. * * * . • h • The Fair at Dunn, October 9 to 12—Glorious, Grai '”“■■■.. --- VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH «B—ggeagagaesagg ■■■_■-———^—M—■ WOMEN WILL PLAY A LEADING ROU Ladies To Dirwct Many Depart ments At Fair Here In October Heads of ihe va-dmi* department of the fair in low pti-shied over b; tlif wMilru, with ii.anv their S! nlsbunia mot Tun-etay afternoon i the rannr of the Chamber of Com no i-ce to begin their annual effort b round up an nrtay of nxhtbit* inter I ding to the thou rand* who will visi the rspoeilion thin year. AIrvaii; lunch hns been uctotnplithcd and i wus froul) piedirtod that this yea would see a wider range and large volume of txhihiu thun over huv been packed in to tho great -hal which <has housed sonic of tire fines horllcoltural, agricultural, ftn# arts etc., rhtiwa ever staged in Fasten Carolina That the women of Die Dunn Dis tHcl play a very large part in direct in* the annual fair ia evidenced b> the fuel that of the forty-two dire* tore and assistant directors cngmgv in mating ug ilia various depurtmcciti twenty live of that number are wo men. Of the twelve different depart ment! they have complete charge ol li«e and membership in two other*. Tlie complete list, of departments, directors ami assistants hollows: ljuitit-okurol — Mias lxabdlt Young, chairman. Mis. ChaHei Tlii-hunith, Mis. ,J R. Duller, Mrs II B Taylor. Mrs. H. 6. McKay. Hume Hconomuw—Mix* Elisabeth Bridge, thairman, Mrs. E. C. Geddlc, Mrs. L. J. Bed, Mrs. W B. Thomp son, Mrs. J tV I*aidin, Mia. Rugeuv .xniiih, Mira Matin- pnma. l ive Stock—Cu*.n.- Smith, chair man, J. L. Sornll. Hunn and Muir-—Paul Turlinir con. ('.attic and Swine—F. B. War mi. Sheep ami Goat*—Joe McLamti Hauler; anil P-t Stack — ItalMo McLcvd, rhdrmna, E. T. llrmp.'r Craven L.-c, C. H. Randall, W. C. Kano/. Flue Art* ami Faitttinit—-Mr*. W. E. Coitrnne, Chairman, Mi»s BUnehe Grantham. Hand Painted China-—Mr*. J. C * * Clllltrd, chairman. Mint Lucitf Sw ■ rri, M™ N. A. Townamd. Nerdlc and Fancy Work—Mrs. J. J. Wadi- rhai.nlan. Mil. J. J. Lane, Mrs C. S. Hick*, Mm. L. A. Tart, Mm. E M Jeffrey*, Mlai Hermit EimiL Educational—B. P. Gcitlry, chair mac, Mra. O. M. Johnaoii, Min Ra chel Clifford, 0. D. Bunn. Farm ami Field Cropa — W. II. Turlinitton, chairman, H. A- Edict B. F. Parker. Jno. W. Thornton Chief Marshal October Fair John VV. Thornton, former fir chief of Dunn, lias been appoint** chief marshal of the foultcoitun) fair to open in Dtinn one weel front next Tuesday. He will ap point his assistants between nov an, a week from next Saturday. The appointment of Mr. Thorn tm gives universal satisfaction. Hi t* noun to about everybody' in th Dunn District, and is excellent! fit ;cd to direct the handling of th bi.. parades and croud- that mil h ’•> Id and that will conic to Dum i'.ring fair week. r' oy U Accidentally Killed While Huntinfi St I’atil*. Sept. 25. -Funeral »er > ccs were held at the Prcsbyterim church here at 2 o’clock Sunday pi temoon. for Neill Archie McSleill 15-year-okl son of Mr. and Mr* [olin t>. McNeill, of tire Rennert vi cinity, who was accidentally hillc< while rei hutting Saturday af lernomi. It seems that'he and art Iniliai who lived on hi* Cartier s phintatkn were hunting together, nod at th time wret shooting' at walrmt*. Th boy, having his gun cocked ri-ad to shoot, stooped to t<ic kup iinothc walnut, when a dog rushed by. c.p selling his gun, which discharge the load taking effect in (lie extrem ity of lb' boy's head, death resuli ing iiumediaicly. * The unfortunate young man wj a ncpltcw of Mrs. E. j. Noble*. < Dunn. Mr. and Mr*. NoUes attew L-d the funeral. GokUboro Drinkers Have Strange Malad Coldshom, Sent. 24.— Fifty i more habitual drinkers of (told boro and vicinity drank corn wt»i key Saturday night and Sunday, at hare since been stricken with strange malady, believed to "gray terror," as all stricken b came gray. None bad died Uyi the strange disease pnight. TRAINING SCHOOL i FOR S. S. WORKERS . School* Will Bo Held At Far ettcvillo And Jomoeboro In October i l.isl year n very successful train ' li.p sehool for Sunday actum I wuriun conducted tn Hay Street Mctho liiai cIibjvU, Fayetteville, in which , over :wo hundred Sunday school ■ workers were enrolled. This year il ' ’» proposed tv have two such schools , conducted in the Fayetteville District, ■ u“d all officcia and teacher* to the - Sunday schools of the District are ' invited to attend the school mot* ac ; O'ssible to tfiern. One af these schools , W|!l be conducted in Hay Street i church, Fayetteville, on Sunday night, October 7. at 7 o'clock, and ri using on the Friday night fol lowing. The other school will be con ducted in Jonesboro the week fol lowing. The coortes vf study with in#true ,or> for the Fayetteville achool ate as follows: 1. “Sunday School Organisation and Administration,'* Prof. J. M. Ortnniel, Trinity college, instructor. •i. “Pujal Study," Prof. B. G. Child*, Randolph-Macon college, in structor. 3. “Beginner Organisation and Administration," Mr*. C. L. Van Nop per,. Oieeniboro, instructor. 4. “Primary Leaaoa Materials, and Teaching," Mias Geoigta Kaoae, .'onfrrenre elementary superintend C* "Jintoi Organisation and Ad ministration,” Mi* Virginia Janktaa, elvmrntary luperinteiKiant of the Western North Carolina conference, instructor. The saniw courses will be given fa the school at Jonesboro, and with one or two exceptions the instructors wjll be the sum*. , These school* arc Intended for ail Sunday school officer* and leach* n, for young people aWronToai, yean at age and over wh* doairc to equip themaolves for efficient service in Jh* gua.lax syhqol njvd. 1^ other ,«h. ramaatiofte ef the church and far Aa >lutl«* of parenthood, and for parents n-l.o wish to study the problem of iraiiiiiig sad r.sruiring the religious life of children. The *cbools will bo bold under the management of Mr. L. L. Gobbel, Sunday school secretary of tbe North Carolina Confsrcr.ce. Be has (xvn very fortunate in selecting his (acuity All the instructor* are on th* accredited list of the Sunday School Hoard of the church, and are especi ally qualifi*y for the erorit they are to do. This means that thoae who at tend the school will rocfiiv* instruc tion from teachers who have become . ipvcialjit* in th* subject they are l teaching. While those echo!a are conducted . under the management of the Metho dist church an imritadion is extended - to workers in all Sunday schools te attend and make use af nil tbs op portunities of the achool. The laatroo > ail flanday school workers. HARNETT FARMERS PLANTING VETCH , Interest Crawring In Com Crop* And Permanent Pasture*, Sep* Edge ' "I ii’ive already nnlerod * toe and a half of Hairy Vetch seed to U ■ mixed with oats am) planted for km) by the farmer* of Harnett county , acid H- A. Edge, county fora dent onstration agent, who wa* * Hunt visitor Monday •wowing. InUrott ll winter cover crop* and permanent pactum* is growing among Harnett farmer*, according to Mr. Edge, lev •rai farmers have already detoi P ‘ msnont poatarn* in the coanty «*W> meant that more livestock aril be raised In Harnett, added Hi* den* •n*tration agent. Heallalng the aoeemtty for a wt<W diversification of crops by Ha met farmers. Mr. Brigs has put much o hie attorn Ion ef late te prcachlni * »•*•. «aW* and poultry ta t*v It farmer* with whsiu he come* in eon I tact That til* work along this Una i hearing fruit* ■ evidenced b> th growing iatcrcct in porumnam pm tnrr*. which mean mars livestock m y HanwU county farm. ■ Red” IWirWUrriM MU* Selma Fountah a Richmond. Vn., Sept. 2$.— Robe >r Klip Powell newspaper man, 29, c * took oat Keen** here toda w to marry Mb* Reims Fountain, 2 of the aame city Powell dfeacHbc Groom b Ninety-Two And Bride Ftfty-Six Ivdmond Dudley, negro, 92 yean old, yeWerday act a new record here about*, being the okicat mao ever tc receive e marriage license in ib< county. Dudley, whose wife died foui years ago, came before Hunter HI llngton, deputy register of deed* and passed through all the fonnab tie* necessary to secure a license tc marry Mol be Williams, a widow whose age was given st 56 year* Both parties are from near Wake Forest. The applicant was accom panted by hit youngest giandsoo who is 26 years of age.—News and Ohserver. Sept 21. LOCALFOOTBALL TEAMWMAZ' Coach Sprutt Moora TUaki Froapceta Par Crack Taoaa Vary Bright That the Dunn high school this year will have a football team which will give a good account of it self when the season opens is evi denced by the keen interest being manifested already by high school boys. A farther evidence is the fact that J. Spratt Moore, noted athlete, of Rock Hill, S. C„ will coach the local team this year. Already twenty three local high school boys are engaged in the try CtOt DrarMI f nr malrmr aka. taam and other* are expected to enter. Mr. Moore is urging the importance of all the high school boys entering in an effort to make the team. The boys meet on the high achool ground* each afternoon at 4 o’clock, and already they are practicing in harxfling, pesaing and sprinting While the material from which the team is-to be picked is inexpe rienced in the game, Mr. Mourt stated after the practice yesterday afternoon that the prospect for i crack football team in Dunn is very bright. He expects to have a team ready for the first real game in twe or three weks^^^^^^_^ season Mr. Moore will direct hi* at tention to organizing and coaching a basketball team* and later in th» spring will begin tn pick materia for a baseball team. Aside from his duties as athletic instructor, M r Moore will teach science m thi high school. He is an athlete of nc mean ability, having played on th< Davidson college football team loi three years, where be made an en viable record. He was also a mem her of the football teams one yeai each at the South Carolina Stall University, Columbia, and Citadel Charleston, S. C Ford Gives Fire Engine To Mount Vernon Washington, Sept. 22— In in mad rush to turaiiw out ooe or twi Motor Company recently ftoyiw long enough to make a chemical fin engine to protect Mount Vernon the home of George Washington The apparatus arrived today, a gif of Mr. .Ford. He recently visit« the shrine, and was so impress* with the fire danger that he tele' graphed his factory to make an en gine and ship it posthaste Shoot* At Two Mon Ho Finds At Home Wilson, gopt. 14.—Vaa Walston, white man, la In tha hospital froc ■the offset* of having tfcCty diet lodged la his hack and hsod. J. A. Bskar, who runs a peultr fan Mar tha city, has bass jail* on a charge of doing tha shoatlni Dakar aw that Ha retaraed hews t And Walston and Atom Sana an hi snmiws after they had bean warn* ta stay away. They Bad pretty ha lal bat not before a shot gun had baa dieaharged ta their direction. Bdu wys they had bean "tagging’' afte Me wife. As soon as Walst*n Is able to g, t out, Baker wtU have a bearing bat or t Thu It said ta be tha saaoad tin , that Baker has «aksa a Beat at Wall . tsar. The find than waa sa full , night when hack Bwt wm aaad, bi , the last Isad waa Mrd shot. Mrs. Baker la reported ta have * , sartod bar Kama, aad ta has* go* to Ml ad Joining county. Mi* Ladle Cragl want Wedne day to Greens Me, Pin count . where she entered the Rest Car fata Teacher*’ Training college. t himself a* a native of WMtevfll f N. C . Mis* FqcrWain sms record 7 u being originally from Pitt cmmi l, The metriege waa perforwied t* w * I the TnojrwADS” That It li CrMt jirMHUTE «m£r^Kctob«r »— . AorU ^ Mood To •. Will Bo Somebody yn rt|i|)i»i this year's .“T 11 *^mit jtjP hfliaaven for the UflTtwaii, |* «, ,ni*b lo be »««u tttn the visitor nrrtbuuf aftwV kdfTthe gale. 1 f th^« bn&uy Wlnn.em of /In' ype w aptly KrlSd by the word tightwad ' ifipii Keai and ^ 0lT. T**^? otth33fi»n folk lovr t«j call the DuajJbuaA tlv fa:r cer tainly w,l] heX^ESt] nnd event for «xjfp*liere ,re stiff c‘ent **** ar^A*W]Kay lo fill anv program to o*6ow*k There c*i> oot be a dun SaxflCfrom the time (he bclcet sdl^p nAtn the job in "** tnoenkrfJfcMrjhe last treat botfb *ttnMtfc»od <dWt* after the gigantic ni^rr . Fuller program tn*n EIH* " laror&K rmn y?r' h*» - the Coming fair, which iv mom'mi;. October 9: incindn: Two «taity. Two . d*iK. Funny . daihr. Two the iSirrri to* _ Two Retard Three !„ running r;tcci everyday;,. , FoolbalV y Tuesday __ i These aniHKany other leaner feat urea hill keL'the crowd on its ux —kterslfv slid figurathrthr ihirint the entire fdhr days that the fair i| to run. But, withgl. these are not tin greatest features of the fair A< amusements they probably are sni prernei and,' alone, they are wort! much more than the small chargi for admission. There arc also tin great stock bams, twine pens, pool try houses, machinery h»H, (lorn hall — all pecked with exhibits fron the farms and fields, the facto ric and stores and homes and gardens ad filled with the things grown c fashioned or sold <fr manufacture! or reared by folk the crowd* know These are the Wr thiues of the fair And liesidex; there i* that »tmn» phere of the fair season — the spiri | of the carnival — that thing whirl | gets into airflow’* heart ami make . him vtarl he is alive and imonr foP who feet U lw doe*. That «* anollw one of the Hiff thing* of the fair t It 'comes along about the middle o | the afternoon, when the throng* an I awecpmg through the mid wav to *e the headline attraction* m front •» the grandstand • the hot dog man i deftly paring rolla to fit the mcculer weinie, while the hardy gnrdic* 01 the carousel* Mend their wailmi notes with thelorrk of the top-harm 1 gentleman telling of the wonder* o the pit show; down the dusty trai i the negro minstrel show is giving it i ballyhoo; wild yells come from th i Wild We*». and over the way sorro ferocious caged and fretting , roar* hi* disgust; the toy ballooi I man calls hi* wares, and the happ . crowd rnfls about tlve riding <fc t v'ce», the "P C" wheel* and th , other cootrivantics that serve t< I round out,that much-criticised, hu r alway* eo)oyaLle thing, the work . call* the ' midway " for no r«im r at all. r The fair of these days is muc! akin to thr Mardi Graa. Cone are th t day* whe* the country fab- depend ed upon oo* trick-horse act, one hoe race and a covey of mdependet “ gyp " jAtta lu aid the exhibit* i attracting crowds. The Duun fn< “ of today ia a World Exposition 1 \ miniature.- To Jt come the great© * collection of show* travelling tk South; around it is cluttered myri* h attraetjoes designed to plaaae a • claase* and type* and ages of foil The ameaement hooking office* < the cotmjry ase con visaed in crrik y that performer* may be gotten t f, amuse and entertain visitor* — n ► that the fair may make money, b that prnfde may com# to Ikon* f< - this ana week m the year and be e tertained, amused and taught, at ” raMsm to their homes tired, nut ha tW and thinkinr well of the to* they have' played ao big s part malting the beat of North Carol)* Cotton Gin Burned. Near Fayetteville The tlnlwiii cotton gin, Waled seven miles north of Fayetteville an (He Uivrr n»'iil, was burned, luge lliei u till fifty I tail's ill cotton, Tues day .ilv -i! mum, .iCcording to The Fayetteville fheivrr. The ore stains 1 11<..in .1 y.a.oline engine and spread f|uickly nvet tin entire plant The Iotji is cMintnlrd at $10,000, only a .-mall j<m of u+mh was <rw e.ivtl lit insurance. II. G. Snilylw, of hai-inoni, wa* owner of iht gin, am) Mas the heaviest lover, 'fait was ihr iliirtl gin in which Air. StdWw ’Va . interested Co be burned dnru'g Ok past two years. PEANUT C ASE IS . FINALLY SETTLED Damage Sait larshief N. C. Growers Settled Out mt Court at Norfolk No* folk, Va . Sept J4.— The ■$j.a?i.000 ddtit-igt- suit os* Use Pea D'li lifiawt association against fifteen cle-otiiiK .n.d shelling con cerns was lii aittMied l/v Judge Gro ner in lire I'nitcd Elsies district court I are today under agreement by counsel for* Utth sides. The agreement. readied tliyoogh a series c.l oinfirrivo. held since the ad jtMirnincnt of court Friday, carried with it, it is understood, the pay l icnt <il flit 1,000 in the plaintiff. No Mien turn of any amount in *>t»ive«l in llie rimipinodsc was men liniirJ in the court order, and conn mtI ior liotli iiviiincil lo state • Ik- am-Mini. Clients on both aides, lioucvev. riaitirmcd the amount of > ell It nu-nl .is $JU,00U. .\r.umnniKj« that counsel for Hie contestant* had derided to.drop 'In' suit was made at llie opening of mot >u<fci» In Lawrence L. Levy, of San Kiancivco, of the plaintiff*.: «ia.i:mcl. amt canto as a surprint ic the jury, court attache* and specta tors who hud liecn following the lit hi* older for dismissal of die I unending*. -tit. Levy stated that ' further cunlimuuice of (Ids litiga tion is g.vmiy ‘m jut ions to the in terestv of Ugh the plaintiff and rhe ■ Icicndanls and will, if continued, result in meniallybel injury to the ccownmit) so dciieitdent upon the (•ennui industry as one of it* duel i-leiH-tiis of sup|Mirt and progress." Inasmuch as lauti the plaintiff and tlie defendants were vitally inter est e<l in tltc tlie successful develop twnt of the industry, he said, it w: » of moment to both that nothing ' lar done which would work injury nt the industry. ^ The jctib which was brought b; the grouti * under the Sherman anti mwt act fur three-fold dam ages' of losses alleged to have been • suffered by tlie pi amt iff in handling 1 the 1921 imp, went on trial befort 1 Judge. Groncr las-t Monday. In it! evidence, rive tdaintiff sought tt s1h»w- a conspiracy to depress th« , price of jieattms, lry which it claim ed h suffered losses of $1,200,000. ' Tom Cos Sends Bullet i Through Hu Own Head 1 Wilmington, Sept. 24.— Whil 1 police, summoned by his family 1 were speeding toward Ilia horn about 2:45 yyticrtby morning, Ton I Con. |>n<fe»4reuil biliiardist and on time runner in a worlil'n duqtpion ' ship match, shot himself througj die heat) wilh u revolver, dying in . stantly. He *m 55 years aid, a* > IcmI been employed at a local bill ' jaril pnrlor for some month-. Ill health is the motive assigne* : l«y the jwlice for the art. ’ Cox worked until midnight Sat . unlay night, and upon reachini huutc seemed, in a desptmdent mood ' I lr litre netted to kill himself, reta this say, .-nsI becoming alarmed \ they’ calieu the police. Co* carrla ’ out his thieat before the arrival o the tillkers, and was dead who * they reached tire scene. "i 1 r Indication* are that this year wl S see Ihv greatest attendance record I of | cist years broken. The oouetr ,• mound Dum again ia proeperou r! Ilurdens do not hear down so lseavO II as they haw firr the last three year t folk arc in a mood to retebrafc if They want tc* hear tlie innate. tt tr aial lie with Mite crowds; they wai (i to gel oui for a grand fling to slur n that tin* ,-ulversirv of former ye* it lew not token all of the youthfu rr urns out of tlwir tired bodies. IV v- have had a hard grind, but now tl id nm ht shining and all the world p- glad They are coming m tho it emd* to Dunn’s fair, and Dunn w hi give them a glad end glowing Wl a come. / ULUNGTON WILL BE RESENTED Great laStrvit In Coming Fail Rnportnd Fmsn Western - Hnrnntt Dunn will Lire to xo strong thi' tear if <t t i- cer.U in defeating t.itt ingtor fot Xirsf bonus* at the fail here. Rei orts from the counts seat indicate that everybody uj there ia working to place first rax exhibits in every dqwrtiDcm of tb< exposition which is to open hen ftctnber 51. Mrs. J. H. Dixon u chairman of the committee at wort In Liflington, ami is doing a won derfut work in the interests of thi fair. The lallington exhibit is to lx one of tin most attractive icaturei of Flora) Hali. which, fruru till present outlook, will I* much tot small to accomodate tbr great nuen ber of exhibits to be cartrd mti the fair grounds from tht- foui counties surrounding Dunn. The effort at Lifting Ion is char acteristic of every community ii central and western llaniett. ac cording to Miss Elisabeth Drtdgi and Mnc W. O. Johnson, wlto ban canvassed the entire county durinj the last two weeks in au effort 11 arouse farmers and cuunuunitie-' tr the great o|iportunilies ottered tt them through the fair. Ihny own muni tick weal of the Cape Fear art planning communitiy exhibit. am that there is no doubt tlwt this yeur'i event will be the imhi intere-unt yet hid in this respect. A strong effort will inr made thi' week to get Coats, Angicr. Buie' Creek. Broadway ami other turn* of the county to place group ex Mbits in every depart men' . Will Advertise And • Sell Lead For Tax* Owners *fcth the oace tub woe* thereafter for fou consecutive weeks. The sale of «m will taka place oa Monday, Novembei Mb. Three Women Flogged By Men In Bladen Ca Three white women, Ufa. France Thompson and her two daughters, o Abbot is township, ctnirn to have boo sevaroljr flagged by live masked win an »h* night of September »th. The; aertu* near neighbors of being guilt •f the crime, and sworn out warrant ■ sag*»net Moah Thompson, Busk No. r**. Bcaeklah Cook, Murlot Cook ta Waak Edwards. These men wore git en n hearing before R. H. Barshttoir J- P . at Elisabethtown 8a turd a and bound over to court under $2.00 bonds each.—Bladen Journal. GREEKS MUST PAY ITALY INDEMNITY 0+___n 0*0 m. e ■ .■ ■■■■■■■PeiVII Malms Strang ProUat ( Paris, Sept. 26.— (By the Ask * dated Press.)—The Grecrv-Itatis i affair was brought to a close tods - so far as the Inter-Allied Council c I Ambassadors is concerned when tin body decided that the .<0/000.000 hr delimited be Greece in the Danlc « | Switzerland as security for inderr nity should be paid over to Italy. The payment was ordered as , penalty for Greece's dUatoriness 5 ‘ searching for the assassin* of th ! Italian Boundary Mission near Ji "ina, the slaying of winch brougi I about the Greeo-Italian criris an r the subsequent nccupatkm of Cor I i Triand bv Italy. The ambassador upheld their derision that, in vie of Greece’s action in ftiHMmy »! terms laid down by the council > 1 eluding the payment of indemnit » saluting the Allied fleet at Phalcr. I am) rendering honors to the bodi L «f ff»« slain conimh>sinners. Its f was in duty hotmd In evacuate CVi >• fu. It togs announced today th this evacuation was already bcgi * would be completed feunorru * Tho laasme af iMf » _ I* From the Ohio State Journal (R«1 y ft sometime* looks as we eamt * M*d active members of the os i® j party St to govern might hare l-l start the campaign without ruci II knowing what ssr issues are, & I- we swppost we can aceose the Dei ocrats of Mosdhg ’em anyway. MAN WITH HABES i l mows off muM mitt* Himaelf Wbw lUw Id JMKb^s of" taatou. N. C , lift 2t_D**th »*: Jo»t inwd th« mimt At In Qulied***. well known whtt* ann. wba lived eheut two —from kata. . •><a he net It feaU way by dbaeltaB off the top of fat* 1ia| Wat doctor* ileniarad to he the Dm eta«M of *■)•'*—t*itbu kroogfct Ben to death'* door, and he ,• te end it all. Boa waa ■* , He cudeaaeead «* aaenre -nIM| ht botpiUa* far weald tab* him. hoove to die. If* _ U.r agony either far hlanelf ar far hit wtfo aad four Bilfdrtn There w u a ahatgan handy, and after neighbor* who bad d«M their bc*t to beta kin had nan*. Ben't «aw him ge lata a htdrtaaa Be Ci* hoy feared far hi* faihar. Kndiiag te the door of the non the youth waa horrified he me hie father end hie tried to I hot tin terry eat hie parpen. “ C«» oa the bay, tha etiioivd him eat, that ftf* waa nethiair to fain new, and he wai re in* to end it all. Hardly had the dear clawed bahtod lot bey before far heard the agpiaelew of tilt ran The force of the toot blew the lap of hi* bead ef. Bariy U the *>fa« awe of Bmi •ena carried »*■* a daw tot had rut get ia. Own the doctor* wLredto for instrnctions with a There waa aatiriar for poor Boa to •lo bat «• re tarn horn to din Aad there he eaded.ll a> ia tho aftaraooa aad today hia wife and four ihhdeeo moon. far a father who waa brave ia death ae he had heea ia Me. Ho . waa forty yearn old. t -- • 1 Dunn Couple Marraad In Hartaville, S. C. Daniel Cupid waa the winner, aad . Mus Marie Surles, daughter of Mr. , ami Mr*. Sam Surles, and Buddie . Norn*. aon of Mr. and Mra. I. W. N’orris, were married Wednesday in. ; IlamvDIt %. C. It waa a nmaway , affair, and tbe marriage-bent couple encountered some difficulties before sm-ceding in getting the uniting words spoken They left Dunn in a Pond road - **rr and hied themselves to Dillon, ’ 5. C. Mra. Norris' father notified the license seller in flat town that he objected to the marriage of Me daughter. He also notified the fi 1 cense ittuing authorities in Bku nett trifle and Mahon to the taose effect. The woedd-be bride and j bridegroom applied at both thaae ■ | towns for license, but were refused. "• However, where there is a wfH • 'here is a way, and where there i i* love there la a win, and not So be ' outdoor they hurried on to Harts f vilk. where they mat with batter re ' wtha. The • newlyweds arrival Udt in Donn last night, tired, bat happy in the thought labt they were ■ one. U. D. C. WiU Shown >| “Ccnfedmte 1 -tHii" **. On next Tuesday, Oe*. 2nd, san u| her* Chiron chapter, U. D. C, are > Planning to mahe a viak to thaae in ' . the “ heme for the old ladies of the Ci Confederacy ” at PayetrevOM. They I- are going to taka thasa old ladies a , ,1 treat in die form of good thiop Se n. eat. w! If there are thoea M Ms comma lr! nicy who are not member* of Chi r-. cora Chapter, yet wish to taka part ; it! In this “shower," they as* rdpw its id to send to Mr*. Pael Hoad, pres (tend*, before >. C A Anderson and Cart ft. fil 'd chest, proprietors of the Flschett • ly drug store in Dunn. Wndnasdu In leased the fountain and cigar de !r | partmentof the Parte cafe at Ms. M They will operate the fountain and * it-1 Cigar counters In the future, bar - ing already taken Cham over.

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