n "T'.' U- . V 1 biscrt Resssrces fer the Lccatisn of Manaf2duringjindustrics rrrr I $2.00 a Year In Advance, $2.50 if not m Paid Velne XXXVUL , Number I ; WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD OOUNHr. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11.1926 Communication by! Rev; Albert I!ew LENT, 1926." . kil . j t - , cs.. days,' before Easter, known m "Lent," i begin next Wednesday, February 17th. On this day, Ashe-Wednesday, Grace Church in the Mountains, under the direction of the Rev,, Albert New, Rector, will hold, two services. At 10 A. M. the Holy Communion 'will be administered, and t 7:80 P. M. there will be evensong and an address by the Rector. ,'' - ' .' The following Lenten message from Mr. New will be helpful to all the people of Waynesville, er-respective of church affiliation: . -, I am convinced that -you are not satisfied with the state of your spirit, al development. You know you are not the man or woman you would like to be, and feel you ought to be. And because you are dissatisfied you lack the real joy of living. The busks of life will never satisfy the hunger of your immortal soul. Lent offers you something that will. It gives you the opportunity to grasp the real values of life. A proper observances of Lent is just what you need in this age of the overemphasis of the material side of life. You need time for thought and re-adjustment and sane judgment as to the real values of life. You are so busy with your social "activities" and your business and your Church work that you are in real danger of be coming superficial and shallow on the spiritual side of your nature. Hu- inanity to surfeited with its marvel loua physical accomplishments, yet it remains true that man is a spiritual being and for him spritual values are the final values. During the Lenten season I ask you' to fix your mind on the spiritual side of life and draw away from the tu mult and clamor of the material. Christ is calling you to come a little closer to Him, and I know you will respond to His call. In addition to your individual at- temnt to become more Christ-like I Am asking you to be loyal to the ser vice at church. Remember your ex ample counts, and if you fail to fulfil your obligations, you will find others failing too. and your example has wrought the harm. Your example tends to build up the Church or to pull it down. That this Lent may be a period ol real spiritual refreshment to you is the most earnest prayer of your min ister. Your Friend and Rector, ALBERT NEW. DUKE UNIVERSITY WILL HAVE SUMMER SCHOOL AT LAKE JUNALUSKA. On Monday. February 8, the trua tees of the Lake Junaluska Branch ol Duke University Summer school held a very important and enthusiastia meeting in the office- of the County Superintendent of Schools, W. C. Al len, and by a nnanimousvote decided to open the Junaluska unit of the Uni versity Summer session on June 10. The trustees were organized by electing Dr. J. H. Way as chairman, and W. C Allen was secretary ex offi cio. Mr. Holland Holton, director of the summer school of Duke University was present end stated the position the university upon the question of opening the school this summer. He said that in some respects the uni versity would prefer postponement another year the opening session, but would not be averse to beginning this summer. By a unanimous vote Mr. J. Dale Stents was elected , manager of the school. HONOR ROLL EAST WAYNES VILLE SCHOOL. First Grade Alden Turner, Stelia Hayney. ' ' Second Grade-Mary Ruth Phillips, Third Grade Luelyn Miller. ' - Fourth Grade Thelma Russell, Martha Rose, Martha McCracken. Fifth Grade Anna Phillips, Charles Prestwood, Charles Camp. Sixth Grade Ruby Miller, Carl Underwood. Seventh Grade Mildred McCracken, William Medford. Miss Mary Ella Ansley and B. Sturkey were Asheville guests Thurs day. . : i State News Briefly Summarized A'' (By M. L. Shipmari.) Raleigh, N. C Feb. 8. Trial of the dissolution suit against' the Tri- State Co-operative Tobacco Market ing Association was the outstanding matter of interest in the Capital dur ing the week,"the suit for dissolution being dismissed. The attempt to bring former heads of the Fisheries Company back here from New York tti' stand trial also was of interest Governor McLean bad a busy week handling a mass of routine which piled during his absence front the city in New York selling state bonds. The Executive took a day off Friday to welcome v Will v Rogers, e celebrated comedian, to the city, the day being termed "Will Rogers Day" for Ral eigh. Trial of the dissolution suit against the Co-ods brought by Willie M. Per son of Franklin county took place Friday. A multitude was on hand to hear the arguments which poten tially might have spelled the death of the co-operative marketing in thiB section. There was some damaging evidence in the way of excessive sal aries and fees paid officials while the farmers could not collect for crops, but Judge Calvert found' no evidence of fraud or insolvency to warrant dis-i solving the association and therefore ruled the suit out of court. Mr. Person served notice of appeal to the Supreme court. Generally speaking Judge Calvert found that the mem bers and the directors had cognizance of what was going on and the direc tors were given a free hand in op erating and therefore their actions could not be termed fraudulent. A good effect of the suit will bo that the co-od management will probably pay a little more attention to the rights of the growers and a little less to their own enrichment in the future. The failure of the Fisheries Pro ducts Company several years ago cost North and South Carolina in vestora millions of dollars. Governor Smith has granted extradition from New York of Thomas H. Hayes and Ravmond Anderson, form officers ofi the company, so that they may stand trial for fraud. The two men are, fighting the extradition and have ap pealed to New York's highest court from the Governor's decision. The case will come up in the near future at Albany, N, Y., and will be closely watched in North Carolina. North and South Carolina will com-t bine in June for a special trial which' will go to the Pacific Coast advertis in the attractions of the two states Governor McLean is enthusiastic over the project which has its beginning with Carroll P. Rogers, president of the Hendersonville Chamber of Com merce. . The children of the State are at tending school more regularly tho Superintendent of Public instruction reports. School Facts, a monthly pamphlet, which the superintendent issues contains interesting facts per taining to education in North Carolina each month. In 1925, there were 559,396 white children and 250,488 negroes enrolled in the public schools. Meredith College but recently re moved to its new home on the west ern outskirts of Raleigh, celebrated founders day last Thursday with Rev. Clay Hudson of Charlotte as the prin cinal sneaker. . v . The bus law probably will be given a Supreme court test. Z. V. Petree automobile operator of Thomasvillo has started a move having for its purpose testing the law of the 1925 General Assembly wider which busses are operated under state control. " Governor McLean has extended clemency fo 298 persons since last Aoril a statement shows. TheExe cutive during that time has received 1.275 ; applications for clemency. Pendinsr before the Executive for con "sideration now are ISO cases, ten of which are application to change the electrocution penalty to life impris onment for a similar number of prls oners. ":.- ' The Governor has issued a proc clamation asking for the people to respond to a campaign beginning Feb ruary J5 to raise $200,000 in North Carolina to aid the suffering J ewish Deonle of Europe. A national cam paign is to be waged at the same time for those folk who have been suffer ing acutely since the World War. Mack M. Jerniga, here from Har nett county recently, -indicated to (Continued on another page.) Buel P. Hyatt Gives Praise to'F. E. Alley With beauty clad, with health i every vein, and reason throned upon his brow; stepped forth immorta man." ' i All men are not created equal There is a line of distinction thai sets apart types of men. And, thosd types are as recognisable as the differ-' ence between the zenith and the nadir. It has been said that man Is that strange connecting link between tho. earth and heaven. How ever that may be, the citizenship of the Tenth Con gressional district are awake to the fact that there is truth in Tennyson's exclamation, "The old order chang- th, yielding place to the new, and God fulfills Himself in many ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the world."' Hon. Felix E. Alley, a man among men, a citizen ol mgnest cauore, a lawyer without a peer in Western North Carolina, a gentleman with the grace of the cavalier, an intellect at bright as the shrewd Webster, a per sonality as genial as a Wilson; and, a home-loving, God-fearing father and husband; is a candidate for the nom ination for member of Congress from his district. He did not put himself forward, or thrust himself upon the voters of th6 district He is not an ambitious politician. He has simply heard the voice of the people, and knows the full significance of the old adage: "Duty is the sublimest word in the English language." And, with thorough appreciation of the obli gations to his lellowman, ne nan stepped forth in the strength and vigor of his splendid qualities, and throws back to the doubting populance his never changing, iron clad, eloquent determination, to represent the peoplo of the Tenth Congressional district Will he be the choice of the people T There is not a thinking man, woman or child, throughout his. district, wh ever heard his rhymttical voice and felt the magic tenderness of his hands; there is not a voter in the dis trict that will not admit that he is eminently qualified; and, there is no a foe, except a being with an animal's instinct, that would dare to stain his integrity or discolor his title to tho nomination. He is a man of the peo ple! No great crisis in the history of nations has failed to produce a "Man of Je Hour." He has the wel fare of the people at heart He com prehends the ijatinal issues as no oth er man in tne omnci, aim, esses those superb qualities of dis crimination between the "true and the false." His opponents suggest that his candidacy is premature. Alas, what a deceptive thought. The. light of education has torn away the gloom cast by the cheap politician. Human ity i a thinking element. There never was a time in the his tory- of the American people, when there was such an abso lute demand for leadership of unwav ering fidelity to the Guiding Star of True Democracy. The people will determine the adequacy of his pres ent desire to represent. I would not squander a moment in comparing him with- any other candidate in the field, Wo ; thn finished nroduct. The un- Questionable statesman of the people, The very hypothesis par excellence of Congressional timber from the Tenth district. And, the people know that he is no dullard. We know that he will run smooth in the operation of the governmental machinery. Rome was not built in a day. The United States Government had a be ginning; and, only the highest types of our citizenship will keep that insti tution secure for the people. Tho people know that "The Old Gray Mare ain't what she use to be," and, they know that Zeb Weaver never will be what they hoped he would be. Folks, Felix Alley will mount the ladder rung by rung, until he reaches the pinacle of achievement, for human possibility, as a representative of this district "When the roll is called up yonder, Hell be there." When the Great Smoky Mountain Park is placed before Congress, "H'11 be there." And, what will he dot 'He will weave gar lands of rhetoric,' unfolding the glo ries of Western North Carolina, to statesmen from every state in the Union. What will he dot He will soon stand in the Halls of Congresn as the greatest orator from the South since the days of Henry W. Grady. I do not submit this to the editor, account of any fear as to the resultr . (Continued on another page.), Views From Our Correspondent RATCLIFF COVE (COMMUNICA- j TION. . -r, j We have passed throughanother year which goes down in history as one of the most remarkable in the way of progress and achievements on all lines of endeavor in the history of our country. Although there has been some obstructions and disap pointments, but in the main it has been one of optomistic view in reach ing the goal for which all good people and patriotic citizens have been striv-i ing to bring into realization, "Peace on earth, good will toward man." An we now are entering into this new year we should not relax our efforts and co-operata together and accom plish more for the good of the human race and make our country one o which we will feel honored by being a citizen. '. Our National law makers after spending the holidays at home are in session again with many important measures before them for considera tion. The lower house seems to have laid down partison politics, have be come to realize the importance of coming to the relief of our country and have passed the tax' reduction bill which claims the attention of our law makers as much or more than any other measure that is now confronting them. Whether the bill as passed by Lthe house is best for the masses of fthe people or not time will prove, but it meets the approval of the adminis tration and large per cent of the bus iness men of our ountry. But in go tng up to the upper house where ac cording to the usual course of prece dent it will receive some hard knocks and many amendments and likely to be changed in many respects, but it is to be hoped that the Senate will act the part of wisdom and revise the bill (if it needs any revising) that will meet with the approval of the admin istration and will become the law of the land. Then business will be stab, lized and the business men and all in dustries in making investments will have some degree of assurance as to what the outcome will be. Then there are many other measures that are claiming the attention of our law makers, viz. the farm relief measure which is one of the, most important measures Delore Jongress oi wnicn there seems to be some division of opinion, but is the opinion of tho writer that what is most needed is leg islation that is not of a discriminate nature; one that will place the farm products on the same basis equal with all other industries. Then there is the Musel Shoals problem which has been before Congress for the past five years with nothing diffinitely accom plished, but present indications point o some legislation will be enacted that will settle the problem which will in all probability be beneficial to all concerned which has claimed the at tention of the whole world for a long time. It has been discussed from ev ery view point in trying to keep as far away from the League of Nations or anything that would recognize the great principles and ideals set forth and advocated by Woodrow Wilson. But with all the scheming and par tisan politics that can be brought to bear there is a leaning toward the ju dicial tribunal as set up by Woodrow Wilson and other men of vision. Pres ident Harding in his last message to Congress recommended our entrance into a World Court, believing that it was the medium by which world peace could be accomplished. President Coolidge in two annual messages has recommended and urged entering into the court, believing it would be a tremendous influence in bringing peace between all nations. In a recent mes sage the President recommended the acceptance of an invitation extended by the council of the League of Na tions to participate in its deliberation and asked for an apropriation of fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of defraying expenses by joining the council so it is very apparent that the administration will have to act the part of discretion as the young man who 'Went courting and found a bug in his soup. In order to relieve him self of the embarrassed situation swallowed soup : bug and all, so it seems that the administration, will have to swallow Wilson's ideal leaguq in order to carry out the purpose and aim of our country when we entered the World War. Mr. Walker Williams of Raleigh made a business trip here Monday. News of Town of Hazelwood HAZELWOOD HONOR ROLL. First Grade Mildred Arrington, Mary Catherine Clark, Willie Mas Cope, Katherine Knight, Minnie Mc Clure, Lois Louise Plott, Emily Siler, Fred MoClure, Woodrow Troutman, Elda Roper. Second Grade Sara Welch, Jack Robinson, Beatrice McCracken, Fred Plott, Ruby Brendle, Ulys Anderson, Edward Duck worth, Lawson Summer row. Third Grade Hugh McCracken, Lillian Wyatt. Fourth Grade Harry Stillwell, Harry Brendle, Wilda Leah Ferguson, Aline Hawkins. , Fifth Grade Jesse Lee Warren, Ruth Allen, Glenn Wyatt, Billy Pre vost Sixth Grade Wilms Hoyle, Rose mond Leagon, Eelanor McCracken. Seventh Grade Glenn Miller. The following rules have been adopted concerning the honor roll: 1. Pupils must make plus average on at least half of his studies and must not make minus average on any. 2. Pupil must be present every day. 8. Pupil must not be tardy. B. O. AIKEN, Principal. HAYWOOD'S NEWEST ENTER PRISE. One of the latest enterprises that of tho Machinery Placement Service which started business the first of the year with a two fold purpose, namely. First, to sell any equipment around a plant or factory, that is not needed, but in good condition. Second, to buy for the plant or fac tory any equipment on the same con ditions from the other fellow. However, if new equipment is de sired they are agents for popular and well known manufacturers. Their specialty is motors, generators, trans formers and steam engines. Mr. A. B. Engel is general mana ger of the Machinery Placement Ser vice, a graduate of the Georgia School of Technology in Electrical Engineering and a man proficient in power plant work. Having installed the electrical work in three power plants in this vicinity, nnmely: The hydro-electric plant for the City of Asheville at the Recreation Park on the Swannanoa, the new municipal hydro-electic plant for Bryson City nnH th large steam plant for the Unagusta Mfg. Co. Mr. Engel came from the well Vnnwn firm of Chas. E. Waddell & Co., of Asheville, consulting engineer, to install the Unagusta plant and to motorize all their wood-working ma chines, thus eliminating all line and counter shafting in the factory. Tho Unagusta Mfg. Company now has the most modern and well equipped plants in the South. He was raised on the forty heights of Lookout Mountain near Chattanoo ga, Tenn. Upon finishing high school he was connected with the Chattanoo ira Rnilwav and Light Co. in their inptpr and service department. From there he was transferred tj the Look out Mt, Incline Railway Co. Seeing this wonderful piece of engineering up the steep mountain side, he decided to study engineering, so resigned his position as operator of the incline, and entered Georgia Tech. Upon graduating he spent his first year out of school in a life of "ups" and "downs" with Otis Elevator Cjmpany, in Atlanta, n construction and service work. Leaving them he bxtmc connected with Chas. E. Waddell Co and liking this part of the count-y so well hus divided to settle down 'n our midst and be of service to power plant own- j ers through the Machinery Placement j Service. H. W. HOFFMAN ELECTED CASH - IER OF BANK OF CITRA. In a communication from Mr. H. W.'naYe been partners in this business for Hoffman of Citra, Fla., he Informs us that he has been elected cashier of the Bank of Citra. His many friends will be delighted to hear of this. WAYNESVILLE MUSIC CLUB : - ' " , WILL MEET. The Waynesville Music Club meets with Misa Margaret Stringfield at her home on corner of Walnut and Main streets Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1926. Dr. T. S. Shelmire of Asheville was a guest here Sunday. J. J. Edwards Writes About Ministers METHODIST MINISTERS FROM HAYWOOD COUNTY. To the Editor of the Waynesville Courier, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Editor: Will you please publish the follow ing letter in your valuable paper? The members of the Western North Carolina Methodist Conference, who have gone out from the good old coun ty of Haywood, met together at the Presbyterian Cafeteria prepared to take care of the Conference which met in Stateville October the 14, 1925. And had lunch together for the first time and had a very fine social hour together, and decided that we would make that a regular meeting on Fri day for dinner at our annual confer ences hereafter. Rev. M. T. Smathers was elected president and J. J. Edwards secretary and treasurer. We urge every Hay wood preacher and layman to meet with us on Friday for dinner at tho place which will be announced at each conference. The following members were pres- ent: Reverends P. L. Terrell, J. V. Campbell, J. J. Edwards, M. T. Smath ers, J. P. ltipus, F. L. Setzer, C. S. Kirkpatrick, W. R. Shelton, D. V. Howell, W. M. Rathburn and W. C. Medford, who is supply the Glenvillo circuit. Revs. John L. Teague, C. M. Car penter and D. H. Rhinehart were ab sent. The following is the appointment to which each were sent, also postolnco addresses and number of ears each one is serving his charge: P. L. Terrell, superanuated at Iusb Conference, Crabtree, N. C. C. M. Carpenter, superanuated for second year, Candler, N. C. J. L. Teague, superanuated for second year, Pretice, N. C. J. J. Edwards, Thrift-Moore cin cuit, 3rd year, Paw Creek, N. C. J. W. Campbell, Linwood circuit, fourth year, Southmont, N. C. J. P. Hipps, Grate Church, third year, Winston-Salem, N. C. C. S. Kirkpatrick, Presiding Elder, third year, Gastonia, N. C. M. T. Smathers, Hendersonville, station, second year, Hendersonville, N. C. W. R. Shelton, Lexington station, second year, Lexington, N. C. D. H. Rhinehart, Murphy station, third year, Murphy, N. C. D. V. Howell, Bryson City circuit, second year, Bryson City, N. C. F. L. Setzer, Fairview circuit, first year, Fairview, N. C. W. M. Rathburn, New Hope cir cuit, first year, Eldorado, N. C. Men who are members of other con ferences, Rev. T. W. Noland, member of Tennessee Conference, is now a Presiding Elder. Rev. J. M. Terrellj missionary to Brazil since 1900. Inclosed find check for one ($1.35) for which please send a copy of Cou rier to each member of W. N. C. Con ference. Sincerely, J. J. EDWARDS. P. S. I have carefully looked up the time these thirteen members of Western North Carolina Conferenco have given to the church and people of our great State in real service for tha betterment of society and have al ways proved true to every great cause that our State and country stand for. These 13 men have given a total of 244 years of what we be lieve has helped a great maty people to a nobler purpose in life and good citizenship. Truly, J. J. E. THE WAYNESVILLE GROCERY CERY. COMPANY. The Wavnesville Grocerv Comnanv. (which is the oldest retail grocery ! 8ore J" Waynesville, has been pur- cnasea oy mr. j. a. jones. 1 Messrs. J. S. Jones and Hugh Abel some time, but owing to the illness of Mr., Abel if was found necessary that he retire from the business in order to be out of doors more. He is suffering from inflamatory rheuma tism. K..:i v-; . ' j: The Waynesville Grocery Company , does a large staple and fancy gro- . eery business end has an up-to-date meat market in connection with the . , other business. w I Miss - Mavme Clavtun spent the week-end with her parents in Addio.

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