VOLUME Χ. DUNK, NORTH CAROLINA· ACKËAfit KiiWfS ARE DISAPPROVED BY COTTON ASS'i American Cotton Aaaociatioi Calls For Bare Fact» From Goveromiiil LEGISLATION NLEDED INSURE A'.XURACI Aaaociation, Citizen Fijura Showing 29 Cent» Ax Cons*r vativc Eatiivnte Of Expend Of Growing Hound Of Cot ton, Tavora Minimum Prie* Cf 36 Cetil*. Ciil>»»il«in. S C.. Οι |Ci —fhf ίτγ itsc'f f i* rc.ord as <lisnin>rn\iii|i ihr ci"w|> rt-|u:'lv soil oui b) iliv , Voiu-d St.Hi ·. I );·|κ·πη«·ηΙ of Aari culture, >>i u'tkli ïîjixi c> ;irc fc-ve' ,l>» ti'C public piin*;rtillg iu sim\ I'.m C~lim;ilc'l liTcr.iiis »o l« l'.l,'inlnl h cMlro. a» t««scd on nin>rt* of "in imitons" ol farmer* to plant, lit.· Amcricsn Cotl»·» Λι»<χ'ΐηΐΐοιι, in it« lifth anntsal c tltinlliNl l"dav, faux-i «il n ivûiliiiinr. ·ι ill « Ιι.· μι » -*4*ioii iinjin^ |!;r î)c';<,r" ",»*··0 of \?ri<i:l I tu e In Μί»·Ι. to Γ.ΚΊ-. "We fCvi ili:>t lite «'»illoll :.erCAr · is it mailer of too vgniiicant atvl <erinus cinirmi to t'ic grower* ail.! the cAlton l-r.<U· ρ em-rally." · lie π « olut'im slated, "for cMinriitteil «υ· ai'tea^e plante) in 1··* li.uutnled l»y (ftr'S work." Π nul . !. . ι/1 i.i ν The resolution fonl-er uracil ΐ!«·ι CoiiKMf pas·. such legislation an· I provide nccc-sarv funds to enable tHe United State* Department of Commerce to take a co.n.it arid rte pendant census each \eur after the cotton crop lias I-em planted to a* certain the approximate acreafi·. planted, on return to tic accurately filled nul by cvrrv i;ruivcr who planted cut-in in the '.'lifted Stale·· The official business of the con vention was brought to a close latcj today with the selection of Atlanta. •21V -- «»—·■ w _ . « collrm Fl»Icî, attcmlcd {he anuual gathering Arizona wa< onlv cotton growing Slate no; Iflfc'ialh ι epr <.v"ti I ed 1.. ' Citing figures .sbo -ving dial the " " .avefage cost of production for cot *;ion in all State» in 192Λ v. as 2^k t •pound of lint cotton. hulk line, an<l enilorsiug that filtre as conserva tive tinder the .adverse v. rather ron ditioti<. heavy weevil damage ami the average low yield of lint cotton to the acre throtlgout the cotton , ' belt State*, Ihe convention also ap proved a resolution favoring a mitt· mtnn average selling price of 30c . pound. and reroin-.ncialed the sain·: for adoption hy s II cotton growers and controllers of cfctton throng·!· our the South. r il·'ant Higher Prir-.s Tabulating its report·» mi rctunn received frmn a <|iiestion«irc inaile.l "out to 6,500 conr.l v cone.sponden'* of the association r« riding in 12 cotton Staler.. ;!.»· resolution pre sented hy tlie committee, which wa.· pili iptetl, recommended tluit the sell irg price for all grades in the 12 C..k 1 f_.il. North Carolina, 32c ; South Giro litis, 35e : Georgia, 41c: Flori'l.·. ■lie; Louisiana, .W; Tcv:ijt 31c Λ rkanMi 35c ; 'IVi nr■>·<··. J.v ; Ok lahorna, 32c; aitd Missouri, ?Sc fWher important resolution* adopted by ι!χ convention included Controlling cotton production by ]»lnnliltg no! more titan ei^ht «Cr»t lo a plow in 1921. and lh.it tlio acreage 1» intensively cultivated an l boll weevil poijon 1* applied, , Deploring the "discrimination against the cut Ion farmers shown by the tariff «et of 1922." which particularly a Arreted imfOiU of long staple cotton Roll ll'tcvil Drift Indorsement of the association'* ItoM wrevil control campaign and advocacy of il» extension and rig Orons persecution. Opposing «II proiKxition* Mich « tlint of «he American Hanker» As ia «ciation for 111· cancellliitioti of lite foreign ι Ici >1 s to the United State*. Approving the [uniMliMi of county and Stat*' land associai m at* for the purpose of bringing in fantt mer» froin foreign count rie». Endorsement of the organisation of county chimbcis of comiuerca for the furtherance of rfiverwfiea tion of crop· and a well I w» In need system of fan nine in the South. Addrewei by J. Scortowe Wan· namakcr preuilent of the America* Cotton Association, and by Dr. D R Joluwon, of Rock Hill, S. C I ire si dent of the South Carolina di· vision of Ihe American Cotton A» «*Î#t'tmt, featured the morning ses */>rn\ of tltc tisivnrtldii Rip »p the fOttif «talk·· Mr». Win. A. Turlingtoa Died On October 10th Mis. Mag. Turlington died at he I her IxiiiK- near Bitie'a Creek, « litiobcr 10. SI* was the motlier ο nine children, all living except une ι The) an·, Jolui Α. Ί uriingUm, o; Raleigh; Mr*. J. 1*. Byrd, of Her ueu : λ Γι ». IV W. Harmon, Mrs A. \V. Sawyer, CaJer Turiingtat ..nit Randal Turlington, all of Bute'i ' Creek; Mrs. J. T. Wilkin», of Sel nia, and Charlie Tnrlrapoc. wht ι was faithful unto her through all , ilie year* of her helplessness. She , « a* 75 vear» of age and was» » mem l*r of the Miwionary BaptiM I I'hnrrh al Bute'» Creek. Although *Ue never was able ta ..UcikI her church the lived a very consecrated christian life at home. Site waa patient, loving and kind Ij all »ho came in contact with her, always cheerful and happy in spile ι if Iter aliiirliims Her ι lea t h is a great I<»s to her iiietu]* and loved oiks, hnt it is l.cr «Scuial tfain. Γ.ν Iter granddaughter, I.fcSSIF. TURLINGTON. AND THE ROBBER WAS HALF-WITTED V Crazy Man Entered TIm DU· patch Office, Pickimf Tfca Publisher Clean Λκ iniiiht have been expectcd. th; robber whij broke into TWe Dispatch oflvx une niglu recently ami walkcl off with the mihlisher's something les» ilian 100-year-old Fox type writer, hit jimmy pipe and hi* smoking tobacco. wu adjudged lest than half-witted. The robber en tcrcd .the Di?i«atdi office by tearing through a door in the rear of the building when the front door wim'l locked lie went through all the drawer* in the office, scattering pa per», aud even went so far at to March the sale. No money was missed, however, as there was none <n by a ( cr hhow troupe. The pipe anil smokittç tolacco are yet missing It it a known fact that the possession» of the average newspaper publisher consists of a typewriter, a pipe and λ small supply of smoking tobacco, and this being true the robber came very near to picking Mr. Pbpe clean. The wonder of the whole affair is hen it was discovered this office lud been robbed was, why should any sane man break into a news paper office in search of loot? Ai stated above, this chapter of the mystery was cleared up when it was learned that the robl*r was Ί fit subject fnr the insane asylum. The recovery of the typewriter iva* made through Mr. Turner, manager of the Brown & Dyer dxnvs, who got busy at soon as he heard of the robbery. So far as has l>cen teamed, this was the only rob· Ι*τ>· committed in Dunn during the Pair. ο I Harnett Fomt Warden·) Prepare For Fire Period District Pnrrst Warden F. B. Mer rill of tike Ucologlesi Survey has bVen ;n RirniM county l«r · few days as«:»ting ihe local («rut ««nie·· In preparing for the coming dangerous rtre period . From now sntil next .amener the fore it warden· will lr. crrami ihrlr activities and it I# belle*· Ml that the laaa from Bros wMl be rwloeed to a very low OffBri. Λ boot 1921 there was a fairly long leaf mast and at praaoirt there ara literally million» at young long-leaf plnee where no /oreat fleet Kara oc curred aince 1*81. Ttveae young pfoea SIX· util» io aman that, except far Ola ilafkor (freeη coloring at this time of year, they might be mistaken by «he tinxl observer for tafU of wire grass. Needless to aay, any kind of fire no matter haw light, waald rte-' <troy these young pines and they must rectrivc absolute ftre protection for at least two more yearn If they aro to bv saved. The people of Western Harnett are gradually seeing the toad of so curing a forset growth an the rut araas of waate land ear*less firofc are dee resting. This fall It U ptaanad «a eliminate rsllroad flraa by burning broader safety at it pa along the right of way and sxparhaenla will be ail» to discover batter metfcads af atop* ping ea·* flraa a* do occur rira prevention wark la sarrtod ar far the benefit af aH the people li toe county, and Um eeanty is payla* IU part ·' the eaat As aaoa aa al , tha people ara agalnat flra te *k woods, thai, and than only will farag 1 flraa be a thing af tha paat aad leai leaf pine caver tha waste laals ■ Ramott Caaaty Mown. NINE KILLED AS TRAIN HITS CAR People Were lUtoraiac Fnm Chsrch Servie· At Breok Mà, hiu» FairUtuI, Ind., Oct. M—Nine person* went killed and one seriou· ly injured when » Cleveland, Cin cinnati, Chicago and St. tvouis pa* veiiger train «truck an automobile at a crowing near here at II o'clock thin morning, 'lite train wis bound front Cincinnati to Chicago The dead are: J. W. Mem*. 70; Mn. J. W. Mean·, 65; Mr*. Roy Brintoo, 30; ,Hyron Mean*, 14; Jessie McCairc, 35 ; Mary Britton, 7 ; Maid» Gather, 22 ; Goldie Gather, 18, and Marjor ie Pearl McGuire, 7, all of London, Ind The only person in the car to es cape was Roy Brioton. who jumped before the train «truck the machine. The victim* were en route to the home of Mr. and Mr·. Means, of l/ontVjn from BrookMd, near here, where they had attended church service*, when the «codent occur red. Lora Mouse, driving an auto mobile in front of the machine «truck, which was drives by Mean·, had cleared the track and saw the train coming. He turned and mo tioncd for Mr. Means to stop, he — —.. ...ipptmny »n trrprctrd hi* lignai to mean that the way was dear. Samuel James, of Brookfield, who was aim nearby, re ported that the heavily loaded ma chine reached the track and then came to a «top. The automobile wai struck in the middle and completely deniolûhcd. The bodies of the victims were «cat tered in aM direction», and were bad · ly mangled Parts of the bodies were found SO feet from the wreck Dr. C. M. McDonnell and Dr. 1 Rnbuah, of London, gave first aid treatment M 1ht victims, placed in a baggage ear and taken to Acton, where they remained un til ambulances arrived from Indian apolis. They were then removed to undertaking establishments (here. Mr. Mean· was weB known in this district and took a prominenj part in civic affairs of the cocnmuni ty. He is survived by two brother·, and one sister. Mrs. Means leave four brother* and three sisters, Je» sic and Goldie Gathers, who are sis ters of Mrs. McGuite, were visiting the latter ^-ho resided at the M cam home. * September Morn Found In Oregon Forest Rock San Francisco, Oct. 16.—A lifè sise figure of a nude woman, carved in none, has been found °ra the heart of an Oregon forest by sur veyors of the Southern Pacific rail road, according to the company's I officials. The work of art wai found by a surveying crew about four mites west of Crater lake. Oregon. The figure is pitted and weather beaten and shows the mark of time and exposure. Art students declare that if carved by an artist, it would have required from four to five months of constant work. . The figure is an integral part of » huge rode, and the woman is sitting at the base of the rode with her hcM | resting on her arms. Hffl· Mixture FOm Volunteer Bankruptcy Augusta, G· , Oct. 15.—A Vol untary petition in bankruptcy ,wa* filed in the United States district court today by the Hill* Mixture corporation, of Aufuata. The petition p« the liabilities a« |5ft8,739 and the assets aa *458, William 8. Nixon waa Mined as president and Sydney C. J one» wc reUry. Every hoer, somewhere in the 1 United S*st«, a men*· Hfe It token There were οAre than 9,500 " eft lawful" homicide* in tbla country1 in 1921. . One out of every 12,000 Americana i* murdered every year, where·* tty figure ir Europe la one out of every 634, 000. A prominent writer states, " When a prospective aaaassin in America ia about .to m0 the trig far, he know* that he wflt have 1 three powerful friend* If he enm * ndta the deed. These three friend· » are, SentemlntaBty, the New P*y » chotogy, and TecMcalUy. So h» - pulls the trigger and takes Mi Founder* D«y.jjU F.M.C. On Tu—cUy, ytoUr 23 Ked Spring», Qci.<ti$ —Founder* Hay at Flon» Moixk>cuM «jIIcki will tie i4;>erve«l her· Tumgr, Cet. 2Λ, with the following pfajreM: II Λ. M.—Founder» Day Bfrvioe— Delia Γ McGoogan Sii Paiil< pl'e» ι dent general ifcmej iMOciatiott, presiding; College hymn; in*·*·» tioo by Rev. J. lilnck; vocal >Oiu —Mr». Ruth McK'mno· Morgan. '20—Laurinbnrg; lnC«t»rrioci oi speaker. Dr. C. G. VardeH; Addr«·*» —Mr». John Drake, Jtcqnetuviîle, S. C. ; Chapman, Ό0, Cli^raw, S. C. ; "The need* of the culttge" λ«ι*. Pearl John «on Poole. *<>4, Lninl*r ton; college »ong. I2;^Û P. ΛΙ. — Luncheon for alumna«/gi* ruMep: dinm^ hall; 2:30 P. *^-Riwines meeting general a«*3p|)on—Γ.ι> silun Chi ball ; 4 JO. P. j. recq>ttc* for alumnae college paxjdr*, 5 P. M —Special undent itrogùn, colle»;-· campu» ; 8 P. M.—MSpn picture college auditorium, ladrCoopau ir. "CJrcui Iv·" M# Of tin· brandi association* wKtend tick gates and all t<-*xa2ps N«»rth tad South will hold *μφΗ mcetinf; Juring the day. ENTIRE STAT WEEVIL] Kaleigh. Ν. C. i«*less for the e Vorth Carolina to it the weevil in my ·. The pes*is now j ty where cotton it LS we un possibly "Vof. Franklin Sli >f insect work for I liwJ Deportment q| Mr. Sherman Mat coming wcHc of IS ic published l be ititi wa· vir twlicn ι . _ wrote ml ater and wanted to Vnnw if the | reevil wa» present in'their section "During this summer, we lm·.· eceived specimen· from Currituck vhich wa* the only count}· left whli ι possible doubt in nor mmdi." wv< yrof. Sherrdfo. "We Imc also rc seived sjiecintem from Notthauip on, WaiTen and other cxntntie* on j he Virginia hnrd*r. In 1022, v/e| found specimens in Can well «mat? where home folks *ay their is n<-.' »Uon. and we found the wecvi! t s ver in Virginia, north of Cum-Γ, tome few miles east of Danville. Dorm* the past week a fanuej fror.i | Zaiwsh county brv»ugl»t some wrev I* to my office. "The other day J «"is in the (ai •way mountainous coonty of Chcni-1 kee, where I saw a row of cotton i<> 1 » garden lœirg grown to stuff ms»t Iresse* and the like Examining thi<| cotton, 1 «ccurcd «v/r a rtozen spec imens of the weevil *nd the ncareii I cotton is over .A) milei away iti| Georgia. Thei. Atevils are mnv π re serval in the State collection Yes, we have some weevils today. We have them everywhere that cot ton is grown." * CUT TUBERCULAR DEATH RATE HALF Will AttoaMpt TV Finish Τ1ι· 1 Job In Next Ten Y<tn hnt«rlan Oct 18.—"(fe tabtr ooloak in Nor* Card W In 10X3" «· to be th« heKla aiag en in the Λτ··1 aeetaat tafeereelooio for the Mxt u<u fotrt A program olth nch en an Mtjeua ohjerthre auO»da wHI nigh 4m poaafble of itliiniMi Aa a «nattr:· of fact, to Um akeptfeaj A sounds e»> ■•Hi kat tan »·«· a*o no on·· «••«ht that by faithful working with the method· than known fer too ran and ptwaillw of MtnaMi tkai the Bwmfcar of deaths In Dm Btav oonld ko «mt ta half. bol this hi whv taa keen doae. Tan years ago, I' llll, there arera MOD death» frcrr tnbawiibala; toi IMS Una noiwboi ha· been witoil tm MM Ho gratifying kara br«m.tha molt/ of lamaol atforta ta tin part In r> dnrlag too ■■■>■> of deaths fror. trtareiW· that health workara, pa* Uoalarly theae ta too laheraelp·! ftelda, are anroaragod to sat oot ·*> tftJeh «ko Job Not toot u; ο», t worker or groapef weifcers think thai ■ ky «hair own effort» ««h ft job tai ι ko naaaaagMahod ta ton or any nam .1 her of yean, bat they do fori the f I Wtto «ko fall eeeperatton and t upper. 11 an too pan ai too I lata, too Month» and ovary «Hp. tow* and IndMdoal COL ALFORD ASKS FOR CO-OPERATION Wants KeUtiv·* And Priee* of Confederate SoUwr· To Lead A Hud "Uf will lia\e 10,000 people *t Ί»λ unveiling of tlie monument Μ Holly Siiritijf* on ( Vlobcr 25th," mikI Col Π. (>. AI ford, of that place, w ho w a» in Raleigh yertenlay. *'l'iv-e hundred of ihii number will lie CouicdeiaU- veteran»," h: '•oirtitiuetl. "Wc i>roj*»c to *erve a tree Ixiiliectie dinner to alt uf the»e. I hftvo ;.*k«l lite Daughters of the Confederal}' ·« llw section to raise •tiH<vi|itiorn tu ]mv for thi* din rtcr. Mr*. Charles I jx Smith U iu rkarge of ι In· <ub*criptioiii in Ral eteh nnd I lio|ic ell friend» and rel itirv* oi the men who wore the Cray v.-ill not wait to be canvasaed, hut »\ill patriotically Mind Mr». Smith λ clieçl; w'rthont delay. "Htairy SI. I.ondon lia* apreed to secure the loan of automobiles to convey the trhr«M from the Sol 'tiers' Homo to Molly Spring* to attend the unveiKnjr. lie told me •odny that he would endeavor to «.-cure conveyaivc for tl»e bend" Col. Alford announced that Gen W. A. Fmith, of AnsonviHe, would I «reside over the meeting of veter •-n«, vvliich would he held in the afternoon of iinveitiiif day. He an iv>'.xced the ioHowinç tentative pro 9 4. π:.—Registration of Confort erai e veterans. :V) a. m.—Formation ai parade *t the (Irjxjft (he line of march be ing a« follow»: Chapel HiD Rtrerl lo Kal»fh «trret, tjp Raleigh street !r» Second, down Second to Ape. •Ircet, up Apex street to Center. loM-n £« tiler to the speaker * stand. 11 a. m.—Unveiling and κ peak "2 n>.--rXmier. 1 :*0 p. m.—Meeting of Con fed T*te veterans.—$akifh New· add hk Rakish. Oct 16—WUI G ΑΠμ ν» II Vtuwn Raleigh burines! man, lied M about 11:15 o'clock this THiriting in a hospital I to re from m itu-ivs eerctvert in ait automobile ac rident la«! week when another man syaji killed and others -lightly injur· id Mr. Alien, vrlw i* a member of lite Raleigh real eMatc ftrm of Al len TVothi-r*, had l«en in t1»e hoe Ι>5ιλ1 «inre tl.c accident which occtir ted la*t Thurv/a·. afternoon, result in," in the innneniate death of Colo ltd Ο. Λ lV>dcitl>L'inte.i, of Keruer»· v;l'e. Until hi* death friends held out htipc foi Mr. Aden's recovery, ahl-nugh he showed signs of con ncwiiiMK'a» uni ν nifrvjtiently. Hit injuries n:chtdcd a crn*hed leg. •cvercd hmken ribs and abrasions oi hi« heiil. ' Mr. Allen «:>s injured and Col onel l'rdl tenner killed when an an lotnolnle criven l»y the Raleigh real tr>r bad a head-on-coll iMon with another machine reported lo have Ixen dmcn In Will Munjftnvi, 'ic ofl'reej· of ibe Wake county police force, on ο road near the city, who, it was said, «a· chasing an automo bile thought to he laden with whi» Wey. Mrs. F. S. Wood DIM Mr*. Π«1>Ύ 1. Wood, wife of P. ν Wood, ilicil 'Tuesday nif:ht at her ionic at Cooper. Sarapwn county. . )crcfi'-rtl had suffering for two J rfiiri with caucer nnd tier death «■a* not unexpected Xfr». Wood , *·»< 51 years old. The funeral was conducted Wednesday jitter noon ' irenn I /evd Crore church and inter· mei:t made m tl* chttrcTi cemetery. ! Death Of Aa lwfaat Cecil, two-months-old *09 of Mr. and Mr*. T.. A. Warren. Jr.. wlvi lives tx-ar Dunn, died Tuesday nijlii. lite funeral wa* conducted Wednesday afternoon and ititer ii^enf was made in the family burr m>k plot at Hetlte^da church. In Sam|»oo rounty. · Saa Aatonie, Tee., Oct· 14XJm»oHiUi »«i retall'm* la many IHHnf lUtien· '«err FrMay at —ran cer.ta · f II— The prtrc ru low I «it W the United fttafUr reealU mm man romoAdkle titan the»· already areaa^Uekad «an ba braogbt about. Panda far Ms worit through·at the Itata and aattan ara attained Oowa^h the sala af Take*, cwlesfc Chrtebnai Baals. >a V. L. Stephana to CKalman af the Chr'staMt lad Me 1er Dean and will «hortly utaasxa Mr isnulllii ef M-«aitois. Ai BUmdi OctTaj^M Eiliter Dura Dit^tdi: Content nea quarterly naerriag «1 Friends will convene at Buliuii church October 26, 27 and A Friday nifht Oct. 26. ai 7 JO rt» meeting on Ministry and Ovanigt» will be held. SatmnUy ι nom»»* 10: 30, and m the afternor/n will te thi Quarterly meeting'* Utrinni a·» won. Winner on the |Wlt M Saturday. Sonday morning M 5 Sunday school. At II o'clock wO 1* «service for worship. Sunday afternoon, 3 JO the Christian En deavor·. or rather the young people, will hold a meeting. Kirtojr V. Bow em, pastor ol Friend· church. Graanaboro, win Im in attendance at all these aervice·, and will nve gospel message*. [There will b· other ministers to at tendance and will render valuable service*. People are invited to be with u» on these occasions to enjoy the good thing· with at, and to hdp m by their encouragement. D. V. PIKE, Pastor, A NEWADVENTURE m LOCAL FARMING Λ the Dam *7 fee fer Mr. tor i» ed attempt 301,430 To New MM te M· coded eld 1M1 Attwieeee, I01.4J0; wiilyu, $1, *tJMi iMw) twiffl 4wk, 1H.BUIÎ MMh «lab** +ΜΤΛ, W, KM. The phiir·! pmI Utfc f«tr> M.04 mi mm «Un «1·ΜΜ ftkiiiimMin. IcNtf I· •M of tkbiMMl to te to man* Km Yaafcaaa u4 OlaMla. IV» Iteakeca, lor thair «telary wiO ra wlva *0 ytr rent, aad Mm m eaat R|i>W «t t bMte of 1» ptercis, «Mh Tub· wil γ» *MM, i>< Ηώ Ofam Λ®* IMM. >k»it ItlJM. (Ml «Mh tWrd ytei.-l rtab abavt 111,1» Would Like To Swap Pinchot For Smith WaAtagtM. Oct. 1C—lUfantaf te •Kiti »i etnwii ftaikil ta "»)«H Bit·· t*M Ow»nwr ·( Ifcw Tart hr tfca Uaan OmmM af I *mM t I» a fanr M FIRE FIGHTERS t EXJOY BARB&CUE Barbecue and lot· of 11 v, at ik wuMandbig feature of a maatiag of the amAm» of the n,mη Arc de partment held in lb· \\Vmuu'« <■!«'» neat· \\ e*wde> evenlec. Awd ? «at good bartweue. aerved v. it!» thî neceannr at-ceaaoric·, including hoi toffee for thoae (bat like it. Mift iKKtfod drlak* and beer, which *a« •nfnui the converubonal nuahlie* —Uevo. Several invited guaau>. including the mayor tad member* of tin: loard of wkd commikÂoner-, II. A. PaAer, town clerk and treaaur er, Kev. G. T. Adam» and H Crover Brill, niiojrad the bo^»ira":> 'irf (lie b« ladwt. The mniiu «« call ed to otder al fi JO nVlucv by Uarvl M. JVarxall. cldt! nf the lire «lepr.n ment H wax an informal affai' and after thankt· had lam rrttmui hy Rer. Mr. Aram* the ft»· l< gan. After all firearm kid eaten i<> rbeir entire »ari>fart»ai. j>len: ν «ra» left for Mapor i. I Jpyd \Va>, wh«< μίμ a t it lie laie m arriva* on the ■cenr of action. · The occaaion waa altogether de lightίtil and «ne which waa enjoy*· immensely by die invited guest a, a well a § by the faa hgfaieia thcat aehoaa. After the feaatliig waa ovr. member* of the Are department est gaged in a round-table difctiMun of matter» pertaining to rrndcritw — κινιιχ. VMM Uâng stressed in the discussion was the inporunce of «utomobile driver· {•viae ** H^t-uf-way «ο the fire track in case of a tré. AU car» thould be parted next to the cub ing whan tie 6re alarm sounds en td altar the track has pasatd. Fail ure to <lo this endaugtrs the Uns of jMtn of, the fire fompany, a*. rfu. v> «*-«-· ·? · · — ■hamaiau, Norma* P. Lewis; fir»· aen, R. H. Strickland, Ε. T. Utjf· nard, Oscar Strickland, J. E. Coil· dard, J. F. Jackson and Ottis War rta. The pablk (encrai 1^ fail» perhaps to appreciate the sacrifices made and the dangers encountered bjr mem bers of the fire company. While the services rendered by the fire fighters mam much to every Crtircn of a town or city, members of the fire enro)*ny in towns the slaa of Dunn received very little rémunéra tion for the haxarduis tasks which they are often caBad upon to per forin. This being trne, the fir* lad dies should rectivt the co-operation, aa well as the appreciation, of every citizen of the town. . PAST Or ALASKA RAILWAY out or usb rmom itoui WeeMeetee. Oec 14.—One Uuo M mOm af fee Alaska railroad bar. baa· pat oat at «■ ■■ ■■*·■'— pat eat af ci ι aynl—Inn. Hill*· iaa ta a rapaft reeetre-l by kcntuy VaHc today fN· Ae Eknm. by m aauaoaUy wrm raid ■ α »■* " " arMO WWL Ko Mtlaau af Um daMMa «H fartiWM %r tkc report »Wek aril tkf «stir· Mettes batweaa i»w»r«t and Patter had «offered from we* M and laefeyii M<|m. ΙΑΜΜΟΝ JURY U*T Mnrhf la the Sunpeon coo M y Jary Hat drawn far the Octébtf term. vtrMi will cMvcM at CJbrtoa ao Monday, Ortefeer Mi rm «««h—H H. Waal. I. A. Mar tan. J. ■ Berth. I. A. *Mkb, α A. Oat·, r. Β McArther. Jaff L Mat tkm J. 0. Taw (Honaycatta,) n, q, Mm, D 1. Kiac. W. B. Pitee, Τ. β. Mth, 9. X. Blch. A. *- ·-** ~ u. rrtea, T. Β 1. X. Bieh. A. U Bail. B. J. r, Ahm ROI. J. W. S. I»b -, C. P. Beldea, J. M. Lackamy. B. ai PawaO. f. ». Ow>iq, J. T. M «dalla*, i. M. Tart. ■. B. Ba». M. 9. Beyett·. W. J. *rCl#nny. W. B. SMekked. Jr. D. 1» Bcrrlnc, A. 9. Paan. C 9. Blae, Jaaae O. WBm 1 (Bln#a>. Bdeax Cart». N. 9. hr WW, J. T. Lee. V. r. Will B- Cfceaaett. ■eraad Weeh-Al. M«Uaa*. Nal taadb lay··, λ A. CMar. I. A Warn*. Am B—goo, A M Clif ton. B. *. Kt*c, «ata W. Bdten (tMUe Ceharia), J. B. Da·*·. «. B. 1 Dardan, B. M. Moara. A L BaWfcrw. -IB. B. BacUtar. ». 9. BAhaaa, B. 0 Paterae·, O B. B. flftM. W. 0. N*

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