itfS dbpatcb' toiUkM A«Hi t. me ‘Vju.UKCD ««t«r *• -i-W aiuUtifi «ic. Aft IB* V .' 4\ . .- ***•-* :. ; to r»r«* a t4:B BOTtvir** Bt Dvna. KL C, u «w«4*rlM« BllUr. Dun Welcome* You Dum extends the gland band of welcome to the distin guished guests ,-vith which it is to he honored thin week—the Buiday school superintendents of Eastern North Carolina. Thin body of visit014 to ‘ the boat town under the sun” will be made on of the moet represen tative and leading ritiaens of the various towns and rural cotr7ra.oii.ler from which they cone. Then truly Dunn is hon ored to have these Christian leaders of h'retem North Caro line OS its gt.-3.ltft. The Sunday school superin tendents and co-workers as a class are doin- more perhaps than any other to promote and cmnurage right living. This being true, the very best citi zens are picked for these offi ce*. This means that the very 'wi ciwzen* iroiii many town* and rural roir...un;tics In East ern North Carolina will awem ble her® to make plana for fill in* their mission to a greater degree of efficiency. i Again wo say Dunn will be honored to have so large a per rent of what might l>e termed “The salt of Eastern North Carolina's citizenship” as fu guests and again ws extend the visitor* a sincere welcome, trust in* lhat they will find their stay in Dunn a pleasant one. Faith in The Future James H. Farley, of New York city, who operates a T chain- of stare* j* eighty-fin ■» of Consmdrce'ha predicting the^vraateot wave of prosper ity in the South that it has ever \V)»ai he says is of In termjt to the people of the ►jouth and It is to be hoped that Jus prophecy comes true. Here I* what he says: “The South is due for the greatest period of proxpertiy ft ha* ever known. Wages hav* inrreazed in the South in great er prop® -lion than in the North or Kiddle West. Sales are bet ter and payments for goods are better In the South than ever bero-e While business la good generally everywhere through out the country, and coming fall season promises to be the best in history, it is the South that shows the greatest and most solid gain. The building program in the South exceeds that of tho North right now and hon es and new business opera tions are progressing on a big scale. “The smallest towns now de mand ‘Fifth Avenue' styles, and are a* up-to-date in this regard as an v of the big cities. It Is no longer possible to play off ‘last year’s models’ on th« snail town folks, for Fifth Aienu* extends through the be Art of every city and town in die country.” Tm Easily Cellsc Cupid put in n good ye u"s work in North Carolina In l»2*, and so did the divorce bu r. According to the Bureau at «he Censor. 22.101 couples *! J* united in marriage, wj !io « total of 1,3)7 couples «' w granted divorce. During I0»«. the last year for which tin Mr statistic* were compiled, the number of merrier** In this •ts’e totaled *1.3*7. while the number of divorce** totaled •3k. T».h would indicate that lb*< 'iiw.ivf r-vli, mi. many are w.. t to . all it. tm increasing in ih. old North .SwU. ‘/e arc inclined to believe - «*«■ trader of ohtalaing a JJ ',fff *l*> become too easy. If <> wore more difficult for «* l« yet ‘•fteed" from the fcn. d-i nf •ratrtnway, H le an w- card fact ibet the rush fn *»; "tic-1 up" la wedlock in u»r,iy Iffotuiccs weald net be a wlfl This matter of easy owe getting has caaesdj many to hum sight of the one Ike feet that “when ycfl'rej Married jrmt’rr a long (tee What's ht A Niwt bile the name of a person or a place la a matter of Utt]« concern, nevertheleea it la in teresting to note the names giv er- churches and schools in the nisi districts. It is nothing short of amusing to glance o ver the correspondence from the various rural commnnitle* in trw average weekly or seml wuekiy newspaper and note the name* by which they are known. it'is true that most commu nities get their name from the community church or tehoob and why many of the names of these should have been chosen is a question. In a semi-weekly (taper before us now we note the following: ‘Bear Marsh News- and •Thunder Swamp .-totes.” It would seem that the acmes in many instances were dt nved from some stream, and then the question arises. Who flamed the streams? In travel ing through the rural districts oi:a finds churches known as Hog Swamp. Big Branch, tang Branch. Flea Hill, Hog Wal low, Bug Hill. Great Marah, etc. To say the least, very little di r way to win the respect of anybody. w -- o it Italy succeeds in it* »t Icnpt to bucko the League of N' itions, then its power will hr re been largely spent. Yet if ill * United States had become a «*»c. with the greatest T** °* l,f* and Itoperty of any sim '1. catastrophe nauiintes to be told in merger and •’i .owned Jii'i:* Ui>jvalchc» and i*sii*lc messages \x,m foreign resi le U. a-.ul 'wirut* who survived the .tr. orati.*t. |’,m Furuiie still await* °} ' k''‘l«bw Moo of bow the rsrth k> hundreds of tlwuiands. .a ’ any certainty of iht casualties *•* •»•.** *ih!« nhile C'lininunicaiium v »"v dev.'Mated district* remain »*■ 'hey tire. I !tl rfir* >La ... » m i . « . . ---- •* icicitcu ! I'Kfajr M of I more hopeful nature 1 ®"J' »'«* tl*e disaster, one au thrirhative message from a British rf ?/ VWrohama placing the *T. « f,,,c'»nCTs in that port at 7; . .”*vtn lW* numlier of <(ead w. ,cfi ukiuH compared with first rf|ts large for a foreign col I thousands and indi ct'tes that tile loss of life among the native population may reach the hi(!he.»t rejjorted figures. , Luts A pfulling W'4 a femaartratUa with pa. (asm ter Mbr* tr. rewp*iawna mmtf. ■■■ ■ —■ Report of Auditor For Month of August Uwtr Fund* lucepits: La d by Bank of Lillin« ...$10,000.00 For convict tabor ..._ $00.00 C. 3. C. fleet and (m... 165.30 Frtra land sales 111!_ 14.11 F*»* talas at eaavtct rany . .. ........... 9.00 Frrm refund on Duko bridge. 23.50 9I1.1S4.S4 Disbursements: Al.'owcd by Commiaatonrra first Monday_ TiiMfrr of Am to school fund __ 180.SU Paid interest on nour nod bo mil. .. ..• 5,909.03 9U.279.GC Balance on hmnd August IK ..*628.21 School Faodc From Lee county for school No. 6, 1921 and 19*8 -.« 187.22 Su'u of school building, Stewart’s Creek No. l, colored .. __..... fiu.OC 10 per cent deposit, sole of i.rhoo) house, Hector’s Creek No. S_ 14.0U From Sheriff McArtan ._ 280.01] Fines and Forfeitures, C S. C. _ 199.50 Fires and forfeitures, Dunn .. ............ 550.0C 9 1,220.71 Disbursements: For sahsHea and expense! $ 1,171.27 Balance oa hand August 1st .....9188.20 D. P. MCDONALD. Auditor. farm animal# which pay their waj Lime and legumes—vetch and clovri Maks the old farm rich all over. Half the value of the North Cnro line cotton crop goes to feed tin farm work animals of the Stats, And* k'.a . I TTs.wd atlnr rtf* kiss* pi ra .;mlar since its introduction a yeiir ago beratt-c obits low, graceful lines, notv piesrnii a more sturdy appearance. Another feature coming as the result of the change made in the front of the car. including larger cowl, radiator ami hood, is that oc ni|««nU of the front seat are afford ed more space, thus insuring added riding comfort 'Iany other little imjirovenients anil refinements are noticeable, In ctmling revolving type window reg ulators for at) ilnnr windows and a eii't t«nulrois‘ Conference of Hasten Ninth Carolina, which nieces will onr Sunday school Scjrt. 12 14. There will be a number of protr. inc-nt Sunday school workers will 11*, and we feel that it will be a trey for anyone who hears them. Mack M. Jckmcan. Soft. l-'ir.O l< of list Simriny School Clothes wash cleaner and whiter, end teat longer when you nee Red Seal Lye to soften the wash-water. Laun dry soap goes a lot farther, too. Thoroughly dissolve RED SEAL Lye la water before putting dothes in. Keep RED SEAL Lye in the house; ithaamany every-day uses. Writ* for boofckrt. FoD Eat Pearce’s* 666 quickly relier— Cawtq», ■««imnni. Heedeckee, Cold* end Legrippe. GET YOU* COTTON SHEETS AT L. P. SURLKS’ -.tore. Sheets 80x»f selling for 40 cents eseh. 7 44* FOR SALE—SO CORDS DHyTTne wood. Set A. C. Bsrot's, P),0„, 11 (W. 7tfr HOWRY TO LOAnZ~ANY Aem^i «j bag time. It Inn—HU ate u at ooea WeH and Weet, Attorneys Pam, N. C. LOST—A BROWN SOFT CASE ON the Clinton Highway The suit ease contained s suit St dothn some apples and grapes. Ktadrr pl«ue bare at Snipes Oarage. A. w Brown, Pann, Route !• 7 4t pd FOR RENT—TWO OFFICES OVER Dib*» Fruit Stare, oti* itJi.*, ont frail. See A. C. Barret. 7tfc, CRT TOUR COTTON GINNED AT the Barnes OO IflUa. Now gins ready te do the work. WiU store your teed at nominal ooet 7 Ste. LET US SR TOUR QjNNERs/|(gw e'er sow doing go*,! work at dm Barnes OU Mflb. 7 tlr ^ - - - < FOR SALE — SHEET WON OAR. 1 _r/£teiir COOO COTTON SHEETS, fixx Wid» A? **" TdS I HEN, WONEN. IS UrWARoTToR geesmmsel poabism . flte-ms. ■math. Bx aerie no* —1W11 For free Ibt ymkisae w** 1 Terry (former CM Service ex 1 7/ANTED AT ONCE_FIRST Class ttectmnlc who tan do all kinds of ltvalr »»(.:, Good pay to right nan. Smith ami McKay. 4tfe. t OTTON SHEETS. SIZE, lar 40 r.wit» ivvdi at I* y. Surlcs' •tore. 7 4U MONET TO LOAN.—IF INTEREST, is! Id long-line farm loan* aaa J«ua r. Wilson. over Flstahnusa'i ‘ tore, Donn. N. C. May 1-tie. RTMEMBER THE 1.ENEF1T THE Garnee Oil Mill hr- 1>»en to you and decide whether ■ r ,->l we are Ba ttled to year patronage. New gins now In operation. 7 2tc. HOME-CROWN CABBAGE PUats for immediate delivery at $1 pel thousand. See J. A. Cook, neat M. E. Church, Dunn, N. C. 7 2te. COLD! WHKW1 NO WOOD, NC ■ okI and the Are gone out. Insure c gainst this calamity by plsn‘n| .vonr order now for your tvintarT fupply of wood to be delivered as you need It, at the right price Write or see Daniel R. Lee, Route 1, Dunn, N. C. tfe, LOST SATURDAY ON THE •trtrU of Dnnn, white gold bar pin bearing Sigma PUi Epsilon Cool »f Anns. Finder please return tc Rachel Clifford. 11 Ite FOR SALE.—ONE COOO MILK ***• CaN at Johnson Brea. store If interested. H tfc. STRAYED.—HOUND DOC, Black t-an, heavy sat, long round ears rbout 4 years old. Liberal reward for information. V. H. Manangill n pd. LOST^-A BUNCH OF KEYS ON ordinary key ring. Reward if ro •l«rn«d to Dispatch office or to J. U. Brown, P. O. Box WO, Raleigh "• C- lie LEGAL ADVERTISING MORTGAGE sale of land in.iler the power of rale contained in a mortgage deed executed Jam 22, 1820, by J. E. Williams and wife Louanna William* to kin. Mary J Deal, recorded la Harnett connty in Book 122, page 54. *a,d mortgagi ilrfd and note* haring been dolj transferred to umteiaigned und de fa-. It having been made In the pay meat of raid note*, and amferaignee will expwui to rale at public auetloi to the h'ghoot bidder for cash, at thi rnurt house door In Liliington, Har n«tt county, at 12:00 o'clock II. or Ml inlay, October lit. 192*, the fol lotting described lands: _A tertian ploce or tract of land •ying and being In Black River town thin, Harnett county, State of North Carolina, and defined and .described M follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the road earner of J. R. Deal land, T. H. Wil luma line and ran* South 5 chains to a stake; thrner South 13 West 6.19 Chaim to a corner In the J. E. Deal line; thence N. *8.76 W. 24.10 chains N. 71.60 E. 7 chains to a ataka; thence North *4 E. 1.92 chains to ■he beginning, ioutlining (26) tveen .y-flrc urrr* of land more or less, be ing a portion of the lands of ill- late W, A. Deni. Thi* Auguat 3IaL 1823. J. W. GILL'S, MARY J. DEAL, Mortgagee. J. W. GILES, Transferee. Sept 4 U 18 26. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under Mid by v.rtur-- c£ lh» pow er of sale contained in * cel issin mort gage deed, executed by Y. P. Tart md wife to J. G. Layton, dated No vember 3.1, 1914 and recorded in th • office of the Rogiater of Deeds of Harnett county in Book 111, page 122, default taring been toad* in the payment of the notes scoured —— — — --Ml —— thrrrob*. the under*!*, od -.rill offer fur kup to the hl*h..*t bidder to' cadi, at public auction at 12:0ft o', deck M.. on October 11, 1D23, at the Com‘.house d*or, 1 allin ton, N. C., the i'oHoenng described real aotate. L\ Ittg an— --- DR. P. J. CHESTER, NEW YORK i'O’S'i .(A DU ATE SCHOOL. ANNOUNCED THE OPENING OE AN ori ioE IN r 1TTMAN HOSt’fTAL. > XAC 7s * M-PED TO E/E, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Ejw Easier Than Ever to Own a Through the —will enroll you t/ and start you on the way to owner* V ship. We will put W the money in a local bank, at in* terest. Each week lake an additional payment. Soon our payments plus trie interest paid y the bank will make the car yours. 3/>^*n to 8^ 0111 Into the fields and woods -down to the beach or stream—the family id you—in the Ford Sedan. It is ready for iuines6 or pleasure anytime you step into te driver’s seat and put your foot on the arter button. is a car for all weather with real comfort >r everyone. And now it is within your ach. Come in today—get full details. J. W. THORNTON I Pko« 177--Diu, N. C | MAY WE Seek to PLEASE ALL? THE opinion is very generally accepted * that individual men differ so widely that it is impossible to please them all. But we do not hold this view. For we seek to serve ---- them all alike. We seek " £ aanroo* IIto be valuable and help f to every man who -1-1- enters our institution. And by this means, we expect to gain universal respect and good will. i FIRST FWIONAL I PANkf DUNN, N . C ,