THE DUNN DIS I VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, SEPT. *5, 1823. - -- - - _ * WALTON HUNKS HE HAS KLAN LICKED Governor Au«rU Ha Want* U. S. Court* To Rulo On Hi* Mova (Hy Associated Press.) Oklahoma City, Okla. Sept. 23 — A test in the United States courts of hit authority to prohibit the con vening ill an extraordinary session of the < Iklahoina house of represen tative* set for Wednesday will l»c welcome. Governor J C. Walton tie elans I tonight “ 1 want to place lire issue of the Ku Klux Klan licforc federal an ihorilics, and an injunction action eyainst me will be the roost direct method of bringing this about,” lie asserted. Governor W'alton said that "the Kit Klux Klan is hound to he an is sue in the next national election.” The executive's statement was in reply to a declaration of members of the house of representatives (hat they would resort tn court action if he rarried out his announced in tention to bar the session. He declined to comment on previ ou- published statements by others that he would lie a candidate for United Slates senate on an anli-klan platform. “I have no announcement to nuke at this time,” lie said. A'Ion J.t Luktd' The governor said lie believed " the klan was licked,” hut that he was prepared to go on indefinitely with hi* cant|aign against the or 1' ismi He said ihnt if lack of fund* later prevented the purchase of su|>p]ie* fur troops on duty, he would com mandeer what was necessary. Militry courts in Oklahome City and Tulsa were not in session, and headquarters of llie guard officers were <|uiet A statement replying to critics who have assailed him for suspend ing the writ of habeas corpus and " Mu<h has been said about the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus and there are those who de clare that during the days of re construction following the Civil War the writ of habeas corpus was never suspended.” The governor said. " T tear the memory of some people is failng. for there was passed a law by the Congress and approved April 20, 1871, which was known a» the * Ku Klujt KUn law.' This law was directed at the klan and outlawed it in the United States ” Precedent for Hit Course “ The federal government wt< having to meet the very same condi tion* that I have to meet,” said Gov ernor Walton, " and met them jusi as 1 have to meet them. .... Now let the newspaper court head ed by E. K. Gaylord (publisher ol tlie Daily C)klahoman) pay its rc .tuvMa tA tki> I UtitMl Inw mode it a high crime for masked and robed organizations to pass nl*>ng highways. " Under the above mentioned sf.uetnent the whipping of an indi i v. 'ual by a mob wax sufficient t;rounds for declaring a state of re iV dion and a susiK-nsion of the writ r.f lwiltca* corpus. The Daily Oklahoman and other •~iklahotna newspapers have advo iited appealing to the federal courts. Under the statute I have cist <|ttoled before one could sit upon a jury in a federal court he had to swear that he was not con nected with any organization named in the acts and that he had no knowledge of any of their conspir acies If it was proven that he per jured himself in taking such olh, he was subject to severe penalty "I submit this so the people of the State may know that 1 am not doing anything that has not been done be fore to protect the rights ami liber ties of the jieoirle, and I have the precedent of the greatest govern ment on earth for my guide Observers of the situation look ed for an indication of it* solutior this week. An attempt to convent the State house of representative! Wednesday without mil by the gov etuor is expected to reveal the im mediate course of developments The session was called by mem her* with the expressed purpose o: investigating certain official acta o (inventor Walton The gwrerno lint branded the lesskwt as a " Ki Klux Klan demonstration,” and ha declared the legislators will not b |iermitted to meet. Whether Gov cmoi Walton will hack up hu thrci to jail any who make aa attempt re mains to be teen T.ast night he sat methods to he used to block set . sion would be in the hands of Ad jutaitt General B. H. Marichafl The latter declined to reveal Ms '» PRICE OF COTTON STILL GOING UP Advance During Th. WhL Al At N«w Orleans Total 120 to 137 Points New Orleans, Sept. 2J—New high leveh for die season were mads in Hie first part of last week's cot ton market, but later session brought something of a rent Honan tendency, although tile close was at net gains of 120 to 137 poults, f Oc tober closing at 2X.48 cans a pound At the highest Oaober Inn led at 29.30. and at this price thr list of active positions in the contract mar ket was at pains of 1R7 to 2.10 points. In the spot department prices gained 150 points on mid dling .which closed at 29.00 rails a pound after having liecn <|uoled as high as 29.25. On the close of this week last vear middling sold at 20.50. Wet weather in the western licit and increased talk of another short crop as the result of damage over wide area* were the main reasons for the advance in prices. Texas complained bitterly of the eflccl of much rain on open cotton, and in addition refxnted rotting bolls in some sections a* well as seed sprout ing in the bolls t.HJahuma com plained of a delayed movement of the crop and points in the central and eastern section of the lielt told of more or less damage, either from insects or from Phi much rain. Large sections of the eastern belt claimed that weevils were taking the entire top crop. Toward the end of the week crop tumiiuw nj^uro a* row as w j*r cent of normal had considerable ef fect on sentiment, and this coming week private emp reports will prob oabbe he rhe governing influence in the daily price swing. The official September condition |>eriod end* next Tueaday. and the *ec«md gin ning period of the season also car ries the crop down to that date Be fore the coming week is over many privates report* on Condition (and Now is the time to kill peach-tree borers with Para-dichlorobcnzene. Receiving Stations Opened By Co-Ops The North Carolina Co-operative Cotton Marketing association has ojiened six receiving stations in Harnett county These points anti die receiving agents aic: Dunn . I.. C. Kazcll. Lillington . Cluu. Rich. Angier _... _C. S. Adams. Coals C. T. Matthews. Manners _H. M. O’Quinn. Duncan _B. W. Weathers. The list of receiving points aru the agents was furnished Tlte Dis ixitch by Frank McNeill, field repre sentative in this district. Mr*. Nancy Lee Died Last Friday Night Mrs. Nancy F.. Lee, widow of the late Rev. Lundy 1-ee, died Friday night at 9 o’clock at her home in Mingo township, Sampson county. While Mr* Lee had been in declin ing health for aeveral months, her death came somewhat as a surprise Deceased wa* 68 years old and is survived hy sis children, three daughter* — Mesdanw's O. j. Flyrd, ,D. B. Jackson and R. F. Lm-, all of whom live in Mingo township, and three sous — Thaddeus Lee, of Dunn, L. M. Lee, who lives in Sampson county, and J R. Lee. The funeral was conducted Sat urday afternoon at 2: .10 o’clock by Rev. Hannibal Jemigan, and inter ment was made in the family cem etery. Mrs. Lee had long been ar active member of the Free-Will Baptist church. SFie took an activi jiarl in the things which tended t< improve conditions in her horru community, and will be sorel] missed. Mountain cabbage will soon b on the market in the form of succu lent kraut. Thi» is a new co-opera live enterprise promoted by work ers of the Agricultural Exlemioi service. [ tended course of action, r Won't Hr ton to VMtntt i A statement issued last night h i W. D. McBee. representative fnn s Stephen* county, a leader in tF movement to convene die house, <U 1 dared members who will mvet d - not intend to rewort to violence 1 the governor uses forte to dispen - them. lie said if they are not pr - milted to convene they will " rrso L to the court* for vindication of m i- rights-* An Unusually Mild Winter Is Forecast l Henderson Ui<|>tilcli.) “We a tv going to have a mi), winter, an.J I've already got in; .hij«e, devlji.'d G. AY. Joyner the morning a; disensMitg the prercnl eix»! ipcll and Having early full wtailivr condition:, for some firm hack. " It was .iuji like this .U yeari ago." continued Mr. Joyner, ‘'any exact iy J-t yean ago tomorruu wi had a killing host over this seel ion Tli« wiiiler tlm followed was iht mildest I vnii i einemlier. Cotton veto sprouting aid Id. joining hy Clirisl mas, and a great amount of meal was lost liecaiisv it eould not Is- ke])i through the warm weatlier.” WANT SARD ROAD DUNN TO BENSON L-ocal Chamber of Comm*irct Will Ask That Road Be Hard-Surfaced A mrivetnem in die inlevesl of getting tlie higfiway between I hum and I ten son hard tnrfaee.l has liem launched by thv Diutn Chamber of Commerce. At their tegular monthly meeting Fridae evening the directors of the lucr.i Chambvi discussed this matter ami ih. set retail was instructed m take ny with the citizens of Itcnson die proprnriti.zti of making a conceited effort m have this stretch of road wchicled in the State’s hard sur facing program. L>ue to the persistent efforts covering a period of *evrrrd month* of the Dunn Chaiuhri of CVmuitcrcv contract wa» let some two month* ago for hard-surfacing the highway between Dnnn and Dube Work on thif project hi* already licen began, and it will he a nutter of only a few mouths before these town* will be conncncd with a .haill- in faced road Gtizens of Denson no ilinalrt will co-opemte with Dunn In the effort to get the mad connecting the two (Cl '»■ I Wet II ' 1-—— - rtnph A Rime. r,f MaMon. w'r* among die visitor* in Dunn vestcr day. Mother Of Triplets Diet After Birth Oxford. Sept. 20.- XIt». Mar gate! Hester Ramsey, aged J*>. wife of Robert Ramsey, tfird at h»i home tod.iv after giving liirtli u three boys, all of whom are living Slie lived several hours aflrr th« birth. She is muvived hv lutslsntd one seven-yen’ old i In tighter am the triplets. She was a il.inghtci of Mr. William Hester and a irslri of Jofui W. Hester. |»run»inent law yer of Oxford, -nd Cap* M !! Hester, II. S A. I'lmerti! b conducted Si.i’tnl-y at Hester. JV ceased was a lovely woman .uni ; graduate of f *xfnr«) collegi Cumberland School Row Takes New Turn Fayetteville, Sci*. 21. - The liti gation over the ■•onsnliilatcd iwhool of Seventy Iir-1 tnniisliip, this riuni ly, which ba> Iren in thv court-' tor more than a year, wsit given a new turn yesterday .when Judge N. A. Sinclair, hiding Superior c.tnrt here, signed :ui injunction re-1 rain ing the Ciimliei liiml eiiunty In vied of education ftmii taking further step- ;<> locate the <clnj«.| at Glen dale and diverting the members of the board to n|ipear before him on September 28 and show cause why the restraining order should not lit made permanent. The injunctiui was signed by the coni l on applica tion of the boL/d of •rwslces of Ilk school district art) curtain las pay ers of the township, who have tie tenmined to bring the matter to t settlement and have irstitmesl «ui against the board of edtu-alion aiw the rounty cotnmiitiiHinrrs, allegm) that the school cannot It 1 oca led a Glendale because Clifton has id ready been ehoren a*, the kv-rtlioi by tfie trustee* of ilte sfnol. At ironical pits re of the ease is lUa other tajt-pnytr* if the lowttshi last year oisained no minuetioo rt 1 straining the boartl ot educatio from locating the school htdldiu at Clifton, which it proposed to d at that time T!«e restraining ortk was dissolved,by the Superior coot t and the-judgment upheld hy the St t prente muri. Card of Thanks j Wc wish ht express our hear f felt thinks for the many acts « e kindness, sympathy and assUhun - shown tin during the illness ar t death of our mother, Mrs. Nata r R. Lee Tu Familv OCTOBER FAIR TO BE THE GREATEST EVER STAGED HERE Thrilling Free Acti Aotk Night And Day Will Entertain Visitor* INDICATIONS POINT TO A RECORD ATTENDANCE Fair Official* Hat* Perfected Th« Most Ambitious Pro gram Em Under taboo Her* —World - FsmoO* Artists Will Be Seen la Freo Act Program During The Four Big Deys And Night*. T he aeroplane is a teoinJerful ma • chine, hut since iwt novelty lu„ worn oA it lock* much of the thrill winch comes to tliuije^wlto wittiest He- daring dives frutVnhe old-fash ioned Itallmtn. For tlftit reason the management of the Gfth. annual fair tti Ik- held here l Icuifcpr V to 12 two passed iqi the anonNoe flight :t ( thrillrr and has engaged an wn, nai'd who twice a dl( -afternoon and tiiglil — will »t*e pat s, lime leap* from a nianmii )hUi t* end ing over the forty Wre enclosure whieh houses die iSr’ association plant here. 7 ('•as fi*r the Udloojj trill l>r siijr plicil from a »|ieviadv constructed pi* i<» race track infiyd That will lie tin only gas generated vmhin the fair lot, because tin* mtar thg man agement hat decided to dispense with the usual iortriel address by some notable pttbl'c firm *•„ an I-- ' ■■■" I III. dc|wn1ure of * time-l;oi*nreil cuxtuni is considered advisable br^ause it H»* been femnd rirtualtf irrt)>o<>ihle to keep the “ big men “ from :,*inc the opjiortnnrt) for political hay-! mViVinp. The officials ot the fair as sociation do not w ant any polite* in their'n this year. S' All indication* |<r,iri fo a record mtendance at the loc^rfjjr this veu. President Henry A.3*ijlingmi »™| Husine** Manager jAj* ColdMn ever undertaken, 'll oat ha* l»cn li jjh, but they are cxnjdJenl that tin people of the four countie* sur rounding Dunn will be sitffa-ierttlv appreciative to save the ar.tociarioii any financial ins* The premium list this year in clude* large cash premium* for all cla**e* of farm exhihits, ‘a wing, Imine economics, antiiiue*. curios) (ns, live stock and all that mil oi thing The raring purses are huge and -jg’icd m-j*tH to attract lord entries whirh, for die first rime, were featured last year ami proved more intcicsung to the spectators than dill those 0f the forc*gi. stable*. Both harness and running races fe*. tfiie the program, ai*4 a vei y hlg.i di"T‘— • fnti»est is l-eiiy» manifest . d Ip i•truer* in Ifanr«tt, Sampson, t'linilft'rbiod ami Johfcrot) COuiltic*. While Ihe fair is primarily an ag ncvl;»ir:il i.\|*i*i troll designed for tlie upbuilding of th? agricultural industries of the *urr*undiog coun iry. the amusement .tkI entertain I men! features have Issn given more lltati usual atienticu. 'flic hnllnori - ascension is merely m incident of ■nr *mv .uni cngiu imgrams iik frve a<-« program incudes some of the- most famous artits before the public, many many a them having been Imotol by the larger State £mr* of ttic South. On Tuesday. Wednesday and Tlsrsday nigh;* the association will stage tremen dous fireworks show. The midway art rations are to be supplied liy the Brmv & Dyer com pany. whose shows » well pleased the crowds last year. This company will bring its attracons to Dutm on a private train .f more than thirty cars, and willhave si* tre mendous riding devies as well as s’xteen major amnsnent project* whic h include wild aitnal and wild West shows along ith the tcsunl midway attractions. Considerable intent attaches to the swine and poolti exhibits this year by reason of tl fact that the ('.rand Champion Do roc - Jersey Brvir of North Carrna. owned by President Tnrlmgtoiand the cham pion white Leghonrnoater of the i Stste. owned by tbcl toward-Drs per poultry ranch, 41 he on extii i Ution, The rooster is all the |x>m r posity of a hotel el« and the plu ■ mage of a Pennrla police chief, i lie is a decidedly ranky individ 1 nal, admitting in hisearmg that hr is the cock o-the-w». He came to flat local ranch fm the Pacifii 'lope with his haremf seven hen« mating the owner six hundred • dollars. He and k Turlington’’ ( grand champion wfbe hjg attrac e Hons for the fair 4tors. il I With (he cotton oo belief thar y I the average for tMItate and the staple hovering trod thirty cent* - the Dntui District * hf a prosper • .* mm m mmmtmm ■_ Strunk A'iJ iCiied By Hea.vKy i.uaikd Truck Sprtiri-r. Sc|.;f _*t. • 'IV < u*fini t.f .a,Ii iljiU mviilniiN in Mimim viiHiit\ it. riiij; iln- |aiM two «Ja> - tiCi,i“r Vliiiiiiin., UlfCil six i,f .Mi. .nut Mm. V\ .Mi ll si. .if ;'.;ui rr, viie iVJs Ill* t.lillt'. , .ll. it III' J 1,4*,1. V |..J.j Mink K | C'niuiril _nd Ji l III b. i'. (J ki;,-i<f. Ill'll ii r.f kalcii'li. The .iivirb-n! li :|.[irii<'iJ rear * n <V' ilcjsii 111 i- .ifinmM •■1 ..Ii. .1 1 lie! tail junijh'.l 1*11.11 U.ltm.'l ,i xa nng<*> m: v I n !i 1.4* ;ilm ii,ly ju:.'. in 1 mi..- i* uml, by Iln- h<lli> ill .** 11 •.• itli -jv : hi of •.Inn. .1-*.; .»V.' i.,c I>mnl »j.-.xi| iBni'ii a 1 V'l'l. iT;;.l.- "ir;i ;1n' |>.'i.r,.il ucr station. SUPERINTENDENT Electee* Tr# >/e~.d Sunday Schr.iil Ai !*?*« KVa'Ictmi kl'urcli Me*n*1rrs0iai .•*! - \* ;|H* »c. c«ii( r.t* • iihv •»! !•«. • u.irtrr* !v ri'iifiMtm. 1 • •!.« I It n«!«-'.nu/vi stitii/n. \ii. ; S. . rimi \x*a* rlct'lf<l 1 iV; iii SinuLit uf if !*:•-*! \ • e *.I'«hIi^I Kpis Cf1»a1 e iAinHi. \»r. I *. M. Itolliii*. x lk» his ; »i> |»«• •«] for ma >e.'T%. 1 ui»el \ir. Y:ir1u<*ij»lt t a-* cUvt;v| to r-1* ;lv x.'iintw. ^*r. Y;.rf.r,#-iii^x came t*» I lender• c'w* *cHir ur^ t# r nm»‘iinni itt t!v m’lmif.vtitr’ilK in *•v• iivi 01 me I feii<l»*r->ii I liif-ico C>Hn|Ktny. He las a!iwith every svnrev.ient fur the Hemenneirt of t T city, am) i.; • , omgstail worker fur hi* church. Before coming to !1etvlet-on lie lived at Duke. N. C., where he was the iivimr orjnnizer ai.rt sn|wi inlviwlrnl ok tfu- Metho dist school lhere for al/wu eighteen >« ’Hie pfaer nf si’periotentferH of hirst Jicthodist Sunday? trhoot In II t-xterUftn is .me of honor and re --u.f. ---e_u-1|>. v.ts ; l il . ...;i:lii,i.',id.. and il ii Is-lirvnl that he ij. thoroughly capable ol eui<Ji!.'‘iii^ the- jfftiti of die *.-|nlo‘. Coroner (H Scotland County Die* Suddenly _ latiiritiiiiirg. Sept. -1. — County t u oner \. |i;.umc*i<l died »ud this oHi.uio^ ai t< o'clock, lie hrui not Is.vii iii ti'nil litallN for sons lime, lull im the streets I'lalcrdiiy as usual, lie was in the act «if sh:,»ion hiiiodf win'll iltsith sti si liii i. I*.- is ..iii\ivcsl 1 >\ u wi km, forte ihiiRlneis ami three wets ii. I I...ii,u.hmI was sixty years oh., atkl was .mm- of Scc« bmds iiue-i lii;']i!> osttxnieil cili i retis I'l'uti'al :"i.nioi-iik iiis have not j«i Insu made WRECK VICTIMS ARE RECOVERING Four Youit” 'Men Hurt In Auto Accident Weil On Rond To Recovery Tin- eui-di-hm uf < diver W arren. I Icrlurt S. McKay. Josc|4i Uniijjan ami Manning Nurri- the four Ilium young iikii» were serkmsl) in jured in »u n-.inmmliilo wreck" last W«ln(sl*y nk'ht. aie very much irmirovetl Mr. Jeriiiyan "ha* ah ready arrived li<»mc hum tlie Stnilh field hospitrl. am! is nWc lo get around with the ahi uf mitclies. Me*ssr- Warren and McKay art expected to arrive Ivnuu from Ihe same hosptfnl tiannrniw ur Thnrs day. Norn* did not go to the lm» pital, his injiuk’s Icing much Ices serious than dwise of llieother three who were in the t-nr which I*? wa* driving when it was wrecked on the highway, near StmthficW. V« was stated in Kriilay's Di* fnu li. the Cadillac cur in wfikit the funr were riding at the lime of the urcidrul was drmnlislivd wlieu h ran livad on into a Iturk driven I nr a negro and turned turtle. The In* tunes of Messrs Wan cn and Mc Cav wen- fhe usist serious, though l«*h are now well on the way to recovery. * • .. i -»■ oos community when fair time* crane. For this reason M r. T nrting Ion and Mr. (folilstciu are not wor rying ahnut a financed shortage this rear. Attendance is sure to break alt previous renin!*, ami Dunn ia planning to give n royal welcome to the thousands uf visifbrs who will •warm through it* hn*y streets dur ing Ihe week. CLEVELAND MAN ! IS CUT TO DEATH CInimJc (v.m. KaitM T* Dwd)' By Pldlf.,. WynaWrfar At (Utfiwit — Cast on‘a, .'vi. -1 —Claude Cook, j aged If, a - ou» s CUteland county turner, wrs ttal.rc<l to death about 11 ii'clrdt ' ist night near the office of the ()j»t* mill, East Garroria, b,v Philip Wyiiebergw, The deed wa« committed while Ct«k »at in die froirt «cai of hi* car K.sMle Wyneberger'* wife, who had j«'*l returned from a rule with Cork, hi* brother, Summey Cook, and Clcr.inttc Davit. all of Cleveland county. Cook's, jugular vein w»* severed, and he died within a min ute or two after he had hern stab lied Wvnebeiger e*ca|<e<l and hat not a* yet been apprehended. Coroner Kincaid cnipannetlvd a inry thortly after Cook'* death lx*t night and the body was viewed at llw Uinlcrukinit r>iahlidm:cnt. The Isotfy wax taken this nflemoou in tin- dead man'* former home in Clc» eland ccatnty Tlte jury held an inquest at the city ball this after noon at A o'clock, at winch the Stale wan represented liy Solicitor John G. Alaqientcr. who examined die witneMcx. Witnextcs examined by tlie cor oner wer, Ckmmie Davit, Summey Cook. Mr*. Nancy VVytwJicnter. Thick Self and Mr*. Maintnic Self. -Vccording to tlte lemunony of Hie witnesses, the two Cock hoys and Davis, who are cousins of Mr*. Wvneberger. came to Cantoris Sat _!l_ ./A___1 - A. A I_ home of Dock Self at fbe Oxark mill, where Mr*. Wrix-bcrgcr was living, she having moved there oti that day from the Avon mill. Wvne berger and his wife, it ap|ieared, had not been lifting together for four weeks. Self it her brother.. Before dark the dirge boy* kook Mrs Wyncberger to MCAdenvile. The l*ir|>oee of the fri^ feeing, accord hrr, to teduinajh to find her •>n the running board of the car and killed Cook with a knife, the wit ness*.*. stated. Club Members At The State Fair Raleigh. Sept. 2d.— One of the most interesting features of thr State Fair this year will be exhibit* and deni01 mirations by club boy* and girls enrolled by workers of the State College and Department of Agriculture. S. J. Kirby, in charge of flic boys' club work, and Mil* Maude Wallace, in charge of the K*rU. have completed arrangements for luring several tent is of dub member* from each section of the State. The girl* will give demon stration* in rlotliing, canning, jelly making and poultry growing, while the hov» will judge livestock, grains and grasses, and give demonstra tions with various farm problems Tlie agricultural club member* will 1* entertained by the State Col lege while here, and both boy* and girls will be under the dose super vision of the farm and home agents of the Agricultural Extension Ser vice while in Raleigh. At least fifty girl* will be ih the teams coming to Raleigh, and several hundred boys arc expected. Coolidge Studying Agricultural Statu* Washington, Sept. 21 — Presi dent Coolidge and his advisers are giving energetic study to the Hgri rull ural situation, hot ]>nibaMy will lie unahk' to come to any conclu sion* as |n possitile relief measures before bic next week. Secretary Wallace, n|ion whom has developed the task of assembling data on the subject, will not tare hi* rejiort ready for several days, and consr •ptently the cabinet it h ‘regular meeting rralay made no efTort tr. rearh a conclusion. ThomasWD* Stora* Destroyed By Fire High Point, Sept. 22.- Fra aarly this morning destroyed the Moore Brother* store. at ThomasviHe, eti tniKng a krs* of Hock vllncd at $55, 0(10, S was stated today. The build mg waa a frame structure, owned by J. R. Myers. The slock wa* in sured for ft.sjOOO and the building for $1/100, according In information available here. C. A Moon and Mr*. C. C. Moore, owner* of the stock, were said to hr the principal loam The cause of the hr*, which occurred about 1 o'clock, ia as IfWfWII, • SAMPSON WOMAN WBS BEK SUBS 1 pi Clinton. Sept 23 — "Oh, ii wm f*eM iw»r if thr way liiea Gladys , \\ dla epitomise* her splendid ca reer in the University of Michigan Lnw School, where she won honor'. after honor and was the iely uo- J • man in a graduating class of one hundred and twenty-live. . -Mis* Wdfs. or rather Dr. Wij| arrived home Monday evening jaP ter an ahaenre of a little more than two year* at Ann Arbor, the scat ■ • of the great university of Michi gan. Though Mh- comes loaded down with hcartrs and a conscious ne*a of notable achievement*, she I* ilte same modest, gentle and wi* * r>mg personality tliat left tu in •921, appearig a girt of only nine tren or twenty and giving no hint in appearance or manner that she ha* won Use doctorate of jurispru dence flout a great university and ha* thr honor, never attained by any other student, of furnishing the leading article hi an issue of the Michigan Law Review, to which legal light* of the whole world make contribution*. Mis* Wdl* is the outy daughter of Mrs Barbara Wdl*. who spent the wtvole period with her daughter "> Ann Arbor up to two or three months ago. She is a granddaugh ter of the Reverend Robert M Grumpier, who for years ae'rved as a member of the Sampson county k*..i -_I _A _ a__ . an Arbor and rake a course of law, he firadicled that she would be the first Sampson girl to become a lawyer, but a young lady up m Kaleigh stole a march upon the ed itor and wax already well upon her way toward the goal of attorney ship. This was Miss Lottie Lewis, amxher Clmion art, who is now not only a full-fledged attorney, bat also the Treasurer of Wake county. However. Mias Gladys is certwnly the first young lady, not merely in Sampson county, but in the whole State, to win the doctorate of juris prudenc* from a great university. The law course at Ann Arbor is a three-year one, but by studying during the summer terms Miss Wells has completed h to a bit over two years. The m vice year was also__ _ the ground of merit, as one of the Undent editor* of the Michigan Ijw Review, and in that capacity she achieved what had sever be fine, probably, been achieved by a undent of the university, the ac ceptance of a twentyJpagt ankle as the ktdrf in one of iti issues The subject of this ankle fc: “A Critique of Methods for the Alter ation of Women's Legal Status ’* At graduation she received both the degree* of Bachelor of Law* and Doctor of Jurisprudence, being among lew than a dnsen members of a class of 125 to receive the doc torate degree. Cot possibly the clearest indica tion of the esteem hi which Miss Wells is held at the University pf Michigan w the fart that she is em ployed at an adequate salary as as sistant manager of the Law Re view; and will return to Amt Arbor October 1 to take op her responsi ble duties. Aviator* On Lone ' Flight In Capital Washington, Sept. 23.— The two marine corps aviators, Liams, Rom ers ami Palmer, who are flying from Santo Domingo to St .Louis. 1 arrived at the naval air station here today And are expected to continue their flight tomorrow They mem lav night at Port Bragg, V. C, end *°PP~ «t <>antwo, Vs., v> rouU . hem. for fmL' . *. -

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