_THE DUNN VOI IlME X ' , 1 PUWN. WORTH CAROLINA. 4 HpAY, NOV. U, 1023. MISTRIAL IN THE LDCKHOt? HEARING Miatrirl Oi dared By Jud(* Doniela After Much Of Evidor.ce Was In A mislriii! it tlir cas.- uf the A. C I . Huilv.-iy Cmnp«n.v vs. tin- town of l'ur.n. in.which ihv uwm-iahip of I.ueknow square waa involved, was cnlcrori Tuesday aft l-hwo i by Jo-lg, Krank A. Ilnflics, pit-«.kfbtg at a two-week.;* t. in „f Hamelt county superior c-uar. {or the trial of civil •***•• n; Lill.'jigton. The ruquetl for a mistrial from the attorueya icj.iv.i-nting the rail mail wuj g.snicd by Judge Daniels when they signed that testimony admitted from wilnctte* of the town earnc it k complete turprhtc to thum. Thu teilim-nv upon which the con tention was bused was that offered by acveral wftnra*va to the effect (hat the f li.oOO paid by the Atlantic Coast Line for Lucki.ow square was wholly inadequate and taut at the titno the |2.a0l) was paid d.e piop erty wns worth from ‘.go.ooti to *10, too. After ordering a mistrial Judge flaniels art the rear for hearing or. Holiday of tin- ic-cei-d week of the February term. Trial of the ease was begun Mcnduy u-..i practically two days h.-sl be-'i- rom-urii'.l whe-t iN mistrial wat or.hrci- Tuesday r f ty noon. In tlm trjit the railroad asks for a perpetual injunction' which would prohibit Ibe town from ir.lv r fcHng wilh the railroad company in U-ing the Lucknow square lor any purpeer It kc-j fit. The town. co.U*-nds that the property was deed ed for the use of th« public. Tills t-uittei has boon .n tiro conns for sevcial years an-l anrvrcnt'y the rn.l is not yet id eight. Couit closed for ihc term Wednesday afternoon. Opens Up-Town Office In M- Wide Building m*n*r*r "* ^ Con^S^^TT^Tpenedan op-town office on the rceond floor of the Marvin Ware Company budding, Weal Broad street. Mr. MtU'i eon, Edward Meta, who recently arrived hero front Now York city ie assist ant to hi* fathr in the sales office. The plant which lh*e well-known fertiliser manufacturing cy.icern pur chased from Ute defunct Seminole Company ie being remodeled thiough out and new machinery is being in stalled. Fertiliser materials are al ready arriving and the rounufacturo of fertilisers will begin It* lime to take care of all spring orders. The company which purchased this plant has no connection whatever with the defunct Scmincle Company and pur chased tiie plant through a receiver. The Merchants Fertiliser and l*ho» phatc Company operate* a number of nuinufaeturing plants in the two Car olina*, having throe plants In this State. Mr. Met*, manager of the lo cal plant, tiaa had several yoors cs pcrior.ee in the fertiliser business, having he#n connected with some of the largest fertiliser manufueThrlng companies in thu DtilUd Stab’s. J. S. Stewart of Tlunn will be aup erintendent of the plant. Well-Known Angier Woman Dies, Age 79 Anglo;-, Nov. 22. -Mrs. H. E. Col lino, widow of thr l»R= 8- ° CoUln* of Angler, tdod on the 12th Instant, at » a. in Angiur, being nearly 79 yeara old. Her husband piecedod her to the grave by aeventeen year*. Ten of the eleven children bom to them euivive. They are; C. F. Col lins, Cl'ntun; J. D. ColHi*. HoUy Springs; D. B. CoHtaa. Clinton; W. U. Collin*, Raleigh; D. F. Collin*. An F. (* Collina, Angior; Mr*. L. O. WIlHams, Angier, Mr*. K. A. Og bnm, Willow Springe; Mra. D. L. Tempi*. Dofinj Mrs. A. F. WilllMH, Afcfior. Sutviving also are fifty-flv* gvan.1 rhHdren and seventeen great grand cMIdrvn. Mra Collin. «nu devout and xfaioua in her rclirfocu Ufa. Funcn, errriee. wvr* conducted in the Print 1 !*ive Baptist L-burch of Angier, ol which ihvnonr.nauon she wa* a •**> • her for forty-Ave yeara - The aervic wa. conducted by Eldor C. B. Hal of Eflln. Interment waa in the fain ny burying groond. near Angior. Ho MX tone wore the active pallbanren Many beautiful floral offering ware placed upon the grave. Bha waa tha laat to poao over th liver of the children bom to he parents, Dr. and Mr*. William Wl Hams ef this community. Raleigh—I.ottot caused by IsgVr iting molting in fire from April 1 September in North Carol* amounted to $10B,A50. A STRANGE BIT OF HISTORY RELATED Mr. Giba«t> Racall* Story Of How Preacbwr’a Mother Como To Life By J. T. GIBSON, Sr. BcnnettavilU, S. C., Nov. IB._ During the part summer, while on a month'* vacation, I vial tod Scotland county, V. C.. and met many of the good sturdy Scotch people In that county. I spent three or four day* over in that Scotch section, ea I have quite u number of relatives residing ,m l-uurinburg, the county *lt«, also many who live in the county. During my visit over there I visited th* Stew urlsville old cvmatery, ftvo miles '■oitheust of Lanrinburg. This ceme tery is th* center of a large Scotch rcttlement, it contains Bvc acre* rn- , rioted with (tone port and iron rail ing. The first body buried ut this old cemetery waa in 1784, h* was a revolutionary soldier, who died on •* morrh ,in that community, and was luid to rest by those Scotch patriot*. Sinrv then hundrcU of Macs have boon buried in that sacred and hal lowed habitation of the dead. Jim. Chialom, who m bom In the Ido of Skye, Scotland, came to An trim in 1803, hie body sleep* in this remetery. Hugh MeLaurln came to North Carolina in 1700 from Appin, Arylt Srotiand; he also ia buried in this cemetery. Now, I am going to write aomethlng romantic, but the truthfulness of the statement ia vouched for by many reliable person* In Scotland county. Rev. Colin Lind say waa born it. Scotland; he became a Presbyterian minister, and came to America more than a century ago Hr served old Smyrna and Red Fluff Presbyterian churches, the latter in Marlboro county, S. C. Rev. Colin L.nd*ay ia buried In old Stewartavill* Cemetery. Mr. Maaey John, a prom inent attorney and Christian gentle* had often hoard Rev. Mr. Linday preach, and had heard him relate from the pulpit, the strange incident about to be re luted. Recently I had a conversation with Mr. Lindsay'* grandson, who vouched for the truth fulness of the italemeht, aa he had often heard hit mother apeak of it. Before Colin Lindsay wan bom in Scotland, hW mother died, or waa btippoeed to be dead, she was buried with much Jewelry on her finger* and person. Vlilted by Crave »obb*r« The night after her burial two gitve robbers viriteJ the cemetery, disinterred hor body, her fingers were swollen, they attempted to amputate | Iwr finger, in order to remove the I valuable rings. This caused a reaction, I the blood began to circulate. Mm. Lindsay awoke, recognised the two robbnm, spoke to them (they faint ed) ; they knew that It was a eaptlal offense, in Scotland, to rob a grave. Mrs. Lindsay told them that she knew them both but if they would aeeoro-j pany her to hat homo that she would nevgr divulge their name*. Only one went home with her, the other wa. unable to walk. Bhc went to her i __the astonished and frightened family, and fer many , yun lived happily with her huaband. , gho never told the name* of the grave i robber*. < Colin T.lndaay wu born after thli , incident, waa, educated Id Scotland and c»mc to America where be pr«ucintd for many year*. Thi* 1* i * tro* atory. I believe every word of I it, an I hod beard oomething about it j several year* ago, but until recently I obtained tact. and data which arc indieputaMe, ami cannot be eowtra dicted. Thi* it a ploec of hlatory which ahould he pmooTVed and per petrated, therefore I am Modlng it lor publication. Went To SVeep And , Got Plenty Of Mark* Munich, Nov. 1»-gagging and beggar* bar* become *o common now that the public generally carvl** email bill* to moot the pirn* *f »ort» of mendlcaate, who atand on atraot 1 corner* vrtth extendod hat* and hand*. 1 A LwtpMg workman, who mt <*ewn ’ on a park botch on hi* way home ' from work fell aalcop. Hi* hat did off hi* head and landed, orown down, • In front >»f him. When he *woke he found it full of nmll mark note* ■ which a p*a*ortby had homed Into K. r . ■ -- Wilmington Benker Goes Into Nswspsper Business ,1 Wihaingto*. Here. IS.—Thorn** K. ^ Cooper, former president of the de fttnet Commercial Motional and lib Near-Serious Auto |, Accident Near Duke A near-serious automobile aoe .tont occurred on the highway, near Duke, about 11 o'clock Wednesday: morr.iug when a large tearing ear! driven by tin. C. 8. Hide* of Dakcj struck a Ford coupe driven by B. C 1 W»»t nf Durr, both can were right! badly damaged, though the Ford came out of the wreck with the greatest! number of ailments. The accident occurred when lire. ( Bteka started to put the car driven , by Mr. West arid taw another car < eomlng around a curve meeting her, it | Lb said. In order to avoid a head-on roUslon ah* ran her ear against t*-1 if Mr. West. In doing this she prob tbjy averted a much mors sartona seeident. Mrs. Hick* escaped injury md while Mr. Went suffered a scrags ■baking up. hia injury was not of A ■erioa* nature. I ENFORCING LAW ; IS MESS, HE SAYS : W. A. Stewart, Of Harnatt, t Ttollt Court of Ail*(ad c Irregularities j W. A. Stewart, Harnett county J armcr and sometime! preacher, fur- j ilshed the flrrwoihs In federal court J esterdey, declaring that enforcement E if the prohibition law in hfs county ie - i 'Ww" and t>At something ought 11 0 be done lo tho officers Takii.g the stand to testify to the ( baraetrr of Thomee IdcLamb, a blind C eighhor, Stewart's loquacity gat 'en- f ircly beyond the control of lawyers ( n either aide. Judge Henry 0. Oon- ** or had somewhat better succaes In oldang the antneae to material facts, at only after Hr. Stewart had fraoly xpreesed his opinions regarding the * umfcer of bloekadcia in Hameu who i ~ re qet caught, confiscated whiakat I c ^sd mgf P** | * greed to go or. the detendmrt^^^^^ or $10C for hi* appearance ad the . ext term to show he had stopped | ^ manufacture ^ , Judge Connor bad no sooner dm ‘‘ tosod of the Wind man’s csss thin 1 e was c-lted upon to pas. Judgment * m William Hanry 8t*phen«m, half kitted white man of Wake county. - rudge Connor discharged the defcod Lj,t aa soon aa tho facte developed ind called upon District Attorney lev * rin B. Tucker for a “read cam." Hr. Tucker efctiged by going Into t J>e only Jury trial of th* day, but 1 iu government's case broke down. 1 1 plea of guilty of pomession was 1 iccepted and th* defendant, Hunts r 1 Johnson, a Johnston county white man, was rolc*aod on payment of a Ann of 225. . t ' Tho Adams fondly, of JohnHon country, furnishsd tho only Jail cases of the day. Cheater Adorns, whole ease was left opoa at the last te*-iH was sent to Jail for *0 days while Dava Adams and Jodie Ademe, who entered the pteas «f (*11*2, »*re sent to Jail to await senteuc*. J. 0. Bay, of Wake county reeo v «1 the biggest tne of tho day, *250 Johnston county defendants ware fin ... ... «t fbaM. tOR. m iiinnwi; • ▼—• Georg. W. Leach. *1*0; John U ; Dlirer, *25; Jaaper Barefoot, *2*: 3 Charla* W Maaaay, «»•*. Fr*nk loynar, *100. j. W. Hardiaon, of Ham cot and ■ Wilbur Brown, of Wake, raeelead < Ri.ea of *28 and »»«. reapoctlraly.— 1 fuitigh New* and Obaarrar, Now. 22. Cyclone Mack Hit* At The Boodeggen Monroe, Noe. 21—"if 1 »«" roi. nini agio* factory la hall and yon’d bring me one of thaae Iona* cowered boot! egg* r* t# «’“* •» W ■**. no I ftwb yea, I can't oa* him, I ain't got enough doodorfalng material to make him At to uaa." “And tba man who bay* tha ataft from him la aa low down aa tho toot logger hhmaalf" That** what Cyelen* Maak aald in hit acrmon on ”AmeTtcani*m-" And ha foDowad it ap wtth tM*-. "Th* bootlegger it challenging tkrb oeaalry, they are challenging North Carolina, they are ohaliangiag Union : coanty, they ara chailangiwg Moanae, they ara ehaltaagtag am, »»d badora thia moating I* oear I **P*ct I* cry* taCis* th* MAtiment agalnat them aa etrong that die Hear colored halbon* wtM be got oa Urn chain gang. “The whal# troabla 1* tttmt gwa fcllara who claim t* b* Mantling far th* right ara eat deltgr It.’’ arty Baetnga hank, baa joined th* ‘ta-dn-r amnogmnaat of th* WiMag tea Now*IHayab*. * 0 By Methcyut vBUhop Fullowit* i« thaJeompUU Uat of ippointroenta read fRlday by BUhopI 2oI1Hm Danny at tiEyloiJng Maui on >f the North CarulS-Mothedi-t eon-1 ’trvnca in ElizabettBMy: Durham Ikfl Prtdiiloa kliltmU. -.Brailahaw; i Burlington Charr^Jf- R- Hurloy; larlington Cirruit—H-- Har>l««ty; 5b*ab**aie OlfcdBdl. I. Hurley; iarrboro Circuit—Autry; Cc br Croce CireuuK C. Durham; :h»pct HUI CfieiflLVahbr Patter; iuHum-BranioaSt* t. Elliot; Cblrury.JB^E. Earnhardt. Carr, J.tMRf pflaloc. Crc«oTiJt.'X Hharp Cakewo/^tf'C. Ball. McmoHa^g..*: Myetu. Trinity. Xv. PMU. Woat Durham—-X>E». . Bradley; lurham Circuit—EEJ^Cravrn; Zna Circuit—To be Smld; Graham, [aw Kicar and At Artsio—U I. Darnel; junior Cttar.O. C. Er in; HilUboro ClrXfvE. F. Ntcka; eaaborc CJrcuh—K.E Ciasy; Me an*—t K. ThofattrNilton Cir ait—J. Baaeom XLaft Mt. Tirza i ircuit—R O. aK—-B C. ong Memorial art RoiWn> tan**; Bo tarnas; Booth . M. Chaffin; . I. Stack; -H M. y CAkte—J. I PrvAiUns •per Circuit—B sn Circntt—S. -_-,er, anppiy; o. lain Circuit—A. fe. Crmmpler. rep ly; Stumpy Point—A. E Brown; raeidcnt of Scarratt Training School -J. U Cunnlngim. P«y*tt*viU* Diatrkl PrcAdlng Oder—R. II. Willi.; liadaa (chars*)—C. H. Riffgu; Buck ora Clnmfft—W. A. PiUnH; C*r Inge Circui;—J. M. Wright; Duka— I. L. Daria, N. M. McDoaald, aopar umemry; Dunn—G. T. Adam*; EBi Wth Cireuit—H. E. Lanec; Fayatbe -tllc—Hay 8tr*ot. H. A. Humble. Peraon Struct and Calvary, E. C. Mimue. FayvttcvfUa Cir :uut—W. U Manaau; Glvndon Clr •uh—Z. L. HIM; Goldaton Cireoit— I. L Withara; Haw River Citanit— 3. H. Cavlnoaa; Hemp Circuit— J. 3. Cummtna; Joaoaboro Circuit—B. E. 8tnaA«W; LiUinjttan Cireuit—H U HcMhicMu; Maurem Circuit—i.. It. Gains, supply; Nawton Orova Cir cuit—W. J. Underwood, repply; Parkton Cireoit—J. C. Humble; Pitta boro Circuit—I. t. Boooo; Boaaboro Cireuit—I. A. TWpe; Sanford Cir cuit— L. B Jonaa: Silar City Cireuit —o. I. Hinaoa-, Btedman Cireatt—(i i. c. 8«ti. i < Haw Bern DiltrUI I Pmelding Oder—J. O. WooUti; Ml antic and Sea Level (charge) — ). M. Carrmvrdy, khpp*y; Beaufort-— E. B. Craven; Cravon Circuit-— W. L. Damon, Jr.; Dover Cireuit—E. B. Bell; Ooldaboru—Elm Street and PDceetHe, C. P. Jerome, gt. John, R 1. Atkineon. St Paul, C. L. Band. Coktaboro Cireuit—H. 0. Ewing; Ortfton Circuit—B. J. Laugh; Han iowe Circuit—-W. T. Cheek, aopply; flookcrton Circuit—fC R Omnt; Jonea Circuit—K. P. Duval; K*n ■Con—CaeweH Street, to he eapplied. QUecn Street. C. E. Proctor. LaQrange Circuit—R. E. Pittman; MorwHead dtp—W. A. Cade; Mt. Olive and Calypeo—L T. Singleton; Mt. Olive Circuit—K- 8. I» Cook; New Bern—Bridgeton. P. W. Skiver • Centenary. J. W. Har ml. Bleeeaide. W. C. Onoer.rl aopply Newport Circuit—R. A. Bruton; Oemeohn and IPortamoMlb-Bemuel Laffer*. aopply; Oriental K3r*uH J. C. Whedbee; Pamlico ClTenit—To he supplied; Pink Hill ClmnM—R. W. Barfield, eupplyt Beeen Spring*—E J. Lnwie, rupply; Btmlght drcuil— H. M Jaekaon, & W. Olam. rnpor namnry; Bnaw Hill Ctrenlt—J. A. Baeaelf; Vaademem Olmnlt—To he applied; Student Boaten Univeraity —W. V. MaBaa. Centenary Qnartaly Cenficenee; Steder.t Beaton OaWop *Hy—Ooy Hamilton, Brevard Bhret Farmer Opens Up His “Preserved Sanng>N Wednesday ■ Dunn District lam. er came to town carrying a largo Ua can under one arm. While he handled the can with car*, nobody suspected l,,*t it was tilled with silver money. And yet tlial was Jovt what it eon tntncd. In addition to tho tin can, h* carried a handle wrapped in an old newspaper The contents of this was nothin* less than several rolls of bills, containing f 100 each. Before leaving town this well-fixed soil tiller went to the local postogies and swapped the money for United Stale* savings certificates, known ns "baby bonds." To say the least, ha acted wisely In net longer keeping so much money about bis homo. Money "canned" at boms is doing very little lowerdl filling the mission for which K was coinod. PEOPLE OF JAPAN GRATEFUL TO U.S. Lriten To Croce ' I Atlanta, Ga., Nov. to,—American Red Crow assistance to Americana . rendered destitute by the faeanoar earthquake will approximate IZOO, 000 it t» announced from National bead quartern. Immediately after new* of the ca lamity reached thi* country the Am erican Bod Crow notified the State Department that Its food* would be available for relief of American c Ri sen# in the affected aroar. Ix, ac cordance with tide f M bat already bees expended for the Br ing expense# and rehabilitation of of Americana who loot everything. In addition to this, at the request of the State Department, National head quarters baa mad* 8160,000 more available for the work. ■ Occupying 8 acres aad accomodat ing 1,000- patients, the Bed Cross , by the !marina* R#t Japaaoas People Gcatoful Among the many evidences of gratitude being received by the State Department and Bad Crum Head quarters, the following letter to typi cal : "My dear tho People ef America: "Now wc all Japanese thank you for your grwt kmdneaa, la this time, yoa guv* bi all. You send us amcb nceeeaery thing* and you are vary kind to us Our thanks are beyoaa measure. We all will never forgot them hereafter. 1 are «®ly a name lees woman. Bat I must write you this, even with such a broken arork, aa I could not keep secret toy thanks. Please excuse my Impolite. Hoping you aiu happy and peaceful forever and * thanking yon fo# year greatwt kindness—Your* truly." ride Quarterly Confareaeo. Raleigh District Presiding Eldar—M. T. Plylcr; Bel ley Circuit—L. C. Brothers; Borwoi Circuit—J. E. Blalock; Cary Otreut —D. N. Cavineaa; Clayton—Ktrrt Keif; Creedmoor Circuit—V. A. Bey ■ al; Pour Ouks Circuit—W. J. Wataoa VmVI'is—R H. Davit: Garner CiM :ut—Ci. A. Starling; Gnmrillc ralt—L. H. Joyner; Kenly Circa W. B. Uorth; Loaikurr—O Dowd; MHbrook Clremtt—M O. elm; Oxford—®. St. Snipoo: Circmit—M. B. Strickland; Circuit—G. B. Parry; Raleigh— tnl, H. U Glaxo Edentoa Street, W. A bury. Epvorth, R. P. Bom* Jenkhte Moaeorial, P Brawn. Seim*—o. P. Pitxgrrekl; Bemlth 6eld—D. H. Tuttle; Tor Rhror—j. C. William*; YourtfLelle Circuit— W. B. Humble; Zcbulon CiremK—T. r.. M. Hall; Bmelnaee Homager North Carol iaa CfcrixtU* Adraeato—T A. Hikea; Bupcrintendeat Method let Or phaaaffe—A. S. Harare; Superlatond ent Anti-Saloon League—®- •*. Da ri*. RaaUagbaen DU*rte« rresiding Elder—J. H. Shore; Ab erdeen and Vaa* <*harga)—H. Mc Whorter; Bkeoac—T. B. Podo; Cale donia Circuit—Trank Cn»rjth; EV Irrba Circuit—W. P. TrawteS; Ham let-W. C. Marti*; Laaral Hfll Ck tuit—W. J. Da-Soao. Laurirt burg—W. R. Roy*II; Luaabertan—I T. MOM. Grant; Lamberroa Circuit— N. J. SamboK; Mmxten—J- L Ram lay, Montgomery Cl remit—B. S. Kob Irtt; ML Gilead—J. A. Martin; ML liHoatl Circuit—T. t. Dinau; Plad ment Circuit—1> A. Patty; Rew I tart Circuit—J. H. PriaaolU; Rad Sprtnga Cliemlt L. S. Maaaoy; Blab avoed cl remit—C. A. Jomea; Rebcmdel - OLreuit—J. 0. Jahaeaa; ReeklnaRera • a (250,000 FIRE I HITS GOLDSBORO Co-Operative War^ui, Am4 ' Arommi 1400 Un Of i Goldeboro, <Jov. II.—Fire of an itetenaiued origin early ttii Mankind destroyed a large (tent* wawbwil h«re containing from 1,660 to l.fM balea of cotton, canting an antimated loot of wort than a goartor motion JoBare. Tho rtruetatw araa tha prop trig of tho North Carolina Tobacco Kronen' Co Operative miMag u loclatioo and on rwatod for otoeagr rarpottf by B. G. Thotapooa. local cotton trader, owner of the rattan. Pint reports that the tobacco re ceiving ware Nome* of the oooorlotiop waa afire graved orronooao. TMa ■traeturv, located a half block from he banted wafohoooo, vu not threat it-od by tha flame*. Mr. Thentyea, who wUgalal the raise af tha cotton in the wartheno* tt 1*60,600, Mated that H waa fully coverod by iacarance. Two-third* of Iho cotton, ho added, vu of tho long topic variety. The fir* wa* diaeovetad shortly tftor mid night and for moea than m boar ragnd beyond control of the I reman, threaten tag aaveral nearby juiUflng*. A freight watohoam of fee Norfolk Soothnm Railway caught Am, jut fe* flaaua war* eattoguwbad be fore toy eonrtderablo domnga was Ions. Tko flroMi* at I o’clock had ■onrinea ui* names so w# i mrthoajc. and akhoa*h th* Inton aad cation was furiously, aa farther oinla* property Whether er net the niUny owned by the ns’ aseorietien aad >76,000 was earned at an Mr. Mt if the cotton la'the baraad hafidSa? ] was bald eat Wild Gmm Carry Bible Qnotetkow Norfolk. Va., Nos. *0.—Wild ducks sad ***** an bitnyiar to hair t*r* of Back Bay and th* North Caro Uaa aaaads quotation* from the Bible inacrihtd os antal band* as their ic*s. Game warden* are of th* opinion that tb* wild fowta are trapped Canada dartn* the matin* aaaaos devout person* who faatos memapt* to their lepa am their way to ha hasten. Recently a is Back Bay this iARVEY BLACKMAN IS UNDER ARREST Hanoy Blackman. young wViHc nmi MM*d n the c mince #f forgorr. «m anvutoil about 1 o'clock WoUacc tag morn 1.1* at the home of aix f:. hn, near Dana. T!h« irmt waa mlo Officer* U W Tart and W. ». Nip w. Be mi fn tad aaleep whan tia found Mm. Blerkwen wst •and mr to tal Saperior court m. tar a l*oo bond, which ha made, hr laeoidtr Jt. X. Jomigan threw wank* t» 00 the charge of forging chocku. rho following Saturday h# wwm-pted •Id* forged check for %U con I it tha Common (ul Bank. The name >f J. W. Wood wax forged i» 1*10 * hack. Official* of thr book bocxwwo aapirloa* that the' name wa not the Maatara of Mr. Wood. When they «ffna to queetion Bbcfeman bhotat ho chock he left the hank hurriedly rithout getting It ndbei Erforta to arrort him at tlwt time nd on the following .lig.u provod atiio. Bo loft for part* wkrjown to be officer*, bat retaraeu to the hon e t Me fhtbar Taooday afternoon nd raa artattd • few bean later. In bo firat attempt Blackman nnililnl • getting a foigod chock cached at be Firm National Bank. The ruute tap bo prnented another forged bark at the hank for caah. Ha waa gtwtted aooa «Am and the mower •te aim far the first deck was re overt rl. At the preliminary bearing » adraklde pcsaenilag the cheek*, wt els need that they was* given to im by another an, a ItM hood by fto ssdsr Jernigam. He has nst provided and io tiu« case and ha* bean is. be local lack-up sitma his amat Wed csday morning. Hs aaw i)|— very eaitrat and «— b* hoard prying la is ceil by pupil pasatog the strays UmlM ~ ~v~t IT"* ~ ria KarrieaHUWik For The Second Time (Kiaxtoa Mows.) ! W. A. Emory, white, on ton day Mg gtaatod Beans* to wod Us pro* rat wife for the tots ad time. It was reported shoot tho eoarthouae that •oum time ago Emory left the stats and is declared to have boon of tho belief that Mrs. Kinsey Ha. 1 had dhreiesd him. go strang waa hi* be lief that hs wanted wife Xo. S at a Florida paint and later returned with her only to find -that th* flirt wife bad art gotten a separation. Since th* retorn however, Mr*. Em ory Ho. 1 I— beau granted a divorce and the court advised Btnory to Who out license and re-wed. thereby mak ing the avion taarful. Hama was dsac. Santo Claus Here on A Preliminary Visit Hon. Santa Claui was among tho visitor* in Dana Wednesday. Ho came *-- LU ~__t .Ul i to hi* vikitotioa oa Christmas Era to Inapaet tha stocks of toys reeontly aapockod by Da an merchants. After Baking hla usual roads ha cxpraaaod himself .as fading sat'wdad that ho roald replenish hla aura stock at lo cal stores Thli gonliaaMUi, who seems over to grow oilier, spent a most pleas ant eaH-har in Toy land, recently opened by tho Fhchett Drag Com pany. en the third floe* of tha build ing. Ha declared himself wall pleas ed with the hundreds of pretty, use ful and amusing things food there, h, fact, ho wont so far aa to my that in aB his travel, ho had aevar BOOK a more complete and satisfying line of gifts far people of all ages. While the hard times which fol lowed tho doe* of the World War wore felt by IsMs, ho aloe la Aartng the prosper'.:/ of tho year 1PM aiM he expect, to he able to visit all tha god little folks Ale year. Ho Is not so sore that bo will pay a vWt to tho had hoys and gists, hat left tho impression that the hail deeds of A* past may ho forgotten, should those who have boon acting aaat+Hg da hotter A tho fetnra. PerUheer manafartarare wB after atos da rd ml stares of maOafUta ap

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