CV/iit, E^rtsnt' And Artak W—Jtrt Win B* With Ua Soot i 1 —1— Pictorial Jaagtaa an Milt tarda r*mr» of cVmhm, elephants, tpaagU •«? r-jJWa tx£ fttch fcanK the not iatr of Chririy Bcatbazt’ Foar-Klag WIK* Artoxal Hxpo^t on. rs« gala data it Wadnoodap, Bap ttobeT If at Dunn and with the dawn • of thrt day w?t ittf into tha city IK' Urx *t tc'ol Mia «f double length Mia. Ahead? nuail hart hare nrran *ad iMr * bow da? achadada to begin tot* the twelTtg of lb* tint aactaon —*• flying m—ilfoa Marti cook ba—t wagon* x«Ki the eicaagvric and th» bare red* of odueated wild aai omIi which take part tot tha aftenwta gam eu ."■!!■. .J ..1_■. ,jg—| **d sight perform* tees. Tie Christy Brother* C*aU»iulian 1* w*U known in Barop* Canada ul the Writ The loo equals hi import ***• and tin aay la the eoaatrjr, white tba educated jungle boasts ait withoat rival* it is elaiacd. The fear riagt filled with animal **•* ■•*** *• » contrast to the aerie, gymaastl* dancing displtyi. A tlx pole big top, mating IO.OOC p*opi«» the Arret water-proof t*m ■coer constructed, is amd for thr main ahow. Hundreds of people, homes, wilt and domestic animals trill b* seen in the mil* long parade, which > will fai augurate the hig show-day program * j Green’s Brijck Service Station Puas. ilnrh Carolina • _ Suick Motor Company Flint, Michigan Wien_better a ,:on:!)l>U»t sr i bath Back wiH bdU thm House? furnishing invited to umilure. •rtmtnini.f. i —iim■!ii — ■■■ ■ m—i p i h !■ tn-m ■ i ~ r ~ \j- . vz-.... What U Suet**? What is auccea? Ami whenever I am asked this qnorion, I always dunk of Cannou Farrar’s declara tion.— “There is only one failure pos sible in life and that is not to be true to the best one knows." Conversely we may say, the only true success consists in being true to the best we know—the best we know- in our work and in our con duct. This sort of success is within the reach of everybody. It doesn’t depend on genius or natural ability. It is just a matter of resolutely, anti unceasingly making the best of crcr.’’ To be true to the best we know in «>ur work and in our conduct— dial, in short, is the one cver-opeu road to success that anybody cau travel, regardless of wealth or health or talent or race or creed; or color. Somebody once tried to] sell a fapner a book oti modern agri ■ culture. "I don’t need it," answer ed the farmer. "1 already know bow to do a great deal betier than I do do." That is the r.uuie. with most of us. ft is not lack of . ppor tunity so much as failure to th* opportunities that are really ouri.— Clarence Poe, in The Progressive Farmer. LEGAL ADVERTED NOTICE QB SALK OF VALUABLE ESTATE. of authority in the oaso ngiH, The Com 1 and The Har I Fair Ano _r Johnson i and the ctidop _ appointed corn judgment to *ell I below, the under -----~rr wai expoie for tile at publie auction, to the higheat bidder for caih it the court houee door, Ltlhngten, N. C. at 12 *0 o’ clock M. on the 17(h day of Si ptam 1928 tbo following described A certain lot of land lying and be tng in the Town of Dunn, N. C. fronting the Southern edge of Cura W F'f6** 60 bounded or. lot 0< Prince ann STn P T *£• 80 o’clock M. Ilnce of Sale: Court Hoots door l-itUngten, N. C. Date of Sale: September 17th, 1923. Terms *f nk Cash. «* Mtjb af August, 1MI. L R. WIIJJANg, Commtsidoner Aug. 17-24-31 Sept -7 NOTICK OF SALK UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under nod by virtue of power end authority vested in the undersign ed under n deed of trust from C. R joang and wife, bearing date of Ap-il 12th, 1W3, recorded in Book 205, page 185, Registry of Harnett county, and baring been requested by the bendlduy therein nntnod to execute the trust declared In said deed at trust, the said undersigned t notes will offer tor eale for ceil, f* H** courthoite door in Ltllington, N. C, to the lest snd highest bid der, st twelvo o'clock noon, Satur day. September 16th. 1028, the fol lowing described reel estate, lying end boir.g In the town of Angler, N C.. mnpr nAftiniTevlw -I-iil - J __ follow*, to-wit: KR8T TRACT: Beginning at J*1*. Joseph Kanengia** corner, formerly George D. Spence’* corner, on Bread Street, ln(j pan* ** said ttrtel South * 1-g degree* West 50 feet to the oonur 0n Smlthfiald Mreet; thence a* Smith field (treat North 84 1-8 degree* We*t 145 feet to the alley; thence aa *aid alley Noi^ 6 1*8 degree* East 60 feet *° Bn*. UaasengBl’*; Uienco *■ her line South 84 1-8 degrees Beat 146 fee* to the beginning end contains 7850 square feet. SECOND TRACT: Lying end poiug In the town of Angler at th: •ntoreaction of Wert Broad awl Smith field Street, lying just Sooth of Srallhflcld Street and just West of Weal Broad Strsot and baginning at * ttalie the intersection of said street# in line of Smith field street nnd runs In e waaUm direction with th« lute of said (treat 145 feet to a stake; thence to e southern direc tion DO foot, which line is parallel wth tho Hoe ot Weet Broad Street; lAancc from this point in eastern di rection parallel with the Lne of Smith ticks rtreti 145 feet to a plukt in the W*ct line of Wat Breed Street; thence in a northern direction 60 ft. to the beginning station and being JJjJf lot of land conveyed to S. C. Wlj iaarn, Jr. by Ms father J. C. William#. by deed dated—day of —-• 1*1— «»id recorded in book 186, at page 580, Registry of Har '•tt County ThUw1»^,dK 0f *"*■■*» 1858. **A**l4* T. DUPREE, tug; i i-*.-al-3«pt v, ^ EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having this day qualified a* om> tor of the estate of Daniel deceased, this is to notify all person! ^""*^—*** 11 1 l« * 11 i rpmjr | “SlimyjMte-Q I lw>af BMck-Praachttaditaeta ac abMcbt," write* Mr. (w, b. I B lfchl*p'<* R- f- D. 2, Cokunbt^, S. a **lt clcsa*** the Ivor and I feet I :: ** ri*h<» Md h»ra aot used say other atedktae as I do aot ase the aeed I ' I ^nt » Maguard « the at* Reformatory, tad hare beeaior three I ; B * ■«* yetuv . Vhea I ftntJkMd at 9 BLACK^DRAUGHT B \ per Medldae j I'd cel 19 ia the Jxifat | would be ftlfl and sad taTT i J tad^teits la ay ihOuUbut dldo’tthtsk so tauch cd m tU! btpta to isel |W wosthea Ibeysn BMcHDrasuM, sad I teJUO madaovar, nady lor My j' B Mad of work, raady to eat asd deep. So, lor any Maa et Mb trcdbla, S 1 lake Black-Draofbt. a*g lor 25 year* It ha* booa my medictae, aaO I I woalda*t be wttboid H at an. My work to cooatosc I Maury leH ■ lj I *■ oM ot door*, and tresb ab aad Bhek-D(M|M *m all lb* I'i aMdklaca I aaad. I raooeuwed h to other* tar I kaoor R la food,” [j Sold Everywhere. fl ... We Endorse H Tile h?ra« Building & Loan Associaticn ► ; N IT DESERVES The support ofcvery Dunn citizen Barnejs & Holliday Co. Hardware*Furniture-Undertaker* ; _ ^ ^ _ < » X haring claim* tgainu tho *aiJ i - uta i? » VI cxicfctoi, at ««• t.'.’on- '-•>..a\c fc.rn^diaie -- .r- .. ' \ •. __ _ : . • I , - 2SS.'i^5““ *s'-^■MQBnuuaaMBuaMMi ;.octi ijuic:c service in gin* v - o j«~ saeti until February ■j’tuiiity to take advantage Citm Seed Meal or high ;■ Z'jizL. I;. VVfi v /AC C. F4cu':c g'«r ! fa ! *' ■ • ’* ^.A **.t5TB*