to flbow up for trial. " I with to Jjye an unsolicited testimonial for Dr. Balsam. > treatment gave up bat I Seth edy for __ by Hood & . ----- Good quality Si|k Pongee waiata, aiaea «p tof52___$2.M Good quality ♦olle blouaea »»ut waiata. Fancy color and aleeve Slaee to 46 -~f--$1.0C Turkiah Towelind Waah Rage Soft^ith till^ border_16c Silk crepe fcloomera, good waahalje gdbda ..|14< Baby Jap Su Shoea, pink and blue_L.i_50, Linen Cola and cuff aet. Alae lace collw^whlte cream and THE FIFTH ATE. SHOP DUNN, ... N. C PLAIN GOSPEL AT SPRING BRANCH Old-Tiro* Goapel Stirs Folk* To A Realisation Of Thefr Pty Spring Branch (Dunn, R. 1), July 26.— The preaching of Town send is not of the kind one usually hears at summer revivals, like the chatter of shallow water running down a rocky hillside; but has more of the roust less power of the deep flowing river in h; reminding one of Oinat's definition of the gospel, which Is, “ The power of Cod unto salvation to as many as believe.” More real deep feeling, more evi dence of the working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the church folks, bos been shown in the meet ing so far than in any previous meet ing during the twenty-five years that tlus writer has known Spring ‘Branch. At times there have been sentimentalists who stirred the sur face more violently and created more sensation for the time being, men who told more gravorard sto ries and who pictured " little Mary " gone before and calling for mother, or mother gone before and calling for little Mary, as the case might be, bat none have presented the goe pe! more clearly or in a more con vincing way to thinking people than Bernard Townsend is presenting it Chib work is taking a new lease of life among the farm folks of North Carolina. Over 16.000 young people arc now being reached in an organised way. .... this week. He ha* liad the folks f facing red-hot fart* at ever)' ser vice. He handles sin as tenderly and loviuglv as your |ut used to han dle you when he would lake you 'round behind the barn to dust your jacket With a hickory sprout. The ordeal ia proving very painful to some of its who thought wc were pretty smart Christian* and had jollied ourselves into believing that <lod and other folks thought so too. We are beginning to find that we’ve been just fooling ourselves and no body else. At one service, after stating and explaining the church covenant, he called a session and jiut the ques tion. "After hearing, etc., I move that wc lower our church's standard to tbc level of the daily lives of her members! Second, those in favor, stand.” Not one stood, out of a membership of more than three huu • dred Not one could say he, or she. —i — ... ii gassggjg-aEs was not a disgrace to the organisa ion when measured by the covenant. When the question was reversed, however, and ibe vote was taken, it was found to be unanimous: say ing, " We won’t lower the standard ; we will, with Cod's help, raise our level." Mow remember, folks, this agreement was witnessed by ail tho inhabitants of heaven, the visitor< present at the service, and by every stranger who read* this article, anil will be remembered against you. should vow at any time be seen transgressing. That is why church memltership is so dangerous to the unregenerated. When you join you pronjixe to keep the covenant. ’ If von don't do it you are a liar, and ' all liars shall hare their part in the lake that humeth with fire and brimstone." Come to the meeting and pray for its success. Daniw. R. Lick. ISSSMSSSMSSSI« issssisssiw THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. i] | Undertakers Embslmeri A full line of Ci Caakata and Burial Robes. Service any time, a^yA^*1^ j!! ' Day Phone 11 Night Phone 70 Lae.... PENDERS • TCUOW FRONT STOBtS ONE D.P. HAIR NET FREE WITH EVERY THREE YOU PURCHASE i SINGLE AC t I DOUBLE M MESH.| | MESH_.07 Extra I^arge, all colors, quality equal to any 15c net made. Sold exclusively in our Stores. Merely another evidence that your money goes further at Pender’s Stores. .' i mm — ■ i ~ rr k .. x-* WONDER SELF RISING 12-POUND BAG ... 24-POUND BAG___ 46-POUND BAG___ •6-POUND BAG.. PALACE PATENT 12-POUN9 J7 BAG ..u_■‘tl 24-PO^WD QA BAG i.. W-^UND $1.70 . $3J5 SWIFT’S PIC NIC SHOULDERS, SMALL/AND LEAN, PER 4 POUND ...L--- I... •IQ Foomd_ .ID CORNED BEEF HASH A7I 1-Pound Cam... .Ul* LARD, BEST PURE. jj TOMATOES, LARGE BORDEN'S OR PET EVAP 1*01 ORATED MILK, Tall Cam. -•14* SALMON, TALL fO Cam -1 —. _.14 / r. « u. wnnt riAritiA (lira / SOAP, Bar......UDT f SALT PLATES, 1*1 Pound__1L ROAST BEEF, 6-lfe. CAMPB~ELLrS SOUP, ~ ||j ICE CREAM SALT, 1 (Mb! ^ . OCTAGON' SOAP* Lor*. JJg BUTTER. BEST CREAME tY, POUND__ „ / BUTTER, PRINTS, 1-1 PC LIND fcU ' ffA pound__J... evv Prairie Rose Butte r is the high butter churned. Try it on our recommendation. | < We Have bnproeecj the Quality and Reduced The Price - D. P. Blend Ci/ffee YELLOW FRONT, J j GOLDEN BLEND, ^ We Have completed the Installation of (he most Improved Coffee Roaster end Blender In the United States. The Coffee is Routed. Blended, Ground end weighed automatically—never touched by human hands. Oar process of cleaning the Green Coffee end removing the Chaff, roasting, then grinding In the latest steel cut mill gives as a uniform coffee that cannot be excelled. We guarantee this eoffea to be absolutely the finest coffee produced, and at $1.00 par pound It coaid not be better. D. P. Yellow Label Tea SO*._10 l-4Jb..17 1-2-lb..32 1-lb_,_.60 In connection with our Coffee Plant we have Installed the latest Tea Mixing and Blending Machine It automatically removes all dust and foreign cubounce, which greatly improves the cop quality,. • . . ■ » ," :: ■. . .. • •

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