_ THE DUNN j VOLUME X. _ DUNN. NORTH CAMOLIMaTvIMDAY, SETT., 7, 1KU. ALL ABOARD FOR BIS COUtfiY SiNi Gala. Oc cor ion V/ill Be Staged In Liltingtp.fi IJaxt Mon* day, Septoiy.bvr 10 The lx-*t musical laletu in Hnr nelt munty will he heard in Lill iiigtou next Monday, September 1C when songsters and smgpilt cs*e fioin cvciy section of the count; will gather for tire* annual count; sing Singing cl.-'.sre*. Iro.n uiar.; town* and rural communities wit take part in t!»c program. which v.it begin at o'clock in the mo. n ing. Aside from the vocal music, in eluding class Hinging, soles, <|iiui t cites and grand choruses, t lie re will lie music by the l,'ort Brag." orchesira. Another feature of til day's program will lie an addrev by General A. J. Rowley,rntn naud ing officer at rort Bragg. O.cv.c t Rowley has made unite a repuialio as a perform streaker, and cii:.:cn of Harnett county arc fniliinutc 1 have him ej.er.k on this overturn. While the singing is to !<• dor largely hy I Turned county people, music lovers front o‘,h?" couutu ape expected to : t.c.id U- annu ! trukici.l fea.st. and litmus: inis people will he in T.illi •gur.i for l: occasion. This will be the third nnnn;:' count; sing, and while the two Sir*. were s decided success in ever.' way, the 192J sing i* cNpccuxt t rclipve the." all. .Miss M-.me J.. Camp, county welfare sttpci intern' etlt, lies been busy for several vreek . getting everything in readiness fo ■ the bit; sing. Through her etf'ort; and the assistance of numerous nth era thmugfujut the county, mor: interest than usual lias been rrestc.l iu the event this year Indication* *i\ tint every bod, and family will-be in Lillmgto i Monday. SAMPSON YOUTH Spinal Column Broken And Ho Dies In Fayetteville Hospital Clinton, Sept. 3. — Tragedy Ha* •talked abroad In this rounty th' part two days. Elliott Sikes, son of •Dr. 0. 8. Sikes, of Salcmburg. i promising youlh of 17, in dead aa a consequence of a dive against log c- • nturap In the Salcmburg swimming hole in Little Coharie Saturday af temoo*. A nu:*hrr nf tfce ysutb of Siilcm burg urure at their almost daily fin lie ir. ihe water of the nraitiy cree’. when the aertdeut oceaired. Ht !•• was mode to call the younj man’,: father, a physician. Th.: youth wo.' hurried to t*itt:ngn*.< boepltnl at Fay cttevllli. The spinal column usi found to be broken. An operation Sunday afternoon gave sojao promise of snving liic hoy’s Itfo, hut he dio " this mornipg *t 2 o’clock. Ills father, mother end rlslcr wore with l ion nil yesterday end till th • end- The young man war rounciou: at .liphtfall yratenloy. Also Tom Underwood, v.iio lire; two m.leo this side of Reorboro, ruf fered a douldr fractoro of tho L' and other Injuries yesterday aflur noon,, and wj.i ruslicd tc n Fayette vitlo hr.ipital. The ear of C. I), Du hoe**, president of the Rank of Rose* boro. md stalled a little dir taner from the home of Mr. U.'drrwoo*’. and he got the latter to take hla own car nod pull it out. Mr. Ilr.derwooj was under the Impression that Mr Du Thine wished the enr canted on tc Renboro, while it menu that the lat ter had only in mind hiving it polled op to Mr. Underwood’* home, anil when they wero parting the lioma Mr DoBoac tried to make Mr. Umtarwood ur.dorttand thla. The latter cnoldn’l hear, and c* hit son wci drivirjr th< rar, himanlf opened the door am *tood on the running board to bette hear. The door to which bo vrn* hold ing puflrd open ami Mr. Underwuoc f.'B to the grravmi and w** rvn ovoi by the DuBotw car. Hi* log «u bro ken In !WO place*. The ear alto rar over hi« body. . Kentucky’s Democratic Governor-Nominee Diei Leuitville, Xy. Sept. I..—J Canty bell Cantrill, of Oeorgetown, iwpre avnlatiae from the anvnnth Kentucky dlrtriet and democratic nominee foi governor, died at a horpltal here to -lay after an abdominal operation. Mr. Cantrill *o Cft team aid. > eni.dnlato to Merced him a* thi head af the demoe-ntle lirket at thi > ipproarhiug election will be eboeai at a meet lag af the democratic tan tral and cnecuUve eammtttrue in Lou lav IS* September II. ; GENERAL J. BOWLEY Cnnertl Bowley will delive r thc principal addre* at thc County funx in l.illlngton Mon duv. FORT BRAS WILL BE REPRESENTED Will Send Army Exhibit T ^ ade-la-Carolinai Exposition Chirlottv, Any. 20. — Ungadi* General A. J. Bourley, commnndiei general at Fort Bragg, woe the hoa or guest at a luncheon served at tb Charlotte Chamber of Commerce yesterday at noon to a boot 25 ny ressnUlivc btuinasa men of this eltj from Fort Bragg to tiiu Madf-lr Curoiinn* Exposition here tbs lw week, ol September 21- -October 0 Thn accessary money to bring Dr xhibit here was raised In nvc minn tet from among the Charlotte bust '•(tea man present. Gcueral Bowlcy, the gwest of Ur Morcbead while he was in CharlvVU loft here ycstc^lajr after-ioon Jo Cleveland Spi'r.ov, v,lu ro he attend " I the dir.nog given by the Sh«4by Kl f mit! K'»gb Mountain Chamber of Com nterce offiriaU in regard to the bat lie of King* Mountain celebration 01 September 8. U hji been arranged for Pot Bragg lo ecnil n detachment of it picked toldlc* U> Charlotte durlp; t.;e two tfret* of the Kxpoaitiox THi. ile.a hn.eet will be trade up o U uattcly 01 I he 6lh Field Artil'nj the oldest orginlaatlon of tlic the re sultir Army of tin: United Statci ' i ' li_l*e.y v.'jf ovgt.n & .1 io Juan n i y of (778; it* fi et enptain wu Alexander Hamlltnr.. it hax fought i' areny war ia which tho United Plate t'an purcitipatcd »ince that date. Th •latte 17 will It.my with it one mill meter howdtxr.', tint largett jiol pi" e.nried by t!m Army of th United r.tbiaa. Thl* gun f-nse c prt jeetalo weighing 360 vvuinU a dii ' thnea cf 14 railet. The ran and eat • ' ri •" a er w■ >a. »» •»»»• ■‘‘.JiUlif.f IMs bis wwigtfL It can b i tukcti tiiro jgh the counti y and rot a I on roconl time. The 78 will be ill j wav ea Ok f*meua French 7C’« Ou | •.: (Inlercit Grovsing la Parma mo t Pa »kures, Says County A(eat Edge r lutc.-esi i.t growing in permanent [ I'towni among the farmers of liarmct county, according to II. A. KUgc, county larni tlemonslra.ion agc-.it, who was a Dunn visitor yes terday. Many fanners have al ready started pastures and others ■Mali. Mlaa mpn flnrinr, rtr nm, (cstures means that more five stock] ami bogs are to he raised iu liar nctf. Mr. Edge thinks ttiat pigs, cows and chickens are three of the best weapons with which farmers of this section can combat the bull wee vil, and he is pleated at the interest being manifested in the raising of more of these for market. He will -lK-nd siime time in this purt of tile t'oety during tl so next few weeks assisting fanneis in planting their t permanent pastures, i lie nanieJ Oicliard, Herd and I Carpet grasses as three that slxmld i l>e planted between now and Octo i lsiik1’. uf vetrh to 2 bushels of o:*tr for planting one acre. Animals Electrocuted WLen Ground Charged f Laarinluip Sept. 8.— A: Stewart * villo gin here, which Is tun by elec t/ici iy thl.* afternoon two Perch rron * hiirrcy and , wo mulct were elect roca ’1 > • n>i>: .he rollon stall*. The icroum! ' in t!:c area wr-s charged. Will Ai-mer ' c a* owner of 1ho horses. When he 1, > rov* on thr cliarptnl aonc they bo ' j *an in prance and he held them un . | til !! c» fell dead A negro boy went I t» la-ip quid thr team and eoold not * | a-il off (he tongue. He was shoved oft '••ih r. th.ovrl a.'J dmggod to safety The mole utwn bad no drWcr. When the cur,-tat hit them they run urnund coraiMp hark it e charged place, end WCro killed. Their woo another team ’ at lb* time which ma off to eefoty. . Hamlet Railroad Man i Suet For Alienation I! - ■ ‘ Rockingham, fiept. I.—At. urtret - anil bail proceeding* «n hail before the elerfc of ronrt here WodnenJay, 8 » *ior«iby Fmnk MauIUby. of Hamlet, * u U pliieci! under $5,000 bond • ! Jwwtr In nuperiay court to a civil I uttten ehmCu J. I., Flaheity, also 0 of Hamlet, in suieg him for $2&,C00 >• .Inmegca for alleged ylioratlon ol r hit wife's effect! on*. Mi*. Flaherty 1 prior ;o her marriage, June I, 1919, *' wo* Vita May Uhortrlilf’ In the h complaint Flaherty aha gee thart Maul ‘»by la the father of • twoMsonUw * eld baby of Mr*. Flaherty. Both men h work fer the Benboanl Air Line ratl * waT ft Hamlet. It promiws to be a hard fought cue*. On September a i • j criminal action will ho heard before t it* fTamk-t raeoeder, erlth Flaherty • ,wo aerating and Maalteby the de ftfftdHRi. 1 f young, but then. >oa eoe, ha It on'r ' Ovlrg to Join H»o Infantry."—Houn nr l*u Poet. BIG CAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT 1 Robert Weimtafa* ' Lumbar too | Tuns* Quick < «r Near I A near serious a wnobile aeej. I deni occurred about o'clock Wed nexlay evening whe a Quick tour ing car driven by lirbcrt Wein stein, of Lumlierta turned over eyood f wjc river. Mr. Weinstein differed badly )«ccr;it e«n»X The car wa damaged cmwedtraAr, the tip 1* ing torn off. the hiflB and one feu dtr crushed and fee windshield broken. WehisUtnwas ltroit|,dil u Dunn immediatelyAfter the acci dent by a Pott HrAr soldin «li-i was dnv in ; a car fest lx-hind th ill-fated llnick. M-suiinil- tter dressed by Dr. O. A Denning. Tit. car wail through liaihed wir fence, and it is tlu rht the injury to Mr. Wdmte'm’ band resulted from coming in < Mart with th. v-ire. • * T*» say tin- k-ast -wav a dan-^e: ons wreck, and the act that all tli. cccujianU of the a escaped JvMii i* considered miy ploti*. Wliil. the car wa* turtle itpsidc dovr.i, the occupant* wc i ahk to fre. them selves from tla rreckage widi out aid. Tbe w, eked car was brought to (iroeti* Bolck station soon after the act pit, and after rome minor repaid mere made the (arty, except Mia* kkJman, made the trip Wk to jberton yester day morning. 2*^ First Plant Bunas Machinery And Second Gets Building • ThomocvilU, Sept. 3.—Fir* in tty •nraleior pad plant of th* TSomu villc Coair Company in the natter n port of the city practically iiiatita inrltMling stock, it placed 111 S! on,000 with inamance for tome tiling near half that amount. nrea.J ii.g to statement of the officer, Brown Finch art* In ehargv of th. knitting factory, trbirfi was movr.. last Jai.uury from a building nek. the powor bouto on the Belt lint t. ■ tli* building which *»* destroyed Uti morning. YOUTH KILLED BY A. C. L TRAIN 34 U Thought T» Have Been Sleeping On Track Near Fayetteville A young man who has t*en idm tilled a* (>0 II. Mdtxer, o* Ciurlcslou. S. C., wa* kilk-d by C. L. passenger train N'o. 34 at Tal ken’s tiding, near Fayetteville, ear b; yesterday irtormng. The *np|*' nil ion is that Use unfortunate pptuv mini wa* sleeping on the tenet taken struck by the train. He wa knocked several feet front the true’, end death was instant. It 1* said that Meilrcr pa* one n kirf Saturday evening ! ec C o’c'oe’.. the nciwor and junior B. V. P. IVi of Spring Branch ga*v a very delightful ahor*. program in I'd diarch a aiUtorium. The junior* vi.teriaina.1 Lw In rue crowd that wa* prveoiit with 'winding bell*", a mode ranlip of Hr. Our B. Y. P. U and His* B. Y. P. V. Spirit. The church wa* Lute fally decorated with fen* ' ami potted flower*. Prior to the ceremony XI** Gladys I Strickland uang Schubert'* icrcnade, I JvLOl I|:uaicd by Him /eerie R trick ' I_t _* at _ _f_ . Nt .L. _a ■*-- • of Teller.? in'* Bridal March cam* the finrur tiH), title Min JsBle Olive 8tricklend and Lillian Glever, drt-esod In dainty white Irecki of organdy, ttrvsnng reee petal* la the | lovn. XuXlYs.Wti.0 b ri ilermi'iW arwf groo-csrain, the bridesmaid* being tditii Lee. Pearl Twig, and Airs Tew, irpreediting loyalty, faith and perae veranee. They were dressed in white ami curried bouquet* of rosso The r -ornnsmen sse:e ilosraid Strickland, Dcvi.1 Gilbert, and Rupert Williford, these representing detemdnatiot,, prayer tad unselfUhnees. Following fame Willie Loo Doseoon m dame of honor, dressed In white and carrying avert poo#. Next came the groom. Wayne lav, srith Percy Glover as best man, while down the other aisle canto the bildc, Ole to Strickland, Icunlt.g on the arm of Sam Btrsck j land, Jr., her father, who gave her uvr.-.y. The bride was attired in a white bridal robe and score a veil of mile end satin caught with orange Woesome. Site carried a bouquet of ■ br’de's ivsoa. Under a doable arch | of Ivy, Wiley Lloyd Gilbert spoke ; the vovri which tnr.de Mine B. Y. P. U. Spliit ar.d M.. Oui U. Y. P. O. In eeperohk. Mordelosohn'e Wedding o«acch wi, used ra « reersidanal. Ai'lcr the Junior wedding the se ciior B. Y. p. c. gave a play entitlod. “What God would have to happen,” 1 cb-v/'isg clearly the need of time and bull nt or «!1 ChrivUan yonng men and r.jtkn. Boih programs proved a sac ce.-ii and everybody present reported , the evonhig us being much enjoyed | C.oolidge Sends Jspsn Message Of Sympathy Wellington, Beyt 1.—ProtiJont CoolWltO tonight >dilieu«>l k Btopnr^ tr Yorhihilo, of Japan, ■ iao#»ago of sympathy on tho port of htotoll and thn AnHirlma people for the rttWrrm fro® tho earthquake la !*!•*• “At the moment whoa tho now* ; of thr groat J la at .ter wbieh ha* he | fnllon tho peoTilo at Japan la hr tag I rciffolool.” the Pr**!d*irt*» manage I ink), "I am naoveil to offer yon in i »y own luma and that of tho Aaonri .-ai» pc-yl* the raort heortfrH jympa 1 Uty anil to cgproae to yoor najaaty i wy rfealre to ho of any poa ■ K.bln »> *. Thlg trial U tot for Taoaday of aaat yeak. OCT OBER FAIR TO BE THE BEST EVER Contract* For Making It Soeh H*vo Boon Owned Already I Details for malting the fifth *u-| nusl Hour-County l air to he bellii in Dunn (holier 9 to 12 the he**' fair ever staged in this -part of the! State were outlined at a meeting of j flic director* of the Hair Araurtationi la*t evening. KHie Cokhtciu, ImaincM manager | of the fair, reported encouragm^ jtrorpd* for more and better ex ; nii'Hs of all kinds titan how bei-nj diiplryed at any (treviotts fair <:.* Dunn. Mr. Cnidrvein ha* n-cotitb * rein mid from Xcw Yuri;, where Ik* secured some big free attractions for the fair visitor*. Among tb>: m-'ii.y free act* will l»e a feikoo asci-osuai twice daily—afterwsni mul evtning. Ile has also closed a rrn.tnut for a "orpous Hrrworfcr ihpky each night of tbc Ing fa'r. { , If i* file purpose of tlK oftkijl-i of the .Fair Association u> provide | plenty of entertainment for fair vit- | irort front the time they enter the. ground* until they lease. A* b-r . Iwa stated in The Diituich. j.v* Bn.vvn & Dyer ened up sit the ft'rj ground* in Dunn on *! neiday, C '<.■ tuber 9. I Reports from the four ounliti —; Harnett, Sarnj)«m, Johnston raid] Com) n-rland—indicate thM farmers j and fann women are altvadr pre . (taring their exhibit* for cxhibit'ior. | at what promise* to be the “ biggest1 and beat '* fair to lie held in Kaarerti I Vnrth Carolina th*« vrar Macnn, Go.— Dr. C A. Yar brough. a dentist, awl J. E. Pat I rick, a court official, were arrested today, charged with assault am' battery and rioting in conuertian with recent flogging activities in Macon. Dr. Yarbrough, the police said, ia a ranking official in the local Ka Klux Klan. and he has been charged with holding the portion I of " the whipping licas o fMacon." \V. P. Delrnar, a salesman, was arrested tonight on warrants based on the same evidence as that in the cases of Yarbrough and Patrick. Dr. Yarbrough, the |>octle said, is known to have been associated with J. P. Durfcee, said to be the organ izer of the klan in Macun. Durkvt used Dr. Yarbroupb’* office to bold classes of insmtclums for klan can ■Relates who wished to become “nat uralixod.” The three men refused to discuss the rase after a conference with friends. The police declared other arrests are expected momentarily, and before the matter i« closed they rndkatml that several other i-iresi < of prominent persons will he oanle. Dr. Ysibroitgft was reLsscd <-n $5,000 bond shortly after !»>» srre*-. last Patrick and lvlioar, early to night, were not alile to make bond. The anti • flogeing machinery moved hist today following die re turn of Charles 11. Oarrett, sotidtot general, to Macon. Coincident with the retnm of the proatentoT catfc Dr. K. K. Mila, twice kidnapped and flogged during last year. flic arrests today arc ronsidcTcd the mort important of a aeries that hive hern mads since whipping an.l kidpappit'C became general in ttr* pgliee record* 4tftw the ftocginj; began here in Jsmiary, 19227 D.. Mill* being one of the first victim*. He was driven from the city at the time, but came back »• *&**** • and was agsie kmdappeil and wh p P*Th,n followed the flogging of O. Eugene Srhrieher, Postim, Mas*. Lynwood nrighr. New York, whit wimut Mrs. Frederica Tocc, alto of Yew Yi’tlt, was knidnr.ppcd. anl several • there, until on August 9, Olttc If. Pern. Cuts Roberta, ft. H ftobo aolicc HOME BUREAU IS " MAKING PROGRESS • V mivUnj hold at Ktae Mdga’a ctfic* ia Lil Hasten o* Wedaaaday, Aa*aa» U, *u Uraaly —tmli f. other sew-Mia|l1ra ti‘n rep re canted with ms sssnj aa tfcrea fren fWWWlMiy. It la Mw a real bu rsmn ot Infenaatlen to any waeaaa u Iba county who la aaaieaa to kmow a battue or beat wap t« do thaar tt.-ifs which am a plaaaaie aa woO aa » prnAtgu aatf doty far woman Ja Uc bema and ooauaaahp ail that taould be the otawara doaira If avaap true Abirrkan woman. Aa Offieeia, Mb. O. JL Jakaaao wtw elected prartdowt and Mia. J. H uixoei, uervuiy autd traeawer. Thu e«ruaauenuca now repiraaatad an Milan, i-Wauamt Cnlor* Aacwr, Huh*, Jtocto, FeAtr'i, LiUinatas rat..I V bai, . >.«. . • a. .. ' L capaelalty Him to *=■* part of the ooau >>. k<« rai.uot eiiord to alH the .«u Meeting, which will ho hath on . n«MA-.MOjr. >ep< milter M. it M ».ggk.,tod at IM loot Mooting that tel Littio, of Low county, bo invit t«. la cuttio m 4ho next mihHii and e:«o o >V...jA«aouun in knotted bod vnd a woeh hitwliig •lUlW |B|iaior —-y of the wo olen ore Miirai of learning. U theta k any epucial .abject you nia ia kduMcu in and daaitc information. it U to he gaiaad at thcae miiTl^l Dm p.addoat will arrange • gcngiaai of »kA to follow according to the de •ore* of vhOM iataMMad aad tea Situgu alea after tte teflteg point tea teen leached, tticod Xomatooa. leal broad, teed tea aad Milk were tarred aba. «*k cuggeetteg perfectly telaktad °vab era gaiaad alee. Faad Um three ■ eided ~‘rmm1i. far tte bady daily, tte iadivfchaai moat gee en the aaoant enquired of each vm rioty of food to obtain tte yiapti nourivnenenv _ Mr. i. R. FowWr Died Suddenly Tueedev Duke. Sept. 6.— Tom R. Fowler, ***kk»t of this section, •hed suddenly Tuesday a/ierwca* about onF o'clock from a heart at taik, which killed him in less than two minutes. Mr. Folwcr, who.made hit home with hie daughter, Mr*. A. F. Avery, of the Route 2 section, hod just eaten a hearty dinner and hrd gone out for a hale while, seem ing to be in the best condition he hud enjoyed for quite a time. In a fev minutes he came bade to the Inisc aud took hu teat m a chair. He and bis wife were tahrirw when Mm. Fowler happened to look at him and saw him falling to the floor. Harmin'* to him die grabbed bold l*cl<1 knit in ber arms, where he •lied before she could summon any mw from tli.- Add nearby. Death ' ' d*» to heart failure, from which he had suffered for mam- years, and wliicb be had oftentimes told rela tives and friends would take him at any hide. The deceased was a devout Chris tian, and was a member of the 1'roa pect church for many years. It was •runted on good authority that Mr Fr.wler had ju#t finiultcd his dstr drib reading of the Bible. Ha k» rmd the Rook through these manv time* and would have started hfc sixtj >eventh perasal, bat death overtook him. TW» incident gives n gncsl txMnk of his Christian rharartcr. ana mu- which waa worth while. Mr. Fidwtr would have beat *U 1f nine year* old in a few weeks h»d he lived to see R. He spent 1 tactically bis essn're life in this part of Hamrtt connty, where he was a frmwr. lie leaves a wife and thru children, one boy and two girls, to nonrii Ids jessing. A brother, Matt. R. Fouler, of Duke, survives him also. Interment was mads at the Prospect church burial ^ Wednesday afternoon In the pres ence of a targe numlier of aurrowiwf ffiend* and relatives. Bar. D. IT K.rmin. <»l Coats, nastoe of the de < rased, conducted rhs funeral sar eU-.ryed. J. F. Akuander era* kter -■•rested si being • member of tks band that flogged Perry