THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAKOtJjlA, FIVE ACCIDENTS MAR PLEASURE OF WEEK-END RIDERS Three Seriously Injured In Au to Accident* la And Around Duno LIMBS ARE BROKEN AND ONE SKULL FRACTURED S·*»*! People Had Close Cell la Series Of Week-End Acci dent»—Worst Wreck Occur red Ob Dunn-Duke Highway Early Sunday Night When Ford Car Struck Two- Heree Wagon—Several Cars Demo lished. Firs automobile aeeUlaht· in sail iser Dana frosa Saturday noon to rrsterday noon rceuk«ry to thr·*. minor injury lo (our «then, the 4*melishing of four For·! v.01, «ne wagon sad «light damsgr· lo s Nash touring ear. Retford Jackson, s«r driving, when it strvck λ two-now wscon on the Dum-Dukc highway Just bejroml the pav' on West Broad street s bout 15:50 Snnrisy even ing. Jsckson suffers] a broken left snr at th« wrist, the left >i, hi! left knee wu badly hurt Mid h!· skull frartared when the ear turned over twice, righted itself and r*»cr»eil ih courts after striking and ilcmolifci ing the wagon. Jackor lidot nga!» eonaciooaacea until noon yesterday. Frail, Had Ow Call Junius Jackaoa, «bo wai dr print the ear, aaffered «cverm I laceration· and h route· aboat the head and fare, though Hi» injury » not countered aarioaa. T!»a wagon. to whioh two males «M* hitched, waa driven by Waley aOtoti, eoloed, wfc®, Uvea Ave cHdrtn camplaincd of tiring hurt, though their Injury wu only slight. All three win thrown from Che wa llon and had a miraculous · nrapr from death. The wagon waa stiewn for Mme distance alon»? Uio highwuy. though the mules escaped injury. LifbU Were Peer The Port waa headed toward» Duke, while the wa^on w»j headed toward» Dunr. The car apparently «track the left front wheel of the wagon while running at a terrifie speed. W. Β. Jobnaon, who waa walking along tlx· highway Juat in front of the nulei. fell into a canal nearby h> order to ■eve himaeif. Mr. Johnaon and other· who law the ear jut before the aeeW dent state that jt wiu rumine at fait •peed and that the ligbU on It wer poor. The Ford car w»» completely wrecked. A large crowd gathered at the ace ne ·οοη after the accident and the M>e Jackson hoy· were pished to the Dunn hospital for medical at tention. The wagon waa on'Ha right side of the road when struck. SaCen lull» Arm Fred Wilkin» who hre« four mile» east of Dunn, had his left arm bro ken at the efcow about 10 o'clock Saturday night when the Ford ear in which bo was riding turned over twirp on North WUsen avenue. The bone waa ahatUreri and penetrated the akin aad all hia clothing. including in· οι dis (rrmo» u ·.■ theoffct U· arm «truck the rarbln» when h· «M thrown from the ear «ml -unfit underneath it. Jeff Al)**, who Htm In tko Mine Mction, ·κΗ who waa 4rr»i*f *e cur, ncaftii with mi ner tnjary ruariieg la «ο h·»· been tlx cmm «f thU aeeident. H>* w tarrved r> *"»r*r-old daughter * Uta. Van le Motley, wh. Mraa I east of D""« In 8uqp. ■on «**ïï> had har l«» h,, low th· kt** Monter nomine • JO «♦>·" «** fell «·* of · rord traekarfcfte «tiiwir" «keek TVa rear wWel ®f (ha trork paanJ tTn her leg. e*wM»t u* bone Into *tfc. «·,·. 0h« ·»* *w% of ber «Man had too· plrt*» ■» k, W. f. D»**ho« for a ride *· "k·* whet, h· ·*·«·ο|ι than an the read. |„ Mix "·*»οτ Om «afoi»—1»«* ,k«d f.U o«t and ao dor the tw*· waa «kW " Λι Dim >^ltf t Maw Cae ft^lWA,d A NOW ear o*··- ·*< drWea by A®*· A. TanMn«*o*· « Dobe. waa d·*·"** .boot i e'·»·* D. M. Godwin Die· At | Hi» Home In Samp«onj D. M. Godwin, w«ll-U»own fantii ■ w-io Jived ill Mingo Wwnahip, Hemiv ."011 county, .l-Tcl Sum*ay afttrnuoi. ai 12:11 While ed not »» joy ill Jfuoil health for totnti time, hi wua «bit- of thia week. Don't mil* thi· pnportenily to ar^ copies of the most fumous pictarce of the world. Tb. irijrlnala of these pictures eoolri be it-en only by vimtin* the yrvat art Kallcrie» all over thr world Bat in ;*ei».£ thew Kood copies—tome of them wry Unt* - whieh Ae Elaon JomoAnv is len Une ths lixa' aehool. yon Iihvç an opportunity tu study ·η«Ι •pprreiaU these gréai awtf rpieena Al four «'clock oaeh aftcn.oon u Intimtlnc pruffTam will brpmcntcl Uie Mjth achool puptlt h wvi η χ the piograra Wednesday, the ir ram mar (rade· Thurrfajr anf*t in ait among the young people. It h.i* been said that mort than mt in four yeojile annually attenl fairs in the United Slate* What > irreat school the fairs are--for ncn and women, boys and prl/f front cities, village·, and farniv 'lite] air* of cach year offer* new courses [or those who have entered thi* ichool, and graduate courses for J«oae w!k> hare attended before. Ko examination is require*I and every nenibcr of the faculty attends clav« ι*. There i* no other school a>> iemocratic as the fair, and no oth er school teaches to much in so short j space of time. -The Progressive Batorday afternoon wtien it collided with a N'uK ear ο wived by Joahoa Bfa»lry an« Newton Grov· roed. The Ford m knockoil into, or ran into, the fraek, carrying with it four pa*M?n tttn. ThOM in the car with Mr. Ter Ilnflon ware: Mtaeea NaUI« »ηι1 VI >U Harbour *nd Pearl Amino»». AH Ihe lady ptMoftn maaofed to fro· Lh*m»«Hve» from ondernaatk tho car •n »». Haywood Ν» •ia and CemUl Thome. wen α» ^ aongera awl hoth eeraped without In· Inry. Twa OtW Wroaha I. addition «· **· wraev4c, in or •car Den·. ·*· L"*· e·*· wore wrooked daring tka week-and r.oor Alitor and another ran off an ont beàhmeπt at Me*w«n'» bridge, ac cording ta reporta r*W„, Dtan·.1 *<0 partir alar· of thaae accident* ^»a «Ma loomed bora, however. MR. THOMAS ROYAL, GODWIN, IS DEAD End Cum Friday Followini Stroke at Pardyiii—Liv ed Mo^l Life Thorno* Royal, 71 yvan, o'claek fran Blurt.'. Chapel Method!·» chart* by Bcv. a. T. Allât, of Do an, aad in terment waa made in the chorch eam ctery A lama crowd of aonvwiai and relative· attended «he funeral and the fnrra waa cohered wtih beautiful floral «f/eHnp IK teaaed Va» a native of Harnett county, thoaeh he had lived at God win for die pact thirty-Are year·. He wri weH and favorably known throughout thla «octtaa. One iwho 'iad known him all hia life stated 8a t art try that he had heed a model lif*· from h»« youth αρ. Mr. Royal *u a raâlrful ami loyal number of til* Method·»* charch, hanng aerved aa α teward for aeonml twenty-five yearn. Chief Of Police Lentz Find· "Meanest" Men llickory, Nov. t.—Chief of Folic* E. W. Lend, »4io H^Khe XS6 and i» ftve feet nine, it inthontf fat Lie vwrt.011 Liai the nwaimt man In Lh« workl with three other aoch rilMat·* *t*rte thought oat thou lwo uvil deed· and «orne to the con rhuion that the randy might have hart the baby anil that «he dead mai. did not need the penny. Ho when four hoboes riding a wrathoumi freight tnin the othc· Hay hopped off a* the locomattv* ira* puffing op the (rade betareen Co mi rer and Ilaekory, hooked the dia ler paJW of four Motion hands, raught the train again and at* the lurch, the chief »*>· hi* rioobt* war* removed. Theae roan were earning [heir bread in the approved BUSictl manner—and four loafer* and tarai iwiperl the tjnefce* and dinner pail*. No r a acore of Ben and •>oy> valsi.teered to aearch the uaba when it arrived here. But the ha t>oe* had departed. The chief boated avérai button* in dimhtnç onto the Lrain. Awarded $20,600 For Death Of Husband FayetUriMe, Nov. S.—1*· hlggeet judgment »-*er given by a coait in Cuniberlnn.t county waa *eMM t*· Uy whr.n w M Walker, clerk of the Superior Court, handed hU check For 120,600 to thr legal rcpraaamt»· Uvea of. Mr.*. Mtttie Belle Moore, wMow of W. T. Moore, who araa tilled by an Atlantic Coart Una train at Bmithfield in lfttO. Mr* Moore waa awarded a judgment of 120,000 at the second trial of bar ">it against the railroad company far $60.000. The plaintiff wtm non-*art hy Judge W A. Deri η wfceo the ease came up for trial the drat Mme but the Boprease Court reversed the luwer court, anil a retrial va* ha.1 before Jadgri Devin lut February The ea*e wei.t to the Bupfraae Cwort tnin, on appeal of the defendant, bat the Judgment waa affirmed. Mr. Walter Royal Injured By A Knife In A Crowd High Point, Not. 1—Walter Roy ·). former police «oirt Judge km VM painfully injured fey a knife eel admtntateved In a (nit toUwwi crowd on Main WMt laet ι<ΛφΛ. Hm theory wae entertained Diet the lar Jury wee done kf aome peraen wfet eh* léehed a onyful purpoae biea*w of panUmicit meted to h lea whan Ou lawyer wae preeident af the ee*rl The wooed wae on tho wrtat, twf πμμΙμ bain* eerered. rhyaielane fee ! eve »VM Mr. Royal «Il recorer fol aae of hie hand, however. The cat ting w«a done while the etroet w* Jaianil te a·μ—Ι)ι wHh m *a wieldar of the ka/fe ««raped ·ΚΗ en· MAAmilkiii Win In (>r wad* Duke, Nav, in« of tfc· C.p· Τ, I IÉM Ordinal rr««. ! rvorolnirtior. cum at «*· Dak·, after on· of fol jr»tii«rti»e» Mm Mil. The R«r. I •Un county, and tfUtrfM. prMlded D·!·*·*·· frxxe preaent, aloof «M of vaaltora. Tkrm each f>iei«ch I· ifc* 1 win ty-two 9··11·· charokaa lfc· confartne· dak ι 1"β do*· in Hi •a with tb« «μ Th!« corf cm Άμ ft rated far koja at ttia (birch gwril " broacht uiinci GO «Κ. f*., ta ad. H. Κ D. Vara, «rtion *ke car whom it m ubai and fifty doUara identified the Mr M Mi. Ihera h y et no urne· «I tb« oak. NIm b* Uere tftat the ·ι*·ιιι< ton èw«k1 Κ back hua ΜιιιΜ^ fawteg cay turc in the car, yntiln la t*k< hto eiuuMea ra fiMw mr «a tb< train. One armed, It φοαίά fee aaatei to eecapa deteeMea train thai in the car. I"' ■ I Kaplan, who haa hfm anconaeioi* •iace Saturday a* aÉfe, udarveal an. ope rattan-tkU ihafa to ή move a Mood clot «éla M». Ha fan not ivroeer, think. ONE KILLED AND SEVEMUtRED Crowd AHndhf Jk«ila( kl Haw Hrar lb*hto By AWowaUh Driy*» Haw River, New. I·—Mia Ball Rjppy, 1», daughter <4 M. ». Blppy of Haw Hirer, ««a UM, and a«war wgncn, aH of Haw Mm, vara 1» Jnred thka evening ahm an aatea·» bile, rtrl-r*n by a unit) Mia Henry of Winataa 6alam, ayl iinamw fear other nagroaa, ma tat· a «rtrw* af people near Mm I^Ult ahnreb. The crawl waa at » npfw Mai tint by a Mp. lit oar tarae( a ekarp eat» a Juat bat a» a roailm the enW. Three e^ Mm iiagiaai have beea a mated aad are la U« oeuaty jail. 11m 4&m tatapid. Be fere the ear eoaM be Wl||i<, It fai< a telephone poet μβ ,«aether ear Nen« of the gepter

. father U a prominent ma» In «h* aoctien. Tanner and Dowd had BtCexW) the wcddifi* of M tea J alia Baxter 8eot« »»-d 8 to an W. Cranraer, Jr., la llii city and wen going to Fort MRU I. C., to aMoiid a wedding party at thv home of C^t. Elliot Bphngi whoa the a ret· lent ocewrad. I incoln County Fanner 1» Crushed To Dmtki ^ad40 jrMMta, farmer ·{ Han rjr, Uacoln raunty, m almost in ituthr kBled tbb afteraoob «boat i o'clock »hth the car ki waa driv ing turned turtle on the PalVrtm nU about t 1-» m/km mi» et km —4 «ppaiy iiHW.· af lna « uamt («in liiei PajTMW, ilw af Lineal β county J warp aa route ta Hiafcy u tab· horn· I Kn. Goodnight, who waa ken virft iag bar parent·. Mr. aad Mr». K. F.f Leonard aad war· traveling in Pay-1 Mar1· raadater. Only a few arinal before the ihkar (MilfM releas ed Payiear at tba «duel Ouddenlg the car «lipped from or.· aida of Um read to th· other and then to mad tartle landing back aa faor wheels facing Ik· «ame direction. Goodnight'· ill all vu «rwjhad la, the ta rnorer bat be remained und tiie Keeling wheel after the car bad] righted ttaelf. Only Joking, Nothing More, Says Student·! Uahwatjr Boya CaUbeaOa ft Thought To Chapel Bill, Not p.—The 8tadent| Council af tba Oaieanity of North | Carolina, folkrwtng a long mmL U«t algbt and a An* onr t^r. toned a verdict thU afternoon of "Nat gutty" in the mm af the twa ited«nt» allagad to have flogged four The Council found that Uu «Hole affair ra « ynetkil joke, fu yo deretood a sack by to· mojortty oi both perUea eoeoerned, and woo per petrated fey fiwihmen and M frwh mem. O. L. Honey, reporter lor tke Tar Bool, «Mdent eenri-weokly, whtofc •rat printed «ho «tory, Îawl a «M ment dsnlartng ha bad intended the| story be taken >1 amorously. , The hearing* of the touneil werel •Of rot and name· wore not rorooledl cane· of ail parttoo proved, publi cation of SUM· would be a brtert| of ethiee. R. J. Alabaook, of Koanoko Ml, pmljut of Iho council, the follntei stntfcnt: "The itory oantod by the paper* woo baaed ea a story in* la Tbe Tar Heel which lit· ro-l porter aid not Intend to bo tokenI seitouoly. The rtal ml eoutcl ka*| made a of frMhnMM. Both the perpo-l tratore and the M satltd rWthi of | the Jeho I Nod hi «ko an know each eahor w*IL The : of the omo In the heaee were to eat "The atodent oeuneil has owt tot year sadoarored to any man foaad failty of baaing It! baa aad wifl to orery eaee, hee*rrer,| gat the ml facta and will t Mid the truthful Mnctihtiriat - " Hirminfham Afo-HemlA Ν. CRANKS SECOND IN COTTON REPORT Washington, Nov. -Λ dtrnw of 767,000 bah* of l> prOapnetiOt ration crop a* ti/ntninl vMk I ■until ago «Μ tliown ioil*7 hi Iht Department of ifrictiuir·'· fontul at 10.Z46.000 bal»·, b»wd on condi tion· prevailing October St. The re port was tl·· first of ha kind e*ei iMtd In K«rMbii and Had kM •waited with later**! by the eottoa world la rinr of tbo scajcltjr of «Ο*· ton and the tIlr*r*Hy mt opinio· at ta the cuet ilw of this pear*· mp. The forecast was baaed oa the ooa Itoor «4 the crop mm October M. •Neb waa ITJ per cent of a normal, fbiopani «Mb 4·Λ oa fcyUobir t£ ibis year, (M m October 16 last roar aad 43-2 on that date ta 1M1, Indicating a yield U about ltM poaivili per acre. Vwtom Peee..«t. A month ago the forocaat of tba Department of AgHtolwr· liiillio*a< 11,005,000 bale·, based oa fcff ber 24 condition·, while Augoal ft rondition· ioUicatad a crop of 1·/ 7M.OOO bale* and Joly » conrffctoo. brought « forocaat of 11, 61·,OM bale·. Laat year's crop totalled ». 741,(17 bale· and U»t of 1H1 wm 7>61,641 bale·. The tiwsp pro doctio* in the Ave year, 1610 so 1014 was 14466.211 bake and ia tbo An rr»r» 181b «ο 191·, it wii 11,4SI,0*4 baJm. * ___ cm» w· Hm law»» or taat 4êt» ta IT pu vMi tkm aaaopdaa et 1M1. ■nanl aMo rryorUnc the lvrai condition on racofd éwo largely te Um o» «tata· 1 40,000 balca. A boot M ,000 bale* to ati*Uin U California are Mac p*vk ta tawai Oallfomia, old Mode*. Durham Man Killed In AutaMnobfl» Wrack barba». No*. S, ltowiy W. Ma hop, afotl 1·, was teataatly kfllod am ΓτΗ Baa··, SB, ·1 M law], rh, «m «llgktiy Injured VtU*y rv*a>n« «hM an astemeMie il» wkfch they W*M haing tarM4 uut»· oe tke Km Iw arrn mite· from OjtfettJ aad luM la · ditch. BUhoç'» kaad Mnd « tottm» wtiCB ko VU ttojOm fro· Mm autoMokfla, eraaktef tko akaQ Um* m uTOnd ta aa Oxf*H Hoapita) «tMN tfi* injariaa w»n '"ni to W rflfkt. 11m aeeldaat la s» toftutad ta · defective atoailag faa> Λ» y·»»9 maa orare owaen of ι Dariiata >%ι nntia, and Mit WI known In «Ma aaoUoa. Lon Week* Arretted At A Whiskey Still hem Weak·, of Johaatei» eavntjr, »tm bound o»er to the F« Jaial Coart M dey kf V. â Camatatow K. lm a· lit· rhaj*· ai manafaetartnc «ht» koy and harta» «Mihey to kka poo MMlan. Hi* hand mm fhtad M WM in daiaatt *t «»M«k k· «a· r»waiia< to tka Wake eoaaty )aU, Balel*» Weak· «a awwtod raeeatly ky OA can A t. Marna, Κ. β. MaLaad mm h. W. Tut «ttM fm4 «A s «Mil fa tka aroode ftaar*hU kome. Tito atOt. I -p»tr vatfH ai aroaad II |iHt w^Mlty, «w oaptured al tka tfc» Waaka «w arratoad. Tka aCkan kad km atlaM MM for Wooka far mit 4haa a yaai katoac · aa*Ua fer Ma araaat «α ι fmtMi toanM ef dealing to Ufaaa Tka un waa Mt la ijmrttoa wk» *to gattla· ready » aaaka a "τ* RED CROSS ROLL CALL NOV. 11-9 of »n»ll a !>■>!■< *n · day etkMH, food, end Λ»Ι*·Γ. k. U tHjr «r M U lu* h· wm Hewwrer, H ta I «*•1» MU that >ι·1ι mt m «***· »>· *m»* Md M «M· «h· trmi. «m «^rtae a* a, *1* n*> Conducted Friday P. M. TV· tMii> «4 Mm tewWi H. «kM lUatk M 1 «M i«pmM ta ·# her ι ·· W·* NmÔ «MM, riW«7 •t · «Mm*. Tto tarlan chant u4 a* Th nil tiiwn >m: On. P. K»y, J. W. Pw#w, C. J. ■ B. W. toU*. ft. D. Taylor Md Β M. Mhf·. A I tWMlarii to Mr la* ni— pbaa ta · HuAHukFc Ntw Yortc. Ool î^ïZJSTXSt ras-fer·