ffi8^8S88888qXDeXDg»g^ 88 LOCAL ffi 68 gXDOXPaXDOBOKBOQOBOBfiQ Mi* J. C. Hodge,. ot Fayetteville, Is a visitor here this weok John W. Thornton was a bneinma visitor at Mcbanr thia weok. Charlie Jor.e* of Wln»ton-Sal#m, war a buiinnc, visitor hero this week. J. IV. Wiloou of Qrconaboro, is upending a rhort vocation In Dunn with relative*.. Mrs Joseph K. MvPhoil of Fayette ville, is t"« guest tills week of Mr* A. L. Newberry. Mias Raider Aiiamu left yesterday for Givensfioro to resume her studies at the Grven'.ihoio college. L. ,H. Pr'iltrii und J. C. Clifford. Jr., went Wrilranlfty to Haleigh to •'liter the N. C State college. Mr* K. H. Culhrvth and little son have returned from a several week* vi»it vo rvlutivea in 8outh Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Broughton and son, Thomas, have leturned tram < trip to Suffolk, Va., Ericnton and Hertford. The new gin* installed at thi Barnes oil mill. In North Bunn, re placing Utime burned last October, arc now in operation. C. M. Butler returned home Wed i.eerily front Casnp McClellan, Anois ton, Alabama, where he spent n month in the citisei.*’ military train lug ramp. Mr*. Ora Pearson has returned from a visit to relative* at Raleigh ami wromlcll. She wsl accompanied home by Miai Roby Frank* who trill -pend n few days bore a* hrr gorsl. Mr. and Mn. O. M. Tilghman an.l two aont, Sonny and Myers, return ed Wednesday night from Natural Bridge, Vu., where they tpcnl three week*. They mode the trip trot. country in Mr. Tilghman'a ear. Miarea Myrtle qrui Fannio llarpo of Wilson, are guest* at the horn of Mr*. MeD. Holliday. Booth Wash Ington avenue They have recently re turned from Washington,. I). C. where they spent the summer. Mrs. T. J. Walker and daughter*. Mi**c* Lurilc and Bestir, have retain,• ed to thoir homo in HaOleaburg, Mi*-, after spending aese-al weeks here with Mrs. Walker's sister, Mrs. Mat tie Washburn and other relatives. Arnold Borden Edgerton. of Colds . boro, spent pa it of loot week hero visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. L. Thomp son. Ho i* a grandson of Capt. J. B Edge iton and the late B. B. Borden, both of whom wars well-known in Dunn. • C. T. Ikir>y, manager of the local ~office ^f the Carolina r»ea< OeS ■ light Company, attended in Raleigh yosteiday a meeting of the offie* managers of this company. The party yinitrd the new rtoai.i plant wlikli it nearing compktlon on the Cap* Fra* liver at Moneure. gka was mated in Tuesday’s Dis patch, Dr. Livingston Johnson, edlto of lire BiUlleal Recorder, Raleigh, wlU preach at the First Baplia: church here mxt Sunday morning end evening, riiis xrmoni will doal with his recent viait to Europe and the tiling* observed while in thal country. James Oliver, 16 naontha-old aor of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mason, wh< live in South Dunn, died Tucsda) evening at 0:80 o'clock. The funora waa conducted ot the grave Wedncs day afternoon by Rev. O T. Mattox pastor of the Dunn Christian church and interment wus msde in th< Strickland cemetery, near Falcon. A new Dodge ambulance rvccntl; purchased by the Barnes and Holli day company arrived Wednesday The ambulance Is of the most modem type, with vests: for both doctor cm nurse and bed for patient. It will bi used in serving the Dunn Hospital, lh Good Hope hospital at Duke and th public generally. David Featsail, who was irrentl; elected superintendent of the lues wutcr department, ha» entered up** )■■» new duller. Hr wa* aecompaMe* from Southern Pine*, where hr hcl a similar poahion, by Mr*. Vearwil They are .laying for the prevent * the home of Mr. Penmtl'o parent* Mr. and Mr*. E. M. Pearsall. 8out King * venue. They expect to bcgl housekeeping at an oatfy date, how ewer. P. A. I.co, prendcnt of the Nort Carolina Pharmaceutical auoeiatioi and Geo. K. Grantham, a delegal front the Slate organisation, return i**l ycdorday from Asheville, whei they attended a meeting of the An rrlcan Pharmaceutical amociatioi They report a large attendance an a moot Interesting meeting. Tbla wi the urond time a meeting of th noted aaaoelation haa been held I tlua State, having Uut mm In Aah* villo In 188$. Sam Plciahman haa returned fro the northern markets, where ht (pel three weak* buying fall and wlwt good* for the loesl Flelahmaa star He waa joined hi Mew York hr ho era from the other Sve atoreo open «d ky Fleishman Brother*. Mr. Pleta man parch seed the stock for the nr Fleishman (tore here, which will ready far eeeoyoney In a few wool “1 port ha will an* of the larga rtoek* ef m*rehandle* rear ohlpp to Doan,” Im raid yaaterday wh talking with a Dispatch reporter. T good* are already arriving, he add* L.LLLIS.JJ The condition of Mm. B. D. Bunn, | who hu boon 111 for several day*, I* unimproved. Herbert McKay, Jr., B-yonr-olil I eon ot Mr. and Mre Herbert McKay, j I* ecrlouoly ill. Miss Thelma Mclounb. of Bcumon'* Cruse roads ia visiting MU* Jvancv-' dnrkson on Route 1 from Dunn. N. ti. Bartlett, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Chambci of Com merce, woe a Dunn visitor yesterday. Mis* Martha Adam*, daughter of Uov. and Mre. C, T. Adams, left thi» afternoon for Greenville, Pitt coun ty, where she will leach English in the city schools. Hubert Grime*, who holds s posi tion in the wakh repairing depart mcnl of Butler Brothers store, 1* confined to his room with a slight attack of pneumonia. 8am Surlea, who liras held a posi tion in th* Boll Weevil baihrr •hop 1 Cot -OKU- time, Wednesday moved hi* family from Rocky Mount tu Hu,in. They are occupying a rvatilvncu In North Dunn. Mrs. L. P. Sorias who returned home Sunday from Raleigh, when she underwent air operation at the Rex hospital, has developed pacurno. nia In the right diio. Ber condition is reported aa more favorable today. I Approximately 1,000 bale* of n#W| rrup cotton hull been marketed ami! pooled bore up to noon today. The largest number uf bales marketed spy one itay was on Wcdneaday of this week when a total of 180 bale* were brought in. Middling coteln In •ailing for 26 * 8 rents the pound! today. I '. Ill-ginning Monday. Sept»i»lH.r log the banking houra of the Bunk of Harnett, at Ihike, will be el angnl. Under the new plan the back will be open continuously from V n. in. to 1 p. m. Under the old system the bunk closed one hour in the middle of the day and remained open later !n the afternoon. Beginning Monday the doom will be cloaed at 3 o’clock In the afternoon. AT THE CHURCHES First Baptist Church Sunday School 9:4( a. m. Morning **rrie# u 6 m. Special muaie an them, double quartet. Evening set* vice 8 p. m. Special muaie, anthem, solo with chorus. Christian Church . ^ev- O. T Mattox pastor. Itiblc, School Sunday 9: 45 a. m. Preach J mg Sunday 11: OO a. m Subject 4 Chnatian Education ’’ A service' primarily in honor of the voung pen flla Who aaa molar, -- Preaching Sunday 8:00 ji. in. Chnatian Endeavor Monday 8:00 p m. Midweek aervkr Wednesday 8 : 00 p. ni. Public cordially invited to wnrshin with u«. YOUNG WHY NOT buy lb* Oar iMclilty 1* to St a In rlothiaii, •ho—, elc. cheaper. Our line li 4 anil you rhouJd tee It bnfon h.jt. no trouble to chow and p our good*. R. G. Taylor Co. Sept. 7, 1923. GET YOUR COTTON SHEETS AT U P. SURLTdfUf jlorr. Sheet! 90x8(1 eoltinc for 4(rccpt> ouch. 7 4te. FOX SALE—SB^ORDS DRY PINE wood. Soe AjC. Barn—. Phone 110-J. ’ y Hie. MONEY TO LOAMf—ANY AmwI on 1m| tfcnoX Jt ladara—al aoa m K onto. W—1»4 Woot, AMoraaym. Dui.n, N. C. To* salh.—to Plymouth Ruck pullet* at V2 US each. Will bagdn It, lay anon November lot. D. J. McLaurin, Shady Grove, N. C. 4 21 pit. LOST—A BROWN .SUIT CASE ON the Clinton filRMray The aoil ce*r contained a .nil of rlotdtei aumr apple* and Rr/pca. Finder plraac lt avr at Snip/. Garage. A. W Brown, Doan,'Route 1. 7 4t |*t WANTED All ONCE_FIRST CUm Mechanic wko An it# all kind* of iwpalr workiiTaoil pay to right nvnn. Smith (nd McKay. 4tfr. FOR RENT—TwiS OFFICES OVER nth’* Fruit yRoru. on* rear, our front. 8ee At C. Hornet. Tlfc FARM WANTED'—HaVE YOU A farm for rent? I huee taam anil labor, rrfrreatfK U'Tngtnn. N. C Moutr 2. Bra 0«. It pd. FOR SALE—ONE BUSINESS LOT I orated on X. BWd 8b, iw turner of boainaM laOTtioti. If Intcreste.' apply la JaAr K. Jordao. WE ARE DAILY RECEIVIN': large lay of fall and winter .-'I llrcry. \ TrosVPuH” J TUESDAY The Pokers of a Lie” _ An iftll-Star Cast | WEDNESDAY "Modern Marriage” 1 ■*— ■ ■ . . *"T" ■ ■ ■" _ , — ..— iYE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SOLID CAR LOAD OF i i .1 INCLUDING LIVING/ROOM AND DINING ROOM ! r / SUITS l \ MB. I ; Dining Room suit! in all die latest styles and finishes. Living Room suit/ in both cane back and overstaffed, "! in beautiful pl»t terns ef Tapestry, velour and mohair. i. We especially' inv te you to visit our store before male h ing your purchases. If your are ii: reited in furniture of any kind) wo ihall £ P*«a»ed to h*1 i ypi, call to see us or either write or “ phone us and otrr epjesentative will gladly call with sam ple* and quote y i the lo west possible prices. f Rose & Woodall ;j| PHONE NO. 38 — t— BENSON. N. C. 1 ■■ ' GET YOUR GINNED AT tb> Btr'.e* Xm final randy to do wyrk. Will mn your urn'll * coat. 7 tte. 5 BT US BE Yl CINNCRt. NEW n'.u* now tie fmnl work at (be Hum Oft R 7 tte. FOR SALE — SHEET IRON GAN ax*. Emily Mured. See Copt. B. 8. .Elian* for Information. tl-4te •,V» W> CO:-tOV/1 MEETS. SIZE 80x80, Koiikart 40 rrnt* tuicb at L. F.i Buri«*)WVorp. 7 4,‘A. COA '-S AND COAT SUITS ARB .Hiring till* 1 rrck »> ft.* Yellow Front BtoroVOunp; N. C.. to fit ; lurjrr, metfimlniy »n»iill la.llra anil tlicte w'th .ot» irimykU* ato*k wo kK! lelllrg feV/lc»» mosey. R. G ' Taylor Co. 8<0t 7. 1028. J* i 31 Dr.Thacher /'Prescript* To The Puduc riNTEREST IN THIS NEWS INTENSE Results Accon.plbbeikby Won derful Tonic in ’Restoring Health, Strength ani Energy Discussed All Overt Town Or. TUcWr'i wUhralW \ Leva; ai d Syrup tkat *c*a cuv i.ia.ik.LU multi is , tire lU» r*i.owMt pb; ! uu« i«. if fa/ ismKti.n | ti*i* kwrd. I'•¥ i*4*uft M*onij lh«t it. -t.ul ilt« tbouundt i froc liio • very*-r. TLir.iur'i c«!»l>/*tcd Liver f ‘ Hni. ,1 Syrup U to b* placed vrl nuvlt t.f crtrf icon, woman and dhill in inn -wnc. I | 1 11/ Kxrelival timir, lliut baa IhiI ‘ •••u-iiiU a w a.iiiO'1 ail over UitahacI ,• linn (>r ilto rounlry ua the loault of llA i piVrrt in -w ' —if ■ tia avsh, ruiHbwin ’ ‘tlYvi iLc . . e u. f mV Aril nwi.i>vinrf/wi nf Anoi .. Uic moat worthy physician* of I i rou.tlry—Dr. U. 8. Ybaeber, who 1 i itijj,y y*ar» practiced his prefeaei vllft signal sucres* in CIm city > I.HoUnnoogu, Term. M •K«.-a your llm working properly} t u>.(t nipt* timcu out of tea >oo will twty roll vtl itappy," said Dr. Thaeti i > r ttejrfy a quttrtsr ©f.a eentary ago. j 1‘roT.J Hit Yhoary * Ur. Thaeltrr proved that * dieord l rrutl liyrr ©fit :.H(nr< JfWptfo* rtltv I .iamuik. lo.ks ap tho bowel* ami itolaoi.* the blood. So lie art about I n prtfer* it touir thwt would, f lo place Or. ! HmHwVi Utw iilit Rloo'l Ryrap In the band* of the Hood unit Or .illir.in. llui.t. K. C., aod the H. I!. Tbomar Dry. t\»_ pu'id, 1C. C. K^oli lruim«l U .id Iberia*J l.y the Tlirrh. r lahoratarloa to return Ule M*i>ttt*a Brice In »ny fane where Ui« Ont bottle fall* to tone fR, oo 1*9 ope need hetltaU abas*, trying 1b* rpr*tV in* The coat al th* preperlMlon le very Hti’e. aa It l» onon’ieil in fall aiiyiyth. wbloh perm!** too patient to add utter whan VaVcn. It la alao ma*t p!r -oaiil to lake .ind dart net loav* a bad after latte In Dm Oat*of-t«wa p* opte are adv'.««<] that if aa Thaebar agent ban pat been aw-elitcl tn their town, tkeb awa Hiiiypltt nuty anenm Um agney and wipply theaa with Dr ITiicher** Ur»r and Blood Spray 1 by JtnoVpo to Tharbe- Kedleln. ] I JV !10,000 Bottles Sold to i'e.iHiylvam* and Ohio Since January 1. Although l>r. Thaehar** Um and Head Syrup war not introduced Ml I'tiunylvnnlo until January of Orii sed In Ohio my March 1st, .%'M,rnivM total of over llB.OOe ’iclfiM of th« ureal tonic hare al .Osdy Wo wild, sod ttc demand b ' Kmaa: t.h— hotter, of the 110,000 old In that* two rtalaa, nare baas ; ini-sea*. Many nor.iMU tceaaariaa o« : nnH'i lb,tits’* the me of toe aned! •in* harp bn reported. Wiwnew •* i t: ••■ ■•n. n have ileeUrcd Dr. •riiei'e Liter ano Blood Syrup a uurajy for toe relief of Ud-'-if* Tiou* Its, ludlaeotloa, Bbeu i.f.em, Sick Headaches. Torpid lia . 1 k .<# In the Burk, Lore of Sleep, .r.rv Blood, Lao* of Weight. Bilb . ,.nns Loit vf Appatfu, Dtaalnast- . ■' ki'il Trmorue. CvaeBpoaion. Night '■weota. BHorman of Breath, Bhln •rupthwte, ami that Tlred-Bun-Wow* .■;*.el s. Al . pc-venl stiesgiti build i.| wit Horn an cqctl. Many of their irratefal people hav» ■ ■’•*1 j.uhiie ttatemeau of that* a* ‘•.'■•l-ti-* with the mndlatna. Ext ran. 1 from a few of tfccac at* yaMiahed kt l-/w. a o a ■Df. TUathai'a L’v«f and Van, i .-i-o? rrrmiet'djr rv’.iered nr canatl at.en, UaaiMwi and ana."—Dr. Bo* !:>•' I3H Oiler AtreeC IMk> | • wlpt.ta, I*. ! . • a , ; "T w«t wearied for tea year* whh : , aoli-w,:'.an and had vtoaaaeh till I •".•a IK T ieeV.’# p«n*rJpt!an*\— i. kk. naira', retired lawyer. 4211 54- b*. >, s. 8.. IHftehar*. Pj. e e e •n.ndaehw and torpid Hear ahnan ma« a iaa ir»H ▼■oik, hut Dr. Ttioehai'* lot V mat." a now aaan of ata."—T. T. Ball, r. lnf clerk Devi- Pah. Prtttft Capitol. lUulobarf, Pa. ♦ ♦ e “My hark a^d kid oar* nearly MV.- ft me Ml I yat Dr. ThaeVrr’a Host *1 Wood fyrap. »Vet «ne aew" Tnrk CKraoa «, C.*Br Jobber, *6 Oakdale Are., Akron. O. k • • “kljr AfU-rn yeart' rafferltiy fratn sea end hliotMtw** or at ended bjr “ ,.fW* (reel sodlakia.”— \ V:dnr, Avti. Bayc. I. T. B Bwd rllff Ca., Paint Phan. Toledo, O.