THE DUNN VOLUME X.__PUHW, MOUTH CAMUKA THOUSANDS ENJOY COUNTY-WIDE SING AT COUNTY SEAT Crowd Attending Annuel Event I* Estimated At More Than 5,000 LILLINGTON WINNER OF THE LOVING CLIP Neill's Creek Awarded Second And Dunn Third Prize* For Best Class Singing—Barbe cue end Duke Win on Fea tures — General Bowley Speaks Aad A General Good Time Wee Had. Yesterday was a red-lcttcr day fur Lillingrun, when a crowd esti maud nt from five to six thousand l>eople gatheied in Harnett's capital foi the third annual cuunty harvest sing. 'Hie program arranged was carried out minutely, and the thou sands present were delighted with the musical least provided Com gietitive class singing, singing that has never been -u raised .mywhere, was supplemented by solus, special choruses. quartettes, duets ami a number u( pleasing selections by the Fort Bragg orchestra. I'rxce li'inmn Prizes in the conqieUiive contests were awarded as follows: First |>riz« (loving cup), Lillington; sec ond prize (£25 in gold), Neill’s Creek; third prize ($15 in gold), Lhuui. Feature prizes, first ($10 in gold), Barbecue; second ($5 in gvildi, Duke The judges were: Mr. and Mrs Cllas. \V Piequet, of lSuehtirst; Dr W. C. Horton, of Raleigh, W. A. Potter, of KaleiHi, and \V. F, IMount, of Fayetteville. Choirs taking pan in the compel itive contests were: Neills Creek, Upper Little River, Barbecue, Lill ington. Dunn and Duke. All the choirs acquitted themselves in a most praise-worthy manner, with credit to the members and the vari ous directors. . The smg was- held in a large v'1* 4.inuivirirTr'Y ol several lliousand, UUI II WIl hlled to overflowing with eager lis teners, while many were unable to gain admission. The program open ed at d;45 a. in , with Charles Ross, of Lillington, presiding, in vocation wa» r.lftrvd by Rev J. l-\ Menius. Central Buvulry Sftaht Next un the- program came an ad dress by General A. J. Rowley, emumanding oiKrer of Fort Bragg General Rowley is a platform qwak. i of no mean ability, and his masterful address was listened to with raid attention. Americanism was tile outstanding theme of hit address. He look occasion to pay bis bitter respects to tlte bolshevik and till those who call America bottie and are not true Americans, lie favors preparedness, which he holds is not a breeder of wares, Imt on the contrary, the best means of preserving peace. He also remind ed Iris hearers of the appreciation which he feels for the friendly spirit existing between Harnett count) aird Foil Bragg ('Inst Singing Immediatly tollowing General TVwh-y’s address I he competitive clasf singing contest began. Thi venous classes rendered tltcir par: of the itrogram in their order, a: follows : Neill's Crek, Upper Link River, Barbecue, Lillington, Dum and Duke. The splendid nmsic, i. eluding features, rendered by at Ihe cnotrs pnrticitiainig in uic con lest, made it difficult for the judge in reach a decision as to ll»e win tiers of the various prirea. Mori than 200 aongsteri and mingstres* c» were represented in the sii choir*, the best musical talent ii Harnett county, which mean* a ;>ood as will lie found in this State or any otlier State. Mate Wat Simple The music was simple and i*>pii tar, music that elevates, and not th sentimental slop, nor the yowls o jar* that one so often hears now a .lays. It was music that could b comprehended by the average audi cnee, and not of Ihe das* know, as the latest musical " hits.” Man; of the selections rendered to beau lifully were of the old-time van tty, sung to the old-time tunei which though they have been larg ly cast aside for the later day jasz production*, still have tlieir elevat mg and tool-stirring effect, The claw singing contest w* followed by a grand chorus, led b Rdy L. Hoffmeieier The sclectioe rendered by the grant] chorus if rinded " Holy, Holy, Holy,” “At nie I .auric ” awl ,fHo for Cart lina.” Afternoon Seuion FormerCongressman H. J». Clot win presided at the afternoon se tioft, the program being opened I Governor Inquires As To Prison Condition A totter from Oovarnor Camrroi Morrison to James A- Taylor, chair mat. of the boani of Harnett count; comniimionrn, dealing with loca prison reform, was given considora tion by dm boani at its regale1 monthly mooting Monday, Septcmbc S. Tho letter was la tho form of ai inquiry into conditions of th« Her nett county prisoi* and prisoaon alao urging the Importance of thi proper treatment of priSonera How ever, the eommisaionrre had alreadj ntadr close tnopecUon of tho prisor ramp* and recently made a chsngi in the management. This change ws made when It was leanrod that tb> former ttipariatendeist was falling t< giva prisoners proper treatment. While tbv totter was given dix consideration by the board, the con sensus of opinion was that condition! of the county jail and convict camp ■n Harnett are as good aa will tx found anywhere in tho State. In tlx letter the governor took oceaaior to recommend the cessation of whip ping prisoners. He calls it ‘uncivil!* od practice” and <1 velars* that it mutt atop. An order was passed by tho boarc allowing Confederate veterans fro a the county who attended the Stati reunion at Winstoa-Salom !--■ wool *25 *«■ Thorn attending tho re union from Harnett ware Comrade. J. U. McAllister, B. F. Stephens, N A. Stewart and Phil McRae Other business transacted by tlx board waa of a routine nature a^delightful concert rendered by lb< Fort Bragg orchestra. This wa: followed with a feature program a) follow* : Solp—Mr*. Harper Holliday, o! Dtirm. Chonij — Swing Low, Sweet Chariot — LiUington. Quartet — Barbecue. Solo — Mrs. Allison Overby, ol _ --the an notmccment of the judges and pre* ytijliaa at landLaa - laJh day * program Builder of friendship While the two previous aiugt held in LiUington were a decider success, the third on yesterday war die beat in every- respect yet held A beautiful community sfiirit wai in evidence on every hand, and per fret order prevailed. These annua sings have for their effect the fo* tering of a county-wide spirit aiK fellowship that bind the people ol die entire county into a closer rcta tion of brotherly love. Started in 1921 under the direc tion of Miss Manic F. Camp, coun ty welfare superintendent, to whom much CTedit is due for its success the annual county sing has ahead; developed into one of the most no table events of each year in Har nett county. And it has just hegut to grow. Even now the folks an talking about and beginning to pre pare for the sing next year. Honor General BowUy. While apart from the rcgula program .for the day, one of th most delightful features was a ban quel given by the business men o l.illington in honor of General A J. llowley at the Killiegrey hole during the noon hour. About fift' guests were invited, including man; of Harnett's progressive cititens with several from outside th ,4 p peal for Good Roods In a short address General Row ley appealed to those present, eape daily from Harnett county, to kee nn the_ progressive spirit which hs already set outsiders to talk it* about this county, and what it i accomplishing in the way of bette 1 schools, roads nnd other notab) achievements. He outlined a pla upon which he is now working ft a highway leading from Greensbor to Wilmington, passing through th western part of ITamett count; ; Contract will be let at an early dal 1 for hard-surfacing the highway bi tween Fort Rragg and Fayettevilk ! a link of the proposed highwa; which he aaid it already assure* 1 This meant, he continued, that or ’ of the beat and moat imports* Bute highways will traverse Ha1 * nett county. * Admitting that many would a * gue that this mad would pa: f through an undeveloped section, I * said that such a mad would mea tliat this section of the coon K would be developed The speak i then told of what Fort Bragg meat * to the towns of North arotina K the way of military protectio Good roads leading from the Pc »- to the various towns will mean th the Port can quickly put an arm force of soldiers, equipped with it I chine gtnu and rifles, into the v towns in case of necessity tor stx y he continued. He then pointed o CORNELIUS HODGES “ SHOT SUNDAY A. H. r HU Brother, Henry Hedge*, W 1 Charged With Firing The Shot . Cornelius Hodges is suffering from gunshot wounds alxxit the face and i body said to have been inflicted by • hi* brother, Henry Hodges, Sunday morning. Henry Hodges was ar i rested yesterday under a warrant charging assault with intent to kill and was liberated under bond of $500 for his appearance In the Dunn recorder’s court Thursday morning Deputy Sheriff H H. McT.rod serv ed the warrant. Cornelius Hodges’ most serious wound is to his left eye, which was net rated by one of the shot. D '• Hicks is attending him. ami hopes to save the sight. Trouble bet wen die two brothers began, according to information given the police, oyer the penning of some geese belonging to Corne lius by Henry Hodges Both men are the sons of the Ute Burwcll Hodges, a pioner citizen of Averas l>on> township, who died several months ago. They arc nephew* of the Ute George Riley Hodges, and are farmers in good circumstances. Their farms adjoin each other, and are located in the Jonesboro neigh borhood about three train east of Dunn. Crieiion clover, com, pasture ami SC cow* make s good living for » farmer near Liberty in Guilford coun tj. The fair Is the place to display the agricultural wealth of a community What, will you add to the display this yaarT ROBBERSENTER TWO DUNN STORES Cub Onwg in frirw . vests'J^jOanQ^ Casb totaling I1U7.40. including 1,000 pennies, m taken freer M 8. Dibs’ store by robber* Sunday night. Entrance to the building vu gained through a window in the rear of the building. A semen wire ever the win dow was rut and the window opened Mr. Dibs also missed a small quantity of cigarettes and other mere handier The atoie of J. U Thompson Com pany, next to the Dibs Store on East Broad street, was also entervJ, but nothing hat born missed from this store. It is thought that the rubbers were in search of money. Two bloodhounds wars secured from Raeford yesterday morning ami they followed a tiuil from the raar of the Dibs iter* to a point on the highway, nar the high school buOd . Ing, in North Dunn. The dogs went through the back lot to Cumberland' street, then West on Cumberland and : across the cotton yard Into Broad street, out West Broad to the Benson | highway end on to the point where ■ the trail was lost. A road drag bad ’ been used on the highway early yee , terday morning from the point wherv ww cvp ion Uie irui, imi iv is Ihooght this lnt*rf«rr»d with Uo work of the dogs. No arrest* hare yet beat, mads. The dogs began the grail a boot 5 10:30 o'eloek yesterday morning and 1 a large number of people fotlewe.1 I them to the point where H was lest. 1 This was the first store wWsry com [ mrtted In Do on in several months. 1 the (act that the time may come r wlwn inch protection will be need ’ ed. e The speaker credited goods roads '■ with doubling the population of his * native Stile, California, in a dm.i time, and stressed thr importance |* of not waiting until i!.e rural wm rmtnitie* have been dwcl.'ped Ic ; huikl good roads through then. J In doting General Bowlcy de , dared that he wst strong on com munity and county spirit, at h< found it in Harnett, ana he pledger hi ssupport to the county in any * flung that H may undertake in U* * way of progreaaivsMSt. Genera n Bowley waa kitroduead by Stat 7 Senator John R Baggett l.illington did itself proud in th splendid manner of entertaining lb M thousands of visitors. Nothing wa *' left undone to make It pleasant fo ; all those present The girl and bp " scouts served as ushers and escort) " »"d they handled the crowds will *" skill. Yesterday waa truly ona o ■* the biggest day* In the history of th h. town of LiAfcigton, and It was goo A to be there. WASH BRYANT IS SENTENCED TO PEN Charged With Haying Hia Wl£« la l«M — Gives Notice mi A#al Wesh Hr> ant, Harnett county farmer, was given an indetemauatr sentence of from eighteen to twen ty-five years in the State Peniten tiary when tried hat-week at Lill ingloa for the slaving of hia wife on the afternoon ' of January 12, 1920. A notice of Appeal ha* been filed, and Bryant^ta ■ at liberty under bond pendinmjllf derialon of the Supreme court*!*-' This marked the Mcond convk tion of the defendatfheforc a Har nett jury. The firiGaal was held in May, 1920. wher jfiflraa convict ed of nxanslaugliti ilWvl sentenced to twelve years in gfion. An ap peal to the Siiprem» tered along the road have been re i covered. Accordngto Information gathei s ed by the officer*, the three mm w I tered the More early today and too . 1 Spain of ahoea to their automobil , outaide. Falla re-entered the atoi 4 and tripped a airing which wet a , tached to the trigger of the thot gu ' Mr. Kiaer had act. 'Hie gun fired a load of that im , hit body. The other two man inti J car no away. FaH* dragged hh, ; oelf tome distance from the a* f | und waa picked up by Ms aUegi * confederates and taken tot hotj d I tal, where he died later. The rim >* were tupponad tn have been tkrou from the car aa It dathad sway Ire the ttore. NEW COUNTY HOME IS RECOMMENDS 1 lh h» report* to Mfl r. A. Dili i*U, who presided at tM crimia* tom of Haraatt nut* IqMoi «HMt la it week. the rnad Jury re •ommeodad that a saw ceanty hoau ewa»»»hia with the madam kernel a* mnwuMng counties be eraeted b thi* county. Pottowlap It the repeat la fell: To Hb Heaer F. A. BuMs, Jadpi Preaid lay; Wr, the praaJ jury fee the Sep Uo*#T km. lit*, of the teperier com ef Haraatt nut/, napeetf ally mkc the faUawiay report to year heaer: 1. We have fl%—Ifj kifhsd to to aH bflb brought Mon u end hem mde return aeeenUatfr >. We have taapeetod alt the ef tm to the coartheaae add ftad then la fair condluita. We peep—ead that toe county renenilulum provide a ara covering far the Beer aad cash la the cl*rk'« office .ad natter at datob^ effke, aad aew chair* fee *eid «. We have iaepeeted the iaO sad Sad it h*pt in pood condition. We recoup*oil that toe ’-•-rbu'i etflU aad ethee rnfaee kept la the Jed he waved at eace, aad that earn plaec ether thea the Jett he provided tor the wimpMia ef sttDe. 4. W# have lapiWel the roeatj home and Sad aaaw kept ae welt a* cut he with the beiMieg* ud eat heaeee a* toey am. We And plaster toy off In el amt every teem, three ted It kept In good li re«—d the feed aad Aclent hi quantity aad aad well prepared. We talked with of the aowvieta aad they el ae that they were well treated Mawd to ho content, aweapt that they had to work long honre. We make the following remreanodadont as te the camp: That a (tee! or irea floor replace the weed** eae now la the old cago; that the cowrie* bo forced te work aot more then ten ho urn per day; that the aalary of the raperinteadent be laereeeed to a good l hr lag wage. Wo wldb to taha Ode o> I port unity to mpriii to Mr. Lanier, the (aperiMemient, oar eppreeiattoi of the way he haa beam taateAn the camp. We farther recommend teal pillow* ha fwrwiakad the cearitta. Wa li (ported the guaadhaaaa » Daka aad foaad It to* aamB, poorlj ventilated and aafit far the koaplni of prlieaara. Wa recommend that i new one bo btrilt at e®ee hy paopri eatho lithe. Wa wiah to thank your Boner fa kindneaa dwwa our body, aai th eaUcttor for bia aervioae te wa. Lightning Strike* Residence Of Judge Payettrrilla, Sept. 7.—The iwr deuce af Jadge X. A. Sinclair * Ctarandaa Arena* waa rtn* b lightning daring aa atoetria atari hat* last night, aad damaged to ■nail ateant bp Hamaa. Tba bolt ar tered the bgBdiag thrapgb a aamblr ! atien pa* aad ataetria irttn aad ll | nlted tba gaa. Tara fba traaka m | .wered tba alarm *aa« la aad iraaaa , nilngulrtnl tba blase after a au hole had bam Imiat la to* reef. T* damage t* the haima rriD apgrarlmal - $S0 ar ITi, Captala Bam Jana*. M - of ton Gra dapartmeat. stated to ™*jTa«e Knelair to holding apart - leoabertan aad bla arile aad dapghh are in tba mnantei^a «f ‘Wadtai * North Carolina. * j ■ * Spray tog aad ynaiag a ISaa ' ftoid of watarmatona la Bohn aaga n itapkii la tea ears of matem an aging M yawtl oaah being m ° Paar ear* arid for MM aaab a* t * track; thr -atom la to* otbar t ll war* mrbaraod aad aold tor |1 a par car *« ** tenek. Than* gwwi who AVI not prana and apaar « took — toaa fa* SM7A0 par aar ti Urn troth. "Titer molsaa tote kat m gaailty maaad tba dttfnroano," m IMAJORJ.A.PA IS ON VISIT HOME w* A. FUkm, * Vak D. C., Mu of tlM late Hr. <5*1 l*t •It MflM «Mt of Dm, nM s*t frioadn. ttm*r 1iriTji ”l*dT-“ *— ^ Wd, who to jud*. advw cou Of the UaiM Atateo My. m taad, who*, ha iriM atloa nad trial of a deil on* ta «ho *+ cwt at J notice, liar. Beach dioWaa. la which tba United Mate. ^.^.;vy! M^Maw^Taofc Whor. Ttete wow ** d-* preparation and trial of aao. Ho wo aariodad to Ike oaao hy the w*U-known law fhaa nf MMbMt and Laaaa, ottamaja foe the Bank of i «c«;aad. U a tetter in «ko ftn.nm •MdH far wlaahw wMk nf Malar Parker and ha haa Ittiaaa Am MMab hfeh JThMlte tw^ai - d»--a -#-> no mum i minuter AwinHid By A Mia Sl Paula, Sept 7.—At a hlUBita preached from MM 4ka palplt, 1 Theteipeea. H. w» hit in the (me •ad abated. Aa a malt ef it, «r poaiaaa it aaid to have ki.ert ad I Thenrpeon daw*. It la aaM that . tM-paa, at eajtoa pMM. M lar, hail waa a Tie art! to pa (na ' na«|iaaf«alM|M*fa*aaiai : "Golden Rule" Sheriff I b Killed By Farmer a —■'m I I Peteakey, Mich., Sept. «_VMato 4 PiTfla, known aa tha "OeMaa lafa' » Meriff a( fam earn*, b dead. ead Jaaeph Onadkapf, * 'enter, le a rapertid Bear deato la a Waal lipW * ai aa the remit ef a pan dael Malta jSfc n the tare aa OhreaahapfN into aaar hare. Paryle waot to OnMhapft fane jidaaltf to tanae a eaptoalB ea » apm toT afnaar'Mto'a ato*^ The *• latter retained tha (tot wtte a re * rebar. to ■ u Tha haM traaarU aalb fee aana pato *" tbe rtiaapea to toe aprtoakatn «4 <■» Beaten Cento*. BnaO paatoa. la . tote Maftl