a»a :: ί;.'· ·ί' V · +*■ 7, &■ :ί ï f î>** Ar·;· f V-V')^'J ■■ .· · -:- :. W'««·"··'· c'" . H m'm · The Great Stock at 's Department Store ".VStil / <~ J Is a Thing You Want to See When You Visit j There Is A Garment Here To Suit You I Boys' Clothing ►J* —i— A fine collection of serviceable g ar ment* that will dress the youngsters fesliior.ably, while giving them the longest service. All sizes, styles and materials. Prices extremely low. Bring the boy in and dress him up. NECKWEAR Juit what you want—· beautiful line, priced right. Shoes for Everybody You are bound bo lik etkem. No better or more utiifying line can be found anywhere. We can fit and ρ lease men, women and children with shoes (or service and for Dress. t PRICES ARE RIGHT Dunn U expecting a tremendous crowd to come next week to Me the greatest fair ever staged by the great community of which it is the center. Dunn wants you to come; it wants you to enjoy every minute of your stay and is exerting its every effort toward affording you every ο pportunity for amusement, entertainment and real en joyment. We want all of you to feel that this fair is you r fair and that the people of Dunn are hosts to whom you are a welcome and honored guest. While you are here we want you to feel at home—we want you to yse this store as a place of rest when you are tired. We will serve you in any way we can. Sure to Attend Dunn, North Carolina FeWman's Department Store I· J. C Bell OU Stand Next to S and 10c Store North Carolina . Women's Garments _ Λ_ We have an unusually attractive col lection of— Â COATS, SUITS, CLOAKS AND DRESSES 1 In all the new color·* Aadei and itjrl— ■ You will Hke all of Am·. See while you are in town. [ *