THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, JERRY DALTON IS SAVED FROM CHAIR CoTtrnor Commute* Sentence To From 20 To 30 Years In Stata Prison Kalcigh, Hoc. If*—Thu 'luji.i sen tinel of Jerry Daiion, convicted in Macon county cf .he murder of his sweetheart and :i y uny man. Inday eras commuted to a term <1 nut Ic.s than 20 nor more titan SO yesiu i:i the State penitentiary hy Governor Mor rison. Th$ comorjUiUOii read* n* follows: “It would ho useless to record an argument upon Lie merit* of this case. “Upon convdcrston of the whole cast in all its aspect* and after con sideration of the case with the at tornay-genoral of North Carolina and after a conference with the hon orshl* W. A. Hoke, of the supreme court bench, who wrote the opnion of the court in this Late on appeal it* the former trial of th« prisoner, and after further conatdcrwtion of the matter with some of the greatest Jar lets and lawyers of the state, includ ing the Hon. Henry G. Connor, form er Judge of the supreme court and now United States district Judge, all of whom eoncur in my conclusion about tbit matter, 1 am of the opnion that tharo la grave doubt of the pris oner, Jerry Dalton, bofig guilty of the crme of murder in the Arst degree. li Axod by the statutes of North Car olira o® the subject. "I do Lot believe the killing took place while Dalton’* blood wat cool and hit mind in a condition to form o delbenta ease to commit murder In the Ant degree, according to the evidence in the ca«e. For this rea son, and out of respect to the peti tion filed from 10 of the juror* who convicted him and out of reepeet to the thousand! of* in the itate echo asked for a commutation sentence. 1 hereby commute the aantance of Jerry Dalton from death by electrocution to an Indo temdnete sentence of not less than 20 years and not more than 70 years in the itate prison. "I do not believe or, the record be fore mo that Dalton boa bean proved guilty of a higher crime titan mur der in the locond degree. The max imum punishment of murder in the second degree U 30 years and I would commute ho punishment to thii sen tence, but for the fact that 1 am a strong believer In the Indeterminate sentence, and I think It 1* proper to give him a chance by good behavior to earn aomethng off frorm the full penalty of the law for murder in the- j second degree." Christmas Cantata At Presbyterian Church "The Messiah'* Coming”, the beau tiful cantata by Wild or lucre will be presented by the ebureh choir, rein forced by some of the best *olo voleot la town, Thursday evening at 8:00 o'elouk at Presbyterian church. The public it cordially Invited. PROGRAM Scripture Reading. Prayer. Organ Prelude. Hear the Song—Opening chorus— Choir. The Messiah (Soprano Solo)—Mr*. John PHagorald. Christ Our Idght—Chorus. Ufa Without End—Duet, Min Dodson, Mr*. Holliday. Wondrous Story (Soprano Sole) Mm. Hinm atuy. Prophecies Falfmed—Choir. Star of lore—Me. Mr*. Fitager ald, Mrs. McKay. Mn. Holliday. The Voice of Jcaua—contralto eo lo, Mrs. Harpor Holliday. Saviour, like a Shepherd Lead Us —Out, Mra. Herbert McKay and Mra. Harper Holliday. ' The Brag of Angola, Quartet, Mn. DUaon Goddard, Mae. W. 8. Snipes. Mra W. E Cokratm, Mr. Edward Mots. God’s Wonderful Gift (Finale.) Sopranos: Maadames Herbert Mc Kay, John Fltageratd, Harper Holli day, Wallace Coltrane, Oscar •brick-1 land, ElUaoa Goddard, M. A. Town-1 send, *. M. Jeffreys, J. *. Bailer, 3. W. PbmHs, Was. Thompson. Z. V. Snipes, Mi* Dodson and Mta# Sue Smith. Altai: Mesdames W. T. Smith. Pass! Hood, Itansera Pearsall, Jae. Farthing. W. 8. Snipes. Henry Leo and Ml* niaabetb Bridge. Teaere: Dr. t.- *. Sutler. Mr. SpnU Moore. Mr. C. S. Hleka, Mr. It. S. Fret man. Basaoai Mr. Bfrmrd Meta. Mr. Ha* Prince, Mr. W. T. Smith, Mr. Geo. Oerdner and Mr. E V. Snipes Organist tsi Shorter of Cantata, Mrs. Lloyd Wade. LARGE SALES OF CHRISTMAS SEALS _l Dana Luted Among North Car olina Town* Showing An lacrtu* of SaUo iUnalor'um, Dec. 14.—If the tbrn* ire read correctly. North Carolina thin rear wH] -have thw greatest rale of rubciculoaie Chri*t»na* Scale of any year in the hhtory of tha movement. Mo*t encouraging report* come from the North Carolina Tubercnloei* A* roclation under whole auspice# the acute are eold. Indication* are that not a few town* will iknrirle the .lumber of veala wltl lutv year. Ashe rifle, Durham and perhaps Charlotte tn* three of the torgeet town* that jive evidence of doubling their loot /ear'* aale. Two counties and quite a number at lawn* have placed large addtkmal order* for ecola at State Headquarter*, which in at the State sanatorium. The counties are Cabarnu and Pamlico. Some of the town* are Burlington, Belmont, Bryion City, Luncolnton, Mockavillc, Mount Airy and Morgan ton. Clinton, Dunn, High Point and Henderson pl*o shew eigne on Increae e<1 *alen and Raleigh has to bor cred it, a eplendlcj aale af Health Bond#. Aooordtnw to s report from aaul hraiquartsit, Ut« teal sale chairman of the State arc putting on the best • ampuign n the history of the organi sation. They are not only employing the beat basinets methods in conduct ing the pals but they are accepting the movement as an important factor fn their community life and are talc •ng advantage of the big health oppor tunities it bring* so thorn. Tha Tu berculosis Christmas Seal is now ree ogrosed at tha one opportunity of all the year to discharge personal obM gmtiens to the great light against tha dreaded disease, tuberculosis. Delightful Program But Small ftiiHmm Always in Trouble, or a Hodooed Coon, was peuaentad in the local op era house Friday evening by Mrs A. R. WUaonti enproeaton darn from Smith (Veld. The program waa alto gether ddlghtfal, but was witness* i b/ only ■ vary small audience. The entertainment win pot on uader the auspices of tha Junior clast of tho Dunn high school and waa lirocttd by Hr*. Wilton. Members nf the cast played their parts In a moil creditable manner, one which prove! that they are receiving splendid training ait She bands of Mrs. Wilton. Railroad* Low Out In Standard Oil Skirmish Wllmivyttn, Dee. It.—The Atlan tic Coast line and 8onboard Air Lin* railroads lost their initial tkinnah aganat the Standard Oil Company In the efforts of the railroads to fore* the intrastate level of freight rates on petroleum products to that of tha intrastate level. The fight between tha ail company and ft* railroad la of vital interest aa tha Standard Oil company si.nuaMy afcdif into Witndngton millions of gallons of oils for diatrlbuton through out the state. Jam** H. Foe, Ralegh counsel lot tha off company appeared before Fed eral Judge H. O. Connor In Raleigh ■ltd ashed Wat the reads be restrain, ed from putting into affect higher ir.tractate ratea. The railroads sought to more from the Jurisdiction the rose, hut Judge Connor ruled that the case most be heard before him and aoon. The North Carolina intrastate freight rate on oils an lower than the through tariff, and the idea of ‘.he railroad* ia to make the latrn i tats rate oa petroleum pro duet* the tame ea the intrastate rule. New Type Airplane Developed By Navy Washington, Dee. 15-—An airplane which combines the fanatic** ef three ■met type planet, bomMng, torpedo launching and long rnrig* aeowting, h*» keen does loped by the bureau af oerouautiea ef the nasry. TV* plan* ! ^»Wi 1* equipped with a 555 hot** power engine, I* the lightest for Its | power tier bulk being dble to fly wttfc mere than He enwa weight as * i lead, and powerful enough to carry a greater lead than kwta engined bombers new In nee. With a-witg speed ef 55 feat the machine weight about 4*05 pound* and I* U feet high end 54 feet long. Marion Baggett Shot By “Unloaded” Pistol Marion Baggett had a S2 caliWi steel ballet shot through kit rlglil arm above the wrist ftuuday nigui when a pistol In the ImndA of Carl C. Jackson waa areidently discharged The shooting look plaee at the Beg tet home, Sooth Magnolia avenue, ar.d the pistol belonged to Mr. Bug get. Mr. Joekson was making an ex amination of the pistol and lh ought ail the bullota had been removed from it. Aithougb the bullet [mail Ibrouuli Mr. Baggett's arm and passed on through the door of tho ruea, ho die not know that be bad been struck until he saw a hote in his i.hirt sleeve made by the bullet The bullet paus ed between the two arm bones, as.-l It la not thought that the wound will prove serious. To say the least, Mr Baggett had what might be termed “a otoae cal.” Duim Quint Defeated By Duke Highs 27 to 7 (By Waite H. Lacat) Duka, Dae. IT.—Maying its sec ond came of the Harnett county championship aerie* on the local gym fteor last Friday night, the Duke high sehori basketball quint dsfeated the Dunn high school team by ft* score •( 'it to 7. The visiters war.' unable to withstand ths deteramnsd assaults of the locals ami were hand ed the most decisive defeat they have ever experienced in Harnett county. The flues-. example of teamwork that has ever beea seen in Duke was that exhibited by Captain Pewter's team of Duke high players. The victory method the second oonsooative win for Coach Blmpoen's charges In their rue* for premier Sonora in Harnett. Friday and Saturday nights of tkstn areok wfll see the four Sunday school* of ths town staging their Christman true exercises. Cock school has ar ranged appropriate programs for the occasion, sad a cordial invitation la extended to everybody to com* out to them. Members ef Mu Duke echooi fucul Ur art tearing Oris week ' far tketr ' rsipidrive tmeses to spent} tSi' fttrUf mas hloidayc! Practically everyone, with one or two exceptions, have planned t* go hoote Christmas. Rev N. M. McDonald, who km born eoadned to Us horns on Park street for the lari few days on ac count of richness, is improving an riU toon be able to resume hit work His conditio* at sne time was so se ious as to necessitate someone remain ing with Urn through the night. The mill official* have announce a three-day vweaton for its employs* for Christmas holidays. > W. P. Blake, M. W. Powlcr. Hal •ton McDonald, and Wade H. Lace wen Raleigh visitors lari Saturday. Lsschm Page, of Laurinhurg, was . week-end guest here with friends. Rev. Robt. L. McKinnor Killed In Aecidenl Laurinhurg, Dec. 16.—Rev. Rober Lee McKinnon, Prctbterian mialstei •g*d St, was kilted in an automobll accident at a creasing in Oharterioi W. Va.. lari night at 11 o'clock. Dc tails of ths accident could not b ascertained. The deceased was bom four mHs from hen and was a member of on of the moat prominent f untie* 1 oastem North Carolina. Ha was vvr popular among his associate* i Scotland county, having giwdoatod a wTfuwii an >>ii| aiiu ivruihuuu eeminary ia 1*17. II« wsu aaaoclatc ?Mt«r at Choricoton w. Vo., at tha Uane of hia death. He ia rarriTtd by hia wtfa and oat oMdj Hia falhar and mother. Hx. end Mn. 8. W. McKanoa; two •itUrt, Miaaai OUre and Draco Mc Kinnon; four brothan, Martin, Mar dock, John and K. W., Jr. Tha funeral U to be held in Leurin bury Preebytoriaa ehoreh at 11 eVlock Monday moraine, with into rant at tha MeXInnoa burial yroond, near tha McKinnon home.' Killed By Looking Into Pistol Barrel AthrrfMo. Doe. It.—Bay Stewart, 17, a rreident of the MlUe Blrei aretian la daad *a tha remit of Ihr acekfeatal dtaehaiye erf in old ro vokrar which the bay bad found at tha homo af hia yaondfathcr. K« Mthriny tha weapon, the bay looker in the barrel af «m ptatat. Tha m ploalon aant a ballot craaMny tab the aye and thronyh tha basin. Daatl waa tamo at rT I Caatadariny asr taupldltiea th l amaatsy faot la (hat wa yat alaap a wall aa wa do. \ * {WANTS NO TOENFORC! POTEAT Baptist 1 nunciati— mt Law HEAD OP WAKE MAKES STROr Dr. B. W. Spillman Prasidaot-For Aa Owr Hu PreM ratt Withdraws No hmtstioaa I Masting. Gastonia, Dm. 14.— nuncistlon by Dr. Wil! test, pres dent of Waka V,rr. of organisations. . nr behind masks or'd kiwi," featured the the #*rd sanaal North Carolina Baptist' vrntion, which rioted Tlier* were ns ll>24 convention tnd left to the eseenthre Raleigh getting the mention. Preeioaa to vrntion disregarded it* president. Dr. 8. ' Klrmen, and riveted rn:incentive term, aleo passed endorsing rmplifyieg the petition ‘sen against the use of for toarhing the Bible ]d*n* for coon# Is offered students in Th* However, the total waa unuMtcfljr email the four day*' coacrirtratcil ea its thn outstanding artlona ion for thy immediate new million dollar College, fo rmulatio raising during th* malning l*,6M,*00 MO 1925. The convention eat down square ly on a icqaot from the Near East Belief A.-toeiition for a “fifty-Mty” participation in relief work. The re ■rueet waa presented hy Secretary 01 larlca E. Maddry, who etatod a ny rverntativa of the ergaaicatlon had bem on hand all weak. Dr. Mnddry pjiwt'l th* request on without yet i loiilicn bot it raroivad immediate and 1 numinous disapproval, th* oonvon Uon unanimously adopting a roaolu - tion offered hy W. C. Barrett *1 : Gastonm, rec ommcndiag that al Usptist churrhei and individuals sane i their donations for reUof to th* Vor (Contli.ued on pago 6.) TO HOLD ANNUAL i MEET JANUARY 11 ! Annual Moving Local Ck*_ bar of Commerce la Call ed by D’weCtorn The directors of th* Dunn Che nth* of Commerce at thor monthly meotiaj ’ Friday evening decided to hold tie ’ annual meeting of the erganisatloi ’ on Monday sight, Janaary 11, 1M( * At th* meeting th* eflcotn wtB msh . their annual reports and the matt* •f whether or not Dean u to bar* a Chamber of Comma no nrrt year will be deckled. TMi meeting will aim he the time for the tfaetien of • board if iHrertera to aerre daring the year 1924. At the meeting Friday evening eev ora) mature of importaaea ware eoa aldered, one of which waa an effort to get a venoer plant te locate tit Ihian. It waa pointed oat that there '» ■» unlimited aapply of timber near T>unn for mpplyiag aaeh an biduetry with raw material. F. Qrover Brtt, Secretary, waa inatraetad to raa an -drorUacment la several phpera la an effort to got sack a pant to locate here. .< Kite Marie Turlington, oaalelaat .ecretnry, tendered bar retignatien, ftectve January 1, and tha reetgna tlon waa acoeytad. Tha matter al electing a meeemor to tOm Tailing ton waa deferred until a inter date Miaa Turlnlgtea baa Haitiil efflataal mrvico daring the tine aha baa beef connected wth the Cham her of Oam mere*. While the Chamber of Commorci baa not aaccaaded la "hringl^ an; large ialuatrica bare tMa yp9, aaa aral amah onea have bean aaeara , and aevarai important gnlaa have beat , made through the affaita of title oi Twin City Tobacco Company U Bankrupt Cnrsntborn, Dm. 11.—BaiWy Brothers, Inc.. Winston Bil— - to bacco manufacturing mens, this afurnoon Alod a voluntary petition In bankruptcy ia Fodorol court bore. Th« poliUoa, signori by B. B. Boday, ▼icc-prchdcnc sod. iron carer, admit* the Uiablity of the corporatoa to meet it* obligations sad request* the ap pointment of a roe error. This wiB bo don*, probably Monday, by Judge B. Tata* Webb, who is handling all affaire la tho western district hirsuos if the continued illness ef Judge lane* K. Boyd. Tho Bailey concern Hats debts ef 17II,4X7.SI ef Wh4eb ItM.MS.IT it seeor«4 claims. Arnett art placed at $2,401,444,96, ef which 646442*. .44 it real estate and s patents, copyrights and trade merles. Stock In cash is Held at only $11,440 and each oa hand «* Hated at 9241.46. Policies of insurance nmeant to 9644, 400 and dspoolts ia banks 91f441.14. Train Makes Ron With Passenger Condi Afire Winctoo-Salom. Dee. >6. Shlly after passenger train No. .1, from Greensboro to Winston-Salem, left Guilford college, tost night, tt was die Wverod that one af (he coaches was »Arc. The discovery was mpsrtsd to Conductor Beard, who passed the to 'formation to the rnglBiw, Mm Bap dor, who lot* ae tone ia the rua to friendship, where a backet brigade was farmed aad the Mas* was aeon extinguishad. The train crew and yoatsagsrs t*w throe cheers to toa Friendship Are department for toe good west secempiitoad. The train arrived bore os time, but when it cam# late the station U was -dimevoted that tho Are eras still abve between the reef and eating of toe coach. It was seen extinguished by the use of a rhmsl cal equipment. Bowman b OntlawJbJ Oitmkm, Doc. II, Quid of a ootUw and fug-rtiac from pUHit, WHO received by Sheriff D. B. Stafford, of Uulford county, today. Bomnaa, “lau of Leo twenty,” ia mid to hove attacked Mr. and M». R. X. Moiffan near Sanford oa Docombor • and to hsv* Arad (pan the aha riff of Loo coonty whan the official woat to ar real hiaL The proclamation woe aim ed ia chamber* ot BmithAdd oa De cember IS. Bowman b deoexbod aa bolus of ruddy rnmpliviou, Am foot aifbt or 10 ioebao tad, weiffht >40 pounda, affad 46, very locpolmt and prebaHy wounded la the band or head by bird abet from a abotfan. Tar boro Insurance Man Kills Himself Tatboro, Dee. 14.—TMe moraine ■boat 9 JO o’clock T. B. Jnroeke, prominent loturouee men* of the Am of Jocoria and BoyaUr, and popular cltixen, was found doed ia hi* bod. room, hovinff not himaelf a dart time before. The duuauuod bad net an . breakfaet sad hi* wife thouffbt be ; had sane to bit off lea. Upon fotaff 1 upetaira aha found bar bmSaad cold 1 la death. Ko nucffi waa found and no , oae can account for tha raah lead me hchih it ere* m wire asc ume children, Frantie, a ton in the Uath trade in tha city echeota, and tm other children who are away at ool leye, Mary Powell at the North Gare Utm Coll aye far Weenen and ~ Bake* at State Unioantty. Mm. Jaeodka thought bar huotomd had yana to hla office and a abort time after broekffat aha went up. •tain te etruiftiteei ay be ayetaln bedrooma. Going into ana toe found Door, a piatol la Me band. NaMber toe nor aay neighbor baaed the toot, bat it U thought be waa dead aeaae HtUe time before hla wMe feaad Mm. Charlotte Viaated By Million Dollar Fire ■"■■"■""■maae Ckartotto waa rWtad by a milieu toHar Are early Sunday night when e number of rtorea wean bemad and *o*erui other* damegil by Are mad water in tha Beat Trade Street re I tan dtatrtet. The Are oUrted la toe r hardware atom of MODERN BUILDING COMPLETED FRIDAY * • New Hon* Carolina Telephone Aad Tafagrapk CmapMjr A Credfc TaTaw* Av Daw ham* fftkc Carolina Tlb phraa A Telegraph Company, Wool Cumberland street. wlai wee com riatad Friday ia one at th heri-linl. V •d basinets hairnet ia Ouaa. TV kalUiag A a thras story brick «truc tan U by M fate, with all the mod. Itothtag bat the my beat material aaa aaml in ita construction and Us MHiaa. both InMde aad oat, A ass rf arch hacta raj baaoty. The first Boor, ar basement, will ka used, as a atanga room, batter ■waoa, aakla vault aad *—rtirr plant. At cablac cater the balldlag under fro*ad fnao Broad (treat. A* toe ■ari Boar wil cantaia th* eomaaerrial rirics, wkila the third Boor will haaaa Urn switch boards A rest roam far cpwstaro A Mao provided om tbs IhM Baar. While th* uaipentam have fiidebod their walk *a the ballding, it will re gain asocial cm Mm ta install the naw myaf. laciadlag aaw switch board*. U A aat likely that aaw HripmiU wSJ ba ready far aaa W faao April 1, M by that thns. accord iag to B. 1. Fables, roeidiat manager. With th* aaw twitch-board* aad eth er madam Batata*, the local ** ihtage wttl ha ahU ta render mack wTVfeWa*. ‘ U While tbs Carolina Telefilm in A Telegraph Company owat odttec bufid Lgs A a naadbor at towns aad cities, the ne* build! ag hero la perhaps the **t me data la every respect yri erected by thA nmpiay. A* boild Ag A steam heated tkiaegboat, with A* hold KiBetta A Wdeoa. whj direct copes WiAan. Tl a credit to which one cut Mfowfac la tba Ml—Mr of dM mu mt—gad for Wearing baton ■••ardor M. M. Jmigu Friday • thio wooki Ml Jobs L. Sorrell va T. V. Stew •it. BBS C. T. Johnson vs W. C. St art. MS J- L. Thompson Ca. va A L M4 O. 1. Byrd v* Sorth WUkia ami HL W11U—. MS Caatod PaOolaaaa Co. t J. Woah Badges. ^H«i *. >. Barefoot as Talnodg M7 M. A. Ball A Co. aa Kleban MS E. F. Yoeag, Boo thru to X J. sad EJU Oodarta. MB Wflry Godartn vs Ooorr Hottday. IBM J. B. Colt Co. vs A. B. Was aor. 1M1 American Frrtlllavr Co. a W. O. Boiefoot. IBM F. *. Meads, Administrate r* W. C. Cbm. 1BBS J. L. IfcNgN* Cony—y a J. 1. MBcML _ IBM A. A. TarUagt— am Ma UM Bbyb— Boarart Co. oa 1 W.Jsraiysa. 1MB Boanrd vs D. b WBUfort. IOOT Mam Oottoe Company os Wilson Incas, Jr. IMS P. K. Monde, Administrator all Honeycutt. 1*0* P. K. Honda, Administrator *s A. 1 Strickland, Loao Strickland. 1010 P. B “ osW. B l»lt P B so J.T, ; ISIS I me Howard Oo. os os Miaoso Mo ms P. B Administrator nl.L Jacksoa. ISIS Sailor Bios, os 0. T. Strick land sad Mss. a T. Strickland. IS IT Costick sun, lac. oo M. C. ISIS BAM. BMIor Company os J, C, Wokkor ISIS St^kmi Howard Campon? oo A. W. Sawyer. F“ \ IREV. A. W. PLYER DENOUNCES ELAN wbeH Washing**a. Dec. 16. . SBKfflS tae Ka K'.px Idat ae -"an of the tveial op the peltiirat, 1 onvai .n of the war," Raw. Or. A. W. Mysr of Crwnkiw, M. C.. ad tea p!ftar»H*a end scathing pLiatat of the riant ailier draw a * road of appleaaa a* th* coaateaUg of hi* aitilrem • y Critic wing the ktaa for hiding the Identity of he matnhtra he! srd Ha practice of writing i letters, the spanker 1 organisst'ioa alee for ha I ririaf again* negroes. Jews had Re man Catholics, and coadndad with this pictnreaqaa description of a so called Methodist preacher. "But soar we hdv* the phabte and on tempt! etc ftpoatmdo ef n eowaBad Method let preacher clothed In • night hnatts white sag ever Me face going oat te regn lots issioty. “Yoa ask hms. ‘Why the garhf Ho aasersr* '1 nan Rami ap to fight boot wggen, and I an hot after lean aad Samoa Catholics.’ “Cod cave the Moth.Res church, or any other chasfeb. for that matter. Cross a preacher who is toe Wg a sieid to 1*1 fas tha swam" s to iwrm a ntmgrr ~"ttrat to prnmn bt lUayiWia ad God. Unification b V“i*>W and draw tin ChvMaaa’a t land point, deaiiahl*. It ttiibld an ba foread, bat abontd ba dJUcantly aad hanoaabiy aonyhL”—Waattayton Camaatalana. Grunabata Dally Km • 7-Y ear-Old Colored Boy Di— Of Bum. daaaa BaB, TyaaaaM am ad W>l lim Haary M, aalaaad, wha Ueaa a« * *• Towaaaadhi farm, saw Oadwte, Mad laat r.iyM ad barm nadral Sunday Moraine whan Ma aMtbtae «an(bt tram an apart in ylaaa The bay, who waa dumb, waa la tba klt ebon aiane wban Ma ilrfMny aonybt and ha wwa barribly barwad baforo tba Am waa mtaiabkad by Ma rta taw. Thta waa tba aacand mm ad BatTa