f MEMBERS OF BOME BUREAU BOLD MEET OXniingtuo. Sept. 27.— The county Home nurciii held its regular 'nxmrtthr meeting at Mis* Drigde\ Office Wednesday of this week, wit) a gnml attendance. A number ot new members ware enrolled from •act km* nf the county not represent ed before, end quite a number ol xUiiors came In durinng the bmxI mg. i .Ml were highly pleased over Ux resnks nf ihe demonstration. Thr being ’ grape day.’’ more than : half do*en ladies brought grape* About forty, or perhaps fifty, quarr nf cot I-pressed Juice and past *xk mere made during the wot) period, besides the knowledge game Item experience. We ate oft re minded of the saying. " We shal pas* this way but once,” so It* things you know that are resP; worth-while, impart to others. En toU as • member of the Home Bu reau and work together for the good of ell. Something new at each meet ing and always that quick lunch, ho*, jns* from the Means-pressure cook er, infur malty served. Lunch at thi* last me nine consisted of steak with whit* potatoes, peas with pork, can died tweet potatoes, loaf bread, to matoe*. cake, ierd tea. Soane of the good ladies are real ly more interested in the steam pressure'cooker than (hey arc in th kind of hat they want. That is say ing a lot. ian't it ? Aik them about u It is interesting to know that th women Irons the various communi Hen are becoming enthused ove their work. Much find may be ac ' complisbed if we pass it on to orti i era. There are still others to b i heard from. Ttie-e meeting* nr . monthly.-same day the **Co-ops • meet. ij Pickles and jelly are to be demon • - si rated at the next meeting. Th i j date will be given later. • Look lor the Harriett Count 1| Home Bureau exhibit of grap 11 products at the Harnett enunty fai t Mas. T. H. Dtcon, I Secretary County Home Burtat • -- Chinaware 4 :#>’4 W« have just unpacked a large shipmer'. of the ttinesl and prettiest chinaware that we have very car ried. There are many different designs and we will b« glad to show them to you. 100-Piece Barvarian 100-Piece Coburg China China Set; 18-carat Set, beautiful design. 14 guid band; on install- carat gold band; on in at set— • stallmen t, at aet— $132.50 $7&50 Terms: to any relia- Terms: to any relia ble person. 110.00 down ble person, $10.00 down and $2.60 per week will and $2.00 per week put this beautiful Chins will put this pretty «** ic your home. China aet In your home. 100 or 12 other patterns U> make your aeloction from. C’omc in sad let us show you. SEWING MACHINES White Sewing-Machine; electric. Rotary €114 AA movement, at___ flH.UU Terms: $6 cash and $2.50 per week White Sewing Machine; Rotary straight CQAAft Terms: $6.00 down and $2.00 per week • e ; I 5 i _ J. L HATCHER ■ Undertaker and 1 kieneed Prompt Service &,«>«*. ruN.it -'—-——■.• J if. ’ ■ -Mil Idling curt on is selling on the' total market today for 2S cent* the j pound. The streets surrutnvilnix the Lucknow cotton yard sre crowded with the ivsple ready foe sal*. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF 3AU Of LANO VIndor and by virtue or tbs power of sale contained In a deed of treat •moated by fvrwt H. Both and wilt, Snaan Harass, to the u«d»r»ign : ed Trasteo. an Hay Nth, 1*1* aai duty record*I in the offle* ot Regis ter of Deeds, for Harnett Co only, ' N- a. in Booh No. 118, page No. 83, - default having been mads In the pay * mrnt of tile notes, second therein r and foreclosure having been demand - eif by the holder of aaitl notes, the . undersigned Trasteo will on Tuesday. October S(Kh, 1*2*, at 12 o’clock M. ' a* the Courlhoosc door io LlUington, N. C., offer for vale to the highest ’ bidder tar caafc the laud hereinafter ilceerlbcil. tovwit; Beginning at a stake in W. K. Nor ni and Mrs. H. W. Barnes cantor, : being a corner in a» old Avcrasboro Town; thrncc as the dividing tine i between Forest H. Bn reel and L. F. e Muyru.nl S. 1* 1-4 E. 24.3S chains . to a stake and pointers; southwest corner of said Town, being corner be tween L. F. Maynard and F. Sarath, >- Jr.; thence ;» u new lino S. 74 3-4 W. 10.03 chains to the high water line ot Cape Fear River; thence op l toe meander* of sold high water line to a >Ukc in W. B. Norris line; tbonee as said line N. 74 E. 7.2 chains to the beginning, containing 20 1-2 acres, mom or lcoi. ThU 26th, tlojr of September 1923. Ctarenca J. Smith, Trustee. Sc PI 28 Oct S 12 19 28. — notice of re-sale or valu able REAL ESTATE Pursuant bo an order by L. M Chaffin, Clark of the Superior Court in tha caaa of The Commercial Hank, V. T. MouengiU and Tin- UarKtt County Agricultural Fair Association against Henry V. Johnson and L. H. Draogticn. the undersigned cnoums rioner will offer for sale at public auction for card*, to the highest bld tlar, at 12 rt)U o'clock M. on October &, 1223, at th« court house door, 1,11 lington, K. C, re following described real estate: A certain lot of land lying nnd be ing in the Town of Dunn, North Caro lina, fronting the Southern edge of Cumberland Street IW f.el, bounded on the West by the lot of Prime and Smith, on the South by the lot of Henry P. Johnson and L If. Draogn on. on the East by the alley and t»n*e particularly deaerlbwl a* f«l. !•>«»: » I • 8-><':w;ng at the intoreee'.io-i o'. •-- hou;hrra margin of Cwirtxilaw Ci'-w-t With the Woatern .te^e of tlK alley and. ran* ia a Waatarn direc tion with Om Soatbarn eilge at Cumhetlacd 8tmt M feel to Uw •ter of .Priace and Smith; thaiv* h. a fto'Jtbyrn .!< motion with An IUi nfPrieee and Smith and parti io with the alley 0# feet to tie lice oi Horry P. Jfwun and I. H. Dratuc'i iia; therm in an HaaUm dtrectior along Hit line of Henry P. Johatoi uml 1. H. Draughon and parallel will Cumberland Street M feat to Ut< Weatarn c<lga of tbr aUoy; thane with the Weatern edga of Ac alia; ia a Northern litreattea to feat W the beginning. forming one lat o land ft# feet by #0 fact and beta; the uon tot conveyed to Ilenry P Johnaaw and L H. ■ Brmugbon by P T. MaeMBgill and wife, which dew in <Hdy recorded ia the often of A Rcgiater of Deed* of Harbbtt County ami being the name tot deerrfbod V a certain mortgage deed executed b Hrnry P. Johneoa aad L. H. Drough 1 on to P. T. MaaaengiB, duly recocdu in Ac olTea of thi Kegtater of Doed In Said County. Thla September 1», 1912. I. a WILLIAMS. Oommieatoner. Sept 31 2*. —..— -1 ^ Haring thia day —Ufcad aa exact! tor of the eetete of Penial Campbell deer axed, tide ta to notify all peaeon haring dalma againat the earn eetat to premia theta to. the naderalgne cxcrator, on or before the 28th da of Aagvet 1824, or thia notice wll he pleaded in bar ad recovery. A peraoaa owing thia aetote are hereb | notified to make t man tie to eetlle meat Tbii Aagaat 8#, 1M2.-_ GILBEB.T CAMPBELL. Executor of the aetote ef Dank Campbell, Dae—ad. LAND SALE By virtue of the power of eele ear tamed in a certain mortgage dee 90. COTTON Wo bo Hr re the market adll ad vane to 30c thia fall. DonVeell year col ton now b«t coneign It to ue to b hebl. We will make liberal advene, on your ehipmento. SAVANNAH COTTON FACTO! AGE GO. Savannah, Oa. ^esmeeamanemaBmmeaaa WHERE MANY DISEASES ORIGINATE— In th. (pine t Y«u never knew it be l'ore?*Nor Jo mill ion Of otbor poop] I.mow it even rot I Chiropractic ad jo:intent of etAiuneted or Jiaplaeo tot?brae, aa employed bp on, offer £ tfTtat boon to Btanp ooffareia. Dr. J. Rftfif iorgar “C6U yprac" Office 4th Fla. Fi N.tteo.l — Office. BoAi • to 13 a. m. ' I s to • p. a Other Hear, bp A—ilatneel \r---■ DR P. J. CHESTER NEW YORK POST GRADUATE SCHOOL, ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE IN PITTMAN HOSPITAL. PRAC TICE LIMITED TO EYE, EAR NOSE AND THROAT LADY GOT SO WEAK COULD SCARCELY STAND Mn Mbit* Fran Mm Frab Mb Vk M tart * CM at M K Sit Sut, UNI •» «** ' ’ 1 THE BARNES * HOLUDAY CO. « • « UadUrtafcer* • . » * 4 » 4 , ' A full Hm of Coffin*. Coikote iai Bartel Baboo. T . . ... Strict mmy da*, anywbara. Omy Fhmmm 11 HbhlPkootlt * ”7 * I ■ ■ * .v. j ' . • • < executed, to, the undondpr.od, April * A lf*20. tha same appear'*? on tec, o.d in the office of tlx RetrisW a: is of Harnett County. Narli (*-. olira. and defeult> having been made ’n the payment* ►prettied. v.» will of lur for aalo -to tho Highest bidder Id, each, at tho. Court IIoum door ia r.lUliurton. North Carolina, on 'tlir 24th day of October, 1023, at 121 00 udon, the Units described in raid nntrtaruxc, via.: Being a!i of lot No. a lu Block "X X ” • in and areon' re to the plan end man of the town of Dunn. North Carolina; bmug « lot of 160 fact by 140 Vet, frontin'.* ISO fast on BUS* street and running i. ••|ir*e te.-V «>tk Kdgertntl street 140 fai t Vj ui nlky. ltii-i the 11th ilny of September, tints. <1. 8. GAINEY, . k. T. GAINKY, I.ENNIK P. GAINKY. "lent 21 2K Get 6 12 NOTICE OP SALS OF ACCOUNT! Ctwipr anil by nf authorit; ef t r»Hnin order (Mari) by Jos. B ChmMre, L r.ileii Slaton Rnforeo, sfci •uiflrt'iiij.inel Intatee will expoae to pi biir sail to ibe highest bidder fo; • erl", ul 12: 011 o’clerk M. on Octo j bn a, J ’a ji.l. at the itotr forma rl; nctitpli'd ti» R. p Ow-bv at Ai«cine 1*. C.. all Moouiib, Junes cm I blllr receivable due thit ,-eUle of R. t> Overby trading *» R. D Overby & Brother#, bankrupt, which account* Haifa or bill* I'ocevab'i were Uo: oldpcd n# collate rsl by the- euitl 1. D. Overby prior to hie avjurirealit'. . in bankruptcy Thta call) will bn aubject to «#»• ftrmation of Jot. B. Cheahivu, Kef are*! Thli 21 at day of September, 192" I. K WIILLA MR, ■ Trustee for A. I*. Overby, t radio* a ■ R. D. Overby urt.l H rot Km, but thru J.'. > Sept 21 2b All Prujicity in the town of Dunn upon which the 1921-1922 x»>s is not paid before Monday, October 1, will be advert t tv! «v .d soitl recording to law. I shall hUorxcrt: every means for collecting these hack taxes by levy upon personal property. If you have not paid your town taxes, please pay them this week and save yourself further embarrassment. H 1 ... — 1 ■ ———■■■■ jajP - - - ■ 11 ■ I ■ g I B. A. Rowland, f I Tax Collector for Town of Dunn | I l i ! | Service Day Or Night I Barnes & Holliday Co. Dviniij North Caorlina Day'Phone 11 Night 'Phone 280 t i i TAXPAYERS! ALL PAST DUE 5 i'RLET AND SIDEWALK ASSESSMENTS NOT PAID BY, OCTOBER 1st, 1923 WILL BE ADVERTISED ON THAT DATE AND \ PROPERTY Will. BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT PUB LIC AUCTION. TF !5» !S FINAL NOTICE. ATTEND TO IT AT ONCE. 1 . .. H. A. Parker, Clerk * i VpESmSSSmSESSSBSSSSSSSSSSSmSS^

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