f Br Wade Lucas* » On!*, Ow. 22.—Mr*- J I». P»t low« <Hcd her* Sunday at he J: oik· on South Park strevt from cw|4inV(j)b el >1Ucm<-« hwcjlir M i$ a.-'ltnta ind cancer. Deoea- - td vrv "mi ixr tiftr-tUrd year, an.l M letn a rtddent of Duke i«»« ;·ι·: r* lir.n ifteeai vwur* tier hu>· V-nt «PH .Vxy.it a year ago while tVry v.c.e ;i>i:i< in ('rerasboro, and »f:»' hil> dra'h Mr*. Ihiltrrson n*»v «1 !··ϊ·ί1ΐ t« Ottke. She lea ret fiv ; Λν :,·!»>»-* and iwo toirt to moor* lit.- Imenmitt >.» h. 1 '■ nvdr. in ihc tainilv hurial plut M Aatiocli rhurch. neai Tue*«l»J BWilTlillR. Λ ten-day/ revival heyan at lh.· local r.i;i! -·. church last Sundav eveeinjj. which promises to be oi rt imcre?t to local foflc. Rev. Γ. Η Well. oi it for· darting it· T!ie Kally Hay excrcii** held la** 5uiwtay mnminjf at rtte local Pre* In tenait Snaday school drew the itryest attendance iu the history oi the school. R. L Godwin, of Dunn, addressed the congregation on th ii'any heucfit» V> be derived foroi .'ttendinç Suitday .vhoul rv^rwlarl· Mr. f todwin |wid a «piendid compli nteut to (he superintendent of th. I<x~il -diw!. C. P. H>rfc.->. «t'uv; that be first started to Sitntlay KhtxA in Lhimi. «kit» Mr. 1Π.4.·. was superintendent of the Drtnn •«cHonl. arxt tfcat Mr. Hicks more l'on auvçTK: c!« tmd iuywml him ·.■ «h die "Vat of attending Sunday school. -An offering was collecte>t f(.r the Bvnâry «thon· exien*iim work of (lie Southern Presbyterian coitrvh. W. Α. Κ ruin, jr.. wa« host to the overseer* of the mil! Saturday afteruon st a very delictoc* bar Vci;e -crevd down on the hank of the Cat* P·**" "ver· Κ ν err </ver *rrr f»re«et»l tqovled a very delight fnl afternoon. T>r William P. Hok rrrunn· ! ?.ito^dar from Philadelphia. Pa. wbei* he attended a %crie< of *ur*i cn! Wtnrw* at Jefferson Medical Whool. Rev. Χ. M. McDonald and faml ly scent Suwlay in Kayetterik wi«h relatives. Mb* LmiK Geddie and Mary ".«rrett. student» at Carolina collegc. Moxtcin. spent Sunday here \riHi Mis Geddie'a parents. E. C. Geddie and children *f>cni the weak-end in Fayetteville wit!· Mr* Geddie, who is in a hospital I here. Mr. GcJdie say» thai * frs. "Geddie will be able to return hom? Wednesday or Thursday of this week. ' Mr*. Suift Hooper and «ni». I Charles and Rohert, and Mr». Roi· I inson Freeman, of Wlnslon-Salem. I tin-til MtMl il*y* here tast wee^i »iih Mr. Mtl Mr», K· Tl. Bo»t. J· Mr· am) Nlr«. C. 11. lîrnlfrrj .m l| itr. and llr*. ΓηηΙ; I.. \Vil«n),i I spent i^undax at llilbloni »iih Μ i . J s lurcnts J llr. and Mr*. H- \V. l:yer«. <·ί[ Uhewlle. Ala., have '·>■■ ιί.«·>· κλικ· on Mai» >treet here. ··'r { Oyer» i* onmecitd with !>.« «if*»-- - : Iwce of Ihr F.rwiu Colt·"' .Nov ' C* Hai»N arc licîag fonnuL. wd lu r ! tiir a httf cclifnation υ»· AcnKti· ' η·ν. Cole Κ. #·ιηικ·:1 ! Slate Adittsnt nf (lie Air-trun "« J j «il! malt.- lin: ;i«idtc*» ··' tlk I day. A more ruiupk'tu I will he aitmmnced later a* '.h«* ]>L>\ ' matconKr*. God Advice i —— i '<> the ιιπιγ:ι;<· ment «»f Ifnruett'· Fair it; «ni _lli Micces» of thî« year'» ev|«*ti·*· T1 "WgjyeM rm' he*i rvcr" ir. !Ό·Ι "·, no 1er tu r.inelicr "l>i;y:e>l ηι°«ί \·»· in IW4 t.e^'* ait p»'i imi-rivr '· the ·βηη to rnake l'anu;! iwii : »afe f OC »>fricit!l!hT.—ll.irti» Cottnlv \cw* Brad ley-Harmon IVuir'* Creek, CVI. 2!>— Λ rctr.r ringe" of wnle-rprcarl inlerc»t w « - that of Mis·. Josephine ι (laughter of Mr. λ\Α Mrs. V*. Γ liantton, of I5nci'« f'rtv1,, :un! !';ι'ΐ· iSraifley. of Kiplinr. which |.m\· ρ la ce al the h«nne oi (bc bn«!c S· m·· itay afierMion. Rev. \. Λ. Cmnii-; hell, pastor ni the I wi«le, norfnrmit) the ceremony. The bride wort· t satin crepc <lre«< with *ray h.·»·, glove* ami shoe* t The young couple lw\ <· a fc«·-: friends throughout ihc Stale .·· whom their marriage will lie *-.ir ; prise and of interrst. I Neboe, 9-ycar-c>M of Mi tad Mr*. Julius M. I.cc. Kid lu« l«-f· arm broken just below the vil»λ ihi» momitlg wl>cn he was thrown down wlii'e playnv: with other hr>\ at vlion!. Î One «ay oi improving fniniin.; in North Cnrolina is to iltinV nve.· what you have iecti at tlie in'' ** 'hi. NOBODY TO CLAIM UNKNOWN PERSON Victim Of Fatal Auto Accident At M»xtoa Still Un· λιavtiit!. θα. 11 Fotir <s <v uinh* a young man or youth Ι····!· .ν i.elr.nginj» (n a neffro ten· uul : ··<» ι'ίώίΐΙ out of town hl-xk'l , >ï iT.Vv tlcviîle. and when about '.ι* ··.*?-< Ifvsivl the rnrfiiratc Hsis ·!· '-f ΐ!·ΐ· left '». th« cur was »eei> to • I.» t'l? ri'Jit, then violrn* i\ ··. ilh: Icii. mvrv·* a ilitch .\n«j •sir.· intt'.i·. W imisst·* nisÎH·! in gi .ί· r.iil lui! EVEN ISOLATED FARMS MAY HAVE ELECTRICfP KUctncaj «aetDMra 4*clar« that a* Bom·, ao matter bow tar raanavaf trot· o.lln. DNd h. wlthoat tk« etwrj brlghtnaaa and the dacoratlr· tear· oc aiactnc light* la alt placaa «bora a pubiic alllUy llghtlag ai4 power coaapaay haa tta ftaaa al liaaa ailiatoa wire*. tha hooaa alaplj mla' U> be proptrlr wired irarn hrv.iaea thai ara I*·la 1*4 ara la mny place· laafllllg IMl m •Wctrlc light and jt'X plaata. Tkw< axa tntlrely wit eaatalaai. A —all ■aaoliac eat in· furnish·· power far·· electric generator «hick prodac·· Lba elaclrlc crtrrjj aol oaly far llghtlBf the boaac. but for ruaalag a pomp far tba «ster ara ten «ad povar tar ataj of tba Tarn each'.Dc. Thaaa 'arm light and power aata ut M com para tlralr k lea pi· that eaaca ara oa T«N at «ban «a·— bare roa than and tak·· ear· af tbaa «ttbout aislataaca By meaaa al th«m. electricity cas M brMftl lato ur hare· thai ta «al ef raacb of lha liaoa of (ha aUatrta lie b t u< power cam pan I·· Elect*· Whip—«or Mm KltaH*n Tba electric whip haa ihj arrivai. Calm youraelt—uua laa't a rafianaaat w rhn rod that meat be uted It lha cal! d la am ·« ba «polled. It'· aa au brater. molar drtvan. and II*· Old la ha caimhic of Uiaia· the wllfaat acta, areui. bailer or drvsaln*. t'.v.lVi·: .Ί-ι· intmiment* to tic i-.-v.-l of :ιν·) uhn ran, for ilttm ι·ϊλ c* ..tr.nî : ΐικ-ιΐ who jrive nu ο (lu: weliaie nf irmiitt^ {jcr.crtitions. •i i.··* " ■ "I ■ ι É II, ν /VI. .J, l-Vj ! Mr too lieaw l<> I .· ·■·■'' Irtvii the form «>[ ;'r i I \»1io U·ν sttlt. either ^tmiiu-v... I.'1 · ; itl «mtrij;bt. 'Ibc ν: * :i · jr.i«Ucd tor l>cl|> hut 1«.-ί·ιο ,'-r! , J coi : VI be obtained lire b'afcî '·» \ iii'an in*ta»i the whulc c.>r I abkuc, making a writable ft'.· : · i oxer and anjuint Η κ.· ptuMinu· f η of Ihc Wry. "Πιο fire h;«l cnttsninvd .-«I! t' . . corribu.«libl9 yarn of the c:ir a< vc Λ* lhe jfaioiinc bctnri' means rf ex lingui-Jiii»; Hie β;:»*» wçie *wm ; ed. All lli.it remained «.·»> ll·: (twisted .uid uartied rod» and lur« I oi tlie car aiu) t'»e *!m<»«t omM'incd ■charred -cnwiiK of tlie yiiulhfii! ! driver. a horrible fjicClaclr. Wa^ l'e white. wis lie Indian, or \va« lie lilnck? 'Π* condition of tin· h<w|i Appreciated U <· hasten to voice nui ilvep i)tu pa thy to Pmthcr l'ope upon I he low of hi* jiniiny pi|*. Vocation of -pirit in* ν he ho aWr to bear vs<lh that humility unbecoming a ne«« pa;icr niai May tire wivtched ml· I bcr prove too weak α -peci-nen m I inhale the aroina ·—Harnett Conn ι ty N'ews. r -ν • ».» Mich ;·.λ none cou M tell ; how ,·\cr. the iWlor* w Iiu examined llie .U -c.'l ιΚ;ι» lie won while, so lib >. ·■·».· > ».ο·ν iMcrcil in I\a stride '.'«ιΚ'Μ,ί, î'.il v\hi> is ho? Is then· mit a -nil iyùkmiiiî from fcwnewhere*' Mavl« ι lie «avivant )outh was try in« to icacli Ihmik u lien ihe car was taken. Mavl« be «a* in <le*pcra linn tryiiijj to inch a sick wife or ι hiUl. There i> no human beinij. hut has love·] <>o IVrliap* liU mother"» iitCK, «a.< jmlnrvd lo him llii* Saturday ni;;l»l and he was try ing 1o ι eccli her 1«îIm<1<.· l\v S« inlay Sumclmdy'* son or b"sl>nnd or brother is huried in Ttaslside Cem« tcrv and |ierhai>s hcarlt are «ai! in»; his return. Who know » wh'i it i»;" lie was lo\ed hv Will if r\rr 1*· Vn«i\«i.? M.i\l>e not. Woman Sue· Ho«t For Hurt· On A Joy Ride Orcensbore, Oet. 18—Walter Vo»· laf, of HiirK Point, little thoojjht W January CI. wh*n he h«d «« hi< event? In hi? oar Mm. R. CI. Bay* arxl h*'· il&ughtar, of Bo en» V«tu, V·., Uior. they would b« suing him «ο mo day, but that ύ lM» it turned out. T»lr.> ι Μη. Buys *nt*rr<l *uil in Ciuiltvi i; Super Kir court fer tlO.UOU tlxmiv*;»·*, rîaimlnir Wiu foully vttjurr<l bo CklUC oi CA1»I«» «!>·! I*cidr«i. >ll V. i. on tic part ol Vcirtal U i» u]U-ç*d in tf'.o lompl ilnl tbi· [ Mr*. Day* uod J>*r tlitUKht<r *ι·κ riilinjr with V«4tal wh«n <ι«> ran into ι (rUpl*.on>- ujle, whiU <l»*»vn>fr at 9 l.i ^«ια» ni te wf nwril, tho plain ••Τ " ι itiil V»# Itc'u;* brokru· <n*r fa-ar iinr '.#·· :^· br;uu -a oi ih* în ?tt. î:M, .Au I b,-.. * * a vi-r» *ulTr.eul, nnrt Il rit lurth*r. W*|i l«»l billi aii'l lUcsM· • il .11hr <-τρι*ι·#·»» HOW MUCH WOOD WOULD A WOODCHUCK CHUCK IF A WOODCHUCK WOULD C;.:UCK WOOD? I'm no voodchui I, but I'll chuck α cord of wood oxer in your yard for $5.00 If You Live In Ihinu · D. R. LEE i, N. C. —R. F. D. No. 1 "This Is A Studebs âcesr Year" If. From I W*rain«! Twm Pmrli ir The Talking™ Wly. Hat· Studebake For »- _ " Shidtt 7«30 to Know* «,30 ~ All! j V *-■*.' ·. · - " ■ * ^ Will Entertain You at Smith & McKay'» C;».rai;e, Friday - Saturday October : : 26 And 27 I Performance· Afternoon and Evening = IT HEARS AND TALKS. SINGS. PLAYS fyJUSIC. ANSWERS QUESTIONS IN THE HUMAN VOICE! EVERYBODY WELCOME! . . - ITS FREE Be present; Me if you can dia cover how i| if dorn-t And tlon't be afraid to bring your car along. * Smith & McKay w** · » MONEY TO LOAN Farmers needing long time loans to be closed immediately. See me before Novem ber let, 1923. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Attorney ίfirm ο/ hbrarrf The cit Er I ynds ti/λ ttpnio'us <? comfortable q> lighting icitn EDSSOH ΛΑ ZM ιαιάm *'■■■ I JO Carolina Power & Light Co. ATTEND THE AUCTION SALES IN AND NEAR DUNN, TUEiiAY, OCT. 30ÎH. 10:30 A. M. J. A. BAGGETT HOME PLACE On Old Dunn-CUiilon Highway, 10 Milm Dunn. 20 Mile·.* Clinton. Subdivided Into Small Farm* T<nw; 1-3 uik, balance 1, 2 and 3 year» 2:30 P. M. M. L JACKSON ùÔlaE PLACE Or Juncttboro llo&d, «djoinirvr Dunn. Sub· divided into I-om mid Small Arrange Tract*. M. L. Jackson Tin and Plumbing Shop On Edgerton Street in Dunn Sale Conducted By ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO., Agent. The Ntm That Juttifiei Your Confidence Office*: Petersburg, Va-, *nd Wiiiiton-SïVm, Ν. C. WATCH FOR BIG AD FRIDAY We Are Now In Our NEW ST AND ARE READY TO TAKE CARE OF THE THRONGS OF SHOPPERS WITH THE SAME COUR TEOUS TREATMENT THAT HAS MARKED THE FLEISHMAN STORES FOR THE PAST TWENTY TWO YEARS. OUR BUYERS ARE CONSTANTLY ON THE NORTHERN MARKETS READY TO GRASP ALL THE NEW CREATIONS AS THEY ARE PRO DUCED, AND AT PRICES AS LOW AS MERCHAN DISE OF THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE HAD.

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