The Fair at Dunn, October 9 to 12~Glorioiu, Gra THE DUNN VOLUME X. " ; __ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, 1 ^ " ' I g!ig=!=!Sgi!,'""!—---FT-' ■ I ■■ MJUli IKAIN LOAD REAL AMUSEMENTS M»ny World Famous Attrac tion* Will Bo Soon At Fair Naxt Week Tliat the Brown ft Dicr shows, whidi arc to furnish ll*< midnav at traction* for the fair at fhinn. con stitute one of the greatest amuse inent enterprise* traveling in Amer ica was well known to the men who are staging tlte tremendous annual event this year, lirranw the same company came here Iasi yror and overran the space alkilted in it, Im: that it is bigger tlian ever was indi cater) this week when Bill Down "JSf' V€,*rarl thowman. came in to T»i*c tlie way for the arrival ■*£ the great train which is to bring the tig gregation of shows, riding dev ice* and cnnecssiimairc* its long jour ney front the coal fieffl- of Penn sylvania into Dunn for it* first Southern engagement of ihi* year. There are many world-famous at traction* with the Kmun £ Dys outfit as outlined by Mr Downing. Miss Olive ITager. world'- cliani pkin woman motorcycle rider, i the headliner in the motordrome nn who*e pcrprndic nail- slu- atvt her associated |*er funnels dailv defy death She and several otlici riileri will give several perform ance* everv day of the fair Captain Dan Kiln, tin trainer and handler of wild hca**s direct from lire A it icon and Asiatic jungles, ha* his gmup of ferocious beasts which he will put ttuiiugh their paces every «lav. Captain Ui ley ha* one of llu* tine si collections1 of lions, tigers, jaguar*, pmrcta arid other wild animal* .ever brought to America. Bob Sherwood, whn what i. de scribed as fhe ffcu minstrel show of the country, will be there icatirriiig his Florida Strutters ,wi aggrega-1 tton of nejp-r* periunnet* who ar real artiata, and who five a show ri one auy find pleasure, the four comer* of the earth, also will I*? on the midway Those who arc inlet e-Jed snakes will find a lot of thrill* in the tile den over which Captain Cur Ivy Wilson firesides. In this do. will be found the largest reptile ever captured. It is a constrictor, about the sire of tire big telriihones in l.road street. It can swallow an or dinary .sheep without any effort at all Something new on tire program -- MI'IH V VIM I IK. lit I I by Colonel Quigley. Here air score* of odd little animal*, all with inorc leg* or head* or ears than na Hire usually give* to their specie; Colonel Quigley has one of the pret tiest tent* nti the midway, and has a most interesting collection of ex hibit*. ITe will pay good prices for all freak animal* brought In Irim while the show is here. Always an entertaining feature of any mid was i* the Wild West. Brown It Dyerdoing Torn Howard and hi* collection of cowboys and cowgirl* with their spectacular ri dmg, dexterous ro|>ing und neenratv hooting. The Howard show cur-] rie* a large numltor of hard-riding huskies who will give much enter tainment to the old and young folk 'vno trek down tlie w iff way. Another new attraction — ;,n. I one that will prove interesting m everybody - is the exhibit wider the direction of Captain l-riedman It is called Friedman's Minder Field, and contains relic* from the battlefield* of Europe. Here are shown the weapons, uniform* and tools of the contending force*. Beside* these there are mam other shows brought by the com pany, most of which the public j« aleady familiar with. Too. 5»e great riding devices will come with Brown fir Dyer .Among the*c j„ the new sensation — the Caterpillar ride, a thing which will he very pojt ular with vouth. The other rides are n Big itli ferri* tvlidel. a mt-rrv gu>iuuin jKorpaiiK .*raj in. Whip. A In or with the dews inti rUhr will come (wo-siorc legitimate tun cessions, selling dolls, Market*, sil verware and all the oilier things t feflnw lilrcs to win fof hi* g'''l Tampa, Fla., Sept. 27.—Tom Swain, Snmter enmity farmer, of the Wahoo section, wa* efertrnru1 ed Wednesday when his atitnmnbik crossed a Kvc wire which had heat blown down across the highway be tweti Butbrvetl and the Withlacoo chee river. The wire carried > charge of 10,000 volts and was i part of the Great Florida Powet Rite which furnishes electricity fm a rum her of town* anil villages « that territory of tha state. I Downing b Appointed P. M. At Fajrettovflle Fayetteville, Sept. 29.—John S. rV.xvninjf, Republican, of this city, xctlenlay received from Washing ton his iipiMiintment to the office of lH*sf-master of Fayetteville, to take the place of Royal D. Jones. Demo iK-mlic incumbent. 'Ilie Fayetteville postoffice is in lf«c first dass, and carries with it a salary of $3,300 for the postmaster llcsidcs an assistant postmaster, the office is allowed ten clerks. There is a branch office in this city—Sta tion o. I- -which is under the sup ervision of the postmaster. Sta tion No. 1 is located at No. 67 Knhinson street, and serves the silk mill ilislricl ;md all that part of southern and south-vxestem Fayette ville. GOSS CAPTURED EAST OF HICKORY Trailed By Mitchell County Men Joined By Berke Of ficer* At Mar gem ten ; Montamon, Sept. 29.—John Ooss. tlie negro of Spruce ' Fine June, was captured about noon to Sttv four milse east of Hickory by Deputy Sheriff Julius Halliburton of ftbifftc county, who with Sheriff Michatix and a posse frritn Mitchell county had been trailing the negro -inre early morning. He was evi ilently in Morganton this morning a* a’man answering his description was seen at lltc Morganton ilrpot •dwrtly after daylight. Five tired Itut determined county men walked into Morganton *♦■»« nioruing, having made the trip on foot across the mountain and ptdh ow up here and there trace* of the negrvi who ha* been the cause of m> much excitement this week in tlw mountain country. 'Htey sought the aid of Sheriff Michaux and to gether tl>ey trailed the fugitive to to die owcdMud bridge this aide ol tbe-1 proved correct. Halliburton! t «k the next train and reached I aucr me local freight on whirii the negro waa rid ing drew in. Still working on the surmise that lie would travel east llie offker overtook him jtMtt eai of Hickory. ( onfetsts Attempted Crime v ‘l'liere was no doubting his iden tity. He confessed to the officers die series of atlemiited crimes with which he is charged in Mitchell, two other attrmped assaults in addition to tliat on Mrs. Thomas, which in flamed Spruce Pme. Two of Mrs. Thomas's son* here are members of the party reaching here today. They assured Sheriff Michaux that their one pstrpowe was to catch the negro and they would be willing *•> let the law take its course. In view of the disturbance, however, it is very probable that Goss will be tak en to Raleigh for safe keeping. Several officers of Company B, 105th Engineers returned here to night to summon the balance of the company m go to Spruce Fine. They retiort that no negroes have yet lieen allowed to return to the village to go to work and that dti there assert that they shall not ensue again. It it reported that they patrolled the streets last night armed with every kind of weapon from a brick bat 1o a rifle. It its ex pected, however, that when they ere a*»«red of Goss' capture they will ittcofiM* more reasonable. Send* Car Into Rirer To Escape Arrest Xevr Bern, Sept. 27.—Apparent ly preferring the lost of the car Htui its load of whiskey to capture officers an unknown nun run ner sent liis automobile overboard •n 20 feet of water near the James City end of Trent river draw '•ridge shortly after midnight this morning. , Th« ru"« tar Had been trapped between two of city and couoty of ticm and when they attempted tr u ,1,e driver sent it through ,h« railing Whether the , j^LVJn,1*r/ rar ms It went to ll" river had not been h*L',°4 ,,*|id ex tied out, with a vc being presented. re*, of Durham,_ five hundred pupils tion of a popular son Sprinkle, jmncipel, short talk on die year’s work. The enrollment ing had reached and fifty mark, wi died and fifty to come in. The Girls' Friend! i up a set of rei ««k>gizing their k_ Margaret Morgan, Monday from the horned by aryoil st. ing of the girls was as the departed goe voted member and The Willing W, a.. \r_*i_i* . ur» at«J ui one mile north of ni ■ml cake and >V •erved. followed »ii of games. Min. Cleo n mg for Raleigh, tak..* a business *~igU Business John D. 'Oak Knife institute, * I h«« with his r» ' K. O. Cates. Jfntcs Times, wa* a day. Mias I to lier sts»a|i high •rhool last netted acxepird a Rente . 1___ Misi Alice PiikilfW rhr vhool faculty. wa* called $oi her home a» Manley Friday dn account of the death of her sister, who met death in an automobile accident Dr. William F, Holt left Monday for Philadelphia, Pa., to take a |m»: graduate coarse m.«rgery He will also do research work while Jtc is there. He will be gone for several days. Mr. and Mr*. R. G. 11. Sluitv apent the week-end at Birnnlevi! with fnends anl relative^ What ia believed to he a record for amateur baseball was the game here last Saturday between Fixpiav and Duke. X'orris, the heftv back Mop of the locals, hit two I»el1> ttver the fence in the same inning. Tliis unread-of hitting lia^peneat in the sixth inning, when eleven Dttkr hatsmen faced three Fuquay hurt crs. eight of them counting. Tor ria was the first nun up in this can • to. hitting the second holl over thr palings and coming up again in the same inning with two men out h uncorked another hall over. "Mick ie " O'Quinn, with the Creenslioro lHeiknont, was* an the mound for Duke a dr pitched a good game. 4 Mick ” featured his slugging, get ling a home fun and three single* out of fire tiroes at hat. Holmes, also of Duke, knocked the holl «m» of the lot. Duke woo IS iu S, and with i| closed the local season us far as baseball ia concerned. The Girls' Friendly society adopt ed the following resolutions of re fcpeet for one of their deceased mens her* at I he regular meeting last Tuesday night: i Death entered the Girls’ Friendly society’s ranks on September 24 and removed from it* miilst one of ottr moat beloved members, Mar ^rct Morgan. The ontatandh*; characteristic* of her Kfe were the love foe her home and frier*!* and her devotion to duly. She wiv qmet and tmassuminj in her man ner. She era* faithful in her chart' and home. We. the members of the Duke Oir!*’ Friendly aociety, ho* in «ib miation to the will of our hravenh Father and hereby rvaolve: Firstly, That the Girts' Fneml t aociety ha* suffered a groat loss Secondly, That wc emend to the father, brother and tlsttri rmr ten tier sympathy. Thirdly, Thai these resolution* he M>read upon the minute* of the C. F. S„ c copy be ftrxthe fAtllv, and a copy he *ttu to The Dtuin » : Misae* Lonia Lockomon _ Burch, Rosa Ennis, Jaui. McDonald and Medritff McDonald The nkhe schools ware presented a iHim »nu nag tiy the local Junior ()rder Hid Son» and Daughter* of liberty Lint Friday night in the auditorium of the new school build ing. The event was intertpmaed with music and tones, and a real honent-to-goodne** " talc by the Hon. 1,. D Mendenhall, past State l>n»ncil!nr of the Junior Order, and (i native of Greensboro. 'lTic exercises were opened by the lirwhi Concert band with its offer ing oi one of their best piece* of inunfe. Hev. N. M. McDonald then r.ffeicd the invocation ; followed by I lie suiging of "America." Prank L Wilson sang n very beautiful solo; »nd in him the Junior Order String hand rendered several pleas ing selection*. Then can*- perhaps one of the best of the many attrac liont of the evening, when the tw.i smsdl daughter* of Mr. aad Mr*. 11. F. Suven* mng a duet. These Chiklrvn arv endowed with real mu talent, and it is a treat to !*■» them sing. Thcspeaker wat introduced by the Rev. K. M. McDonald, who said Mr. Mendenhall hardly needed anv introduction to the Duka people, is he had spoken here about a year ■*«'*, but i hat be w»i law going through *lie formality. The ipeaV er*i arftlrry* wav centered about the Mworv of the (wo fraternal order*, •whI of the revolving many year* ago to prevent the ichoofi of the coun try Bible* awl flag* He itrewed the point of American* standing with the flag. anti vaid that it wav the determination of the*e order* to give every vctioo) Bihle* aad Mag*. ‘ Delving into Malory He told of the fmmdlafr of the two order*, the Ju "tor (>rival of a vtrvu* day ihmngvd iUe -4-vet* of Duim ail ihty Saiunlay. It was „ crowd like mi* seldom ices in any town whan rhrre is no siKxial attrmcior to ;]**" Uteri, They were here frum 'all over." f„lk who came here to •'* their -hopping. Fliat business was good with U» -;al merchants was evidenced by the tact l bar all -lores were thronged " iUi buy ers. K very laxly was lm»y ami nwnirv was spent freely. Many >*cre heard to remark that the irowd in (own and the amnunl of siKi|>t>ing going on reminded them *t Ur- 1 tier! y crowd. Late Saturday night tlx- local officers bad made H'lv one arrv»t -hiring the day and lhat one was for a minor offense. Cliief of I‘olive M. A. Rowland ibougitt it wai remarkably quiet. .1 msidering file iimuciivity of the rrowds that visited the town dur nC Saturday and Saturday night. Democrat b Winner Congr—ionel Seel Spokane, Wash.. Sept. 27.—Hire i »ii of |ml|c Sam B. Hill. Demo •rat. of j\ atrnrille, a* represent* ;ne in Congress (mm ih* fifth IVuhiinjtiM district over Slate Senator Charles K- Myers, of l>*v •njeirt, in vestmbv's" special elec *»» seen sec I hit heated on the face of nmill. ccratc and no ■Ionia hsillutteil for what they tliowjht nonkl benefit them.” Dynamite Explodes Killing 3 Convict* Charlotte, Sept. *7. — By a pn ™»‘-ura explosion of dynamite aaad In road bedding near Corr.ailaa this uftrmoofi, * white man. Hash Lester Ju.klni, of MeAdonviUe and two no ne** Wriv killed. H. M. Boat, anpsr intenijont of the squad, la in a Char lotte hospital with painful injuria*. Jenkins and Ac negroes -wan con victs. Jankint ia survived by hit mo ther ami turn sifter*. Four Ptnooi Killed In Auto Collkiop P-rie, fVtui. Sq<. JfJ.— Knur personk were kilted »n«l another probably family injured tote thu afternoon when an automobile na* rtnick by a Xleltd I tale train at thr Fortyibe, Kew Vork, e.ruaving. Thu dead are. Virginia Cartier, 14; Air*. J. F. Baimvui. 42, U*t> <4 Ktit: ami Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Seriy.oi Phila delphia. Edward Itoiu. ((river of the[ car, is in ■ local hoapifaJ, not expect * ed lo recover, Boh* drove the ear in from of e weecbound pauengcr train, hi» viev. being obeeored by a (trine of freight can on an adjoining track. All thu* peraana in the automobile were «**in«, and were mi tlieir way to *i( city after iqicntling the day in Buffalo. wilt imH tfc* calirc nlll ba»», arhvrr Ih. >ntc» U "•» located, Mid !• tS, paHatcnta, kata and ty. Na Ida* The l.rtraitiewef We pit ttSSB y eet ef eeflarant here eheet ■ haa dn4 Wherm, end sheet It* at Odhlow nd In 0—1 nr. where reach at We letgia* war belae deae at the present tin* Whether the pleat will he rtbwiU here, er rebuilt at Goldsboro, when the ptaatag mill amd main effln* ef the temp any err. cewld net he aa eattained today. Maetmg Friday Night At Turlington School Homer H. B. Mask, field director of the North Carolina Co-operative Cotton Marketing association, end Prank McNeill, director of field work In this district, will sjieak at Turlington's school house Friday evening of this week, October S, at 7 JO o’clock. They will speak on co-operative marketing and the public ie invited to come out and hear what they have to sav H. B. RYALS. Secretary. Teacher* Entertained By The Women'. Club The Woman’s Club held its an imal reception for the teacher* of the city school* on last Friday af ternoon. Mr a. K. A. Towsemi, the Chib’s new president, had gradout ly tendered the ewefous groemda of her lovely home no Tim*] street for thi* social affair, and the en tire yard—the beautiful front lawn and the grove in the rear—was need in entertaining those who were fortunate to attend. It was an idaal pfcoe for such an event, for the natural beauty of the place whs enhanced by the glow of gorgeous autumn flowers. The scarlet of the geraniums said.the salvia, the deli cate blue of the a errs turn with the variegated hoes of the handsome dahlia# Mended with the gmen shrubbery, making the scene of the **[den party a veritable fairyland Mr* Tow send and the officers of the Club greeted the guests, wh i mingled In an informal way, en joying social conversation and meeting the teacher* who were gueMs of the occasion. Many rus tic seats were |dared m convenient fww where those who wished could )infer at *a*e and ntjny more fuBv the festive occasion Oa the west lawn was a heauti fully decorated punch howl. Her* wae served refreshing punch. deHc km* sandwiches, mints and salted mwa. Another table was placed in the rear, under the mreadmg oaks. 1 from which nfremmsnt* were v_ a_a, . _. — — ^J_a_ """fo 17 mrrrij younf Jiril. J J. FARRIS DROPS DEAD ON STREETS .... w» High Mat. tot. 27.—I. }. for ma, editor of ‘flat High Mai New*, a weekly pnbikaaioa, aad one of the dtjr'aajoet neoarintat men. dropped dead while tthfag with a friend ia final of the Shore um hotel beta tonight. Mean fail ure we* ike caatc of hie death. Mr. forma had hut left the pri vate dinning room of (he haul, w here he had attended the regular meeting of the High Mat Rotary dub. »f which keen t chatter member. He wee talking with Ca* tain A. M. laaMa, a autabar afokr dub. when he Ml dead. New* of hia death *ecad prick ly aad caat a gloom oner (ha earin city, ft waa aa everybody's ariad and was the occariaa of fcamt rpgrtt. Mr. Karri, waa mdiadaifc awe of High Mat’a beat toved drizeoa. For more than thirty yean ha had gtvea Me rime and effort to the uphaildiep of tUa maiaaaHy aad was recogniaed aa a fcbdar ia rink .flair* here It «n at the amadaff tf the Rotary dub tonight dmrht raw highly coaaneadad tier (he rod ha had dona, and after he had wen eulogized by O. E. Mcnden tall. the Hotarian* pre.ewtei Mat I jorrhny-nt hearing this inacrip iWau i • present«l to J. J. Farrisa *. a token of appreciation for Ha untir ing effort* in upbuilding Ma dtp. Roury cMb of High Aunt. But tonbar 27, 1923." He responded with a MM ad dreaa. Doy’eWa«n.L< If Figured In the American Cotton ^amocSfagt he* e new—or rather very tlfa ■ method of calculating the worth «i Mr. Wmnaraeht. eagre 63 1-2 dozen egg. per a rlenniei far ene day’* work of eight boon; 17 1-2 bujbde of com, or a year'* recelnt front half an acre of ground pay a brick layer for ene day; 23 ehfcfc ene, weighing throe ponnde each ?iy a pointer one day In Near ork; 42 pound* of butter, or *r output from 14 cow., pay i dode er $14 per dny;ead 173 pound, pi hog. eight month*’ faedtag «3 tare, pay i carpenter lor ona day. Cord t : We darira to MoOOMt AMO KhOT. .. "' _ . . _ 'r