(f »re Moving inwltsrN '-w Store This Week fB§^®': WAlta KBIT TOEa>AirS MSPMCB FOR AHITOU! CESEOT W 0PBW6MIE ^ _ VIVID ACCOUNTS OF EARTHQUAKE TeD TWUU^ Storfo. Shanghai. Oden.—Vivid stories of the destruction of Yokohama an«l other Japanese cities by the earthquake are being told by ref uges who arrived here on the Meitner Empress of Catvida Among those who escaped from Yokohama wet* Mr. and Mrs. I. Franklin Stevens snd Mrs. M Hsnce, of Philadelpfa. They were • ■ beginning a tour of the Orient 51 was in a tailor shop in Yo kohama, being fitted for a soil when the earthquake hit the city.' said Mr. Stevens. “The ttiild'mt seemed to he caught in a l remen (Jobs upheaval which cut the roon in halves, at though with a hug knife. One half eras lifted strsigii up, leaving the bare earth whet but an instant before the J a pane. - tailor had stood with Ids tape. “The half of the building o v.hich I was standing was shako hut it remained in virtually its ori» inal position. When I walked on side, I saw the tailor scramblin down from the roof of the buik ——— Mr. Stevens hurriedly sought out I'te women members of bis party and started for the water front. lie arrived just in time to see llte Ori ental hotel burst into flames. While he was watching this, he said, tltc whole front wall fell away from the hotel, leaving the interiors of the rooms exposed and disclosing the guests gathering their belong ing* and attempting to make tlieir escape. “ The view was more like a huge stage setting than reality” said Mr 1 Stevens. Miss Anna Laurilsen, a Danish Stenographer of Yokohama, said site lost ail her belongings, became separated from her friends and started alone to walk to Yokohama. " In some places." site said, tberr were fissures in the earth so wid> I could not jump over them Ihi had to walk around. lit one s|>ot saw the hands and forearms of . t Japanese child protruding front th< ■ ground. I stopped to mvestigati t and saw where a huge fissure hro r opened and closed, catching th c child like the jaw of a huge vice am crushing out its life i “The ground rocked and ipiiv i, ered like the surface of the sea. an - several times T was hurled fn* - my feet by the earth shocks. All th 4 time I was in constant fear of mcc: - ing the same fate that overtook th | a|cnt^e child." Miss l.anrit-or. nearly ev ivutti: with f.dign • r:ai lever, eventually reached V«>kn>u;tiei and tiumi;;c'ss r.f .,hi:. Stal may he cnnt|mtai. lcuil. -• t-iircc mine of larrn nmducty. |K.|Mtl.atH»t public svh<*ils. :r.%ti«|vir!.oi"i) f; cflities. nianniacturvs at’ ~iw their light in inieqirnir,!; the tr ; tiH'nilniis .-i:i\-i> r which Sorl ■ Carolina has iiirde* Dr. I. 11. Ale |'.raver drew nttc ; eee curas Malaria, Chills at I Fsrsr, Dettfue or Bilious Fe»« It do strove the germs. I l' .S. Page, i.rr.i.erh rlwcf of t t local |Milice ■ lei'u.-tni.e:. sjutt l t weeh-erd irt It.mr. Vi. Page now eng;^:. d in farotirg an1 it t chandisinj; in Linden courty. ■wttnwajj'..” j .— '.■■■ tiou to another test yesterday in his' speech l»efore the members id tin:' Civitati club, when he reminded his1 listeners that during the past decade North (.'airoliti* has reduced its ui lictvtilosis death rate by one half This is indeed a striking achieve-; rnenr. and it deserves all the vim ; phnsij he placed tijiim it It is in I) tossible to estimate with! -*- - n IW»g^^Wp— — I « my nrvttraey Hie monetary value •f iliis reduction. Dr. McTCrayer .a- HKicly venturing a guess when ie suggested that it meant an an i:i31 saving to Hie Slate of fifty iiillion dollars. It is easy to I* !ii-ve that he h»« vastly underesti mated t? I)r. Mrl'-rayer very wisely told Vis t’fiivers that this reduction in JUST RECEIVED r I ; Car load AMERICAN FIELD FENCING. Also new shipment of Lime, Cement and h Plastering. 1 ’ BARNES AND HOLLIDAY COMPANY Hardware — Furniture — Undertakers ilC ^ Dunn, North Carolina g—imw——— w—ns——■■——n—s————■ loath rate did not call (or comp la cncy. While it can be pointed to with |*ride, the State should be more wtemtrd in viewing with alarm the iact that over two thou sand people die each year in North Carolina from tuberculosis. The fight has not been won. It uium be waged with greater ileleimina turn The State tnu*t strip iijcli to the belt tor a more desperate struggle with die White Hague — Editorial fruin the Aslteville Times. Sept. 20. 1923. ■ » DR. P. J. CHESTER, NEW YORK POST GRADUATE SCHOOL, ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE IN PITTMAN HOSPITAL. PRAC TICE LIMITED TO EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT i . '_ ■ I I l *m<>nt 01 New And styiteh ^ | Otters A Every dty mi new goods coming into ovx now store situated in East Broad Street next door to Butler Brothers. These are additions to a stoc already new. Everything in our stock was purchrutcci for Ibis sue son’s wear. Not an old article in the whole stock. Recent arrivals include: SOI CANTON CREPE DRESSES, NEW AK:J FASCINATING MILLINERY, BEAUTIFUL WASH DRESSES, COATS, WAISTS OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND COLORS, WOOL CANTON CREPE AND BLANKETS. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SHOES IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND I LEATHERS JUST RECEIVED, AND AN ENTIRELY NEW LINE OF CORSETS AND BOYS CLOTHING. I —n——— wji—n —ii. n j_Lau_ i .Hi i« * ^fban was never a more complete line, a fresher, cleaner, more fashionable Une, of goods to choose your ■ garments from. We can clothe every member of the family from head to foot—whether you want work clothes or dress clothes. And the price on every article will please you. We have only one price for each article. That price is plainly marked. It it the price you pay— the price every body pays. And eeerythm* must be satisfactory to you. To Dunn we are new merchants, hut we are not new in the mercantile business. We have spent years learning how to please folk—learning how to make friends for our store. A store's friends are made tl trough the service given, the quality sold and the price charged. We intend to make friends and we want you numbered among them. A There are many thing in our store that yon want—and we can save you money on most of them. You will be pleased with our store, its goods and its service. Come in this week and let us convince you thstt we are going to be good friends to you. GOODS COMPANY u ' , THE RELIABLE STORE —i— DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA |A I