# Charlie Jones, of Winston-Salem, is k|tending {he week end here with Cltarlie Jones, oi Winston-Salem, is spending the week in here with relative*. Ge«». K. Grantham, J*. A. Lee and Rev. G. T. Adams -pent Wednesday in Raleigh on business, lyhlcr C. H Hall will preach Sun day evening al 7 .10 o'clock in the Primitive Baptist chtneii at Gaits. J. J. Wade ext wets to lease to morrow for Gastonia, w1*ie he ha* accepted a. yr|icT* in low It Wed nesday afternoon. Satn James. 15-year-old son of Rev. Jcs.sc James, of Falcon, picket pound* of cotton yesterday. I Ij* MSler, Mis* Thelma James. 16 years old. picked 365 pounds. J- G. Pope, who Kve* on R. I from Dunn, will celebrate his 56th birhtday.on Sunday. October 7. He has sixteen brother* and sisters, ail of whom are invited to be presen*. Willie Janies, of Faison, who worked with G. T. Hodges, Jr., in Dunn, wrote a chum from Panama where lie joined the U. S. Marine* He experts to be away for si* month*. Hubert Barnes and Sheppk Rhodes, of New Market. Va. ar rived yesterday and will spend a few days here visiting Mr. Bamc*' rel atives. They ntaile the trip in Mr names' ear . r„iM 11 mad (taiagi: has dungvd the mine of the concern to Johnson Motor Co. K C. and W. K. Johnson continue as owners They ha/e taken on the agency for the Over land and Willys Knight aiilnmuhiles, nad will have demonstrators hen. neat week. Hloisc, Id-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jernigan, who live seven miles east of Dunn in Sampson county, died Tuesday night of colitis. The funeral was con ducted at the grave Wednesday af ternoon at 3: 30 o'clock hy Rev. C. A. Jackson and interment was made in the Williford cemetery. Chas. M. Warr .formerly of Fay etteville, arrived yesterday to take charge of tbc local Atlantic and Fa citic Tea Company's store. Mr. Warr succeeds W. U llrodie, whu fias been transferred to Augusta. Ca. Mr. Bmdie and family left to day for Augusta. Mr. Wart was accompanied to Dunn by Mrs. Warr William, 3-vcar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ja.s. A. Poole, underwent an o|*ration Tuesday at die Res hospital, Raleigh, for enlarged ton sils ai»d adenoids. ]fe relttmc.l home Wednesday afternoon, nc companies! liy his mother, who re mained with him while in the hospi tal Hi* condition is very favor able Frof- J- A. Campbell, head of Buie s Creek academy, was a Dmvi visitor ye*tcr«L-iy afternoon. Mr. Campbell slated that the enrollment at Buie’s Creek is approximately 400. the largest in the history of tlv school for this season of the year. When Ihe public school opcas the enrollment will likely go lievond tlk COB mark, he said. ADAMS-WHITE A wire message fmm Mike Ad "■'1* to his brother, James Adams, fates that he was married Wcdncs ' ey morning of this wek in Man ™ng, S. C., to Miss Lena White ,of that town. The Adam* brothers are proprietor* of the Dunn cafe. Mr. *' r»- Adams are expected to ar nve here thin afternoon or tonight. Sound* Warning To Futurw Generation* " W** ** •ITaH'ng information ,**aVr?^r* •£* mn',e than a million narcotic adihrla fhi, k>. day and that the tide of addiction i.< nrng mflly in ibii and mlier n.v rions, i«n t it high time we did some thing concrete — something worth while — to atem the onrush of the dread beast that harasses humanity and spread* misery in its wake > ' •' Unless immediate action i. taken l»y those empowered by law to take such action, no child will be safe from the avarice of the dope ped" dler. “Emboldened by the protection they hare enjoyed from unscrupu lous politicians these beast of pray . arc venturing to the very school - house itself.' The schootttowse, pride of our vaunted civilisation, at the mercy of dope venders I Imagine that and then ask yourself wbat you are going to do to assist In this world wide movement to check the . spread of addiction. “ We undertook the production •if * I Inman Wreckage' for one great purtMwe — TO MAKE THE FKO PLE THINK. * , RECORD EM’S COU RT The small number of cases heard In the local recorder'* court ye»tep day would indicate that Dunn and toe rurroundiuj; territory ix enjoyiiw another " crimcles* wave.” Only , t_nn^drfendiuitii laced Recorder JeT I (JuiPlata Kii. 41 art* nigan, and both these were charged with aMaah. j- W. Jones was fined |10 end east on the charge ol assaulting Eli * board. According W THIS CONDITION OF TUI FIRST NATIONAL baw^ ^ 1, RESOURCES Loon* ami discounts, including rediscounts. ac ceptances of other banka, and foreign tflh of Lhk'kXl °r JraIU *°ld W,th of Overdraft!, uimocured .-♦*■»,44*.** IUM4I1I u. 5. Cover, me. I Murillo, ew^id,. • posited to secure circulation (U. a far value) ___ so ooo no Ah other United State! Govorwncat 'aaearttim (including premiums, If any)_ 4 140 Oft Total. _ v,peWtVW Other ImA, ituki, llnH||il.'rt,i l"~~"'~" 4ft'il» 0» hanking House. *41,336.01; Furniture and fa tents, 410,446.3*... Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ” * 111 * M Items with Federal Reserve Bank In process of collection _ lftftMft, Cadi In vault ami amount duo from national baaks 0l!ftld ftft Checku*on oliicr bunks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 11) maaso total of Uoms.1__ 1J0 44 3'16# “ MiaceUaneous cash items__ , 4B1'70 o 101 ,0 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and duo ’ from U. 8. Treasurer _ . -- Otlicr assets,' if ar.y .Il.ZZZZZZZZ * c .uifflusar™ SWitSr1- »KSStS Umiividcu profit* . _ _16,419.14 ’ ” , i ‘•■ment tupwmw, interest, ami taxes paid 7,909.71 7410 49 Circulating notes outstanding_._ sonoo on Amount oa> to **0*1*1 Reserve Bank (deferred «*cv**.ov credit* - . .....----...... 20 747 40 Amount due to State tanks, bankers, aad trust companies in She United States and foreign COUIltriu* . . ____ I see a. Certified checks outstanding ....._..._... 'iMAS Cashier'* check* outstanding_ 6 710 77 Total of Items __ 29,09249 Dsmaed dspsslu (oilier Ua* beak deposits) -*■ sect lo Kmm (deposit* payabla within *0 days): Individual deposits subject to cheek_...__ 299 042 41 Mute, county, or other municipal deport* aasarsd by pieiiga of aaseU of thla bank or surety bond 40,790.11 total of demand dopoeita (other >*— bask deposits) subject to deserve ......_..... 300,409.94 Ttae deposits sebjeet to Reserve (payable after so days, ar subject to 90 days or taoru rTt'tv. and postal savings: Certificates u1 deposit (other than for araaey ber ^.roWL'd) . 40,004.10 Otisey time depostu___ 99499.10 Total of ime depoeita subject ts Koscrvc... 10149240 Bills payable (inclsding aH ebligst ions roprr senttng money borrowed other than ml iocousts) 90447.72 Notes and bills rediscounted Ischdiig acceptances of other banks and forrtgn bilk of mlaigi ar drsJti sold willi indorsement of this bank_ 170,997.49 Liabilities other than those above stated_..... *,46049 TOTAL . .. $91649949 State of North CsroKne, County of Harnett, ait 1, U. B. Taylor, Cashier of the above-named the above statement Is true ta tbs bast af my B. B. TA_, __ Subscribed ai.d sworn to be far* me rtus 22nd day rtf September, 1929. C. M. HOOKS. Notary White. My CoBunission Expires July 91, 1924. Ce irate—-Attest: N. A. TOWNSEND, J. W. DBAUOHON, O. K, OKAWnUM PENDER’S _LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONT SUGAR, beat granulated, lb_9Jc Eggs, selected, doz._41c Butter, beat tub, lb._53c D P. Coffee, 1 lb. sealed package_33c Abaohitely tbe wtrld'i but TOMATOES, No. 2 can_9c Salt Pork Ribs, whole side, lb_;_16c Salt Pork Plates, whole, lb_ 14c Corned Beef Hash, Kingan's 2-lb. can_15c Government Issue, l lb. can__ Corned Beef, No. 2 can___21c COMPOUND LARD, lb.„„_16c UNEEDA BISCUIT_1... UNEEDA LUNCH BISCUIT, package.5c OYSTERETTES.. SOAP —CAKE D *».-. Oct a (on ________ P. A G. Naptha_ SVtc Star Naptha Washing Powder, I6 oz. pkg.7c Galvanized Pails, each __ 28c Clothes I lines,- _..20c LOOK! We are offering a fine line of FALL 1 SUITS in Worsted* for— $25, $27.80, $30 and $35 . . We can Suit” you for-$25.00 I Also a complete line of Hats, Capa, Shoes ; and Furnishings. Come n and let us fit you from head to I foot. J. Milton Tart. DUNN, (^ Qu“,!igR!^yCAROLINA j ... . • > i ■ to the evidence; Jones did not strike Jackson, though he admitted raising '* Purpose. Walter Mcljutrin, negro, was taxed with llt« cost on the charge or assault upon Moses Session, another negro. * Wm. Crump, negro, charged with assault, was called and failed to an swer. forfeiting a $50 bond.* Capias was issued for Crump. Home From Hoephal • *«$>•* a VoKay ami Oliver (Bob) WajTvn, both «f whom war* aarteualy hunt in as aatomahflu wreck oa the highway acar BtetthBold on “ Grandfather, father cad myself iTToTS*1 Pr- ■*» ARNOLD'S BALSAM with great aacesss. It t« a. *r0B?,*rf*' remedy for bowel eum plaiat Berommeaded by Hood A C rent ham. Of «h, CaodHion of me RANK or HARMRTT .. At. V^kt Ooa» ta the State Cf Nortii Carolina, at 4b* cJoae of bod now, September ja 1P23. . . R«ooioM LoaJM and <*04,531.0# Overdraft*, artaiOd, <17, 80; uaaewad, |IS6 77 - . —_ 144.37 United Mete* Bead* and t.tbmr Boada . ..... m.sto.oo Fornttaro and Fixture*- 1,064.o# Cart b. vault and net *roounu due from Bank*. Baak.^ and Truat CotnpanU*-181.937.18 fUvomi* BUmpt ....._ fi.77 1 3*“.<084.739 38 — .<«34,789.J# i.iABitrn&8 Onprtal Stock paid in-< 55.000.00 8urplut Fluid _ 2«.00« 00 Undivided ProflW. lam wrwut ‘ u>»* In Le*§ Than .--- *5.527 71 Cartiar'* Cbecta art- * - I0.098.J3' Tuna Certificata* aiO* J~>JU Dn. on or After •° ®*Fi.— 17.386.8* Ooaalto. 309,711.47 /or Tax**_ 1*0.89 Bond Depoatta (fJbarty) 6f.000.(>fl But* af North CaraBxe Coanty of Harnett. RaM. 39, 1*88. I. ■* *■ 0£kTiC<*AUt af th. nbava named Bank, <*• tolcamjy ■wear that th* aheva Ubmet ;• trnc to the beat of JUT knaurWpe and belief. *-!■ CLARK, /fv Caahier. Bubaclined nJvd«war»ta before- me, thi* 24th day af Scyhnahvr, 1928. C. a MILLER, Notary Public. My Comnuaiian oyirc. May SI. 1934. Correct-—At tern- . c. s-lrant Wm. Rogy^. . J. a figgn S, the rjylit of 8opiombrr IV, on-tod homo Wodne«JUy from tho SmltWlold lioop.tol, whom ikoy hod boon po> tl-iiu date toon oflc» 'hr oe«Jd«at. Ha K- the toot.HSw) of bOU Ibtoo wnrcfc VHliiiw i» im.irorlny oolirfoo UtrCoMy, It will likoly bo oom* timt botvto they wlH be able to ratarn to their work. Mr. Warm it tMlotant •tahier *f the. Flist SUtkwal ol *>»»". while Mr. MclUy jo t elrri in the local portefflrr. Jee J»n.,gun and Maos log Kerris •wo ether Dean, yuen* coca whs We regretfully invite you to visit our store and in spect our large stock of living »****>»n and dhrffig toons suites in all the latest styles aad finishes. We carry the largest and most complete stock of fur niture and house furnishings in this section of the State. Come and look our lines over before making your pur chases. • ‘ii'■ s t . ;; Rose & Benson, • boy. he discovered that by investing $60 it would earn aa much nosey each year as ha himself court Out fur. a week’s work. ' " ^ {®w yesre a go* it was not an easy matter to put money to work. But today there is nothing easier' j und« the sun particularly if you live in or near a community served by CAROLINA POWER A LIGHT CO. f° Put your money to work—to invest it—you have only to stop in any of our offlcea and buy some shares t>f o r Preferred Stock and you ean do this without any more fuse or red tape than If you were get* ting sa electric iron or a washing machine. • It’s Safe £»• of the beet thing* about our stock is that IT* SAFE. NEVER forget that We don’t ask jeo Juft to taW our word for it. The atock has PROVED to be safe. One reason is thia: Through HARD times aa well M good times we have NEVER FAILED to pay dividends oa our preferred stock. Our stock pays 7 per cent on every dollar yon invest in it The 7 per cent Is paid to yon to tour equal payments each year. These payments are called "dhri denda.” The dates for pdying ‘•dividends” are Jaauarv !. April 1, July 1. October 1. the stock is frae from North Carolina State personal tax and you will not have to pay the prsasnl norm al Federal Income Tax on the money yon will receive es dividends from this investn ont. ■very share of this stock is fully paid and nop-ae-«eatable. F°r every share you own you will receive $110.00 and the accrued dividends hi cane the Company should wish to redeem the stock. The Company mustgive you 30 day’s notice if it desires to do tty Btoidas having preference, in regard to dividends, ovsr the Common Stock, this stock comes ahead of the Common atock to tk« extent of $100.00 and dividend* per share to any distribution of ——at the f’.nmOlnv tn raaa of llnnLluHrfn Bueli Share of thia stock has fall voting rights. Supervision by Public Service Commission of North Carolina serves to protect the interest -Mv^ 0f tomeie> Investors and Um» Company. ' , Price $100.00 and dividends per share ($100.00 par value.) We hhra have an Easy Payment Plan of $$ per eiere down and $% per share per month. . We have never failed to pay our Preferred Stock dividends. They have been neid every I • without e break, for the last FOURTEEN YEARS. . 1 ^ mamm The'Company maintains a resale market at its of floes for the benefit of local stockholders who may wish to sel their shares. i • }