TAR KEEL Sty iU, GATHER % » GALLANT LcCiiil Florn Coiietfn i' Scene Foi· Picturoijui. Catherine ο' Clsi* REV. A. R. McOVClP- W? CHAPLAIN C F 5OC.» «T.' Governor» of Nu»'.i. f .'.d Viuci\ C«.-oHi.r. f.V~ ercisc* 1" Kd·:. r < * . >»:s· Chieiu ir—Di. h; . VsrHe!', cf Fe-i S;'··;· ' Re-Elf tfri ?rC. Vf.»i ι ί ΪΛ· « >ety. I K_··.·. Λ I' ο t'ii· Peu.· l'lv'i' l ·» »'·_Ϊ. '·. ttf! ••ItiUj «·' '··» Λ.nil.·' «'•t* of Amnlrr. .it llv <.· ■·.;·> Jul.i *i:fiK of tl:^ r''".n Κ ··! *·ι t.*"·! β;»Γ >: Fiiilrty T>r. Ci''!" <ί. V ιΗ(?Ι. ;·ιν^ Λ. nt of Ποία H if.l.i. .iU c Ut'.nlll II* U'ct* ■' p icilll·. t «:i II C *·· cioty nnd olli^i off re, ch-t-Vil ai t'.*· rr.n<< time *7'.·*·· ι ·.' l'c ·' Mnrri«on, K-*l *i«-j.···.!. it. J. I' NKNcill, of Flo»rnr. S. Γ invit'î i'.··.. · ,.ιιν f"iov. <1 οΓ Sont.ι C.tu»li·:', ;'ιϊι·Ι V .I».||r|i|ul;Ht: M » < Β'Ι*Ί· llfN··'"· .•I F.'.jvtti.viiV, ι «τ tn>>-lir.ÎM>rl ruutii.i.c-, «>f ihc· MM'Sriy K2ther>M( a. our.·) tni· historic l; wJ'i.la «»f nr.«« M colline. The fallouii'-tf of liv« p*iti« erifijc i» l-iki·»» fj.iir» Vht C*\i :· Daily Ne»·: I>r. Yanlftl nu l «eue**·.» «1 Inf to ihofc pi'iwiil from the Cl a · Donalti «i;rtvury, of Glti«ow Scot Land, from ffc »yi i·*· Λ v. Γ '1* rtaa MarKoli! Society of AmorTcn? who wa* to hfivt b'.vn or.' of the ι ■pankc r.» of ι he occasion. ami iro«i. Locke Craig one «f former prweî-, •lerrU. <»Γ·Λΐι·ίΑ »ciro then c*tc"«le«l to Lochia! by Jo.i/» Gor/mi G'>**yp paft pixY;Uci»t Of lh" £L \ui\%xK.< *3rvl.· of Ph»l*cMfuia an tl;? elfdfi Cami ron. Β^Γοτ*· Locbit! or CJ. DoiciM Walter Cameion lu* ·» known ou lc*l formol occa^on*. ι«μ· lo ·ρ«*.ύκ a *Hort w^lciwni· wa.·· **j»teiicle«T h«r»i by GoTemor Μ·>ιτ1μμ· from atat · of North Carolina. Ti e jfovenur. who·» rooih*·· *o* hc;s*eir η Cmukm.iJ wilcomrri LorMel iu r.r· "«prion.it «Icmocral to a «lc»woc.*atlc cuar: .«/.'* Colonel lUkmero* th; ;iki»«l I »·· u«»*r> bt ia of t*»·· Hcotliwi -ock-ty in In* r.:«n>c a»ul it f α - Sc-it».vi Amf-rîeun ho^ μ dKy l»ml I·hi. *hown ..< O W tini».· th·.'»· tvxitlul .·> A MlAVi.·· Tom«V»J By lut· "I ha»r nrviT eonm mios ;w'i kiurine·* in ;iny p.\i 1 ot Ibv fclobc,'' .*· toUl the:n. "Γγογ" \>ic ιιοΐι>ι·η; •tc lenUcJ jn Now Yu'U il in»j»o**'.ble ut believe thai ν <· juu i» R foreign country. Fee *»r ΛΙβ <,«m to our ovrn country wl-.en ■*< cow to America. R»lvffcn Scotl»'"· ftn l America there in not the foeiiiie ·ί an intente between nation* but :t feeling kin^Kp Viril eoa,i" itlir We It-am murr ubmtt out r.iet· from you than from «tir nwii coun try." "I am optimistic ·ιη99!<)· to Miww·" •bo continued, "that Am«»i«i will come in hot') uj win ;h<· ρearn th· aeeti* ut wlii.b wero viwn by your] •Treat eat-p-r«l/!cnt, e»"l in the ^amii way in which you ve'pH to win th·· «rent war." Tab·· JrallinJ Aa Text Tukii ft Svotfaiiri at Ι!ι» rutijict of bin ndilrt-.v f'-olon· I Cnmoron xaie hn.1 iMOa'B it In tulk «η Λ· ht- b^tk*».l il 40 he a qu»>lion in which all prêtent w.tp Interayt»·*!. "Wherever I |»#.νς· 1κ.'·η," b· «t*twl ' I hftv· to.ii··! (hut them nrt· ,v toynl Si<)teKm»n in othtr count if·* β» In onr own liir.ii Aim) i>n I fltxl it far? teHay. Wr fln,i tbrtt ft utehmoe ριβ •erve and eiviiah o'1nft "I Princc ( milk ar.'l hi» «even mon nni; lion of FayctUvillc .·!*·■.·!· S«»ii'ay pvchinf at* IX It. c.-nuch. WHil . »· )·· ; .'bitirr by ov.l&lno* 1 ·' · ·*. I ·*· î.ilk* ηΐΛ·Ιο J»y v*r»ou • ·« ..·· ',·.ι|ΐιι / tin· Fa>rLU*vill ' · «···-. j .'····>: Γό .··: ·' Iλι»γ· ι.Γ ·1πΐι·.·ητ. \ ■*· !,iym· »· h»iv<· |nr«i corHiactlnj tu : I -.ν !:i v.irilvi lotnif *j · m 1 r. mtuiinii'.vi lor 'he pai? i*v ι;·, m.iJ *v«ral fiundw ·-. it)· Γ.ίιΥν fivT'cAfl ir.ijion a* î .·. U*; *ιί i Th<> .. . i ·. .« ι «1 aroyvl 7Î • r; · ·· . I F.· >H\V !!r liU 111 :\· uwii Γ '·» > '»· w ·;ι;·»·Μν« *-j*i I, Hu »-.l i *.»· :·α ν TO Like a jj*rt In t!i< ·>». ·'· ι·.·ι:»«1)*,ι·κ the w>|!·!. Tin ·· ;, tn -jififin r«'C« ivne mfanv mwri ··'! limit α rr.n On l*yt S^jn iV'-V'S ol tin* Ι\·»1γ ml'm· ΙίΨ v« < ΐ·» ί vmi Mtif««rrni forma Γ|.. ν, T·.. . .· · »···! \ a 1ic3 pivw o»t of llu t\m )!*:.. y ri'V.val 1»··1·Ι ί·ι Fflfvitl . ·#!ι» wv*'. ffiii'ii, o^o art ion ·>■· ·.* lu i;ro\/ pi me of î'.io m*· ·· ·;:ΐί V : ··λ vxrk were rocv^rt ! .1 · i:.j· 11'· i^ii/f Mrvîî'i· ^-vivai ' 1 · ( · \K. r» \\ .« svnknn d to thtli *a#. t\. ; •in'.y s · η .· »·ιΐι of * ίο iniiH * /ν· μ»·· »>.Ι·ί h rc ι-ar''i ev.n •tr· .1 Ί. .1 "I l.xj public i« ; "! ι»· ipv.tr t. In th.i jneet »!··> v »V|,· ι;ι> iervici'1 «4 the ."..•ι Κ.·ι·1!>. ur Prc»byl»ri*:i Su!;.isy evening, in» pa· lïu ievivaL Tl.e H i*,r C'-ti.lucUng the meeting "ere ι:«· ·η«-ηι>>νιτ of vmriouji prot£*Urt •f.i'.rl't·» ίη F* y «tterOlo. ,t ' .Th.--it !ia> the *utf-einf devotion ol fcji.i. ii'artlaniiil Hrr· ha anaW nt il ■ yirat pkiiaur» net vu erpcrl· . -I ii Sii'llaad *t.e«> it vu learo •I that Lilr I allege in Red Springe wa» u tc ii.urf il for b*l TU· Cw>kH*| Link "Πβη >l*r lonald elands m a eon it iink (K'tvrtffrn the highland* Γ» ' Pootii.id a'.i| the Highlander· of l'-ioHt.»," h* *a«d. Then con . ι·ν«ι·ΐ£ h.« educational iketch he I ·{ ill·· t-i-^ranr.-ji which rouittvl ι· it*i r iKij.ration u> America and the "<>ilu*i '5 .Ml* λ wret ait] from thi· be ■i .»··;- i!>'V<-M|:n| thv Frottieh edo : l» >s.M i&<-■'·. 1 ν,οοΙΛ like you to (to jrwty λ'ΜΙι η iliriiirht of kinahip. No matter v.-t.Mt eounli·} u Seotrliman may llv« ■n M will ulway* be η member of .!« οι.<»Λν»1 < lan mid that kiim of /•h.-«hip mutl b*· »*e«l to good ad v.·.!· ?»*. For Wit.flnir two (Teat eeen Ι··:.ϊ ic::»l*.cr a* llnqr ha»· ncrcr uccn liiMue^t bvioTC. The foundation •if .1 frrv it I'arae of ru\tion> miut be /··ι vrlih η focliKR uf common nympo U«y mhI tmriemlamHnfr between the ipcaklnj. peuple." At l'*· cf.nclo«$ot: of Colonel Canv λγοι·'» hi'iIh·»» (Jo veil nor ThMnaa C •itwui', of South Carolina, move* ■jtui a vote nf thank» be ertendaii Lot-Kiel n» U cOHtemary in th· "oli eoiwtry" and tho Ailar.ac qvartet ol Tomnto '"I'C 'Srot* Wha Ha» W HVIb.-i· Wetl." Ureetinga were o* tf'inlcril f'.'.ni lit» Arran Hack Rira MH-ii tjf i-y Or. Poloi Melntfro, ο Col·!· 1* ik. »·χΙ from the Calemlonlai cli/ô, of Mew Yo*, by M. W. Brit :nhi. of DnlUmore. and » «wortl on*· hetonginr to "llonnte Prfnee Cherti·' ,r,| new tin· pi ο pert y of Mr·. C. C Cal! ου», of Wnahlngton, D. C., wi liri>la»o luncheon\*n ta'orrial necptlov wi M.I In the rvteurfa of tha o*fa| •(till tha *all of bafpfyr· oa the οα Youth In Lexington Killed By Auto Truck Lexington, Oct. IS.—Chai],» Hn.it, member of the local hltfi /cliool foot ball *(jos driving, i> reported it Jmve uttcmptcil to jump bot hi* overcoat caught un the track. SAMPSON FARMER WINS FREE AUTO T. B. Tjmdall, Tenant Farmer, Rid·· Hon— From Fair Id New Ford Car T. B. TyiulaU. an age fore owned ,in automobile ami Likely ncrcr would had lie not been born lucky. Will· earh a ticket to tin fai» jrouad* *oM, a coupon Ueuriec ■· duplicate number «ai glrcii. An «the? roupon beurlur like rami»·» va» ■JcpcrWfit |n * U«irr1. Th'» ?nlitl raptured Wvdnnadajr of laat week about 10 mile· north-eat* of Dans in Johnt'on ronnty, together with d> WrTtb of boor. The «till wai not in op:ratlan when located by the officer.? κη·Ι no ariT-*t« war· made. Thx po«*r.n mak ing the raid and capture wa» com posed of A. B. Adam·, ■prêtai prohi bition agent, and Depatle· t.. W Tart and H Η. Mcleod. idde Imparted a truly Scotch air in the ocrtaion. At · o'clock to Uie evening the ftnal feature of the program wme giv - en when the Adanac qaartet appear t Ing In Scotch kilt» t»d tartan·, iravt ' α concort in the «odege aodltor+wm . featuring the Scottish nrasle. ι Argu PraaSor and Mur dec Mar - dona Id alao rendervd eeveral bagpipe •election* and Miaana Nellin Motion, of Tennoaaee; Ruth Ret I·, of Oataril; - Etliabcth Morion, af Oxford; Mil· - drod Murray, of Arkanaaa; OaUrr I ine McMillan, of CUrknown ; Mar) ■ fdada Vardett, af Red Spring·; Vir • glni· A4tWn, of Durham; and MlVdrei • Weal, of rayettevnio, all «tadouta at a the college, daneed the HfeMMv I- Wng la eoetame. Three Children Are Victim* Of Flame· Origia Of Fir· Al City, Ala. Ullltn<| Ι·*Μ ΗρΗι· PWeis CUr, Ala. Oct. 14— Πιπυ children, Xarvta, 14, Dorothy 9, and KUlc, 7. of Mr. cad Μι». I. Η llart «rire burned to-death In Uieii l.omo here Iiikt r.lffhl, IV balliL»ti( oui destroyed η ml ftroeen lay oOic» per eon· »«T* reecurd. TKc charred bo lirt of two vtctlea turn r*co»or*e fir· tu placed an. • !cr control. A March va* being niailo for the other boiy Ki'eiiien stated thai tha origin of the flic win unknown, bet they lndi ratvd that It rtartad in a ataiicaac to th« second floor uf tlx dwelling. Th» three children occupied ■ubiiu on a *bc fire *i*rU4 eft)** top of U»·: halfway and that u r*« of BUip'i removal. U it understood, however, tiut Uu executive counacl lor had broken vitb Governor Wal ton war ttie lattrr"a politic*. partiel rularijr wHh rajiiril to h» r»iHfau7 ae· Mvitle* acalaat the Κα KJn* Han. Blake tnlil the Aso«iat«J Pie» that he would ko toolkit before ι •penal inrcitifatinir coraraiM-.o Λ[> polntol by the lower ho-n« of tfc< Slate K-jpiitkMre to Inquire 1«I5 Ira pc»A»p'.t charnel ·Γ^ι·Α the CSov ornor. He .letl'.ned to make know» hi* purpooc and llkcvpc would mak< no statement at to h'« removal. H< rirr'.arert he "would have aomfthini to »*y tomorrow." Dr. uynum wt before ihr legialative inrc«t;Ka;le-l of h! fumiljr laid whet an HToit wi< praotleaUy «ban riorneti feitcnliif after a •■•rarch of β» country rarmixHu the «pet where fee wi left ««en. A «earthing part/ nf 7S or 100 n*h, recruited from thi* lullhWliMit and from FayetteviHe, «ought «ome trace of the axfortuaift* mm for thi lurprr part of the day Friday, bot without rcjott So far the only trace fno xJ ti an ot'l «hoe which Mr. Β *if c wore en a lire foot The «hoo waa pick η I op und »7 a trcetto on tin Norfolk Southern Railroad not long ufter lue lr!v«n kf W M. Karr, of the puV tie achovl* of tMi city. A police ntniilviu iaaunl for Ml Mur anil uftor examination of twi j wilnrctca of tfc» colli aion before t ' Jiuiicc of the peace, tb« tthuol nji irinialulwnt w*< fu-hl for trial un . rluirR* of Batnaia lighter. Hr mr.« α (O.OOO appeunmei- fcoiul. NEAR EAST WILL CONTINUE DRIVE Ad|u> W. McLmb ΑΛΛλΛ T« MraWrtKip of Stat· Charlotte, Oct. It—Anna W. Me Lean, of Lombetton, fοm.er aai'.tl ant Secretary of th· Tiwumiy, la On laie»I adilliion u> tV Bole riMtiUn eommitv of the Near Ea't 1U1I< *. i vaa annoum-il l«»lr.y kv Col. (!«οιχ H. Belluwy, Stale thaimhii of Util ^roat hynar ti'i'an onraniiatlona. Τ HI· eommltteo U co«an«»«l of th· Wi»|t nw a and *cmi n <>f cite &la1i h'lifi ♦»<.! U ua (t. H·* ■·"»·< a Af rUia κ rat rhri.tls» cufipria.'· of variny from kh/viu'oh un «dire netten o*e <,000 m'W» away. It la Hea.l·-·! by Jo teplimt I'inWt il» honviar-y IHmU tuiintn. Governor M«rr «n is ο leading member of it. "Wiien taci big me* M Angm« Mt Leu· and othr-r* who art spooworlnjc thi» worlc la North Carolina ara in tcrcdhnl, un I «hen tbo public ytvaa an they did to tail graal ruiw laat year tktrt can be no doubt of it» mer*". Col. Bellamy ruk-l in making tkie announcement. "There u· many «4>o «ron a locks of food on fakh that the Amorlcan people would n nVnlah them at they did wtvea we fed tbc 8myrra rtlagcet laat year. "Aa the orphan· wa are feed log bcconir old enough and lai-jtc enough to «apport thi-mvclres. we plnrr the» wl.ere they can earn their own livibft. Thm ear11 yo»r quotaa ahoald grow lc»« and would have thit year bet for the unfortuaate trauty of 1-au «ora»." Woman Drop· Dead In A Crate of Freth Eggs Roflt HID. 8. C., Ott. II.—Id· TUr den, rtgrrm, 2H, of LaiKe, droj> 1>*ύ «load in a «tore amn Uri* after noon, Heart diaeaan bei*|r given by phytkiuta aa the now. B>* Hut J«t catered the ertublUhment whan 'trlcfcm. and fdl into t «rata of near t>w Joor After an rxarnir». flion It ww» decided n» Inqaejt wa» nrrtmary. The woman, »ur*Wed by a ha>banil and Ihrre children, tat Mp l«rnA)y in oaoal health and ««a to th* belt οΓ apirlt a moment Mart «Mckrrt. Woman'· Death Com·· Her 100th Birthday AiWINe, ΟΛ —Mnl Ran*a> n»mn, who wo*Jd hare been 104 yean old had ahc >i««d until Oriel maa Day, «Had at tier heme at Beavei (lata, near bare, tbla morning. Kia. Harren wh a native of Wool wtek, Kant, Enftnnd, and can» u America at the Mf> af fWe year w/tJi ber fatter, *m. Thomaa Btrad ley, tho flr»t rwmlar BnptUt prrarh er in AafcevIHi·. She haa atar* lhrti Jn th!« coin try, tiarln* married it, Madloen Brrren In 1S44. Ma. Hcrrr wai the mother of twelve (MMm eight af wham aarriva. the had bee a mentfber af tha Haut Maaaaa UethodM church fer H yaara. CHURCH AT DUKE I llS CONSECRATED N*w · BpWeopal chunk of Bu/wy Cheabin {a (tu oemc of bin rrmaifc* roBtpilmmtad til· bets of Um Utkc cKarch for Mr! unfailing n*! né work 1» the haCld'i* of th· charrh fro·· the Mkv tf the old ·Μ which by Ore. Br thi« I iiwnikcrm had liaidjy goaa oat «η* amlrrfoot for ha mi(. Be courraialalari th· ■•«nbri «f I iht churrh for thair baaatttal «d»-| lieu. declaring titat h· had l ■λ mort beautiful oar. "Of .«id the biihup, "*« at· larg«r and •α-lllrr chatctMM than tii« Duka crvnct, bat thai th· local odlfWc wai ju* a* b^aalifal aa aajr of tb· oth*r the btUklina of th« ( w* f.tc.hl Rrlo. i;«UAUKP trajrod dh· lift of hl« hi. Η nr. Mr. Brtfc» aloe mp»« ed the «Mutui of Um ehmrch ΐφββ the »plandSd 4ntlin they had «m» uiurciu-r. ne U)MI BOM ! "WHJT W»l· fa | Λ» fae« of ilifllealUe· end ofte* jTHt ucrfUm tt ta· » »h« in vjiM thejr tu ·ι·<1>· ΤΙ>· tUy. Mr. Beat «aid that U «μ nfrf* to be forgotten pltutn of having attended the ««utciiUti ·( the «Id check hi 1»07, «4 that ho ■ own than mtifW to attaad th· Mrittin of th· m· Ami. It The Bithop ι Sojn ijiv. cW» aad received < th· rHaroh. Aiur Uit· M>rvica> were held. TH· PtMkjrtey Brader achaal haa atrufad a vary attractive pi iigiaw (or next Sand»y morning, the mil Jen bfcinc BaBjr Day. It l> one which «iD delight th· people, aad which b rnrtractiv·. A cordial )i»»HiU»u b •steaded ta everyone to ha Mia* Lola D. Ï«W, saperin of the Good Hay· hartal, haa r* tamed from a month "i vacation which •he i»e»t with her parant· la J«jwj Shore, Nat. Mae Row Wanvp of Durham, at Uwdcd the aeaeacratioa icnicc* «S the Saii>t Stephen» Τ pier opal ehare'li 'iw* awauy. Mr*. W. A. Rrwlii. Sr., «M Mil of Balaigh. w»ra bora Sonda* far lu coiuaeration uni»» at At Ef»ropal ehareh. Mr. mod Un. D. β. MiHor, of Htijr I town, W. Va. «peat tira waek-end hare with Mr. and Mm. C. H. Kilter Mr. and Mr*. Hilar ar· m ramie to the wMCcrn part «T ta Stat· to ytah relative·. Mr. and Μη. B. A. Bl«. of Coot —rm v. tpent tha weak-end be Ta. the rooata of Mr. and Mr*. Κ. B. Boat. Mn. J. B. latthau, eoaamuritr worker of Coalu»·», apent «w ««A end h»re with Mr. «ml Μη. E. 8. liait. Mr. and Mia. Arthur Whit·lay. of AyiWn, are apaniHag ν·ι ϋ·» h ara. ■he guerla ·ί Mr. WhHalpÎ para Ma, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Whitaly, Sr. V. M. Pmêm haa ι atom ad borna from Rrifton, whara ho tel haoe aa *»*Γ,Ι h) bridge ronatwtion waA chia ramaiT. Ba affl aaatoo tira fate' aipalahip of totar*· aehaol, t«a*r haro, «ho tetter pan of tha aotffc. MIm lana Hidcitt haa mayliil tha noaitloa m atrnographar with tha *τ win Cotton MOM oBteo here. Mlae ■ Haakett, who fomtilf hold Ma aaaae ' poaltioa bat*, «m laaaotly ooaaoatod wtth the Waeltoila Bank af BaMgh ' Six Men Die From PoUonou· WhUkey I haa, ill.. Oat. IS.—«ht taadlaa b e'tlaena of hat ara daad and thrax a war* in a erttlaal ooMUUoar teat atgfci i, aa a raaatt af drinking altered pote a onoaa «k»key whleh aothovittea aak A thay kaUara wm irliitiin Not only **>* tl"· **MMu ia wrm/f WtjMirtjw-m «.* „ higher «1—, A· m'-iwtj botter crû d«ai<*r. tb· fir ο »ct« more Ihrll'ln,· «ml ploiai·*, Vet tK «uwmUm* *u> -r the togMt rrtr known. UmI -Fab" V«É·. 11m TtMliit «M VWal tireur*ou: Dm wt-.k muI dM proptn {or A» (utanlgaeiit emI «BÎÎra ueo of vjfton to Ut iai * tliQiMTito who thronglJ t)M fouj mm mymmn rfo.ir,* î'm *S5s (air (Μ ·η. It «*a» ■ fair. Dut «il te talhad about fer mortli. tri tmmm yeara. Xaz ou tiagl* eon.· pbdal o< what M» «MB end hc*.·»' «« ra*iatet>eJ far fuir «UWI an·! ■naay «m banni to mmA tkM it «M the freatctt fair Umj Wad rra» i'}/ Y«r Γ.ςϊ Whia tfc* 1MI .fair mllpiiil >T1 pwioee fmir» Wd bai*, the «ffieUJ. •t already mak ir* pUn· Sv —"•f the fait Mt year atilJ Mur. Th.· imMm rHoru of of Mm teUc dietrieta of it piwftli to Ui'mV'tftk'tf. Aut the fair can. and •il. te a»d wr« While much credit h dae ail the officer· of the fair, Wlndtaç the h*a«i» of tfca nnoiu department*. Mita CHaaWh BHdtc ho*» 1ι··« rtntien (fait in Bamet; coanty. Mia. O. M. Johneen, preaidant et "Jvc Harnett Ounty Home But tau, aa · played a Mr la tki* fart of Uie Mala. The tree acta ta el tided be) laaa imadiaa twice daily, a WU« Wa* performance twice dally, «lav· f •ato by I)m liiiih both af^emo M a ad 11 a· Inc. a eapgaaaa fir a wo ..t ix*Uy each erenin< and «eod be»,' racla* each day. Kat only w, Ae fair rreaml·. and bulldinya altreeUrely decorated ,w *e malin, bat Biwad alfM rtiaUcaUy dacaiatod far the Me f*hr Wbea Ac ftnal certain waa tower?'. Friday n%M an tke Hi* aaiwaal fair. On mj beat fair mwtv prt an net*.. 1 "areewent aird U*t