1 '!" "";,, I I .UARY 4, 1926 THI W1TNXSYILLE UOCKDUNSES alb. aw w !jf- ll Going To ifiNf The Most, Important Thing to Is to Qtt A uSr ulS Sii sua With Reputation for Dependability in Constructing accord- ing to YOUR Plans and Specifications. No Charges For Letting Us Estimate the Cost for You. e f !,',!iraj t (p W Kf. ' J Morris in an Oldsmobile ex tends to the smallest, most hidden part that is the reason for Performance Plus AS NOKRIS MOTOR COMPANY A I ID AN 1025 and PANS ALL OYER Uif &t She TmIc Cxthi uj Merer Saw Sack iBprsr arf Wm So Weak Couldn't Stud. Wea thereby, Ulaa. Un. Stmm 1C. Ball, of thlj plaea, writes that mtm wu "getting weaker all the Um" when Cardul, the woman ' tonta, wai first brought to her attention. After ahe had taken Cartful a while, he writes that she "never did sea uch an Improvement" "I suffered all the time and had pain all over," aava Mrs. Hall. "I was bo weak I could not stand. My skin was cold and flabby. I did not have any color. I had always been a very active woman oaed to outdoor exercise, walking and going where I pleased, and to get down, not able to get myself a drink, waa Indeed a hardship. "Nothing seemed to help me, till t began on Cardul. The first bottle seemed to strengthen me, and I sent for five more. Br the time I had taken these, I was on my feet, going around, doing my work, gained in health and strength. "I took two more bottles, and I am well and strong. Can work my Brd en. I haven't had any mora sickness." Ask your druggist. NC-185 Night Coughing Quickly Stopped New Way Simple But Very Effective Night couehine. with its distressing loss of sleep and dangerous sapping of strength and vitality, can now be almost instantly checked through a simple but wonderfully effective treat ment that is economical, too. This treatment is based on the fa mous prescription known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. For aston ishing relief make this test tonight before retiring: Simply take one tea spoonful and hold it in the throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it. The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but it quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and conges tion which are the real cause of night coughing. So with the cause removed, coughing stops quickly and you sleep the whole night through. The Dr. King's New Discovery pre scription is for coughs, chest colds, sore throat, hoarseness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine for children as well as grown-ups no harmful drugs. ' At all good druggists. Ask for mnams m 9 r;' cni t -- us BALANCE your recrca. tkm v.; tli a thought to your pivsi :a! welfare. Be 3 paniciyant. For, regarJ )r:s of ?1 ill :v. uidivulunl mav 1k: an. act'i.'.' and derive as r.iuth pleasure find benefit from riic pame as the mo.t ski'.'ed ve:rran. Furthermore, indiWdual orrinpnienf in llic way of '..o(!)in'4 or special appa ratus ia not required as ia ill case with such sporta as huntins, fi Ain;:, rkaring, Ijolf, tennis, etc Drop in any time and play on our tine Brunswick tablca the equipment that has done bo much to make billiards, "a gentleman's game." Room Owner's Name and Address This tpaee to be uted for text regarding charges for game! Bpecial pr actio rate, or any other tpecial copy that may he attired. Koom Owner to tuppiy thlt text to newspaper publisher vho ict tame to fit the exact tpaem occupied by these instruction. ACME BILLIARD PARLOR Main Street Waynesvitle, N. C. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Waynesville Methodist Church. Rev. T. F. Marr, D. D., Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 Hugh J. Sloan, Superintendent. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. n. evening 7:30. Epworth League at 6:30 Mrs. Glenn Leatherwood, President. The Woman's Missionary Society meets in the church parlor the sec- and Tuesday ia each month at 8:40 P. ILr-Mrs. P. W. Toekar, Piaeldent Presbytertaa Omrch. & R. Crockett, Pastor. Suday Serrices: Sunday school 9:46 a. m. Preaching 11 a- m. Odstian SndeaTor 7JK) p. sa. Haxelwood Presbyterian Churca B. Frank YandelL Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning except 2nd Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School, L. M. Richeson Superintendent, 9i5 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening services 7 p. m. Ins public is cordially invited. Services at Baptist Chorea. Rev. C. T. Tew, Pastor. 9:46 Sunday Sshool. 11:00 Worship and Sermon. 6:30 P. M. B. Y. P, U. 7:80 P. M. Preaching. You are cordially invited to wor ship with us in all these aervices. Wefloesday. MILLIONS TO LOAN We lend on improved real estate in Waynesville and Hazelwood at less than 6 on easy payment plan. Money quickly available. Unnecessary red tape cut out. Charges light. Also construction loans. See or call RALPH W. DAVIS, Phone 121-J. Quick Repairs "Trouble? We'll send a man over immediately." Keep our telephone number handy so you may call us in any emergency. Our repair department is at your service at an instant's notice. The fire-department idea is carried out in our repair service. We always have men with "know how" efficiency waiting your call. Our prices are reasonable and all re pairing is done according to our standard of neatness and work manship. We are at your service. L. A. MILLER Plumbing, Tinning and Heating 1 1 It'll 4a depend upon the yield c4 pound of Cotton, Tobacco, Com or other crops, from HIGH YIELDING ACRES carry less of cost of land, seed, cultivation, etc., than from Low Yielding Acres, because there are more pounds to share the Cost. " Use "Planters" Bracds of Fertilizers for High Yields of Cotfon, Tobacco, Corn, etc. Planters' Factory has large capacity, lo cated on three railroads and deep water, and can give prompt shipment. "Planters" has the reputation of producing the Best Fertilizer that can be made. CMateriaIj' in Car lots a Specialty PLANTERS Fertiliser & Phosphate Co. Manufacturers cpply to our Agent naareat to yon, or writ oi direct foi prifcem, terms, ate. T:80 P. If. Prayer Meeting. The Roral Ambassadors will meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at 8:M p. ra. Allen's Creek Baptist Church. Allen Creek Baptist Church, Every Sunday. Haxelwood Baptist Church Rev. R. P. McCrackeii, Pastor. Preaching every first and third Sun day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Methodist Chmrch, Clyde-Lake J una luska Charge. Rev. Frank Siler, Pastor. Lake Junaluska; Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a. m.; 1st ' and 3rd Sundays at 7:30 p. m. -' Epworth League meeting overyi. Sunday evening at both places. 'YWw At Clyde, 1st and 3rd Sundays a "'' 11 a. m.; 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. at both places. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. at Long's Chapel and Clyde. We will welcome you to any or all of these services. of crops from your acres Charleston, S. C D V

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