Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,802 Fcetllnsurpasscd Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries im am Volume XXXVIII. Number S WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1920 $2.00 a Yer In Advance, $2.50 if not so PaH Open Summer Unit June 10 at Junaluska Plana Laid for School At Trustees' Meeting, The trustees of the Junaluska Sura mer School, affiliated with Duke Uni versity, held their annual meeting in the office of W. C. Allen, superinten dent of Public Instruction of Haywood County, Monday. Those present Were Holland Holton, of Duke University, Mrs. J. M. Long, J. R. Boyd, Dr. J. H. Way, H. J Sloan, R. O. Edgerton, J. Dale Stentz.' The trustees were unanimous in their decision to have the first ses sion of the Junaluska Summer School beginning, June 10 of this "year and continuing for six weeks, and plan to offer a six units' course for teachers holding elementary certificates. In addition to this, there will be two courses in advanced work for advanced teachers or for college students. Dr. J. H. Way was temporary chair man and W. C. Allen, secretary, by virtue of his office as County Super intendent. An Executive Committee consisting of J. H. Way, H. J. Sloan and J. Dale Stentz was elected. This executive committee will have charge of all the details of the time and place of the school, fixing of registra tion fees, tuition, and expect to have more detailed announcements soon. J. Dale Stentz was elected as busi ness manager for the school. There is a great deal of interest being manifested in this section in the school, as well as in many dis tant cities and states, an'J the trus tees are confident of great success from the beginning. WOMAN'S CLUB. Mrs. C. H. McDowell was hostess to the members of the Woman's Club Thursday afternoon, February 11th. After the club collect with which the meeting was, opened, the Club Wo man's Hymn was sung, followed by several reports of interest. On account of so many conflicting dates during the week Mrs. C. F. Rirkpatrick stated that her committee had decided upon Monday, February 15th, instead of Saturday for the Silver Tea to be given at the home of Mrs. C. S. Smathers, the proceeds to be used for the Jefferson Memorial at Monticello. The date was changed to Saturday, February 13th. In the absence of Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Penny and Mrs. Patrick were asked to serve on the art committee and prepare a program for the next meeting on art. In discussing the Dahlia Show of 1926, Mrs. F. D. Ferguson proposed to take up the matter with the Wo man's Club of Canton with a view to creating interest in the Beaverdam and the other twelve townships Mrs. George Kenney who is to coach the proposed local play for the club, suggested the ladies decide upon either a "royalty" or "character" play. On motion the matter was left with Mrs. Grover Davis and her committee appointed at a previous meeting. Mrs. McDowell read a letter regard ing the "National Birthday Bell" at Valley Forge. On motion by Mrs. C. R. Thonas it was voted by to contribue $5.00 toward this memorial. An unusually instructive and inter esting program was-given as follows: "America's Response to n Foreign Appeal" Mrs. Chas. R.' Thomas. "America's Army" Mrs, J. H. How ell. "America's Navy" Mrs. Wm. A. Band. "I Never Knew. How Much God Gave to Me," Ball Sung by Miss Ida Jean Brown, accompanied by Mrs. C. S. Smathers. The roll was answered with the names of noted battles of the World War. In addition to the members Mrs. Neal, Mrs. W. L. Hardin, Miss Helen Marshall, Miss Harper, Miss Mosely, Lois Sansbury, Miss Emma Chaffing, nad Mr. Shackleford. j The hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. j L. Hardin, served a delicious salad course. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Penny, February 25th. Mr. J. M. Mock and Mr. Claude Allen left Monday for New York where they will buy their spring line of goods for their stores. While away Mr. Moc1: will visit his daugh ter, Mrs. Cline, in Chicago. I - Presentation of Lake Junaluska Will Embrace Property Valued at Over $3,000,000 Duke Universi ty to Hold Summer School Sessions. Presentation of the entire holdings of the Southern Assembly grounds at Lake Junaluska to the 1926 General Conference of the Southern Methoi dist Church in May is being planned, according to information secured from official sources. The property, valued at $3,000,000.00, located near Waynes ville on the Appalachian Scenic High way, is known far and wide as one of the most beautiful religious assembly grounds in all the world. Having as its center of attraction a huge artificial mountain lake, girded with upstanding hills, the conference grounds presents all that could ba desired in the way of a summer playground, which comprehensive pro grams, upon all phases of religious activity and educational development are designed to meet the spiritual and mental needs of the thousands who tion of the Land of the Sky. While the keynote of the assembly naturally, hinges upon the religious programs carried out each summer, every facility for healthful and whole some recreation s likewise included. Dr. Stuart's Idea. Credit for the initial step in the creation of Lake Junaluska goes to Rev. Dr. George R. Stuart, formerly the noted Methodist minister of Birm ingham, and later equally will known upon the lecture platform. Dr. Stuart has a most attractive home at the lake where he spends much of his time with his family. He Is well known to thousands in Asheville and all Western Carolina. It was his suggestion that such an assembly ground be erected and it was first brought to the attention of the Laymen's missionary meeting at Chattannoga, Tenn. A committee was named to examine sites all over the south, decision finally being reached upon the present site in the Land of the Sky. A tract embracing 1,300 acres was purchased by the laymen through interested individuals of the Methodist Church, South. Improvements totalling more than a half million were made, including the building of a 900-foot dam, some 17 miles of driveways, construction of auditorium and hotels. In all, more than $1,500,000 has been spent hv indiriduals and the Generals Boards of the Methodist Church to equip the assembly grounds. Huge sums have since been expended on idditions and improvements. In addition to Dr. Stuart, the orig inal commission that had c.iarga of the grounds in those early days, in cluded Bishop James Atkins, J. R. Pepper, Bishop James Cannon, Jr., H. Sloan (deceased) and is. C. iaatter- it. At a later period two men. now dead, also helped greatly with money and and support in other ways, these being Willian H. Stockman tnd R. S. Munger. Many Summer Homes. Because the adjacent grounds -are so ideally located for summer homes, (here was bought about last Septem ber the organization of the Junalus ka Development Company which plans the immediate and active ad vertising and selling campaign for much additional territory. J. T. Man gum is general manager of this or-i ganization, headed by J. A. Taylor as president. J. B. Ivey and F. M. Jackson are vice-presidents. Officials of the assembly are look ing forward to the best season that has been enjoyed at Lake Junaluska, in spite of the fact that the previ ous season has so far broken all rec ords for the large crowds attending the various conferences. Although the actual programs are under the leadership of the Southern Methodist Church, bf course, invita tion is heartily extended to' all visi tors to attend regardless of religious affiliations. For there is much to at tract not only in the religious pro gram, but likewise in lay activities. Training courses of many kinds are offered, educational courses, various conferences, training schools of dif ferent kinds, chautauqua programs, moving picture entertainments, spec tacular pageants upqn the lake, as well as nrivate instructions in musio and art. A comprehensive playground well equipped, ofrlrs a sale ana healthful place for the entertainment (Continued on another page.) Forest Situation of Haywood County Over three-fourths of the total land area of Haywood county is forested. Of a total area of 349,440 acres, 267, 644 acres is in forests. Properly cared for this area is capable of growing 53,628,800 board feet of tim ber per year. These figures are conservative. They are based on the annual growth of only 200 board feet of timber per acre per year. Yet, according to the estimates of experts who have made exhaustive studies of'-forest growth, hardwood- forests when properly handled can easily produce as high as 500 board feet per acre per year, or, expressed In dollars $669,110 worth of wood in one year in Haywood coun - ty. But in order to be conservative the smaller figure will be taken as representing the possible production? Now, according to the census of 1920 there were 23,496 people living in the county. If each person used an equal share of this wood every man, woman and child would be entitled to approximately 2,280 board feet of timber per year which he could use as firewood, fence posts or lumber for his home, or he could sell his share. The value of these forest products based on Jie conservative value of 5 dollars per thousand feet would be $267,645. This figure, then represent? the actual value of the wood which can be grown in Haywood county every year on the lands which are already wooded. And the growing of cthis wood will require no effort what ever on the part of the owners of the woodlands. This production will ba made naturally provided Ihe forests are protected from fire. Fire is, at the present time practically the only agency capable of preventing the growth. During the year 1925, according to the figures shown on the official re ports received at the State Forest Service there were exactly fifty forest fires which burned during this year. These fires did a damage to timber and young growth estimated at $87,993 or almost one-third of the value of the timber which would normally be grown during the sam6 period. And this figure does not in clude any estimate of the loss in the leaf either which is the food of the timber crop, nor does it include the damage to the soil, to the stream flow and water supply which was unqestionably seriously affected by forest fires. In addition to the dam age to the growing forest and the unestimated damage to the soil and, destroyed leaf litter and stream flow, the fifty fires burned 58,051 dollars worth of forest products already cut and ready for market, and 46,729 dol- lars worth of improvements, hoBses, ' " ' . barns, fences, railroad trestles, log ging camps and- machinery. Seven of these fires were, it was definitely learned, set out deliberately and criminally, by ignorant or crim inally inclined incendiarists. Six of them were carelessly allowed to es cape from burning brush piles. Two were caused by campers and hunters carelessly leaving their camp fires unextinguished. , The others were caused by smokers, 3; lumbering 11. inree resulted irom misce.mneous causes wnue ue cause oi .r unknown. AH 1 oi mese nres were either set on purpose, or resulted from the carelessness of hunters, j campers, trampers or smokers. ' I How mucn longer are me people oi Haywood county going to allow this annual loss to continue? How much longer before the people realize that thjs most important crop is wood-1 When will the people realize that the forest of Haywood county are pro tecting their streams, preventing th drying of their . springs, protecting ( their game, providing them wood for fuel, .for houses, for fences, and a thousand other uses and that the pro tection of the forest is a vital matter to every citizen in the county. . Adequate protection demands two things: a public sentiment opposed to woods burning and adequate ap propriation of furids sufficient to fight the fires and construct the lookout towers and telephone lines necessary to spot a fire that occurs and-report it to the warden. Buncombe county, with only a slightly larger forest area, than Hay wood appropriates $1,000 a year for forest fire protection. Haywood ap propriates $400. Yet, in Buncombe a ; (Continued from another page) Mrs. E. L McKee- Community Club Mrs. E. L. McKee of Sylva, State President of Federated Clubs, was present atthe meeting of the Commu nity Club on Monday, Feb. 15th, and made a talk that will live long in the minds of the women, fortunate enough to hear her. As this was a regular meeting of the club, the meeting opened with the Federation song, followed by the prayer for club women. After which the reports of officer and departmental chairmen were give: The club unanimously voted to giva a guarantee of $100 towards the Ju- naluska Summer school, Inc., the sum mer school of. Duke University, to jbe established at Lake Junaluska. It Was also voted to give $10 to Miss Anne Hobson, for her kinder garten work. After the business of the afternoon was finished, the foU lowing program was given: Piano Solo Eclogue, Lizst Mis Frances Denton. Solo Charming Chloe Mrs. L. M. Richeton. After which the president, Mrs. Kufus Siler, in a few gracious words, introduced Mrs. McKee. Mrs. Siler spoke of the honor the western purt of the State enjoyed in producing a State president, as gracious sympa-' thetic and competent as Mrs. McKee. The club room was filled with mem bers and guests, who arose to greet Mrs. McKee as she began her address. Mrs. McKee's talk was short and very much to the point. Stressing particularly two points; The American Home and the Respon sibility of Citizenship and the Vote. She began by telling us to carry high the standard of our club, as the Federation can be no nearer the good than the individual clubs. The good of women's clubs being the growth of th community in health, morals, re creation and beauty. She snoke es pewwly of the new department being established in women's clubs, called the American Home Department, hav ing for its aim the establishing of wholesome, happy, affectionate fam ily life, as a bulwark against the ten dencies of the times, homes where re ligion comes first. "All true club work embraces tho i child, home, community and State." Through organized womanhood, much can be accomplished, this state having 5300o women voters. Mrs. McKee stressed our responsibility as a voter, and what can be accomplished if we take a serious consientious view of this. Mrs. McKee closed her talk with a call to all club woman to be faithful, loyal and tue. After which the afternoon s pro , , .... . . gram closed with a vilolin solo by Miss Maragaret Stringfield. Vocal Solo "Moon, Moon" Mrs. L. E. Green. The hostesses for the afternoon Mrs. J. H. Way, Mrs. Lenoir Gwyn, Mrs. N. M. Medford and Mrs. Cody Plott, served a delicious salad course. MRS. Ql'INLAN SPEAKS IN CAN. TON. tf!tnn(iin ,.;! function o Ag reception given by the Woman's (Club. on the regular mnotintr Hnv Inst Thnrsrlav. The presidentj Mrs R .Holder, called a !,,,; t a nYlock at which time each chairman of the standing committees gave a splendid report. The club room where the meeting was held was never more attractive than on this occasion, when a color schema of red and white was used for dec roation and beautiful, white narcissus and red , hyocinth were effectively pjace(j Mrs. Chas. Quinlan of Waynesville, President of the first district of N. C. F. W. C, was the honor guest and her talk on the club work of the state and the first district in particu lar was both interesting and inspira tional. Mrs. H. A. Helder honored Mrs. Chas. Quinlan on Tuesday just befcre. the club reception with a Int.choon at the tea room. Covers were laid for six and a delicious luncheon was serv ed. The recipients . of the courtesy besides the honoree were Mr. J. II. Rirkpatrick, Mrs. H. A. Osbjrnc, Mrs. W. R. Crute, and Mrs, Eleanor Clarke. Hon. Charles R. Thomss was an Asheville visitor Monday. Civic League Plans Clean Up Campaign Mrs. Joe Tate delightfully enter tained the Civic League on Friday af ternoon, Feb. 12th. The meeting was opened in regular form, and the business of the after noon taken up in order. The social service committee re ported that the February visit to the County Home had been made and that the inmates of the home were very anxious to have an opportunity to hear the gospel preached. It was moved and carried that the league, institute a chapel in the home. Mrs. R. Q. McCracken, Mrs. J. C. Rose and Mrs. Joe Tate were asked to visit tho home during March. The banner committee reported that the Huzelwood school won the ban ner last month, making an uverage of 98.7. The following committe were ap pointed to confer with the Mayor ami make arrangements for "cloan-up week:" Mrs. C. R. Thomas, Mrs. W. L. Hardin, Mrs. Joe Tate. Seeing the need of encouraging veg etable and flower growing among the younger people the league voted to give a prize of $2.00 to the girl mak ing the best flower garden. Tho league to furnish the seeds. All pu pils in the Waynesville elementary school and in the East Waynesville school would be eligible to enter the contest. Mrs. H. II. Plott, Mrs. L. E. Green and Mrs. R. Q. McCracken were appointed as a committee to visit the schools, distribute the seeds, and perfect other arrangements in connection with the contest. Motion was made and carried to send $5.00 to the Jefferson Memorial Fund. The paper of the afternoon, "The Theory of Democracy," was given by Mrs. W. L. Hardin and was very much enjoyed. Mrs. C. H. Neal and Mrs. James Palmer, Jr. were elected as members. Mrs. E. B. McClure was a pleasant visitor of the afternoon. The league adjourned to meet with Mrs. W. L. Hnrdin on Friday after noon, February 26th. The hostess served a delightful salad course. D. A. R. DECLAMATION CONTEST. On Washington's Birthday, Feb. Feb. 22, at 11 o'clock in the high school auditorium will be held the annual declamation contest for boys of the high school. The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter D. A. R. will give a beautiful medal to the winner in this contest, as they have been doing for a number of years A beautiful North Carolina flag will also be presented to the high school. It is hoped that all parents and friends will encourage the boys by a full attendance at these exercises. LARGE DEPARTMENT STORE MAY LOCATE HERE. On Monday of this week a party of Jewish merchants were in Waynes ville looking over the business sec tion with the view of opening a large retail department store. They were much impressed with the thriving city of Waynesville and may locate here at an early date. They plan to carry a large stock of men and women's general merchandise, milli nery and goods of a high quality. IRS. McIXTOSH DIES IN RALEIGH Mrs. J. R. S. Mcintosh of Brevard, and for several years a resident of Waynesville, died suddenly in Raleigh Sunday morning. Mrs. Mcintosh had been in Raleigh for several days hav ing accompanied her husband there where he was to undergo an opera tion on his arm which was injured some time ago. Mrs. Mjclntosh wasjjefore her mar riage Miss Mary Sprague of Morgan-ton-, Mrs. Mcintosh has been a devout member of the Episcopal church for many years being one of the most faithful workers in th Woman Auxiliary. She was a woman of high ideals and Christian character." Her gentle and loving disposition won for her a host of friends who will regret to learn of her death. The body was brought here Tues day and the funeral was conducted from the Episcopal church by Rev Albert New. Interment wps in Green Hill cemetery. Robertson Favors Haywood C. of C. February 15th, 1926. Mr. Wm. A. Band, The Waynesville Mountaineer, Waynesville, N. C. My dear Mr. Hand: I read with considerable interest your recent editorial on the sub.'eit of Haywood County rhamber of Com merce. I believe th:3 j;'an is fonsiolo i-nd is worthy of the support of nli sections of the couiuy. With the tre mendous power le c. jrment th-it is before us in Haywood County, thcr i' no reason why mil county should not be one of the mort impoitanl in the State from an industrial stand point. Co-operation in bringing all the advantages of the county befora the public should net very substantial results. You have my very best wishes for your success in bringing forward this important subject. Yours very truly, THE CHAMPION FIBRE COMPANY Reuben H. Robinson, President. TO OCR (T I B MEMBERS. The in w year brings with it fresh opportunities, not the least of which is the making of literature to adil to that already produced by the members of our North Carolina Federation. Please do not be afraid to write. Writing is almost as natural as talk ing; talking almost as necessary as breathing. It is the delight of tho happy person and the solace of the sorrowful one. The Committee of Literature for our State Federation wishes to make this a shining year. There is an awakening interest in literature in both of tho Carolines and we should ride upon this wave with a new sense of happiness and power. Free yourselves of all inhibitions and write what is in you to write. No prizes are offered for plays or essays, but that is no reason why they should not be written. The commit tee of judges can put their approval upon the best. Make the essays not more than fifteen hundred words, please, and confine the plays to one act. Meantime, do not forget the chil dren. Open up their imaginations by giving them a Story Telling Hour. Ask the University Extension at Chap el Hill to aid you with this. Do not forget to procure your quota, and if possible, more than your quota of "Stories and Poems from the Old North State." In this volume you will find the best work done thus far by the members of our Federation. A fund is to be created from the salo of this book for the furtherance of oilier literary purposes. LITERARY CONTESTS. North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs. Cups offered: Separk Cup for the bent poem. Joseph Pearson Caldwell cup for the best short story. 0. Henry cup for the best short story with a humoristic touch. Regulations. 1. Members of federated and affili ated clubs ane eligible. 2. Manu.-.cript must be type writ ten on "regulation size type written paper. 3. Etate on manuscript for which cup you are competing. Number the pages and place title, or abbreviation i f title, on each page. 5. Sign manuscript with non-do plume only. 6. Enclose letter with manuscript giving name, address nom-de pllimo and number of selections submitted. 7. Stories are limited to 6,000 words,. 8. Authors a-e requested to retain copy of manuscript as it will not bo returned. 9. Federation will own "rights" on winning material. 10. Send manuscript to Mrs. Pick' ens Bacon, Tryon,, N. C, before April 1st. No manuscript accepted after that date. ELIZA W. PEATTIE, Chairmon of Literature, Tryon, N. N. Mrs. F. P. Bacoon, Chairman Literary Contests, Mrs. C. F. Rogers, Chairman Book Committee, Flat Rock, N. C. Mr. E. R. Elmore of Mars Hill made a business trip here Monday.

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