1111 II ■■ ■' II HI Mr. and Mr* John C. Hodges of Fayetteville, are visiting rela tive* in Dunn this week. Bum, tn Kev. and Mr*. J. M. Water*, of Arapahoe, September 3. a daughter — Ev* Elaine. Mr* Douglas Butt and S-/n, Frank. have returned fnum a 10 dav* visit to Washington City. ' Miss Josephine Thomas reiume.i Friday from Maxtou, where -die »l>cnt two weeks visiting relatives Mrs. \Y. R. Jackson left Friday night for Bailey, where she will t.j-end a few day * visiting Mrs. II. (’<. Bunn. Miss Marguerite Warren relum ed home Saturday from Raleigh, where sin s|xni j week visiting rel ative*. Mrs. D. J. Dowd and daughter, Mr*, ldeta W'liiuentou, are visiting relative* in Chatham county this week. Jesse R. r.ee, Jr., and Clarcnri fan went last week to Oak R-tlge, where they entered < )»k Ridge In ftitutc. A collection totaling 5*50.50 for 'he Japanese earthquake sufferers was taken at the First Baptist Sun day school Sunday morning. The Dispatch is requested to an uounce that tlie hour of the mid week prayer meting at the Mrflm di-t church has lien changed fmm 8 :00 o'clock to 7 :30 p. m Four loans for tlic erection of new homes in IJunn were approved by the directors of the Home Build ing K l oan association at a of rite hoard Friday evening. Allen C. I.ee, son of Mr. and \ # _ . f t* t I V I f. A j i.rr, iru .'iii .min for Nyack, N. A'., whcie lie will enter the.Christian and Missionary Alliance Institute n> a ministerial student Dr. and Mrs. P A. Stewart and small son went Sunday to t>ak Ridge in response to a ntrbsagi :,d vising tlieni that Di Stewart’s mother had sulLrcd a broken arm in a fall. b.lmnnd Tail, an nnplnyee at G. I” Pope’s lumber plant fell on the lumher yard Saturday and broke his arm. lie received immediate at tention and his aim is getting along all right. Mrs. C. C. Butler and daughter, Mis? Pearl, have returned trout Chalybeate Springs where they vis ited relatives and attended a revi val meeting, which was conducted by Rev. F„ N. Johnson * -"TulTlWM. Tjf* TravmoVM Ms gro cer* stock into his new brick build ing. Wed Broad street and I nk now Vfuarr. This new store build ing, wliirh wan ici cully completed, is one of the mod modem in Dunn. Wt-ldeal Sinitli. negm. who lives on a farm belonging to J. D. Barnes, near Linden, had his left thing broken Friday r, Lonmin when he fell ntT a wagon. 1 he wound was dressed by Dr J. H. High smith. Mi** Mary Carr WcmbmoV, of senn View. Va., arrived today and will enter the Dutin high school when it opens next Monday. She will make Iter home with Miss Ra chvll Clifford at the home of her pa rents, Mr and Mrs J. C Clifford, \\ e«t Broad street. Geo. L. Canady spent the \* eek end at Oxford and yesterday took his daughter. Miss Lois, to S»'c*n hurt?, where she entereil the Pine land school for girls. He also took llie uAtt V sthnn In TIttSii'u P, r ol where lie entered Buie’s Creek academy. ,T. J. \V»de arrived home thii morning from a three month*’ l<>ui of Europe. He brought with bin two German police dogs, which h? purchased in Berlin. The dogs hcvi not yet learned the English Uui gunge, and order? given them ir English are passed unnoticed. Rush llashana, Jewish New Year, hegnr Monday evening at > o'clock and last* until 6 o’c’od Wednesday evening. It is a re ligious occasion celebrated in even synagogue and temple throughott the world local stores of Jew* an closed in observance of the ncca •ion. Tlie local office of the Can.lin: Power and Light Co. was close? Monday on account of the dcsitl and funeral of Col. Chas F,. John non, president ar»?1 fimndcr of th company. Col. Johnson died at hi home in Raleigh Sunday moniitu of heart trouble. The funeral »va conducted Monday afternoon tit u'durli from Christ church. Rahvgli IV. Livingston Johnson, rdito of The Biblical Recorder, Rak-igk preached at the First Baptist dmrcl of Dnnn Sunday morning ami eve nmg. At the morning service Di Johnson told an interesting story o the Rai»ti*t World Alliance, wVid he recently attended in Stockholm Sweden. At the evening aer/io he talked almttt general condition in Europe as be observed them t fuller report of the talk on Sunda evening will lie published in Frl flay’s issue of 'llie Dignldi. Wh?1 here IV. Johnson was a guest at th home of hi* son in-law and daugh ter, Rev. and Mr*. R. N. Jobnsat Pmf T. T. Jantcr. superintend tne ol Coat* tcliool*. wa« a Dun visitor Friday afternoon. g* ■ BWS—Hi ■ ■ I F.. T. Pool, of Smitbeld, Is a Dunn business visitor today. Middling cotton i* selling on the local market today at 27 cents the Cmi ul More than 100 hales are | •ing utarketed here daily. Mrs. Carl Barefoot and small daughter, "Veil Barefoot, left this 1 morning for Burlington, where they will s])Cttd a month visiting rela tives. Solicitor T. A. McNeill, of Lum lierton, is a Dunn visitor today. Mr. Me Will cainc he re from Raeford, where lie lias been representing the State in Superior court. A. R Wilson, formerly of Cat* tcllshurg. Kv.. has accepted a posi- 1 lion with H. C. 1 ec, local plumber. Mr. Wilson win accompanied by his wife, and they will make their 1 home here. I Robert McLamb, who lives in 1 Her sou, was Uiund over to the Fed cial court Saturday by U. S. Com- 1 mission it li. I.ec on the charge of having whiskey in his jiowessicm. ! His bond w as fixed at $200, which he furnished. Mcl.amb was arrest ed Saturday after the officers Had found two jugs of “ white light ning ” stored in his home. 1 - I WOMAN’S Cl.UU The F.xecutise board of the Woman’s Club licld a meting on ' Friday, Sept. 7, with the dub’s new president, Mr*. N. A. Townsend. In an informal way ihe board dis cussed plan* for the year’s work. The resignation of Mrs. William Thompson, chairman of the Ways and Mean* committee, was accept ed, and Mm. John Fitzgerald was elected to fill this vacancy. The lnaid i* looking forward to a good year, during wliich lliey hope to ilo miu’K for Ihi* cnmmnnflv. The library which was opened by ihr Woman'* club a lew month* ago is supplying the boys anil girls with good reading matter The rec ord made ha* been remarkable, and it is hoped that some new books can . soon lie added to the library The officers of the club for the year 1923 1924 are: President, Mrs. N A. Town send; first vice president, Mr*. H. 11. Taylor; second vice president. Mrs. E. M. Jeffreys, treasurer, Mrs. Marvin Pittman: recording secretary, Mrs. W. S. Snipes; cor responding secretary, Mrs Jas. Farthing: chairman of ways and means, Mrs John Fitegerald; chair man of civk-s, Mrs. V. L. Stephens: chairman of music, Mrs. W. K. Col trane; chairman of home econom ics. Mrs. Carl Fitchett. The heads of the various ilcpart nients are now at work on their programs, and the regular meetings will be held in October. The gen eral business meeting falls on the second FrtdayHf tseh month, end it is hoped that a larye percentage of the membership will attend this first meeting, when the work will be mapped out and plan* announced. The club is (banning some big things. At ibis first meeting a re port of the convention of the State Federation, which met in May at Winston-Salem, will be given. After the business session had l>en concluded, Mrs. Townsend and her co-workers enjoyed a delightful social hour, during which the host ess -erved iced tea, sandwiches and mints. ENTRE NOUS CLUB Mrs. George McKav entertained the Entre Nnui club Thursday af ternoon. The living room was taste fully decorated in baskets of pink and white roses. Several games of bridge »ere played at four tables, after which an see course in the shape of a beau tiful pink rose and mints was serv ed The hostess was assisted in serving by her sister. Mrs. Blay lock. Those enjoying Mrs. McKays hospitality were: Mesdames Dick Taylor, I-ouis Stephens, Emmett Thompson. Carl Barefoot. Horton Sansotn, Hat-pec Holliday, Boh Young. F.llson Goddard. Herbert Taylor, Wm. Pearsall. Arthur Pope. Carl Fitchett, Misses T/Oi« I'Vtrw-r T jjui*e Cox. Birthday Party A large number of young men and young women gathered at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. 1 Butler last Friday afternoon U> pay their respect* to Miss Emilv, the charming young daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. Butler, upon the occasion I of her eighteenth birthday, i The pretty home was beantifitly ■ decorated with flowers and vine* of ■ the season, and the young folk tltnr * mighty enjoyed the various games f staged for their entertainment. Ice 1 cream, cake and other refreshment* > were served. Among those present were: Mi** r es Marie Slewart, Marie and Bea , trice Jemigan, Elsie latgdon, of \ Coats, Helen Butler, Carrie Bell and - Annie l<aurie Hairr; Messrs. Mot . let I lodges, Fellon Parker, Melvin I Neighbors, Claude Johnson, of * Chalybeate Springs; Eugene Butler, * Ed Jemigan, lames Beasley, of i Four Oaks, and Mr. Keith. 1 There will be a reunion at the old 1 home of Mrs. Betsy C. Butler, - Sampson county, Septemlier I6th t All neighbors, friends and relatives e are cordially invited to come ansi - tiring s basket Mrs. Serena Wood Mrs. Serena Wood, wife of Billie1 Wood, aged ahout 82 year*, died i esterday morning at tire iXtutt hos pital, where khe was taken Sunday, ler condition was critical when she '45 taken to llie hospital, anti her leath was not unexpected. The fu teral was conducted at the home, :wo miles east of Drum, at 2:30 j’cfock this afternoon, by Rev. C. V Jackson. Interment wnt made n the family cemetery. Deceased » survived by her husband. Marsalis* Lae Afarsnltne, 12-uronUts-okl daugh er of Mr and Mrs. C. K. I ax, who ivc about five miles north of l>mm, Jied early yesterday morning. The :au*e of the child’s death lias not Ken learned. Tlie funeral run-1 Jitcled Jtt the grave yesterday after toon at 4 o’clock by'Rev A. S. Mc Jitcni, pastor of the Dunn I’rnthy crian church, and interment was node in the cemetery at Drove I’re* Jytcrian church. Infant Dias Felton Dray, .3-months-old, adopt Hi son of Mr. and Mr*. D. T. Ilod tiut, wlto live in West Dunn, died Saturday afternoon. Interment was aide Sunday at 10 a. m , in the >ld Field church cemetery. Rathline Barbour Kathlinc, 2-year-old daughter of Vtr, and Mrs. Herman Harbour, nho live two miles southeast of Dunn, died Sunday night of |mcu nonvi following measles. The ft» ieral was conducted yesterday af ernoon at 4 : 30 o’clock, and intcr nent was made in the family bury "g ground;. Miaa Cos Open. Stndio Ml»« taui'MC Cox arrived in Dunn *tt week xml ha» opened ■ music rtoriio She it located In Mr. Bein'* Wdetic* juet ueroas the itccet from J>* school building 8h« k>«tn her *ork today and I* now ready to re el* c additional pupil* Thorn deelrtng * enter their children may get in oueb with Mia* Cox ut phone No. or by calling at the studio. She will ’onfinr her teaching to piano manic. Master Cottoa Pickers E. P. Alphm, who Kve* on Route t from Dunn, is not worrying about tile high |>rice of cootton picking, lie ha1- two boy* wlio are master l>icker*. Silas, aged 13 year.-, pick mi 332 imurxlt. last Thursday, while nn the «aiiie ilay another non, \ ei lon, |iiekcd 311 pound*, ilr. \tp)iin was a Dunn visitor Saturday DUKE NEWS (fly Wade H. Lucas.) ■nuke. Sept. 10.—'Cutting * wide swath and uprooting everything in its path, a young tornado |>a*sed near here Saturday afternoon. Duke was visited by three *rvcre storm*, with high winds that seemed as if lltey could carry away everything in their path. One local resident a is slightly shocked by lightning. Hr was sitting on hi* back porch, .md, Ik received the shock in his right arm, causing it to be nnmb for sev ers! minutes. But back to the tor nado: It blew a giant oak tree across the residence of C. F West, farmer near here, crushing tin: kit • then in. and took tlte entire top off ;>f a tobacco bam. which was full j[ cured toliucco. belonging to A. L. Morris, who lives about one -nik north of here. It completely raxed ihe bam, strewing the context* all over the field and blowing die roof of the bam several yards. The t>r xadn. or storm, whichever it was, lasted but a short while, allhingb Ihe damage it made was rleaHv vis-1 ible Sunday. The Epworlh league of the Methodist church gave aumhrr de lightful pageant last Simduy at the local church. The play was enjoyed ivy a number of people who crowd ed the edifice to witness the journey »f " Experience to Vision Heights" ITtr senior members of the Oiris rian Endeavor society of the T’res liyterian church are to be given a wcial the coming Thursday night in the old school auditorium. Every member is requested to be present. The Erwin band gave another vne of their enjoyable concerts Sxa ilay afternoon in the park. This concert marked the initial appear ance before the public of four mem ber* of the hand. They were tlie following: Edgar Bvrd, Edwia Bost, Jr., Woriist Knowles and Cochran Geddie These boys, ac acennling to Director White!;-, have worked hard this summer since school was ottt, and have at last mastered their work so thoroughly Is to enable them In take their places among the other-. Mr. and Mix. G. L. Godwin, of ruyctlevdle,spent the week end h.vc die gneus of Mr. a rut Mrs. K. C. Geddie. Mr. .md Mrs. Murk Wade, rnd Mi*» Minnie Kyals, are visiting friend* and relative* in Durham. Mi*» 'f rev a Portia, of Fa>.\ie ville. spent the week-end here with .Miss 1 .noise Ceddie Mr* N. M. McDonald rmd ctiil dren .-re *i>ei»ding some time with friend* and relative* near \iur Mk. Va. Mr and Mr*. O. R Simpson and diidlrcn. Oscar and Hvbert. »i>cot the week-end with relative* in M<m rnc. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Ceddie, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday here with hi* brother, K. C. Ceddie. Mi«* Ruby Myer* *|«nt the week end with her parent* at Ahoskir. A. W. Byrd wa* operated on Monday morning in tbc flood Mope hospital for j^evJiciti*. He i* get ting along Meun. . Miller and A. H. Harper and R. M. Buie made * buawifi arip- Aliaam-U Sunday. Mr. and ‘ C. C Bullard ,of Fayetteville, the wek-end here with relative* Little Mi*4 Vira and Man Ste ven«, aged eight ami six years re spectively, won the feature progr.mj prire at the Harnett county comma oity sing Monday at Lillingtoo They won second prize m special Elat Pearce’s— WHERE MANY DISEASES ORIGINATE— in tha spinal You never km it be fore? Nor do milliena *f Other people Iciow It even rot! Chiropractic ad J ji t'.nent of aublnxated or dlaptaeed v rtobraa, as employed by ua, offers * great boon to many aafferera. Dr. J. M. Morgan ** Ohiropraator” Offiee 4th Fleer First NaMeoel Dm, 14. C. Office Heera: • to IX a. as- ttefpe Other Hear* by Ippeketmaat -—-— FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT Tka frait Maan ii> at hand. My brother is still raisiac it, and 1 am still selling it. Yau will find at my stand tbs finest— ORANGES, APPLES. CALIFORNIA PEARS AND GRAPES la fact wa handle everything hi the fruit line. If yon hay from as. It mast he good. Wa ftuaraatae every thing we selL " ' * * 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ aanmeaasstrnnMMnnmMMmMamM^mMi KLiDlBBS > PHONE W DUNN, N. C. - - , program, competing with trained voice# from Dimn and Angier, but the fuinoua male quartet of KaHie rtie township carried urf firw honor* Tn tlw main ting, Ulliuglou won the loving cup with the following clam o rated in order: Buie’a Credc, Dunn and Duke. The local clan —■ received very commendable prriae from the judge* for their good tinging, they having never had the Itcnel of anyihihg but a timing-fork to aid them. Thin .the judge* de rUrvd. ws» remarkable for the local riant in that the rhue nhuu i (he re tnlt of good teaching. crowd in the aftcrnmm. hlwfc trM played by the Fort Ongg bati ilirixigiiout the day. The day rioted ‘ with nuke and i-ilKnfUjn at faaae- f heAtphirh the UUer teen am hr he tcorcof 7 to 2. —.——— £ . i “ » ' >>■■<.Fi'Sfiiffitffll fcVTv FULL LINE OF NEW FALL GOODS AT E. L PARKER & SONS ' '" jjlp^ AND MORE ARRIVING EVERY DAY-CONSIST ING OF CLOTHING, SHOES, DRY GOODS, MEN’S FINE HATS AND CAPS. IT WILL FAY YOU TO SEE OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING—ALL OUR GOODS ARE GOOD STANDARD UNES-NEWEST STYLES. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS AND WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. I 1 Feldman’s Dept Store ■ —.:::-, t '.V. 7i-t •• >i OUR BUYERS HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTHERN MARKETS, AND WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OFTHSFAITS NEWEST DRESSES, COATS, SUITS AND MILLINERY Our Men’s and Boys' Department are now complete. We sre now showing i complete line of Man’s, Young Men’s end Boy’s clothing, hand-tailored garments, in stripes, serge's, (hecks, in all materials. Come and see them before you purchase your suit. See our Window Display of the famous shoos and oorforda for Fall. Wo solicit your patronage. Watch this paper for our Fall Opening announcement. Feldman’s Dept Store

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