v - -- ' -. ii ii i iU .v J..hJ CONSOllDATL J J.TTn THE CAT. I II AGE pLADE JANUAlf yX 19ll The Kade &L&eA 1875. f; ' 1' v ktfw'thi) UplmSdla d Drrcmcni of Moore Countj O ... The News Established Feb. 1SC5. VOLUME XV. NO. 44. :7j:CAjtTIIAGEi'lt 8, 1920. $1.50 A YEAH IN ADVANC3 'I r . ill J! tii i i iuildi::3 a::d m. : loaei goi::g Has a Large Member ship Good Set of ' ' . Officers DEATH OF COLORED WOMAN Y .X The Citizens Building and Loan As sociation of Carthage which was or ganized here the first of Deember has to this date surpassed expectations and 1" the future of the .institution is' assur ed of great success and usefulness. ; The officers elected by the ! stock- . holders. iw TiTr.-1 ;:T! -S.-H. Miller, president; C. G. Credle, .Vice-president; W. H. McNeill, secre- J and. reliable and dependable. 'Josephine Kelly, one of the most respected colored: women of this sec tion, died at her hor.ie here last Wed nesday.' A large number of white people attended the funeral services, which werejield at the colored Pres byterian church-5 For several years she worked for a Northern family, and the following letter -will show the es teem in which she waif held by them: To John Kelly Your telegram with its sad announcement just received. I My daughter and I feel that we have I lost a true friend who has been loyal to us many years through all the var ied changes which have, taken place in their passing. ' V , I often think. of the Pinehurst days,! and the life in Washington and Ed- gartowh and i Andover, where Jose-1 phim was 'with us and was so helpful , r-v., -.J . S- I -' -...--7 -.. .., , .JS.i.-i tary and treasurer. The directors , areCS. H. Miller," W. G. Jennings, 0, . D. Wallace, R. C. Dalrymple, C. G Credle,' D. 'A. Morgan and W. H. Mc- ' NeilC" " 'V.:- 7 ; X,"-'; : -v TKe date, of issue of the first series Toi stock jis JDecember.ethi; ;,The shares (areflOO each, and l.the j amount I of shares of stock taken so far are, 1,000 Each week from the first week in De cember, 1919, the data of organization, 250 have Been put in the bank, mak ing a total for the f out weeks f 1,000, besides ?250 collected at the first pay ment. to 'pay-expensesv-Even if no more stock should be taken at the rate . of r' $1,000 evjry fdtfr " weeks aa 1 the -stock now stands ,we will put in the ibank to be loaned out, the sum of $13, '000 per year. .But more stockwill be taken in this series and in six jnonths another series will be issued and-so on every six months; s The'1,000. 'shares Her strong religious faith was a comfort' to" me in my timd"of soitow, and must have sustained " her to the end of life. I am enclosing a check with which to buy flowers to put near her at the time of the runeral,' 'of,1 should this reach' you too late1 for the service, please place' them on her. grave in remembrance of lis. Thanking y6u for. letting .me know at once of this event, very truly yours, I? .t Mrs. Alice Frye Leach. ,TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS "We would like to sucstest at it is drawing 'near1 time towepare s beds, to take air pains ahds care to grow a nic grade oi tobacco. You have the best land; In the world to -v-d.--' v . ' rev: j. tri.RCBE'm T"' " Former Pastor of the Carthage Preabyterian Churet now Pastor of aeaeraon juyb riwujierwn .yiiureniuacvn, uevrgia. . ' t '' ..' 1 -T-' - ' -. '. .'1'. "... - ; , . - - ' v - i r ' ": r"'- ' the HORSEBACK RIDER AT 85 sni Don't Like Automo biles or Flying MacWrie ii - -fn .vi'. 'i- ' v, erow Trice hriirht .smoking .tobacco." I we dooks wm mature, inswir. 1 - Capt. W. B. Phillips,, who lives in Ritters Township,; beyond Deep river, and owned- byrthe ' ' ovu "r. in tannage uecemoer aisi 10 i uruji--". w:;'.7,.' ipparenUj s active as a man only atid halt years na?will itmounl tcfH. Tw fii.w MHii.f Mftn n(M Hn Jobacco sections and. I do not hes- up by the littles stockholders either : Sil via Mninid': ' lint'', rnnai.lprino' thp "stock that will be subscribed in future tyW''jM rle it U -ritirelv unknown as to U,rove lu" lu""k - "T"" " ae. the amount that may be the future vour Ircentagir will be of the The remarkable Merest about his w.: . v f io - i. very best type.' My experience in - m here at that aire is that he came fulness will consist in the homes built S0?1- tobacco is that you first have the di8tanc? eighteen miles riding of purchased or the homes relieved of t0 ve a good plant, and to have a hose-back. H e said that he preferred jKt- Va.. Inh., mnv ved good plant you have to, prepare your that jnode of travel to either auto- and general abits of thrift inculcated bed weU. ' I hope to;visit CaHmobUe vorflying .mahines.: , ; Capt BOVEHEIIT : PLAI1IIED ROUND DOZEN MUSIC CLUB : - (Contributed.) Mrs. M. G. Dalrymple was hostess tothe Round Dozen Music Club on Monday afternoon, December 28, 1919. The festive Christmas decoration lent an added charm to the elegant home, the meeting was in nonof of two club members, Mrs. J, K. Roberaa, who will .h .future make her home in Macon, Georgia, and Miss' Myrtie Muse who has acepted a position at the Oxford Orphanage, and will be away a good part of the year. ' The club, with sin cere regret sees the departure of these excellent members and assures them of its lastipg good will and hope of re turn. Miss Zora Lee Fry was warmly greeted as a guest. Roll call was made interesting by responses from "Great Minds of Great Musicians," poems, etc.- . -"v'-.;";: After dispatching the business, the place cards at three tables were found and for an hour, of more a spirited game of musical rook was enjoyed. The game was interrupted by a mes senger. Jack Roberts, who held two packages Addressed to Miss Myrtie Muse and Mrs. Roberts. These were two lovely china dishes, hand painted in violets, the club's color, and gifts of the club. This ; recipients, ' with emotion, expressed their appreciation At conclusion of the game the highest score was with Mrs. Pleasants and Mrs. Downing. The draw gave' the DOYDS GJVEA HUill BREAKFAST MMWHI At Their Weymouth Estate Many in Attendance On Thursday, January 1st, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd and Mr. Jakson Boyd entertained their friends at a hunt breakfast at their home in Southern' Pines. Invitations were sent out to 400 families, and those answering in response came from Moore, Hoke, Richmond and Montgomery counties. - The breakfast was served at one o'clockrwliich was a most informal af fair.; At three o'clock those joining in the hunt met with the hounds and started off on the chase. The visit ors gathered out near the stables to see the riders start, .about thirty in' number. The day was an unusually warm January day. Coats were dis carded as the folks followed the rid ers around the ridge of the hill, or sat on the fences and watched them take the hurdles, circling around the fields and going down into the woods and out the road towards the Willis prize, "The Face of the Master," to Young farmland eventually following: Mrs, Downing and she presented it to the trail of the drag back to the links Hs ' Mrs. Roberts, with instruction when reading' it in her far away home she remember the loyal friends, in her old and barn again. ; Never ha's there been such a gather ing at any one home in this commun ity as the one that met at the heme of theL.Wevmnnth amtifja ed each member a crepe de chine hand- year.8 ;day Everything ' was com- J' TV -; "TV'1 ;; " T j I rememoer xne toyai inenas. in ner oia Tea "age liUyS Land home town. Miss Myrtie Muse, in ' ' luer cnaracierwuc iiucrm wy jmtobiu.- and wmiiuiid Homes kerchief as a parting gift. 'The hostess was assisted by Mrs. R. lu Tyson in serving a. course -of 1 re freshments of chicken saladi sand- ' Fred Page has bought from Miss wiches, pickle and coffee. apparently imerto im- 5o wh;ie as a fact he i 35 years of that section ageH rfi: i:j-f and stimulated, g ; . ' The man who has no home and is paying' heavy rent and will not take advantage of this Building and Loan Association to cut off rent and furnish his family a home would not have in telligence enough to walk in and hang up his hat if a home was offered him , free. . ' .7' ' -. : ; '.''-: ' This is a fine opportunity for young people, clerks, school teachers, factory operatives and all classes' whq want to save and practice and cultivate the habit of saving weekly a small sum It will be the "seed of success". to""y"bu. There are on the books, 88 stock holders whose names are given in the order of the stock taken, as follows: - - W. H. McNeill, S. H. Miller, A. G. Martin, R. C. Dalrymple, M. G. Dal rymple, T. E. Dalrymple, C. G. Spen cer, T, E. Dawson, D. A. Morgan, J. M. Morgan, R. G. Wallace, J. N. Eu- banks, J. F. Cole, Jacob Hurwitz, Aron ,Hurwitz, pert Hurwitz, A. H. Hur- wita, Wallace Bros, W. E, Porter, L. " F. Muse; G. W. McNeill, Dr.: A. McN. Blue, C. G Credle, Holt McNeill, R. C. Barrett, D. B. Swaringen, Wainer and Ginsburg, C. F. Leavitt, T. B. King, J. E. Waddill, J. Alton Mclver, Dr. . G. McLeod, W. H. Currie, W. G. Jennings, H.M. HOT, H. H: Grimmi W, R. Duke, W. M. Duke, L. A. Lawhon, I C. Law hon, 1. B, Sullivan, Coy Fields, D. Carl Fry, Miss Ellen Cagle, C. F. Barnes, W. Pi Benner S. PMcConnelL C. C. thage section some time the first of 1 Phillips can mount a horse as easily . . . 1 ...... j..-MI L . II Marcn.. 1 mm prices win ue gouu nd reajnv as the average man can the coming season. 1 Yours to serve, ( Geo. D. Carter WELFARE : JVIATTERS Supt Hoke Urges all Teachers to Be 4 H ; Prompt enter an automobile. Capt. Phillips has lived a long, use ful and exemplary life, having never taken a chew of tobacco, smoked to bacco or taken a drink of whiskey, or cursed an oath. . : ' FEBRUARY JURY Jury list for February, term -court, 1920: D. A. Dunlap 3, T. C. Gaddy Q, J. M. Hussey. Sr. tfc G. S. Deaton 2, A. C. McDonald 8, R. B. Donaldson !l, J. N. Currie 2, D. M. Phillips 5, T. J Marley 3, Charlie Dowdy V, J. L. Wil son 4, D. F. AUted 3, R. B. Stutts 6, D W. Cole 2, L. C. Sineath 1, L. M. Cur rie 2, Allen McNeill 3, 1. Z. Hall 8. W. E. Thomas 6,"A P. Davis-' 6, J. L, Knight 5, J. H. Henson 2, Ira L. Free Now that the Christmas holidays are over, I hope that all the schools of the man 2, G. C. Hunsucker 3. vv Mil iii aaa, vl . .wwii'Sj w . w Uewed vigor and that the attendance! Y';. v . LAKEVIEW is better than ever before. ' I - Mr. Molt '. Gardner.. retumed-4ast I . want to urge all teachers to be week to his school work in Raleigh; prompt and careful in matter of fll ing reports "of unexcused absences. 'here should be very little excusing on account of farm work for the bal ance of thia school -year. . Of course the teachers have - no - authority to grant excuses on account of farm work. are within the compulsory school age out tp work on the farm, the' only draws', CT FBarringef, S. W.' Shields, J. Wi McLeod,' Norman Kline, J..M Mr. W, H. McNeill left Monday lor a business trip to Atlanta, - Mr. u. Lb stutts irom near Car thage spent the week-end with his son, Mr. S. J. Stutts, here. Miss Lois Gardner, of Hoffman was . . . . .1 y j a nleasant visitor at ine uaraner If parents keep' children who house last week. McCaskuL G. H. Humber, S. F. Cole, C. N ,Kidd, W. S. Gatewood, Stacy Brewer, W. G. Goodnight, J. F. Cog .gins, fjf P. Tyson, D. A. Blue, Mrs. C. C. Yaes, D: H. Parks, John McCrim mon, W, W. Dalrymple, N. A. Mc Keith'en, Jr, W. A. Vick,H. P.Uy, J. V.IWilliamson, W. B. Stronach, N. T. Blue, E. P. Seawell, F. C. Adams, Sam Erame, P. K. Kennedy, J. V. Lar kin, E. C. Matheson, J. H. Andrews, Albnia Blue, Miss Jesse McNeill, Mrs. fW. II. McNeill, E. H. Camp, G. IL Muse, ATA. Spencer, B. f. Whltlock. such absences as unlawful. f Another matter that I sincerely hope the teachers will give careful and 'ear nest consideration is the physical ex amination of school children. This work ought to-be done promptly and done welL " It Is one of the most high ly important duties required of the teacher. . - Any attempt 1 to give mental and moral training to physical defectives is to a great extent wasted energy. 1 The next meeting will be with Mrs Downing. . - , SWETT WILL PLANT APPLES James Swett, who has bought 6.5 acres of land near Niagara from the H. A, Page property will plant a lot of apple trees. He had already be gun an experiment on the Niagara property, and when he sold ihat to Mr. Jones he reserved the two thou sand young trees set out, and he will move them to his new orchard. He will also plant peaches next year after ? ary Page the sixteen .acres of land ; the right of the road coming out of jMcdeen. toward Southern P.iDesju.sl across the creek. He proposes to cut that into building sites ef convenient size, : and to build on the property a number of houses to cost from Ave to eight thousand dollars, which will be placed on the market. .. f . This is the most convenient piece of ground accessible to Aberdeen, and will make a good sized addition to the building .area. The type of houses Mr. Page proposes will be attractive to buyers and of a good character for he gets the new land in shape for enting to a good class of people, and them, but he has a job of clearing to will afford Aberdeen one of the mostl do first. essential things it has been wanting, which is homes for the increasing pop ulation. A lot.pf new building is going on at Aberdeen, and many people could find employment there if they had housing facUities. The projected improvement Mr Page is beginning will help ma terially to ease up the tension, and give Aberdeen a good start. . GEO. CREWS KILLED AT VASS Run Down by Car Driven by Albert Kizer TURKEYS A GOOD CROP . , FOR MOORE. COUNTY Campbellsville, Ky Dec. 81, '19. Mr. Editor: While our planters who rataa tnhai-KA thn rnmino. vear will tret wi txTiraa nH mRk biir monev on George Crews of Kernersville, N. C, r - . 1 ...... . js 1 ii 1. their tobacco, the turkey is also a fine was strucKy a or anven oy " r . ion k fawi Kiser. ana Killed at vass an ira ni M. Dm VT a IHU T UW T I r - investment. days ago get a check for $404.33 for 67 turkeys, which is a little over $6.00 each for the turkeys.; ' I was invited over to a turkey dressing house, and expected to see eight or jen people ternoon of December 31st. He was crossing behind another car, and got over in time to come in front of the car driven by Mrt Kiser. ; Dr. McLeod held an inquest which rendered a ver- picking turkeys and to my astonish- diet that the driver of. the car was ment I saw-ninety turkey pickers at blameless, as the victim had changed Miss May Donlin visited friends in Southern Pines one day recently. Miss Pearl McNeill has resumed her duties as teacher in the Wiley graded school at Raleigh. ftyeirAf fOiiAftn af Char lotte and Flora of Monroe were pleas ant visitors in our little village the past week. " After spending the holidays witn Mrs. Helen M. D'Auby.tflss Hermenia Hayne returned to Trinity College Tuesday. , . J " Misses Maud and Ruby Smith left Sunday for , their respective work. . -: v...- r ... It was an eye-opener to me to see such a sight. The firm handles all kinds of fowls, chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys were in there,' by the hundreds. . , . ; vi ,, Tn talking with the proprietor I his mind apparently when the car tried to change its course, and he stepped in front of it as it took the new direc tion. The jury was cpmposed of W. D. Smith, J. Wi Windham, W. J. Allen, G. S. Edwards, 'J A. McRae'and John M. McCaskill. - r- ' Mr. Crews was connected with the plete democracy. Everywhere a cor dial feeling- existed. Southern resident - and winter visitor met on commoa ground. Such hospitality as extend ed by hosts and hostess was appreciat- -ed by those-who were there. ' . S '. The young Boyd men are the grand-S(to4"orthe-laieJ8Tne--Boyd "wh - " nought from the Buchan and Shaw heirs some fifteen or sixteen years ago the large acreage of ; land that now constitutes the Boyd estate. Here Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Sr., made one' of the most attractive homes of the South. It stands on the ridge above Southern Pines, with an outlook that is interesting. ' The Boyds were peo ple who had many friends. . Visitors and relatives gathered together with them at. their Southern home. Mr. Boyd was interested in golf, and for himself and his friends he built the golf links around his .home that add ' so much to the ., grounds and still leaves it in its7 natural state, Mr. Boyd built roads over the entire' es tate, winding through the pine groves, over the ridges and down through the valleys, so that they could drive miles over territory never touching the same road twice. -This was before the day of the automobile. It was the time of . the horse and carriage. When the young fellows grew up they were in terested in fox hunts,' and from time to .time they spent part of their, win ters at their grandfather's home here. When the war closed the boys came home. This year the three young people, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd and Jack are down for the winter. The young fellows are getting ready for tale of the land oh the ridge above the town, which will be sold for winter homes to the Northern tourists. The boys have time for fox hunts. They gathered up a pack of hounds, brought down some horses from the North and chase over the roads made by their grandfather years ago. Some times they stir up a real fox, and have a real hunt, oftener they start a col ored fellow out with a drag a few hours before the hunt is to be pulled off, dragging behind him a skin through the woods, over the' fences. on tiiia Ann i!nnt fortv-one thousanddollars' worth of fowls to the American Realty and Auction Com- fa tir Northern market for 'tne tinristmau i , ''. down, and thinks he has provided farm, a few miles out of Vafts. He testified that he had checked his car and was trying to pass through the crowd carefully, when Mr, Crews step ped forward, and then turned again into danger, and the testimony seem ed to bear out what Kiser said. Knowing Mr.Cameron , our worthy l.chools. near Hamlet and near Car county superintendent of, schools as 1 1 thage. . COTTON GINNED The report lata to cf cotton ginned in tl r r""i la 8,101 bhU'i ' y ' c" ' - '' I v ''h ... ii f : i 1 v do, I feel sure that the manner in which this work is done by each teach er will very materially affect that teacher's rating for .another, year's work. -, f ' - I want to assure the teachers that I stand ready to help them in this work and in any other way tl.at I can. Supt Cameron and I are planning to make vSiilf a to schools and school communl- V. ! T" to 'lit' The Misses Cameron and Mr. Kelly of Hamlet visited friends and rela tives here last week. Misses Caroline Rankin and Alma Cagle have arrived to take charge of the school work for the spring term Mrs. Carroll and little daughter, Glennie from near Raleigh spent Fri day with Mr. and I.Irs. S. J. Gadner. - Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McQucpn left on f ' -;r,by f.r Charlotte whore !'r. Mc ii i 1 v-y i'l 1 " v. holidays; also -shipped 40,000 wonn f of Thanksgiving shipments. These fowls are raised by nearly -every farm er's wife, and is a source of large rev enue.' . . ; . ' '. y 1 : -VI ' V ' As I am a firm believer In diversity of)rops of all kinds why, can't Moore county branch but this new yeat for a fowl crop. . It would pay I, ) , Yours truly, -V it J. R. Hutchings. CAMERON RT. 2 WHITE HILL ' Mr. and Mrs. James A.' Cole re turned Wednesday to their home at Smoaks, S. C, after spending the hol idays with Mr.-and Mrs. W. H. Jack son. " . Hisses MHdren Wicker and Helen Derraont return Saturday to their enough of a trail for the afternoon s fun. . Then he sits down at the bam or in the vineyard wnere me sum is left hanging in a tree waiting to see "kin they do it." ' A fox hunt is a great thing. So is a 'hunt breakfast. It brings the peo ple together in the most unusual man- and in the greatest nun -r. ner NOTICEjfeTOCK HOLDERS BUILD- , -ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION You are invjted to7 attend a meeting to be held In, the Court House Thurs Hav venmir at 7:30: o'clock. Object of the meeting is to1 complete the or- home at High Point, after spending nhiv the constitu-1 the recent week ' with Mrs. Annie H ..... II VI-'.., ..v. i I " I ' tion and ty-laws adopted by the direo- Wicker, , tnra If vou cannot be present please Mr. Chas. Manse and family of Cen mail vour proxy to W. II. McNeill, ter Unoin section "are moving to the where they all meet on flhe s . ground and have the same fri. word for each other. improving. . Misses Sadie Badgett and II. ' mont spent" Thursday night v, ' Misses Lula and Clcta Jad " Mr. and Mrs. I ' l Mr, Hrnc t Tri 1 Ihui :.iy f. "in a vl 1 1 : rs. r.ra 1 C m-crctery-treasnrcr. place of Mr. J. A. Cole to f rm. c it Vr, ' ..it. I "r. V,r. IT. J ' -i i t i". I t in no-