THANKSGIVING AT LOCAL CHURCHES Collection. To Bo Takom Foe Various Orphanage. At Special Service. •etviccs wiU be held Thursday— Thanksgiving Day—at the Kim Bap w»t, PraAytvrian »D<1 Oospcl Tuber n*cl* church,, in Dunn. A apeeial Thanksgiving service waa held Subday »t the Christian church and a like ser vice will conducted next Sunday at Divine Stftet Mpthodut church. At the Christian church Sunday morning the pastor, Rev. O. T. Mattox, preach 'd ■ special Thanksgiving aermon, hi* •object being, “Thanksgiving and Thank. Living." Other feature, of the program inrluded a Thanksgiving anthem by the choir, *olo part, by Mr*. H McD. HollMay and MIm Ethel Godtey, and a solo by Mm Dodacn. A collection waa taken for the church orphanage. The service waa largely ettendad. The rorvicaa at the First Baptist church will be held Thuraday morn ing at sunrise—7 o'clock The paa tor. Rev. K. N. Johnson, will nukt a talk and thara will be abort mldrua e, by several member* of the church. A collection will be taken far the ThomarviBc Baptist urphanague. A special Thanksgiving program waa al so rendered at this church Sunday morning by the Sunday school. anc service* at me rrvsbyterias chureh will be held Thursday morning •t 11 o'clock and wii] be led by Rev. A. R. McQueen, pastor at the church. A collegetJon will be taken far the Presbyterian orphanage at Banna Springs. Mr. McQueen will alee con duct a Thanksgiving service at Grove Presbyterian church, of which be Is also pastor, tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7 o'clock. A collection will alio be taken there for the Pres byter inn orphanage. The Thanksgiving services at the Gospel Tabernacle will be held Thurs day evening, beginning at 7 JO o'clock. A collection will be taken for Falcon orphanage. Thin service will mark the beginning of a Bible eeetfar 1T- ante at this church. As waa stated rIn Friday's Dispatch. A* conference will be conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Howard Van Dyke, missionaries from China, and Rev. R. C. Stelnhofl. Tho conference will be conducted each evoining and will last through Sun day. ' D. H. Hood, of Dunn, will conduct a Thanksgiving service at Black’s Chapel Methodist church, near God win, Thursday morning at 11 o’clock. A thanksgiving program waa rstlder ed at this church Sunday evening. J. A. Culbreth delivered an address and there were eserciaee by the E|> werth league, led by C. H. Randall, and music by a singing class from the Falcon orphanage. A special Thanksgiving offering from Masons of Dunn will bo sent to the Masonic orphanage at Oafoid Calls On People To Thank God On Knees Columbia, Nor. 22.—Probably tbo mot mutual ThanlmgWlng procto motion rvcr loaned by a *tate goscrn or it that iaanod today by Governor McLeod calling on the pcwrplo to get on their kneee on Kovcmber 19 and thank God for their blowing*. Ho call* attention to the feet that aomc month* ago ke uaued a proclamation, calling on the people to pray to God for isecern im the State’* light on the boll weevil. With a crop that la better than any in years. Ood ha* an swered the prayer* of the Christian , people of the atate, and the goeemor now call* on all South Carolinian* to thank Him who answered their pray mr. Administer Severe Whipping To Woman Chad boom, Koe. 26—A few nights ago about SO masked anil robed men went to the heme ef Hampton Hil burar, a few mike west ef tow*, and la said to bar* idministersd a seeera whipping to a woman named Hodge, the wife of a wall .kaown Mind beg gar of.Chadboum. It is said that the woman bad de serted ber ha than it eetne time ago and bad pomaded Hilbeurno t* go with her to a point la Hebeeon eean ty where they are re ported as haeing •taped for some time, returning te Colombo* oaly a day or se in adraae* of the flaggIVig. The woman ia reported to here • been laid down apen a chi eke* coop and waa given IB er IS ltak* with a whip and adrtead to ratara to bar husband at ease* which Hu did. HU boams waa not doalt wMh ao aevawlp. Ha was given a goad lortara aad ad stead U behave hiamalf and to net ■Uew married woman to take ep at W* homo Hllbanto’a wife died oaly a few weak* ago. S Mr. Frank Naylor Died Thursday Afternoon Frank Nuylo, nil-known and pros paroui Ramp.on county farmer, diet Thursday afternoon at hi* home lr j Herring township. Deceased was 71 years old and had been in declinnit health for some time, the Immediate cause of his death briny paralysis. He Is survived by his wife and sev oral children. The funeral was conducted Friday afternoon at S o'clock by Kcv. Ml. Wyatt, pastor of the dffstisil, aiul interment was in tkc family cemetery. Mr Naylor had lony been a member of the Primitive Baptist chuich an.1 was a yood and influen tlal oitixen who will be sorely missed In the community in -which he lived. HIDE AN INFANT IN MOSES STYLE Two-Days-Old Infant Found Hidden In Basket Crib Hoar Coascord Coneord, Nov. 15.-—A story strik ingly similar to thot of the infant Moses is told here by poliee officer who are rrlatiny the tele of the find Iny of a tiny baby boy In a patch of woods in No. 5 township this• Iny. The hidlny place of thu mod viiHti wmm riwv pu oilirnu I roITi that of th« ancient babe, for althoagti the deserters ot the bebo found yes terday morning used broom straw anil weeds to hide his resting place instead of bull rushes ^hey hail wrapped him in swaddling clothes and had given him a basket for a crib. The finding of the babe eras re ported by members of th* family of Mr. Edmond Cook, who lives about ■ix miles from Concord. Police offi cers ware notified and they secured th* boy and brought him to Concord. The kind Providence that guarded the destiny of this babe must have been th* same that watched over Moses, for the fact that the child was diva oris Sowed UnwiMm Isa is— t -Is--'-) M-base —T-—--- - far in the c**« proves almost con clusively that the child had been de scried a tew Hour* after his birth and had hdn for hours In the steady, hard rain that fail Friday and Friday night Although half fra sen from his horri hie exposure the child was still Hving sdirn found and so far us can be de termined nour, he will continue to live. Nothing to Frotsst It Friday afternoon some member ef Mr. Cook’s family saw a basket in a patch of woods near hi* horns. Little was thought of it at the time, but when the basket was asen again yes terday in the same position, an in vestigation was made. Cuddled in the bottom of the basket, with only a umall amount of col thing and nothing to protect it from the weather lay the babe too cold to move and too near dead to make complaint even in baby language. A harried examination showed that th* child was still alive, so It was worried to Mr. Cook’* home and pro tected until the officers arrived. The fact that the basket was in tbs woodr Friday proves without doubt that the child was there ill night ami subjected to th* heavy rains that fell shortly after dusk Its elothiag, cheap In texlura and apparently handed down from some other babe, was kAaftsihm — *-» al_ileal. « S as wet as If It had Just tmn bathed. Out Day and Twa Nftht* The hiding plaoe of the baby was ■bout 100 yards from Keller Church. Th« spot la not a secluded one by any means, end would hardly harvo been •etocted a* a day-light hiding place For that roe win ft ft believed by po lice officers thst the child was desert ed Thursday night and that K rcmaln sd In the woods aU of Thursday night, Friday and Friday night. It is alto pointed oat that persona placing the child in the woods in daylight would hart been Manly assn from the home of Mr. Cook and other persona living In the neighborhood. As ro one waa aaOn Mar tha hiding place Friday, It I* practically certain that tho heart Uaa parents deaartsd. thalr child Thursday night. At see* M tho officer* returned to Consent with the child they had 11 examined by a physician ef the city, •ho asprsaead the opinion that the child wm not ever two days old and would Uve. After having th* cMld examined and being told that H should bo taken I *" ehrn»-by asms weaaau, Assistant Chief of Polio* Wldenhoua* carries * t# Ms here* and left It with Mr*. WMauheuae. Dry efethlag In abuid anta waa furnished fte ftfant, who sheared aigM ef rigorous Ufa after being wafted and fed, and wbe aooft alept la peoee an the lap ef Us adopt *4 another. ' \ OFFICERS UNEARTH WHISKEY AND BEEF find The U^rfdBariud I. Y»»*U At Home* «f Ouw> Nogrooi Antic Carter, one-armed ncgreei • bct'.cmlcnown u •‘Long Annlo," ii s ngsln In the tolls of the law. Annlo' ['•lest troubles began on 8ttunloj | aft moon when local officer* unearth ! Ctl two gallons of blockade Hquoi j w hirh nad been buried in tire bact J*snl at her home on Bay struct. She >nu<!c a each bond in the turn of fl(Hj for her appearance before Recorder M. M Jermgan tomorrow when sh<j will tell the court "how come" tha two gallon! of canned "white light ning" buried there- The raid was nude and the whiskey dlscoverad by Chief Of Poller B. A. Rowland, p* I'-enmn W. K. Nipper end Deputy H. H. McLood. However, Annie was not tire only one whom the strong arm of ths taw out and ‘took In" hereabouts during the past week end. Miles Jonw. negro, who liras In 8outh nuiui, IS under Ilka bond for hie sp pesmuev before the recorder tomor mv. tn make an explanation of who hid a half-gallon of whiskey under :t box built around s pomp at hit home. The whiskey was found there by local officers Saturday night. llehry Johnson negro, who lives in the “Neck," near Duke ■ „ n mamled to the county jail at LiUiag ton Sundry In default tf bond when olfireis found two barrels of cans hoar end a half gallon of whiskey ou his pmpiscs. One barrel of the boar was found la Johnson's smoke house, while tile other was found buried iu h:s yard. The beer and whiskey wore located by Office H. II. McLeod and V II. Harper. Tire* negros and two whits man u tested on the highwaye near Dunn during tot- week end erill also hove to faro Uccuiiier Jerr.igan tomorrow, all osrsng been released under bond aft er up in the local lock-ap A roang white woman arreatod Sunday. ■afiaffHtsftl £ go Brr^ruy Caelot^ey sfTimoon, after she bad spent several mart in the town lock-up. The wom en proved to be a doper and the of ficer, thought It boot to let her move >n. Former-Congressman R. N. Hackett Passes Richard N. Hackett, former United Slates Congressman from the Eighth North Carolina district, died Thurs day afternoon <in the Long sanatori um at Statesville, following an ili ncse of several weeks duration. The funeral was held from the Methodist church at Wilkcsboro Saturday morn ing and tie body was hi ter red in ths family burying plot in Wilkcsboro. Trunk Full Of Mud Contains Much Gold Omaha, Ncbr.—Frank Brubaker, of Omaha, bought an old trunk at a sale of unclaimed exp re so ago several weeks ago and paid $4 SO for it. When he opened the trunk ho found t full of black mud. His friends teased him ami had lots of fun about hie trunKful of mud. Somebody sug-; gorted to Brubaker that he have the j .tuff analysed. lie took H to the Omaha plant of) th* American Smelting and Refining, company and got the report on It. The trunk full of mod had *i,so«.8» north of gold in It. Brubaker had placed to little value on the trpnk and its content* that he had left It out In hie garage with tha daor unlocked for a week. Holiday Liquor K3U Fiv®—Many Other* Sick Philadelphia. Nov. IS. _ Lhjoor, "'■(ported” for the holiday tcanoa It blamed by the police for tha daath today of flvo men, and the tending of many other* to haapitah in critical rendition*. Th* death* Increased th* fetal Hie* attributed by tbe authori ties to poison whiskey to eight In Ike lent aeven day*. Central city hospital today treated •eorer of person* who had been picked op on the (treat* uneonacioa* from •Wakey which wbc of them said had been told to them by bootlegger* a* “impartad " Many said they had tak en only one or tmo drink* befeto toe ing eenvloasncs*. Oxygen gn* have nved th* Uvea ml at lead a daean at one hospital, phyaiciana said. He—"la ah* progreariv* or eon at-rratlvof" ■he—“I don't know. She wear* a I*® year'* hat, drive* • this year'* ear, and live* ea n*xt year** Income." —Modem Otecar. i I I L I > No Bat Contrary to ' there ore 10 areaad tread af thy girts tween fourteen who elorely of ttia usual ato jirU whose woods of with aoimat It ie rather visitor over the (o lave i cd little girl of when she it oa an affable •rtcrvd you a tura and rlva you a manners, if there is State of ••etter rand the awn them. * At present 185 girts at lh« I netitutioa, of main. Iona nee dm log the Afty of *o°n m in the face ot -k argent applications fat coast In. Net nil ot the tea off seders. A large proportion of they have New Pamarcand bnilding to by Are a year (to he Smithed a t tehool a month or as) (the flrat in the imitation) °"|-Trnilent | I whrro the girts can mo their raia Utcj and sleeping quartern far gueaU and teachers. The tehool toil dir* which (a filling aa argent need hat an noilHeriaa seating the whole echool and stag and peed hie visitors, snd big, light rooms for scads mis and vocational training. During the last biaanial period lea dormitories war hdllt; Carroll Hall (named for Dr. Delia Dlxoti CarroU, of Raleigh); Page Hall (named for Mr*. J. R. Page, of Aberdeen); BieksCt Hall (named far the late Governor Biekctt); Hope Changer lain Hall (named f*T Mr* J. R. Cham berlain, of Raleigh); sad McCeahey Hall (named far the Rev. A. A. Me Ceohvy, of Charlotte.) Xach of these *» » compute unit |n itself with U« rhea, dirdng room tnrt bod roome. Each is planned to boats SO girl* ami has been hoesii* go. Besides tbs foregoing balidlr**, the plant of the lnstitotSon contisU of a hospital with resident physician la charge a pavilion which hen served is an aaditorfctm. A small boOdlag which win be uteri at qnartom for leaching, dairy, laundry, “piggery,*' natd itatiUm Th* non mitring thing Unt h mareaad 1* not, howavar, its phpteaol cqoipmant, but th, .pint of Indus try «nd rood-will which mn to pre rail there. Kiel MeNoughten. tha Bapeitetrndmt, ta, af eonrae, reapon *1* for tMa apirit The afitan ah, h*e dt-vleed ia s aort af modified atu der.t government. Each halt haa Us ijreiident council of five, doctor*, and health officer. Three girl. u, reepon idM, for order l» th, building wider the general auparviaion of tha matron In charge. All at thwe office., except that of proctor appointed bp too ma tron. are elected bp too raaldenta af th, hoaae, and th, paid much covet 'd honor*. The mem vatnad office of •M la that of pratedoat of tha atadaat body, alaetad from among former hall prraMonU In addition, mawhoiahlp In the Athletic AaaaciaUon, which la alao elective, k maeh aoagbt after. The atple af dram play* a Urge part la the apateea at dioripHno— aalte a etraha of gonlaa In a "fo male ee ml nary." The rmular aehool eoetoaae *•» •»"> dap la a tan aalddy •alt with blaamtn and a white edit of almllar atyle for droea aaoaalana. Tha rcriMteip gti* ora not allowed ta waar tha ragular uniform, hot Ham a Mur one of tholr own whloh la aura •r Um a atigma. Kattkar an thaaa gbta allow ad ta Hve in any af tha fom banor hatta, hot have o aapante build ing! ng at thadr am from whfch *n •Moat go oml aacapt in iimyaaj with a teacher. Although thfc ball h parfoettp (team, It to not m nieatj fmrntahad aa tom othaia mi ntoma • •octcty at tientarcane. Dmyi at Sam*reared art fiD ef du tiea Mil recreation. The girl* do ell the work about the Insthntion, cook, ran the laundry, milk the cow*, feed th« pigs, and walk the garden, bo ride* their daily echoollng, which eon lists of regular grew mar-grade work with taro years of Ugh school and their vocational training, Hrcis-mak ing. millinery, basketry, weaving, art needlweveik, and dirnutic science. They have regular physical training ardor two Ini tractor*, daily drill*, basketball, volleyball, buiaball and awinaming tn the lake on the campus. Occasionally they ga on hikes. They alao have marie with geuerul chore* work each day, two glee dub* and apodal lemons for theoa whose talent make* them advisable. Drawbar is alao on tho eehadule. The teaching staff of twenty-nine at Bamreesnd is ef noticeably high grade. A graduate of largeant ha* charga of athletics and a gradest* ef the Maeaeetmeetta Agricultural College direct* tho farm activities. Indeed eoRcg* gradaatoe are not at all unusual at Baianreend. Mias Me N*nekton points out that la order to handle giri* of tMa sort meet satis - faetorily it U necessary to hove wo men la charge who are especially w*U » Tipped bath la breading aad is education. In addition to enlarged tape lit y for Um I limitation which la sorely nondod, bub wfclsh cannot cm* until the sast 1-egiriatare makes Its appropriations, tho greatest aseds of lamareand at preaaat are wore bosks for tiw lib rary and areataa] Instruments. The Soperintendcat says that tire wauM IBw to hare a ptono, or at toast t vletnol* in aaeh of tho tv* ban. Taapli who Ire In Ponnaylvatoa la Now Yoik and la CaMfarsio keen mare about ffnamurcaad tires tire so •rug* resident of halitgh. Greean bare or Charlotte, because tire In •tibatisa la aonridared on* of Um uredels of No Wad to tire country MEASURE TO AID CO-OPERATIVE! • Sitter Smith Wild Ammm Fadarad Act To Nd Th* Mi—it Waahinglan, Nor. 21—Amend men . of the Federal Roterve* Act to fwi i ther the cooperative asvcruo ■ among agricultural prcdaeeru hjr ai . iacraaaad credit through long tan I inane i* to he offered la the nex Congree* by Senaror Smith, Demo ernt. Sooth Carolina. Loan* through th* Federal Itam Syatem ap to two yean to cooperatin aaaociationi of agricoltaral prodaoon and ap to three yaani to to-opcratrv* •rgaaiaation* of liva-atock grown h to be propoaad by Senator Smith. Among the cotton and tobacco pro daeor. of the Carolina* and Virginia Senator Smith *aid, th* laat year had w toward at, laeraaa* of at team Sfty par cant In th* nnmbor mt timer* Joining ea operative awoeiatiooa. ■is plan for long tarm loan* to co-ope rati vo aaooeiaUoaa, Senator Smith aaid. would give tho fodurul ltd nnfxisai ■ td wvt^nel Uve amnwt generally. The eater. rioo of credit to co-operative nmrli ttona ia the opinion of Senator Smith, woald not freeae credit, nor rtrrraass the atrvngth of the retrieval Reserve System as. he anraed. the money leaned to ro-epemtive. wo aid he re* toraed itrared Lately te the e Ire station •f the federal Reaerva System open payments to eo-operatlv* aaembere. Sor.ator Smith is U submit his amendment to tho law to the Banking committee to be placed *ln workable drape for the consideration •f Cnngram. he mid. He alee eon templates revision of the co-operative marketing act by provlsdoae caica taterf to stimulate the formation of •^-operative era»crations of sgrlcaU taaal and livestock producers. Din In A Hospital From An Auto Injury Hendmaan, Nov. IK— George C ^theT»r53hInaen4MaM^S5Stt£y from Injuries received when the Ford ear in which be was riding with a Mr, Smith overturned oa tbs Gilbarg road just sooth of Henderson Thursday af ternoon Details af the accident are un known. Mr. Pythraas had been la Henderson selling some cotton and was returning home ia Mr. Smith’* automobile, which was driven, it is •aid, by Mr. Smith A abort die ts ace from tbc mot where the acci dent occurred the two men had atop part at GarreU’i store to make a pur chase. Parties in the store hearing the crash rushed te the scene and lif ted Pythress from nndomcoth the au tomobile. He eras unconscious at the tine and was sever revived. jSmithfWM Citizen ' Dr°P*^w*faVa« ^ ••MUMd. «—fc. r. < rjmj ■F,1° Uv'-* «mi tie okl 8mltl»fi»Ui roi tO» nJU. diopjtcd (trail it. Me yar ao Friday rftcintng abeut SidC-aMorl Jlr. war ai tb. time 0f j,. iKjatk, atitl iiud mm lot a uuaab* t of years, cetiue ariig'n. fji utr UlWi - of Smi.iifltltl, ui.,'. rti id Miigt u l *».• Noiih Catalina Caiton Onvt/'i i Co-ejtaraUre Wnrhouw at Mr yent I It war hie cor tom to y«-t ap ead) ai.< i breakfast. Hit duyiittr had yroptr ad brvakfaat sad hir wife ttopjrtd oa iata the yard to tee if t«i harban was returning from j\t work, and lg h«r honor site taw him ijrit* an ttt gjoenrt add whtn die iitr ifl ait trie ha war dead. D.E. JONES KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT HU Fard Car Tornad Orar Oa HifKwky Naar Lillingtwn Thwraday Night The automobile fUlad amoCivi Harnett rountj rHifrn on THgxaday aight wh*k D. Elm on Jo.-io. wrJl kaown <a'-mrr and poring machine agrat, who Heed c«ar L'ftngtoa. tam ed bU ear orar on the highway lean ing fron Lill nctoi- to Dube un.l wa» i»Ma»r!y UHe.l. Tile rr.r tarced over »ppo> ally without taua. and Mr. [Jooo* wn picacd beocuvh* H. Jo*.a*. "*» a'wne In the ear at til* turn of the ricideot nr«! too cauto of iu laming oror will probably never bo knowr. It I» believed tlial I hr ear waa t'-urcUng at foot rpr>*l. A >nty of nrgtwe* pcav'ny along Ae Highway raw the cverturecn Fowl ■ oadMcr and upon iaesatigotUo fottnd Mr. Jri'W pinned brnrath too >aa'hi;.e. He waa dead when remove., from tk* wreckage and Dr. J. W. PMEIpa of LlEbigtoa, who waa mm ■wncil, found that JomV bead Had bran cruabod. earning innaot death. Tho uafortuaata nan carried a aew lag machine oa tho ear at lira tW of the accident and wa* nitbia Mr of to home when h art M. Derraaod wr.i t^au; ! rTly-! Vc ’ftttl aid and h vanned by bit widow and >ix children. He waa the fourth liar, nett citlxcn to ioae bit ic cn au to mobile aeckl.nt withl.-, the paat nine montba. To Hold Rural Carrier Examination On Jan 12 t ■ The Until'd Blear* Civlt fte-rice Omrmitsicii bis tun os need an «x inlmllos to bo bold at D-mn on Ju aary 18, 1**4. to fill ths positioa of idrat earner at Dana, X. C., ami va cuciti that may later occur on rural route* from that po*-, office. The •alary of a rural carrier on a stan dard daily wagon route of 84 miles 'a 61,800 per annum, with an addlt*o).al 880 par mile par annum for ouch mile er major fraction thereof in *x eem ef 84 mils*. The salary on motor rwute* ranges from 88AM to 82,6*0 par anntun. according to length. Sep arate txmaminalion for motor routes and wagon route* are no longer hold. Appointment* to both position* urili b*> made from the cnee rtgMcr. The examination will be open only to chi acne who arc actual)? domiciled, la tlic territory ef the pose office wVr* the racaacy exists and who meet thr other requirements set forth in Korm 1877. Both men and women, U qual ified, may cuter this examiiatiot). hut eppoiating officer* have the legal right to aper’fy the Sex detlrod it) re questing certification of cllgleis*. Wo men srIVi not be considered for rural carrier appointment unices they are the widows of U. 5 soldiers, sailors, er user!ites, or the wives of V. B. sol dial*, sellers, or marines who ere physically dstqoellflrd for examina tion by reason of injuria* raceiee-1 tn the line of military duty. Form 1877 and applkaUet, blanks may be obtained from tie vacancy office men tioned above or from the United State* Civil Berries Coromimion at Washington. D C. Applications should bo forwarded to the C seam la den at Washington. D. C„ at the esr! taat prssUcxb’* date. At the ex amination applicants asurt famish aw mounted photographs ef themoahroi taken withl^two years. FOB BALK OB TRADE—DODO* touring ear ia good rendition for oa tie er hog*.—Closrttcd ad, la Um Livingston. Meat., Enterprise. Those wlto are Interacted ia pro claiming North Carolina’* achieve menu to the world would 4a waff It taka a day aff to rleU Boaarcafcd am ff»tha» malarial. Far seen thing la go iag en oow at Ssmartaad mars ha irs-tant^mron than the good road ,• ...... 11II—— ij , BEAMAN EXPLAINS SOPnKMIES imHnHHHH i ». ■ I r | *r. U. 8. __ ' he Wilee.i dumber ef ' fi me • iJe afunuofl ’ l "Sr Etmn North Cam mioI Cer.iaeraa, wfce came bam to .i quaint thtmtbw with their werh ?( . •>) 4h>| JWJM Ilf the '-rion of ratre which the itttci trr :ho «* •-( of lha Cw Attoriatfea 'aoolira rijaal rxtaa <a «MeeT ' M.- Human : tatted am by am '** that lha Virginia eMtm ham feaad chat tha mtae which heme--y iuea ebtaineJ hero re nartb cat >'atc their baeinrw that timy am aur !r*P hsaraa and earth to ehaac* them, • ei! that they prtyam to da ao if : a**J«,U, far they cep thafr ba—am ♦-' to* them, and ft le a» ta iarlh Cniallna M tha ail raataae : Ml It hu obtuir^l Tkt rath* rata - Ktri'sa front the 3ic west it bupt if ti» Vugtok -nr xMNMi to# i >. At that time Vlrgiato :«MHT #f traffh !H*<a was kJMW; ta»a *f proaptritj >»t chan fled and ___ inly pay* mthird a/ :*am paid by tha bat her ■twttfaHartt t catea v» aka ahaad at i >'aira jo tha Saw* ~ Vhy.aU, North •<«h WtAttAW. orth ItltAtlAW aad WMAMAN. 7 Aa from tha cf trade Hath oatided ta aa la i-1 o-o thifc jopssj —^"fTr N’iTrri.a r1 ■ ier-ltary baaad apes Aa part ad Maw r -Ik whirh l* 'nflaanaad by aahl '.ctro simI mends aat aad ataaaa r.icUmoml. 1*0 ta rob aig. "-• - aad Iv'Tirttatt irtaalil flat along Aa Ifea of tha Norfolk and Waataro aad whirb ran* ftirnraflh thaaa wm When tha Virginia road vu bait tbit sad wa aka taeluded. id rata. Iran tha waat aad'pkoa'a en Aa mm haak of tha niplak r-ties, while haforc Aalr rotes were tkaial, Virginia cities aajopad to »:i parts af North Carollaa Aa ohm :atr fioro the point of oright of Aip r.n-nt* mm the palati la tha waat. Aa cuabrny Richmond jobbers to plaat tbrir goods iato North Chrolia* tart ■ :tory on Aa mum boats with weak tit ihippen. When goods atari tea tartars North ChroUaa ant of Aa /Utr. wa had ta pay Aa Wphaat ants, rnd an we could aat as si vrr's{i and compete with Aa Vto finis dbr*. Mr. Boaoiaa ate* Ami that the allronSn art carryiny aMr* Matte Carolina Hrisan they an la j *i*7 other Boatbonl State sad wn •nakhv thoir teooay on MaeSl Cor ■h* teippaw m bar paoyte. Thr (tIMaf iimateilM ann •iwaont; Motor* H. L. SatMh af Qaaw tilloi F. Grovtr Britt of Dnaoi Look r. Moon of Witaaytea; O. E Coo • i*.- of Rriwtoroon; R. X. I v f Paycttovillo; T. 1* 3. X. Barlow af Now Ben mIsT'y! Chunk!La af Rocky Monty.—WBm Doily TIataa. '-OCAL ORGANIZATION TO ASSIST IM TMX PtOMT I ■''erctarlot of tbi ttteai'onbn I *! Commute* la Batten Hulk Qan .Ina wMl waye a tyhc A at bml mteo tain tko ymnrt ntea aad ante ter tea yropowd d.ralipnmw af Maitb CarolIm pone. A. L. Meobmiy. a I >»«~»n*h«rtao4 4 . rooter of tea ' ter* af tha oryatenlloa to*wote wite T Q rarer Britt, nenterr. M Ufa TTjpteftAnt maUir •» , Th« fratybt rtebrnt which eon nr <n>mi> ** 9m*aa4 ; *«• *• L'fon^nJnaarwhite »W | (Mppon af Virginia wM ate tea ln 1 j trrStat* m |» >lae« oo Morih * rixtg^

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