iv- JL:SJ W -v : j - -' 1 r T .... , ii i7 uiiH1 r li.. NIL V V ZJ : ITie Bfcufe Established 187S The News Established Feb. 1SC5. I. If V 1 1 X I i r - VOL. XVI. NO: 36. With the erection of a new force of county officials the' old board of com missioners will give way to a new one at least in parts The retiring boaru has done a lot of good work for the county. but -probably that which will) ii ..' win -.f.w.-ev. ment of a new state road across the cnunt'v from the Montpomerv lkfe to . t i. f lit. ,4 ! construction, and work , on it will be expanded more aggressively in a short time when more help will be available. This "road takes a bigger amount of money than the county has been asked to contribute to anything in ! recent - years, amHt-wa a-rather courageous step for the board to take. Bat they ' accepted the responsibility and ordered the road, and in doing it set the county on the way to a much broader develop ment ; v . '"" ;v: ,.' . , The new road as far as it has been worked up by the force now on the job shows that it wjll be one of the '- best roads in this" part of the state. It will bring Moore, county on the main v, line from Raleigh to Charlotte as well as from the North to the South. But the type of construction is: in advance of anything that has been undertaken in the county so far. The character of the work sets' an example for road building in this part of the State. Better- grades, better alignment, greater -width,; solider construction, better bridges, and every thrag'that goes to make' a good road, have entered into ' this new system, and the1 other roads ; that will follow will always nave tnis . one to aerve as a model fdr construc tion. v W':5 V-"fi:- '-i - Other -" things . the - commiasipners . "have done to win the approval of the county. In dealing with the farm work, the -homedemonstration,' with road work wherever they could lend a hand, with thejeounty : home; and with every problem that hadfor, -its solur tion the welfare of the county,' Mr. McPherson,: Mr. Blue and Mr. Tyson Tiave dealt intelligently and with the county's progress in mind. v .They have aeen.the county xpand much 'in their term of office, and grow to something hal different thank was when they took charge of its business affairs. .-w .v.... it. finainMS affairs. It is a pleasure for the News. to pre aent the pictures of the retiring com missioners this week. They are pic tures, of three, substantial business men of the county who have applied business methods to, , county j affairs and got business results. . DEATH MOZELLE HENNINGS - On' Wednesday' morning, October 27th, the death angel took from the home of Mr. and Mrs. H; T. Hennings their bright and attractive daughter, Mozelle. if -lyt::, ;.C'-v-She was confined to her "bed for the past four weeks with typhoid fever. During her illness her friends and loved ones did all that they could, but it seemed that her work on earth was finished and her Savior saw fit to' take her to a better world. , 'i Although her life , 'Jl. this world aeemed so short for she was spared to her loved-ones only sixteen years, yet she' gained the friendship of all who knew her i For several years she had attended the Thaggardsville school, and won the highest praise and com mendation -of her teacher and fellow students. We feel confident that'she is safe in the arms of Jesus as we iraxed at the calm and peaceful ex- , pression on her faces she lay in her hMntifnl whita' casket for on her leath bed she said sle loved her Sa vior. -; : '. V She leaves a father, inotherH sevek "brothers and. four' sisters to mourn their loss, and their many friends ex tend to them their deepest sympathy ' in thie sad hour,', . - , ; r -, The funeial service Was held at Un- , ion church on Thursday morning and was conducted by Rev. J. E. Ayscoe - of Carthage. -'. :. .-f.''-:': ' - ;.s-f, V.&F'.K.; tCSEE DEER ' Henry Matthews and two or three others last week went down into the Little Kivef .country and the party tame home with three deer that they encountered in that section. They are stepping high as the result of their -catch. . , DWORKi . CARTHAGE ROUTE FOUR ,v Mr.1 lert Flinchum attended the pie and cake supper at Mt Carmel Sat- u'dfty niht, ,He also paid a visit to the family of Mrs. John Hancock. - - Mr. Joel Flinchum spent Saturday "lKn" with Mr. .'Oliver Flinchum. at Mooshauhee. Mr. Ralph Riddle has just returned f rom Cassett, S. C . iMr. Riddle took a load of people to the "faith doctor." Mr. Riddle reports the - doctor .to be a wonderful man. He also reports that banner, crops .were made ii), the Pal metto State fchis year.;, !. , V Corn shuckihgs are in full .sway this Fall, "dancing is one of the main features, preferably he , old Virginia reel. v All this, taken with the tables heaped high with 'possum and taters and other good things, remind one of days gone by,' and makes one think that the old H. C. L.' is" routed per manently, j Td ' the sentimental it brings James Whitcpmb Riley's lyric into reality :,',,"p it sets my heart a clickin. Like the tickin of a clock. When the frost is on the pumpkin And ' ' the fodder's in the shock.''- , ' , rv t" The farmers tn the vicinity of Fay: community are much gratified over the ' election -results They feel 'that the Republican victory is a token of four years of unbounded prosperity ' ' ,:. T , " - er of a new 1920 model Harley-David- son motorcycle, Mr. Charlie Dowdy and Miss Sallie CTrabtree - were among ;those - who went to, the corn shucking at Mr. Oli- et-4Brdyy-PrlyiightrV Mr WiUio Irmaji and Joel Flinchum who took a load of tobacco to Winston have returned.:' They report that the prices 9fvthe;Jeaa, slightly better , jfeBults,ndr.athought times .om than thatof the local market, bujt that" criticisirri" was hear reirardin the they were richer byf the fact that they witnessed a fight over a political dis pute, and that they were tendered a banquet on the warehouse floor. i Fay is to have a new enterprise, Mr. J. T. Flinchum and Mr. . Ralph Riddle are the owners of what is to , - . present they are purchasing equip- ment and expect to be. ready for bus- iness on or before December 15th. Z. V. Blue, Member Board s.i- ' Commissioners ROADS IN THE RIYER SECTION ' D. J. Blue who has been appointed: superintendent of road work in the county by the new road commissioners will devote as much of his attention as possible to the townships of the upper counties until winter drives him out from there; , He has been looking over' the river townships, and says that the roads up there can be made good with less cost than has been suspected, and that they can be kept in good shape by timely attention when they need work. ' At a meeting of the commission last week the whole question of roads was gone over from every point of view, and the first Jolt that came up was the lack of funds. But it was decided te try to fix up the roads ia the various townships to hold them together until money could be brought in, and then to plan a general county compaijjn, the I : r CARTHAGE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1920. . - Miss Geneva Seawell who represents ' SaRdtii f . GENEVA SEAWELi. . j When Charlie Picquet proposed to have a county election - to ' pick the "lwr county, gin wno snoum oe ine mr,?ricquev so announcea. ine omer repmentatlye .of 'Amei-ica,4rithe,i:;.eoQtesja88ited cordially an4 th geant at the Sandhills Fair, it .was young1 Woman was informed that she . g intepeatinsr a conteat aa it di(1' Prom the start the balloting was livelvJ and towards the close it was about as keen 8 a horse race. Good riatured compel ;tion' on the part of tho8e who favored enthusiasm, and a big' votecame out.! . The papers: of the county printed the ballots each? week and- announced "the cohtesV the News gladly testiSes that Mr. Picquet carired on the whole canv paign with absolute fairness. For' a .... X, l ij if in it T.imii i nn ruHiiir. wm h tti nniinr. sinri different candidates at times appeared likely to win. ' Each of the girls had a lot of good friends, afad every one of - . . ... their behalf for any of, the whele lot, would have served with the . highest predit in the place for which they were -.u'i.-;' ; . -' (..- McPherson, Chairman Board of , i County Commissioners . -; of County HP. - . - - fig'wofk Vt"first"tooe'Jn"the town- .hin. tht hivA-'tha JMi ' lmnrov-1 roads. Some that cannot be vi n-,n ,a th. ...,r....r....-..r. ...... , . ' - - -' ' VICTORY MEDALS FOR SOLDIERS tt N.m lumt week of medals offered the soldiers by the State calls 16 mind that the medals ' . - "" ofrercd by the government are cauea for but .fcwly. At . rftent meetr' of the Red Cross this came up and It . wM .uo-o-eiitiwl that an effort be made was suggested nas an cuwn i uu to get the boy. interested In calling for their medals from the government as vell as from the SUte. ' Some cf the loldien have already of the government trucks T. A, , Cole, commander of the Legion naving ior as . . K used to advatttage will at Carthage, or with J. Alton Mclver flier wno is entiuea w one u- -A'it elmtA .f r.-ft,.Mi. nr with the nost at Aber- momento of a great experience that ne merica In Parade of all Nations at the Fair. v " i - - competing1. 7 '' " The last vote decided that Miss Ge- nev Seawell should be the victor and vi the tt thr. tJ th W nlelfthBionW. i- ;' Geneva Seawell is young woman of fthe fethlehem section.' - She lives some four miles out of Cartilage and Bt school in Carthage. Hei father is J.'.Wesley Seawell, and the family is one weQ regarded in their "neighborh6ooVi!Thb friends and neigh ivfcter the county. is gratified that it has carried- off the prhe iri the contest; for it shows that the Sandhills Fair is Hot overlooking1 ... i... s... s- r no ii riTisiv nu ft. sit rnt iihiiii.v in ilk a ii . terests in the people. , Miss Seawell's champions promise to see that she is given welcome at the Fair that she . - - right apparent that others than her acquaintances will be ; giving "her a word of commendation in her triumph, caUed for both, but those who have not annlied can see or ret in touch with j. '. ' mm entlUea M ue meoani w.-v 'government shouu sena ,wwn.-;wn H and If he is backward about thout application on f f. f? SSSTlLTf JlMto te those entitled tothenvout this is imil. . , , .... .u. ct.f ' possible. -The government has, not been able to find a large number of the ' 1 .1 ! L l. Lawa KaM RrO!. uiuio wnu of . . - . , and agents have been in Moore county Sheriff Blue lias Urted out after tn search of .me of them ,withouVthe Uxe. and will put ta mosV ol ' avail. It is necessary for the govern - - ment to know where to find the men .to have them make application wau. er w. Zi 1 that it I will then be furnished which whentheVroads 'and, other things that it J. ent Into the persons named above w : One. of the finest locations in the county goes, on sale over near South ern. Pines,, Pinehurst and 'Aberdeen. This is the 600-acre tract owned by W. A Blue, and M. N. Sugg, fronting on the : road ; that leads from Southern Pines to Aberdeen, and on the two cross roads that run through the tract connecting with the roads from Aber deen and Southern Pines to Pinehurst This tract is within two or three miles of Aberdeen and Pinehurst and is' at the edge of Southern Pines, ad joining the Sugg home and the Abra ham and Sweezy orchard, and a short distance from the lower end of the .. ..J . 1. 1 . i tn .i , i i cuuiiny tiuo ai ooucnern rines ai ine eastern end,, and "not far from Pine hurst golf courses at their eastern ex tension, near the West end of ,tse tract. s , v Clay roads'have been-made, frcm the Aberdeen and Southern Pir.ei road one to connect with she. Pineht rs: road near the " Wickfr,. place-and the other comes out on the read from Aberdeen to Pinehurst near the Sweet: Valley planfj These roads are destin ed to be much traveled routes, even tually for they are of excellent grade and they run to points -, that , are of constant interest the towns and the big orchards, the golf links and the farms. Along the road fronts a number of I small sites have been cut for building spots, these running from three or acres .'.? round ten acres- er tracts are-laid Out for farms J1" rcharda- rac 118, tract 'T1 makes f the- JP?8. !n the ontypreMtons beuig ew small ones that toe fheanches f the, st.rea thatwateri the tract on rne,. g , As a farming proposition S?Son "StiS' one of the best in the inai " r"' ?v T5 l ,7 , afe beitak5tt"p b f of moderate size for fruit and for homes outside the towns. :i: As a home prospect this tract is short dis- finely, located. It is but a Unce from the country club at' Soutn- A. v. ern rines, noi over .uuu.jeevro " corner of the property from the holes on the golf links, while both Aberdeen wi G.Tyson. M'ember Board of County, t ' . Commissioners . to' tho Red Cross any place will get the medals. These medals are worth will be proud of as long at ne lives. , hJ u Mom9i at to the his medals, both to the State and the Nation. ' month on his errand. The faster we . . . ..!-,L- come .cross wi h th. ' ony th f dek- lakes money to prgv.u. . , - J . . V.. haI $2.00 A YEAR JN ADVANCE GOES ON SALE and Southern Pinea railroad stations, postoffices and other institutions are convenient - ; -. ' r , . The ground in the tract is high enough for good peach orchards, and it is also good tobacco land, -with 'a market only a couple of miles distant at Aberdeen. ,- It is in this tract that Clyde Davis bought his" farm 73 acres, after he had seen all the Sand- ' hill country and known where to pick the 'piece of land that salted him best ; The sale of this block of, land will ' open about the last big acreage in the Southern Pines section, and will have V a tendency to extend the town out into ' the country between the two towns of Aberdeen and. Southern Pine3 and to connect them much as the Midlands and Knoliwobd" developments will con-" nect Southern Pines ' and Pinehurst with an intermediate and continuous 1 settlement. " ' CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO CARTHAGE SCHOOL The pupils of the elementary school want a library and have decided to: give one to the school for a Christmas present. Each pupil from the second grade to the seventh inclusive, has promised to contribute fifty cents to this fund. They have never given a. Christmas to the school and by this means every pupil will get the benefits or tms' gut. we nave two nundrect and twenty-four pupils in the . lower grades. . This means that we will get one hundred and twelve dollars with which to purchase hooks. . Of course.. we will use some of this, fund to pur- , chase the book-case. .We will put' a' little metal late ' on the book-case. "Presented by the Elementary Grades 1920." We want' this fund paid- in " soon so we may-get c the - books ' by, Christmas. : i . , 'pift: Mr. Hardie Autry of Roseboro spent -' Thursday night at Mr. C. H. Phillips'. Mr. W. A. Matthews left Saturday y for Hamlet. '- Mrs. S. E. Tillman spent Sunday afy ternoon at Mr. J. H. Nail's: -. " Mr. Dewey Phillips of Glendon spent a while at Mr. J. W, Davis' Sunday. .M;. and Mrs. John W. Nail of Carl . thage Star Route spent Sunday with, their people here. , , , 1 Mrs. N. L. Johnson spent a while on Sunday at Mo J- L. Warren's. V Mr. J C Fields of Glendon and Mr. . T. T.' Fields visited friends here Sun-' : day nfght - - - Mrs. R. E. Brown of Hamlet is via- , iting her people here this week., Mr. J. C. Nail and mother went, to Carthage Monday, v 1 ' ' ' Mrs. Lula Smith went to Greensboro last Tuesday to spend a few days. ; Mr. A. A. McLeod of Cnrbonton made a business trip her,e Monday. i HILLCREST , . , ; Mr. Thaddeus Fry, who is in school at Wa!:e Torest, visited home folk and friends reer.'.iy. .' - , Mrs. Ban Fry, who has been very ill. Is much better, we are glad to statu. Mrs. W. ' C, Hough spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Salmon. ' i i . , ,Mr, Salmon asked his neighbors to a corn shucking last week. After shucking, all enjoyed a good supper. 4. The school at Summer K&1 is pro-, gressing nicely, with Miss Bessie Hol ly and Miss Edith Markham as teach ers." CARTHAGE STAR ROUTE Mr. Edd Wilcox of Route Four a visitor at Mr. O. .'Alexander's on Sunday. -. ' ' Mr. June Harrington of Elise High School, epent the week-end at home. Mr. Frank Candor and , daughter. Miss Daisy of Tramway, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. B. Matthews. . Mr.' and Mrs. Coy Fields of Route Four visited at Mr. H. A. McCallum'a 1 Sunday afternoon. i , " ' Miss Katie Campbell of Carthage spent the week-end at home. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harrington vis ited relatives near Glendon Sunday. Miss Margaret Yow of Elise High School spent the week-end with home folks.' - J 1 -t : '., ; - Mr. Leon Fields of Route 4, was a visitor 6n this route Sunday. , Mr. Gilbert Councilman of Ttq , r ity called on this route Euturday. J-

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