THC >UNN VOLUME X._, ' _DUNN, NORTH CAROLHU K. K. K. MEMBERS ATTACKED BY MOB Flo* Thousand In Riot Attack And Prcr.k Up Klan Moot inf Perth Aim o>\ y. Aug. M_ A crowd of crroiu broke up a mroling ol the Ku Cox Klan in Odd F,'Hows' l ull tonight, 78 police men and 180 firemen ledng unable to drive back the throng that stormed the building. Firemen drove trucks into the mass of people, but to no avail. A hurry call was sent for rtatc police iu Trrnton. Patrolman fin-d shots In the a'.r, threw gas bombs, un i rwung their nightsticks while ton firemen turned ■streams of water on the fighting throng. The loaders of the roob wore knock ed tluwn by patrolmen when they first started to advance toward the hail, but after they hail been carried uwsj another stuck was started. This time Wane* were thrown and ad windows in Odd Fellows’ ball, ss well as many others In nearby buildings, wots bro ken. Police Chief Tonr.eson then order ed his men to throw tear gas bombs, and IS of these, the town's entire supply werr i-xpiodeil. The crowd fall hack but advanced again hurling mors stones. It was then that a riot ■ cab sea aobnded and 180 firemen dashed to the senna. After the firemen had ran their apparatus directly at ths surging mass of hnmasdty and had failed la disperse the crowd, they attached (lose I ires be every available hydrant and drenched tbs rioters with sever al streams of water. Daunted for a few seconds, the crowd fall bach, several of the mora atwrdy, however, braved the water and cut the ■ bass lisas with axes and knives while these la the crowd threw stense at the firemen. t*»uf Tonneaon In the meantime ..had ordered the klaaamen to leave -Si Wilding. Climbing, out window*, > down She eaaupca and through ovary1 ■gdeHi mluy WWW fights ensuod. g As one man darted from the crowd sow one shouted, '“That man has a gun." A patrolman -oired him. shov ud hhn into an automobile, and hur ried him to the police atotion. Other cars, loaded with men, followed, hut the prisoner was rushed through the station and locked In a stable at the rear. After searching the station those who hail followed returned to the scene of tho figlit Ai tome of the klai.smon broke ■way from the fighting mass, they ahootrd, ,rWe'rr coming hack—10, 000 strong.*” "All right,” back the onjwer, ‘•we’O be waiting for you—20,000 strong.” The Kian meeting Vos been wide ly adxertlrnd. Chief Tonnason took specinl prc.-uiutioa against possible trouble as the result of a romewhat lemr disturbance at a Klan meeting several month* ago. He stationed uni formed patrolmen and plain clothe; men on the inside anil other points in the vicinity. The Klansme.-i gathered soon after 8 o’clock, donned their robot and be gan their ceremonies. Soon little groups began to form In front of tho buddies, the number bring augment ed until it was estimated at least five thousand persons were in the crowd. Yen In the front ranks de manded admittance to the hall and when they were refused the fight b« f«n. M mature Residence Attracts Attention A mi nature, complete in every detail, and which preecnta thi exact liken*** of e city home, eur roundod by paved eldcwmlh* and st«*U and a white way, in the eharw window of the Berne* end Holliday Company** • to re in attracting much attention. Th« ‘tittle building” wai eonatTueted by Jne. W. Hodgea. It contain* (lv* room* and halt. Bach room and the pore he* arc provided with aeparnl# electric lighte. It la the mo .t homa-llko mi nature reaidmee yet aecn here. Tho parpoee of the building ami the «urrounding* In the window la to advertiao tho Home Building and Loan Aaaoeiatlon. la th* window are a number of at iraetivoiy painted card*, on* of which mad*, “Thl* atroot lead* to aueeeaa through the Home Bedding and L°on Aaaoeiation.” The realdanca waa "InMaUad" la th# window by Harper Holliday, who aaalaUd Mr. Hodge* in Preparing the plana and eaaaUibWng the parte that ceanpleta Ih* good advertleouieat that II la. MANY BUYERS ARE i ON LOCAL MARKET I — Sevtrsl Largo Cotton Concerns Hava Roprosontativos On Local Market Realising the fact that Dunn ranks a* one of the leading cotton market* In the State, a somber of largo cot ton concern* have already seat rep rsientativsa here for th* purpose of baying oottoa on the local market. Among those who have recently ar rived here for the purpoe* of bay ing the staple arc: Johania Flahiva, representing Holmes £ Dawson, of Norfolk, Va.; E. P. Kelly, represent ing the Latham Cotton Coanapny, of Greensboro; R A. McQuoon, repre senting 2. V. Kor* and Company, of Norfolk, Va-; W. C. Bolnean, repre senting Lowry Brother*, of Colom bia, S. C-; W. T. Herndon, represent ing the Sar.doiB-Orr Company, of ! CliarloUe; W. P. Wall, representing Barbee and Company, kalalgh. In addition to those R. O. Prim rose la representing Alexander Spront sad Bona, of Wilmington,' again this season and three local con sent*—Tho Johnston Cotton Com pany, J. L. Thompson Company am! Marvin Wad* Company—have buyers oa the market. Approximately 300 balos of new crop cotton have already been mar. keted here. Saturday was th* “kig day" of th* season so far, 96 halos having been said on that day. Cotton la opening rapidly and by the end of this week it is expected that mors than 100 bales will bo coating in dally. While th* boll weevil has getter. In some affective work daring tho past faw weeks, local oottoa buyers are exporting at least 80,000 bales to b* marketed and pooled hen; from the 1888 crop. SEVERE DAMAGE TOCOITONCROP ditioa Ref .art Washington, Aug. 31.—Drought In Oklahoma uul Texas. excessive rains in the Southeast, ttia boll weevil and the leaf worm caused a marked de etir.e during August in the condition of the cotton crop, the Department of Agriculture announced today in placing the indicated crop at 10,788, 000 bales sa compared with a fore cast of 11,(10,000 bales as of July 25. The condition August 26 vsa estimated at 54.1 per cent of normal as compared with 07.2 per cant one month earlier and the indicated yield per acre dropped from 148.9 pounds to Weevil Dump The condition of 42 per cent of norma) in Georgia reflected the ex tent of weevil damage in that state, it was said, while the drop from a condition of 82 per cent. July 25, to 71 Augtmt 21, in North Carolina revealed the first severe effects of the pest this year In that state. Pre valence of the army worm, leaf worm ami other insectI in addition to the boll wssvil also wns reported to be causing considerable damage through out the cotton states. Cesdlin by Stales The condition on August 25 in per cnntagr of a normal, and the fore cast of production, in thousands of halos, by principal slates are: Vir ginia, 98 and 59. North Carolina 71 and 885. Sooth Carolina, 57 and 708 Georgia, 42 and 827. Florida, 30 aad 17. Alabama, (2 and 828, Mississippi, 48 arid 868. Louisiana, 88 and 881. Texas. 56 and 3,722. Arkansas, (7 and 948. Tonnoaseo, 84 413. Mis souri, 07 and 198. Oklahoma. 49 aad 791. California, 89 and 48. Arisona, 90 and 98. New Mtxieo, 88 and 69. Dog That Bit Beatty Pronounced As Rabid i «»•«>*, A of. «i—That the dog which bit Robert Beatty at Waoo, near here. Banda? and which waa killed by Beattr, who aoed a pocket knife waa definitely f etebiiohed whoa a telegram wan receired by a Shelby phynician from the date laboratory with the information that the dog waa taffartag with rabiou Beatty ha. already aterted taking the aati-iablia aerum, which ineludea SI hypeder •ika. one to he takes each day far SI days Beatty mil poaalkly reeeiee from the comity nctoal ezpewse tnd dost te taking the treatment Ynten SparNa. whoee dog waa bitten by the mad animal, aad latnr killed, will nek to ba paid the ralaa of ha gag. OFFERS HUSBAND TO HIGH BIDDER Wife Takas This Means Of Finding Employ an t To Avert Starvation Haverhill, Ifaaa., August M.—Af ter sevcial weeks of unemployment uml with want staring the family In the face, Mrs. Annie fftalla 0*Co<n decided to adverts*# her husband, Ar della, 50, for tale to the highest bid der.1 She declared that all that at full between her and atsrvatiem was the posalbia purchase price of bar hus band, sold into bondage. He offered no objection. I*sat wight Mrs. O'Coin aaid: "The days of slavery art over, but the days of tha Industrial Have who has to ttnd a market for hinaaaU will navor be over. "This particular Have of Industry is without a master at tha prasent lime and unless he finds one who wants to bay a good hoaast slave, be may be cold sod hungry before tha long New England winter it ever. "This slave without s master is willing to work at anything • main of middle age la able to do. Ha la to tclllgvnt and he Is above rep reach. If anybody wants a slave of this type. It la a chance to obtain a bargain." Will Ask Dunn To Change Sewer Line The following from tha report of a Cumberland county grand Jury sub mitted to Judge N. A. Sinclair last Knday will be ef in tanas to citizen* of Dunn: “Hoeing bad quite a lot of com plaint in regard to Rhodes mill pond ere hereby call attentioa to the Board of Health of Cumberland eoanty of the condition of the am. We en doOstsnd that tha aarwacmge from Dunn is emptied Into this stream n few milts abort Hu dam. and that tho odor In this section to dry weath er Is unbearable. “A physician of promiaoare states that this pond in tha condition It is Board of Health taka op the matter with the board of Haraott county and sec if their hue of aawer cannot be changed to as to empty Into the Cape fear river Instead of Black river." Tobacco Curing Barn Burns Near Kinston Kinston, Aug II_A caring bare fire on the farm of James Cos. a Joore eoanty tobacco grower, was reported here today. Tha blaze was similar to »*ore than n scars occur ring in this part of the tobacco belt since tho latter part of June. The toss it estimated to have boon ser ver*] hundred dollars. Including the barn at.ii contents. Dried tobacco falling from the cell lag onto tho car ing flue Is beMersd to have become ignited, the flames ^reading to the walls or tobacco hanging about the | furnace. Unable To Get Work Woman Takes Poison Salisbury, Aug. SI—Oolng to a l number of place* hunting work and finding none Ma Alma Gertrude Kfird. 2fl year* eU, took a bouquet of flewora to the glare of her husband then went to her hom* 0n Choetj.ut HID and took WeMcridc of atoreary tablet*, dying from the effect of thti poison at 11 o'clock lane night. Three smell children war* left with Mrs Kfird when her haaltaad, Daniel K Kfird. died laet Mardi. Sh. ha* kepi thorn with her bat the dread feci that eke weald not be able to pre ride for them, and they they weald be taken from her, eaaaed her (real nnaiety. IUturning from her rah •Clrrh for work yesterday afterneoc Mm. Kfird polrertsed eight of l( tiblrte of bichloride la water ant •wallowed them RECORDER’S COURT At an early moralng eeaelon ef Um loeal recorder'i ooart yeaUiday Um following cnee* were dtep«eed of; *- 0. Wrgiht, transporting; •so and sect. * f- P- ramley, caerylng eeneeale, weapon*; fined fit* and seat Stately Johnson aad Kobt. AmMh negro**, drank aad disorderly; #BC( IS* cask and east Now Is the tiam whoa good farm ora am getting their anhibita mad; for 11m eoanty fair. JOHNSTON HEROES M3SilTi TUaln SmlUiic'.d, g«pt coDLty’a ipceial will b« held Monday, add on the aamo ho promoted the fountain donated u> John* tee coanty by Marrii 8aadan, rep Johnrton in the la*t memory of Johnatoa loot their He ci in lh the State* and the V principal addrea* will Dr. Herman H. Horn 0nieon(ty, a erterai ■toil. Albert Conte* foantaia, D. B. Ol the Heard of probably receWi t half of the coonty of End eld. oa the War veteroaa and aaloeted on the part talthfleld. The inaeription on foax.ta.ui ia aa follow* oa the f facing the coart boose: Lteat. Edwin BmiiBBandrrs, Kitted at Drewry-.jMT. Va.. Killed at IimS vL Enhgn Edwin aSh Pow Kilted nt Da Tudft Franco, Oatnber IS, Alt. In haaor of all An from Johnston ct&if Who partiolpatoJ in SB World War. On tha aatar aid# «| the street in the following ianaAteW: Ho prayeth wall T* Who loeath wall § Both area end Wrdl Ajod boast. The Thanksgiving will Si tha oacaad held la people of the ccWiA inn ago la tad tty special Thanksgiving service because of tha good craps in Johnston when the crop had failed in many other sections of the State. It was again suggested by Mr. Horse lo a letter to W. H. Austin, n aoa-fci law of the Ute Judge Stevens, that a like service be held this year. A meet '"g was railed and Judge F. II. Brooks appointed is preside at the service. MUST RETURN TO HOME WBELOUM Wom«n Who Cam* To WO min rtoo on Staomor Not Allowed to Land Wilmington, A eg *0.—De*ti»ed to rrtunt to Antwerp without bavin* harl an opportunity to join thoir baa bond*, who »rc in thi* country, Ml** Maria Limmini and, Mm. Victoria Men kin VanduataM. detained Bel *>an immigrant*, mil leave thla pert tomorrow aboard th» Freighter N.r eier which brought them here a week •go. With the woiaefl are the two daughter, of the former. Captain Rcmy, mar ter of th* freighter, be fore receiving b* clearance paper* wa* amaaaad a taa of f too by !• N. Hightower, immigrant agent far lrre galarity in bringiar the paamt*en kora. Ho alaa waa aorvod with an order which regalias that ft* ak'P* awnan refund auwa of $1*1 to oaeh paaoeager, the »a»o*nt af fare arrow and proeida flnt dam paamga far their return to Antwerp. Th# quartet wa* not permitted to enter thie port aa arrteal baeaaac the Iramigratio* quota from Beigiair war adhantid. Th* hwabaad* of the two womar are eaid to be la Betoken, N I., but in>migration officer* any tkay bar* an trace af thaaa. The women aolr alt their be tanging* before leervlm Antwerp. They appealed to Waablag tan far admittance but ware refuaei! TV* Nervier whl mil teaoorrnw fai Baltimore to take an a cargo far i European part. I am... ■ p-l Brunswick county women eoaMnn. to take la about $71 to cadi eoel Batontay at tbe Womon'e Boabaag Market to WBmtogtoa. report# th home agent. If yea wia at Iba fair, fart erww if yaw taee, dank grouch. Find an ’ why yea did either The jodgaa wil $20,000 FIRE IN STEDMAN FRIDAY Early Mnralag Fir* Wip«« Owl Plant Of I iyi, Crist • ■ » “ Fin- bi-oki- not In Btedquui lheut 2 o'clock Friday morning and canoed damage ta the amount of 120,000, when the plant of tha Lang Crist Co., was bun,«<l. Rvcrythlng on tha premiss* was contained except the bailer room and office building. Tbeic was a pile of lumber—400,000 ftHg—aa the yard, and 200,000 fact of that was hurried. The mil! was owned by a company of the —— Arm muna in Clarksburg. W Va. Tha amount of bu«ra.nct, if any, could not be ascertained. An effort to got in commuateaiion by phono, with tha FayotteriBa Ft re Department, was made, hot Btodman coaid not (at central. So a man rode up ta tha city in an automobile, reach ing bare about « o'clock, and naked for help. A detachment of tha Kira Depart ment ruaferd ta Stedman with the LaFrancc truck. They threw sent water from the tank of aa A. C. L. cigpns, standing on a track near the Arc. But hula real work wna needed, as tha flames worn on dor control when the firemen reached them.— Fayetteville Observer. I To Pensacola, Fla. Mh* Agnes Harris, who had served far a ysar aa pahUc health nurse & IHan, left Friday afternoon for bar homo in Henderson. She wiU go this week to Prase cola. Fla., whirs she will engage la Hkc wwrk at ths gav ernment aural station. As has heea stated in The Dispatch, Miss Harris was saiployad for awe year to do pablic health wadi la aad aroaad Dun One half lbs a— Ike town marmnlnan a few weeks ago >t was decided to discontinue the wsrk here for the prumt. Comp Meeting Visitors Pay Dollar For A Smoke Newton, A a*. JO.—It cost many camp meeting visitors a dollar a smoke at Kail's Creek last Sunday. There vsi a big squad of policemen •on the lookout nod every men or boy sera Booking within ths square mads by ths first row of tents was taxed one doHar. The ordinance levy ing the tax wax announced from tbe pu'plt at every sermon. Bat most of the smokers walked right In before hearing the announcements. The price was ths same for a cigarette, a cheroot, or a ten cent cigar. Host of the smokers banded over tbs dollar am) took the guying of byotandon good nataredly. But one nun gut palled for an aduitloaal fins for eur »itig the policeman. Wood Hurls No-Hit Game Against 2d. F. A. Fayetteville, A a*. 80.—Hurling an hit, no raw ball, pitcher Wood of Chalybeate Spring* tamed in a S to 0 win over the Second Field Artillery team of Port Bmgg hero today. Ia addition to not allowing a single hit Wood fanned twenty-two Field Ac Ullery batten. Seven at them whif fed ia aueecMton. Only two man reached firvt, one on an error and tha other on a pan. Score by ioainga: R H. 2nd Field. .*00 000 000—0 0 1 2nd Field. .006 000 000—8 0 X Wood and 8c«t«r; Sterling and Bardam MANY CmU AN® TOWNS REPORTED DESTROYED PbUaa. Sept. 8.—AH eW.. IM towns between Teklo and Otaka won doitroyed by the earthquake, aaya I '■•eaagv ptokod op by the now Kite* wlrateaa ttation her*. Tha —-r came from *a*th Japan. The atroote of Teklo are sold fa he heaped with the bodies of dead PJrw ia raging from on* end of Un eity to tha pther. The earns!ties a* ! declared to be IwnailnabU. Nam o 1 tho Mg haOdtegr of the capital wan 1 destroyed. The dispatch added that Yokahaa* raff trod ueiaaadaeRp from Sta earth quake, white the tidal wave wfaW ; followed It added to the terror of tte 1 populace, who fled toward Wo Inter I ter. Central Japan la rati rely wither means af cnmmuMcatten. MRS. fflGBSailTB RETURNS TOH.C. F*wt 521“ The announcement that Km l. Hoary Hl*rh*m:th Is to haw caarpv of the pahlieltp work for the Koitfc Carolina Tatereolosis Association if of special interest to the ptople of Dano. owla* to tho fact that Mrs. Highaerith formerly Mead hair. She made her heme how for a neater of year* and la pleasantly rsasailn i ed by many Oman ettiarao. Bafor her aairiaye she was Mias Kate Her ring. Mi*. Highsnuth Is a trained* P*V*r woman. She is a gradaatr oi Trinity colls** and (tadied Jnsrnal iaa at the Palltser School of Jeura aMea, Columbia university, Kew Yolk rlty. Mar la well ksisrs to tho news paper fraternity of North Cart*no theoach her aanriao* for a mater of ywr* aa rebBcKy director for the Stotn Board of Health, and during the wra aa director of publicity fo. the Scale War Marine* campaign. Im mediately after tho war Mrs. High aarith waa employed by the United State* Terasery ItepaAewsrt so IS rector of War Bavin* Societies* of the* Fifth Federal taerrvs District with headquartcti at glchmsail. Fol lowing this work she waa mad* pate licity director far the Maryland Social kfyfiene aaeioty at Bakhnore, baf after eervia* aaly six mouth*, she waa taken over hy Dr. W. F. Snow, of Mow York city, as pablieity diraeto far the American Social Uygieac as <OfiiU«IL Dr. McBiayor aad the State agen cies far fl*htia* tahorcalosi* feel that they aw foitanate in securing the serneea at Mia. lUhamkh, panic* HONORED THOUSAND frJBisa BUAPAH Puiw a Am ftamsk Of An Bhenghai. CUm. Bmp*. t.—Owe hundred Uournud p«rHM bar* par lahed is Tokio and Yokohama alone, according to bulletins received here from Japan. It> Tokio the arsenal oxpiodod, tie •troylng the arsenal and the adjoin ing printing bureau. There were sev eral thoosand caaaaltios bore. In the Nihonbaahi and Kanda wards, hi which scarcely a single otruetar* is left standing, thousand* lack water and food Tho Kaijo building in tho Mamn oaehl district tollaptod with a thou sand casualties. The loft buildings lining tho streets opporito tho Tokio Central railway station wars bunted. The Main build* lag of the Central mil road station remains intact. Fire At Y< At Yokohama the firs started in the Band and spread through Bentos sad Isaak) streets, wiping oat tho business district. Tons of theusaads of visiters, maay of then foreigners, am la the mountain resorts of the Hakono dis trict- They wear paaic-otrickrn by tho repealed qaokvs. Mount Ilakoor and tho town of AUma were Usmol ished, with tbs lose of aix Or seven thousand daad. At ito, os the Idwv pen (Motor, mem then 500 houeaa won wMhwi •way by tidal ware*. TwmI f -g-il Sis tmndred peraona poriahed wWr tba railway tunnel at ftaaake, the tor gnat la Japan, eo 5apeed. Tbe Hi*Hi Klebl waa the oalji newepaper in Table to aaaapn de «t motion. The Jepeeoi eomman.t> ban la pM-dridM. Ike meat earieoa damage wme don* U the treat eoeering the Yarenoti dwtriet Inelu.lnlg Die Takia ward* »l Banja, PeJcagmwa, Akaaaka, Bhitaya NihoobaeM and Xanda, where haHl, a tingle atroatora waa left eUadbw The Brltuti light ernlaer Deapatrh tbe fatrign war eeaael at flhsa|0Mi tailed at 4 e’tieeb tbit morning to Yotmbama. exporting to arrive li eighteen beam. '. u A Kberal topply of bltebas apron ■mda of good material and eoatl: laandorod arm of oalwt to the honot wtto. They non pop far tbeneefee I* protection to treat rt. tap Mar Somonatretto* warkorn of the dtat OoOega and Deportment af Agrleal tnra. LEOON APPROVES ROHR OCCUPATION ; ?wta, A ay- *»—Tto offVrUl rr jtrvplitE. foi the American IBtioj. by MarcH Hcraud. n«M veurwa of Y.rtioa, who U etoopeaat af tha city and, m oecatlor. today far th, moat -r* iyt kon remark* mad* Vy ^-'aC Alvin Ow«!ay. Knlioml Cotmnandar af tha Americas Legion, ih** to_a. rr.,« vlthTtolaS* naira* to attead the etnfi lenee af ' the ii.trr-Alliod Vitoa at »—^ t*st month. A «bort time before ■"-■mil Om xy mrne hb hilef rename to M. K*. -a . to we* notified that he l pyj t-ted a t amnaader of to* v «' Honor ami that the i totally will to rwifriiied „ , ky G*4«ral Ocifcutta, tha | tonanonJar ef aceaaded Canaan*. at Daeoeeldarf on Thaiaday to mtlfrtrr f autos. “The Aim-.-tcan I -gioa. whoto Ho Commander I have the toner to be and far whom it to my dMtaa ■We to apeak, -ryrnaaatlto fear adi (tan er atorr toiler*," aaid to* Lo piar. Chief to reply pa toe welroaw fran ML Hvramd, “ta the «m great Mending American O* at to* .ioclsmd before toe it it *tai*Ce with aad i P ties of Ptnnre aad "Wo bribe* Preaea le right to et mpfiag the iUbr that it amy eb toin payment ef Ha debt tong daae ceetdar. I hove come to Praam at thb partiralar tone to get Am hand inform*nos roerarrdm year torn tan perttcalaHy aboot that —-*-g problem—the eeeanatfcr af ton Rahr." tak ing* on r ' France will be; many. •1 ahoaM not he tree to yea or *• Wyaelf if 1 did net apeak plainly and frankly. Of pea French we mk btot no thought ef terrltoftal n~ diwimU be la year aM bat we rrottld aot deilrr that »■»«« be left riefvnerleee hefere theee who-— reek to invade her miata. Bat yaa waat t attain year friend* hi toe United State* by gtvlrqt peer eaeadee ne opportaniyt to queaoeo year ate rtvea.” The vice preeideat ef the dtp cean e3 wrlrcmed the deleqattea. The rcceptlan war the Laet official fear ti«> for the deleqattea in Franca. Colonel OweUy'e dee to toe Legion of Honor 1* one of the meet rapid la mediately to be commander wttooat having panted through toe lower Pfclri of knight and officer. Another Mistrial k Gorrett Case Cumberland CevrMwnm, Vs. Sept. I—A nMrM wan declined Mi te •lajr bi the cm** af B. 0. Garrett, af irr the Jary Had felled la •wyaH the belief *a mam pamible. Gmrmrtt. coaoty efei*. we* , with the reorder of Err. X. E teMditt minister Iasi Jane K. iary mmyeeiid ef AM Mat eewty men had deliberated three bean and eae mtnate. The date far s lew trial will be «**d September t*. It araa *a<d the foay (toad nine far ■ mer*lai*fet*T v a* diet and three fa* actp'-Ul. Aa a formality la iny the mlatrtal, Jmdge W *4 Jaror k. C. WaMa ta bail the ether* the*. Hkawlea ■ rownw. Jmd*p Whit* Mated B. O. wuMd con tea* under *11,Me »nd did not order Mm a Ghrrett'e c*ee. wtoC nletilal loot Jaly, eiae I* eat tee > at the term botealac ’ Whether Mr. Here* ta knew what ha erne 1 aat af M* haaee with ted dat tin aad rmrelrcr was the mala paint af dtaNpeemeat aceardtap ta the die ■ charred Jam* I . - - Usncetei;* pin at* era taxed each i year to take mm af laptateat *► i «!***. fimtn who ase ’ Cielr lay da by pat fhi their enter* far Mtfy a* yimXli.

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