I- 1- 1 , .' ".' " NOTIC OF LA SALS. State of North Car.Hia, Coniy Haywood Ceaaty Is! the Saoa- rior Conn, Before Clark. J. B. Best, Administrator of tb estate of J. A. Eobinspn, deceased, f rif T. R Robinson and Robinson, J- 0. Robinson, Nannia Karley and husband,' Will Kerley, Bertha Overman fand husban, Clyde Overman, Maude Bogers husband, Rogers, Charlia Riding, Repta Bishop and hus band, -Bishop; Wilda Riding, and husband, Frank Riding, Alden Riding aad other beirs-at-law of j. a. Robinson, aeeeasea. earibed lands for thja purpose of cre atine asset to pajj debts of the es tata of J. A- Bobinion, dsesased, end cost of the adminBtratioa. L J. B. Best, commissioner a ppo is ted tn said proceedings to sell lb said land, will therefore on January 18, 1026, at Vi o'clock noon in fiint of the Court House door of Haywood County, in Waynesville, N. C.faell at public auc tion to the higheit bidder for eash the following described lands, to-wit: FIRST TRACTS Beginning on a stake in the center of the road leading from the lata residence of the said J. A. Robinson and o ntop of the hill and rus S. 71 15' W. two chains to a stake on top of said ridge; thenee along the top of the said ridge a. li E. 6 chains to a white oak; thence S. 88 E. 21.59 chains to a stake, Ford's th n'rxiitmrttxM Ketnraancf t fly nrtue on en oroer 01 u ou,, r 80, E 10 chinjl nor Court of Haywood, issued in the , . abov entitled aetion proceedings, or- "take; thence N. 75 W. 18.0 cha.ns daring a sale of the hereinafter de-to a stake in center of the road; You Can Double The Life Of Your SHOES CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. DUGKETT. Prop., Prices Are Low Main Street Waynesville, N. C. Which Is Your Favorite Store Amunjr the places you patronize there is a certain es tablishment for which you have a particular preference. Maybe you have never stopped to analyze the reason, but we'll hazard the guess that it is the personnel of that store the warm, friendly atmosphere that makes you feel at home as soon as you enter the door. Anyway we know that this is one of the most valuable assets a busi ness can have, because so many people have told us it is one the strongest ties that binds them to Alexander's. Eagerness to serve you is as outstanding a feature of this drucr stcie as ability to serve you. ALEXANDER'S DRUGS THE REXALL STORE Phones 53 and 54 WHITMAN'S CANDY Opp. Postoffice NUNNALLY'3 CANDY thenee with thai eenter of'the foad as NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE it meanders 11 chains to the top CUTION. of the hill the Beginning enmer, con-' " 1 ' . taining 31 acre more or less, and Stlte of North Carolina, County" of lying on the south side of said road. taywood In the Superior Court. Second Tract:f Adjoining the first , X tract herein described and beginning Hajlvood Supply Company in the center of he road on top of a, V,,, ridge the beginning eorner of the first E J Camp Bnd w. l. KuykendMl tract herein diMeribed and runs S. 7 ( Bjl yirtue 0f an execution directed 15' W. two chains to a stake on top t0 tlL undersigned Sheriff of Hay of said ndge; thence eonbnuing down woodr0ounty frora tne Superior thu.."aid udgAS-12 v,E-.o.chn",? CourtVof Haywoo.l County in the abova white oak; thenoe N. 88 W. 12.16 ntitleU action. I will on Monday the JS""?".0 f wlutaSoak! J"1"5? No ? i first ( ay of February, 1926, at ono W. 4.58 chains te a stake in center 0.clocP p M. at the court hoW door of the road; thettce with the center of gai Countyi sell to the highest of sajd road a north easterly direction bidder for ca8h satisfy said exe as it meanders 11.A2 chains to the top cution on tne aI1 ri ht tjJe and in. of the ridge the beginning corner, con- terest which the gaid w Kurken. tl?u".7-!.tre.S m5r5 0F lwf w 1 ". oi e of the defendants, has in tho Third Tract: tying and being on f4Uowil de8Cribed real ; estate to- the waters of ttree UreeK adjoin- situated on the waters of Hemp 'n lands of , A. Robmaon and hlll ck adjoining the ,ands of A C. S. Thompson and others beginning berry j,ood w. L KuyUendall M on a chestnut comer of the Sanford F. Rowill, M. H. Allison and J. H. and Mason 60 acre in A. J. Justice,' Allison ad others, in Jonathan Creek Duckett tract and Mr. Justice's line Townshift, Haywood Countv and runs S. 26 and SO' W. 86 poles JV "aj,wooa county, to a Spanish oak thence S. 25" E.' First Tract: Beginning at a small 30 poles to a white oak; thence E. dogwood, J. H. Allison's, line and runs 35 poles to a black oak near Soapstone with Asbtrry Moody's line 72 poles u. Gap; thence S. 50 E. 35 poles to stake, lloody ami Brown corner; Rogers' hickory corner; thence S. 4'i ,,he"cf1 witfc.J C; roW line S 8fi',ir E. 6 poles to Thompson's white oak V 93, I03 . a stu'jc' ln M- F corner on a ridge; thence up the " !; thence N. 2" E. 20 watershed of same N. 84 E. 11 poles .p,oles t, ,a PPlar- thpn with M. F. to a chestnut; thence N. 41' E. 36 IowfH eastward to M. H. Al poles to white oak corner and stake ''n 8 ',ne and water she.) at Bin! and forks of ridge; thence S. 84 E. ?,d.f :. wn ,!!h M- Allison an,) 0 poles to a chestnut, corner of Rob-' ,;. j-I',"son s !nt' antl witer "f inson's Riddle tract, its line; thence1 lilr? ili?1' northwesterly direction to N. 12 E. 91 poles to a locust corner;' H7? 1)u,nl4h l'k Kiu'. llu" x thence E. 14 poles to a forked birch; '!'. !.P"ll's . to chestnut in J. H. thence N. 25" W. running down the A"lsor!' !'1t-,r''n. 85 W- 32 pH,l's u branch 36 poles to a pine at forks urA.l.MM,, containing 1J of the branch; thence N. 60 W. 12, aires more or loss, which is fully poles to a large spruce pine in ban-, described in a deed from F. M. t'al.l ford's line; thence S. 2(1 W. 11 poles well and I'arilee to V. L. Kuykendall, to an elm corner; thence another registered in Hook -1(1, p.g" LMfi, Re line N. 81 W. 108 poles to the betrin-' ( ..rd of Deeds of llaywm.,1 ('.unity, j nig, containing (il acres more or less,! Excepting, however, from the ahov.. ;u:d being the same land described in described land for (4) acres which ! a iK'eil lrom v. 1. liilhard, f.xecutor lejirosents the homestead allotted '. i of the J. R. Love estate to .1. A. Rob- the said V. I.. Kuykendall and whie' I uison, bearing date of April 18th, 1800 is not intended to'sell under this ad- I and registered in the oiiice of the Keg- '. ertisenient, which exception is d-- or oi ueeas ior nuywoou ( otiniy in scriDea us loiiows: I!eiritoii?i.r , , , , k renter of the residence of the said . I... lr. and, Mrs. R. 9. McCracken an(i Mrs. Jf IT,. Boone. ' i ' " ' Mr. and, Mrs. Killian spent the first eleven years of their married life In Clyde, moving to Waynesville in 1886, where they have spent thirty nine years of usefulness in the up lift and growth of the community. Mrs. Killian was Miss Haseltine Brown, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, pioneer settlers of Haywood county. All the children of Mr. and Mrs. Cillian were present on t. sjon, including their four t miv children, Ellen Louise Killi n and -Leon M. Killian, AJt WiiUam F. Swift, Jr. and Haseltine Swift. Among the out-of-town guests wera Mrs. Mingos and Mrs. Cassiut Mingos of Spartanburg, S. C, Mr. James Killian of Black Mountain, il and Mrs. Mark Killian of Ashevilla and Mrs. and Mrs. Harmon Moore of Canton. The Weakling Of Tomofrgi Book No. 30, page 20, to which refer ence is hereby made. This 15th day o: December 10J5. J. B. B!:.ST, Jan 15 II Ooninussioiier. the Kuykendall as the circle, which circle is Fine Chops mm Either mutton, lamb, veal or pork chops are always accept able as a meat for either breakfast or dinner if they are of first quality. That is the kind you will buy from us, and they will be properly cut You never take a chance on the quality when you pur- I chase meat of any kind from us. CITY MARKET J. B. DAVIS, Prop. Phone 149 Church St. If Its Elecrical Call the WAYNESVILLE ELECTRIC CO. Electrical contracting, supplies, repair work, armature winding. ! Quick Service and Work Guaranteed. 17 Depo Street Phone 3-2-4 NOTICE OK TRUSTEE'S SALE. r be inscribed center of to extend on a radius extendim- .rem tne enter of said residence ta uch a distance that would inscribe a jircle around said residence contain- . j. , , ,U'res of laml "d which On Monday, the 21st day of Decern- hn ""elude the dwelling of said W bur, 1925, at 11 o'clock A. M., at tho "-uykcndull, his barn and outhouse., court house door in the town of Way-' Second Tract: Adjoining the lands neaville, N. C, I will sell at public of V. L. Kuykendall and others and outcry to the highest bidder for cash j situate on the waters of Hemphi'l the following lands and premises, ly- Creek, Jonathan Creek Township, and ing and being in Waynesville Town- described as follows: Beginning on a ship, , Haywood County, North Caro- stake the northweRt c,,n(fr (ff , lina, described as follows: Garrtt fin t-t 1 BEGINNING at a sU k. on the bank Z "said ' n t T 'V tlnVTlfil !l tA tho . -hit- .k nn th hnk of Pigeon l " at poles to a Road; ihence N. 86' E. 840 feet to a n.?' stake thence S. 80 E. 230 feet to W 6 poles to tTe RPmim1 6 rkr thPne. H. R8 W. 292 feet to iP e.,i0 the BEGINNING, con the BEGINING, containing 1 1-6 iih H - mo? l' whic, acres, more or less. : j f ' lbedf n a deed from Hugh Being the same property conveyed i vlv L!"du S' Sloan tr' by T. D. Welch and wife, Celinda s ' tLb3 I "I w ' date of Welch to Samantha Love and R. C. L. RnVi ' il' reSered in Love by deed dated July 7, 1888, and 07 n ' JJV "u K0Cird of Deed.' recorded in Book No. 477, Record of 0f Hdywood County. Deeds of Haywood County, to which third Tract: Fully described in said deed and record reference is here deed from Alden Howell and wif by made lor a lull ana complete ae- rannie Howell to V. L. Kuykendall scripuon. , unver alter, Hearing date oi" Sale made pursuant to the power January 29th, Htm, wnk is reKis. confen ed upon me by a deed oi trust fj in Book :;, paKt. K0, Record of from S. C. Love and wile, victoria l naywood County the sai Love and J. C. Love, recorded in Boo W. L. Kuykendall having since boutrh c, page 175, Record of Doeds of Trust the undivided of said Oliver Carter n of Hawood County, N. C. s;l,u.' iand and now owns the s-im, rne sum aay oi iovomuer, ij. mnu nts on tho waters of u. n.. ihuju.ai, """j'1"" iri'h, .MiJiiit );ii d .L t .".v,1;.ifi, uaywood ( ountv C I)ecl7-c-M & W Truster. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of F. I'. D. Farmer, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having- claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to th. undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 1926, or this notic will b. pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make im- "" . .1,1 ..'...in.. Ik.. . , : , v..,... u.e lands ,, p,.,,,) yv.ny ! ''i. a"d oUu".s- ''""'Hied as Vol lows. BeKimmie; a Ul-j , i ,( . ,. rner and runs . 2,r F ),', Hoies u a niack oak on side f . ounutin; thence up ,. mountain a chestnut oak: thence I"'10 n chestnut; thence N. K;i.', , .i poles to a chestnut in i -:ae, thence with his line M f0 poles to a locust; thence r,. 08 Doles poll's to ")!' V. ' Hovd'. e X. 20' birch an. This the 23rd day of November, 1926, 3tnut n the Hart line: thence . J. R. BOYD, 1 'f1 25 Poles; thence Norti Jan 8 c F Administrator of , fj' ' P-S thenee .V 51V E. 211 P. D. Farmer, Deceased Uki? ,Lne"ce ? K. 55 poles to y, '," 1 eruson s corner; henee S. 4J4 K. 100 poles to a stake fel" P'-to the i.uiiajinntr l ;n'ip. NOTICE OF S I.' AIM ON S AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. State of North Carolina, County of Haywood In the Superior Court. B. F. Smathers and C. S.Smnthcrs vs. j Felix Williams and Ira W. Williams. The defendants above named will take notice that a summons in th" above enutlcd action was issued Egainst said defendants on th? 28'ii day of November, $25, by C. A. Itiiynes, CleUt Super: Court of Hay wood CountAfor thesum of $!)lS7.00 due said plaintiffs byaccount and con tract, which summojis is returnable before said Cldrk joi the Superior Court of HaywcM County, at hu office in Waynesvil, in said County, on 17th day of Delcember, 1925, ai 10 o'clock A. M, TheViefendants will also take notice jfhnt j warrant of attachment was issued by the said C. A. Hayncs, Clerkf Superibr Court on the 23rd day cf November, 1925, against the propes-ty therein mention sd, of said defendants, which warrant is returnable before the said Clerk of the Superior iCourt, on the 28th day of January, 1920, wnen and where the defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the jrelief demanded will be granted. This the 4th day of December, 1925 C. A. HAYNES, Clerk Superior Court of Haywood Jan. 7 c R. F. . , ' . . County. -f- , For Sale Two fame dwellings' (two story locatedon our mill site, Waynesville. - SunoSgst Lumber Com, pany, Suncrest, North 'Carolina. 3tc more or less This the 28th day of December, 1! .!. F. ('AUK, Shcriir. C8 Jan. c Th ndernourlshed child Is to. moat Important problem pressing for solution in our state today. Under nourishment causes rachitis (rickets), barl beri. pellagra, conjunctivitis, pre vents procreation when extreme, re peaters In school, truancy, delinquency, crime, Insanity, coma and death. It causti disease of the following body struoUr.s, bone, teeth, skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes of the ali mentary tract, conjunctiva, sex organs, brain and nervouB system and perhaps other structures of the body that we have not found out about at this time; for example: We know that an under n.urlshed person takes tuberculosis and other diseases more easily anl more Quickly than the well nourished. Tore are 300,000 undernourished children ln the schools of our state, the percentage running from ten to fifty. It has been thoucht by some that undsmouruihment is caused by disease or physical delects: for ctJiplf: Malaria, diseased tonsils. On tho other hand, pme think that th.- iin'l-r- suamriflhm.ut Is the cause of maar da-1 children. 8 to fro nnofiK nuaabdar f th jop at Vft fecu, for exampl: Afcnf4ft tropbled tonalla. et. lay tf, H.AuaM uul dnflncta In stft nourished ehUa ahouM MjMJ a complete axamtatatioa ti JSpt a physician la order Then with the Hntrtttqp I ured and promtusacea i and North Carolina ' ciatlons by moaau tram the sal. of mu Seals, th. I. made Malar. It should 1 easily by the dopartae&fs of 4oe Uca and health, the Parent Associations, th. Woman's Out Seal Bale agencies eooperntsc. If interested, write aOaa Wwrosa DansdUl, State Director of Health Education. North Carolina Tnbsreu losiB Association, Southern Pines, North Carolina. If our country 3 var destroyed, U will not be from eiarnli.it tram with out but frora the constantly iscJvas ine Drocreatlon of the unfit sad from 1 tho improjier uourlshmeBt St 1875-1925. On the evening of Dec. 2.'!rd Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Killian were at homo to their friends, the occasion marking their golden wedding anniversary, fifty years of happy married life. The house was decorated in Christ mas greens and poinscttias, with tho exception of the dining room, where the decorations consisted of white cut flowers and yellow tapers. Grac in the center of the dining table was a beautiful wedding cake. The guests were received at the door by Mrs. Leon M- Killian and Miss Alice Quinlon. Receiving wera Mr. and Mrs. Jllian and their chil dren: Miss Nancy Killian, Mrs. Fau. cette Swift, 'Messr. James, Leon and Mark Killian. Assisting, in the dining room were Mrs. Harden Howell, Mrs. Hilliard Atkins, Misses Sue Willard Lindsley, Ida Jean Brown, Kancy Crockett and Mary . Quinlan. ; About 100 guests' called during tho evening, to offer their congratulations. Among them being three who were present at' Mr.' and Mrs. Killian's wedding fifty years ago. These were THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH A day's work on the Southern When a railroad system extends for 8,000 miles across eleven states and em ploys 60,000 workers, it does a big day's work. Here are the figures of an average day on the Southern Railway System: Trains operated . . . 1,270 Passengers carried . . 50,000 Carloads of freight loaded on our lines and received from other railroads .... 8,000 Ton-miles produced . 32,000,000 Tons of coal burned in loco motives 14,000 Wages paid . . . $220,000 Materials purchased . $135,000 It takes management, and discipline, and a fine spirit of cooperation throughout the organization, to do this work day after day, and maintain the standards of service that the South expects from the Southern. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM