THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA UlAKuC UT rKAUU AGAINST COOPERS Arrwat of W. B. TKoa. L Aim H. C. Coop or Follow* TW Indictment Wilmington, August. 16.—Lieu tenant Governor W. B. Cooper, for mcr chairman of the bo.-ml of t*u defunct Commercial National Bank hi» brother Thomas E. Cooper, fur mcr president; Horace C. Cooper fottxer cashier, ami Clyde Laaaiter un automobile dealer, art at liberty today under bonds from #1,0110 to *10,000 following their arrest hen last night mi charges of conspiracy to defraud and wrack the Ounrmrr cWl bank. Tlte ejx-ciflc chargee against Thomas E. Cooper si leges misappli cation of funds and monies of the batik, and conspiracy. Lieutenant Governor Cooper li charged with conspiring with Thom. K. Cooper, to defraud the Commer cial bank of certain sums of manor, and misapplication of certain funds and monies. Horace Cooper is alleged to have misapplied funds of thv bank and to have made fnleo entries In the bank’* rvcoms. Clyde l.aesrtcr is are used of aiding and abetting Thoraaa K. Cooper in the mixappheetion of funds. Thomas E. Cooper u hold under (wo bunds of $£,004 each, Lieuten ant Governor Cooper's bail baa been Used at $5,000, Horace Cooper $$, 400 and Lavoler $1,000. The warrant* were sworn out by District Attorney Tucker July. 31 and as-need by United States Manual Ward last night Closed • Mao/hs Ago The Comtoorleal Natonal Bask waa closed an December 30, IMS, after an rxamir.agJoa of National Bank Examiner William P. Polger. who took charge C. L Williams eras namad reeeiv rr-Enbseauent to the tMi| of the t institution ha reported to thu comp u^HES&agiBfcSSfr* federal officials, and aa a result of these reports Special Examiner H. K. Tull and assistants have bean making investigation and examina tions and no action against anyone wns taken until thfe {in^ry waa completed. Warrants for the Coopem and Las rlter wi re issued last week by Uni ted States Commissioner A. 8. Wil liams on affidavit* made by Examin er Tull, the some having been ap proved by United State* Attorney Tucker at Raleigh. The warrants chary* conspiracy to violate section 5309 of the federal code, misapplication of funds and false ontriaa. District Attorney Tucker has boen forwarded all pa pers in the case but. In view of the preliminary hearing he will not come to Wilmington and the government's charges will not be prevented In rout* until they arc given to the federal grand Jury In billa which are expected to bo drawn at the No vember term. W B. Cooper1# Stalraeat W. it. Cooper made tbs following statement this afternoon i Ulent Harding’* funeral and ran inta ttila thing. It was the Aral I had heard of R. I know the government at U cootomary, had been invoatiga Lng the affair* of «h* bank. Aa I undcratand the matter, I am charged with approving a worthies* note foi $13,000. The record* of the bant will allow that the other direc tor* approved the note aloag wUt mo.” To be fatty mcurad in the aura ol $8,000 should Lieutenant Ooveeaon W. B. Cooper and hit *on, Herect C. Cooper, fail to appear in fedora court to enewer the charge* 81ed li connection with the failure of Uu Commercial Bank, D U Gore, fa ther-ln-law and booJaman for th< licutcrtamt-governor, ha* cauaed tb. latter to enacwU a treat deed to «1 Cooper heme on North PlfSt Street The deed la la favor #f E. Bt Bhep an), a* employ* ef Mr. Oora. COTTON FARMERS IN TEXAS GET BIC LOAJ New York, Aug. 15.—A Net Ytitk banking tyndicate, headed b . the Seaboard National hank an Goldman, Rach and company, tod* completed arrangement* lor large loan to the Texa* farm Bt rcau Cotton aeaociation for the pui poae of swifting In the orderly me: keting of the cotton crop In thi #tate. The amoont «f the loan wa* m dine toted, bat '» mu understood will total at least $20,000,000 ar may be *ub*tantiady more, depera ing upon the *t*e of the crop ar the market price for the product blMIVH n/W VERY NARROW E3CAPJ ! Sanford, Aug. IS—P J. Browr * nnwtpaper editor and manage* mlraculonily cicaprd death Unlay I when hie roadatcr turned over, e bout throe mile* from town. Ho waa returning from Raleigh V Sanford driving about XG mile* at hour, and ho reached a curve It the road, taw a wagon juet in fmrr ami a rar fllleit with women *r.« children, paaeing the wagon. Seeing a collloion inevitable, an l«« he could otop, he applied lh< break* and the car itopplng «ud lirnly, •kidded, faced toward RalelgV and went over an embankment. Hr ha* not a bruiae and the tat chine wet* repaired in time for him to return to Raleigh today to tek< perl in the marriage of Mm* Flora Shotri and Bolomon L Homewood, at the church of the Good Slivpherd, ■t S p. m. DRIVES OFF BRIDGE AND KILLS TWO MEN. Whitaker*. Aug. 16 —John Quar i-clM, colored driving' a ear. drove over the rail of a bridge between here and OlenviMo, a oobarb of Whitaker*, instantly killing Mnwetf -lul hi* brother aud fatally injuring unothcr negro from Warrcnton, whore r.oine ha* not yet been tnarrv ud. It i* thought that the driver ho J #>11-.. a _I J -1 a control of tht oor. Carl Junes has accepted a position as a salesman in M. H nib* ice cream palor. He began wnrfc Mon day SERIOUS CHARGE BROUGHT BY LEE Sny. Proroisveot Mm Arp Col *•**•*• P«MkMU Of Dw cmaod Vnfr^e Spring Branch. (Dunn, K.1.) Aag. that the devil himerlf ■dght Must* U> be accused of. Happening. that the sovereign people of the Stale of North Carolina rfuruld net, and I he litre will not, a Hoar to coup true. You probably know «hat a certain rum of money ia appropriated and paid oat of the State’s fundi ia pa tloni every ha month# far (he Civil War veteran*. You Jo.ow #ome of them. The number ia rapidly di minishing. That gray line, which for four years withaeood the larger force* of Northern troop*, swelled by the addition of hired botcher*, rapitt* and nncendiarie* from th* four corners of «ho earth, i* faat giving way before the invincible ene my of all Se«h—Hiaeaae and ttrna, which will shortly bring the Wet sturdy old frame low la death. The State cannot afford to do leas th»n try to make the last days of those faithful old soldier* comfort able, and this the State It faithfully trying to do. 'But owing to the rapid decrease of the number of "old soldiers" by death, it seems that an occasional revision of the pension 11*1 and re-apportioning the eppropria tloiw among those left eHve woul. be proper. That this matter ia noi properly attended to‘i» oatlly pretax by th* simple method of looking a! the Hat of dead kept by the busnax of vital statistics and then throne! the peunion Unt Kuy, Ur.’t ft? Or to fettle n local question. Ju* go read the inaertpMon* on Oh tombetom* end then read the re cord* kept by the clerk of the Sop* rlor court !>■ Sampaon county. Yot will then ace why tome of you neighbor* van ride while you walk Three reterone farho tired in tM community hare boon dead for era era] yean; yet the State cerjttnao to pay eaeh ef them |St(0 eeer *U month*. Thio money, the re cord* ahonr, ha* boon collected V two well-known eltiaena of tMa cam munity. Now In all falmeta, 1 ad la tMa right? I freely admit my own ignoranc with regard to tfie proper ad j air nent of aoch mat to re, but aomafbod know* and aheuld took more cl oral | late the aae and dtatrtbution of pul , He money. A recent grand Jury an i mfoawicd of theee thing*. SoHait j ter Power* ban been Informed or* y ly, while J*<kr* Omdy wM rent a pi * HU, n*n<ty written, ataeoanent of tl aeadlhen of affair*. Now It k* for you. Mr. PabHe, I any whether or not you win all* it your aairaata In office to throw wwi y*ur money la thin, or any oth *■ g—or. M you doubt my wo it look fbr yo*reelf Jj T. P. Oil** and D*mcl R. L« “ of R. I from Dunn, were ainca the vititor* in town Wednevby. i BUND NAN SAYS : HE MADE WHISKER Siaty-Galloa Coppsr Stil Found la Ham* Of Blind Man 1 The unusual happened yratonta; 1 afternoon when local officers arrest I a bUndliger who ta actually blind Tommie MeLamb, who has beer. Ur tally blind fur a number of year* woe arrested after the officer* hat captured u copper still of AO-galloni capacity in his home, four mfci notth-weH of Dunn. Between foul and fiee callous of whiskey am two barrels of beer wor« alio fount in the blind man’s homo. The still was act up for operation In an old kitchen within a few feet of the McLamb midcure. The sun roundings indicated that it had beet in operation just a short time before the officer* reached the scene. The still was a dearly copper outfit and it re thought that it bad been opera, ter I in the budding lor several months Mcl.amb, who Is s man of some Af.y summers, admitted to the offi cers that he hail done srhat opera! -trig bad been dene, which raiaas the (sueetion can a blind man ops rats a whiskey still? According Vo the story which he told the officers, hr owed same money on kie farm and ucckwu io make ami acu w(wa key to pay off the .(.dotlc<)nc»a Ha made bond for hi* appearance in Federal court to answer to the dkityc of manafketaring whiofcey. The officers making the raid, cap ture and arrest wore A. U Adam, special prohibition agent, and Depu ties L W. Tart ami Cari Matthewi. FOUR DROWN IN OLD ROCK QUARRY Father And Throw Sana L*m In Small Pool Of , Water • _\f. Spartanburg, S. C.,^ Samuel \V Roger*, of I *a sen let, shipping cleric of tire Pasculel Man ufacturing co«n|«ny, and his three sons were dfowned in an ahandunMl rock quarry pool near I’ascolel •ome time this afternoon, btit the tragedy wan unknown until near nightfall, when the bodies of Mr Rogers and a small son were found floating in the ]<o«l of water by a negro water box. Tire child had a firm grasp upon the hair <>f bis fath er's head and both were dead when discovered. The dead are: Samuel W. Rogers. 40; Samuel \X. Rogers, Jr.. IJ; John T,. Rogers, 11: and James Rogers, five. Thin was the first day of Mr. Ungers’ vacation period and he took his s<ms «n an outing while Mrs. Rogers remained at the family home in Pascolet mill village. Mr and Mrs. Rogers were preparing to leave tomorrow morping for Hartsvillc. S. C.. to visit Mrs. Rog ers' family. L>r. Kerpatrick, a physician of Pacnlct, one of the first to reach the al«and<nted ipiarry. stated tooigfil that, with the assistance of others He floated the deail father and the youngest hoy to the Itnnk and quick •y ascertained that there wa* no hope 'esuscitatioa. The bodies of the oilier boy* xvert found on the Imuom of the |X>ol am were rccovcreil after mnsiderahk ' effort. Dr. Kirpatrick staled. 1 he undies rtf the other boys. th« physician said, were attired in hath •ng suits, but that of the ynnngcsi 1 chifd was in romper*, while Mr : Rogers was only partly undressed As no eye-witnesses Iwve beei 1 found tlie fnll circumstances sur • rounding the tragedy nre unknown • The quarry is filled with clear *i ' ter and granite and occasionally ha' • been used as a swimming pool. r Mr. Rogers has been in the etn - ploy of the Pasco let Mamifaclurtn) , company for die past IS year*. i 106 DISTILLERIES AND 21 AUTOMOBILES TAKE! \ Salisbury, Aug. 14.—One bun dreil and six distdleries; 1,115 gal a Vmx of fpirlta; 84,446 gallons o [_ malt liquor and 21 automobiles wer l_ raptured during Jtdy by federal pro " hilation agents operating in Nort Carolina, according to figures of * tained today from the office het of A. n Coltrane, prohibition diret * tor of the state. " Arrests totalling 74 were mac * while 170 prnaecutfnoa were reran 9. mended Value of the automobih 'f. wised was estimated at $5,92! .♦he total appraised value of properl ' Wired and destroyed amounted i e. 835,075.50. The value ol proper! ig seised and not destroyed was place at 85*898 <B, All the «■•]» of If ok, Jot Cavi Oti* was not —Orand P*P Tom Sunil sad ;kis ha*, bad din from their Mr %«dn**da, »f. trrriooo when Jb. fck JJBnctaa’s bas*b*tl hopeful* acMat the Dak* nirirrrcstion *a tbs l*al |<K for fre .Itrldln* contest of tip lUnctt C*. championship aaria*. ,-p*. Daks fol lows touched Joe fodjfourtaon kfta uod fair ran, whUo'Jbe UUIncton outtlt *r*» aMc to rsfcMr *nly lv. btnplne for thro* talKfc from Jones' ilelirtr,. £ ' Really the fellows atom the coun ty seat would baoo Arad Mo well hart Dorman's short Ita right sot into the pm mlrh aad boon toet to the heotie ml 0f Parker, who was wot able . M looorsr the anti) 0B hml* of Ntfll eroeeed tho p«n atMi ha< credited with * homo ran. Thii untoward the first inning, had laced out a h the l-ilUngtoniena wai only three hlta, fiankieet of the fifth. Cart of Ant- He bag i» Instant hoi! ar riead and flog the o Archie Woodworth. Happy oaBad alt hernia aafa Ton pvt a reek* Ur irrdtetion af aa apaiaptic. bat llap waa obdarast end the game coo tinaed. Ceviooaa than aaenficed the n,nM" forwaed. Joom bebbied Y»BBar» gaeundar end Cardner eroswd the plate with lelUogton’a third and last run. Dab. Hite Freely. Meantime Duke had grtta nest to Smoky Joe’* ■feats Is tho Ant inaiiqt Archie Woodworth ond Norn rio tingled in aoeraaaioa. bot Porker’* groomier waa eoppad. by Byrd aad that to Wilton for tho third oat. tearing both runnon high aad dry, McKay, fint op hr tho aoeond, ting led. hut 8mwcM hit into an osoy double play, Blalock to Wrtoon Mc LdWnb woa an aaey third odL An other chance came In tho third when Jonm bongod out a tingle, bat Zach ary aad B. Woodwork hoieteJ InAoM lilea ami Archie Woodworth rtroek out. ' Until the fourth laming Islington had aM tho look. Duke woe doing n»et of the hitting, bot K wacn't get ting anywhere. Norris came to the bat in the fourth with Mood in hio •ye. He had the Moody eye ar the r— «ai nm nvi «IB« cmo gOl no further then the yttehor'. rland where, although he Muffed Jc Carr or* retrieved to Am to catch At funner at tout Then Parker .hoi * *erp tingle Area* the Meld, U be followed by McKay With . .hen «f to left. Then apyeered A. mkfhty See wed. twtogtog hie wishes bladgcon. 1W fowled eeree bulk and then elected a eodnter AM •on* Parker ecroea tor Doke’e (Ire fen While Mr Lea* wan etrikint ! oet, McKay itole hetee tor the nee f*n. Then PHehar Senes brough heme wHh Meetooid kit ef A< afternoon. Zaeh ended Smoky Soo»i I Many with a fly t* Wffeaa , DdV, baring fenced ahead I to I. Carinate Itodhe. I CaeiaeM eetttofl tow* alter A toenh. aRhoagh B. Woodworth’. hi and omen by Yeung and Blalock li «be USA eaae ueae to ayUHng mar beer* far the forme* Piedmont Mm I raaner* on oegend and iWrd h * fanned Paiker mid itoKay to mi, Mae. The real item Mi man ea A e serenth when lathery Ma#ad an h Merifleed la aaoemt by B. Weed a worth and teat«« third ea A. Weed worth’, etogle Wit* Monte to Sol Zaeh sitting ted to MMl ham*. Th n bai and Aa fanner arrtr* y *tofton#*My. bat Nerrte banted A d. ban Marrt. toegwt to twa, bat h rerod Zaeh’i bid* tor A* win alt MASONS REMOVE KU BUIX SPEAKER Goldsboro Ussodn Stefa Mootteg ol Tboir Goldsboro, Aug. 14.—A Stroke of strategy was rlppsd la the bail when the name of Judge Charles J. Orhi sun, ef Indianapolia, Mas Wtricken from the list of speakers to be heart I hero at tonight’s Mg meeting ef Slats District Masons. It la ru mored that the plan was conceived by ene or twa local members of tbe Xu Klui Klai,, who are alto mem ber* of the Masonic order. Knowing chat Judge Orbieon war a Klan lecturer, h i» alleged that these gcntlrman eommuntcsAod With Dr. W. C. Wicker, education! Acid reerrtary for the Masons, requesting that the Judge be included in the local Masonic meeting program, ma king their request m Maseru After a number of articles concerning to uigkt’s Masonic meeting, in which Judge Orbisoa was factored os a Mu sorr and ons of tho spanks ra, ware published In local aad State newspa pors. thane appeared in Monday’s Nswa and Obarrver and AdvertUe ment stating that Jutes OiMssn would delivar in laloigh Wednesday night, under the auspice* of the Ba icigh Klan, the same add rasa”_as he was scheduled to make hoi* tonight and which he will deliver at Klaa meetings in ftve ihffonar cities at this State. ' Ur. Wicker ween Informed by to tal Masons pf the collection. nw •llatoly oar relied Judy* Orbmoo’i prupomd participation to tonight'< Maaanic masting, set wishing the liagrxaaioa iafl with the public that ,h* Math order maa Qnnaaiiig nctMUea. The Getdebeni KUn then armhged ts have Judge 0*1. ten dsilver hla lactert at a Kan masting to be held hi the “-1| Open Beats at tbs same hour at it tag net d far the M ' der the aaapices tad gulao of Tfattr IT. the propaganda of the KUn. An audience ef lam than 1M peo pie heard Judge Orbiaon deliver Ms addruH ait tho opera liouav tonight. Mayor Edgar H. Bain aaa on the platform with the Judge. Nothing epeoUeeUr Idcratoped. Intensely hot weather, which kept the few per-' avna prevent in a vtetc of extreme •ksremfurt, prohably materially iu daeed the attendance telly anyway. McKay nailed the Snt offering In the eighth Ter a single, but lanwt.ll and Me Lamb struck eat before Jones regielciud hie third hit to advance McKay. Zachary want ant, Blalock U Wilson. B. Woodworth hit safe ly «n the ninth, bat the three feOesr ing batters were easy outs. Business far LiHlngton picked op m the ninth when Jonea threw wide to Amt after making a dandy step of Blalock's grounder. Byrd struck out, but Farrell lined out a hit. Both runners advanced on CsMmt Blalock’s out. to Woodworth, and would have crossed the plate with the lying and winning tans had not Me Lamb made a wonderful catch af Wilson’s Texas Icagaor into left laid. Dana Eajaya flams It was a great little old ball gams: ■ thrilling mm Ion of Mm national pastlmo for all the tired huoit.aee men of Dana and the Airroanding country. Tho presence of Tom ■enrol, the veteran who wee play ing Cleat AA amateur boot ball When Bad Pope was In the third grade of the local schools and who ■as a tooaenoif player wheel “Old Panic" Abell wot a beginner, was a welcome eight to the old follow! who like to see evidence that they ain’t to ole " Tom, as youthful aa Ok yemagaet, waa oat there covering u osush grooari aa any of than. Moth Ing got by him. Dann. tow, too. for the Arat time > mf brother of Arable Wood worth la action. T»i* kid was then with the wfltew and Agamd in Mu i raw getting. I Anraky Joe wan bettor than On > asked statistic* of tho taeoanU • draw. Then are feortooa Vile sag iHerad against Was lot some el » shotMd have bean handWd. Th. - eld fellow biffed alto of Mm eppoo 1 lag gtmUatore end Issued a fra# poM I drawing that the old arm with M • control le for from toady for th • soap pot. « Dor to Mm fast that Perron am • Wilson, local fattens, wars playii* > with UIBagton. there wove nma< • who rested for the aggregation free » HornetC* capital, but Urn bigger par B of local apmpa*y waa wNh Dahi YOUTH KILLED WHIM TWO AUTOS COLLIDE Wilmutgtoa, Aag. IE—C. T. WO 1‘nma. Jr., IS jrtw aid, dUd today Ua rain i» toe after Mag hated (rate tho aatomoblW te wMch Iw ww rid ing with Walter Hatch -y-‘— tha wimlehleld of aaathar machine, which rammed tha Match aw. The lad’a JBarrier rate waa arree Hatch aabaritted te a Uaaofa alom af bleed in m afat te coat the bey'e Ufa aad ia htewari te a aertaaa caadiUaa. LEAVES BABY IN HARDS or WOMAN IN KINSTON Ooldobora, Aag. It.—A yeaag man giriag bla name aa WB Her tteg and Me borne w flaHairaru. Sunday marring loft aa righteaa montha old baby with a lady aa Mc Daniel itiectmKteetea. aayihg *<1101 be uroald return aheriy.” TMrty two hoara hare yaaaad aad tha aaaa he* failed te return. Ha U bclierad to ho Bay 1 laager, cte Jarnped hail band bora, aa owe of the women with him bad taro hafetes. About half of the lmna te tha U.vttnd Stelae reeairad late thaw |M a aaoatb ia IMS by wag of return oa the mono) and tehee Utciy hraaat ad hi the baataeca af facwUhta* the aenonMEir to Mathaa Btmas Jr., chairman of the ApteaHand Ogat miMca of the Mow York Slats tao lu ittt m 91411, wfiiot wttk 11.IK 4a ltlt. GAS PUCE CUTS states terdav to Die hoard. Led hy the Standard Oil Compete of New Jemey, four large cal com panies announced cm* of one to two cent* a gallon in the tank wagnn jirict of gasoline. 1 he wholesale price after the re duction wiU average IV 1-2 cent* a gallon and the retail price 23. TV cuts do not bring price* in the Seaboard states to the pre-uar twen the case in Western and South ern states, but further lednclian* are expected if the price of crude oil dmiai as ha* been predicted in many pnarter*. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey announced a reduction hi the tank wagnn price of gasoline of two rents a gallon in West Vir ginia, North Carolina and South Carolina and Virginia, and ooe cent a gallon in New Jersey. District of Columbia and Maryland. The Golf Refining Comjianv later extended its one cent reduction to New- York and Mew England, mak ing its price 10 1-2 cents a gallon. I*ollow~ing the lead of the Stan dard (til Company, the Texas Com ixuty also announced cuts hi Vir ginia, West Virginia. North and South Carolina, the rwlartim* ranging from one cent in mm <Ss trim to 2 in other*. GULLEDGE IS NEW COLLEGE LIBKAMAN Raleigh, Aug. 15.—James Ratliff Gnlledge. a native of Anson coun ty ha* been elected librarian at State college. Dr. E. C. Brook* an nounced today. Ha will assume hi* new duties September I, succeed ing Mr*. Charlotte 51. Wilttammn. »f Raleigh, who hat acted as the head of the college library for the last several years. Mr*. Williamson " id roniinnc in her pnaition a* as sistant librarian. Mr. Gnlledge comes to the college with fine training and experience at a time when the in*riniton la under going a market expansion ht hr library faeititie* to keep pace with the growth in other department* He wa* prepared for collage in the graded school* of AlhcmarW, where He si>ent hi* boyhood, and at Weav er ville collage. Entering Trinity college In the faM of Oil, he era* graduated with the dam of 1VI5 receiving the degree. A. B. y 1 Insr and M mlantaa non Sfiaji . v .• : - ii |||| * Rags £2$$ •^cnO- .**; wi'frfvi m W>.? £jo*=fS S ii Rs$|*§ _ AUTOAttSm ■|i«ed when the Meeting gear warn wrong and the ear turned turtle. IN hen he got out f rent under the vreckafe he *aw Mm. McCumbee ring in tiie middle of the rood (till marking. fayctcvritle. came rtf jn.t after fee ■me of the acident and brought die ■ •toman on to Lumber-ton to the hoa pk) but *e had <fied on the war. K fracture at dm tame of dm Wean -auaed death. MOWN PLEADS GUILTY TO IMMORALITY CHAftQE Brawn, of UaneiRe. Va.. Mon <ky was fined $500 in —.^ftp.1 Mm. I* B Grove*, atao of Dmm rne- who Ohut and Idlkd heraeli " • room that wa* occupied bv Brown m the O. Henry htndhem wnlag Broom pleaded Ttdlty to the Immorality charge He wa* abaent whan dm *om * * 'wr Hfe. The woman’* 'fooday took the body to ♦on, her old home, for hwrkL wn w^TmTiw, m bTlVgcCkT f*>er F.. Lee on the rheme of m ^arttwing and hevhm wtae la Ik pnattddaa. Hi* bond waa fined et ilOO. which he fandkel

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