RHW.o7ï«f mum «juiiïi Drew*. F!»i ϊ-·..?η· lu P<* * 7c Murder Oi Ile·'. F *j i''iet<:c Cnln'<iri.:iil C i1 ." ·■!·>· . ι 'Jet. 20.— · V «vi'J t; i'·' . ·.<·. ·': «!«· ir ec ικ:ίχ·;·γ ■-· ·''ι : V.· · '·,ίιηη:> pMntshiren*. of i.t ;ii· ><i ·; penitentiary ι\:ι·. il r »>··. ' t :i,!· i«, «lay of ilie ju. > i·» I ·■·· '·'· < > Iîarrrtl, C'»: ΐ··<τ!.·· · ι tv r. I ifir t'oe 1 ίι!'·.ι·; ir»t lut ι* ? ι t'.· Rev. R. S. Pierre, Μα···ί.ι i · Λ motion 1» »tt .)■>. \·.·ι· n as conirary to lav. awl ο hIciko ; for various othei can it's. was îiii mediately ir.mli· l<y tin tlrftrio. a'v * Ju'lRe Γ· Γ». \\ :·«::· ·ι· need would lira:· ;.ι ·ι>: «ο;* ■··. »!»;· Ml.·· linn in Richnvu ■ « ^«n ?n t.v ?2 Rtlrestil η·: II ν J Peu (lint; îhc oiiloj.r.e nf tit·.· *r guinrui. tofing which lit'.· ca*c ui! ho apj«ra!e<l lo die I»·.j/f.cr cou·: b the defence, C.nticit va1· rer.*a*ol οι Ixiiid of $3.",00l">. 'il'.· S", t.· through Cnini'l IH',1 Mint.·* Milt.tn 1*. il.l '.II·.·.·■« Kirhanl l'vciyti Un··. .-}·♦»■. -.· granting bond in nt y .. . ·:ιιιι( ·.. connoel fin 1 l'r pr't *.Itr 1:VH'·. '' f · -renewal of the o'il Ικίι I ni >'2".()ί>0 Judge Whirr, however, Mated I.· m cm πι 1 |icinm a I ont?, Hih ïîh'ivp.s tlw amount h» ?I0 0T0. The "vtr«li«t lodav .if the joy which «si* liri'UpI· lu-ri in*· Snullniltyïoli v;r.»·;.· l'H· r .· r' ·. of venire ifn.1 '« tl I· c r««:: >· n'I the Stale hrirt;.· ι·» ■ <· 11<·1 for 1'· preset» ihe liir.l ο 1 ? ct.se bru !ir.< licen rt|jnrde<! a« of tl·?· rv ] Mubboml) fnuj^it m»<l <>v< of liv mn>t remarkaMe in (I · ''vtor·· tj' Virginia. The jur\ d<-i l.fintr! iii« two Iwjur* find thirty inuuii'-i M» predictions of another liurv j;ir. were Jwing freely in.nlc ν hen tin jurors ran*· iiiti omul i"«l nvkc.1 t« be told the penary i».r <t.-m«rti:.n «·ι rpurdcr in the MCuiMl.rirtiriv Thi tri»' hnd Vnl ill pn>^ro* mikc Loi Tin wiiy in^;-:>h·· an·' >>.: the «ecoud time ilia: Koitcrt C:<r ret ; ha J been l-tit on tri») for hi life as a re»ull of tile κΐιικιΐίιι·,' r> death of the ί·ιΐ]ΐ!:·Ί tvinis'cr at Ιν· home here {i.· Vf' n'li ΝκΛ h · ~:m hit \ onii'jcr l>r.>i lie·:·, 1 λι' i.· C· lj.iv rctr, were uid'Cie·! for iir».r dej;.v< murder. The Jailer also wa« οιια brought lo trial, hi*. c*-e ctnliii;· ii a mistrial aiwr il w;i« :i'k-;'cd tlnci members of the jwy l«cfi>: ο #»».·.·, into the jury bov e<i>rcs.·. t! oji-j'.Ioji' on the rase. Ili· esse h-,«- hcoii ·ν for reirial December II. 1 )»» jun in Robert Oarrctl'* fir-i trial caiifc from AmherM count). judge Wliii having decided aficr tlu: T-irl: it Garrett mistrial that i; would tia be poisiblc to obtain a fair find nil partial jury in Cumberland hcc.vi* of lie two far.tiwti* in tile co'tnt; and whirh were srM tn >r.v..lw ir.<·^ of the citiicn* of C«iir.!.--ri; i'.«l. Y'·, Slate, which h*(l r,:.!·;··.! tiir. rluii# in venire, t'.n !i il r- r.ieilrd change in venue, but lhi.·· \va$ île nie»l in each ca«'. Bladen County G'f! U Champion in CLb Worl Miss Catherine Clark. «if Ικ-thtnwn, Hladen county, won th «listincton of having the hif»Ue* score* amort# the fhil· uir]* of ih I lomc l>ruvJii*tmtion Clt'l.·* ;it τΗ Fair, ihcrehy tacmutn? -T-.e r'-.r.i oion rkil> pirl of Not ι h Carotin Misi Clark war- a iltci-iiier of th jelly making l»-sir> from Made county which won the chmnpioti fhip. Team» from iaeh cntiiHjr ·.*«■* u lected before thr Stair TVr, ai> spot to Raleitfh to roin-esent lliri countic* in jel'y n-skin·:, lirri hakim, poultry ffliainw. caimit!! and clothing. At Il»c State'Pi-i'- rh five Statewide team* wine (tirl-e· .The Micce*KÎu1 one* were: f Norton and Mamie Τ .ivtoiptoi Stotland cotmtv, l*"»<Tm»l-iiM' ; Hi na Me*ce end Marjfp' l>*h. Yrat •vlvnnia county, canning ; Cathirir Clark and Flora Monroe. T!l;ul« coimiv. jelly matcinq: ΐ.'ηιι Itnjb· and IVrri» Miller. Rowan conttl clothing; Arrhic Ward and Tulit SingleUry, Kohcwir county, rwtilti raiting.—Raleigh Kew* ard 01 •erver. Tar Hod Honored Dr. Thnrman Vonn. ft' HW P.Att, vra* elected vlce-conutnand of the Anwien I*e»ot» r.t th» ai rvnl meet'mp hi Si'.n Francisco, Ft • dry. John R. Qn»nn, of Califo-.ni wua «terlcd eontmarK^r, «twtrr inj? Alvht Ow»'cy. of Tc*r«. U A'am ha* hem ar»iv·· In the -Nor C\ir1>Wna «Icpartnxrt οΓ the Arnei can I-efion «inee its orfanixatiun 1 arlcVtural Work Α ιλ>5»>£ The Ncgroei ι ■ Ν. -"EfccH >v»r Wv ! ·.«· run- rouit# from Uj« ; . iu uimI ivcrk ρ ilvne by A. • »M» rV ·ι·>«1 ''r]wiimiiiitWMti«M , A. ·; time «f 'k·· y<-«r. Oie proems i : ;i.|- iru i<· ; < i.n </u x'·1 à y the wotitl· j ..'υ! ι Οι!Μ·.» v*> for ι ··. »· ut falr» ovoi ; Slst.·; !«.n. it !» i.o« fteavrail) ' k.u'tt'il ;lvi wi· un ul'o ïïjrtHt te lm i pvove itx fnrmi'.i: πu et ice· of oui j ••«•iro tac··," v/«)n Direct»' B. W. Kl!· |-;·ιι· of the Kjrteniiian Sertice. I "1 Îiavc jnit b'-ιι locokinv over a ' i-c;>ort f ι ο m tlio twrndy Jo '.··.! i-riit» fer work with j ic-.itci." il ο continue»! "TT>ii icjwrt «how* (tel their arlivitiM air | turning out about ur planne'l aariic* In th« «·ημ>π. for inetnr.ep, vc out· ! Κ.·ι <) r.bnut t'.ia iltmonslratiiin· urith , run, {οι ti'.-ji ami tYicy actually hare j in Λ.Ί" rue!» >Veioti»tr»t«ons. Th»v jflitnreil 22 J <l>-nir>iutraUo7it. %ilb cot ion and !>avc· ί;ι ÏÎ9; 112 <lomon«tn lioii» wit* tobacco wrrr planned aixl Ihcr·' urc 12S ii.ultr our woik; 97 «tui'im of n-nOti from deep jrfcwlni »·.«·· planned anil 113 are in opera .ion. Tl»e Jamc U true with ilcaion '•.«■ftion» w:th fertilizer». pruning f .!·: I >1» I'e rtllitcr t*«t« at.il other .tctïvHW*-. ' f»r Ml·.· pMr.icuia· i:jr p*-aae<i wiui ■ he wrnrk b«ii>7 «*«'»· with lleea^ock i.ifi'nl (liât the result» an «xe*«d ir.r οι ifX^'TUtioni (mrtu* jlarily with poultry, swine ami piantur»*. In or· the tiefrro »*ruU h*vt ρππρ.'ιπΙ ?n Adult club·, 27 Junlei cluh», 20 rmnmuniljr fain, 24 co· •>l>*rit4iv<· inrrhaK* of ferUliiem anil 3 i-o-opcrai've figrckanv of lime. Witt jurri··!.·, ran vru »e* the hies*1* **■ •nit» tkl· year, as 1, Λ H H ne^ro farm ' plnlpd tbem«clrc* to put in rard rru· for..<iint»r Ave or mor» vrg* lohlc"." Man Kills Himself fat Presence Of Young Wife lAf.c»«tor, S. C., Oct. 1β.—Hoary ] Ε Taylor, Jr., ■ it J ! tel. The fculWt entered the "rifht »Ut« j if t'.ie hc-jul, paA»e<l thï\iu«η and todg I e.l in tin· » *ll of th'- room. It U aaid llial lhen wm nn mnon for Uie r»»v, «et. Taylor and ht» yoong wife wer: ·1ι«·υ.Άί"β tho marttrr of faring tc ΐluck H.ll, nnil rtthrr In tcriounaa» oi . jc»t lie ο reported to have «aid. "If go to Hock Hill or kill inyielf." Wico I tUil remark he ra>cd the rcvolrei I» *iir riîht 'temple arid polled th< j '■r^-'tcr. Deuth «ai Iftatantaneoe*. A j ι ο!or., r'% jury waa impaneled and «. ι venlirt of raleid· rotaroe.i. Motorcar Hits Truck; One Dead—One Injured Rocky Muant, Oct. 17.—W. Β Blnlaar. 1 &, i* demi. or.ii ht< brother •J. H. Bledvoc· I· in u local hoapit* ' They were in on accident heev laal I ' ij'il when a motorcycle on whiei ' (he two wore' ruling collided with ai j aotomohil· truek. The latter'· in 1 jurlea are mtd lo fee mriotia. H<i brethpr '-*e I η tryt hour foUowinv tb( rcrU'cr.t. Garwood Girl Secure· Liccnse In Washington iiinrood, Oct 18.—-Among tJ»< V. Γ'- li<t of peraona, both mon an< women, receiving IUftn·» to praetiei law In the Diotrict of Colombia, ap ρ»Λ.Γ» thr n.tnw of Hie Jala AtttM V»* A'.kini 1» l'"i» roanfcot chMd el M n. C. Atklnt, of thla plae». Shi h»» held a government position fo II» ρaat. Uirçe or foar year» in W«ah rgton She enjoy* 0·* diitinetioti « I !>rin;j the Ont woman lawyer haBlm from Noi-v^ooH ami tha Ant native ο Stanly county who ha» IrrraiWl M J fiuWI among lh« Kentl· «β*. Ml*» At r Ha* com·* from α very brilliant fun 1 ily anil will doubt!·" mak« a tftor ia h»r new peofcaaiou. 11 Rev. Η. E. Tripp Die· <· At Home At Clint» Cliutini, Oct. 20.—Rev. Η· Ε Tripp, king an e*feeni«<l mcniber ο n 't.e North Carolina .Methodirt y frrenee, di«0 hero at noon todaj J Thr 1hiH;J vtlll fx-cur ni Trcnta ' nt tliroe o'clock Sunday aftenv** He w:·.* η native of Beaufort »«v \va* te^of of the Melhoditt ctturC liere twenty yearn ago. The <·« rca«"<l had lived he* nine* hi* π tlr^iiient from regular work in tli riHiiitfy- tie ««· *eventy ihrt *· year* old am! leave* a widow an »rqi «laughter, Mr*. J. C. HnilWk' I" of Giîiton. I ». H one hee collected a nonnd < 1- honey, it would travel 43/76 mifc r· together -nfflcient nrcrtr, «y· C ] I» Sam', *peciali»t hi heekrepmg f< »- He State Coflrfje and Departmei of Agriculture BANK BUILDING IS SOU) TO S. ISAACS Local Building furtrh·— d By Goldsboro CUiin For *ι·,οοο The eale o( the Slate Haiilc Λ Trust Company buildinu, un Eau ilrnad street in Dunn, to Solly 1 viae? of (V>!d»boro for S180UC Λ ».< confirmed Saturday by Jud^t Frank A. Daniels. The sale was m.vle liy former-Con|frc»Mnan, II !.. Godwin, receiver for the de fttiHi tank. which failed lad Mardi, though it had «ο he coo nrmrd by the courts. The building was first *old a few weei:« ago to Stein Brother* of Fay etteville, their bid being $16.000, a* announced in The Dispatch at thr time. The l»d wa» raised, however, by Mr. Isaac* and hi» bid wa» ap proved by the court- Mr. Isaacs i« a brother of Mn. Ellia Goldstein of Dunn. It ha* not been learned Ui wliar u*e he will put thr building which he has acquired. It it mm! thai Ijmgley'· barber thop ha» ι l»a*e on one-half of the building which will be in force for two yean, while the part used by the bank be fore it· door» were doted ia vacant, Thr sale of the building to Mr Isaac» did not include the banking fixture» and these win be sold at an early ilate. according to Mr. Cod win Captain Rïtter Killed By A Blow On Head Oct. 17—Qapteln Jo R It tar, ci ad oc lor ot· the KaruWjt and C«abartaad mixed train that ram batwean Cimaivn ud tteConnaJI died 1ι> Sanfan» ko«iW ytarittj from the «taeta of a Mow oq 4m >e*d Inflicted by Ken ma Shappand. c*tor« <lr«—π ο btfca same traie? TKa injury aatunad at Qaafd! BJttar apokr to flhoppard (kad^ lectin* Mr *ra»jL The D«c*a earned the Cf^akt flbd picked f»«fi.l«ia an emergency iftHw pirfai»ad t> an «Voit to are hi» life Th« May er wma quickly apprrebawdad aad ear itod to Raleigh (or wf« tfeptng V] Sheriff K. O. Fry, Mtera ha wiH b< kept ur.tn he la tried. There it considerable feeling ore. the matter, but no trovMo it non expected. Oaptaln Hitter la aarvfeed by hi wilt, three email children, ^e< ' father. A. W. Sitter, of Carter» ΜΛ and tare brothers and Are «lataι». Hm fanerai and Interment wfH be holj in Carthage tomorrow at X p. at. Thomas Prttman Will Succeed Kerr Αι Jndg« Thoinas M. rSttman,woU-knowr and prominent njcnibcr of the Hen derson bar, and a leading figure ή the North Carblrna bar, will sue ceed John H. Kerr as judge of tl* Superior court in the third judicia I district. Governor Cameron M or rinon announced Friday. The Governor stated that h would appoint Mr. Prttman as «101 a* judge Kerr, recently nominate· as Democratic chndidate for Con grew in "the second Congresskma district, resign*· Mr. Pittman ha< the endornement of the entire h· of Vance county, it is taid. Buggy Demolished By Car Saturday Night w. W. Mcl-amb and Ε. T. Lc. ' had a close call about 9 o'clock Sat ; urrf»y night when a buggy In whki ! they were riding was «track by ί Dodge car occupied hv John Can • tiady nnd Buddie Smith, both ο John «ton county. The Lmggy wa ! cnmpkrtety dcmoKkhed, both Mi Mcl.amb and Mr· Le^rere «light); hurt when hurled from the bogg and the male which they were dm ing wa» alio «lightly hart. 1 Ylie accident occurred on th Duke-Henton highway, about tire > and a half mile· north of Dnnr f Doth the buggy ami the antoartobil - were going in the «amc direction a» • I** buffv waa «truck m the reai t Tt ha* not bee* learned whethr Can nady nr Smith wai driving the cat I but warrant* have been iaaued fc ■ both and forwarded to th· Johnito - county officer» for their arreM • Mrs. Rachel Patterson, j Of Duke, Died Sonda; Mra- Rachel Κ Patter*», age about SS years, died Sunday at M home In Duke, following as extern f ed iûneia. Deceaned i* «unrhred t ■ «everal children The funeral wi „ conducted today from AiitW* ,r I HafKid rhurch, near Joneafcorn, ar it1 interment waa made in the dmn cemetery. # I, SHOT M'LEOD Halt LEFT Ntf· Coeviet >W KNEE ΟI Fratcbt PUm 0> Eut Jane* MeAr . ihrough the lift I broken Wow I •Vcl^od, local ι 3 JO oVlock The shooting Π road street liad been ptacad ι minute» before ι • «tunmnf blow i broke to and Μι* α one taki^ cfe McArdnir^.·" conrirt in ~ tjr chain «erve foit\ Of Trie ι Cut Air O· ι D· Took το. tua» sImm I the les bono by Μ Η· 1 «henff, about afternoon on R»M negro who ' irrni a few Mr. Melxod ι «toinach and fuxd to hal: •hot» onK an eacape-l erUnd cuti η 'two years to frd^tt ear* ternoofi, ly m nation followed Arthur i»»e 'X aped.··' > Ofki - ι arrested o> Rowland on McArthur cut tlx air freight an ■« [Saturday af 1t*»n Midden »l pa*»enget ι anal were Mc who Smith r«* third «» i, turned ore·· Started t« when be er«. fleeing negro· negro struck the officer a itujifksig blow, accord ing to hy·^ndcnJ and then made hit dash tor liberty A short wliili after he was shot the negro wan taken to the Pittipan hospital, Fay· ctteviOe, where he if now under (ttarrt. When arrested McArthiu had a large knife open in hii pneke), according to chief of Police land He gave his name to the officer* as Clarence Jackson and his home sa Selina. However, after he wi< carried to Fayettrrille it develops-: that be was an escaped convict frorr Cumberland county. The other ne ?row has been m the local jail ?inri Saturday- He is charged with l*v kofaf. Cutting the air on a moving trail is very dangerous and a wTeci which was narrowly averted hen at the time befell the same train l< fore it reached Fayetteville. Th. of the negroes resulted in a brok en wheel and as a result the car wi derailed near Beard station- As on ly raie car was derailed the damage wa* only slight, thmigh through th act of the hoboes the lives of sev eral people were endangered, a we*s as mnch propeiiy- Had th train jumped the track' at the thru and place it was stopped many inno cent people who bad gathered «bon the local A.CL passeneer statioi tram woul) Dépwty Sheriff Kyle Matthew »s*i*cd ofSeert Rowland and Mc l*eod in mundiaR up the two ne (roe· and he and Chief Rnwlan; | «ere in purtnit of the one wh.> e* i caped when the rfiootioff took plact Talc· 31 Cwta From Th· Farmer's DoOai Only about a third of the prie consumera pay for agricultural pro « dorta goea to Hit producer, accord s m ι to Sen· tort Brookhart, (Ta. . and Cafjper, (Kan*.) who are Re > pnMkaaa. I "Here (in the United State*) ι ·, farmer pu only 34 cent· oat of et . cry dollar the cenaumer apendi fo , farm pfodncta," wrote Senator Cap r per In reaponaa to·a niir«tirmi«ir , «'ihmhted to hia by B. P. Yoalctm who was gatherinc atatittie* on th "ft? treat* and caniNnci whii fot the PordoeyMcCuniber proI teera' tariff paaaed in order to it ereaae their mooopoilttic 'Crtntn χ and their profit* fare moeh hetti I, than the (armer. Thia Republic· y law gtoea to «fecial interest an n\ λ portttahy to add dutie* to proft h and tlnmc tncraaae the cost of IV d Imt Mi the United State· by $4.00C h mono a year. Hera ara a few of the dut» % Voted To SHERIFF NOW HAS 1923 TAX BOOB Tun To Mm Collectai la Harnett Cmmtf Total $3ffO)421f TT Have .vou paid your 1923 State and comity taxe*? Very few have, bnt Sheriff J. \Y· McArtan i· nov, reatl> ami anxion* to receipt you for whatever the amount may hap pen to I* The Harriett county tax Iwoks fcr the year «err turn pleted Friday t»y County Auditor D. 1*. McUonaW and Saturday were turned over to the "hieii sheriff" /or collection Taxe· to be collect ·<} in Hantent this year total S3f0,42O /Λ, whirh i.« an increase of erotiod $25,000 r vcr P22. Sheriff AicXrtan t»as in l'html Saturday afternoon and liniujh·. alone the hooln for AvcraJxir·· townfhip. He reported collections Saturday a· very satisfactory. The lxK)k» for this tov.-nahp will be at the sheriff ( office in lite munici|mt building again Saturday of thia. week. The «heriff will bejon hi* annual tax-cullegrcing round* nexi week. The fact that cotton it de«nin«hu·» a fuod price, together with a "fair" crop, should make th< payment-of taxes more e*»v for tthe average cttiieu Sheriff McAitan think*. Thi* being tree, he is desirou* that the folk* pay their lanes early. He pointed ont tlw fact (hat the money if needed for operating the schools. Revival Meeting Thk Week At Bote's Creek I»r Ztao Wall of GoMihoto will anaiet l'aj-tor J. Cuaipbdl in s «eric* of meetings, be^ienjf* μ the Ikiic's Crci-k IieptiW church Wed nesday evening, October 24. Ser vice will I* held twice dally. _ I'jKtor Campbell extend* a cord ial invitation to the puWrc to altakl thcae revival nervier*. A «émet·. Λ mrtiet IkAél· * — — » - - - * * - rotr m wetting «P0 Charlotte Firm· Get ' A Big Hotel Contract Payetlcvillc, Oct. I»-—IS»· Char lotte firm· will cenatract the Primer Chartes. bete!, te be cstabliahed by liwain*» sen of thie city, eeeeedlns te liunemnttmcM ancri· by the direc tor* of the hotel conteur alter Wi trom tl contractors were eemMerel. The eppwel—te tMel of |k( twe con tracta let will be $*«0.00·. The J. A. Jo ne* Construction oeay—y ffeta the general contract fee helJdlag At rifkMery iMctait, while <Im Teoaa rj PtajnWrax A Heating Ce. hae the ttneUDf and plaaablng pomtraet. lh J»«e» company'. bid waa $149,000 I while the Toemey irw> teofc the heel Ing contract fer |Μ,1(Φ. The Brown-Harry CeutneliM company, of Gaetenia, wfee roeaoHl] (OBTlctee the new high school fcwOA tag here, wu the neat leweet bMdei ο» the general contact, while Α» Palmei ftptney laanay, ef Charlotte Ml the Reinleke Conetraction com μ any, of Fivyctteville, atoeil next h order. W. L. Leonard, of Fayette ville, and the Balclght Iran Works stood next te the earreeifal Wtle ι «he haettag ceetraet, while Lee· ■rd wu aieo the second leweet hi4dei for the piernbing at the belldiag. α ην cum pan j jininiHV bO ·ι I the hotel eerapleted within It awaah and wiU »Urt ordering material la > merit· tel jr. Willlard O. Roor*. of Chariot* *m) Stile* 8. Dtxdn, of PayottevMi 1 are the architect» of the buildiiH which will be * hanriaooK lUwtar ef the l*t«et Λ-mgt· for «eeUopotHw Mth. Tb«f primacy of agriculture il , North Carolina wu fully denon tinted at tlic State Pair in Kilofl last week. Toiu Tarheel lay· that it ι» bet tcr lo preserve a farm Imildtnf will ι paint than to build a new one a l>re«ent price» of lumber. ι which the profiteer» art permittei - to annex to their price*: Cotta r ie*tiW«. SI cent» on the Hollar ■ woolen clothing and fabric*. S r rent* on the rMlar ; gteMwart, 3 , cent*; aluminum, 45 cent»; cutler] • $1-82; Chinaware, 69 cent·: ο cloth and linoleum, 35 cento, an ι carpet· and rug*, 49 cent*. The· • OPppommhie» '«re being capitalize • by the bene* ci»rie* of them n»W I which are much higher on the avet r a(ft than the ifotie· on agrtcuMnri η product*. Senator Capper, who grieve· (i » pnbfic) about the dirtrem of t> r- farmer pa M* vote to the prof .· teer·' tariff that la reamneiMe ii ' taVing 31 cento from Um vatoe ( « ' the farmer'» dollar. Farm Exhibit» At Gml State Fair1 warn ■>»!< W wirwiiH At (act·; bet, nib · ifli « ft weald W Um. Hm UmlQit aotfia· wc.a lum Haï tm «M 0»# Up «Tcr-iuuiai iW pan· baflt far tkl· cliH u4 » large um aaad «ο Imm tfcr xrtrftew. Ihe •heap mm nn out af haeor btnaw Aay mn Mt gfm K3«r qaartar* and «M dairy éM «M Willi Tka poaltry *>* waa «aid te br the beat r*t bald is tfca Saath. la addltloa ta tha largt ïracmbar of y*«l· Τ «nMm. tfcar* ware bat.Ua». pig WW, deck* and m—o ta tart· warn ban Meat mt Aw vara tno M •trail· to·. <«na taartiaa, Banna*i. Calom fin flulHtwl, ifinMUfi, Dethswi, Wake and Wttw war» M»a< te the tlaa, taaMtag Alaeaadar. Wltaao ta AUiaaaca ιι·ιΙ|. Caiypao ta Mfei. ITairrWv ia Wafca, Kama* toad ta Craraa and Mb Btaar is Haadcraac coamy, tern*eiad far ttt aaanaaafcy ribbon·. Raven tadhrltaal tarn dhplaya vat* wmtm. inttadl·» the »a trUa tram tfca ItaMt aatata af Mr· BdM· VaaJaiMtt lad tfaa OeeoneaH*» fan* MmiHi «a Q«aM Jaiian 8 Apftf trem tta aoaatato* *f w Urn Wirtt Γ·ι ·Βμ ImM ike h»r ♦teatawal —ra. tan. a»4 ft* ιΜιιι iMikf ciepa of th« •tat· wii —>—4 im Ivp iMÉbwi In tin |inri agriealuaral <i|irt· may Have to five fiard and Mint oar •elve» «ul wear old cWr.Kei and work banter with garden, cow, and Ικη* in order to ret down on (taught raton*, bot no matter what it takca, by the help of Almighr God, wc ire going lo do it. ft it worth while to live hard oae yeai in order to five batter and freer in oil imttwe year*."* Amy (aimer who will take thi* pledge and live »)> to it, pot hi* money in a bank and make the ac quaintance of the tanker, ran aoon get in poatlton to borrow at reaaon able rate· of intemt in tin* of real need cnaeead of paying natnous ot m> dbtincuUhM aa ''time pi ice».' An one very thoughtful friend «aV to me a few mouth* ago : "Bank* ara «printing up all o*ei the Sooth. Thev are going to (θ|> ply money at fair ratea U; ever? man of reasonable industry, charac ter, sod thrift. This meant thai only the ahifdeaa, iireapowible, th: unreliabel or diahooeat are going ta be left to buy Mppfiaa at time price» •M.L. -« L» to iMi unreliable dû» i* guin, to be ao great that there will be ix profit in k. even at the exhnrbitani price* char fed Consequently mal banker· are coing to incraaw in tlx South and the nae of «tore credit ù going to decreaae." Thia is indeed a continuation de , voiitly to be wiahed The buainea ι of the merchant in to «ell good·, m/ to flnanceeproduction. Bat the im portant fact for every hone* mi* , H juat thia: If jm bny food· at "lime price·" nowaday·, you pm yourself in the claaa of "extra ha* ardous" ri«ks aloof with the «ft leu and the diihooe·*. A· an Hon eat. rrliable man you wil have fc , pay for the heavy lowes me tin* t merchant Mlfcri from the di*hon _ ^ 11 La μ Γ>·η πι ion ufircinitwf— ι ne ' rofin , »ive Fanner. ' — » - r> .· I nil mei ι rnionert Feemp· Fran Ml Kintvm, Oct. 21.—Thirteen m { fro prisoner* escaped from the Le ι noir county jail this evening just he t fore dark. None of them hail beei I apprehended at ten o'clock tonight . Bloodhound· lost the trail i* th . main thorough fare of the city. Sev ] aral were ander chafct gang «aMenc aa and were to have been taken t n the road Monday· ψ P*cipc wfcs slide tiy ;· kola through a brick wall and e3n f blaHllU» tO let the prisoner· drvw if from the arcond floor. Other prfi OmcTV| mcvorai •evermt wrmr πΜπ SPURNED BY WIFE IE DRINKS POISON * P*lMr CM· SiKty Day· Ob ■aad. f— PmIm Wortb I— CfciJi ΙΙίχΙι P«nt.*Vi. MU R. Κ JV j^fgf uxr. tried lure tor jmuVkil; worthies* check*. itteiwned to cftrn mil Mtiride bjr <lritil;k»i{ w»ix- *nr< iof arid it»·', hcinre )* won »·η «ι ■ -tnmf t «uick umtn/il alicftt**! ,a\ «1 liiai lie jp** Ό the cjntuv ίκ-Ι fwr <50 ♦!■>·» b>*l h* 10W police Ibt! he continue hi* effort» to kill .?/< ItinMelf unttf he «vrc*e<1», a* Us , "ί& "cannot liw without" the bride «■ho h«H dciertrd biui -.'T*.n (Uvmv erit» of h» cmatalx-M' lîc admitted hi* intih. aUo(\a>s \f«. l'aimer hvn at] Mtunc. tic Mid ι hut he loved Miu Mack' <h»· ISO·. l'.n««toO pri. ulvr·.* he nur ried. Utt hod iwm told that alu would maiT> none i JÎur than a ricn ma»- The»», he >a<U. lie derided |r>^ Hy-*x l-Iuff. It· pretended trat he hi·» wraith; aw! in liviop u|· ui Λ» ckam save her fcnd l.cr j arcnl check ι for ,-<« Mdcr«Mi auooNlx. She ilri-j-ited here Λτ SJOJ «*.1 drew tnirm il fceocetiily, lu tenti fied. "Do not often ·νΛι"1 after trial. 1Î jon do >ου win te maty," be vrato upon ^letter he gut lier iu court thi« morning- ΤΙ»· letter wan not pobSahed, hut Mm. Palmer Mid Ik- : -f tobl her m it tint be had imbibe! the poisun with xuici<1*1 pttrpOMiU i le asked tile «wort to lie 1 en teal υπ I Mai and after 1«e «η» «eoteaced h. tough* to (rl hu bride to «peak to him. bat die nrftiMtl The Chaiyr ipiM Mr*. Palmer waa dinmrned. Later, to the police, T'ahoer At dared, *1 love her. 1 caoaot bv . widwat bar. 1 hi >o crtodnal. My folk* on good folk*, and I nev vifCCOfDOff). At Cat, Palmer refuted the min ktnùm* Of the phyaiciao who Mjofht to relieve ban of the aelf adminiatercd potion. He did not explain when; he arenrad the acid. He offered no «Vfenre nor extenuat ing fact except the love be profeaacd for the girl be deceived. To Unveil Confederate Shaft At Holly Sprine» By ifmét a Bakiicfa. Oct. H. HaHy Bariaqi. in Waif county. wUI altaill the ■» rcilirc af a Confederate an ι τ a· ι rt aa Qereber t> that contain» perto*a ottar tuuiianat hi toe atato. The rematati th« ««ik »f yean far Cel.. Β. α Alford, Hollr vetefW, thiough who«e «ffarte the giaatai Mara af arracal hundred 4»Ομβ hi won rwetTMl. In trtfe« af Ma monunwut, Col on*! AHWdealdi "Thto moifnwri to the knt me in the «tau m H cmtuM the wm of Confodorato aoMltia m* Mr refimoaU ·*< comjej.1·· of M . And it ta atoo a Mead*) of fat'wr ul wn, loatodn I af anr mm or m« of CoafeJ who «m la the wort I "Offtctoly, the mnohM to a Me morial to the MA NftoMk M» torn a. Vance, wheoa MBt to oa tko waa Λ· ftntootoaoi HW Wff *ar* the MUi eeghsoat mUiihI tfcaa i«r legtoaeat ia «he ooatk I* die war bafogit Mm rtftiaom we laado of dHTtmrwt NoptntM arottatad (tarn ton to *o Tiwiti Uaa, oil of aw |NttIy Mtieatad la tkto A »«ed «-leaner will ■ yield* and pay · profit far the in veetmeirf. \Vkh cotton alone it wiG rrmovt (ram 10 to 20 p«irni of untoinMe mn<I, Sod* br. R. Y. Winter* of the State Îdkgt ttaff. The cooperative kraut factory in Watauga county ha· already maa· ' ufartun l about AO tuna of kraut to date. Couatv Agent kkn B. Stwlt «ar» the tndu«»ry nit fcrinj from «36.000 to ttofiOO of MM money into the coenty. ·' , in the colored «actio* of the Jal.

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