Opportunity's Cmpirc-Waynesvillc Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries ones Volume XXXVII. Numbers 42-43 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1923 JNY. j r $2.00 Year in Advance, $2.50 if not u dr. j. r. Mccracken. Dr. J. R. McCracken is one of IT CAN BE DONE. tv I.-..- i , . iic nave iui many year Doasica Waynesville.s leading surgeons. He among ourselves of Waynesville the' is an eye, ear, nose and throat spc Beautiful, our lofty mountains, grand' cialist and very prominent in his pre- scenery and pure water. We delight j fession. jn telling each other about Haywood He is president of the Goodfellows county being the place to grow fina Club and has high rank in the Ma-Rattle, sheep, hogs and big red appbs. I sonic orders. He is holding the offices We swell with pride in our knowledge' of Grand Royal Arch Captain of the of having fertile lands and ideal con Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons' ditions for intensive farming. We and Knight Commander of the Court are proud of our new school buildings, of Honor in the Scottish Rite. He concrete roads and asphalt streets and recently received the degreo.of Fel-Jbrag about being the Top Town of low of the American College of Sut- the Eastern States. We are all look 8ens. I ing forward to a great wave of pn3- In another column we print, an ar-jperity striking this section within the tide written by Dr. McCtv.-.-keii. This next few months, but what are we article has been published extsnsively doing to make it possible for the peo over the country during the p.ot few pe out in the United States to dis weeks. It appeared first ii; the Ral- cover our wonderful country, tigh News and Observe.-. nt thn . . . . - ...... t,urrttig .y TV ..a 111 IICOl" ern North Carolina have active Boards of Trade or other organizations adver tising and telling the world what they have, while we good trusting souls, are apparently waiting to be disc.v ered by accident. Let's go. A short time ago about sixty citizens got to-' gether and organized a Chamber of, ! Commerce, a full set of officers wore' j elected and the Board of Directors ! have undertaken the task of raising! $10,000 or more with which to pit' on an advertising program for the' purpose of inducing people, who h re ' looking for the best place on earth to ' locate. Business firms, professional men and citizens as a rule, have re-' sponded very liberally, about $6,000 has been pledged, a part of this, how ever, is subscribed with the undo' DOCTOR WOULD MAKE MEN ABOUT TO BE ELECTROCUT ED INSENSIBLE TO ALL PAIN. TOWNSHIP RECEPTION. 53'.- . ws$!(F : . . f 1 7 il-r' e $ t s S t, .. v , ..At-. ( The faculty of the township schoils gave a very enjoyable reception to their friends and patrons in Wayne" ville, Hazelwood and Lake Junalu.--ka Tuesday, November 3, at the Town ship High School. The auditorium was beautifuilv DR. JL F. ABEL. LAWRENCE E .GREEN. Lawrence E. Green is one of II vood county's progressive young to lie it- a native of this community, 1 son of Hon. Thomas L. Green,, ti. Waynesville Postmaster. Mr. Green's wife was Mis 6liv Bcone, and they 'have five lovely Ijhti- decorated with banks of autumn fi.l- dren. ' ' i;ige and pumpkins, carrying out th? Lawrence Green is very prominent Halloween motif. Prof. R. O. Edger- J in Masonic circles. He is SecreW j ton, superintendent of the Township , ef all the Masonic bodies of Waynes High Schools, gave a splendid welcome ville, is Past Master of the LocJe, address, after which a delightful pr i- District Deputy Grand Master "t gram was rendered. Miss Doro'iiy present time. He is also a memMw Price of the East Waynesville school of the Grand Council of Royal and gave a beautiful piano solo, which Select Masters. 4,. was evidence of her skill as a imi-1 At the present tune Mr. Green holds siiian. Mrs. Ered Martin, who pf- the position of mulling clerk of tb.3 sesses a soprano voice of unusual local post office. jf note, sang "Noetune" by Pearl (i . Cui ran, accompanied at the piano by her mother, Mrs. W. L. Matney. Mi--; Frances Robeson, who always plea-. her audience with her readings, g;n the "Mustard Plaster," a very dra mntie description of a drastic sulije t 1 Mr. R. L. I'revost, a member of t'ie lioatd of 1-alucition, introdue'v-d the speaker of the evening. Mi:-; Marian Morse, supervisor of the t ov n 'liip schn.i! , w ith snnie w ' chosen wtmls. t. !lin II, e audieaci the importance of her work to '') community and county. Miss Moim gave a very iiiterc-ctiai; as well ::y instructive address, anil brought oi.t . clearly the need of the support of every citizen of Waynesville and Haywood county in order to have a 1 One of Waynesville leading physicians is "truly a self made man" modern school. Miss Morse is decp'j interested in her work and this. v. d!; I be a very successful year if she re- i . friends of Dr. Abel point out with pride to his war record since he volu i- standirfg that $10,000 or more mu.5t teeied at the age of fifty and received the rank of Major. be raised, one prominent man, not a In early life Dr. Abel struggled for his medical knowledge by hard ceives the co-operation and suppt' permanent resident of the town, lvis work and self sacrificing denial. He taught schools in addition to manual of every citizen. Prof Edgertin VVOODROW WII SON'S BIRTHDAY Declares that Such Would be More Humane and That the Present Method in Use at State Pris on Most Barbarous Sort Believes Death Should Come to t"he Con demned in Midst of Peaceful Slnmber. offered to contribute $1,000 provided latoj. He is a native of Pigeon Vfelly. He attended school at Weaver stated the need of a high school we raise $10,000. Several have givn College, Johns Hopkins Medical School and has had a large and gencal parent-teacher' association. He ask more than was requested, while others practice ;n this community since his graduation. He has been known by ed that this topic be further discus--refuse to respond unless some of the everyone in the county for many years and has gone over road and moun- ed and Miss Bessie Boyd was an folks who would derive more benefit tain trials in Western North Carolina, in all kinds of weather, day ami ' pointed temporary secretary, than they, show some signs of want- nigiic Since his graduation he has been a continuous student of medicir.", ' Mrs. C: E. Ray was appointed chair ing to make Waynesville grow. reading the best medical books and journals obtainable. He is also a very man of the committee to see that DECEMBER 28, 1925. Dr. J. My dear Miss Stringfield: In response to many requests, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation has un dertaken to organize committees of lcprcsentative men and women in Only two or three have refused to successful surgeon. this plan may be perfected. ovory state in the country in order help, while several are waiting to' Dr- Abel. haa during his long and successful practice, always given his, Mr. J. W. Reed made a splendid adequately and fittingly to celebrate know how the other fellow comes best, services to his patients and haa striven to uphold the high ideals talk in behalf of parks for summer the birthday of Woodrow Wilson, our across. It is up to us. neighbors are of nis great profession. In politics he is a Democrat and wields a wondct- tourists and also a place of amuse- President, who guided us during i ? c i i . t. :i t j,. : l i e a:i i... . . . . eight years of storm and stress such as no man ever before faced, who 'aid down his life on the altar of sacrifice fot what lie believed to be we going to let Hendersonville Bre- fa' influence. Dr. Abel is a Mason, high in the councils of that ancient order, ment and recreation for the children. He has been married twice and has five children by his first marriage. The guests were invited to the 'he present Mrs. Abel was Miss Bessie Love of this county. Domestic Science Hall where they ; were served with punch and en';". vard, Franklin, Bryson City and these other wide awake towns put some thine over on us ? A list will he nnhlUhpH frnm t1n,j ''.1L, , .-,,xt w .- - o .,A !, fl,mo. n i ., ; of the About tw0 hundred guests attend.-.! die TJ M,e,.A r,t Woa, ' .. . . ' "I ABllVJAn nuiCAUOli . n -- - , . ""- '"--"'-"i to t,me ghowinc the nnmoa cf firm. 1 X7-tl, e.ml!nn nmnna. tho most PH. i ......... yillo, N C is a firm teliever in the and citizens backing the chamber of' Nov. IS lo 22, 192S County Superin-j terprising states in matters of educi-' .,nnT.,. theory that death by electrocution is rraD- . j .rc-i.ii-. ..( . , 1. . .., CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL GAMli. .. . . . . .. Commerce. tendent of Schools Points Out the t,0nal in the American union. Tne, u- t one of the most horrible that coul 1 , , , . . , ., ... . i.v. u c i For the first time in the history . . tt. .11 i: "JLio tcjiu uc naS iSaO. ..... ... v.iii ia nun . . uc uciiocu. lie nuuiu icucvc (.lie , suffering of the condemned man by h?' Waynesv" ! than administering an anesthetic just be ,ha!,f u um beJ- Can it? fore the execution, he ays in the W- ",e mounla"" 1, ' to bear its just Both the President of the United f (he training State and the Governor of North Car-, found. With that I of Western North Carolina conies a .untrv !ind the world, end who called upon human ity to take the first step toward the abolishment of war, the greatest enemy that mankind has ever known! In each large city in every st.ite share of the expense Jn each large city in every sUte of children wherever ' real coUege footba11 Hmv- A ame it is proposed to have the celebra nt list sentence a,lthflt wi" decide the ampionship o' tion take ,he form of dinnt,r j,,. a; f il. r t -'"""' nnu fciic iiiciuiicaiiia irum ai-.T l - - ...uuu. - - - , ,. . e -1 1 1 . lore me execuLion, ne vays in cne x'i- .... - .. , s - n ; . ... -t .l u. .u me lvao .aroiinas. s cooiuaii aine M.,;..nnl .mmlrfli-o tK. i,;.,.! , . . . .. . . . dir. -tion you can see alonir the road o'"13 have issued proclamations p-1 the people's slogan, it is thought .that i 6 rational speakeis, the object being lowing communication to the Raleigh , , Blu,,t lne rodu . ,u 1fi m ! ' , , , . , . . out of the ordinary a Kame that to reawaken nnH siimnntp k a nv, the names of almost any town in West pointing the week of November 16-J,! a great movement can be launched in . . t0 icawaKen and stinuiate thobe fva- fdow m,1 nhorr- v" ui milium ony I , , " l , ern North Carolina, except Waynes- I have been greatly interested m ,. , ,. . . . . a i .1 Vl,e- "e don't put out signs, the numerous recent articles in the - , . . .... Several riflrt.ipe ftrnvo in fvm Toe- public press concerning capital pun- 7.., :. , ?? wav the imnortance and significance of ! nnnrtl-.itv in a real wav Ishmpnt Also thn-ip concerning nris.u,nrner Bnu BSKea Ior ne name. At- " ' . ' , , .. ; ' " . , . ishment. Also those concerning pns- ,.-! the occasion. In these proclamations, For this most interesting and m. on reiorm, says ut. raciracKen. " ' ....... "It is not my purpose, in this ar- heard ot the ToP Town nor Waynes tide, to discuss the merits or demer- vlIle the Beautiful. The merchant who don't advertise is its of capital punishment, nor to con done or condemn the practice, how not burdened with paying an income ever, I do believe that in a few years tax. The town that don't advertise It -will be a thing of the past, so ar grows very slowly, as North Carolina is concerned. j Let's quit kidding ourselves in try "But since the laws or our btate ing to believe Waynesville is the hrst inflict the death penalty on those town in the -world. Why not get to- found guilty of capital offense I gether and make people away frsm am writing this to make a plea for here think it is just that. 1P25, as American Education Week, ' '0I th Carolina that will be felt in in which people generally are call.? i ! every section of the state looking upon to observe in some appropriate ward the equalizing of educations the leader: in educational matter--, portant period from November 16 to superintendents, principals, teachers, 1 90 a suggestive program has been hoards of education, committeemen, arranged by the Bureau of Educa I promises to give many thrills and tionaI Hnd civic i(k,aIs v.hkn Woodrow hair raising incidents. On tnday, Wilson voiced and for which he November the 20th, the "Dearron sto0() jn the smuel. dlic,s if nQ. Deacons," led by the "Garrrty" tackle dinner can be m,(i th(,rc mav bff the purple Hurricane from our sister mPctinKS luncheons. or recc itions at state. The championship team for priva,e htmw in hi.s or hoU1 two years bids fair to display some of parlors, with local or visiting speak- the steller football that is seldom wi. prs. No commuTlitv is tlJO sma to nessed in North Carolina, A term ,,. i.,i,..,: :.. tirA Info-octort cit wnnq Prnf.rJlllv Jl!Pi li..n ln CU. Tnfotnr llonai-lmanf ft From "" - uc,,l"' uunl U1 lm';' ilar to the patriotic observances j-.,,. ,Q1, l.;; tn' , u.. l -.1 a. n...:.... iLei ollt 01 ul- siroriResi. teams jl- e 1 .1 1 cue uLieiiciuo 01 cuAuayeis cue nc'is Sunshine and advertising; that made Florida. We have some sunshine. urged to the preparation ot suitable- j he United States Government. From - II 0 nc Pa'nollc observances 011 d the tollowing pro " " uucimays cu omer great rresuienis. Uiam, which is suitable and wlvch " L . ' -' this should appeal to all men and should be observed by the people of . FetW', lf any teama the uth "n women in the country', partisan or Haywood county, and particularly the ,ast of me" a"y faster 0n foot. ,than non-partisan, as a tribute of honor . ! . . .v . .1 i ureason ana nacKiey two midgets j schools, that is, the parts suitable to ,, . , , , , , , ,. and respect tor of the school and the value of co operative effort in meeting those needs. It requi-"" no stretch of the im agination to see the purpose of tho week's program. First of all the ob jective is to stimuate interest in the cause of education, and second to de vise ways and means to give all the children everywhere an equal oppor tunity to get the training best suit able to their several requirements. Ot course, the main and immediate iisue is to secure the willingness of a more humane method of legal ex cution. An Object Lesson? "It is not the object of the State to inflict bodily pain upon a con-i RETURN FROM NORTHERN TRIP, demned prisoner that he might atone Dr- and Mrs. J. F. Abel and Dr. J. for the life he has taken, or for the R. . McCracken have just returned crime he has committed., If this were from a trip to Philadelphia where the the case., burning at the. stake would doctors were signally honored. Th y be the ideal execution. The idea is ' received the degree of, Fellow of the to rid society of such criminals, and American College of Surgeons with by so doing hold up an example to title "F. A. C. S." . . the would be perpetrator of crime. It js quite a high honor to receiva We often shudder when we think of. this degree as the participants have the. brutal custom of beheading, as 8 rigid test and are highly recome practiced in some of the Euronean ixon '' I countries, and, on first thought, it waTesville can 'feel T,ornfi,1 conclusion that this matter of train does seen most brutal nd blood- prid nd ;,ome gatUfaction that two ing .boys and ir,s for the hihest thirsty, but,. bruUl as t may seem, ) t of h r ,eadin DrofeMional men have ype of citizenship, the training of the is ioj iiiuic ikuiiiaiie wie Til e luck; a va- 11.. the schools. that has for years troubled Carolina and made many a team go down into Of course the program can be altered or changed completely , , , . , ... . - . defeat. It will be wi cu ineec. inc neeun 01 eacu cuinmuilliy. Lelow follows the program which hus been reworked and re-written In the office of county superint.ednent: I. Monday, November 16 CONSTI TUTION DAY. 1. Have the school in every grade that can comprehend study the mak ing, of the constitution of the United our deceased Pru-i dent. We desire very much to have you fill M'rtvtVt f"iinn r v... K..,s . , , . ARheville on the 20th to see these two ... 1 m n 1 tt .01 men and women in vour citv fov stars in action. The Purple .Hum- ., , . , ' , the purpose above outlined. We cv, 1 help you in organizing the commit tee, so as to relieve you as much as possible of burdensome detail. As the movement is Nalion-vi''e you realize that it is not too soon taxpayers to hold up the burden of j States, its divisions, and its amend the expense in building and equipping ments. better schools and employing better teachers. Some .time in the near future, the leaus, pageants, plays, each one about people of North Carolina and Hay wood county are going to come to the II.- Tuesday. November 17 PATR ' - 1 . . it..-- neaa. ine neart. and the hand, is a'DTISM rAV of execution practiced in this W wnrmi. . : " business proposition and will be done 1. Teach "America F,v,t t,ckets my 8ecure tnem writing " , , -"u w ""P w in- ..v..v. t- .- r .. . . - . 1 -r - v " . rr t 1 ti HurH inn rnnr. n nirv n nn tiiofiaoi e in a business wav. We have not rhilHron r. "lr- W central cans ana -, - . v. try, viz., hanging, and electrocution. When a man's head is chopped off, death 4s instantaneous, because the centre of perception is severed from cane aiso possesses n man whose speed equals far more than the or dinary college player. The game on the 20th in Ashevi ie will decide whether Western Nor' 11 Carolina is to have a regular schod ule of college football. It will decide to Ket a committee established in the the question that has for many ysars various citieR of - statn. Wo prevented the colleges from schod- carnest'y to co-operate with uling games in Asheville. If the fo-1- us in this mattc. to accept the chaW ball fans of Western North Carolina mansh'P for your city, and to send desire to have a regular game each us as soon as Possible, the names iL . i i . 1. 1 . and Addresses of Slirh men nnH wnm. u ct4 v,iWin f ,w . year tuey must suuw ineir uesire to - " - T T ! Z have such he,Pin this gae en s yu desir to serve with you ominent of the markers of the co 1- ' 1 s l nl tu ....... ...... a success wm- Reserved seat tickets are now on municate with them, sale. Any one desiring reserved seut Your ss'stance will be greatly ap . tickets mav secure them bv irrldn predated by us and will help to in- 2, School exercises, such as speech es, compositions, dramatizations, tab some feature of the constitution. 3vStudj prominent stitution. CHuici-RicimON. . e -vement throughout the whole The member : of the" Methodist 1 3 con"n- When that time comes ever be right, but right or wrong, my church are giving a reception at tho nna wnen we get ine reaj impulse, we country." the body. There is no. consciousness church in honor of the new minister, 5an do the whole job of providing' 2. Study the flag meaning of the or knowledge of nain ' ' I i wi . ti . m . Ittcv. Imilin,. w-c t j j . t .. ... .. . - . . or knowledge of pain, - , May . Live Five Minutes.' $2.00. General admission High school thildrcn 50 cents. and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. T. F. 'tter buildings and better equipment red and white stripes, the'blue fie'd,1 Many and Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Man- lor oe"er. scnoois in every township in and the white stars. effort. It (1.50. Cordially and sincerely yours, r. I L. IRVIN REICHNKR. I P. S. Hon. Josephus Daniels joins ' with us n : earnestly asking your "When a man is hanged, we do aot gtmi, Wednesday night from 8 to 10 thfe 'county;. In one mighty e know how long he might remain con- o'clock. All the members are urged takes Jus one timeMo do it. U. D. C. WILL MEET. I Th TTflVWAn rnor.foi rf tTw. TT Tl BManlanui t lU. .,1. : 1. M 3. btudy the North Carolina Slate r .wtw,i, .ih m.. iv. i ..... I nag the same wav. Ever North t . .. rr-... .. .. .. . ' -t But until th timo .,i, r. .ihj -w-..,j w A ... : eon m- .a re auenaance ;- i. r , . i ready for the big effort, we flag, how to draw it, how to make it 2. ' Attorney Grover C. Davis, solicitor must not ting' down the curtain ipon Teachers in teaching it may use crepe R-v. Albert Vow ga- n trjlendii ,7 T a ,OT,.or.tn? enact-, paper r.m"8ln- . nddrosi to the Masons of Bryson CUy A. R. will meet with Mrs. H. IT. MIt U.t,u.. v.i-ji ioi wee. , nic uiHiiin wnicn wiu place (.continued on editorial Poge) last week. : - n-i i. ' . i , , l o- Buiuua. ine jibck is not always oroK-, to attend. en when the, trap is sprung, in which case death finally results from strang ulation, which make take several iniiv (Continued on last page.) D. A. R. MEET. .The Dorcas Hell Love Chapter D. A ell Wednesday, November 3 lh.

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