ΙΗΕ DUNN DESPATCH And this it (sir week in Sprucc line. With all the advertising that town has rcctitml during the past ten da va, no doubt the fair trill be " higjër Mid better. Ο It afipear* that Cermany is begin - nîng to realise that the allie· won the World War and that the lost it. In other words Cenuanjr i» reap ing «hat it sowed. ο Governor Mormon might consid er Governor Walton and take cour ajt. Hie career has been a calm tewle that of the OMtriotna execu tive. Α ριίηκτ has been saddled with the owMnhip 01 two gall nos of whiskey rfiscoreretl m s Cation! ι church. Why ht forgot and left it there, b the question ο Citizens of Mitchell county are quoted as savin*. " We don't want any negroes or Democrats m oui county. Judging from what ha? happene»! recently, we fail to see why either shouM want to Eve there. 3Γ-0— l're*.« reports from Oklahoma - r*ld indicate that Governor Wal loti- chance of a home ran is slim. With two strikes registered against him, lie is not at all likely to get a Kit in the third try. Yet be b a plucky player. o The Greensboro man who testi fiid falsely against another men, who was found guilty and gives a five-year» sentence to the peniten tiary. and later admitted it, deserve» a Mcc sentence. And yet be should be given credit for set remaining ''silent while his victim served the *rry*°n· Is licnry Ford to play the **me note in the gasokae world that he Miplayed in the automobile world? Κ he <1oes. then me are «tire he aril! (ml an eu» road tu the presidency. Reports have it that he is going into He gasoline luisine»* on a large scale, and that he wilt sell gasoline itit Toed driver* only) for 16 cents the gallon That won Id indeed be ■ Itmking out lor hi* friends — tho* «ht drive I'ords. ο « 1W To Boo·* livery Dunn citizen will admit that tfaa outstanding need of th. town is a modern hotel. The tmrr, ha» offered for many year* for the lark of a hotd in keeping with it» material growth in other ways. Tito Dunn Chamher of Commerce has worked in season and out of •«««on, if ι '-«re hy any «nu r»f sea sun. m an etfort to interest some· body in the erection of a modcrr hotel here, h now appears that the persistent effort on the part of thU ■titaniWK?·" is soon to meet wilh th· desired result». As the matter now stand· the only thing that lies in the way nf the erection of juxt the hotel that Dunn needs, and me* have, would be the lack of moral co-operation upon the pan of local cMacn*. Kcalutng the grea: and ever present need of a new ho td. we feel con fdent thai the coop eration will he tendered, anil glad ly to. Roosting will get the hotel, while t"mk*-g « calculated to defer hi erection So if yon fed inclinât to " knork leave the knocking off. Ob the other hand, if yon feel indtned in boa# the proposition, get bnsy and make it known »»» the promoters •hat tw are with them iia the un dertaking to give Dean the thing that it needs must —a hotel. After mdng wbai wt had to Mjr Μ a raccwt ime about hotdtaf landlord mrtbw of tk« Coojxraf He Cotton tad Tokaceo Marketing »<οκί·ιίΜΜ mydili for tM rropa of aunmaMhrr tonairt*. A. >V. Hae*try. Add reprreentaliw -i l dm OmoA a««Marton, lofera* in that iWa rule too not jrat ban -ulofrterl hy that wjpaiilaw. Wt •ft M»drr (fw bprtwun that botli ■tuatoriTfitiWHiibte for rhr part of >fl|A >i a a· a .1 l.ii 'ff *πψ nwUpl By VHC nOR'VIICMPw In "expressing our of*n»on about a this matter we were not attempting t lo mjtve the co-operative niarVet- t jog movement, but on the <*her hand it waft merely expressing a fair that something was hcinp done thai 1 would not he for the l>e*t i merest j of the organization. We thiitk that ; the Cotton association has ilumi ! | jood judgment in refraining front , the course in qucftiirtt. Aujihing » ikat is calculated 10 make «ternie* ' of both members ami tton-meinlicr* ' ta sore to have a disastrous effect. ] ο I Twenty TmU Of A Good Farmer 1 1 i 1. b ear (am ifcralcd with the J ilaflaMa JtrUmimtton U> malu.· tVr j lawi richer r«h yaarT >. Is jroer* a relating, divctaify- | «C. "tie· at hem·" farm, irlvtac j prefer attention not only te ctivorsi ftad farm cropi bat aW> to lhmtoek, poultry, *nd dairy prWocU' S Aw you uaiac modern plows, cultivators. ete.. »*leh >«miv ·Λ·» hone labor rather than too maeh highly cipcmrt humas tabor in mak ing crops? 4. Do τ ou at far aa poiaibie hare lomothing to tore snder for «oil im proprement baton each crop planted Τ Β Do you practice deop break- < injr iollowed bjr ihallow and lerel cultivatienT ft. On your (am, ate you making proper Me at jieginim nnw|isaa. soy beana. velvet boast, «lovera, vetch and aHalte—both for enriching land and for «boap Hay? T. la chert a constant effort to an woll-«haped Held·. free both of gulHcj ami of ragged. uneven, tproaty earneisî ·. Do yon cat and thock your corn instead of practicing the old Ja bor-waiting, corn-yield reriaefag, fol ly of toMer-palling? t. Arc yoa doing your part in the great movement that promise· a now on for farm*m through feuaineat IQte co operation in baying and sell tag? 10. Hare yea joined the ranks of the pi out oil ι «ι fanners whose hoaaea are palatod—both tor reasons of h»al| and aa a prat·maire of ex pensive laraber? 11· Are yea a reading fanner— not only reading newspapers but bal letina, books, and papers that deal especially with the great baaineea of fanning? IS. Is the farm hooae. aa well aa the fana .itself, properly equipped wkh modern convenience·—a good rang*. Ink· cooker, waahbig ma china. raaaiag watar. a modem U*t is* «M·,- Tssrr - It. Doea year farm aaé none bat well aolertad seed for the main crap· planted? 14 Do yoa go ahead and do all ' your farm work when It eaght to be tiens «beat the moor, or the «ign» of , the aocHacT 15. Do yon wk for the help of your eoanty demonatrntlon agent is trying to irrt your {vnlof on lh« ; most profitable and baaineaalikr bu if 16. An» you giving year children ' the beat education it I· pmctieahlu to give then Τ IT. Arc yoa trying to make your roomanity · bettor place to lhrc la and to encourage year neighbor* in thr adoption of progrcaaive metho«li and idea»? I·. >ra yoc giving your home a proper and bcaotifol aetting of graaa. Mm, and »h robbery, and have rn ?:ovided good weU>carod-for pastures fat your cattle hop, aitd horars? J·. Do yoa feel a rral pride In 'ho piofeatiof· of farming, dignify ng it fcy trying to make it · genuine art or aetoaee, honoring Its leaden, and seeking to pro mot* overy move ownt that look» t» Ita enrichm«ot and lipraiaaaa·»? 20 Do you have a acnaa of ro •panaiMHty to Gad for Che use yoa —lia of Hie eail, rcaliafag that va are iadnad "tenant* of the Almighty," sowadsalsaed by Him "to draaa and to keep" whatever part of Hi· fool staol "U «otMBÉtttd U oa for a life time?—The Progressive Farmer. Fiab at tlie Pratt, Kanvu·. State C*h hatchery are l<wfr fed by dec ; Irichjr. Large Kghi bullx are placed at the edge of the fi*H ροο<1*. and moth», mfllen and other insect» art attracted bjr the lifht. The water , U soon covered with the m*eCU. , which the Mi devour eagerly. ANOTHER RECORD OF DISTINCTION Dm Mick MmI CUm Of 1Μ*Ιμ4·Τ«μ«τΤ· The j(ra4«atiof th** of 1923, Dwm hifh «dmol, rtmhinl of tw«*4y-iv« mrmbefE, and twenty of mm have Kmc wijr to cotWft TWa MMi to w fir bit record in the (Male, wWi ihe e*rej*i«m of Ox font a> of whan fr»<lu»ti«jj diM, jtJbjMhf. ·ηκ I» ruflewe to fcp* Of the toft* or mer· young ran mmI waowi of Dunn a·» at uiHagi thia faff, akM one-half of the own her roM*a hn* #w high acheel rl·*· of H, W« h*«« haanl from number of thaïe Uty» and girl*, Dd sue* of them air already tak IK high rank at the vaiiuM* ctJleues f the State. W. S. Sinn». ο ιοτκκ or balk or um rat d&unquknt morexTY ■TAX rot lttl AND IMS Parana** to itotyti and aaxtar mm borttjr «f th· Board ·( CoouniaMon rt of On Tm «t Dub η, I wiH aaO t pobtte a action to th· htoh—t Vkl ■r for ettk, at th« Brunie!*·) MM ι* in the Town at Dun m Mon ey Nvnrttr (th It IS at 10 «'clock a. tot» btlutlii to yaattoa w ■clow, for aprriflc ctoacrtyttoa •cation of each lot no tas book· at uwb tlurka offtcc. B. A. ROWLAND, Tax ColWetor Tu« IMS kltman. J. Ρ < I A· lit «an, L. H. ·. ... 4.(1 to tier, C. Τ. *Λ· lallarw·, J. H. 480.M larnc*. 4. D. <8SA· tar*foot, lint. Sarah 14.00 toll and lflltar # 00 toll, N. A. A Cow «0.00 teat. Jam·, A RotX Young.. 7.80 UtMll. l>. U J.00 track, A. B. «.00 liouehtoo, Jcaak 1.00 irook». D. L. 1.41 ■""«·< w, M. 4.75 Byrd. I. Β. 34-00 Bjrrd, G. Β. 17.00 3r««n, H. S., Cannady A Dmii *n»l Tek· T*rt 17.M ."Oihw»ll. «Ir*. G. Β Β0.40 λμ, Laura U. Mr».. 11.00 ?anLr*l Grocery 10.00 :«*. j. a ui :<»ok. j. α loo ?oop«r. P. 8. 40.62 *«•1», lunule R. .... .... S.OO :ok. Ε 8. 1.00 Mi. J. 1 100 Tont.ll. P. W t.00 -onUll, J. ϊ._, 1.00 LnQom, P. 8. ami Mi». Hattic. 3I.U r!ulk>m. F. 8 - 1.00 Da»!·, G. D. 8.00 Dawaoo, Mr». Nancy 90.00 Dawson, Ε. V. 21.00 riewion. W. P. 1.00 l)«w»on, Mr*. Nancy E. 44.78 Denning B*n C -. 89.70 Deftninç, Μη. Joli· .. — .... 81.76 Oennlp*. L. Κ. β.50 Mtct and Godwin 16.60 Dortaan, Robert ..... 21.00 Driver, Mr». Clyde Witoon...- SO.OO n*vt«, Mr*. Sal lie 10.00 Ektndte, JE. 8.00 Eddie, Vane· t<00 EldrlHfe. Ο. Ε. 1β.ββ ford. G. B. S.00 Potter. J. T. ... — 18.00 Godwin, 8. C 4.0* Henry, Jntncs M. ....... 6.00 UiglMMltfc. J. R. Co 1.00 RicWith, J. R. S.TB Hodge·, John W. Co « 00 Holme·. O. U «0.00 Home. J. H. 4.00 Rodaon, Mn. J. L. lt.00 Rant, J. D 8.00 rackMit. W. Τ 11.00 laekaon, J. G. ........ 8.00 raekttD. WilUam W 7.B1 Jackson. J. P. 7.35 iacksom, L. D. 4<00 ίarris, H. G. V 4.·* rone, T. L. ...TlzTl 8.001 ovsss&Sl lenilgaa. R. E. ... t-7uT Fere Iran, B. P. - 7t0 lohrnon C. A. A Co. J1.08 lohnson, H. P. ββ.00 lohnson, II. P. and L. H. Dnofrti on . 66.00 lcnw.7. M 8.00 lonc», κ. w. .. 32-00 Fenian. J. t. 4·.·$ Un*. 8. Β β.26 ianoy, W. C 1·.00 Lei*!», S. B S.00 >e. tin. Myrtlk 100 m, W. C. S.00 >*.8. B. EaL 46.00 •ee, Joseph . - ... 4.00 jtc. Nu T. J 26.00 >e. IHu 18.00 >wii, D. H. 21.86 Koore. Levanrfcr ........ 1.00 «HAclU Pete 1.00 Mutual Realty and Ina. Co 76.04 Martin, JuHu. Β 1.14 tfcKay. »u Eunice 30.00 McKay, H. 8. 68.00 IteNem, O.JC. 8.00 UcPbail, Ε. 0 8.0· tfewfeorry, A. B. ...... 3.62 Morrti. B. A. 6.60 Worib. Archie L 8.00 the Pullman Co. .......... 3.88 Parton, T. M. ! 8AO Peawal!. R. SI. 50.80 f.arwll, Urn R J., Bit. 0.08 Phillip·, John C 7.00 P»pe, I). R. 8.00 Pape. C. H. Jr 8.00 tape, Ο. Β 40.00 UMU, T. L. 7.00 Iw, Perry l-M fcaynot. W. N. 8.48 Ramaeaa. rWieaoinf 8.00 levait, W. M 3.00 RmH. Henry ...— ... 3.00 bidta. Hunter 8.0· Smith. Β. Β 8.00 Smith, i. A 7M Jlaaehter, Κ. M : 18.20 IIWfcenMn, C.M 9 00 Stewart, Willie C 47.08 luof, IL D 8Λ6 îarlwi. C. M 21-88 lariat, Η Β. ilM lurUa, L. P. 144JI rart, Chnond M 8.16 rhoaspean, I. I. 8.·· rhemai. John 80.00 rbarntoa, L. G. 8.16 rurnac·, J. W 21.·0 t*k*r, M. L. T.t« IWrfafUa. R. Τ 8.00 Fan**, D. P. 8.00 1 aagfcn. T. U «.00 W»4e ami PorJle 86.00 y aie. J. C 87.10 *hm, H. r. ........ ÏÏmibro«fc, Γ. H. .......... KTnelijrootc. A. P. ......... tOUuM, I· C. ........... VllklNMn, U C. ...... VQUam·, Lewi· ... .... ·. raifort. L. L. », β®*» Λ 9 - _ _ ribM. Jaw W. ».M fitgM, Ttatov .. ΓμηΜ. L M _ «Λΐί;:::::;:::: ,&· «•VF-M. ItW. WIH ...I ;ί—*_U·· 1 4.M Lmm L . law ... Maijf Mh 14.«0 U ·.!· M· ··«·«· ·· · « Ε/£** im, Oinii 4M f. ti .... ; *i' 'revimttaii. 1. K. 6 00 0.00 J. D. ............. a ι» ·< .:,'ϋΛ J. I". ...... Il ' 'UMin, JUft ..... 4.50 x.vt.v.— a. τ: ■»se, Lc« s.oc Uvaiùi, Nonmn 3 P-« HUctt, CUret* ! S.OC nitolt. W. H. . 8.0· CUiott, Kofceft ... 3.00 Svaoit E4. 3.00 loi··?. Minai· 11 00 Urn, torn .. 4.15 lui, Henry 3.75 H«h. walk ».oo line·, Γκηηι· ......... 10.00 larringtM, H.JL ... ... 10.40 bb./Nd· 3.00 J ........ S.IKI '«ok* -Mm * 00 Itcok·, WriUr. ... 3.00 ackaoa, J«ron« 3.00 'on··, Kv»ml«r ..... .... 8.00 untie·, Wllaon S.9B (nme|r*jf, Kobvrt *.00 -cç» M* A. ·············.»· 3.05 -e··, Clmrtitct* ............. S.00 -*·. a. r. ...., 1.00 >a. Omv I.oo jam, Onm B.Of 'icKinnon, Saady - 1.00 Kci»·!·, Will *.00 KeBryrte, Monta? 8.00 KcArtkur, EddU 8.00 «cPfceraon, On· 8.00 HeNalH. OhiCt 8.00 JefcaC 6.11 BcNaill, WiHfam 8.00 NeNatH, John 8.0* XcEmUb. Jum 8.00 XrLaaa, Gvotc* 8.00 MrLwii. VMli» 4.00 McLaaa, A. WTI 4.00 McLean, flhep 8.70 HcKair, Q*orc« 8.00 HcHaa, Mmn 8.00 Bewail, W0Ui<d *.00 Ko'Wiaoa, Jam*· ... *.00 Robinaon. Asm* 7.00 Sandal*. Arthur 8.00 Staton. Jotac 8.00 Sn-Jth, Colan ........ 8.00 Smith, Jaraa* 8.00 Smth. Charlie 8.00 Smkh, Tana 18.(0 Surica, Jamaa 8.00 faw, Call!· B OO Thannaa. N. Moor· ... 3.00 Direct, eUnay 8.00 Cndcrwood, hott ... 7.14 WMhincton, Own 11.00 WncOosaa W. 6.16 Wl»m, Jim. 1.00 Wtttama, Κ art 10.17 Wfllkn, Ε*Π7 .... S.00 VnUm, Jim· S.OO t WlUiajn· 1.00 Tew· Tum 1 Ml—WW la fMfb AlpMn, L. H. .1 «1I T< Bacrett, U B. roe SinftM. Kit. BaiaA It.00 Bain, Β. β. 1.00 BoH, N. A. and Co. 25.00 But and Yonne 7.M Bctu. Τ. Τ Τ.Τ» Blnek, Mack 6.00 BeUo», Kla* «.·0 Bailor, C Τ - «.00 nul low, F. a * KattJ· CuUom 16.W Coak, J. A i-M Dnk, #. D. «.00 Drmon, L V. ; It» Dawson, M ta. Ihncr C. M.00 - iMfI, Gâtât, John Ο 114 [Tanna, Jéff S.00 Hudaor., Mia. J. L. Si M ΗβΚΓ D. t «-00 larnlfma, R. T. ... 6.04 Ioa«a. J. U. 8.00 lonea, Brandir ... 1.0Φ loaaa, H. G ν— 4.60. Lac and Kanoy ... ..... 04.SO Kanoy, W. C. 1B.S0 « m, Β. W $3 58 >«, Hobcrt 1B.U0 Λ S. H Lh 4S.OO L*e. icu«i t» 4.00 -*«. M. A. 3.00 Wa>r«rd, W. 0 5.30 Moon·, L»T*»ricr 3.00 Kotu&l a<aHy Inv. Co 11.00 HcKv. 3* la» Croie. 30.00 <cK*y. H « 6T.»< M«K«y, *. 1 3.00 P»nrtA Λ DrÎTçr -- 1(1.03 Pop·, D. R 8.00 Pope. Willi· 40.00 Preston, Un. Dr-IU 34.00 fUjmcr, W. M. Λ.43 Slaughter, B. M. 18.20 Stepnei.fton, C. M. 9.00 !krkkl»a<<. J η. 11.86 Sugg*, Η. G 8.80 Surle», L. P. -- 5β.00 Suri»», C. *» 1*-β« Turnago, J. W. ... M.46 l omifi, J. J. S.74 Woatlirook, F H 40.00 Wilson, Alfred 4.001 Willi Tord, 1*. L- —S.00I Tewa Tum Far 1U1—(Μ·η4 I Co*. "W. Κ 8.7» KUioU, Robert S.OO High. Willie 8.00 ΗοιΙκ-r», Gu* 3.00 Jone*. J. α 3.00 Ja«ic«, Wtlion β.βί Leo, Milton A. 8.00 1-w, O. F. 8.00 HCC, UtMJf 1.1/0 Me Arthur, Walter î 1.00 Me Arthur. E«klle ..... 8.00 MtBryde, Ηοκι s.ni Mvlnhin, Jtmpi . S.00 McTvrr. Wai 6.Ou Jfebnan. Gnnr· - .....—.. 1.00 XcHnill, John ... t.00 McPhenon, Uly*«« ... 3-00 Owtm Emmltt 1.00 PowUty. H. Ed «.00, Afitn, RobtrWou .... . Τ .00' Srn-th, F/Iîxa, K*t «#.00 euuon, Jnfti· 1.00 T«r. OotUc 6.00 Walktr, C«oni· ... —.. 134 Wltkina, Jmmet 1.00 William*, Enrl 1*40 |~ ■ η ® We Invite All to Dunn's GREAT FAIR! The Yellow Front Store challenge· 10,000 people who do care, who want to pro·per and be happy, and wQl buy the newest styles with best workmanship and best mater ial for less money, to visit our store and make headquart ers with us. Here you will find all that's new, stylish, and good, that's worn by men, women and children, from head to foot, and Dry Goods, too, for a tremendous saving to the buyer. WE WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY DURING THE FAIR I We welcome all to Dunn's Greatest Fair—visit the Yellow Front Store—command us and we will serve you Dunn, North Carolina — October 5th, 1923 - "rRr G" TAYLOR <r î;î::;;;iiûi CITY GARAGE Now prepared to give excellent service in ell automobile repair work, will be glad to serve all who come to Fair at Dunn R. IRBY McLEAN I* in charge of repair department. AD of you know Irby. He is one of the most conscientious workmen that ever came to Dunn, and you can depend upon him. He is assisted by a force of good workmen and is prepared to give you quick and efficient service. VULCANIZING PLANT K. O. Boone, of the FayetteviDe Vulcanizing Works, has established a branch plant in our building, and is in personal charge. He guarantees satisfaction. A. B. GODWIN, BOOKKEEPER Bradley will be glad to serve his friends in any way possible. He presides over the gas tank, too, and enjoys "FiDei' 'er up." The City Garage THE BIG GARAGE, NEAR THE POSTOFFICE HENRY P. JOHNSON, Proprietor

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