BOiiWEEVILHAS j BOOSTED PRICES Catt^t Siu>it»g» Dwa bu fi >1! W«v3 Hu Ortatijr En imrxtd PricM V v..uf.irtjr*.* R«ce; l) Vr» -W,x .;.»>!■ -t of tl* N** V«r* Cs.iw fcr.» iO .*. b^n.l a *lat£ «bi.i • tit •fuj* ago, IS- i.ooi ago U lx* yiuca cop or I4ftjn by It* bvlt -vv-Vii bivi .* u»0 pfxnni p.n- of c.Uoe tocM be appox! :*a!«t7 bfoV.uao.tMM. I’Ui ii .. llw nilUvIiag fiuiail> >tiL'i,wat whlcii vv ‘ • - .a* :* lo tf.* loi* to -*ra twiArt by ch« boll «mvi. «4m f lAt. I-»t B\-» or nix y>-art U i-kir lair on*-. Ui-<*ii o>. un erroacoor, If th«i« iuul li-cn au boll wvevii to »li sU-t : »• Koulli's cotton crop 11.'.* y.-ar. might perchance have r»Uau sa LV acreage planted 14,000, •TJC u* 15.0o0,00o balct. A crop of tint JIM. even in anticipation, would l aw k..'<elrnl the pike down to pro bably he a ?«..certainly to 10c. A 13.600 000 bale crop at 10c n ps-1'J would have meant an aggie gate of 3750,000,000 to Southorn farmer* for their cotton crop. An ll.cOO.tiUO bale crop, which k appro x*' waiely the present estimate and lauU of ttk a non ixl, though it U now coiling at 25 eenu or over and should command So a joui.d or more, would bn wo.Ui at least <1.106,000,000, or as vie a poUdd would be worth ore ♦ l.iili'.Otki.KW' Thu* instead of • los* to the forme,s o( •730.000.000. by russen of culling short tfcoir cotton e.op through the ravage* of the boh weevil, they have actually mad* by this shortage a ga>n cf anywhere from 3350.000,030 to <8,000,000, over wlirt they would hove received for a big crop at low price*. We do mot believe that anyon> would frr a moment question the probability of cotton having gen,, uowr. u> 10c or lower on a 14,000,000 or II.ilb0.O4ib rrop. By reaaon of the shortage at (he eotlon crop due to the hali.HSdril'i activities, this year', nop a U plei.-i cor loa* than $1,250, oOd.bu i cad possibly much more. If Sucre had w-en r.o boll weevil, it would barmy have brought as mnrh .. v7 :r. i,n,i iiSii I.vV>iu»l I'-.m.,rs an I individual .wliiiti Will 1 trcaaomloBcly. We lm»> vi* rrfc o.l wbj two yet** ago ••kalvl xiil ni/Jtstiil foe 3.000 <vl*j ImiI he gvt only tidi bale*. That v'.smt aim3* Bankruptcy to hint. Si milar ooml'.lor.* cal it In many other e.-u aid con* wityb; loud lias kact abandoned rkttou growing. l>Bt «rt*i. df>e UipfeiLafc.-a to flgurt out i vf x VU0.000,111*0 la the -static by lesson wt thii yo.-.r'a u.1 xHc.l'.: ol.xltiu or a loot vf iit»U>rxb,0*jb at ttf.buO.OtnhOOO dtarme the ia*i li*ii year*. ur come have don. la I... io-it;. the f>rt that t*i<: doll aenv.l lx :h, tV.r* :h~t h-lv V-4 '•! . Jim *i-»et attUBg M \r!:« f.i> !»*'• nvpinflL.t>le t-cli. vrlu-al 11 ri. i nc-r 4vr. T..r fib’./ tf nttwi f.tsiri. .lii ’.1/ M.'v.i -ro' m.’.iT y*.le in yh, it ity 1m->• u-t'-.,#* would iiavo uttrrl, 1 a ! • >n- pi.yortlan of tkvm by ■tu u jl tow >ilre.i !f they Umt pro ;o Bit m i*,-* yicvl per it:.'. in I. II x.'tiU i.' a gnat cum L li»»' rtucor. t.cvl-: vf >'• rofld. ft atari Vv >(• -.eotor il outer til *.»•• Chi •oibl’a e.-ti'ie -sp'.iy, hat It the M Ai -:t.’ drr -fr JiotuUr. furioric imay i.oiii U* yovci' i£ patting to» ihi<1 n*r. -ye into rc.tton >i d lorett them ;-•« otir-.-r thing*. it will it .e- •■ •l hv« y.r»ir«M: a Mccing UCk »r Lihi o iiixu It hr n iicraic iru ly it bo*s bnpomtbU to few. Soat-uru fit* r.era into reducing theii aticov"1 to a extent to et. •Wie »Vv *.<■;: on to gi-w c I? a. nia*l> • MM 41 lac world wit! ta’-i a: It pro: table price. Sf fhia country . ron-uoacd, any ta.ddA.fcon v»R< of ply i»on a year ami He ewrufaelaror; of pig Lo t hdMnl ape<i prw-ljeina eo.0M.liM loo* every year, they would force priaM down la a »>i.. wbat a alt «f ll m wuuM gA Into Wn> rvpuy. Ilk -itry bn itatu- jw'.x ruamg, awl whan tlx awffcrl nrrf! na1 cake Unit IiM at a |xofi(, th*y aha) itwmm taaif ptmta. TT*o farmer amii iabr* the tana b*uan. TO.. la Ja nri>r nil Kraap, afSatkar It be la rtsua ar a**nl or thing* Wtianaw ' tkr .amuu wSI irfrt lb *fk at a tr>«tr. to kin Cw ampul af Uh turn. Rat tat a* pal rbt antiraly af Ui> rfr ath! f!.at Im y«ar*t boll aroar!' tm ten Ik* tar * I760.0V.XMI, fai it >0M not 4aa« an/ •Ml. tbinff Ow«ki Prison Term Tor KiUIry Hu Wife fc»t f~ ft Rapa lar taut aM*> b*f*r* Ja>fcr* Canty* W. Con w. JnbnC* Ms ran, wbita. .*• oa. abnip, >1 with \h If* an Hank tfat nf IVa par ' t^ntp in aaiaat war *r n«4 bna bantai.aaR ta Ub pant. Mai; far M panra rathwni. lb raM *Mrm. RtU UarrK .atant*. ptan.ii i >aH:, af bar ar*« wary in tba naibf af Ifwbart Jkbun. bp Jinan* Ball uJ n.nat»»4 lb* Maw adnat a* Oatt of M y*nta mwImp, •# r»W» Win! CHICKEN SHOW TO BE FAR FEATURE W.l« Re A Great Ye«r For rhkk«M At North Caro lina State Fair Rul-rigli. Hep‘_ *.—This Is tu be a soar fur chickcna ut tbe North Csrcliiic State Fair. By that n meant t-bickvu* of the CratUiy kind. A. G. Olive, poultry expert for t!.«* State agricultural extension Ml *'ke, w-o probably knows more about poultry loan anybody else in North Cemi.i'u. says so and it* ought hi ani.-a. fur the Stale Kxir poultry show bat been Ids special hobby for gear*. H hue lees Oliver’s idea for tone litu* that be would get the best ehlek vii biwilws in the country ta come co North Carolina to show their chick tni. Hu could have gotten them long ago. if ho hod been willing to hire them to come. But Oliver doesn’t , believe in doing thing* that way. t Some flint have what ore called ‘ string" exhibits. That i* exhibitor* ore paid to show their peultryi They -lon’t come for prise* but for money site Slate Fair doesn’t put on that klrjf of 1 snow. The reputation of the poultry dl vision of the North Carolina Stats I Pair hp* become nation-wide, and it ■a worth something to got a blue rib bon. But good money will be offered -**is year also as prixe* In addition. More than eleven huiulrad dollar* are offered in the special classification which is open to all comer* both in mil out of the State. There arc no reservations shoal it and the poultry club boys athl ;irU liavo a* good char.ce at the prises J anybody eke. And that Bley can win them in the big classes la shown by the fact that on* of thorn got ■ prise in iht Madison Square Garden -how la New York last year. Then them Is the regular classifi cation with mom than $1,600 in prises which is confined to North km! South Carolina, Georgia, Virgin it and Ttnnciuee. This Is the regain department lest has been conducted fo- many yean. Then there or* *om« cGOO for the poultry club boys anti girls iu I heir own departmoat which wi*d Uriiig hi fine exhibits. TWO MEN CRUSHED TO DEATH AT ALBEMARLE Albemarle, September 5.--Wal ter Johnson, of this county, and Jo* Finney, of Clinton, S. C., were in' Mantly killed here about 8: if o'clock tliii morning when the cabk to one of the steam shovels op eratcd bv the Asheville P jvinj cotrpanv broke, allowing the »hov <1. which was filled wifh rruthe stitne, to fall on the two men Boil men v»ere employed hy the com pany at the time.’ Finney's Itody was crushed ant mangled dreadfully having licen iin media tel v under the shovel at th time it frl* Johnson, altlmugl killed instantly, was not «■ Iradl; crushed save r<u the hack of lb bend. Joltnson w as aUait 24 year of a«*e, and leaves a wfe and on •bi!d. lip f.imc to this count hortlv lieforc Christmas Iasi yen from Peach Vend. Hi* home wa about five miles we*» of Alhemttlt Finnes was ahostt 47 years of .ig and unmarried. Hi* home was h Clinton, and he had been working in A It*-marie for only a short while He w;:s an ttnde of MyptVV. I1 r Norton. of this place. The body of Finney was shippe* to Clinton this afternoon, where tb funeral will he held some time to nor row. At this time it hits not been def nilCy derided, hut it is thought tha 'he laxly of Johnson will be shippei 'o Anmn ctninty and that the hurts r ill take place at Peachlatwl torn time tomorrow k'»* sad past arc* lead the way t m#m t**» and a ctsamery. T~ -- - ____ DITHER'S LIVER l!i BLOOD SYRUP WILL BE GIVEN AWAY THIS WEEK An interesting fact in connection • I celebrated prescription of Dr. II. S. was learned that weal agents are die tanrplca of Dr. Tliaehcr's l.lecr and uttering from Indigestion, Stoi.taeh<”«. Torpid Liver, Pain.* in Back, Laaa of Sleep impure Bluod, Loss of Weight, Biliousness, Lose of Appetite. ; r>iir:ne»*. Coated Tongue, Comtlpa j lion, Night Sweats, Shortness of rVreath. Skin Eruption*. Tlre*l-Kurt I lovvu Feeling, or vt'no awil a general | iHe'.gtii buildiug tonic. In making known the intention of j 'be Thacher laiboratones to give a I limited number of free sample* of chb vniaable inedteino to man, a om en Ad children, official* of thin com pany made the following explana Lk>r., TtniWi Plaa Safe "Dr. Thaehct"* Liver and Li loo 1 Syrup U not to be confounde I with iho ordinary patent me.Kcim. This rreal tonic ia composed only of me dicinal ingredients long recognized for their superior powers in ovurcoiu ibg the I lion-or caused by improper ! working of the liver, stomach an.I : bowels and the impurltim that poison the blood. "While there ia Ample proof of the merit of this celebrated tonic of Dr. Thacher’s not only through exhaus tive nnslyud| af |h« fprmiffs nnd laboratory tests, but through results obtained in actual cows over a pe riod of many years still it is our de sire to farther demon strata to the people of thb section that Dr. Thack er's Liver and Blood Syrup is some thing entirely different from the fomiflonpleee reeve*he*. "To accomplish this, we arc will ing to bear Die expense of proving the extraordinary powers of Dr. Thachar's prescription, both by our ‘Money Back If U Doesn't Help You’ guarantee and by the distribution of free samples of the medicine to a limited number of iocol people." Any one. who desires, may obtain one of these free samples, fc king as the supply lusts, by calling on the druggist iu their town who is the authorised agent for Dr. Thaeh«r*e Liver and Blood Syrup and reqee/t ing one Out-of-town people are advised that if no Thacher agent baa yet been appointed in then town, their own diuggirt may secure the agency and supply them with Dr. Thacher’s Urcr a-.d Blood Sr rp by applying to Thacher Med* Ins* Company. In Dunn ' f Thcch*-i mr-Tit i* ’loot! en‘ Grantham »*•••! the E. E.. Thomas Drug Co. Ii-*.M. C. • - • ' — h *_" • i!tS the tr«.r<x'uri.on in Dunn of th Hitcher »»« rilitc!o*ed tixii.y when ii r'.bhtlitf a r.miU-ii mimbrr of free •loo«l Syiow »mui;K tJuwc who arv 'rouble*, Hheu mat urn, Sick Ilcuit DR. H. a. THACHER Brat Medical SeU Oi Mraey Back burnt* Dr. Tkucher's Liver Idol Syrup has been found *0 pose-'n sot remarkable qusliuaa aa a family ,n dicins that it It n«w being sold on positive guarantee that if it does n orir.g relief the pure has* price w je refunded. Positive instructions have been I sued by the ThaehSr Laboratories I dl druggists to this effect- If 1 benefit is received by any one su ferit g from Stomach Troubles, lnd jsectio". ltbcuioutam. Sick Hea icher. Torpid Liver, Pains in liac Lost of Sleep, Impart Blood, Lo nf Woijfht, Kliousnem, boss of App tile, Ditsineiu. Costed Tongue. Coi ■.tip; tion. Night Sweats. Shortnc* < E oath. Skin Erurtio"*, TiTcd Bu' | <icno Feeling i*r those who feel tl ; need of u general strength-boildii I tonic, the purchase price it to be r : Lamed without question. ---T— ah Mi Black ikste BW1lLShoeR,lbh Positively the only polish that will shine oily or damp shoes -No disagreeable odor i : r r * I y, r. pa^y r,yri—. s^su^ky. I * \ » i ► i ._ ■ WSflK !f m mmmm mmmmmammm ■ ■» —. —■ ! i — 1 ■1 '-****'• ^h ■»• 1^ •***«»*. .^■mro JBSSm^^mm* <*m A & THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER M Ranks: \d •• the biggest newspaper pubi,~hrd between Washington and Atlanta. m and Us news sarvice ranks second Lu none. It it connected with all the principal news centers of the Hiate, the Nation and the WorW, by three /1 leased wires of the Associated Piwsa. and receive the full night and «ilay double trunk wire service of that greatest of all news gathering aiiVfMtiaa. Also it baa a corps of correspondent!* covering the news of tfo Carolina* by telegraph, telephone and mail, supplementing the work of lu own staff and The Associated Press. Its markets news and ! sports department* compare favorably with those of the big metropoli tan papers. In addition to furnishing ail the netea that ia worth printing. The Ob- k HrErif. * *°d Saui^’ «*T*r •!*?*•*? of -ecnl to non# ia 1 "TVI" f*v°' writers, women’s fea Msfaw cemles ead pLUty, and Is the only paper in the Carolina* that V rarriea a section devoted to the interest of all Prsternal Orders SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL k fUB. mmA - - 1 **«• A Moe. « Mo*. 1 Yr. O * 7 -. -.-2* «•*» SROO 1 SlsUo ifi? *"**9—.«* I.7S UO 740 f Swwdev Onlp--Rg 1.00 I.7S *.00 || £ ’7 ’,VW ’ / 0 1 < * j .tic:© Daniel* Issue* uiuing Orders Sml t fii-M, Sept. C. — Temporary . tc.•.<•.'•>:>• w«« rigncit here by I .*>..• Fr.. ik r>au>U rcetruinitu cle ■ of the Tcrbocco (.rowers i " '•(.erms'rs: osectiiFon from tvllii.” I •‘.'•id' tins ju'-cciettan. Fart of th< | hij'.llictiona were returnable brfot) I__ r nrwireeaai ira~ MfsamaB i Judge Daniels at Lillington on Soph' rJob or 13, muI Oil other* here on I 8- ptembar 34. I Governor I«*bm Call For Japanese Funds I Raleigh. Sept. 6.— Declaring that I the people of Xortli Caiotin.1 should , show their appreciation of the inani TTTiein ii II ■nnn II inra i I i m Sold and unusual material blessings which have been theirs, by contrio atiug lo the Red Cross fund for Jap anese relief. tlovcmor Sameron Morrison todnv issued a proclama tion caning on North Carolinians to snlircriEc generously tu the fund. North Carolina's ipiota of the fund, lo be raised bv the Red Cross U $25,000 I— I j TAXPAYERS! AL L PAST DUE i vrCET AND SIDEWALK ASSESSWi£ r; o NOE paid by OCTOB2R 1st., 1923 WILL BE ADVERTISED ON THAT DATE AND PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT PUB LIC AUCTION. THIS IS FINAL NOTICE. ATTEND TO IT AT ONCE. H. A. Parker, Clerk ! Here is the in stallation you ' get for <53912 • 1 Oaa Dalao-UjAt H«* A* ■*•» 1 popalar rtaa» Matat H4—tSt warn •apaairr. » raft^ «rll|bt pafcf). OOaa rtaalart Dataa-U#rt Bdt* ■tttary art* ahrtaaa larfa lapnAy aaila wM aura Alak plataa apt hr y Aa I art <fra<*t paM). O Tb* faalatlaitao pi Aa Plaal a-t *^»attarr— aaaapi partbaaar la fat al* laairan baa* aat battary ft* • A Wlrlat pa baana ht M (N) ’h#** la b* laaatat aoyaAaaa r*a «Wl e Oaa pawar aortal whararar , < •ay waM h hrta%< l» T*** Aaaaa. fljhol.f aat al laa (») trap M*t* wMk<pah*a aot Aa laataMartao al HkftAoat Ar aaaJk. r completely installed "for tiiemost popular farm size plant ready to turn on the limits ^ QUANTITY production make* low trial ] possible. Tit Deleo-Light Company make* more farm electric lighting plants than any other —nnfan I hirer. Over 21 acres of floor space aro nsisqdsrl by (be great Deloo-Light Factories at Dayton. Whole carloads leave these faotories daily, car rying Deloo-T.ight Plants destined to btigmi farm homes far and wide throughout the land. ®Y*r 4,000 skilled installation no are daily wir ing booses and installing these plants in all parts of ths country. - Such quantity production and suck unparalleled installation facilities malili the Deloo-Light Company to offer for the bit time Ibis wonderfully low, Installed price far the most popular farm-ike Deloo-Light Plam. Never before baa there bean such • nrlendhl opportunity to equip your farm with eleetrie «dh» and power. Deloo-Light will make your home a better, brighter place in which to Hue end work. You ean make the housework easier for tbe women. You sen make life happier for the children. You ean save labor mad Inoreaee prnflta for yourself. «, You’ve wanted n Deleo-Ughl Plant. You need • Da loo-Light Plant. Hera la your opportunity.' DBLOO-LIGHT COMPANY Dayton, Omo j >9 i i p J ——.-Owr *00X500 Satisfied .. . 0 (HUDSON ELECTRIC COMPANY I Dunn, North Carolina I

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