» I Mr*. O. P. Shell was a week-end visitor in Raleigh. Mr and Mr*. J. I.. Lancaster •■pent the week-end at Wilson vis iting relative*. Misses Mary (Mark and Gertrude Price sjjen. the week-end at Fayette ville visiting relatives and fricuds. I£ D. Griffin leave* tlii* week for Pitt county, where he will teach in ‘he public school* of live county Miss Emma lure, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here vidting her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee. Geo. C. and Amau Thomas, of Goldsboro, spent yesterday here via iting their brother, Sam Thomas. Mrs. Rosa Parker, of Rocky Mount, arrived Sunday and will spend several day* Here visiting friend*. Oti* P. Shell, who has been con futed to hi* room for the pa*r week, lias about recovered, and is able to be out again. Elder C. B. Hall will preach at Goat* Primitive Baptist church at ': .10 ji m., Sunday, September. .10. The public is invited to hear hint Aliss Annie Lee Keen, of Coals, has accepted a position as vales lady in Baer's Dry Goods Company store. She Iwgan work Saturday. Neill 8. Green, local Ruick auto dealer, went this afternoon to Golda bor for six new Ruick car*, which came in a train load shipped to that place. Atlas Jackson, of Salemburg, has moved to r>inn and accepted a po sition with the J. L. Thompson Co. He will liuy need this season for the above named firm. VI — ll r-1 L..:u:_ inspector, has issued a permit to R. H. Strickland for adding four rooms to his residence on South Washington avenue. May Ward Norris, ton of A. F, Xorris, is here to visit hi* fattier. He is employed in Raleigh, where he has been ail summer He will return to his duties Friday. L. I). Robinson. Jr, of Wades born, has accepted a position with tlie local sales department of tic Caiolina Power & Light Co. Mr. Robinson succeeds M. I.. O’Brien, who resigned. Misses Rachel and Susan l>er left today for Greenville, Pitt ooun ty, where they will enter the East Carolina Teachers Training School. Miss Bruha Westbrook left yester day for Greenville to enter the same school. •/ Hubert Hedges and Lieut Myer, of Langley Field, Va., spent the week-end visiting Mr. Hodges' rel olives, near Dunn. They made the trip from I^ngley Field to Pope Firfd. Fort Bragg. Thursday on an airplane. Mr. Christian, vice president of tlie Co-operative Marketing associa tion, will be at Lillingum Wednes day, Sept. 26th, from 10 to 10:20 o’clock a. m., where he hofics to meet a number ol Harnett aiumy farmers. Geo. 1.. Cannady has purchased the stuck of the Carolina Grocery Company, and will conduct a gro cery business in the Reliance Build ing. Fast Broad street. He has al ready moved tlie stock of good* into live new store. A meeting of the Harnett county branch of the North Carolina Co operative Marketing association* w ill be held in Lillingum tomorrow (\Vednesday) morning at 10: 30 o’clock. All locals are urged to send representatives. . Mry. C. A. Roach, of Myrtle Reach, S. C.. is a guest at the home o< Iter brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker. She Wita accompanied to Dunn Sunday by her husband, who returned home ) r-ucruaj. The friends of J. C. Holley will be glad lo know that he has re turned from Johns Hopkins bospi >al, Baltimore, with his patien*, Earl D Edgerton, whose home ie in Wayne county. Mr. Edgerton un derwent a serious operation and is improving rapidly now. Rev. John J. I.angston, former pastor of the Christian chtlrcb here, was in town this week. Mr'I.ang stun has been doing evangelistic work all this year, but now it plan ring to locate at Augusta, Ga., whi ther he will move his family at an early date. Dr Elmer Wilkins, colored, ol Memphis, Tenn., spent the week end here with his parents, Sarah and Herbert Wilkins. He came tc accompany from Baltimore his bro ther. Dr. J. M. Wilkins, who hai suffered a nervous breakdown and will remain at the home of his pa rent* here for several weeks. Mrs. Iva Battle Taylor hat, fo Die convenience of her music pupils arranged to give lessons in rooms lo tiled on iota adjoining both the ok and new school buildings She stil has an opening for a few pupils and invites those who desire her ser vice to confer wifh her, that she imj arrange hours for lessons not K conflict with other school duties Misses Annie Pehoa and Eieenoi Crimea left this afternoon foi 1 Greenville, Pitt county, to enter tb> East Carolina Teachers' Training coliege. James Watson Butler, o: Pa Icon, sod of Rev. A. H. Butler also left today for the same school, and it is probable that hi* w ill be the only male student in the institu tion, but fie won't mind that—much. S. C. Glass has accepted a posi tion as manager oi the hardware riqiartnieiit of Butler Brother* store, lie will enter upon hi* nest' dutic* Oaober 1. Mr Gia>s is a hardware man of v. ide experience, having traveled for a well known hardware conci-m for die past »ev cmecn years. He will move his family here front Chit (on •>! uu early dale. W. R. tiiodie, who lias been m charge of the local store of the At lantic ami Puri lie Tea Company since it tva* opened last February, will he transferred Friilav of this week to Augnsta, (.hi. li ha* nut been learned who w*PI s’icceed Mr, Brodie here. He will move his fam ily to Augur ta Both Mr. and Mrs. Brodie have made many friends since coming to Dunn who will re gret their leaving. Girard (leitvi Wilson left yrs terdav for Danville. Va„ after spending die week en.l licri- « ith hi* parents, Mr and Mi*. |es*r F. Wil-j son As lias beeu staled iu The Di.s-! patch, Mr Wilson will teach in the Danville high school this year. Me has also been elected director of athletics in the Danville schools. “ I-eily " mis the star pitcher of the Danville Insrliall club during the season which clo-ed last week. Mury Jane Evan*, uegres*, was bound over to the l-cdeiul court Saturday by U. S. Commissioner E. Lee on the chatgr of having itl li ae . ... I__ t ... ,1. purpose of sale. Her bund was fixed in IfJSO, which she furnished John Evans, her husband, was ao quirted of a like rliatge. I .oral of ficer* found a <|uart of whiskey nud several jugs flint had the ■sidedI of “ the old fatuiliur " in the Evan*, home in Dunn rrientlv Fleishman Btbllro Cooipany will move this week into (Itrir large new stores on' Broad street. 'llie frmual opening of the new stores will take place *nmc time next week. B Fleishman, president. and Morii-.j Fleishman, vice |> rev < lent of the company, both of Baltimore, expect to attend the opening of the new storer. Representatives front the five other spire* opr rated In rite Car olina* by this well known busmes* firm will also be here for the open in* Mom's Fleishman lived in Dunn for twenty years, dining which lime he was in charge of tlv hxal store. Letters re<|iirstirv; their attend ance to a meeting to be Iteld in th< rooms of the Chamber «if Coin merce Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock have heen addressed to ev cry dry goods merih.wt ami ••loth big dealer in Dunn. This meeting was called in order that this group of merchant* may devise some plan whereby they may *tage a joint ex hihit at thr Fair to he held lierr next month. In previous fairs the dry goods mcrvhants have not had exhibits, and it i* believed that thev leave overlooked a fine opportunity to show their interest in a project which attracts practically evety on. of their customers. Thomas Spies A Suicide Mrs. A. E Robinson, of Falcon, recrived a message from Minncap g^——■—— oli*, Minn, advising her that her brother, Thomas Spies, committed suicide on the <?4dt inst., by drink ing carbolic acid. He had been in bad health for some time, which, to gether with domestic trouble* and los* of hL* position, goaded him to desperation culminating in hi* self destruction. lie was in his forty-fifth year, having been bom in Ontario, Can ada, from winch place be weut to Minnesota while hi his teens. He served in the World War with the Canadian forces, and n'nce his re turn from Kuropc had coffered con siderably with rheumatism. He is survived by hie strpfathcr. Mr. Fretiliss .McKennev, of Minne apolis; a brother. Geo.’H.. of Cali fornia; a sister, Mrs. A. K. Robin son, of Falcon; a Italf-brother. l,eon Me Kenney, of .Minneapolis; Mao a wife who had obtained a divorce from him some year ■> ago, and two daughters, F.lsic and Etorothy. He had lived with hi* mother, Mrs. MeKenney. until her death, three years ago, and this with his other troubles caused him to seek relief in intoxicants, to no avail. C. B. Macon Died Sunday At Noon Ftmaral Yesterday Afternoon And luterment Made In Chatham County The funeral of C. B. Mason, who (lii'il Sunday at noon at the I>uon hospital, wns. conducted from Bell s Chapel church, in ("liarbnm cuutitr, yesterday a ft,-moon at 2. .V) o’clork Interment \va» made in the family Inrying plot in die rliurch cemrtrrv with Ma sonic I mum -., deceased hav ing been a Mason Tin- funeral wa\ aiteiuled by a large crowd, a muni*, front Dunn and Godwin having ac companied the remains to tbeii Iasi resting place Deceased was 45 years of age. and bad lived in this section for thi past fourteen years. He had made his home with E. B. Warren, on Route 4 from Dunn, for the pas. twelve years, until two weeks ago. when he was taken to Ilw Dunn hoc pitnl. His death was due to Bright ', disease and complications, be hav ing been m declining health for sev eial months,. Mr. Mason hud liven engaged in highuav work meet of the tiiiw since coming to this section. A part of Iris road work was in Black River township, Cumheiland county, lie having done good work there, and lie had been road superintendent in Acerasboro township for tlie pan thrir years. He resigned this pos, tion soriH- three weeks ago on ac count of ill health, and j. F. Iwe was elected to succed him He was a good citizen, and during the time lie lived m this section hr liad made many friends. Deceased is sutvived by four bmtlicrs and one sister, all of whom «crept one brother live in Chatham county. His parents have been dca>l I for several years. Coo p«r •Strickland On Sunday. Sept. 2.1rd. St Kin Mon. Miss I.urile Strickland,datigh tei of Rev. C. H. Strickland, of fal cun, was united in matrimony to Mr. Willie Cooper, son of Mr. and Mr*. E. R. Cooper, who reside near Falcon Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will make their home is Rocky Mount. LEGAL ADVERTISING -■ ■ .. ■ TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of eale contained la a certain Joed of trust executed by J. V. HortSelil and wife, Annie Hartflaid, to the undersigned Truotec, on January, IS, IStO, and duly recorded hi the oFlce of Register of Deeds for Harnett County, K. C., la Book No. 12b, page No. 2, dsfamlt having been made in the payment of the note* secured therein end foreclosure having boon demanded by the holder of sola i.otus, the undersigned trust** will on Fri day, October, 24th at 12 o'clock U., at the Courthouse door In LdMagton. N. C., offer far sale to the highest bidder for cash, the laud burcinaftor .Wrlbod, to-vH: Two lota er pern Is of land lying in the tubdivislen of the Young prop erty us recorded in the Register or Deeds office of Harnett County, N. C.. and being lota Nat. 8 and T in block "R", and vurii of said lota be ing 48 feet fronting on Johnson Street and running bark lbU feet, bounded on the cast by the lot of James Leo's daughter and oa the west by Lather B Jones. For further ■looeripcioii sec Book No. 177. Page No. 1641. records ef Harnett county. Th* 25th day of September, 1923. CLARENCE J. SMITH. Trustee. Sept 26 Oct 2 9 16 24. | Eat Pearce’s - DR. GLENN L. HOOPER DENTIST Duke, in North CaroHoa Office Second Floor Bank Building LA RESIST A CORSETS Keep Your Figure Young Style N 2 8 2 Pink Coutil Low Bust Long Skirt Elastic Gores Specially designed to give Stout Figures Slender Appear ance. Has SP IRA BONE Side Seays Guaranteed Break-Proof At Our Corset Department JOHNSON BROTHERS _ _ ** MAKE Banking a Family AFFAIR CROM the wee tot in the cradle to * a grandmother with her pin-money account, banking would serve every chit and chick of the whole human familv. w And this bank, if you ~ . -linam~ 1 please, would serve best! J; w SSSS "iJS No, not by and peculiar virtues or rare qualities -of. goodness-but by the mind to seek your satis faction as our best re ward. (When we are sefling eajie goods at a Tremendous Saving to those who care. * $50,000.00 STOtit, triORMOUS SAVINGS ON FINE MERCHANDISE Millinery of all land* ar d i-tauaea that’s new, stylish and pretty, stoc!. large withsaving of_$1 to $5 the hat' L adies' Drersy Dresses, Coat Suits and Cloaka. Decidedly i lv*. largest stock we have ever shown. A saving of-$2.50 to $12.50 the garment ?v1rn and Boy’s Clothing, stock large, quality unsurpass ed. style thr best, saving..$2.50 to $15 the suit Dressy Shces and Slipoers with leather in-soles, leather h'-cl« and stays, of silk kid and velvet calf tops, perfectly made and newest styles. A saving of .$1 to $3.50 die pair j quality ana stock eng D> y Goods we have fine woolens and silks of newest de ' with charming colorings of French, EngH4i and A merican make. Priced 10c to $3.00 the yard. A saving of ten to thirty per cent to the buyer. ALL GOODS ARE ADVANCING IN PRICE Tike Yellow Front Stors offers as your Reward for Quick Buying—Tremendous Stock, Tremendous la i lugs in Price, Best Material, Perfect Workmanship and Style's Newest. Would you Uka to buy this way? We welcome you to our Fall Campaign, whkh is now on. Dunn, North Carolina s-t September 2S, 1923 R. G. Taylor Co.[ \rv!i«n drove. Sept 22.—A mar ri.'igc nt' more (luan ordinary intcr v». o dial of Ml** Maggie Denning til Mr Timolot H. t-anprton. in \-.tv1on l*,rove \v • dnesdav morn in;;. Sr|>t. l*». • "ftie ceremony was IK-rfr.rnuil by Uw. i:ather Rigncy. pasior of the bride. The bride « the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Denim*, of New ton Grove. The groom is the eon of the late Powell Langston, of Wayne county. Mr. and Mrs I-angiton motored to Goldsboro immediately after the ceremony, where they took the train fur a bridal low. We do not know • the fiaO extent of their trip, bet they expect to visit the bride'* nater* and brother! in PortMnouth, Vau The beide ia a very attractive young lady. Bead and loved by all her aeeociataa. white the groom i» a proeperou* yoeng own. STETSON HATS ~ HRSCHRAUM SUITS (Young Men’s and Conservative Models) METRIC SHIRTS - CROSSETT SHOES • ' }• • v.* ■ rl;rr(1 g BE SURE AND COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER We eleo have a very attractive line of the celebrated i*e r ranee soon >iw strap pumps m OKtoraio Oh, yea, we have juat received a large «1*f>tf* of nice ahoea for the children, too. COMETOSEEUS Big line of Ladiea and Grata Furaiahhtga. We want your budneea and wfll treat you right. \ W - - . . A- — 1. I I v«T tnujr your*, 11 E.L. PARKER & SONS • U'. • -w.s*p«u*r

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