_the DUNN dispatch m VOLUME X. ' ' .1 , — > '.·.·:» «=*=_- - ,, -, PUXW. WORTH CAMUIU. TODAY, OCT. X. IU3. Τ ' ■■■ 'J J» » 11 — ——— t Nukncuk. -jl < I 4.. .· . Hijhl.·.' Up·;:, K: Ml Γ.1 \ .·«· :. • lAV *λ ; .· " : . ! · mo; u· . .. . , , · Cî i-'N, . ··· .*1·.·..' fmni \\hei«;c «lu· ΐι*..<«! ·■·*.'? %τ;· » 2.ill in !ί:«ιιΐ'·:ΐ ι*»·»·ιιΐ». ··' \wiii . hi . •eMl. ι:κι . ·. = ' I. . ' ·: »'<· Γ·,η·ν·. Μ. nc1 . ·· ! ' ii : ifjv'.ii·., .;».k ·* ' · ι · I: cnSin ι » Υ· ι ·· ν· ι·" · f ·: ·. «>/ .··»: 1« /·*■» ·ι« ·Ι μ ι . · · ι ! : f η>·ιριΐ»1 ι>ι .:·.··' .»··.· »·ι ai.· ζ λ|«· 1·4Μΐ· ;··κ! \' χ ΓΚο ;.· I r\l· «•«Ι limn C»· · : »%·*·· l· .·» t·' r.c \ ;Κ·., 1 y . ..·*Ι \ ι .* :i { % . L it ·ι:. γ.1 ·!. Γ- · ι \ÎUl1 î* - ί t · " Ο ·» · ι . llU/.ll.l»,·1 I · '.'»· · . · , in" h· « · tlilllc !l0 1* .1· . > · ΥΙ^Ι'.Ί. il· Ihçi,' . ·»■ ; .. : ··, · . I.· Πι ···.»'. ··-, ·.· j«>iii !·#· · ;·..··.' · î i» ^ « j .-i .· li *···:.* -*··· : î ·· . . .'«*·.1 -.1 ··,.·. -· · . ·' ';·'<» il) · » IJc "*«:.· · ι·.·1·; riiiild ι» . » · · I' r· Ter ι ot »v lî···.· · ·.'· ··.··' ivr. ι!ιηι ..·.·) · t ί '· ·ν·! Ι»Μ· (l)iMr · - V. ■ . . i |· ' « •«it. .. Il >ιm*,| υ . |·. •Λ |·'Κ · ·Ι" \ !. V* ■ 1* !.|· · · ···.,, '·■· · ■ . · \'. f ι ■··..' |tv? " ί>·.·ίιΐ ' : : :· '· , ίίί^.ι !Λί ' *■ *. νίΐ; ~ «PtJ Λ i t- -. \\"'·' ■ »··;·* '.<··. ; Mr Γί.ίπ·.;·· . : ν. \ «t. ν':·> and Sn-ι 1. !·' ; ■ !· ' !' h'..V·' piper ol l!:« Π.>ί . . ··.!«. Mr. τ-.lfî», «>: Ι'Μι.ι ·γ· .. ; !>>!ν «ailing tile ·!Τ1]\ It" Ο , f |! ν'·: of thf Hiyh'i.vl :!ι·«. Γ;;·'·ι. 11!*:"*, .<!■>' yiii<lr· a,„; ,|i,i .,|t j,;. r | . n :iW the ocr-tttiou ι -ne ι» 1 c r. >λ·.ι· Ikiv·' not μΚ· I · 1 or'iïrl, Imt lj"l ail 11· · r r ; . V» · · | 'WlT. tirfon· t: ki*: . ι l· i*·. ,·ι ,K IWVrvMH» of h'»lo.> î:i l I to thf»»·' jWWi! feiviaf. «n*e<i A . ··«»·« I ( ΙΛ^Μ *.· 1 · ·' · ' * * fi Vf il·*.· Tu ft > * :ι «.crthv iV.oc.'■'■■-·> if '■'·*· High land r!'<■-«toi'' ».c«l f'ic · i! c ·. Mr | J A \VwH:er. a ^τ·ιγ>'! «Vf ynih· mull, one *tcX* i»ri1» Γ r.'·' ; l' t* lw»l"ri' count' ν M lirl:.»··!: ci xi» - vir «ere jo'-in-fl !'r. '. Vtrf. *vcH vcfswl i'ï Se j'tMt i 'ft·· ·■ a'··' of Inid'r! ,«r». a rep svu·.* .· ·.·' one of tho ιι!ι1«' .-vt'. · ! îι..;><*■.ι · nb'e familirv ϊ·» \».r 'ι C· ' ·· .\1 we weir m-rι·· ίΐ <· ·■ γ. · ' the | MactlonVil ι remarkeî '."· · h- »· --.t.t the »iv.t ν ;·■■ ■- ■, i.-. i t-· | visit '·>!· "r.r'y j -rv<. It ν·:·* .· V:»v; ·λή·. I".v tnl iotss'jottri'.ey. Iwl 'û'c 't «'«r ·'tt-r· noon »vc nrrîvctl :>l ti> Γ* ; '· '·· OçtiiUt-r Min ν !<:''fc'ir. Ικ·" ί i!i «cçtcn v.<v>iH : ni· iKi'i-f ι · 1 hiisheil, «vc the v't'.jV'· · ' the pine* and tl'f r.'rt'V ; <■' ι'··· ■ ·ι· ttii4l leaves. -4: v.· i !; *:*. i-.^-nh.rj hr« v.ir \Vf ν : ·ι ' ·; h.':· . of th.· ίο.t-ι ; ih. h..ι., m ιίι· ί>·π the «Itc; .· ·..· · ;j .·! . : ! ι . ;r.;r· ahlc Wrrî·. '■ lu; luwnr.f; 'Ί majfiilU- !·,·.«·. :. ·Ι ι'ί·η<υ>* ι!··';· V.'OOlJ* Stlrt! tl'jW »'t !··'·.;. · ill Λ pi'ofil&ion < i »η'ιΐ fl .·.··'.■ I ■·: ly and fr:i£Tn:-r«· I ! ι'γ ι··· Uc!*· neath. T.ip \c.\ ·.·. .··.··.··.J·. :tlv/Ve tV 'U'k <··■<;.·. '·'!·.· f ■ *.w··. of r.rariy eiit . ·* : "·ι| .> ! : !ϊ οι* time Itr.d l^ekV. ! ··■ ■ *ι·Ι Mont·: μ.ιγ'.μ}, ι.M l»y xidc. (lu.· Iil-.mlik· p;fiViv \ι»; .1 . th.· |iif*n·. if. · I :.·'■·. Γ·.' .re'i ej hi and In v. il'· .1 .· λ ' .111*1 over I. Ν ; · <1 ««iu f util the plaintive ν·.·!»·:' r (e I ΐίν'ιΗτκϊ lament. S tind'n;· Ik it··. 5 i'-cr·»: >UH! ly gravis. vet? lit.: hi' at :l«nis or* two lieini-j'hm tr.>e ρϊ·ι«!λ Τ1ι~ njit'ufc !V· ··« '··:■··.· tl r l I'-os" v\"lt«i ilevtw'vu f ·«»!· it1?'! r.t'il V . '*1· «11 1»>πι in the ' !i· hVuvV '-.'t 1 iiij· f>l<l Ο'.ΙλΙόϊ;» t.. !ιλ'% iη-of |.· :· ne». verîd, f; i!, t| -,\ι| \r. ij;*til i;i*n the hearts of their»1«τς:!ΐ1 ni», n<-.\t to the iove of ifcvtr ·«m cr.ioiy, .< never <l*:"c 'L*vnli( · for «ôe j.nvl I.f thrir fa*'"rr«—-«ν Sr'-thnd t*· yond the > ·»·!π*Ι. rl'îôf of Λ Clan C.-rrvon, f.cî hi. 1 rrpre ventr-tiveA of Ihc Vc'liirwii ;ιγηι other iliitt?. γ;ο»μ1 ϊ·ι 'fvcietilir»! memory i*otoi !■' iit'l" <ne* wH.>·/ mortal rt-rtnins hr/ï rww^ftl \»itf thr.t dust. fnrt of r ntnthor, the ν·<»· man w-liose memory '.v»*Vle*ltne<| t« beeinne and hr»* fcce<»i:e dearer If the heart·» of Sooiclfnen of t1;< world than any worian«of " fiy rriei or cltmc. We thought of Vfor- A!r»edonM« not a* *lie fnti* have *p|tcarotf it Iter youth ar·) l>;">ut'.·, ·■· 1κ·ν ho·,m irarrotiiHjed by ίπ'··<ΐϋ mwI ei"ct«< by friemWiip ; not »λ η dit in· vow· WtllM vr' li IV. risled he life aid Wverlv Ιο ηΐ«* tin· vnforti· nn»r nwrlf·: l> t "* »'«■ *'ood the.c mwili the rair>^ <jn'. her tttt li«< |>r««*ed, we thont^it 01 Iter ·« ô'sclicr U Arretted ι C'r» Charge Of Ar*oc I ■■ ■ ι \'<-Ιιιι>ιΙ>ιι». tVu.. t Id. 22.—-1. H ! I l:.r:, »;uliei »f three rliiMicn wbi ··. .«· Iinivl lu ilcilli in .1 fin· a : ι I i.iiio ί·ι i'hmni.\ C'iCy, ALl "I· fl'c ni(Hil ··( (ViiÀcr 1J .ΐί·;χΜ«·<Ι 5ν·ηιΙ*> niglu ani $»';· ■«' wi'h .vjoit. The «ιιη ι iii.«.V i.jiOii ι·.<itii-t of l.ei I " <· i\. .authorities f*; t ai x. ÎK'ii lir nlight | .·! ί;«<·Ί « UtiClin \ imm, lia. train j i ;uVir.ui»"ie<| |iy ,\1 r* Hart II Κ in.iile ro «Mlciiion, hut a hroth < ι·1". .1 \. Mari, <it liiicti» Vista, rte ι«.·Ι Hurt innocent. .'lurviti. 14. Dorothy, '), and El .·.·. fljr·. 7, ucre the children wh< ί ·*»c«l in 1·Κ lire. , &MM CHEAPER THAN DYNAMITE t» L'eiajj Distributed By War Department At $10 Hundred Lb». 11. Λ Kum, vounty form «limon on who wû* in Dunn W*«l *· " ··.!>·. a~k»«il Thf Dirtp<ilc>i to v.:St £ vil & toi, αιι tfxploMvu now b*· -c «lit: ibiitnl by the U. S. War TV ··>..»,!. jlUrt at good at <ljn»a •»i i.· f»r Mirtiux itompe* at*l cost* . .Iv CiJjoiit urp-U»i»*l a# mttrh. THIj • >;»ic-iv<- 'a ucinir dutributod throat Ν ou·.-.y atrcnO In car toaJ lot*, x .4.1 tin» to tà« car. It cjui br- ile '\-mv.I "·η Jtunn In car h>ta at $10 p« ι-owmLj. Mr IilRt atatod A number of «onntjr »*enl« ha»* \-eotily tested th» u( of 8»daU>t in •uw tf.· iiji *tump* anii «H report th»! i. »>.rb Xfry satUXarlory. Mr •Jrttt» thr importance ol frwinf latJi frj.t. «lomt», mil U)k h· will b« eiTi-eîl to »<«>[ Harnett formera in ivc-ι ϊ··ζ t>»C material Any who are i( »hnul<l communicate with Sir. E'tfrc at L:lUn*ton. I'uMluj amt plowing under cotton •I ilka «arty it alio being a, yrd by til· î«Mit I» a mean· o^^Umpinj out Hi: y#nr'f boll werigA. " · . . v . » , · . — -L .->-«* iir:.i^T if ι ι I |·ι~~^«τ If ι «-K^· ΤτΛΛ ')i" v.'tfu man, wfffTi' at her intently. He held t s'.itlcnnR knife iri his liand. "Have \.λι no heart?" *he asked in low. tvett tones· "Xo.** he <tu*led. "ΊΊκιι yivc me ten cent*' worth '·( li%« r." '•:. i.n-l>ri)ken mother, as she beheld .;;r lxlovcd offspring lowered in '••/title coffins into u foreign soil, I it ίο remain until the last trump bill sound. wlicn sJie Will be réunit .ν! villi tVni. although »ο far sej>ar in death. It wae easy to imag ine thnf the fjttipMthies of her 'Ή-l.t.nl friends were extended to !:.·· ii' su fur a.» their stem nature» ιι !<J jh-nnit. and maybe, ι m that .-·! <;->>·, the little m'ninds were cov :rttl «iili forest flowers, but it i« i-ii|.iiilwitile that there wh a man •.ι <*.·*,' the'e to speak words of ■. tisoljttion to the bereaved hearts ".r instill Ικι|κ into the anguished <iul that there would 1* a rctink/n « ill ι thr little ones in that great day vltr»' <Icai1i shall he swallowed up ii victory .mil, jm reliance, the only •iwiiv there w.l* the chanting of • <>itx* fi-alm of r>avid, which wmift -■cl u tli the ι (niching of the pines iiui l!ie srnii/·. ,.f the hiril* Snre H <»· ili ii ilav (he heart of the moth '.· r list have ha<l its fill of Wtter j nci ·· ; inr frotti tlic ifrnc of her chitdluMv! and youth, separated by il':.™'· vaincs» iro»η kindred and Hi* i1<, -iWix»st on tlie border» of /••iliitation LI rave however ntus-. «ΐκ; have l.(reii to take cheer, to toil on mid Iry to untangle ibe my «let r<>ii> i* el> which had enmeshed her iWe and which had drawn her, sr«? ftrii, !i> this, tlie rnd of her jonr icv. 'or it wii> frotn here slie re 'traced her wandering··, (o einhati f.ir her old home. kuving behind .v. hi r lo\ed ones and all the birtei !V:«i"eclKi«is of her American to ;«/«trn. 'J'lte last notes of the l»g ]λρ. led died the evening «had ι '.v* ivere 'cnythriiuiK ; we were fai f njn home, au<l were turning to de port, when raie of the ladie* of 0* party placed upon one of the grave, "<hn| a handful of wild flower» whid liad he*η hnriedly pothered, a *»nal liitroi of repird. hut large evident. ni llatî deep « ell springs of affee lion »n every Scottish heart (o Flora Munlonald, nod all that he nerv art! memory recall*. r.KHJnjr adieu to the hallowei «.pot, we departed, and the plac I which knew ns but a abort while wil ι '.timr wrnt of u« no more forevei On-kneii »oon fell, ami 1 know tha ! ». here we had latehr stood the ikuIV ' tuff fox ;ind timM doe wiM shortl t·:»··. and nrwvhe the spirit of he » ho Vuid loved end k>«t would hove . ι a; nund and follow with her hen* I diction her departed friends· » FayetteviUe, N. C. MAYOR GILLETTE WELL KNOWN HEM I Waa Natira Of Stmpton Co» ty And A Coenm unity Builder I Ex-Mayor Β. T. KHIette of Wllao» ' who died Thuratay of Utat week, wai wcU and fuvonMy known her·. H« a native of Sampaon, being a *on of Uv late Mr. and Mrs. L. D, Kitlette wsA hi« lather erected e«rveral of Dunn'm ft rat store building· Ex-M»ywr Κ LU acte w Himaotf a baiMing contractor and had the con tract for crocting the now Carolina Telephone building, now undo* con struction on Wat Cumberland etreet. However, the work on the local build ing haa been under the aepervia'.on of hi« aon, E. F. KllicUe, Jr. Deceuaod waa SI) yean of age and had acrved aa alderman and mayor of Wilaon for a number of terwta. Beautiful tribute to the life of Mr. Killctte was paid by the WBaon Times. He ow deacr*ed in The Time· aUry u a man of BU|r aptei·· did qualities and that paper atate> that perharp· no man ever lied in Wilaon who contributed more to the com munity or garee a Life more unself ish or intMtd servie». lit- waa loved and admired for hta rugfel Ko neat y, hi» aincerity of purpoae. Ut frankness and hi· (Wrotion to duty «< he aaw A. Daeeaoad waa u loyal member of thr methodiat church, the Odd Fellow» and the Junior Order. He is «arriv ed by hi· mother. Ma wife and throe children. Thieve* Steal Many Overcoat· From N. C. Conference Members Winston-Salem, Oct. 22.—Mr. Hugti C. Chatham, chairman of thi Roarrl of Stewards. «rent liefore the Western \. C. Methodist cunfer ma today and dated that a number nf overcoat# had been stolen from the «church during the conference wuim, and askad for Ûm&Mage of relaying each mtmbaa buring session at least a do ten have been stolen. One of the minis ter* found hi· m a pawn (hop and had to pay $5 to get it back- Anoth - cr one discovered a colora! man wearing hit. The uefrn hud bough: it from a white man. It seemed to be an organised gang for the per pose of entering the church and se lecting coats and walking away with [them. Cape Fear Fair Gets A way To A Good Start Ffc)rettcviIlo, Oct. ti—Λκ Caps Frar fair get away to a ipxxl start today, with clear rides and with goo.1 wrsthrr promlssd for *»· remainder of the wrci. Officials of tb« US· elation announced «bat owiag ta tSe rain artileh znarrsd the opening à»y yaatenlay, the fair will b· «ontinra« I through Saturday, with all exhibits In plate and all attraction· in fut ■wins, including th· rdgHtty irrwirii display. Today'· Icaturs was the big street ptndfl. The Fort Bragg bar.d h«ad •d t*M- procession, fallowed by tht pretty fir) manfenla, a nombor of decorative and advarliaii* floata, a dt taehmtnrl from Fan Bran marchtnf nrkh maaaod colon of all Oceania*tion· of the (Mat artillery port; a batter; of the famoaa 76· fron* tho axoad flelrt artiUery, and a nurr&er of dec orative and wymbolle float*, areeral of thaae bain* from Tort Brae* A wall executed artillery drill was (Wm try Cha hone aitUcrymci. on the grooada at 1 do o'clock. I Keep· Both Money And Liquor Handy Hiffi Point, Oct. 14.—When a dep «ty riurtf amiM Frank Lattice on Mr farm flw mJlaa from thla dtj lata today. foOowtac th» diacoverv •f Un (altor« of moenahina on Uii property. Letbco Mod a «pad· to <li| op (WO hi U< yard wtth which to nako hia appaaraaao bond. Quickly Convict Negro At Bakmvflks Will Die In Electric Chaii Johnson City, Tene., Oct. 22 — I Information received here frn· ί Hakeraville, Κ C. it that John Gen I * negro, tried today for a* attaci . upon Mil. Mack Aemi, a whib r woman, at Spnicc Fioe, late in Sep ■ tember, wii fonnd (uiky and »t r immediately aenteaced to doth m r the electric chair. Jndge Fmlry Ax r ing the date of hit execution a - November 30th. The Jonr delfher a ted only Ave minute* before rend erfng a vcrdkt· WILL DEDICATE BENSON CHURCH 0 B«1— gwAjmri— Ckarct WUI Βί Dwlieaud Sun day At 11 A. M. Ban···. Ort II.—There will fee a ded ict&arj wrvic· fcaU In the Bkomi Preabytertan Jn* next 8uikU> ■noraii* at 11 Altk. A very «ml lad invitation a Sstendrd to all. Fci loviif M the pQMTuft: Pmlip. Prayer of Ir.rocatlon. by Rer. Λ. O. Keller. Hymn. , Duet, by Μη, X. M. Hall ami Mn N. A. SUlUoe." - Scripture Raatfiaf ο > Prayer, by ka l M. Halt ' Solo, by Kn.f N. HaJl. Offert** £ Hletory at by Dr. W. T. Martin. Hy»a. Sermon, by In. W. T. Martin. Hywm. .·. Serum, by 4·* W. C. Brown. Dedicatory .Mer, by *v. Α. H M<*J«aei>. Te Hymn. JJ Prayer aad >H^lcilnn, by He* Charlie JoViajon, UNDERWOOD-FIRES HIS fIRST SALVO V mm HU Cifppalp For D*-| "ecrMie . PuiMwli·! , NoûljiN fa T·»· 1 Noaeona, TrtJOrt t«.—ftonater Oatir W. Undajboad, of formally eampaJp. fcr^· Democratic Piiyirl··! nominal*»· h«re thta ι chance ta jHwι a man eerrjr I South ι if «ha kltt ι ic North mm jroa ta «un : c. IJaTT^èï» . _ ■atian to the cnavontton pUctf*·! lot ■solfier Southern man, bet let himi be a Soathern bas.". From the platform of hi* Uein hen he taid: "1 tare torn* ta uk aomethinr ai roa; I hit· led the Démocratie partr in both Houn of Con*ma for year*, last SoothtM mai·, brad and born. W« an approaching the time when the Democratic parly meat name tlx man to carry Hi b»»»«r Is the Mil elee· tior It ha* bets eighty ^arc since 9>« South cittM the banner of dcaro erary. H ha« beao •lei»')' ΤΜλ riac* the Sooth tleciad a Pniident of ttie Ukitad State·." The Senator t*ft the train, which brought him (rom Deniaon. At al! ■tope crowd· met the fain and tlic Senator exchanged greeting* kWi tHoae at the nation». HU only apaoeh between Dcaiwn and Wichita Faits tru a brief «Κ at tfiie tewii. Granville Man Shot To Death By Nephew Oxford, Oct. 22.—A shutting af fray took place |wo miles frien Ox ford on the Oak Hill road <ni Sun· da> afternoofl. when Ham SI iiiph· tcr was shot 1»y his nephew. Ed. Uoltena. Slaughter wax fired upon several timet, dying instantly and Roljerts ran off. escaping in the woods. Vigorous search is being made for Robert*, who wa« infitr rated on account of nine cunnwtion with the dead nan's danjfhtrr. f Wage Increase· On A. G L. Announce*'. Chicago, Oct. 22.—The Atlantic Coast Line today anno uii red through the United Railroad Ijibo,· Hoard increases approxinuitcl·· $371,000 a vcar for einpk»>i·* in the si top craft* departments. minv hering 6,350 The increase* art three cents an hour for mrch.imcj, two rents for apprentices and wv cent for helpers Increase* ο» ten cenia an hour were annarmeed in a conMnvnicv tion to the board from the Port land (Maine) terminal railway company for employe» in the ruai discharging plants. Roth incrc**» are effective u of October IS. Moeeelraith Killed, Frank Hick· Arretted Mount Airy, Oct 20—Mo«e« ι Smith, white, aged about 45? w:t< killed near Combstown atwim a .nRt ι from town after 12 JO today Fiant ι Hicks, white, aged ahotit 35. is ac ■ eased of the trilling end is «ide, I arrest A thirty-two calibre pisio ■ waa thelweapon oaed and l>oih n«e» - Were supposed to be drinkinK. Hick or as drunk when arrested. TO CLEAR CLOUD ON PENSION LISTS Allwgwd That Fraud Km Bmd Practiced Ob Stat· la Many Cm— 'it now »w»r| that ϋι· canplaiati of Simipaon roonty cKlaont Uut tkm In· boon lrr*tfmlaritio«a la nnadir paynwnu ju tfcat county wera wall founded. An invaitigatlon M by D. Π. Lm tu ttartod tcvaial wa#ka iro and wai token «ρ by Jodga Hen ry A. Grady, of Clinton. The fallow ing «tory rrlatW» to th· in»e«ti*atlefi now undar way firnn yeatartey'j Kalrifti XfW ami Obarrvar will bo of lfit»rMC ta Ûfcpalrh ruade»: "Kim ποτ© tor a clearing up af lutuurc'i; InPtuMr/tj·» in tha paneiofc paymonU of (}■· State h> wbich pao rio'K. in ζ tionlxt of evmlin of the Slat*, inctuilir.c Hampton, ha»» bean p*;«J to vcrtotana lou* nine* drad, wn Uki-n yoW'Hajr arban Jutlft ' Bcary A. (imly, of Clinton, railed upon tha Btal-· AU'litnt to fariiUh the yewtm li>-tr from January 1, 1»1β to tha pwa riit βιΛ tlx- State Tr*a»ury to fur i»hM tlu pr.'H penion warranta fo thi raro» per-od. "λ wUU»'. Attorney General, Κrun* K-»H yuftvr.Uy gave an opinion op en wlileh th« State Trraoaror will t«M I.U :rfuikl to allow 4b· paid priteloo wutiant» te l»a*«t his office. Thvse pape,·, according ta tfthfc At toiiMy General'* office, '»ni rateable dorwmcwta of aft. eaaoafjTe dtpmt mrnta aad h womld A *UM|iifl/> mi.ifcioj» (· allow Una ni of thé kecpiaf of the départaient. "Tin work «f certifying the pea «ion liati of the «tlM'^fCM^IriU' eoqal recule «MIHhuI wotk, μνΑ inc lo State Aa<Utor Buffer Dwifc—» who iliM yesterday. that ke'tfl send the- Uata to Ctorto* either today or Mwrnv. Tbe ink' of fa%tfhC rtitMled capita of tko'n^h« a» vm r.unu when the right ^o pnriaa had expired in ti»e Heath of the prin cipal " Half Million Nuroci Hare Migrated From State· in The South Washington, Oct. 24.—A stady of the northwest migration of loaUiein r,r pro·», made by the Department of Labor, indicate» that 478,700 negroes left Southern S'Jive* in the year end ing Sp^tr»V-r I. Thr (IçaTes were oonpiled from State, municipal and industrial totirrea. The mig ration ι frotn States were aa follows: From A'.ah una. 90,000; Florida,90,000: llisaisrippl, 82,000; Georgia, 120.600; V.«*iiua 10.000; North Carolina, tf. 000; Snath Carolina, 85,000; Looi»· | χι·, ΙΛ,ΟΟ·; Tennessee, 10,000; Ar k-ansas, 5,000; Kcntaclcy, 5,000; Te*· τλ, 2 nnd Oklahoma, 1.000. Senit'ncrn Observers bar* adriaed -Jw Labor Department that during the winrUr mont'i», Id theit opinion, largo number*· would rrtom tu the South. High Point School Man Is Discharged High Point. Oct. 24 —W. M. Marr. -u| enntend<!nt of the schools t;f this city, was discharged by a intprinic itere late today after he 1«i* sioo*'. prdiiriinary trial on the rh.ii^e of manslaughter brouglit in connection with the recent killing «f little MeUane Matthew* at James wnvn bv the school man's atrtomu· liile. The solicitor οί the district at tended the hearing at the request of Mr. Marr who wanted a thor ough invutliuation 1»ot there wm no a-gumcm of enusel after tlte evi· dcnce «»< given. One witne** es limnted that Mr. Marr was drivinK at a rate of 30 miles jti«t liefore the arid nit. Ixit wrml other» te«tif««| llntt liis speed was les·· Two Bum To Death In Guilford County (îm.*rwhoro, Oct. Z3 —VAn Reerc '«ntr year-old daughter of Mr». Cammic Keece, of Revolution Milk village, died today front bums re ceived while playing annind th* room by Ixrsclf with cloth she had ignited al the fireplace. The mother wa* in w*ither room prntrlnf Iht men! and was herself boely Uimed abotit the hand· in extinguishing tl»e fire, having rushed in -when the child bc„nn screaming. , „] It wits th« secrmd death here from fire in 24 h«*irs, Mr*, j. S. UrAd anw aged 56, having been bnnit tu ι death in the vard of her home, vi here she had gone seeking kelp in putting out blaiing clothing. With-A Fia» Of $60 iVreeuabarq, Oct. ZX—FoUovrâL reopening pf caaca here ia mui«cii»< court today again»» Harry lta)ne, Waynra ville traveling man. charged with aiaaidt upon a yoong «ansae. Kutfa Harris, · fine of 850. was im |>oaed and the ίΐ« dnacdr l'aynt «it arretted a month agti'wiih the w uian in -h»* -ι.οοι al a bote) here, charged uiiii a«wck»ng her, aurt thinga looked daih tor .a whik. The woman i« held at N<*fo"fc oe chargea oi viotatioti of the Mann while «lav· lorA fifteen year old citl »a« * iib hrr. it ip «aid, and that rc]*>r( reaching here i* Μίμ poaeil lo hare had eiect m lighten ing (he charge* apitw Piroc. LAW VIOLATORS PAY HEAVY FINESI l'rnc» totaling |W5 » ere.ini|o»pJ upon the Mramy-onc 4efei«fcjil» who faced Recorder! M- X) trrpt jan at yeaterday'» xa«cti" uf llr.· oca! recorder*» court. TheJir.ivieM inc impfKcd trj* jJO, white jW V»*· ta» wait ΙΛ Tkn«et m wert^ r 'June jfeucomr. negro, transit*, tie whUkev ; M*\ 'S25 tod ' fcd*ar Wood, lnvine whiitcy it, ÛK.poMeMioo aed tT*n*ponirt\f η SSO andcn*t~ I Prank Sparc, negro, dniak ; fin id (10 and çptt. - JTil. McNeil rhile undepflfe «liiience o{ wSi wy: fined *» and «i«t. JcPQB* and Oliver Walter*. „ Chrm Cole, negro, n««auH uinmi . A. Trodove; bed $10 and coat. Henry Morgan, transporting an·' eing drunk and disorderly ; fined 25 and coal. Waab Graddv. negro: fined S25 rid nut. A. D. Moore, drunk; nol guihy LiUie Seaberry, nearest, a-tault rpor R»by Winden. another ne ires» ; fined 810 and eo.4 Currie Smith, neçro. drunk : fiiKt) •10 and con. Malt William* negro, drunk and livjrdeHy : fined S25 and cosi. M. IJ. Thornton, drunk and di*· >rderfy ; sentenced to AO day* on th*. oad, tlie sentence »u*peix"led ιτροιι nyinent of tlie cost George Smith, negro, exceeding ipeed limit whfc a delivery trnck: udgment <nupended upon p^vtnen >f covt. Herbert Smith, negro, h- -Imifr sentenced to 30 day» on tbe ruad· Smith wa« held under a |200 lwn(* Tor Ins appearance a» a materia' state'» witn«M in the case of lame; klcArthur, the negro Mho *»>· «hoi ty Deputy H. H· Mcl.eod on Ear Broad street lact Saturday Mr·. G. R. Baggvtt Died Yesterday A. M. Mr*. G. X. BanoU. a wcfl-knowr ind highly eatcmod Sampeon ount ronu, dicnl yaetorday mon.ii* at I o'clock at her home ta lUajro town· •hip. Deeaaaeil Had been in HI t.*alth for (Mr· than a year ami K<r <i*ata araa not aaospaMad. She I· aui*i*«-l by her haahanil and one «hiM, b-ddet nameroua other relative·. Mr, Ban lot waa abovt B2 year* ok) and wa» a loyal notnbor of Mlr«o Baptiai ■tank. The fanerai «ai cor.daatod from the homo thU afternoon at S o'clock and Iniornaant «aa maria tn tt* tuni fy baryla* plot, near d»e Bajor*U boa·. No Third Partv For Henry Ford Planned Detroit, Mleb., Oct U.—Mwl u. form a third party, tat ta detfcie ■/· ·« the boat βμμι of aaaartn» Hoa ry Ford'a aleettoa to tha ProaMor .·> of the TTnttod ttataa M tha puryo a of the National Pard-far PvaaUUn· Cor. faionaa ta ba bald at DraxV'iD De. camber it, «roonlta| la tha rtatr aaat today of Jade· *«Hrarrt i. It!· tri—, who |ia»Mi4 at the meat Hit aaHy thia wet* from wbCah the con feronre waa taw*. He—Tf I Mote λ Mm wooht roe *<rrtm for yanr jeraot·* Ska—Not aba yen wanted to kiaa ttM whofe family. I In Third Party Cbk»*». Oct. 2 I I»» thr Uirtjr-flr*? fti iMmt UniU.l tlaiot if «oaritiaiori t m*;vr ja-ny tra' wUi cuiL'u k·»«··! m *-ei^ «mU.* ι l.t'« •MWflu-Uitt :f lit wu «'.Urr thr White Ho«m by « pertjr roatt. Senator RiyeJI linl, .( N(« York. araJU n!jrM oil kii wojr laofcBj·· Cltr iflw ai «**μ6Μ·£·Β βο-jtk end Sooth» tfi. Pviwtor C«|fWt |ηΜ me. ι» aflor U· lva£ 4^hwoâ til not on ioiâ Of tr «««* *«t yji '! ipnâJB ι·..τ»»ίηι on «.I II M *.ti ».-.ritvt CjfriUa»/ 0t* malt. The S».· "So* fl«M| MOtrrf ι hut JrMi J ho^OHjoar'dfct •Wijr fotjr onjtoorto» If* M T>m ivtott ι hit 14 ψΜί-Λ ¥xi) • «•.eaaiwieiatflfc*·'! COfx Wad «k "Μ*· '*Λ·κΒΪφ wilhoortas foui^ki!^'«r-Mt ■ IWriif'4* h-,1 otoAfe * 11> ι ) t1 · Iék -v o raoetiw, ï5 i-er* *> <u taoieàâ «t HI· (H|l "DfMtnï «M M|N» Jeu BOW," k* frit*a. He Jeale4 ûct (kin tu aajr y*B *al roai*er.o* wiih M· rUvt to Do sait. uid nid If h·; (hooghi · chmc J<~n with C<« Ford boon night ka «aittued itou·. Λ he «rouM hart cm «9*4 >iU tçfkJi-K data ther». l'ajr^Ucvnie, Ort. 14. J ι· Awdar »n. wei'-kcown younjr an of βύι 'ltjr. will itund triai at *■*", Vl, [•r UrcCT-.cjr of an autoiaoWU tarai a ai* p ji"«*4oe bcr*. Aotknon wa» ι.τβ»1*ά a* lia rama out af a local ha lt! ι few *iour» afU-r rnrcipt ai a irkujrmm Iran*. Salifai. The car, kirô« the siotor nvimtor af Hm machine taken fnn du VirglaH wiu p*rk< J It trot.: of the hateL It is the riopcrty of trie L«»j Motor »'oTtpi.n>, cf llaLli*, un · Mrtiber ji that Sim wc>K|iuM' the uujltr j-.trrtf *rbi cimc I'M* Ter Amlmn. The tclitrvan vit ««rt M the chief •Λ poLe» of tnia the waioato itoted. bream· (iMp'eion had fin— J71 · yojair aoaii nomad Ar.deram frit· Sail btea iu tfce Viajclniai t««n ®Ho retell that he hod money I» a *j:ik la F:re»îeyûle. Big League Baseball In Stele Next Syiin» Toronto. i.kst. 2Λ.·- The Detroit Tipm ai«! lap Toronto IMentation* al cl··.!/» Imve arranged Λ K'Hi <λ _ tvn «Wbiticn gamei ifitio^lt Χ· rth.nud Swih Carolina at the co-ohV· n of ih«i* trainmj cwio «ciivitk·# nc*l ητιη*. it wm« am* mined l»v LVr llwfcj, mua «r of the Torarto t«w> r.fnrr »· conference *ith Tr ΟΊ#ι, Detroit pilot. 'Die Tigtr» »rr So t*tta it Vligîii t>. Oa·. an«J Toronto M M· tlto One Thousand Textile Worker· Out Of Work iKwtuoWct. κ. L, Ort. *<■ Αφ proxÏBMteir 1.M0 textile u^mhtl mr* trt«l*n net of rm>loj-nwnt to day by the uinoaneed ilWolot. of the Hop WeWklitff cmpiay and Φ* Smith Wehfcine ftmv »· ««**·«> ηπκ-οτ-ο* Λ hoe'. Τ·® of the lot· or» were lai." off IndrilnHely by too Hope feoMJonr and vie remainder Η tt r Smith rrif aaj. ! Wet*·"· ported today raylatao* ι that the >herta«r« of ■ mai Vat to mum* fabric* «ma raa>n-.r?M» for the eorU'iiiMt.t. The Π09* ι nnpaai ) it tiw kt|Mt auifMimr at toe non-o* fobr*e« tr. >h*4e lataM*. am ploytat nomuDy ahoot IJM ·*Λ

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