SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL EDItî^H 42 Pages, 4 THE dun: VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH FITCHETTS DRUG STORE IS AN ASSET TO THIS SECTION Though Young In Year· It Hu Enjoyed A Splendid » Pttroiufc STORrtJF PERFECTED CONTINUOUS GROWTH Owner· Are Experienced In The Drug Butin·»», Are Wide-A wake And Progr·»» nre Community Builders. Branch Store Now In Opera tion At Duke. One of the τ LU! noedt of any com manlty, be it a rillMrc or metropolis, to a well-rtoeksd. dependable pharma cy, and in thlt respect Dunn baa that In the Pltchett dru* itore, which though young In y can, enjoyt the confidence ol the people, not only Dunn, but throughout thu entire Μ« tion. ΤΗΙ» It a drug *torc of perfect ed ar.d complete terrlco. Thto, youngest of Donn'i drag (tores, ni opened en March IB, 1821, and bat been a rteadily growing *oc cet» since Itt .Inception. TV tmiÎTioei It owned and direct ed by Ctrl B. Fltchctt anil C. H Andcreoo. Mr. Fltchett came to Dunn from Duke, though he it origin ally from Gycntboro. He hat had twelve years experience In the drag bualnett and It a registered pharma cist He It a Mason, a Pythian aad an active member of the Baptist church. One who hat known him Intimately for a numbor of years re marked recaatly that he it "Chris tian gentleman," aad what more Maid be said of aay ens? Mr. AMlex aoa became connected with tbit enter pvtolng firm last yaar. He to· it an experienced druggist, having been coaneoUd wtth that line if work for the part twelre yean; He to a Shriaer *cd a «amber of the Pradby terian church. Beth Mr Fitotwtt and employ··*, «hoogfc ab&v· all «la· tfc· accurate compounding ρ«««ίΓΐ|ΐ boot it tli· main «pociality. f Meurt. Fitchett and Andenon rc rtij.Uy took over tho Park κ>Λ» foun tain and dear Kand at Dole·, wticfc ta being conducted M a braach of *bm D«u «tor*. That they -will meet villi tOptm in the new undertake* i* cridtncad by the rapid growth of du toother atore here. Indeed, the Fitchett drug «tor· la «a ai**U to Dun η in the way of complete drug (tor· aarrlca, which meant ao much to the health and life of the citizen» of the town and the earrounding territory. Former Crown Prince Must Stay In Holland Part», Nov. 5.—Premier Poiaeare liai approved a «oggention ot Great Britain that the Allie* make a Joint representation to HoHaad to prevent former Crown Prince Fredrick Wit dam from leaving Holland far Ger may Lord Crowe, the Britlah ambaaea ' dor; eommm.icadid the *ugge*tioi> £*» M. Poincare this afternoon. According to a «ami-official iotuc«, Lord Crewe alao imprcaacd npon M. Poincare the ntceuity of Imtructing all French official* In tho Ehla eland to maintain «trict neutrality toward the Separwtiet*. , Wilmington—Hamilton road pro ject rearing completion L. M. CHAFF IN Mr. Cheffli» H OfcwV »f tho β»»·Κ«τ O*oit »f IUnM«t County. H· > h*« u> «Mil ·ί lUnwtt, a»4 eeeiwU M» o«U· l« « VulM^fc* ·# Β*η M. Brvwer. Aajéatant General Manager Fleiahman'e Dur. η Storr ami a nurànr of the Board of Town CVm nuaatonrra. W.D. HOLLAND IS POPULAR CITIZEN Tin Poatmaater Of Dunn la A Pro|rtMiTi, Patriotic All-Rounid Citizen One of the meat dcecrvadly popu lar nun in Dune I» Poatroaater W. 0. Holland, who ha» toon a citiawn of "the b«at town under the aui." for tha paat 14 rear·. Bcaidae aerrln* the poop la of tha Dunn Dtotrict with their dally uD, Mr. Badaud alao aarrea many of thorn with their dally meal· Howortr, tha gjouaey atore which bean tfce Holland nana ka con· dieted largely by Mta. Holland, w*u> U iom«ti>Mi called "Daaa'e W ■a * grocer· Mr. Holland ha· opamud a è*t caey (tare hare for the pant fifteen yeare, cxceçt tha time ha war away (a the wrdee of Me ceo* try from June 1*1· Ml Jaaaary 191»· He tiOfee charter member* ot of KaUoyl lantry. Η· η service on the Me*J cu bord·» iw several mnKho helcee Uw IMM4 Mates «testa red Mr against Germany. When tive re-or ganisation took pUoe Mr '. Holland wu assirned to coapeny "L", 119 th Infantry, and wu with thU.conMny who η the Thirtieth (division rout oil the Germ in ι la-Bclgnftn. Be enlisted in m araty M a pri vate andawae flat promoted ίο" cor poral, then to sergVanè'en^ when the company dm reorfo-lxed he rank ed M flrat-lieatena/iL "He wae com missioned a* captain m July 1917, and held that rank until he *u hon orably discharged from mttltaiy tar vice on January 1, 1910. In {his connection It might be added "that Mr. Holland volunteered hi· eenricci at the time the United States entered the world conflict, beil% the enly : married man is Dunn who enlisted voluntarily. After his re tarn from the army he again opened a grocery store here. Re -was commissioned postmaster on Jm< n, 1922, and^took chante on Jely It, of tho —tap year His nr viee in the * capacity Asf postmaster has very satisfactory to the patrsa^of the Dane postoffiec. Mr. Rolland I· an active member of the Beitist elfureh, a klfht offelal in tke X. If P. and a progressive eitiarn had boftter for his heeee town, coen ty apdlute. Body of Postmaster Found Lying iif Field South port. Not. ·.—Th· body of PVkaey 8. Hawaa, poeUnaaier of 8u|v Plr. » >illaee 16 milt· brlirw hem. *u found (κ ■ field on tart Friday morning, about ISO yor-U front 1h. road, In which Kit iM »»< afcind'iMt, U·· laeatim bain* renr inothfcr «m*M ptar· «eme rlgtr< milca bcjow Supply. Word «a· bnwgM b| a women living near whrre the me«.> body lay. '. A party wo M m une· anil found tit· body lying tutwrrn bwo potato row», aa< Th· alfM partfao rftvortrfi paaang hl» ea atandiag om the raadaldo w4th lifW bamlnc. TW «Ami.«ko brovffct w*nl *f Ma btfo* 4* Iho uaAr, a»d <*td Sfct lob m ltil knaafced «t hor'ddor ** prarWo·· «« f* Dfar tha do»r, M* tea «ry M. BANK OF HARNETT Α ι FINANCIAL FACTOR; Deposit* In Duka B.tnk Tot*I ' More 1>an A Millie· Dalian A (Winner: ii»Utution whlcj «tand»j oai vt nr. rate: to Uw itovnlopmens I ρ' h contrmιιίι> κηΗ a 1mtor In It· Fiqv.I1! a.id <-yiaut whioîi «Jidlf* It «itij the people. Sat'i nn iiui'tution ia th« Dank of Harriett. at Duko, which hit* (frown from an Intf-tution of relatively mull Importance wbeu created m 1W04 nn tfl today it 'it *—, LHa ta jfcTV.kr arith tk« port ·Γ l«rs *· rtflMtf. β» ara M-atlor ; 8irl* au.1 la Grron» Wflmtac^n. Oier City, 7r* mont ud of Greenrboto, »nd I Raleifh. wrre » ire tod °f tnutWI »f AUcr.Cc to tlkr '.h· pi*ce* who«c tara» have «χ - »-.w -* WW r» IW*« W* Hied. TMJPWUo· rM'iitoil were: '· W/Bin# *o«ky Mouni; W E. S;jbb*. WW"! C. W. H^wirtl. Cin *lea; A. faiwri'Jc: C. V.. CaunoR, Xj4Ar|; j. C. Richard*»., Garnat*, ■··%. REV. AÀiripEN TO BAD CANVASS Lccal Selected Te Lwm| ClpP«i|ah Inter· Rc* A. JUJ^QuXen, pa «tor of U>· Tim* FiMW*"*» drareh, ku keen »1ect»d U*4 the cutm 1er rale ^ FWre MeedaiwM Collage, S*dL#*rtnca, la the 4t*rkt fli!i work jff tak· Mr. MrQitta away from jr *»U«i u p*»tor of tlv» kx-«l ewj* far Mvoitl mor/th* fr-wevwr, Ι|«Α·ώ}ΐη7 wiB »»ml •omebody hi·· *° «apply at til* loe d '· m'i while ^ pcetor la enpfc'' '*> Lb!· outatf* *Ork. T'tai the *··***·« of Ml". MeQocca .0 ,ir" .1 thi* «**»** wa a wlae on··, -ic'.»otly who ¥ "«quAlrtod w»4bthlct '· ive any d^1· The only r»yret of Un· «o'.eeÇ* to««lly ta thr fer J lit-' l Ιί -.till *Ç**Kal« Mr. HrQiiwi '· >··«'«* «way Dunn arV.e b* !a ι" »foH in φ «unpatca Ha «· Γ·γ··«« lu b»*i»*j» wot* in tbe ean V4*»'a| aa « MMbu. The caoee U»e local ralnlatrr vrBl rcpretWyFW mm* worthy on·, N« ι ha collectN?* wHIch th# cairrax I» to be mad·» *·!■* · irreat wer* I· rdoattnc aœna of limited mean·, a* wefl'" thoae whew attni •if nvo'e ^la·*"*!. Meet of Um p·®· Pta «oettoi., eepoclaV ly I'rt.byU»^ »re wqaaltUd with tke treat we* Velnj done at AI» cbar«h coUe·*· ««d ao «MM what thtf caC far ta^preeeatid «1m SOME LEADERS IN THE PROGRESS OF DUNNCOMMUMin 1 Men And Finn* Tkat An Booster* For Dana And Dunn .Dtabrict BELIEVE IN TELLINC WORLD ABOUT DUNN TImm Ar· PwpU Whe Htn The later·»! Of The Hew· Community At Heart Awl Ar· Etw Ready To Back A Profrvuiv· Mormtit — Th«7 Ar· Wldo-A-Waho Build·?». B»»ry tο*». eitjr o« numl eoman* nlty bav K* —■""" ®nd had·! new finmntbat tr< c*or reaiiy to' rtioaldar a fair^ha»· of the «oat U pat orer every public tpmtrrf ar. l pnfnuiv· aevnmmt A ni it la aUe oma need» to the farmer» at wholesale price*. Hudson Electric Company, local distributors far the «ell-known Del co llftiUng «ystcm. Pittrean and Hairr, building con tractera. H. C. Lee, plumbing and baa ting Byrd Brother· and Shaw, baikliag contrario ra. Dun Roofing and Coitifee Com pany, fanerai contractor». Soottorn Gaa and OU Ceepaajr, distributors of fraaoune, oOa and (iwan. Joe'» Place, where hot dogs, «old drink» ami the daily scw^apin ara •eld, D=rui Coca-Cola Bottling Works, mansfsctarvra and bottlers of Coca Cola aiid other fit drinks. J. W Jordaoi. jewakr aad watch maker. K. R. n.oma* Dre* Company, of Duke, which operate» » flraVetoa •'tuj vctti that la a credit to the town In wMrk it Is operated. John W. Hodges, who operate· · modern wjod-worfclag plant. Special eommenicatlon Palmyra Lodge Ho. 147 Tuesday erenlkg. Work '■« the - ΪμΟντίμ ■η is the fart that the local market >1*1 many buyer» al all time» >«4 ccmpetityn κ strong. It W conMcnrtiy expected tiat al least 10,000 bale· of the 19SS cotter, crop «ill be marketed anrt stored in Dam. At tfee prrraJlnjr prion and idvaocci mad· t>y iW Co-eperatir? Maifcetin* Aieictatlon. tail nuim (hat bwmjf (a flowing freely iru thai business generally il food. May Operate Bw Lin· F roes Dean Te Sa&ford It is Jlkaly that a bu» liac wili be established between bnan and Baa ford at an early date. H. L. Wtad ley and R. W. Cameron, bath af Eat.·' ford, spent Wednasdsy here In the interest of the proposed bus serrio'. Ybair ptan is to make tvo laond-tript daily between the two towns, aain; twe cam. . If the servie» te «ut en ose of the ears wtH leave Dunn early hi the morning for Banfonl and re turn la the afternoon, wftClo the oth er wfll laara Sanford for Dunn ia the ηορνίηκ and return in the cfiemocn The distance between tits Wt ts*M ia spproaUssleljr fo-ty-ftve Miles, Dane be'ng ou the rasln lin.· of the Atlantic Coast tJnr ar.d Saw ford on u>« nuun Unroof the B«* board.. Mr. Cameron cmwim a ba lin· balwoan Ba»ford *A QrtMwbor ■ad ·π ho ha* marry inquiries aa to hew one can b^at get from Banfen' lo Dunn. A but Mrvtf· of 4hl» kin<; brtwren Dunn and SinferO woald prare Tory convenient to the traec' in* public. especially traveling *alr> linn, a« tb« railroad connects* U Rat Pa food. FUuiuMn Property k Sold For $10,000 Flftr. )>·». a!a»> Usit* rati, U !on(rtn» '.η Moiri, WMhmi··. front ing on tb<· Da.-in-Bor.rCTi 5ιΗΉ»ί>· ·Λ^ Or»i*rc at *n xtfTt mil Ο anelioa Taoilajr fa* a total at ΛΙΛ,ΟΟ^, ft* »A|r'p»Je«j fvr !at rrngo·- f^i*t ftfl» ; ta lut a».cl Um properly »aa ρ* * •ha··il by MTOfUran différent poodle. TV· Mlr «a· conducted by Wall* £ Gar ley, a1 KlaplA*. and alt 1)»- >