THE DUNN - gBS!geg!;g3BiB!3g^^ NORTH CAJIOUNA, I unt hat a iMUMt FOR TEE ORPHANS P«op!« Am Aaked To Contri bute? On Or Noor Thank*, h-iving Day Thou “rut* o! mrn und women, I buy* a.r.l k-.rle, mark the harvard sea with g'f:« for the fatherless and mothcrln* im«l homeless children in oui Stole. Our Thanksgiving aeason hu* io::»f ha-en rrotable for the out paiuring of momey lo maintain the orphan hunter. that serve our people - that ter*.- them so worthily. Again w- come, n* the year draws to itt clem-. not simply to remind th»i< giver* that another heivcM soaeon is at hand, but hoping. *1*0, to rateb. -h thi. Ireautiful curlom with Ihouw- ■ ’* ..f other,. Who may not have real *-.' rr joy, of ),aring „ trortliy pert in this commendable ■A-orU. Men u« y iti-baU* as to the object 1 of ti<eir tiurity; they will not de- ] bate th. .all of the helplen child. Tlify n.o y i jj. r)Ur*tlon* 0, to this * o- that ,?.<titutiun; ther* in no de- „ 1 . • * vvinvinai' inc oiefMU worx t»mt our institution* are doing tor ciphaied children In Korth Carolina. Tu wety human himit thl» appeal some*— the uppeal of the homeless oml helpl-s. child. It ha* been ever uiu* *‘n«c tiu< gioat heart of tha Lonl end busier icbuktd those who would hinder tho little one* from approaching Ht» loving embrace. The only possible debate is thot touehing ihc amount you will give to ill » a-oithy cauae. The object of Mia m.'Siagc is to lay that before you. with this suggestion: The in e»m* of one day would bn rcaaon obl* By ah meant let your con tribution be of such proportion aa to >htair the joy of fading that you haso done something worthy of your heart. It ia not tbs amount that mcstuies tho value of the gift; H is the relation of tho gift to tha heart of tile giver. Let conscience dictate, and joy will inevitably follow. A gilt for tha care and education ft hdpleos children will moaaura the circumference and also the depth of ;vJ'"' ^Sh^S^^hauH^art you do yourself an Injury, not in the eyes of others, bat in your own o»ti maciou. Men grow from within, not fr«.ni without. Men make thenmelvea ^ big nr litUe by their thoughts and deeds. Take the foil measure of 1 your heart in responding to tho call of the orphan child thia year, and you win be glad; restrict that meas ure and you wiH (ind no joy. It is ( not what olheni think, or aay, or do, chat counts. Hearken to the prompt ings of your own heart I The object of thia appeal ia quite ^ enough In ittelf to enliai the sym- ‘ pathy of a considerate public without J an attempt to excite the emotions of anyone. Each oi« ia asked to con sider the case for himaelf, remember ing always that "It ia more bleated to girc than to receiva." What if your children should some day become orphans? How would you have othera consider them in choir misfoitune? "To othera do as you wouhl that they should do onto you." The fatharlaaa and mother id s children are all around you. They will always be here, and If you do not see them it ia because others have com* ana Into one of tho home# Hated below, and because other* are apaxinf you the pain of thoir p*r»onal appeal. Wo coma to yon In behalf of tha mod pitifully helpleaa of all our p^nple—tha father!caa and mother in'* children. We come to ask you to look upon these little onea, and, meoeurlntc tha circumference and depth of your heart, at pour out a irlft for them that will bo worthy of you; ona that will brlnf to you a sense of duty well dona; one that will lea-ve in the piece of your money a jrreat wealth of joy. Malta yohr offerinf on, or noar, ThankN<teln« D«T direct to the or phansye of yoor choico. The fWt may be tent throufh your ehureh, er your Udfe. You arc aaked to do thle in Ilia name, and "the meawrc ye mete will be meant rod to you ayahs,” Just now tho fromt and ,yruwlof army, marehinf to the tn spiriaf attain* trf "Onward, Cfcrhr Men Boldiera,” anticipating with Joy the opportunity which the eremt of another ThnnksgMnf Day alfoedo U renew tbrdr offerings and food cheat pi ell engaged he tho noMoot of ua rfcrtaklnf* carried on throufh thorn home* and educational inoUbUtlom for tha help of the helpleaa, hid pot join the happy throne. The Income of a day for halpleo children la a fair ottchnnye—joy fo do Hart; Hf* for money. But, nmrtom (Mr, joy !• not to ho purchased; Hf i. not for eulo. They com* frool to nil who meet worthily the demand RED CROSS DRIVE TO BEGIN MONDAY - Chairman Ellie Goldstein Has Appointed Committee To Mako Canvass , On Mon.Uiy and Tuesday of n«*t j wcuk, November ly and 2o, a whlib wind <I>iV( fay Red Cross member ship* will be put o nin Dunn. An ef fo t to at cure 1,000 member* will be made thi* year. Ellis Goldstein, chairman of tbs local chapter, U Hn in* up thr force* for making a can vass of the entire town end these will begin the drive for members Monday. Those who have been asked to as sist In lbs membership campaign arc: Mesdamee R. O Primrose, W. J. Thompson, W. B. Thompson, N. A. Townsend, West Puirlio, I. F. Hicks, R L. Denning, McD. Holliday, H. g. McKay, P. A. Lee. J. IJoyd Wad-^ J. J. Lano, W. D. Holland, Henry 1 Let. Geo. M. Floyd, Emmett Thomp- ’ *«n, T. H. Setison, Cart Barefoot, W. H Jackson, Marvin Wade, Z V. Saioea, T. ff. Bridger, Bertha Patton, B. D. Bunn, W. 8. Snipes, David , I'casuU; Mieses Mery Gladys Judd, Rachel Clifford. Janie tpock, Ethel Erwin, Mabel Lyndi, Leli* Currin, Agnc-M i-annady, Loul** Cox, U» cilr Howard. Ethel Godley, Claudia Jon**. Janie William*, Eleanor Kln rannon, Ruth Taylor. Ailacn Rigby. Maude Dodeon. Blanch* Grantham. Hattie Turner. Myra Olive, Annie I-re Pope. Ur. C. D. ('odrington, colored, ha* been aikrd to head th* campaign for membemhip* among the colored pop ulation. Chairman Goldetein hat alao mailed ■ letter to all the miniaUre in tovra ■ok’ag them to announce the drive »t thotr aenricea Sunday and to lend ibelr eo-operation In the campaign. CRixon* of Dunn hove alwxyi boon loyal to th* Rod Croc*, and in d» of th* great work which th* organon Lion has boon colled upon to do daring the past year at hem# and abroad, no ioubt tho*c making th* momberoblp •+>"'*» will m**t WWl willing re Is Married In Jail Waahington. N. C. Noir. 18.—The ell Hoora of the District of Co lam ia jail awang open for an hoar to ny — long onoagh for Mitt Gladioli “cyton, 18 year old prisoner, to larch to the altar and become the ride of Frederick Ewers. Than they lorcci again, (hatting in the birde nd shutting oat the bridegroom. Mica Peyton, a stenographer, waa seently selffeneed to a year's iss irieeninont tor forgery. Ewart, a a let man to whom her ongagement irevaoaaly had been announced, was rot deterred, and today he went to he jail and obtained pernriaaion to Irive with the young woman to the jorae of a minister, where the cere mony was performed. The bridal jarty then returned to the Jail. of thflr 'hearts; and tliajr came in no utter way—in no otter term* Respectfully, M. L-SHIPMAN, STACEY W. WADK. J. W. BAILBY, A. B. ANDREWS, JAMES B. YOUNG, ANNIE TRAVIS, MARY G. SHOTWELL, Publicity Committee. List of OryUstiM smJ Ssytt. Baptist Orphanage—Bav. M. L Kestor. ThouaarrRIe; Methodist Or flhsnegn Psv A. 8. Baroei. Raleigh; Presbyterian Orphanage - Rev. Jot B. Johnston, Barium Springs; Metho dist Orphanaga—Bar. C. A. Wood Winston-Salem; Thompson Orphan ago—Bar. W. H. Whaolor, Charlotte Methodist Protestant Toma—H A Garrett, High Point; Christian Or phanago—Chas. D. Johnston, Eloi College; Oxford Orphan Asylont R. L. Brown, Oxford; Odd Fallow Home—Chas . H. Warren, Ooidabora Rleida Orphanage—Roe. Lucius 1 Compton. Asheville; Pythian Home C. W. Pond or, Clayton; Children' Home Society—J. J. Phoenix, Ocean, bono^Naaarett Orphan's Home—W I. MeNeiry, Crescent; Faloon Orphar age—J. A. Culbreth, Falcon; Frai W31 Baptist Horae C. O. Paps, Mlc dlosex; Naaareth Orphanaga—Bar. ( A. Woods, Naaareth; Mountain Orpi anaga—B. D. Hedhnger, Balfou Grandfather Orphanage—J. M. H« combo, Banner lb; B. Ana’s Han —Bister Mary Claire, Balmont; Ala awder Hama—Mr*. Bp own MeKa i Cor. See., Charlotte; Mary Lae Hsu - (Colored)—Mary Lae Byerty, D» • baa; Orphan Home (Colored)—tU > W. J. Poindexter, Wtnatan-Balcs r Orphan Hona (Colarod)—Henry i Cheatham, Oxford. Wife Shoots Him F^ Staying Out Nights Bc.ofort, No*. 14.— As a r*«ult of not obeying his wife’s instruction* to »<iy at home, Frank Congieton, a young white man who lire* hero re eeiecil a bad shotgun wound in hi* right Ihlgh. Mr*. Cogloton alleges that when her husband got into Ids Ford anrl started to leave boss# that ioe fired at the tire and hit her bus hand. lie sustained her in the state ment. Cogieton Was right badly injured anti there ia no doabt but that he wHl he at home for some time to eome. The police have marie some investigations of the affair but no witnesses of the shooting hare been lound and no arrest has been mads. Cogieton ia a native of Beaufor and Mr*. Cogieton it a native of Alabaam, where they were married about two r*ar» ago. They have one child. (5 FOR SEAL SALESi V ins ton-Salem Won State And ! National Honors Loot Yoo, Nv leal than >50,000 ia to be the goal of the lfc> Taberruloeit CXn* '"•*» Seal tale In North Carolina. Laet year the amoant railed WM >45,008 While the North Carolina Tub*res ioeia A one lotion, under whoa* lu. pieea thr Tuborculoala Chnatmaj Seal* are aold in the State, facia that aa inereaae of only >7,000 la too mail an amount U> work for, In view of the urgent need* that Chriatraaa Seal money ran be uae<l to relieve, It urgaa every aval telling organisation to in cr****! ,la budget aevera] thoutuu dollar* and to work to doWbla ita aule If poaeibl* There are 150 Seal telling organ I xauon* in the State Theme sro eom poaed of well trained women and men, leaden in their eoramuaitlw, who are reiponaibte for aai* of Taber culowa Chriabna* Beall u their town club. la Raleigh the Seal sale is mndueted by the Health Department of the Woman’* elnb, ol which Miss Rom M. Wirenfeid U chairman. Mr* C. A. Shore will have direct charge of the tale this year. In Durham the Seal male will aleo be under the aus pices of the Woman’s club with Mr* J. H. Rpperson ao chairman. In Aeheville, Mm J. M. Cudger, Jr.. with a strong committee of badness men and women will conduct the aolc. Last year W Inatoa-Solem led not only the cities of the Btstc in sell ing $7,000 worth ef Seals but won national honors in making the largurt per capita sale of ary city in the United State* havlLg a population of 50,000. She proposes to increase her ■ale thie year to $10,000. “Dangerous Age” In Motoring Is Fifty Washington, Nov. 14—Fifty la I the "dangerous age" In motoring, ac cording to a traffic accident rarrey mmle in four citleo last year and pre sented before the Southern Medical Awociullon in convention here today by Dr. I. J. Duratt of Memphia, Tenn. The surrey showed that the ma jority of drivars figuring in automo bile mishap* were more than 50 years of age and the general age of pedes trians injured waa above 60 or below 14. $*ede«trian» were blamed in tho survey for «4 per cent of the acci dent*. The report was baaed on ob serrations In Atlanta, New Orioana, Memphis and Birmingham. Will Present Pageant On Christmas Night A beaatiful page*** »"d 1 cantata combined will ba givea in th« mnl Baptist church on Ohristmai 1 Right. The beautiful pageant, “Both * I ahum,” «u gi»« *»* »“r « ' Christmas night and rapealod oa t)u ‘ following Friday night. In ordar tha 1 thoao who wars turned away oa ac ’ count af the overflowing crowds ei ’ Christmas night, might bo able t see th» pagcaat. k The evoat «Ws year win bo oqaall * as hssutiful with a greater amour ^ uf music and scenic effects. *" a — [' Co-operative marketing will nt solve all the farmers' problems, bo “ k will make their wAution easiei *" No °ne of the farmer* large pro! r‘ lens, production, marketing, flnarv m inf, tranportation, etc., can be *©h ► ed without the aohition ol the otl *■ err. but marketing may well rccci' ** special attention at this time becaui **• in the pa»t It has received so Iktl —The Progrestive Farmer. INCREASE IN Ha matt Had B*Ua Prior Tiirrr were it rountia* round u lu Harriott county 1918 prior to pared with 16,Ml date laat year,-: tlnn furntahad McKay, apadat Inerraac of 6,149 The Dep '»• report lr had trtnnod 41 S'urrmbrr 1, aa 194 to MB) on 13.478 balaa, !0.99€ laat 17,621, aa eo ’ear. Johnaton u number lata. Robot. 6.887, aa eo ear. The total reartnf countiea a Normnber t • compared unr data laat 1 of balm fin nod la year, wai greater date rut gear (n cept six. That* (' ereo, M PaiaUee. The report Caroline pear than extra Bute except with the high . hae demanded, timer” are inf counties he Southern Baptist population of The. total of the world ta ltd of ride in the indicates, if hi stated, that a oac Bap tilt tv every 6.7 of oil agee in the aouth. The iliatribatioa lotion by etetea la in the aarvay: 662,717; Aiiinin, 262,676; SMalriet of Co lumbia. 48.701; Florida, 169,646; Georgia, 907,071; aaathara Wnria (which eo-eparatas with the aooth cm Baptist 70474; Kentucky. 406,796 ; 2*8, (01; Maryland, 41,926; 879,247; Mlmoaxl, 170496; Mexico. 8,766, North Carolina, 576. 911; Oklahoma, 16*476; South Car olina, 409.812; Tcademoa. 466,661; Tern 640.978: and Virwraia. 608. 7ii. Misauaippi heads the sooth in tha proportion of Bagdtort strong tti to the total population of the Mata, there being one Baptist to every 1.8 persona, Georgia la second with oi»c Baptist ta every *.• pa rooms, and South Carolina to third with oaa to every 3.8 persons, according ta the ■HTT^jr. Cheap Explosive To Clear Land Of Stump* n. A. Bdga, caanty farm demon strstlon agent, waa hi D»»» yeMar •toy and asked Tha Dtepatah to agalr call attention ta tbs fact that th« Federal governme«t to dletrtbetiet an explosive k sears as Bodate throogh duaouM*art*a agvr.ta. Bo date! to declared to he jest aa goo. aa dynamite aad la naaeh cheaper Mr. Bdga ta pleading to order i aar lead of this matodal for tha farm in of Harnett county. The cost I | IS.** per handled 'peeada, wit . frclgh added. Cage for ftrlag mm an being famished fna by tho got ’ era leant. 1%e tetol coat, Inctodia freight, Mr. Bdga thttiks, wIB at total more than |* tha Miadn [ ^Thoaa daahrtng ta plaaa aa ord. eaa pay Alias H. Ay Lea, of Deni or Mr.'Bdge. Ordan far ton toi . have already bean fUeed srlth M . Bdge end aa aooa a* ordan Ur d lean ton* (a ear H*d) hare be. ’ given tha Bodadel wtt ha Mfcyad Farmors livtog la Besepaon, Cat L bartend or Johaetee carta Use eaa < h aa place ordan wHh Hr. Bdga ta a «. ply or. this car Med sUpMeat * "A hoa In tha hsa hawse to was two In tha tree top." Spiritualist Fails To Return To Life New York, Xoe. 14—Dr. K rod rick U Row*ton. Engluh cpirlUullct haai cr, who (Uod from pneumonia foar Uajro ago with tha belief that life re mained 10 the human body until die Integration Mt In, had not rotomed to life tMr afternoon when the foar day* in which, under the law, embalm ment or cremttton muet take place had expired.- . Shortly before 4 o'clock the Board of Ileal! ii granted la ixtanuon of one day. Uodor order* rocetred from Mr*. Rawiton in London, tko body will hr cremated tomorrow moralag ante** the prayer* of the healer*’ di* df>(*< for hla renrroction are oaewer ed. Women diacjplej today Mill kept rigii at the bkr in an B'gbth Ato nae undertaking mcahUtfimcnt Ap parvntly Mill retaining hope, they «ang and prayed fcrrcntly. FORMER KAISER TO RETURN HOME U*. Obtainad Pa sap art. Far HU Return Ta The Father laad BnaUi, Nor. IS.—The former Jonaaa Emperor U preparing to fo ur* to the Pathrriand. Be already ■ae In hie hands passports for him rlf and kb saite. and the BroaeeU Soaette goes sm far as to say H b spatted the BakaamaUer* monarchy rin be resored December 4. William IT kit ton. Ike former Crow* Prince, "roddek Wilham. ascending the krone. Cats Passport* Prirate adrices ‘fom Doors. ro> owed by Ike Agones TdagrapWque Mge, any*' tint a oeurler, Van iocchff, arrired at Doom at four ■dock this afternoon with twelve •erman paaoporta for the ex-Kaiser LSd Ms imtaedbte errtoarage. A td gram in cipher was roeaivod there a the morning and aarty in ifce after I - DON'T MARRY A "DELICATESSEN WIFE’ I Have you ft "deHcatamen wife** b your home? > Doctors recommend 'em ae Jtut Dm . thing. They convert perfectly heel i thy husbands, with healthy appetite and healthy peckctbeaks, into Idea • patients. < K* husky laboring man can thrlv I on a "dcHcataaaen" diet Therefore ■ onlese yau at* puny and dyspeptic t I start with, be euro before you man; t sfhethor your Intended la going to pn d pare your meals for you la year ow kitchen or la going to let eemeeoe ole r prepare them fee you la seme on >» cIso's Jtitohen. a This warning will appear mere la r. pneehrs after young email* who eei i- templets matrimony have seal "Dai a time Wiree,” the startling phetedxi me coming to the Colonial Ihmli ► Ronday. I- -- p. Party years’ experience aa a fan ar any 1‘ttle. Soma af # oldest farmers an the peered, whi th some af the yeaageet are very e« ceaefai. PROVIDES CREDIT FORM FARMERS — 11 Balvlfh. Mar. 14.—What U poael M)' on« of the wk bvnoltolal move menu lonanb tho Uttcrawot of errteuliared cenditieni ia Marti Car olina calm tatted yeetorday whoa ton Sorth Carolina AyrlcuttaraJ Credit Corporation waa oipaaiaad and ehart rred. Thl* movement waa too <H root remit of Ac effort, of A E •*"*. •ccretary-treaaarcr af too North Carolina Cotton G re wen' Co operative uuoclatien and /oka H. Booth all of tko JUlciyh Sarin* Bank and Tnut Company. Bo» oomo time Meura Bln* and Bi<nd«k haoe riven coiwiderehUi 'tndy to to. aereeeity of worth* oat! mae method of aldla* tko famora » fiaancia* the prod action af toeir rrepe. Sorcrel confer*ncee to which i number of area, deeply into retted n tko welfare of toe feymto* citizen hip of the State cotufdered the ilaae advanced by Meeera. Bin* and touehatl were held and Ao dnal con- i crcnee j c* today rrenltcd In the or eanlaation of tho Morth CareUa* IgrSraltoral Credit Corporation, wMi in antborised capital .took of »!, >00.04®. The charier )um boon yrent *1 and the new corporation expert* o bopto bntowm aa eaon aa <l«0f «0 capital U taken. k U aa eotabUakod fact that the Btrchanta to every aocuen of Uito tote are aadeae to pat their bea: wee an a caab bmtooaa. la order Aat hoy raa make their iiei kmi far sah. Ana boyto* cheaper aad at be tame line, torn oner their eapt al mere frequently. It'ie aaotker reH ertabihfcod fact that the fxnn » a a rule, particularly toaae of ho cotton end tobacco trrtitui of bo State am not able to predate a rep withoat fine octal — aad •uatly tote aatietaoce meat be (Iran y the local morchente. who are there iy compelled to carry a largo rabuao kxm other method of B nearing crop production should ho provided. It n tide cooditioci and this Mad that resulted in the [imp of the act of congress providing far tha am tablishmonl of Intermediate Credit Banka aad on# of them banks has been aotaMMmd at Oolawble aad North Carolina is fa its territory. This Intermediate Credit Beak ia to provide a means of sacuriag for the farmers credit for the producrtM of crop#. At tha meeting bald yesterday, t. O. BaH of tha Intermediate Credit Bank of Columbia waa present aad stated that the organisation being perfected waa exactly tha method by which the Intermediate Bank could brat function. Nr. BeB outlined carefully tha plans aad purposes of tha Intermediate Credit Beak. Working in conjunction with the local hanks throughout the State, the North Carotins Agricultural Credit Corporation wtl assist the farmers in obtaining tha accessary cash with which to produce a crap, thus enabl ing tha farmers u pay cash far sup plies and far fertilise/. The method will directly benefit tha festatesr * * - a si. — 1 — — — f — — —h. — — * — h— i cause the burden «f earryta* a laryt amount of credit tnnlnam will bo m-j moved from (ham, and wiH enable them to place their bmines* on a co* basis. Tha loan* attained far the Inman will como dna at inter val*. tha* anabtfny them to pay of a part of th* loan ant of Urn Initial advance! made on cotton end Ufeaeae by tbo cooperative aomelation*, and yet hav* *ome «atk mi hand aa*h time for upssm TMa will rcrah in a bewail to tha farmer. In that hi* i indebted nee* will not all sms do* 1 Immediately apoo th* completion of hla crop. Thom loan* *» bo obtained at a . low mi* hi mtercet and tb* farm*. ► will ayala be beneittd. l Lea*] banka thnrayont th* Stats - will ba invited ta take atoek In Km i corporation aad a lapramatatlo* #: l the bonk wB act *a th* Weed aye* t *f th* eorporaUan, paariny on *1 applications for loon*. It ■ the pm* r poao of <h* carper*tea to week fo ► (ho bonoft of momhon of tha Bee* «- Canola* Cotton Cooporatv# Anmai* k dan and th* Tobacco Amoatatiea an o loan* will ba obtained far th* mam ham of Barn (m* aryanlmdlon^^ ► •*'*• * <o lawtny board of dkartam, Okalrmn 1* of the Baaed. O. A. Horwoed. 0*M *- bora, John *• Bio*all, Bdei^, b 11 (T I-tmUhdald, If. O. Man B. ME.CLUB NAMES pCOMMITTEES thr MMg, mbumi by j. c. amm., vt the rWbi Hraim ft L , J. w. WJUm. m. w. Ballard; ~* D. Bonn, H W. Print., a F. Wrf,a cTa sita C. D Bata*. H. D. Baer*, D. C. Al bert; a L. Warren; mmbeiilila w. a saw a u fum, a a Butler, J. N. Smith; peafran and paWieity—D. B. Hood, C. L. Gay aad H. a Freeman. r j Mw*a - • - » __ _ coroiucwr* vo roin:ru-r« In J>»nn W»n **« . r tft'** \ fi||f m 11 fi&a with The tt. Unit fill Pigatoh aftto the war; M city editor of The China ro Bvaaiag American; and aa a tporu writer with the lahnMhaat Maws Service Ha want with the Aeaociatod Trees In llit and erwwl the laat aeaaiea af the North Carolima lagMa tore far that organisation. Ha haa recently tarred aa aawt editor of The Wilmington Star. Truck Driver Killed When Truck* Collide Newtek. Nor. 14. Tat h% VMh truck! of the Harris CwHMlaa road from Newton ha lhiihha, hoi a head-on collision thla afters ooa aad Oscar Sherd, a young wWta mm af Hickory, driving one of tha tracks, wat Instantly killed. HU hand was crashed hy striking tha hard road surface. Tha taridtad araacTtl m the hill earn of the creek near Mat thew's Coat? Grwaad. three ados ha tow Maiden. J. R. Thornton Pawed »t hi* homo on Knot* t fmm Vmmm, SZJh ZZ2! toJ. tL *M WwM I TOll i KtoMto r> MMtril tto* to 1 '!Z£Sm! mto» I -.vgm m i the YofUm - ***—g minute*. * ~ * A wireless system ha* been instaU ed at boon Hour, which ha* boon the msirtancc of tha head of th* Ho ■henioUernr during tha later jraan *f hi* interment hi HoKasd, and mas sage* arc received from Xauan daily. Fair Premium Checks Returned Unclaimed Checks mailed to th* folowinf name* for premium* won at th* ra cciit fair hate have been returned unclaimed: Thcron Stewart, T5 costs; Him Bert Jackson. 75 cents; colored de partment.—Ida Irvins, M cent*; Da vid William*. 75 o*nta; Haiti* Ma lone, 51.25; SaRio Marshall, 55 cants; Kuby One, 51. Winners of thane premiums can get same by applying t* t. 0rover ( BriU, aocretary of tbo Pair, at the ' Dunn Chamber of Commerce rooms. , Enraged Bull Kills i Man Near Wilmington i ■■ ■ — — • Wilmington, Nov. 14.—Levi Ball ingrr was killed at hta home near Acme by an enraged bull, according to advice received her* today. Mr. BolKngvr was until two y*ara ago a cittern of Catawba county, and was th* father of Raleigh and Wtatej QaII in gar ft f Nswtfln

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