MISSING RECORDS, ■ MAY MEANJLBiRTI No Record. Of Bo V ioro Ay«9dt Adnajtti.tr*. v < PrUo°' ' Sestructiotr pf inanw^yiMmmfK -Airds. when the. fa* of thf Rusaei . ^ajini»m»tit#i .rflinquiahed offici .*> the early weei^of 1901 may raear ijiat Oan I’.rrakPr; who retanwd U prison UiM Veek to serve out a sen tence that w-a» interrupted 32 yean ago when lie escaped, may not bt held in privin, despite the fact that he admits that he is the man, and that he had yet to serve seven year? when he disappeared. When the Democrat* .umrftrd the coot rut of the State government utnlfr Ay cock nearly 23 years ago, it was fiTttnd that the ocodrds ofdhe prison were ,ypry incomplete, and that the •-system of prison book keeping was vary inadequate, Su irintetHtent ; Dollings Company, of Ohio, 1 now in hand* of receivers in court* here today. The receivers ate S. A. Kin near and Paul DeLong, both of Columbus, and Van B. Martin, banker, of Plymouth, North Caro lina. The former two alto are re ceivers for tbe R. L. I killings Com pany of Ohio. "l h* North Carolina company is draining .18/100 acres of land ml North Carolina .and acrording to testimony given in court, tbe work is about completed. The land was valued at $100 an acre, it w'a* said. In addition, the company owp* a railroad valued *t $1,250,000. Debt* $2,000,000 and outstanding Mock at %000,000.__ K ^ MAYOR AND CHIEF,f OF POLICE SCRAP On | 'Fayetteville, July 29—J. M. Jofcneuu, chief of poKce of SceA •'fowl* of ,VX>" population in «tatter* part of ;hii county, will ! IfMdiwgti of assault with a dead jtfvW£*poa;and with tfaraateninc to j Averitt, mayor of the Wwr^ whan Magistrate Adolphus (-gcMis court convenes Monday j .Johnson was arrested by a dep- ' Bly sheriff (on s warrant sworn out , }*V Averitt, who charges j dni Johnson assaulted him with a bU He jack and threatened to shoor I Wta wfien, he ordered the polio* ! His badge of of- 1 to (he mayor's story, arena over a ’ rant for the arrest of Trov Cash- ! well in a case which started with a recent trial in die recorder’s court, I in which most of the residents of 1 Stedman were arrayed on one side or the other. The mayor declares that be had prepared a new warrant, there be ing some inaccoracics in the old one, but that Jackson refuted to give up . the paper in his possession. The ! continued refusal resulted in the suspension of the chief, who cons- 1 prises the entire police force of the 1 community. Johnson then refused 1 to surrender his badge, and the at- 1 leged assault occurred when the mayor made a demand fof the re turn of the insignia of office. John son is »leged to have informed the chief executive of the community •L.s L- J .. a ' HEAVY RAINFALL HERE SUNDAY P. M. The residence of A. A. Jones, who lives one and a half miles west of town, wai itntck by lightaii^ during the rain and electric storm about 7 o'clock Sunday evening. Mr. Junes was stunned by the light ning, which damaged the home con dderably. Other members of the family escaped injury, and that re ceived by Mr. Jones was not of a ; serious nature. The rain that fell here between 6 [ and 8 o’clock Sunday evening was : the heaviest of the you- and one of the heaviest downpours ever teen | in Dunn. The heavy rain followed 1 several other " good showers " dur 1 ing Saturday night and Sunday, aad the lands hereabouts are thoroughly \ soaked at present. However, It is : not thought that crops will suffer 1 much damage as a result of the un 1 usual rainfall. r A number of local business hous es leaked during the rain, and slight damage to goods resulted ia seme instances. The water fell in such L torrents that it was ponded on many of the streets. The lawlaaria bor F. dering along the canal on the weat 4 em outskirts of town oversowed la I- a depth of several feet. A hog ► owned by Mrs J. C Ooodwia,which I- was ia a pen near the canal, was i- drowned. It waa ions rain. M ——— i i ■ - * A modern photograph by a rwet photographer makes you look at you's like to have your friends wei 7™ . , WEST'S BfltBECW k. c w«i. v • - "Ofi*. •' »•; J.-1 •“** Duaa be* had *\»a ***'?«»bm .eojoyd. r jpore oa last fWJ! owMpg when E. C. Wdm, Jocai^ttoTaey, lervadHie her a Ur bsoie «t lemifan’a pood, tbiM And * half miles east of W The b«r hscue end the " acccaso * “ vided for the ocyaooa «j to the highs tt degree by cut, and these wetea •V** declaration "that a HtiMWiWhi_ Charts was at*kit »ad be talked; .and hh s.defightfoi and fins Mtgh Whitfield, > the rKrJ~?S ttr. Guy bvt up to bii promiie id iroriding another occasion of like lature. IUDCE ISSUES ORDER ANNULLING MARRIAGE Richmond, Va., July 29.— Judge 3. T. Crump has entered an order n law and Equity Court annulling be marriage of Mrs. Carrie Belle fume to Charles Hunter Moon, for nerlr of Richmond, now manager if a beneficial loan society of Ports noutb it was learned today. Moon rued for annulhnent of the marri ige on the grounds that Mrs. Hume tad not obtained a divorce from her 5rst husband, Robert William Hume, a naval officer, at the time of he second marmge, which was per formed at Noriina. N. C., January l, 1921. Mrs. Hume, it appears, was suing her husband for divorce an the eround of cnieltv ami Hmr. [ion, but the decree had never been entered. The first marriage was performed in Washington, D. C„ June 11, 1917. FALLS IN BOILING VAT BUT HE WILL LIVE Greensboro, July 28.— George Livingood, young man at the Po mona Mins here, fell In a vat of boiling water in the mill today and when he was fished out large quan tities of skin slipped off his back and anna. He is in a hospital to night, and is expected to recover His life was saved almost by a miracle. A strip of cloth was being run through the vat on rollers, and It waa to adjust the strip of web that he went over the hot pool. He loot hia balance, but had presence of mind to cling to the cloth, in stand of going under the surface o! the pool. KU KLUK OFFICIALS VISIT TALIAFEKM Lumherton, Jul y2S.— H. F. Ran dulph, reputed grand dragon of tin North Carolina Reehn of the Kv Klux, arrived in Lumberum lal this afternoon, and after con suit in) lawyers who appeared for H. L Taliaferro, Km form Kian detect ive, in the contempt of court hear fay fast week, went to the count; jail. where be held a coofever* with Taliaferro, who bos been cor fined for the past seven days, fol tsurlunan appeal to Supreme Coot i« default of $5,000 hood. It i rumored that other high officials o lb* Klan from Atlanta risked th ]a0. But the reports could not b confirmed However, several mt were seen getting out of a Buie roadster booths go Georgia licem number and enter the jad. -1 «l I J INI ' Pm attend in the Among AMen, , of | Smith O'Brien ing address in entire Robinson over to , the association for the Jsy. lie said , that if it was necessary he would , have his wife sign a deed making , the place association property for , the day. Judge Allen replied to Mr. Robinson s address. Judge Clifford and Presidcn. William*! also made speeches filled with humor and appropriate to this occasion in which kindred spirits were gathered together to swap yams and extol the virtues of dug* dead and gone these any years. Many of the member* carried their favorite hounda.to the meet ing. The dawf-s enjoyed the event fully as much as their matters did Mr. Draughon carried Sam ami Sue, offsprings of Roxie and Cheak, whose vricet have thrown terror into the heart of Reynard through all the swamp* ;j*d hills of the fox-huntifC .country of Eastern Carolina. TJiese dogs I were the prise exhibits Of the meet ing, although other fine bounds were present. Roxie and Chemk were the aristocrats of local dog dom. Food with all the harmless trim _• _ _j • .1_s__..I was in awumiaiiM., fiddle music was furnished for the old clog dances in which many of the members excel. President Will liams, although eighty years old, was voted the hem dancer present through hit excellent rendition of the Highland Fling. The association will meet at the tame place next year. PRESIDENT DEVELOPS BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA Presidential Headquarter*, Pal ace Hotel, San Franoscn, July JO. — President Harding's condition became grave tonight, and an an ytoaocemem was made to that ef fect after a consultation by physi cians in attendance upon the Chief Executive. The physicians declared in a statement that “ definite central patches of broncho-pneumonia Itad developed in the right lung a* in dicatcd clinically and by the X ; ray/' The development of pneumonia - arms the one thing which Brigadier ■ General Sawyer, the President-* r personal physician, had aaid lex* t than two hours earlier that he fear - ad above si) ehe, as a complication e — si «■■■■■ ■■■ ■ J t The financial man ot a grnwins • business always knows when then f are five pay days tat a month. e . , t When the other fallow has th< n upper hand you mast expect Mm t< It M a little unreasonable, you wouk • be unreasonable, too, if you wen tat his place. WILSON SOUNDS A NOTE OF WARNBW CinMiktioa Cum! isnrhi Materially Uml— Re deemed Spiritually Uo4im, July 2ft.— ]; mean* of removing them.' Then, avoiding the partisan a* he nulvwd the tkitliiig state of American civilizalioa, die writer I»e* briefly to the foot of the mat er liy making essentially what is a ■Higiunn appeal for a better under bantling lk-twcen the " haves *' anti he “ I lave nots." “ Real ground for the universaf inreri,” he asserts. " her deep at lie sources of the spiritual life of ►nr time, and leads to revolution " The cause of Ui« Kusian revolu ion, which hr calls “ the outsand ng event of iu kind in our age," va*. m hi* viewt a “ systematic de nial to the great body of Kusrian* has this to do wrrth Ajoev ca? It was against capitalism,' ie declares, " that the Russian lead er* direcleil lltcir attack, and rt is igninst capitalism under oue name •r another that the discontented classes everywhere draw iheir in ket merit." Everywhere, he *avs, there are bought fu! men who believe tliat npua'i&in is indispensable to crviV zaiion, hot he goes on to ask: " is the ca|iita1istic system nnttn carhable ? “ is it not trtie," the inquiry eoiv imic- ," tlutt capitalists have often seemed to rcgartl the men whom hey used a* mere instrument* of unfit, or wlmse jdtysteal and meu al powers it was legitimate to ex ploit ? Ought we not seek a wray iO remove »tieli offense* anti make life itself clt-ni for those who will diare honorably and cleanly in it: “ The wtirld has lieen made safe for denvicrary. There need now he no fear tliat any such mad tlerign as ih it entei'lainrd by the insolent aiu! ignorant I hihctiznlli-m* and Iheir rottusellors may |»rcvail against it. “ Hut democracy has not yet made the worbl safe again-t irra tHtnal revolution Tliat supreme task, which is nothing less than the Milla‘it'll of civilization, now face* t>nmci»cv, insistent, imperative. There is nr» e*cn|Hug it, unless ev to fall in ruin nix ml us. And the \ Tulinl Statu*, ax the greater of •Kmucrocic*. most undertake it. " The rood that lead* away from revolution Is clearly marked, for il ** defined hy die nature of mer and of organized society. It there fore lulu»ive» un to study very carefully and very candidly die ex act nature of the (nsk and the means of its sceumplixlnncnt. “ The sunt of the whole matter ii this, iImt our civilization csnnu survive materially unless it be re mg the automobile, and eye-witire* I w estimated the speed at SO mik ; an hourwhen the machine plungt over the steep embankment. CHILD KEPT IN PIG PEN BYSTZP-MOTHEI Tku Th Ywn Kl Faso. Texas, July 20.—Rear «<» in a pigsty for ten yearn, Uirougl the alleged malice of a **p-mother , a 1 J-year-old girl was found asjcq in the pen, located near her borne here, by Detective* Ivey Fcnley and Ira Clitic. 'I'll* child, scarcely the site of ■ 2 year-old, could answer only sim ple ({notion*. She mid she had lived in the little pen as far Wk u die can remember, and that her food was always given to her thruugh the bar*. Neighbors told the officers that her tood consisted principally of scraps. Some of them hare been taking nnlk u> her |«n. The step nwitkav unLI ska. -L:iJ --?_ Uw pen only to pUy. County Pro bat too Officer Airs. >-»«»» Wenatcr took charge of the child. TO BUILD ROAD TO FORT BRAGG Highway Co—ti.li. To Toko Over TTiarenakftia Pm Fayette H»e Fayetteville. July 29.—A hard surfaced rood from Fayetteville to Fort Bragg will be built by thr State Highway Commission next announcement »>ade by Frank Page, chairman of the eommisMon, to General A. J. Bowley, commander of the artillery port Fort Bragg now has a fine system of cuncme mo d« naming through I the cantonment, with which the paved highway Iran thia cky win rnaaict. amt mlnrtii h wfcfc the an closure of General Bowley'* plant to construct a good gravel rand tra versing the big reservation, and tw secure, if poasibk. an appropriation from the federal government for making this road a hard surfaced highway from the entrance to the post to the point where it leaves the • enervation. The Fort Bragg-Fayetteville road ha* already bees taken over by the Highway Commitaton, and from now on its maintenance will be in charge of Frank Image's splendid road organization. Genera) Bowley, m co-operation with leading citizens of the cky and county, ha* been working on plans for this highway for some rime, and Iheae plan* became a reaBty when Chairman Page in formed General Bowley that the Highway Cdmmis eioo had adopted the project. The present construction program of the cimmisrinn make* it impossible to ►tart work on the road (his fall .said I a « _ is_ "... * ONE KILLED AND ANOIO INJURED Patel Wadtdnrn, Jit!. 2*>.—Dvtt ‘Down er, a young man of LalerriUe, wax instantly killed. a Mina Webb, of fkoTfia, was prolablr fatally in jured, and a Mis* Wall, of Lilcs vitle, was hurt when Seaboard train No. 31 strode an automobile in which Htey were riding at a grade crossing near here this afternoon The injured young women wen brought to a local hospital. Downer was hilled instantly, hi. body being carried a considerable •(stance down the track. Miss ’ 'Wei* and Miss Wall were badlj injured. Alias Webb’s injuries beini ■ regarded as serious, iloth were re ! moved to a local hospital, when Miss Webb is in a critical condition While details of Die accident an meager, it is 'bought that the cai I was Mopped on the track after be fug started, but no itefinile inform* r tton is obtainable, aa the survivor - nf the accident are unable to truth t s statement. The chassis of the car was car t ried nearly one hundred and fift; yards down the track, and bits o i. wreckage acre scattered along th n intervening space. The tram cat ried the body of yuwtg Downer an v the injured young women back t the Seaboard station here. f If people liked to work we’d sti is be plowing the ground with sticV d and transporting good* an ot hacks. 1 •e' FINE COTTON ON THOMPSON FARMS Mr. JLL. J. I. Thompson, Dam nurxfcent •ad farmer, start*! oat Im tprtag'v with • dn emu nation to grow a cot- ^ «m crop rcgantlcM of the bofl wee nl, and present indication* an that he will succeed in the effort. A Dtopatcfc reporter yaatenfcy accom panied Mr. Thompson on • trip to hi* two large farm* hi Harnett Jted Cumberland counties, aud while be ha* recently had occasion to view crops in four counties, nowhere ha* one had* an the Tbompeon farms The beat cotton i* found oa hi* l,MO term farm hordecim atom both side* of Lower Little river to the -*«hwe*cn. pmt of KanJS tuarny and a part of which to to Cumberland coonty. Thai thi* plantation ApriflS, and to • MK or non to the acre. The mafur portion of the ana an this farm has twice been “ ««ypi| - with Thompson's mixture, which f mixture contains one pound of cnl ciuin arsenate to one grflua each of molasses aad water. AH the squares «Jmt fall off the cotton wnedaie l«<*ed-P ami burned. So far very htlle weevil daamgjs is fa -’him and vigilant watch far . V'* -t‘» (hieing land ia to he ; •ni North Carolina. Ini Mr. Thompson rcrntpi me i interesting being on this Cerm is one of. Mr. Thompson's r Woe — a darkey of dm i type. " Unde " lack ia reporter Oat be waa 107 years old last Saturdty, July 28 Xceordfag to hi* story, he was born Jnly 28, 1816. However, he gets about sritb case and without the ase of a caste, and work* or the farm i sg olssj y He has been the husband erf (fane wives during the more than 100 yean that he has lived fa the Cape Vcar section, and ia the father of twelve living children. Three or four (be couldn’t rmnmibea which) of his children have chad. Asked to whom did he belong during tbs days of slavery, he said, •‘Missus Kate Woe. an old bachelor woman.” He then explained that by “ bachelor " he meant that Miss Blur was never married. While be did not say it in words, the smile that came upon his face whan be imentioned hi* “Missus” proved lltr.l Kr Still U/vlXs liar 1st m-■* mrmhraftce. FRANK TRUELOVE DEFIES OFFICERS | Fayetteville, July 25. Tntelove, wanted by federal officers on a liquor charge, drew a gun on the prohibition enforcement agent end the rural policeman who went to an-e* him yearerday afternoon, tmd made gond hia eneape. The of hotel found him in the act of tnak mg * atsll from galvaniaad iron Trnekrre war tried by l1. S. Commiaaioner Tomlinaon kaat win* ter and held for federal court under $300 bund which be atopped. See era I month* ago officer* alanon . caught him, but he outran them. Ac* i cording to local official*. Truelove i ha* quite a reparation aa a manu factnrer of whtshgy. The Mill which Tntelove was r making watt intended to have about ~ 1 100 gaW* capacity. Hewaamak t in* tt front gehranired Iron. The - otoicit * rirmigru men tnt rcmttrH 1 of the membryo still with them, and a the would-be outfit now runts m ComoitsaMoer Tamil noon’s office. ■ , »PPfyancaa. dwpghW a dnut need a mmhtiom want law r, to protect their standard of dram* •A -