Raleigh Will Hold Great Fall Festival Raleigh, $ept. 20.—Raleigh has . long been in the limelight im the capital of North Carolina, but it was not until last year that the re tail merchants began a concerted drive to put it on the shopping map. The first Fall Festival proved such a big success that it is to be re peated again this fall. For three days Raleigh is going to' forget • jwlitio, and devote its time to get ting acquainted with its business men. ana the folks who come to the Capita] City to trade. __ The dates for the second Fall Festival are September the 25th, 20th and 27th. On these three days, thousands of Tar Heels are oc pected to get together in a grand Fall Get-Acquainted festive occa sion. Te Festival will open on Tues day, September the 25th, with a general, value-giving day by the • merchants, on which reduced prices on standard merchandise will be made. This will be known at Dollar Day," and will be de signed especially with a view to gening out-of-town shoppers to come and get acquainted with Raleigh merchants, their stores, their salesmen and salesladies, and their merchandise. There will be every effort made to see that the visitors are made to feel at home, both in and out of stores. To Wav Street Carnival Historic Fayetteville street, over which Tar Ileel Governors have travelled for a century, when they went to the Capitol to be inangu rated, will be closed to traffic on the evening of September the 25th, for a street carnival. It's to be a real carnival, too, and everybody will be expected to shake off dull care, and enjoy the freedom of the city in a very realistic sort of way. .Of course, there will be only good natured fun; nothing smacking of rowdyism will be tolerated. Raleigh merchants found this event last vear to have been one of the biggest drawing cards of the Fall Festival. Thousands of people thronged the streets, and made merry until mid night. Wednesdays, September the 26th is to be another trade day, but special attention will be riven to the observance of Civic Dubs Day. Members of the hoover or ganizations of the various cities and towns in the State have been in vited to come to Raleigh on that day, and break bread with their fellow-laborers in the Capital City Already, many hiave accepted, and it it expected that there will be a \ large attendance. The day will be 7 UnsrMed with,, ti-on Htsm BalL that will have many unique feat ures. . „ But tire biggest event of all will come on Thursday, September 27th. This is. the Beauty Contest. Some fifty towns and cities in the Slate have heen invited to tend their prettiest girl to the Fall Fes . tival, and practically all of them will have representatives rhat means a bevy of the fairest maid ens to be found in America, for North Carolina folks do feel proud of their, women. The prettiest of the bunch is go ing to get a silver loving cup. but that will be as nothing compared to the thrill of being crowned as queen of the Festival, at the formal ball to be held in the evening. This . will take place with dne cerenwny. and willbe the closing even! of the Festival. . _ ... While the Beauty Contest will be one of the bjg features of the third day of the Festival, it will be the only event. There is a good sized committee of Raleigh mer chants working otd plans for the parade winch will take place in the morning All of the bigh State of ficials will be invited to review the .- parade. The star feature, of course, will k. 4s. ksvw nf Imiitin. but that will be by no means ail. There are to- be numerous floats, by civic and public organizations, and the best one will get a silver loving cup. Several brass bunds, and the vart ons public organizations, will have their members in the line of march. This parade will be expected to show Raleigh as rite really is, and will be for the special purpose of acquainting visitors with what Ral eigh ha* to offer. The Beauty contestants win br guests of the Merchant* associa tion at a luncheon at tha Woman’ club, which will be attended by sev eral notables, as well as by the ofli cials of the Merchants association At a part of the Fall Festival program, the merchants are offer ing a profit-sharing event. Coupon.' are given for five per cent- of the ‘value of any purchase, and their are for cash at any other store ip the city that is a member of the *» sociation. While particular emphasis will be given on the third day of the Fes rival to the showing of Raleigh ss she is m the parade, the (tores will offer reduced prices on this day, ar on the other* A pert of the street canqivsl. on the Am day of the festival, will be a costume review There will alar, be a masquerade parade, which will be followed by a boning bout, greasy pal* eocrtest, and other street dancing. The event will be for mally opened whh the preaeafcattofl of the key to Raleigh to the Fall Festival committee, by Mayor Bn - -^^^■"‘■gggWs-wu pent Culbreth, which will take place in front of the Copitol. W* I^wis is returning to North Carolina to help the farmer* Of tile State market Hirir livestock more profitably, luck of sufficient water i« one of the most frequent causes for de creased milk flow, (lire the cows plenty of water, say daily extension workers of the State College and Department. LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the power °* “«* contained in „ certain Dead of Trust executed to th* undesigned trust**, the same being of record in VUS*.*"**' No™ Carolina, in Book 11?. page 41«, default having bosn made In th* puyrncnU specified •od ii Uic holiVrn of the nuici cured having or. i-K » Z . ** ',uyw,n ano a. oraa Otdwtat lint; thcnct a new lint due Ea*t 28.16 chain* to an iron pin iri A. Bradley Godwin’* line; thence *« hi* Hne B. 2 E. 6.87 chain* to hi« corner in H. L. Godwin’* line; thence « hia line due Weat 22 1-2 chain* to the beginning containing 18 RB acre*. Tract No. 8. Beginning at a xtahe and pointer* J. H. Pope, Henry Pop, and the Godwin corner near the Qod *» cemetery and run* 8. 89 1-2 W. 42.88 chain* to a large red oak with Pointer* by the aide of the poet; theneo 8. 81 1-2 W. 18.10 chuln* to a Make on a hill near Black River •unl pointers near tLc corner * l*rge red oak and two large Meirory pointer* about SO feet from the corner; thence 8. t-J E. 2.OS chain* to a black gum about 50 feet from the run of Blaek River with Ofir [ ■ nolljr, one maple, one aoor wood and one water oak pointer#; thence a di rect Une down the river about 8 Oil E. about 20.20 chain* to a email Juni per »tth pointer* in the East edge of the rwamp of Black River in the Kineey Norri* line; thence N. 89 1-2 E. 12 chain* to a alike with pointer* near J. H Pope* upper fi*h pond; i (hence N. 69 8-4 E. 6 chain* to a Make with red oak pointer* near the I'eed of the flab pond; thet.ee N. 81) 1-8 E. 88.84 chain* to a (take with pointer* In J. H. and Henry Pope1* i , line; thence N. 8 W. 10.78 chain* to the beginning, containing tixty five and twenty - three sixteenth* acre*, more or lea*. Tract No. 4. Adjoining the land* ofjh- Bradley Godwin and H. L- God- , win et *4, bcgieidug at u aUiso on u hJlJ futiir Bark t with 4 trial I poisa *CV9 »*wr tin* .\i,:vr ar.4 Uu*o r«.. 1 ••k a$') tiro later pointxM* I &bOnt 30 foot f»t>in tin f»v»i«r, ti». » E. 6.80 chains to n corner in (he edge of the road with a winks art out ten links on tha wed I no from thr corner; three,' 8. 8 1-1 E. 14.10 chain j tr> a r«i w (th h Muck jnr!r and o-ie nirkota aviator. and this cor ner or tlx- t(a/-t .old by .1. II. 1*1)0,' to H. L. Go. nia. „ow at the mouta of the lanr ai.il M rhe center ot the ro*«l; Ihftui* ihsd lir«* 81 W. IK.lu 1‘Miin* to tl*r li^irnin/, con ‘J7 1.8 aCr,* M Tcurl No. it. Ai’jolnir.^ (In of IT. 4.. Co.lwi*. M-li Oolwin, r/,**;*. IfCC H oJ. Wirirmin^ ;»t n ^Utc in |t„ (nix* *.f Biwc|{ Hi*, r :in>l uTtdrr Inc lower «teh uX l!ic on th« Ounn uii'J n runivr of lru4-t N<» *1 i*«l * 'hi ns tlio lower erlr* ‘•r the rout* S. *2 I ? K. 2.12 vanin ri. on r.. 7.1 li main*. A. 7‘.1 V. g .iiair,* ai.it X. fjo E 6.8" ruin, lo •. ■orvrr in cl;.;. „f |h. r#„.| wjf), j* »*ak« mu I.|| the writ title )» links from tl.c.orn.-i; tb./i-e K |»f [•: h.IO i-bains to an iron acnke, a ei.r..er of Ifl.io arm.; thenre lie the line of the lft.r.f. tr.irl .inn «.i\l 21 I.-, . huinn :» an iron rink. A ll.nJIrv f Black River ;« it »ennih-r> to Urn lottlnninir. uontnininp 70 1.3 .nerer. norn or leu. bc-in* tie »ban- of A. Br.i.lk-% ti.xlir' . in h’- father* ealatc. Traet No 6. AJ|mii-ipe raapl**. Ji.e sour woo. and one water oak Jointers, another of their rumen; hen. e on ano:hc? of their line# ft *S E 20 i-hitins* to a small jumper md stake by it with potmans on the •art n»l*r n' tl.r srrairp of Black li»cr. anotJvr of tl«. ir corner ; Jjel.ee be another of their linos N. 19 1-2 hi. 12 eluiae t<- a corner ot » ‘ence post with rac oak «,d me pim pointer near J. H. ~ YOU CANTGET THAT GOOD FURNI TURE—REASONABLY PRICED AT— BUTLER BROS. Our big store contains some oj thv prettiest suites that have ever Ween shown in Dunn. Come and look at them before you go elsewhere— wc mn save you money. We also have on hand a largo and beautiful line of Rugs, Druggets and Carpets—reasonably priced. You can secure* most anything you need in the way of Hardware. This department is heavily stocked with new hardware. THE HUNTING SEASON W JU. SOON BE HERE 1 * 4 Let us sell you s new shotgun or ri:1e if you need one—we have some beauties—made hy ihe best manu facturers. We also have on hand a ia:-t;e uuppiy of ammunition. BUTLER BROS. DUNN, — s— N. C. If You Want • » i A Farm Wagon at the right price— I we have1t~| » e I One-horse, Light, Medium and Heavy Two-Horse wagons in stock to select from. t • _ • , < THE BARNES AW HOLLIDAY COMPANY \ Hardware — Furniture — Undertakers j Dimst, • . »-i North Carolina < MeeeeeekeeeeesseeeeeeeeMssessesseseseseeesseseese -I. «D, IVU. "BP? t!>.4 . :. . '-•• >V. lG.i.' cjlktllS Uu.i, . ••* ' i“' *■ »1» jMi'l’.tr n v - M. je.t l.,.» . c,tu, . .la J •>■ - 5 ..«* •<. ,r.Hj; ; 1 i u.i ,e' ;• :> • 1 lio^ mi:,,' •ct.fi .. * 1 ’ r.ii •' I-, j*. y. “• ' ■ ►'* : • :! ,i» •• ’ ...» K, 4. 4(1,| .1. I _ J(,T| »• .. . : f.'lirjr :r !J cl 1h7 p.> •• 4 % *r .t |j, V'*.i i* •••' ’.lf . .»» ;n r.k»l IW, |;.**;*■■ 4i,\ j| . * _ ■ . r.iir .it i jniii iu j. j. v, i ■ jitwariajr to. fiooic Iff. «:% . a'tl'1 Jr-of Eal/i'/tl Cllilc'y. IBm'’ t,IB J‘*U* 4f * , THOMAS B. Wn.DRR. T.-Ud^. IS J60«t 2 {i. NOTICE OK SALE OF KEAt ESTATE prtcr Uu by virtu ru at the pour .<• of aiie eon la-nod In a cert.,;., mm.,:. '•ii.ie .led, vaocated by Y. p. Tku • n l Mile to J. G. i.iyuxv aiuml No m mlM,r 14, 1914 and reror.lv,! in .1 [“?•** of the Rug inter of D.nmIs ,.f lltrnvlt county in Book 111, ai.g" I default having been t..«.l„ i„ I b- payment of tho nolca .neniv-l | th reby, the undersigned will jffe,■ | lor «ale u» tl>v highrjrt bidder for “*«• at pabllc auction at l * 00 o' lock M . on October 11, l oats, at the I -arthovuc Ueor. U11 in ton, N. C„ tin fo iour ng dcacrlbed real ratal/ v. b?lri? *" Murnvtt cooi.vy, laU* of Nonh Carolina, in Avyrtw mru loon whip, und dMcribcd .,..1 ,1. m. ,1 ,u foJIoura to wit: Buglunin. „• !** lro" Pin t* the rou,i 194 ehaiioi rum Y. P. Tart and R. M P.-araallY OMicr at u ditch bridge and run, 9 !S 3 4 /• 3 61 chalna to a corn , ; .-loncu 8. AC 1-2 W. 8.7u .Nalnx to , ranter in the, old Una J. D. Lvo'x i»c; thence at it about K. to W. 3.7* ) halr-a to the original corner by the , oad; thence N. 65 1-2 E. 4.30 chuin. o the beginning. containing on. n,ui >r.e+alf <1 1-2) here, T)u» September H, 192.1. J* G. LAYTON, Mortgnrce jenh lt|18*1|Oct 2. vokTCAiiR s.M.r. or land • t i- o■ >uuo costiintd ... z '»* and indcraigned *... f U> Mlu HI public auction “ '■' l.**:.ii..* f..r < a»h. at tha ic-.rt li.-. .. r. Ullinctoa. Har-' * nwann a —*-jn=sjnabaiaa _ •, S,r>;« ««»tHSftJL.T ■Asiwirifa.?*; H.rnottSnmty, 0*UH MaS f® -^rfW aSSMUgfAs# lUom Uan and rraa fialh I ahaiaa to ttoaaa In* II Waat M) «haiM to a taraar la the J. K Daal p J | TAXPAYERS! r-j all PAST DUE STREET AND SIDEWALK ;j ASSESSMENTS NOT PAID BY 5 OCTOBER l.t, 1923 [' WJLL BE ADVERTISED ON THAT DATE AND PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT PUB fl LIC AUCTION. THIS IS FINAL NOTICE. ATTEND S toitatonce. ,i •* H. A. Parker, Clerk . . t i •i—- "" . — — ■„ i ---'i,r'9^ I Tax Free In Virgi From formal Fedc _ invest in A HO Mi $2SO,OOO.oo D. Pender f 7 PER CENT. PR | 4m> v>>» *__»JOQgP£RSHARE Note below tbe *t:. bafbe^^Vy A‘uXS{?C\?r V** *nte. y a. Lee iUwlin** A Co., Certified Public STATEMENT Or EARN,NOS. BY PER.OOS. FROM January „„ „ __ "•t Profit. --- ; | o-frocUtiM . \ ; N#t St o. _ . ■WUPlfpi* ■ ■ J«•■;• 1915 $ 97, 75/71 Tun D^procutiM - ■ . _ •*’ ibis 1917 1721^21.37 ££!'*’ WWl 771*7 9 StS** I 1918 :457,2s 1.36 1M^25 MJ*2i> mw'?! If 1919* <771,2< J.25 *!%£?£ 53,95-40 *4,717.54 j j is sasts ass ™ If r, .s*® »sa ass ,S If T"1-M67.OJ7.21 SJ.60JH -T”*** --- . „w V, , * *■*»“• M00.71.20 —--m 2nd: WiVanl You A» A Partner. A ch.i„ t-i-Mp ... ,66 Krbnomy Co* M Ct„ Ctoc.r, S,om. toctodJM , .1 J ™ to! TV? ^•f0 0'"' 0« I'lopP'U-d Unu, u ' W1“l>' of Juue 30th, t of fiscal ypar - I " 1 1 1 ' A I Liabilities.a. 105^526Personal II a.-,. «* tsa ■ Common SU.*600.000.00 ~j£Lj‘j,2%£ Pr*femdS(<. --250.000.00 'JfrSlL “I* *»£ Su'P,u* - - . 242,054.64 'K -- OH\v*i> *, ursBir. $992,054.64 D. Pbndrb. COULD YOU INVEST IN A SAFER PROPOSITION? - Subscriptions rvrd it the main office at the— D. PENDER GROCERY COMPANY Norfolk, Virginia NORFOLK iTIONAI, BANK, Trait Comp of NORFOLK, D. PENDER GERY COMPANY, • NoTfiflitioift 1 hcrebjac.il m for.. '_Rharee of the par value p*r ahi.ro ami hard *ou herewith to cover the fulchajc price of the raid ah area L I 4