•Wail.ire Normwr.l of Lurrdmrtoi ""> a Du»n bu.dncia visitor Wednet nay. MUr Martha Washburn left Ihl Ofte-tioo;> foi Rulr'gh, where ihe aril •'Pcl.d Llit* «i-c» end visiting fricndi Usvc-rnl member* of the local bo ur- ntten'ff.-i* Superior court 'to: t ><• t.iul or civil case* at Lillingto/ this av«M'h. Two iiihitiIk-ik of the congrrgalioi or tha Gos|ial Truarraclo pri-amtei the u: nr, llev .1. I,. Davis, with i new Ford car today. (••roi: E.ip.iott Tuesday sold hli ►tock ef *:/Ocrrlpa and feeds to J R. Cnn’tdy, wlm w . /an.: plncc, the Phil lips building, Kusc n.j«.| street. Mr*. J. H. Bryant returned ycater d«y to hoc boms at Stcdman, aftci spending some lime heir visiting al the home if her brother-in-law and *l«tar. Mr. and Mia. W. J. done. V H. Masaangill. proprietor of tile Sanitary H,y Cleaning Works, hag pliiccil on order for a naw *2.000 Bowen (.larif.ltcmlry cleaning plant I/e exact* to install the new plant within t ... next month. R. G ' "tr. found guilty of.aldin* and abetting in the manufacture of whiaksy by Recorder M. M. dendgun Thursday of lt-l wtek aud lined *100 and com, j:.i*i. notice of appeal and made bor.ii in the turn nf *250 Palmyra lo'iffe No. 117, A K. * ■A M wii; •»M.i? an important bunr.o** meeting in it* lodge ruon, Tucaday niplii, November 20. All Maaler Ma »or» ;irv ur gently rcqtjealed to at trim I hi* meeting There will be do degtee work. The regular monthly meeting of tac illyeeiare of Oic Dunn Chombei of Co nmrrce wijl he hold thU (Eri •layi evening at 7:H0. All member* !>/ the board an urged to be prevent, "•* *onic ImportaoL matter* will be eoneidered. Z. V. Smpca, J. A. .lemigan, Ralph Wude, 'Willard A. Jaekion, P. A. Loo uml Eugene T. Lee, of Dutin, and T W Sprinkle, of Duke, returned Iwit night from Wilmington, where tnoy nttonded n meeting of 8yottiah Rite fcltuon*. The editor of The Diapatch la bo hoblm to G. II. Parker for a "mem" of home-grown celery. The celery * ie hi fine at one could wlah for and »a» glows by Mr. Parker or, hia lot. North Fayetteville avenne. He plant ed It a* an experiment and met with deckled im-eeaa is the adventure. C. T. Adame, paator of Di ^•^■^^TnaabeUi City to attend the eigMy-oevcnth annual confarence at the North Carolina Methoiliet Epi* copal church. The conference opened Wednesday ami will laat through next Monday. Tha appointment! wlil bo read Monday. A negro named Lindaay waa ahot and **rjou*ly injured by hia brother, Shep Lindaay, at Godwin laat night, nrrordiiig; to report* reaching Dunn. The load frr,m a ahot gun paited through a band and penetrnlad tho segrt.’* able, it ia aaid. The nogro wK» fired the » iot, following a row. baa not been apprehended. JUST MARRIED IS HIGH CLASS SHOW Pronounced The Beit Ever Pre sented Here It Wet To Laugh Approximately 700 of the dti sens of Dunn and the Dunn District forgot the cams and worrie* of Hfe Inst night for two home and ftfleer. minutes while they witnessed “Just Married," the show presented »t the local opera houie. Perhaps the large it ervwd that ever witnessed a show in the local opera house saw "Just Mar ried” ontf'were pleased with the shew. Many were beard to remark that it was by far the best show of It* kind over presented In Dunn. “Just Mniried” is a fun show and to see it la to laugh. It abounds in I fun; it la clever, highly entertaining comedy that makes the welkin ring wilh Joy. The whole play was well presented, though the ahinlng Mar of the east is Owen Martin, who' plays the role of Robert Adame. The next brightest star is Mlaa ftdrli DeFmnkto, who plays the role of Roberta Adams. - Manager Earl Barefoot Is to be commended far bringing to Dunn a show of the class presented hare last '■venlng. The management and mem bers of the east spoke In glowing terms of Dunn, declaring that It was the boat aD-reuad town of Its dan they had eves vial tad. The management was pleased with the at tendance and those who saw It were well pleased with the shew. The next attraction booked by Manager Re refoot la 'Toes Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn," which will bo presented hare .Monday evening, December S. s COTTON BEACHES S3 CENTS Strict middling cotton h selling an the local market today for 33 easts ths pound, middling IS 1-8 easts. A number ef bales are shxwgtng bands W. H. STRICKLAND NED WEDNESDAY ■■ - i Funeral Conducted Yeeterda; Afternoon From Spring Branch Church i | William TI. Strickland, aged abou T* years. died Wednesday moralni , *l 10 o'clock at Dio homo of Mo eon R 11. Strickland, In the *outh>caatcn part of town. Deceased bad boon li 111 health for ecvcral years, havini suffered a alight stroke of peralyoh •ome two yearn ago. Lett ffilt] he fell in the floor and raftered ■ broken left hip. It i* thought thai another strokr cauacd him to fall ant die injuries aoatained In the fall likely hastened death. Deceased la survived by his widen and seven children, two daughters— Mrs. J. I.. Jackson, of Buie's Creek Mr* .Redden Heir, of Sampson coon ty and five sons—R. H., of Dunn M M., of Durham; W. H., of Samp. *on county; J. C„ of Henderson and Royal, of Winter Park, Fla funeral su conducted from Spring Ifeanch Baptist church, In Sampson county, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. J. A. Campbell, pastor of the charch. assisted by 1st. E. N. Johnson, pastor of tho First Baptist church of Duon. Interment was made in the family ccmotery in Sampson county. The funeral was attended by a largo crowd of friends and relatives and beautiful floral of fering* were bankde high upon the grave. The pall-hoarors war*-. C. F. Tope, R. M. Warren, J X. Stricklend, Walter Jones A. B .Adams and W. S. Strickland. Decorat'd vu well-known and num bered hia frlonda by hia acquaintan ce# He had bean a loyal manabcr of Sprlnii Branch Baptltt church for yean and waa true to ha church and hia family. He waa Indeed a food man, whoa* life waa an influence for good. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH REV. 0. T. MATTOX, Paator Bible echool Sunday 6:45 a. «n. Preaching Sunday 11:00 a. m. aub jact—“The Falling Of A Shadow.” Preaching Sunday 7 JO p m. Chria ttan Endeavor Sunday (JO p. m. Mid-week avrvire Wcdneailay 7 JO p. m. Public cordlaly invited to wer ehip with ua. -_i Seventh Stock Open DECEM lit., 1923 t Home Budding & Loan -Association—— fagtag Log, S cretary HOSPITAL NEWS (Reported) Mr. J. C. Lot, who hu boon a pa tient of Dr. O. L. Depniag at the Dunr. hospital, has sufficiently recov ered to return to his home in Samp son county. Mrs. Csrris Pools, who took s two weeks treatment at Use Dunn hospital, returnod to her home In the city sev eral days ago. Mias Lillian Core, daughter of Mr. Mra. Frank Core of Sampson county, who was operated on for ap pendicitis, has retnniod to har home. Miss Uuri Taylor, who underwent an operation for ruptured appendix two weeks ago, continues to 1 ary rose Mra. J) .C. Boyette and infant' daughter hare returned to their home In the dty. Mr. Fred Wllkina, son of Mr. sad Mrs. L. B. Wilkins, whose home is near* Jonesboro school house, was brought to Dunn hospital in the Barnes and Holliday ambulance last week suffering with a compound fracture of the Isft arm at elbow joint. Ths bones of his arm and fare arm wore crushed and extending through the fleedi. He la getting on nicely, considering his injuries. Jefferson Allen, son ef Mr. sad Mrs. Ruftut Alien, who suffered In juries about the fafo when the auto mobile which ho seas driving turned over, had bis wounds die mod at Dunn hospital. Mrs James Robert Barefoot, whose home Is three mMes east of Benson, and infant sen are pa tients of Dr. Adlai 8. Oliver at Dana hospital. Mrs. Barefoot la serieeaiy stsfc. Rowland Tart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tart, waa operated on for rap tured appendix Saturday afternoon. He la gsttng along as ale sty as could ba hoped for. Rowland )• a patient ef Dr. R. L. Warms. Raeford Jaekaon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Jaoksea af Sampson county, who inffered a (raclured •bull la an lutomobd* wreck on Kant Broad felt Ml Joet Sunday aftcraoor continue* * patient at Dunn ho»pftal II* la doing nicely. Mr. Junto* Jack •on. who wi» alao hart in tha —— r wreck, had hi* injarlea treated at Dunn hoapdtal. Mr*. C. R. Blackman, who wae op. erated on at the Dunn ho^ital foi [ appcndleltl* October 2»th, ha* oaffl t eiently recovered to return to her home in Demon, Mnry Belle Motley, ton-year-old daughter of Mr*. Veni* Motley who , happened to the mlafortun* of hav | lug her log broken by being run oeoi by an aotomobll* truck Ian weak, coatlnaaa a patient at the Dunn bow pital. Ruby Rodgea, young dnoghtcr of Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Hodge* of Bon •01., underwent an operation for re moval of ton fed 1* and adenoid* at Dunn hofpital Iul week. Garland Creech of Ben aon waa op erated on for appendicitit at Dutm hoepiUl lau weak. He wa* tha pa tient of Dr. Adlai g. OUvar. N. A. McLfemb, who tie** IS milt* from [Ruin in Barmucn county, waa brought to Dana heepltal loot woo in Barns* nnrt HollUUy** amlrolanc eufferiag from whet iinmnl to b loek bowel however hk ooadttJoB lir proved aad an operation waa bum ueaanr. Me. W1H1* .Vorrla, who suffered lr joriae aad cut* about tba bead ae . roMlt of being tamed over ia aa •« to mobile Sasday aftarweea. waa yueh ed to Dona i>o»piial, where medic* aid wa* given Immediately. Mr*. Loolee Jane, wbeee kadhaiu ba* been an Invalid far many year and a charge oa the county, wa found by ono of tke k«M yhyni elan* is n *erioot condition ia a UMfc aback of a house which k In a fteic between Dana and TUghmea'e The Barooo and Holliday wMHH waa driven aj near ta the beam ai poaaibie and from tbla point the an balance bed waa carried a i ««■ thi cotton Bled to the home. The aatioal w*j placed oa tbo had aad carried to the unbalance and <»*■» to the Duu hoepital where all medtoai at Untion aad naming pooabie la boon given her. Her condittoa k greatly improved. Her lllnaa waa ia a large k noaaur* brought about by attattpb e iag to lift bar invalid husband. Ne i chart* whatever i* being mad* to thi* . woman •Itaer by tile kpilal or boa • pital phyailaaa. Mm Lewis Strllklaad baa been - enough to sacrifice homo tfutfe* , and aet as auporia Undent of Dana • hospital far to* past weak, following ■ *k» resignation of Mil* £MU WWi | am Tbo hospital physician* grantly app'fclalu Mm. StreikJaad’* klndncn I and nervier to the hoipltal. A large order for baopilal aoppUaa, including feed*, ate., .was given to Puwar* a ad Aadcnon'a salesman Monday afternoon by the hospital Physician*, and this new aqalpnant is to ba placed In th0 If extra room* aad In the separate building which la •ooh to be erected for colored patl aata. On* #f the moat fortunate thing* ^J^JjJ^jjJWaacnji^bOJanah^ pi till aence Me beginning w, ^boot Ttidajr afternoon whoa MW Koom, registered a am of Wilmington, nut •HUr of ou -f nt. Mr. Beiph Kecoi, mt|M the superintended) »» a permanent portion, w— »»-. haa or, rorUble nrpetaUen „ * B»iee •f much experience and U greatly (•red by all who know her. Mr. Harper Holliday la jaateUin* a lanre ambulance gem on tho Barnet * Holliday ambulant* and Ik addi tion to tola equipment a large Nad Cran U to ba placed between tke two fender* In front of tk* radi ator. The ambulance I* already oqaippod with two electric fan*, ail hot air rtov* with exbauat and a com* I plate act el Hartford check abeorhera.. i The new room* which am being i1 ruAmi ta completion at tee Dana; I borpltal will be ready far «11 apim | wllhla two week*. Many patienuj< who deeirrd u enter hare keen an-1 mm m ttTTf* •Ml pUr*d la *• ; ^_ taka eat* of tkaat wfca frulrH to WK. Xlaa liaaw Cato, laaal mum, Dm Wmi tola* * CUv Halt, Dana. N. a, unUl 10 s. m„ November 22. IMS, to, the purchase of the following mo tal pipe. I6« lineal feet IS Inch pipe u rumo 402 lineal feat 24 Inch pipe 16 r? 20 lineal foot 24 inch pipe 14 luale 818 lineal feet 30 inch pipe 14 guage 80 lineal feet 80 inch pipe 12 guage 840 lineal feet 38 inch pipa 14 guage 30 lineal fact 88 inch plpa 12 guage 074 lineal feet 42 Inch pipe 14 guage 8u lineal feet 42 Inch pipe 12 guage Propose)* for funtiaalng (bo there k« addreaaed to H. A. Parker, City Cferlt. tad mutt b* se«OBMAl«d bp a certified check for |1,IOO drawn to the order af the Board of Town ComraiasaoneTf of Dana. N. C, chock to ba drawn apga noma Incor porated Bank or Trwt Coapaap it Dann. N. C.. to secure -told B ogr.l against any loan raeultink from fhc failure of |he Bidder to ehaplv 4ft' the terms of hie bid. I / Speclflcattoas for pipa is foBowa: Corr«|*tfy| mtUl pipe shaft bt/prop trip fabricated frewi rormbat/l nl LAm,E jUUtYilj vanlaad total* of mat*]. AS alp* ■bait bt of tha fall etreb rivatad typ* of lap Joblt aaaatructioiv. Tha fatlcvr inf Ubi« iktD govern y to f«Afc, lap, and vtigbt for tha varioat but: h ii . ISA SOA 3*4 SSA Hi HA 444 «0 0*4 Uaitad UU. Standard Gaaga and _ variation aTUvnUa laj •** (*y ~r cant tltbar way from lb. tbo*r*t£*l ‘■wssn.^^Tw-d.b, tha open hearth praWn* and toal] conform to aay oat ot tti. follower rnrmlcol r*qnfr»m»ntW OF BASK MXTAL | — “ " \~mrrr.H COPPER ' PURE [/IRON ATSEL IRON Nm more tbu N. t mote than Fat mart than „u. *04 per rt. 0.06 par at*" i.o* par et more than Not mote than at mare than T0TAI> 0 018 »«• **• 0 04 par at on pat et 8ULMIU.. Not more than Not mart . m — - - .* ^HOSPHOBUB manganese o.tt per *l o.tT^er*^ AND SILICON 0.1 per ct • ^ COPPER Not than jjpj J2, than OPTIONAL O.tO per et. o.tO par ct 1*1*. gweifaafi , All pip. riot length* ordered . than t« foot In aishod foot'in tare*_ i of change. The __ _n. (tat of hand* pat pea thM eight Inchot in width mMifkauAe Am material aa the pb r properly bUcd with lags and *Jv. ttlodRaid hp»m The diameter ef Ml metal nipt ahafl be uadoutood jffaaa the dear diameter. For osAmo a pine *4 Itwhee in dl«wtE(hS bo oTmeh aiae that a Sphere Trhthli |g diame ter may bo I Brfcili it aatespt for interfere n by tfipC hoada. The presence of *£! Se acy of tho following defects injapy plea ar u, general in any ah ip Aim wifi cenati tate sufficient la ass jar tho rejec tion: (1) Uneven locAtl) Ellintlra] Shafing; <»» VaSUp straight center Use; 14) Imcged er diagonally beared edgos; unevenly lined or spagA rivets; (•) Poorly formed rivet Saids; (7) Un AniAed ends' (8) Hmflble Brands; (*) Lack of kigdOttyT/lO) Bruised, sealed er broken apdtsr soaring; (11) Deirta er bend* i» the metal H a-elf- (12) Variation U gauge. Ak bidders Should dHaeh copy of Uw above specideatten, *o their bids «nd should bo made g mart then*. Bidden agree to farai* Surety Botsd for full amount of Contract to eevur Manufacture re Oarantae. By order of the BwM of Oom ■iaiiouira •' T ■, H. A. PARKJCB. da*. . B. U BREWER, dmmieeiener. B. M. WARREN, Osauabaloacr. Now ayl SAVE (oat inns „ , •«»*• i“»t received a few shipment of coat suite, -olors navy, ten and browi and other fancy colon. We havo a special line of dark colors, plain tailored itvlee always good. Prices froDK—____$1CS0 1a $49.80 LAWK COATS W* hay* a nenftlne of Btelies long and short coate. Lat est styles. W*. hivs a hpecisl pric* for this w**k from.-4—4..-$10.00 «p to $99.80 LADIES FUR AND CHOAKERS * A 'new line of Double and Single. The quality ■ Stone, Merten. G._ luirrel, American Monk and Kid Pox. Also in Plalqi _ Pox. Prices ranging from_ 10.<0 to M* .80 We have a :k of ladies wool dresses and ws have reduced | r this week. We have Just a big shipment of ladies glores, .. kid. suede and grade silk. Prices from $1 to |M0 THE FIFTH AVENUE SHOP °HONE 143.DUNN, N. C --—■ _„_J THE WRONG Rule ' to Measure SUCCESS^ JT IS so easy for us to mistake pros *perity for success; so dangerous to ac cept a temporary increase in earning power for the token of permanent a chievment.|| / FIRST NATIONAL \ aw I D U N N . N.\C. COLDER WEATHER IN BENSON WARMER UNI ERWEAMND CLOTHING AT PRi STON WOODALL’S I i - ■fc'Vj i 'w ■■ * • ' i PRESTON WOODALL, BENSON, —NOTH CAROLINA i — I _ __ , • .