THE DUNN 1 VOLUME X DUNN. NORTH i | 1--- £ NEED NO SECRECY TO ENFORCE LAW Secret Organization* For Law Enforce moot Comdetanod By Sinclair *" ■ a . ,/ Far*t krill., An*. 29—JudgW N, A. Sinclair In opening coart in til horns city thi* week dwelt at length In hi* charge to the grand Jury on the unlawful practice by secret or tr» filiations of taking the law lata their own igpids. going ta the homes of efux*la and taking thana eMand beatlnghthem. ** Hr called^ ittaptiqp ta the feci that I to the Itna an in. Member**] pride themielv on what they can ism,’’ when their acts belie Hull Wl|li suing ~l They are as bad, ha declared, m the Grmn traitors during the world war, who sought te ondsrmlne the instilutioba of this country. He thought (hero ought la be a law (m North Carolina eonrpelting every public school to teach the bill of rights. Every tnar. in ** lancj should, be conversant with tha con stitution, be said, and yet it i* sar prising how few have rand IL The. grand Jury-was instructed to take proper steps te see that n mod ern court hones nod jail la provided ■n (hi robe Hand county. He el«w «x plalned that magiatmtoo are required by law to moke a monthly report, aad that if they fail to do ao, tha grand jury csight to indict them. Bessemer City Mania Shot By His Small Son SUtiaviUr. A mg. 28. — Sfaerman Loop*'. of Bessemer City, is suffering with wound* of • serious uhn in' flicU'l with » 22-calibre repeating rifl* which *u discharged by Ala four year-old aon. Tha accident occurred r*’;„ late Saturday afternoon at. Hidden r IM, whar* file. Laoper and hi* family Mr* Loo per hod bean out bunting , *arar Hiddenit* and an older son wa* engaged in unloading the littlo rifle when the little boy, in a playful mood, stepped up and palled the trigger. The only csrtridg* left in tha cham ber wa* discharged, taking effect in the father's right shoulder and pass ing it to the neck. The wounded man was brought to the Davit hospital heir \nd, tailing to locate the ball by probing, the physicians had an x ray picture made and due revealed the fa-:t that Mr. Loo per had swell ow ed the bullet No Wet Candidate, Declares Dr. Baker hour Orleans, La., Aug. 27.—Nei ther lb* Democratic or Republican parlies will dare nominate a wet can didate for President of th* United States sit tholr coming conventions declared Dr. Perlcy Baker, general superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of America here Sunday. He r barged the liquor interest* oi the country with making a fight te nominate a candidate running os , wet platform, but aaid from hit ah w n-alioh* they would not sucoeed 1* their efforts. Or. Raker accompanied WllUam 1 Or)-an to Now Orleans yesterday from Florida. He declared Mr. Bryan ac cepted aa invitation to address the biennial convention ef th* Anti-Be loon League In Biiminghem Decent L, 11 -Oft Tobacco Markets Opened Tuesday Tioaday marked the opening of ttu auction tobacco market* In tho Kant era North Carolina belt Wllaon lent the mark eta In nawtfcer of poaade aolt on tho opening day, tho total nuna bet of pound* marketed there helm nroand a balf-mIHIoa. Klneton aai otker market* reported heavy aalee P/lc*e averaged above iO cent* tfc poind for everything offered, an planter* generally ware pleaaed wttl th* opening. It la aald. Probable Cause Found In Case Of Tuttle Oraenabore. Aog. «S—PrebaW eaeae »aa feaad In the mm ehaagla P, Clyde Tattle, well-knewa advm •t ing man of tkl. Mty, with the mu drr of hU father-in-law, farmer Jed# C A. Job**. He la at liberty aadar bead ef $10,00* fee kb upiaiiac at the September term of eeert Six Drown When Car Drops Through Draw Waccantaw Rrrar Bridge Le'l Open Malicipualy, Corow er'» Jury hipiLti Conway, 8. C-. Aog. 89.—Sts per wtw tin drowned ahortiy after mid night tart night when, an automobile In which they werv returning from Myrtle beach, whore they had been •pending the day, piungad through n purity nnoted Htew bridge ever e Warcamaw riv#r near here. One mem ber cf the Party of .even neaped. T!,o bodiei of fjvo of the drowned ha»- boon recovered today. Tfc* dead are; Mr. and Hn. i. 8 ippir, of Conway and their three , Elisabeth, 8 years eld; Ger .and 1 a. 8 aod Mrs. Mar ■, of Conway, Marvin Can war In the ear, managed hlmoolf after It sUaeh and. (warn to eafety. ir*a jary waa impanelled imoon and aftor hearing ovt indlcdWsg that the bridge Jbt hare both opened madictgpaiy, adjourned an 111 September 9. Col deuce at tha lriqoirt today area that an aaiomobllo that paaaed tha Co lipper ear partly.before it reached iho bridge, had apeeded op. It waa indicated that official, wanted M in vert! gala a theory that the bridge had boon opened by perron, la the oacapiag car to prevent or delay par' •ait Marvin Conner who eaeaped, waa driving tha car at the time. Divers wire aaat to the soona Ml mmliiAely after the accident They Man recovered the bodice of the mcmoers oi too Uattpper family bat lata today bad not recovered that of Mrs. Conner. The search mi being continued la !• foot of water. The manner In which the Midge era* opened atiH wha unexplained. Parry Qaattiebaam, who baa charge of opening and dosing the bridge, testified at the inquest today that the draw bridge bad not baoo open ed last Men day morning whan the (teener Malone passed threogh it. He'eiao toartfted that the bridge oaoniTy Is- faatonad with, a abate ail one end, hot tfce'ehgtn had ae dock on Wr Two Bootleggers In Goldsboro Profess Religion st Revival Goldsboro, Aug. 27.—Accaqjllng tc a Story in today’* Goldsboro Arras, two white men, who confessed tc havs been distributors and manufac turers of moonshine liquor, last wight professed religion at a revival past ing being held hors at Bryan Street Baptist church. Th* two cx-bootlsggcrs, whose names are withheld, stated to the congregation that their conversion war. SO complete as to have caused thorn to destroy or. their way tc church, a quantity of liquor Ihoy had proposed selling. After the service* were conch*did na farther evidence at their sincerity on* of the men went to hi* homo only a short distance from th* chare! nn.l open returning, delivored tc Mayor Edgar U. Bain, who is taklaj an active part it. the rocetir^, a Sv< gallon jug of whiskey, which th. mayor destroyed by breaking the con tainer on a corner of the churri building. Estimate Cotton Bales At Not Over 10,818,000 Et. Matthew*, g. C., A of—*8—Al Aurrost condition report of IS.S po; rent of normal, which applied t. the U. 8. government’* acreage re port woald indicate a cotton yield w II 238,000 hale*, waa anno one ed b; 1. dhnctnwr Wannamaker, prealdea of the Americaa Ootton Aaaoeiatiea here teaigth. Thll condition of Ih. crop applied to ttie aatb—tra of cot tan acreage made by the America! Cotton asportation, Mr. Waanamake announced, weald mean a pmapoetiv yield of 10,*1*,000 balaa. Sxeeeehre drought m jj,, wruthweei henry wwayfl Infastation la aid eot tan itatra, and eoatlnnoue rrtns t the eon Unroot ora combining to oeri oaely Injmre froftaga and reduce th preepacte of a fair crop, the Araer! eon Cotton aaaoelatlon report*. I • Shot Boy To Stop Career As Crimin* Chicago, Aug. 28.—Sfre. Root • f atia, who yaatorday ihot bar tan, Dai • aa. If y*are eld, bacaaao aha eaU * • woald rather kill him harm hb > lend a life of art me, prayed todo i (a heT tall far hla recovery At • • hoiplUl th* yamk wm llpi gMt I recover from the wvarvi In bit nod WHITFIELD WINS ' IN MISSISSIPPI D«r—e fSilm G. Bilbo !■ V Jackson. Miss., An*. 29_B. L Whitfield, of Columbus, former pres et of the Mississippi State OoLWg* for Woman, will be the next govern or of Missippl. the Jackson Dally Nows announced early tonight after H had tabulated the complete vote of yesterday'* Democratie primary from 81 of the 82 counties la tbs elate and had al^ but a few of the returns from the remaining ansa. Nomination In the Democratic primary Is equiva lent to election. The figures -were: Wtihfleld, 118,184; Theodore 0 117481. The total unofficial vote accounted for was 880,487 as againet tha official vote of 847407 east for governor la the first pri m-try August 8, Tha Latter figure set £ sow record for the state and it aw* regarded as certain that the of fieal count of yegtsrday's returns irould, contrary to all expectations, dlPPC-il that hnfnl MOTHER AND CHILD KILLED IN ACCIDENT Two Orton lajorad Aad Om May Dia| Traia Struck Car At Croatia* Stanton, \ »., Auf. 24.—Mr* Nannie Pk-susant, aged SS, and Her Mi, Michael. .1** 9, were killed in stantly yesterday when a Not lolk and Weste nt passenger train st .iek the motor in which they were riding at .1 gr.ide crossing at I igic near here T»o other sans, Elmer, age 19, driver of the truck, and Wil liam, age 14, >verc injured. Elmer is believed by physicians to tie seriously, il not fatally injur ed, iii4-i —n^Bjuw£rl LL0 to a local htnpital. The train wu oothbound and, it was said, was plainly visible for some distance before it reached the crossing. Whether the youth driv ing the truck failed to see the ap proaching train or decided that he had sufficient time to clear die cross ing ahead of it is not known. R P. Pleasant, husband and lather of the family, was killed in an accident on the highway between Waynesboro and Basic about a year ago when his buggy was struck by An Mifnmnhilp Remodel Courthouse In Cumberland County Additional Often And Jail Will^Be^Conrtractad PayStUville, Aug. 2». — Cumber lard county's court bouse will be re modeled for oh aa offices and vaults and the construction ef a third story to be n*rd aa the coo sty Jail, accord ing to plana adopted by the boon! of county commissioners. These plans will be placed In the hnndt of a com tniUeo of oommtodouer* with auth ority to proceed promptly with the remodel) in* of the preeent boil din ( nod the construction ef tho addition* The addition if to be built at the rear of tho courthouse. The firal floor of the annex will be occupied by additional vaults for the Weophvf ef county record*. The second atorj will consist of office*, white the third •lory to be bunt ever the entire strut turn wlU house the county prison m The action of the eowimiaoloner ' la in raaponae tr» * orgeat need and ay - Insistent demand for a new Jail ant i improved court bo see facilities Than ' la much mnthnent la the county fa • favor of the building of a new sour honeo as well aa a new Jail, the twi • to be eotnMmad In one building ei - another site, but many eltiaetis havi 1 opposed the large outlay neeoaaary fa ■ carry oul iMs plan. Tbe decision o > the cornea terioaon la a compromt. • between theae two view*. Tarboro Polfcaman I Found Blockading Tarboro, Aug. f7-—A protniaen • Tasburo poHrontaa vu taught block - edlng, arrested by PrAhWte Office • A A Hants, of NoahriBo. triad ii ■ recorder’! seen today and bed |ft r and canto by g*.order Hyman Phil t ipe People warn carpel*id Whrt > bteckadere and blind tiger* were ds k lighted. FnjvUevihr, yoacg m atttargr wera today visitor*' day at are tonight the city of was planned in climax to the training la artJrr to fit defense and And they proudly, no wished for by can than the clean cot of formed their pan Thoas of their l£res who cant* te *arr fully Jastifiod nhieh they cilUens’ military Hurt Bragg. A track a%j the morning nn eiiginiom’ .'nspcctian of field Itetw and radio la toe nlirtic fare was given by of the c. M. T. C •jy. the tZnd aero Wkta oort The baric red vC. M T. C-. than prevented variou* Cia and drill*, by formal guard K, C. If. T. C. nrrcnl* by a review if the Preceding C. at* prnwaa* award*, with roundly applauded a* It paused Die reviewing etajxl. T*.ic celebration eoacluded toaighi with a attoet dance given in honor of the C U. T. C. by the American -cjfioii and civic bodiea of-Fayotto vdle.—A. M. My rover, in Charlotte Ohacrrcr. HARDY HORNE DIES AT ADVANCED AGE Wm A Member Of Prominent Eastern North Caroline Family Hardy Horne, member a i * prominent North Carolina family. i'ic*l Thursday at bis home at Clay run .according to messages rccenc-J here by relative*. The funeral w-7 vice will l*e run ducted at 4 o'elorl ■ hit afternoon, lnuria! to bs nmA? PI the Clayton cemetery. ^Ir«. R. K. Young, of 215 I'ju - Boulevard, is a niece, ami C. O. Kucvter, 515 Park avenue. »* •< neptrew of tin? deceased. Alf. Horne it turvived by b't withiwf, who was Miss Ida Harrilh ;utd a Min, Dr. Herman Wavril! llornc, professor at New York nni vuriity, who wat h'-mc when h!s 'father tlied. lie wa* a brother ox Ashlely Horne, a candidate for tbs governorship of North Carolina i:t 1908, when Will Kitrhin was norr fn?t«pi by tlie IXroncml* at Chai • lotte. ’I*he family wa* munmnu and wa* influential in the intshit: < 1 life of Eastern North Carotin:'. 1 Hardy Home being the. Iasi mentbo of the immediate family While in declining health {■•• about a year, Mr- Home vaa il; : only briefly before h citierf. He \vi i putt 80 year* of age.— Char loth i Observer. , ; Ninety Pints Of Booze ! Found In Autooaobfl* Henderson, Aag. 29.—Ninety pbd' of moonshine com whiskey, all pul up in pint hstale, wars ssiaad b Chief of Felice 1. C. Champion aa Pot teaman W. B Southerland fern i a coops automo' It ta the heart a ■ the etty sboat 1 e’elaek tXIt after t noon. A. B. Booth,' driving tho ta." > wa* also arrested, mid woe roongata » sd hi the as of ftbo bond for hi ' nppoaraaos in potto* soart Frida 1 morning for a b mated. MaauwktVi - *ho whiskey It ta tho pumaatan o Du of etra. BR AGG SOLDIER » 'KILLED BYPISTOL mat waiter* wa* cleaning the wcn p n. It ha* rx< yet been determin ed v lift her or not the shooting wa» incidental A bond of investiga tion has been A| pointed but no re port ha* yet licen given onl. Information wa* received at Fort ftragn l*te today from the Red Cross tt Charlotte that Mr. Walter* iiad been communicated with a«wl .‘hat a I'lcsrsc ur..* iieing sent from Stanfield to convey the young *ol dicr"a body licmic. l'v/o Brothers Maks Escape From Tram TI>«y SquwM Tfc—ak Who dow WWW HaadcaM PoliAar,-, Aug. It.—Valley iu i^wio.ic* Wearer of Asheville, whc -uurctc.l oai of the lavaUry window »f a Mou'hrvn railway train ban Motnlny while handcuffed lipHlir Is1* waft being searched fat la vale city and cownty force*. 'ti e brother*, who won oa routs 10 tii* fttate penitentiary at Salalgt •® serve terms on eonvicitiow of rob ■scry of s store In Macon county won nerwiitind to go to the lavatory ft) Sheriff Alex Moore, of Mason coon '7, who Had them hi charge. The] Irwhr.j the door and than pcotoodo« :*« some fyhlon to tqpirai theb "®y through the window while th tia!n waa near Ih* North Main atewo fronting and flod. Volley Weaver, who Is M year ®><1, was and or tanlonso of da yean nnd Lawrence, agod IS, was undoi " i.u-nc, of four yearn. Smithfiald Tobacco Market Open* Saaioc "mliHfleld Aug *4.—The gad* fclil tobacco market opened toda: with around a hundred Mtoaaoat poumla of the wood offend at th ructSo.1 warehouse. Prisoa crorago w-nund SI to tt eerfta. The Co-op*] ntlvoo opened their warehouse a wad ®ffo, hut to far the of foriagt ftp mow fcort have been light. Go ffeetge Hargrave. aged H yeen ‘led early Tuesday ate nil ag at hi mmo in Duko, death meshing One 1 ->* infirm Idea of old ** Dimaaa 1 It survived by several ehildven. b . f®nuout was made la dw family cm t ®t«ry, near Coots, Wednesday aftoi asm at I •'sleek Rowland Mffl Start* Up Operations Again New Bern, An*. M.—With cna ptHiom of tOTMtai NdoUf plant > to tho papiwai *io nook. Tfca plant which «h praatkalp faotrajil bp Br. iMt DooowW at a low of IIH. rooona a half wUUoa BoSar iarwl Om Motion of Um ariS two l l » r l • I It tfemo anB aaaBiatf poor oU Ow rtw h •« Lo* A;,wlc, ha. ]wt awBa o oon » tract for o thro# poar partaB whM 1 wffl tin hat aa wool taoowo a ! JJJ"*** *•M uaan af Ifot.Mt wiBMawB bias •• .

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