A DmwM Employ— At the time of the noted Robeson eoamy trial of alleged wom flog, gers we made die assertion that Tar tafetro, ibe Ku Klnx detective, who ctBic mto the Kmelight (hrotifh his in the cate, was made the *t»t of the whole affair. That . tlaffstwiaii wax Out is evidenced PJv"* hd that Talliafefro whs th* seaed hr the organization which he reprtfenred and w still resting in the Kolieaon county jail in Lnmberton. Not only iKd the Klan fail to make bund to get tpm oat of *iail, but it I also tailed to pay the f7j0 fine im posed upon h'-m hy J ndge N A. Sin clair. A* tl'C matter now stands, this Klan employee is destined to re main in jail indefinitely, we are told. ICi xiencc Iwiaight out at the trial of TnBiaferro indicated that he was ectinfr under the irot ruction* of a Ingli official of tlie (Clan in North Carolina. Thai being true, no doubt there is onr more man whose opin ion of the Klan has been lowered to wane extent, and that man is none other thin Tillisfrrm It Is Not Fair While wr are firm believer* in co operative unrk«iiig or iarm |*cud octa, it is our opinion that the two Co-sgwtative Marketing assoc ia Am — col loo and tobacco — have pas»*-l tb«v leal Uriwid* m iheir ef fort to hold the .landlords respons ible lot the crops of non-member Inuut*. Ami were it legal to re-1 al . . '• 'mi a.»t p.cI.*i'S Cm!. v( , y *: }! c, 3* <*• -Vl b jrl' . p •'>•( -wit*. i'br acre, p<-svir • . Vi * .•« fit. I barn 4 ft!::.'! j -,'C :i\ii he I.. *S:V 00 Jf.Ii ■.! .. i tfV'• •If > !>• Olt.i-r is. ’ii'S ai: -okt a* ‘well. One i» Ipj. :i ," to Si.Onn alter w «*»;'.oa. While cverythiti/ in in food cor.* illiiol, coins unit buy y1* a faytr where yon con ranks I. C 1 Ayto;., T3o-.it, N. C. 2l P-t ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF eatbid* juat received. Come nad yet It Price.' tvkHL_Henry C* Lee, Railroad uremia, Dunn, N. C. • 16 tfe FOR SALE—AS IVOBY FINISH baby carriayp* and thra* pore It rhidio. Apply to Mr*. Raymond Gainey. ** *t p*l JUST RECEIVED—ANOTHER BIG mliipotcnt of carkhln. Com* and pet it. Th. price i» right. Henry C. tee, Railroad arena*. I>unn. N C. • *6 tfc MOREY TO LOAN—RAH LOA>* 81.0C0 to 189,090. » n*re with Mioihca to 9*7 waiter. Ibtood and McLeod. Attomaya. Dunn, N. C. - I farms for salh—i have cli onr« who owlt tare e*Wa dodmble farm* on Stmt* H tfhorAy, within I end 8-4 roilet of Clli.too High School. Tertian cany- Fltaku«h WhitAalu, Atty.. CUntoa, N. C. 85 2t p<1 FOR 3ALE—TWO MULES 9 Y*»a Old; 1 bore* S yaara oid; itock Po land Chinn and 1 bre« ww; Pol and China and De**W7. ah onto, 50-»b. aach; S». Wi at wood aaw and track eowtned; IX horaa yaaoline engine and on* cot ton «nd "operator; 1 manure aproadcr; I national b*7 *•*» : 1 two-boroc waxba; 1 * road cart; 1 24-ineh Barr corn mill; 1 little DRtah aalky plow and aureral 1-horta plow* “d C>JV7-V tori. Sale to bt bald Saturday. Oct. 18th Id o'clock a. m- "***' dance. M. WhHtanton. Own, No. 5. p.-pL 14 XI 28 a 8 12 P* For Sale I < • « • « • » * * « ■ . 5 , ;; 1 Sever. Passenger Chandler Car in good ; I* • • * * con. *atin. ;; 1 Five Passenger 1923 Model Buick in; use • about six months. 1 Lh^e’Iu.g Lot on Townsend HeitfKor^^S- < aTi home of J. W. Purdie. . * I: 2 Houses and lots near Harnett County Training School. !; 1 House and lot near Durham and Southern depot. 2 Houses and lots on East Divine btrect, I :: four and I six-room, with all modem conveniences. '' i ► I Nice Dwelling lot on South Magnolia St., adjoining my home. <> 1 Vacant lot on North Magnolia near Har nett County Training School. 11 Any of the above projierty will be sold for each or on terms suitable to the purchaser. See me at once if interested. * •«> W. D. Holland < i Dunn, North Carolifia ;> ...... ■ POM SALS—ONF. GOOD MILK cow. Call at JoItow.i Bn». atom it intcnwud. • 11 ifc. RnpOit of tlm Condition of TMB COMMERCIAL BANK At Dunn, Iji tlic State iif North ( Ckrotiuu, at the close of bt.aJnvJf,! ■dbpt. Mth. 1MB. KK80UBCES Loan* and Discount*.. f*8l,¥11.11 : Overdrafts___,_ 10.81!! United State* Ruuds uml Liberty Bondi_ 50,300.00 Furniture ami Fixture* 6,¥01.00 Cash in vault and net amount* due from Hank*, Bask ora. ar.d Trust Companies_106.341.91 Cheeks for clearing . ... ¥.017.7.7 Revenue Stump*_ 4.76 Total..#325,286 85! LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In ..8 30,000.0(1 Surplus Kur.il . - 2,000.00 Undivided Profit*, less rcut expert*** ami taxes paid ...- 8.797.09' Bills Psy.ible- 10.000.00 i IbinoiiU rubject to cheek. Individual __ 168.830.84 Tim* Certificate* of De posit, Duo in Lean Then 80 Days - 25,484.47 Cashier** Check* o ut il landing - -- 19,435.17 CertMcd check*-... V61.50 Time Certificate* or De posit, Due on or After 30 Day*. 1,412.50 Saving* Deposits-.. 54,064.65 Bond Deposits - 9,950.00 Total.-*325.286-82 State of North Carolina —County of Harnett, Sept. 21th, 1923. I, J. D. Davis, Cashier of the above named Bank, do aolomidy ■wear that the abbvn statement Is inis to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. D. DAVIS, Cashier. Subscribed and rwom to before me, thia 27th day of Sept. 1928. W. E. BALDWIN, Notary Public. My Commission expire* February 13, 1926. Correct—Attest: J. W. PURDUE, J. W. JORDAN, ■ E. P. DAVIS, Director*. — FOR SALE — * ROOM COTTAGE! •>:i South Witaon are. Lot 100 * 110 feat on corner, one block (ram ui* jiammar school builtlinf. Also ontt S-room house and on* 4-room tiuore . w'thln two block* of now school baildlnf on Fayolterttl* hlrhway. Torsi part ca»h If noc eatary. For further information see 1. R. Canady, Dunn N. C. 21tfc THE SHOES. SLIPPERS AND MIL llnery comtry to the Yellow Profit Store this week- are fashioned to meet the demand* of the moat ex aetfnx styles. These, as our en tire stock,-go for much lesa money. Do you or do you nod want to save in your purrhuaosT Wc soil ram* goods for Was money R O Tay lor Go., Dunn, N. C. Colonial Theatre i « > • MONDAY-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1-2 i: < • The Greater. Battle of the Century—the moat en- ! I thrallm* drama of the decade— ;; MRS. WALLACE REID < ' - - A Modern Joan of Arc arrayed ayainat all the evil hoats of the sriyantic narcotic army In— ; ; < i “HUMAN WRECKAGE” , i ► < * A colossal drama of insidious evil and boundless '! good, of skulking hate and glorloua love — a tremen- !! dou.i story with a theme as big as the universe. ;; This picture now showing in Raleigh at 50c ; < > Our prices: Matinee_10c and 40c Night_20c and 40c i > -COMING WEDNESDAY-ij “HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD” . < > _ __ .. _ < » L'lttl tLI-LI MAKE Banking a Family AFFAIR FROM the wee tot in the cradle to a grandmother with her pin-money account, banking would serve every chit and chick of the whole human family. And this bank, if you w , 1 please, would serve best! t S.SSSSSrJSS No, not by and peculiar virtues or rare qualities -of goodness—but by the mind to seek your satis faction as our best re ward. FIRST NATIONAL PANtc' DUNN. N . G . LA RESBTA CORSETS | Keep Yoar Figure Young • Style N 2 8 2 ! Pink Coutil < 4 4 Low Bust 4 4 4 i < Specially designed to gtre ; ttout Figure* Slender Appear- ; me*. ' to SWAASOHE ^«ld* ^3t*y» At Oar Const Department! I0HNS0N BROTHERS: The $3/400,000 pcenet litialiori ; tm cempT'Mtod for $MLOOO md , moped. Only e Wight Sfftrmet ; f fsjjOflOQ in the —me4«, which ■ { Wmme ie net enough k> worry \ \ : • * i u»tmii«MMrttmmtnmttm4*»***4****»t******<>t*t**t“**t‘**>*““»“4**4*******t*4**‘t‘ii m 111111 Feldman’s Dept. Store I (XT YOUR BOY IDS NEW SUIT FROM FELDMAN'S. WE ARE SHOWING A VEf$ PRETTY ASSORTMENT OF BOYS’ SUTTS IN ONE AND TWO PAIR PANTS, THEY ARE WELL MADE AND REASONABLY PRICED. WE ARE SHOWING A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S SUITS IN STRIPES, CHECKS AMD SERGES. WELL TAILORED IN A. LARGE ASSORTMENT THAT YOU CAN GET A SUTT OF MOST ANY MATERIAL YOU DESKL Feldman’s Dept. Store DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA •, • • - ; '•••■■ , • i! iiiiiinntttTtrM-—.—.... ..».«..... . . . • • . ' . ' . ’ *